Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2009 – Cape Town – Day 23 Sabr

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The importance of patient acceptance and passion for Islam is emphasized, along with the need for a culture of passion and acceptance of the decree. Subharho wa Taala emphasizes the importance of being patient and forgive others, as it is essential to avoid disaster. Jacob Imams in the Quran highlights the importance of laying off people and avoiding violence, while Jacob The latter emphasizes the need for forgiveness and a course in Sub admit for people who have failed tests and become conscious of their mistake.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. He was, he was happy he woman instead of the Buddha who about All praise is indeed due to Allah subhanho wa Taala complete blessings and salutations upon the masterpiece Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless him and to bless every single one of us. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us every form of goodness Subhana Allah. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from amongst those who can bear patience.

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Honorable rule ama, beloved brothers and sisters and dearest listeners, sober is a word that I'm sure we've all heard many times. We need to know what it means. And we need to know what the Quran says about Saba. And we need to know what is required of us as muslimeen when it comes to the term suburb, some translated as patients.

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But let me inform you patience is only a part of suburb patients is only a very small part of suburb. And it's amazing and surprising how many people do not realize the extent of this word. It includes forbearance, it includes endurance, it includes steadfastness, it includes perseverance, and it includes restraint. All these terms together, make the one word sub in the Arabic language. Allah subhanho wa Taala created us, he brought us into existence and he put us onto this earth in order to test us. The reason why we are here at this moment is to pass the test that Allah subhanho wa Taala has decided to put us through by the mere fact that He created us and we need to be

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conscious of this at every moment of our lives. Every minute is a test from Allah subhanho wa Taala. We need to pass it and we need to protect ourselves from failure. And Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us and he reminds us and he continues to remind us, he asks us to seek assistance through bearing suberb which means being patient, practicing restraint, being forbearance, persevering and so on.

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So, let us listen to what Allah subhanho wa Taala says. He says, In Surah Al Baqarah was in ob slavery was soil.

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seek assistance through suffer through bearing patients, through restraining yourself and through prayer Subhana Allah, seek assistance to achieve whatever you want to pass the tests of Allah subhanho wa Taala seek assistance to do that, by bearing sober and by engaging in salah and Allah subhanho wa Taala says, war in

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Iran tune in

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Shireen? Indeed it is very difficult to do this.

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Except for those who are pious, those who are humble those who will adopt the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala wholeheartedly for them it will be simple to engage in Sabah also Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us yeah, are you Han Latina man was enormous father he was sworn

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in law Hamas mouse love eating. Oh you who believe? seek assistance. You need help. Seek help through burying patients bearing sober and through Salah. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says he is definitely with those who bear patients. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says at the end of suitors, Allah imraan Yeah.

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Man Oh, boo, boo, boo boo, boo La la la tuifly Whoa, oh you who believe bear patience and in do and protect the limits of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In order that you may succeed, we ask Allah Subhana Allah Allah to grant us success. Let us take a look at the types of patience we have. There are three major types of Sabra that we as Muslim men are taught. The first is the endurance required in order to fulfill the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The second is very strange required in order to abstain from the prohibitions of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the third is the acceptance of the decree of the Almighty when calamity comes in our direction. So these are the three types of

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patients. A lot of people think that only the third one

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is known as Saba that when something happens, they say bear soccer My dear brother, bear soccer, my dear sister. No. The reality is, in order to read Salah, you need a lot of suburb, you need to really endure the cold water possibly the time or you need to give up your sleep. In order to abstain from backbiting you need to restrain yourself that is also known as cyber. So this is known as cyber that is also known as sobre. And in order to accept the decree of Allah Almighty, that is also known as cyber when you can be happy with whatever Allah has decreed.

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Islam is the only religion, the only religion and this is a gift for all of us. Islam is the only religion that makes it necessary as a condition of belief. If you would like to be a Muslim, that you need to declare, that I bear witness and I believe firmly that good and bad faith is from the Almighty. His decree is final and I am always happy with it, and I will not compete with it. If we don't believe that we are not meaning. Haven't we said well, CA D, Russia v min Allahu taala. We believe that good and bad faith comes from the Almighty. So Islam helps us to live because this whole life is a test. Allah subhanho wa Taala promises us that he will test us and already in

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advance. We have declared that we will never compete with the decree of the Almighty, we believe that he is in command, we will play our role and the rest we will leave in the hands of the Almighty, whatever he then decides to do, we will surrender to it. May Allah subhanho wa Taala never make us from those who question his decree and who question his power and his independence and the fact that he is in supreme control.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how important it is for us to understand that sobre also includes to persevere as well as to endure when it comes to engaging in acts of worship. Listen to what he says in sort of Mario, he says, proposed

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to one

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Buddha who was forbidden nearly badda de la Mola owes me.

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Indeed, he is the robber, He is the Lord of the skies and the earth. And Allah Subhana which Allah says, and whatever is between the two, so worship Him, and in do and persevere and continue and bear suburb when you are worshiping Him. Have you ever heard of anyone equal to Allah subhanho wa Taala in any way? That's a question that Allah is asking. Held de la Mola. Samia, do you know of anyone who is equal to ally in any way? No, the highest is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is the highest anyone could ever get to. But he is not a law, nor is he equivalent to Allah subhanho wa Taala he is in on the next level. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us acceptance and understanding.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us thereafter in Surah Taha about Salah itself, that you need to be a person who is enduring if you would like to fulfill your Salah. What more like Abu Salah it was Bobby Riley

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command and instruct your family members to involve or to engage or to fulfill the Salah.

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Command your family members to fulfill the salah and bear patience, endure it makes sure that you will also fulfill it and they will also fulfill it may Allah subhanho wa Taala help us to endure when it comes to Salah to stand in Salatu tarawih for one hour is not easy. If chiffon wants to temper with our minds, it's very simple, he will make us feel lazy. We will complain about this and about that. But Subhana Allah if you are a person with suffer you will be able to stand in the obedience of Allah because the reward of it is far greater than the little pain that we might go through. And in fact it is not actually pain. It is gained May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Surah, two Raja one levena sababa TiVo

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beam, those who bear suffer for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala wa camo salata and make sure that they establish sala

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de poner.

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And they spend from what Allah has given them in private and openly Why are the owner bill has an it is a hula, hula hoops

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and they follow a bad deed with a good deed or they give preference to a good deed.

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Then a bad deed. If they prefer the good deeds and they leave their bad deeds, Allah says for them, there is a good ending there is a beautiful place that we have kept for them. And that is Jana Subhana Allah. So this is just a movement through the two interpretations or the two paths out of three of Saba. And I have decided not to spend much time on this because it is clearly understood that it requires a lot of suburb to engage in the acts of worship, and it requires a lot of suburb to abstain from the prohibitions. A person would like to commit adultery, for example. He remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he restrains himself that is known as sobre. Allah says for him will be

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gentle. He protected himself he engaged in suburb, he was patient if you would like to use that word, to translate the term sober as well, that so in order to abstain from the prohibitions, we need Sabra. In order to engage in the commands we need server. But this evening, I would like to dwell more on the third part of the meaning of the term server, and that is to accept the decree of Allah when it comes in our direction.

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When something happens to you, you need to say Alhamdulillah when it is positive, you say Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah. When it is negative, you say Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah. If you are a true believer, nothing can ever be negative in your life. It is impossible for any negativity to come to your life. If you are a true believer. Everything that might seem negative because of your human brain is in fact an opportunity for you to get closer to your Creator. But you don't realize that may Allah subhanho wa Taala never ever make us from those who don't realize the opportunities for us to gain closeness to him. Subhana Allah, when you suffer a loss, it is actually

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a way to your Creator. Some people have never raised their hands to ask Allah a word or anything because their lives are smooth. So Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to give them a chance to raise their hands. So he inflicts them with what is an armed robbery. May Allah protect us as a blessing because if that armed robbery, made them then raise their hands to say, yeah, Allah protect me for the first time in their lives. It was a bargain, Allahu Akbar. It was a bargain. Because if Allah loves a person, and that person does not want to turn to him quickly in a rush, and Allah wants them to turn quickly, Allah will make them for example, go through a health difficulty. How many people

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have we seen? After they almost died? They then became better Muslims Allahu Akbar. Was that not a chance from Allah? Was that not a blessing in disguise? We might have looked at it as a close shave to death. But we Little did we realize that that was the door through which Allah subhanho wa Taala wanted that person to get closeness. This is known as Sabra May Allah subhanho wa Taala really grant that to us.

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And may He make us from those who can turn to him before any calamity that is very difficult for us to bear comes in our direction. And may Allah protect us in sha Allah from all forms of adversity? Listen to what Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Blanca booth, he says, has he been through IE otaku? ayoko Oh, man.

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Do the people think that it's enough for them they are going to be left when they just say look, we are believers, and they are not going to be tested by us. Allah says we will definitely test every single one of you to see whether you are truthful or false. And we will test you in many different ways. Look at what Allah subhanho wa Taala says after promising to test every single one of us. Remember when you go to school, in order to get to the next level, you need to go through a test. And the lower the level, the easier the test. The higher the level, the more difficult the test. A person who is in grade one only learns one plus one, whereas a person in high school will then go

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into algebra and so on. And they will go into formula and what have you. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us when they get to matric it's a more difficult test. But it is only through that test that you qualify for the new level Allahu Akbar. We understand that in the dunya. If you want to go to varsity to university, you have to have a matric certificate you have to have set that particular test in the exam, then only will you qualify to get closer to get higher. Allahu Akbar, Allah says I will test every one of you and as I test you, you will then go higher and higher and he says very clearly in Allah either a Hubba abalone but Allah it is only when Allah loves you that he will test

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you with more tests Subhana Allah, imagine when you want a bigger certificate, you have got 10 degrees 12 degrees university degrees, do you think they will come to you just like that? No, you need to work for them. So panela you need to work very hard, and you need to spend sleepless nights and you need to enjoy

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Severe that is when you will have that certificate. The same applies to the certificate of closeness with Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. He says I will test you with a small test. Then he tells us a formal algeri mareva me Liberty law, the bigger the test, the bigger the reward, Allahu Akbar. So when there's a huge test it is because Allah loves you even more, if you only perceive it that way. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, um, has he been

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taught Rocco

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Levine nada de

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la Cabo

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Camila hula de nada

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como para la sua Vereen.

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Eva doom. Tada Hunan Jang

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la Akbar so many questions allies asking us? Do you think you are going to enter Paradise without a test? No, that's impossible. Allah says do you think you are going to be left? Do you or do you think you are going to be left without us testing you to see who struggles in our way and in our path? And who is patient Really? And who is not? May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. Do you think you can get into university without a matric certificate? I don't think that's possible. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding. So do you think you will enter into jhana without being tested? Only the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala can do that for you. Allahu Akbar, we ask

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Allah have mercy. Really we are we we are men. And we want the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in Surah Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, O Allah says

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Allah, Allah, Allah, Mujahideen,

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Kumasi babidi. Now I never know what

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Allah says we will definitely test every single one of you until we know who struggles who is patient and until we test every single department of yours, we will test everything we will give you money to test you we will take it away to test you we will give you children to test you we will take him away to test you. We will give you happiness to test you we will give you sadness to test you. We will have your feet amputated to test you Allahu Akbar, may Allah subhanho wa Taala not test us with tests that we will fail. Just there are two big vos May Allah subhanho wa Taala really grant us ease with these tests. So Allah subhanho wa Taala promises he's going to test us Let's go and

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look at what is it that he will test us with? He tells us in the Quran, he makes us ready for it. He prepares us for it Subhana Allah, He says here in Surah Baqarah

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while another one, be shy, mean alcovy one Judy, wanna mean

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foresee what

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she saw meaning we will test you Allah makes mention of five things in Surah Baqarah. In this verse, Allah says we will test you with some fear. Firstly, we will test you with fear you will be scared sometime you might have an enemy in your direction, you might have some form of fear of becoming sick or ill some form of fear of a big disease, some form of fear of loss, any form of fear. Allah says we will test you with it to see if you rely on us or if you rely on everything besides us, and to see whether you are going to complain to about us to us or to even to others because an ignorant person complains about Allah to his creatures to say you know what Allah did to me I don't

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understand Allahu Akbar. We don't want to do that. And Jaya Hello, Elijah, Hilary escuela illness.

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This is the height of ignorance, the ignorant person who complains about Allah to the creation Allahu Akbar, to say look what happened to me, Hey, I can't tolerate this. What are you trying to say? You are trying to say that you're not happy with Allah being in command and in control. Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanho wa Taala never ever make us from amongst those.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala says the first thing is fear. Thereafter he will test you with hunger, hunger in many ways, either through drought or through lack of food or through possibly the inability to purchase the food or the inability to eat it because of sickness. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. So many people cannot eat so many different types of food as a taste from Allah subhanho wa Taala to see, are you going to really understand the plan of Allah? Are you a true mcminn? Allah made it a condition for you to say I believe and I am happy with the decision of the Creator. If that is the case, why then do we complain? May Allah Subhana Allah Allah protect us?

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says after that I will test you with your wealth. With lack of wealth, I will decrease that wealth I will take it away from

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from you, I will cause loss in your life in order to test you, to give you an opportunity to come closer to me to give you an opportunity to pass an exam, Allah says he is with those who bear patients, we read that verse moments ago, which means if Allah did not test you and give you the opportunity to be patient, where were you going to get that level from? Hence, patience is an act of worship, which will make you arrive closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala had it not been for calamity in your direction, you would never have been given the opportunity to engage in a huge act of worship, known as patience. Hence, patience is a gift from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so are at

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times the tests that Allah puts in our direction, May Allah not test us with tests that are too big for us. We have to repeat that. Because tonight we are talking of the tests of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Every single one of us have been tested and are being tested and is being tested here and now and every single moment of our lives. And a lot of what we say tonight will be relevant to almost all of us, if not every single one of us. And this is why it's important we constantly make a dua for the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah says, I will test you with your wealth, your factory will burn down just to see what do you do? Do you become depressed? Or do you thank Allah

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Subhana Allah, the friends of Allah, the ones who have a strong Eman, the ones who believe firmly in Allah subhanho wa Taala. When their factory burns down, they still say Alhamdulillah All praise is due to Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, on every condition. I thank Allah, he's the one who gave it to me in the first place. I thank him for it. He decided to take it away, I thank him for it, I will now get up and start working again instead of becoming depressed because depression mostly is a sign of weakness have faith in Allah Subhana Allah to Allah.

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When Allah has decided something and we are upset with it, or we cannot digest it, in that particular instance, we will probably depressed ourselves if we are to follow the true rules of Islam and the regulations. It will lead us to be happy at all times our Jubilee Emeril movement for in ombre hula, hula how amazing are the affairs of a believer? They are all good for him in asaba to sobre Shakira, para la. If goodness comes in his direction, he thanks Allah and that is better for him. We're in a sobre todo sobre la Cana ba. And when calamity comes in his direction, he bears patience and suffer so that was even better for him. Allahu Akbar. That is the affair of a true

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believer. Let us ask ourselves tonight. Are we really true believers? Allah says he will test you in your wealth, your motor vehicle Do you have one day will be damaged? That is a test of Allah subhanho wa Taala as beautiful as it is, as expensive as it is, one day someone was scratching just to see is your heart connected to your vehicle? Or do you understand the plan of the Creator? And do you overlook? And do you realize that really your anger and your temper are being tested here and now Allahu Akbar and your connection to these worldly items when you die? That motor vehicle is not going to come with you into the grave? No, it won't. Allahu Akbar. And remember one thing, one day

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in your homes we talking here about food we talking about wealth, the food will be burnt will be built by mistake only to test you to see Are you from those who bear patients who understands the gift of Allah who understands the taste of Allah? Are you there to put a smile on your face and pass your test and say no problem today Mashallah we eat fried eggs Alhamdulillah those fried eggs will help you pass your exam will love him. One day there will be no salt in the food. One day they will be as you enter the house, your clothes will be burned by the end whether it is the maid or the wife, or whoever it is. That is a test from Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says I will definitely

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test all of you. Please let's realize we need to pass these tests. One day you will see something that might might hurt you and disturb you. How do you react to news that comes in your direction? Do you have any emotional outburst? If that is the case? That is not an Islamic quality? Allah says we planned it we calculated that this was going to come to you in order to test you How do you react? La Akbar May Allah subhanahu wa Jalla always make us from those who pass their tests.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala thereafter tells us that he will test us even with loss

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of life.

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someone you love most has to die before you or you have to die before them. Have you ever thought of it. I said this a few nights back that if you are married, your wife has to die before you or you have to die before your wife. If you have children, your children have to die before you are some of them or you have to die before them all. All of you may die together. Prepare yourself for that day because it is early.

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Reality ulmo to baboon, wakulla necesita Philo, this is a door that every single person shall be entering, there is no waste out there.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us I will test you with taking away Life Life of those closest to you, I will take it away to test you. Do you get depressed? Or do you say Alhamdulillah in LA he was in LA he RG own indeed we belong to Allah. And unto him is the return of every single one of us. I will get to the translation of that particular term in a few moments in Sharla. Let's get to the last item mentioned in this particular verse. Allah says I will test you with reduced or lack of or destruction in produce and crops. When you have produce, Allah says I might destroy it your business I might cut it, in order to test you in order to give you a chance to get closer to Allah. Allah

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says he is with those who bear patience. Allah has really prepared a huge reward for those who bear patience. Why then do we find ourselves looking at it as a disaster rather than an opportunity to gain closeness to Allah subhanho wa Taala after that, he says, Well, if I shoot is sabihin give good news give glad tidings to those who bear suffer to those who are patient. And Medina either I saw a bathroom

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Carlo in Berlin, he was in he Raji rune, those whom when calamity comes in that direction. They say, indeed, we belong to Allah, whatever Allah has taken away was he's in the first place he gave it to us in the first place. We are happy with his decision we belong to Allah, not only this item went back to Allah, we will also all be returning to him very, very soon. That is Allah subhanho wa Taala. His plan, and he taught us to say these words most of us are guilty. When we hear over death, we suddenly say in Allah who in Iran, as though we just paying lip service to it, without realizing the deeper meaning of it, we are telling Allah I thank you for whatever your decree is, oh, my

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Creator, and I am acknowledging that not only the person you've taken away is belongs to you. Everything every one of us belongs to you and we are all going to expire one day, every creature of Allah has an expiry date, it will all disappear into the mind the mercy of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala help us in sha Allah in every way. Those who have lost loved ones do not despair. It is not Allah who is punishing you by taking away your loved ones. It is a test of Allah subhanho wa Taala and you are going to be going there very, very soon, including myself. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make that day easy for us. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then tells us

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that those who bear patience at times of difficulty and the times of hardship, and those who bear patience, when the enemy is attacking them and they fight back with endurance and with perseverance and with patience, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, They are the ones who are truthful, and they are the ones who are really God conscious. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from the truthful and the God conscious. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us

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that when a person has patience, together with with God consciousness, together with piety together with taqwa, so it is Sabra and taqwa taqwa interprets as the consciousness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. If a person has both these, they arrive on a different level Allah helps them firstly in the dunya and then in the afternoon, listen to what Allah subhanho wa Taala says, about the day of

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the Battle of whether the Muslim men were 313

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The kuffaar were 1000 strong. And Allah subhanho wa Taala told the believers that if you are going to be a patience, as well as having the consciousness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Together with that, we will send down 5000 of the top angels right now to help you. And that's exactly what happens to Han Allah. If you go to bed today, you will find a mount which has a different color of sand. And that is known as Jebel mela. AKA the mount where the angels came down it is clear to see it because the color of the sand is totally different. Amazing.

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And that is the mount where these angels that Allah subhanho wa Taala spoke about. In surah Allah Emraan came down listen to what he says, By Allah.

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Taco to

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Boku become Sati

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minalima ekati Musa wimi. If you are

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To bear patience, and if you ought to be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Patients together with piety, not patience with sin,

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patients together with piety, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and if they were to rush if they were to come to you now if they were to rush towards you, we would send down 5000 of the top ranking angels at the moment to assist you, Allahu Akbar, may Allah subhanho wa Taala really grant us protection as well in the same way. May Allah make us from those who have supper, together with good deeds, not from amongst those who claim to have supper, but together with that they have bad deeds because then we will be losing the plot. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that you will definitely you will definitely be tested. He says, When goodness comes in your

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direction your enemies will become angry. And when bad and evil befalls you, your enemies will become happy. But Allah Subhana which Allah says but if you are patient, and if you have a consciousness of Allah, that is better for you listen to what he says in Surah. Allah Imran

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Khan says, Asana to

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whom when goodness comes in your direction, it hurts them. You see when a person has an enemy.

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What happens when a person has an enemy is that when something good happens to them, the enemy becomes upset and when something bad happens to them, the enemy starts rubbing his hands and saying yes, yes, you see, may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. Allah says

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what to see becomes a

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If you are to bear patients, and you are to be conscious of Allah, their Platon plan against you will not harm you in any way. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. So you require patience in order to be protected from the plus of the evildoers.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that definitely you will be tested in every way there will be non Muslims who will laugh at you, the people of the book, who are given the book before you, they may laugh at you and joke about you and make your life difficult. Allah says if you bear patience, it is the best thing you could do. Listen to what Allah says again, in the same surah that rubella will not be unwelcome or forsaken. You will be tested in your wealth and in yourselves in every single way, by the loss of life, possibly by your health, possibly by so many other things within you. Allah says we will test you in every way. And on top of that, while at asthma own amin

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alladhina Odin kita Bama, cavani como Amina la Vina Ashura coo

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Kathy euro, you will hear a lot of harmful statements and you will, it will a lot of harm will get to you from those who are given the book in the past and those who associate partners with Allah subhanho wa Taala he says they will try to harm you and they will scoff laugh at you they will say things against you. Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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does that

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mean as middle oma omo if you are going to be a patient, and if you are going to be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala that is the best thing you could do. It is the best of affairs the most recommended, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant that to us.

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Let's now look at what Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah to unfurl, he says his Bureau in a lamos Labine in their patients for indeed allies with those who bear patients that is a level which is higher than an ordinary level. If you bet patients Allah says I am with you Subhan Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala constantly assist us in every single way. And Allah subhanho wa Taala then says look, those who bear patience, they have a very great reward. The reward in Surah, Allah says,

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was believed in Allahu Allah you will be

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seen by patients for Allah will never ever waste the reward of those who do good. So patients is being termed being good and doing good. And Allah says I won't waste your reward Subhana Allah and at the same time Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Surah Yusuf,

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Turkey while spirit

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mazzini those who have Taqwa and who have who bear suffer, those who are conscious of Allah and who bear patients, Allah will never ever waste their reward the reward of those who do good This verse is in super useful. Remember use of Joseph May peace be upon him Allah is Salatu was Salam

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What happened to him? He was tested one test after the other. He was put into the well. He was taken out by certain people. He was sold as a slave. He was then jailed and one after the other. Then when the goodness came in his direction, it also came one after the other. He was made one of the leaders he was made in charge and his brothers came back and the family was reunited. At time some narration say almost 40 years later, Allahu Akbar. Look at the test of Allah subhanho wa Taala. One test, second test, the test, fourth test all in a row. Nowadays with us we are so weak when we have three tests in a row. We quickly rush to the whole ama and say I think someone did some black magic on me,

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Allah protect us. That's a weakness of Eman. If that's what we think, then really we have lost the plot to be honest with you. Those are tests if Allah subhanho wa Taala could test the best with even bigger tests. Who are we? May Allah subhanahu wa taala help us in sha Allah, may he make us from those who can endure May he make us realize that when you are going through difficulty, it is actually a bigger examination for a higher certificate for closeness to Allah subhanho wa Taala look at what Allah subhanho wa Taala says, In the dunya Bhanu israa him the people of Musa alayhis salam the people of Moses, may peace be upon him. They were very patient at the hands of Freetown And

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Pharaoh, when Pharaoh harmed them and attacked them and began to kill them and persecute them they were very patient. Allah says because of the patient's listen to what we gave them in this world. Allah says in Surah

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Al Coleman levena can Mustafa funa machete call out the mama god he bahala teen bollock nafi her

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kalama Tommy Beagle fastener Allah Bonnie

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ina bml Sabo

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como America,

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Allah says, We let them be the is of the Earth from the east all the way to the west, it all was given and handed over to them after the destruction of Iran. Because of their patience, Allah says, because they were forbearance because they were patient, because they took the the persecution that came in that direction. Allah subhanho wa Taala says they were from amongst those who were patients who are patient, and they were from amongst those who are conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala. For that reason, Allah says we made them vs which means we handed over to them, the kingdom of Iran, all of it from the east to the west, was given to Israel Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanho wa Taala. Grant

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does understanding look what he did for them in the dunya. And this is why do not despair when people are trying to steal something from you. People are oppressing you. People are trying to harm you. People are denying you your rights. try and do whatever you can within the reasonable capacity. But if it is not in your capacity to do anything about it, or if you have already done whatever you could and now there is no more you could do bear patients for the sake of Allah and realize that that is a gift. A Muslim is always in a win win situation, no matter what happens from Han Allah, because that is how we will get closer to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. Not only that, but in the

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dunya there will come a day in sha Allah before you die, you will see that the things and the matters will open up and clear. And those who have oppressed you will be made clear and open and they will be disgraced. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all victory over the oppressors. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala never make us from those who have oppressed even a single fly. May Allah subhanho wa Taala really protect us. Because anyone who has harmed anyone else will law heat is one of the most dangerous crimes we could ever commit is to is to oppress others. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us on the day of PMR when you have born patients,

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and this addresses to everyone, let me single out a few in order to connect you to what I'm saying.

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Those who might have been diagnosed with cancer, for example, and they are patient. This is this applies to them as well. Those who might have their legs and feet amputated. They are patient those who have health diseases and problems those who might have a sugar problem. Those who have arthritis, those who are finding it difficult those who've lost their motor vehicles, those who have had armed robberies, those who have been shot at those who are paralyzed, those who might have their factories burned down those who might have had their houses burnt, those who might be having marital problems, those who might have been divorced without any reason or without any form of justice.

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Those who are left on the streets, those who have been thrown on one side those whose wealth has been usurped those who have suffered in any way. Those really

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Whom Allah subhanho wa Taala has tested in all these ways. Allah says this is a way you will earn your paradise. If you bear patience and you surrender to the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala and you say Alhamdulillah Praise be to Allah, Allah, holy * on every condition. Allah says if that is what you did, and if you are from amongst those who does not compete with Allah's decision, you are happy at the decree of Allah, you make yourself digest what Allah decision is in your regard. Allah says on the day of the AMA, he will call out in need as a ito neoma be masamoto.

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Home homeowners

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I have granted these VIPs reward on this day of the AMA, I have big, I have given them a reward for their patience. And definitely they are the winners today Allahu Akbar.

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So if you have a little medical problem, don't worry, just continue carry on that little pain every time it's there. It is an elevation of your status. Thank Allah, Allah kiyomi. But I'm not competing with your decision. I would like to Yala, I would like you to help me. Yes, it is our duty to seek assistance. There's nothing wrong with that. But it is really wrong for us to start fighting with the Creator. Why did you take my son away? Why are you doing this to me those type of questions in that case, we will not be from amongst those who pass the exam. Rather we will come out with a certificate that has all F's on the fail, fail fail, may Allah protect us. We don't want that to

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And Allah says, I gave you a chance to write the exam. Why did you come with a certificate that has failure in it? I even sent you a book. Imagine we when we have to study for matric for example, or when we have to study for me examination. We suffer studying morning and evening up to late at night. We will even Subhan Allah, we will spend hours without sleep in order to study a book so that we can pass a test to get to the next level. Why don't we study the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala to pass the test to get into paradise Allahu Akbar. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us intellect may grant us a sound mind in sha Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then tells us that that will be

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on the day of Yama. But hang on, there is more waiting for them in paradise. Those who are patient and this is why we say when calamity comes in your direction, seize the opportunity to get close to Allah subhanho wa Taala and never ever seize that opportunity to go straight into the hands of shavonne Allah subhanho wa Taala says that on the day of piano, listen to what he says in Surah two de in general now we spoke about the Delta Gamma. Let's get to heaven to Jenna

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Bhima Sabo jan

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de la, Jackie ina v.

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Long vs. Allah says we have rewarded them because of their patience with Jana. Look at them they are sitting back relaxing on their recliners Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar sitting back on their recliner sitting because of the patients they were bearing in the dunya. and patience really, is a gift of Allah subhanho wa Taala granted to those who are given even a bigger gift known as calamity coming in your direction, or should I say hardship coming in your direction? That is a huge gift and opportunity if you look at it that way, because without that hardship way, were you going to be able to engage in suffering if it didn't come in your direction. If your life is easy and smooth and

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nothing going wrong, you need to be worried where really you need to be worried and concerned. Where are my opportunities to engage in a huge act of worship, known as cyber, if it's not for these tests and hardships? How will I be able to engage in that may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding?

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Let's continue with Jenna. Allah says on that day, the caller will call or Allah Subhana Allah may call and Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah, Salah

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peace be upon you because of the patients you are bearing in the dunya Subhana Allah, peace be upon you what a good place you have what a good end place for you this Heaven, this gentleman that I have prepared for you. Allah says Subhana Allah at the end of Sudoku con Ola

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una una de

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Sala, those who are patient, they will have a Special Warfare a special place in heaven in general. Those who are tested by Allah and they were patient they had supper, they have a special place in general, everyone passing will be greeting them will be

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congratulating them and they will be greeted with Salam and peace at every moment. Subhan Allah, look at that. And then we take a look at calamity in this world and we become depressed, Allahu Akbar, etc. It is a test from Allah subhanho wa Taala an opportunity to earn your paradise. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us paradise inshallah, with the small tests because we are weak law cover, we might be speaking about the big tests, but because of our weakness, we make a dua to Allah to grant us paradise through His mercy in sha Allah.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala then tells us in Surah facilite Now we've heard about the heaven. Now we've heard about Jenna. Now let us hear who will get the law cover. What type of patience is required? Allah says in Surah pusilla forma yo la casa

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de la Sabo

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con aka imagine Halloween army, who will be able to receive that or achieve Jana, besides those who are patient, and who will be able to receive or achieve it besides those who have good fortune, those who are very fortunate, they are the ones who will be given the opportunity to engage in sobre la Akbar, let us take a look at what this means. If you are fortunate, you are given an opportunity to engage in cyber, because through that engaging in cyber, you will then be able to get gender. How will you be able to engage in server if no hardship came in your life. This is why the most hardships ever were in the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam they beat him they swore him

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they mocked him they employed sanctions against him for many years, they began to eat leaves of trees because they were hungry Subhan Allah, the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was made to bleed in pie. And they prepared armies and when to attack him, they spread rumors about him they tried to do this and that difficulties that are unimagined, because his status is the highest Allahu Akbar. So if Allah has tested you with big tests, you must know that he has tested others with even bigger tests of Hammurabi and Allah.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala then tells us that sobor is from Allah. It is Allah who gives you that opportunity to engage in Sabah, look at what he says in Surah tunnel was Bill Palmer saw buka in

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their patience, for indeed that quality of sovereign will only come to you from Allah subhanho wa Taala from no one else, it is a gift from Allah, otherwise others, they will definitely be tested, everybody will be tested. But we have two groups of people, those who consider the test as a punishment, and they get depressed and the life comes to an end. someone dies and you die with them, something happens, something goes missing and you go missing with them, which means you are so depressed that your life has come to a standstill. Allah says if you want to choose that path, you will lose here and you will lose there as well. But Allah says the other path is to choose our path

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to acknowledge that you definitely we are in control. It is a gift from us. Patience is a gift and realize it and recognize it. Now sometimes as human beings it becomes a little bit difficult. The reason is,

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we have a heart, we have a brain we have a mind we have feelings, and sometimes a person is taken away who is very close to us. It's a little bit difficult. So Allah subhanahu Wata, Allah Subhana. Allah has taught us what to do to enhance and increase to enhance and increase our sobre Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us You must read the stories of the prophets that we have mentioned in the Quran. And this instruction was also to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. If you want to ease your problems, go and read the seer of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam read his life, your problems will seem like nothing, Allahu Akbar. You want to ease your difficulties. Allah tells

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam go and read about the difficulties of a youth alayhis salam. When Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah wsod He says, Are you alayhis Salam melas peace be upon him the Prophet.

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He was tested so much so much that Allah had to declare that we tested him and we found him to be patient Allahu Akbar. Imagine the Creator Himself is declaring somebody patient. This is unheard of Subhan Allah. Allah says in the Quran, near malaba What a great worshiper is a youth in Ghana, who saw Mila we tested him in every way you can think of and we found him to be the most patient or very, very patient Allahu Akbar, near Mallanna. What a great worship. Allahu Akbar. Look at that. You bought a Salam I think it's our duty to go out and read the story because we don't have the time to go into

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historie now look at how Allah gave him and took away from him and then gave him again Subhana Allah Subhana Allah, He passed the test. Allah says we found him to be patient but Allah subhanho wa Taala really grant us goodness through His mercy and not test us with tests that will be too difficult for us to pass. I mean,

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so Allah subhanho wa Taala tells Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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is Allah Maja colonna bear patients regarding what they say. That brings us to another angle. When people talk about us we need to bear patience. Sometimes it will face us but realize that those rumors they are spreading about you are a gift, they will then enhance yourself and voila, it is tried and tested. You listen very carefully. When you have people attacking you and harming you and spreading the rumor about you. Allah will open definitely different doors for you might not realize why are these doors being opened for me but because people are trying to close other doors and the doors are in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala when someone wants to spread rumor about you in

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order to destroy you, or to reduce you alone will increase you and He will elevate you Subhana Allah, so don't worry, Allah tells that to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they are spreading rumors about you, we will give you even greater elevation when they when they actually start making these cartoons against Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam to divert people away from from Islam. That very action of this will draw people closer to Islam. It's tried and tested Subhan Allah The more they try to bend the hijab, the more our Muslim women are becoming conscious of the hijab, the more they are trying to better to close the massages and to block people from building massage and

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the more the massages are full Subhana Allah look at this massive capacity crowd when in Nyan hamdulillah Mina, we think Allah subhanho wa Taala for this, Allah it is a miracle. And I'm sure it is mainly here in woodlands and Mitchell's plane, that you will find a Masjid May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us protection where taraweeh is one and a half hours and the lecture is another one hour and everybody is sitting put Subhana Allah as alert as they were the moment they got up from their sleep law aka May Allah subhanho wa Taala accepted from us really, really it requires patience, it is connected to our topics of Han Allah endure, and Allah subhanho wa Taala will prepare heaven for

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you Jenna for you. Well, I mean, he called us on that day the same way we've heard tonight in sha Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says his bill Allah Maya colonna just bear patients regarding what they are saying we know what they are saying their words are a test for them they have failed their test by speaking bad about you. But that same item that they are engaged in will be a means of your elevation so don't worry, was komaba da da da da da li

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and go and remember go and see go and look at the story of David May peace be upon him. He was definitely one who turned to us often. So we all need to turn off inshallah to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Surah, two off the command and instruction is to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the lesson is for all of us. I was saying we need to read the stories of the previous prophets. Allah says first bill Kamara sobre, o nazmi. Mina rose to bear patients in the same way that the other top ranking prophets were bearing patients, their patients like that. How would you know it by going to read about it? By finding out about it. And this is why

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Allah subhanho wa Taala

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after mentioning the stories of the prophets, he says, till coming

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in, ye know,

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in a makuta Allah Maha Wallah como camino kabini has fosse been in key battle in Turkey. These are the stories of the past that we are telling you. Neither you knew them before we told you, nor did your forefathers know these stories before we told you so bear patients in a similar way for definitely as you can see in all the stories in the past. The good ending is for those who are conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The same applies to all of us. We want a good ending, we need to learn from the stories of the previous prophets, Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us lesson.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the patience of those before us. Take a look at this man Elijah his Salaam when his father Ibrahim Alayhi Salam told him about the instruction to slaughter him. What did he say? Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of this in Surah two Safa. He says, Yeah, but if Allah to certegy dooney

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Allahu Mino saw beating on my father. Do as

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You have been instructed, you will find me from amongst those full of restraints love Akbar. The sun is telling the father, Look, you've been ordered to do this to me. Go ahead. If that's what Allah wants, you will find me enduring. You will find me full of sobor Allahu Akbar. Look at what Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying. And there are many other examples of the patience of the previous nations and the prophets of the past. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us lesson. And this is why Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in Surah Ibrahim, regarding what the prophets told their people, they said, while Anna's beuran Allah, to Muna, we will definitely be patient regarding what harm you

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are trying to inflict upon us. So the messengers told the people who wanted to harm them, that we will be patient because we want to reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah has recorded that statement for us in Surah Ibrahim for us to learn the reward of patience and of Sabbath. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala continues.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Look, when you are punished, or when someone does evil to you, when someone harms you in one way or another, you have the right to retaliate. You have the right to revenge, and you may do so. And if you do do that, you are not to blame. Allah says it in the Quran in Surah Surah Allah man in

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a comma Allah humans have been a person who wants to seek retaliation after he has been oppressed. He is not to be blamed for seeking retaliation or revenge because that is his right. But after that Allah says, while mo sobre la foto

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de Cali amenas mille Omo, the most recommended of items is for you to be a patience and to forgive. That is better for you. Now, not all of us are living on that level of recommendation. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us to forgive. And remember one thing if you don't forgive you hold baggage with you. That baggage will continue remaining with you and it will pile up and it will depress you and crack your back. So the best way forward is forgive and forget and start a new leaf. That's the best way forward especially within family disputes. Because remember one thing it is impossible to please everybody we know when you are discussing when you want to resolve matters and problems to

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bring back all past issues will only plunge you deeper into disaster Allahu Akbar. But if you are prepared to start a new leaf genuinely from today, then inshallah that is the right step forward, turn the new leaf from now, don't bring the past back again Never otherwise what will happen, it will become a wrestling match once again, who was right and who was wrong is besides the point, if we both forgive each other and forget about what has happened, inshallah, we will then be able to move forward without this excess baggage because when you hold excess baggage, the one to suffer is yourself. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. When you hold enmity when you hold hatred when you

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have ill feeling when you really hate people and so on. What would happen is you would then suffer because you won't be able to sleep and you will think that everybody hates you and everybody's trying to harm you and everybody's done black magic on you and all filthy dirty thoughts will come to your mind and then you will start suffering pressure and depression and what have you and then you won't even come out of your house. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. That is why learn to release and release it tonight for the pleasure of Allah Subhana Allah Allah.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala then says that those who are involved in the calling towards Allah, they are the ones who have patience, which means when Allah chooses someone to, to spread the deen Allah chooses those who have a lot of forbearance and patience and restraint. Listen to what Allah says. You see that the the the call towards Allah, it belongs to Allah. He chooses whom he wants to call. He says if you want to be from amongst them, the first thing you need to do is be patient. You need to beautify yourself with patients Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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what's your name mean home? imata

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do Nabi Amina Sabo. In Surah sajida Allah speaks about bunu Israel and says, from amongst them, we kept Imams, we kept leaders who were calling towards us because they were patient because of their patients, or when they were patient, we then decided to choose them to call towards us. And from this verse, we learned that if you want to be chosen by Allah subhanho wa Taala to call people towards Allah subhanho wa Taala The first thing you will have to bear is bad mouthing against you lo Akbar because that's the first thing that happened against Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and all the other prophets. They called him man. They called him a person who's after power. They call

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him a person

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After Well, they call him a person who's afters women. They call him a person who's after glory and so on all these rumors you will have to be patient in that regard, ignore them and carry on. Allah will open the doors for you. And the last thing we want to mention here is that there are many places in the Quran where for Saba is mentioned, I'd like to mention the one in Surah Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, a banner of free violinists.

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muslimeen Oh Allah, pour upon us sub. Pour it upon us we needed most and give us depth in the condition of Islam and the man. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant us death in the condition of Islam and the man. This ending is meant to and is meant to promote, due to promote calling to Allah subhanho wa Taala when it comes to suffer because Allah is the owner of sober We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant a silver to make us from those who can really be from amongst those who suffer is poured upon and we make dua in that regard for sallallahu wasallam albaraka Allah Nabina Muhammad Subhan Allah Subhana Allah homovanillic Ganesha to Allah Illa illa Anta nesto bukovina to Hoylake

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