Daood Butt – Ramadan Tafseer 2015 Day 22

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The importance of consulting with others and avoiding confusion and wasting money is emphasized in Islam. The title " handyman" in Islam is meant to empower people to take control of their bodies and live a life that makes sense for them, avoiding accusations of crazy and blunt behavior in public. The title " handyman" in Islam is meant to make people feel empowered to live a life that makes sense for them.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah Heyman handed in their hand behind Amina salatu salam ala MB mursaleen Nabina Muhammad in Allah He often assala to our ultimate tasleem mR Barrett my brothers and sisters in Islam said Mr. La come to buy he of our cattle

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Mashallah, how is your night in Africa who here is performing Africa? Most of you right? Mashallah very good.

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Allah subhana wa tada accepted, except your efforts and accept the efforts of all those that are also not performing ltf this year, obviously, not everyone can do so.

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Especially living in this type of societies of anilao when you have work and you know, families to look after, it becomes a little bit difficult. The family aspect should be easy, but the work is sometimes a little too little too restricting. So we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy for each and every one of us at least once in our life, to have the ability to perform here to Catherine Sharma.

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So we'll continue today, we sort of foresee that and I will try to finish that inshallah I should finish earlier than yesterday, because I want to use that time maximize that time in Sharla, for making drat some last few moments of the day of fasting. So we should encourage each other in sha Allah. So hopefully, we finish about, you know, just under 10 minutes before the advantage on long data. So we'll continue with sort of facilite from we left off at verse, roughly around verse number 40 will continue from 49 onwards, we'll also go into surah

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assura and Sora zakharov and Doohan as well as jetha. So we're going to cover a lot today in terms of numbers of sources, but it's not anything more than what we normally cover inshallah, simply because it's one just, but the pseudos are getting much shorter. So Allah subhana wa Tana is showing us here in verse number 49, we'll start with verse number 49.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights how when we face hardships, right when we face hardships, it is obviously as we mentioned, time and time again, it's a time where people will turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala, right, turn back to the remembrance of Allah and ask him from what we need. But Allah mentions here that when we face hardships, we feel life will never be good again, as though, you know, I was trying to come up with with some sort of idea or, or an example of how someone goes through a difficult moment in life, and they feel that nothing's going to be the same ever again. And he initially came up with work, right? Someone has an amazing job. And all of a sudden, they get

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laid off, the company lays them off, we notice the gas prices start to go down, everyone is extremely happy. But the person who works in the oil and gas industry now feels the crunch, right? And so they get laid off. And they think some handle I've been getting paid extremely well for a long time for quite a few years. And now all of a sudden, I have no job. Right? You went from making hundreds of 1000s a year to making nothing.

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And you know, I was talking to a brother when when this happened a few months ago.

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It was just not long after I came back from Fort McMurray, where we know all the people are making loads of money in Canada, right? That's where if you want, if you want quick cash, you go to Alberta and you'll make some quick cash. And so while I was talking to this brother who said, you know, a lot of people that he knows went out there, they moved, they left from Toronto and went out to Alberta, especially Fort McMurray in that area in the northern part to work in the sense and make money. And all of a sudden, they laid off in one day 25 or 26,000 people, like in one day, they just announced we're going to be laying this these people off. Now imagine how that person feels. And

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then they look at their salary of about 200 or 300,000 that they went from like 50,000 60,000. You know, living over here. I know some people in Montreal, who their yearly salaries are no more than 30 35,000. And then they go out there and they start to make 150 180 $200,000 in one year. And then it just increases and then all of a sudden you get nothing. You're laid off. What do you do? You move back to your city, and you go on unemployment, and you're making no more than what $2,000 a month if anything, right? And so Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us in the Quran, how sometimes people are faced with with hardships and difficulties and they feel as though the world is over. That's it,

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they're never going to experience goodness on you know, throughout the rest of their life that they experienced such high levels of of goodness that now so panelized gone and is taken away from them. And here Allah subhana wa Jalla is trying to teach us that if we simply turn back to him, we can have so much more than that. We can have so much more

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It's also an example for us that remember yesterday we said sometimes hardship is a blessing, right? hardship is a blessing from Allah Subhana Allah because it makes us recognize the difficulties that we're going through, and that only Allah Subhana, Allah has given us the good times. And he's the one that gives us the difficult moments. And he can restore the good times, again, just as we were discussing yesterday, again, this is highlighted here in these verses, that a person can be experiencing extreme amounts of sadness, and sometimes even become depressed and go through anxiety attacks, and, you know, feel all the stress and pressure of life and society. So Pamela must pan

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with Allah is the one that gave us the position that we were in, like, we didn't always have that high position, we didn't always have the the income and the earnings that we that we currently have. And it could possibly happen that it dips a little bit that it goes down. And I remember some panela last year, I was working at, you know, a different position, I moved back from Malaysia to Canada. And I sort of kept that foreign position when I lived over here when I moved back. But that only stayed for, you know, a few months. So I had a job for a few months. And then I decided, you know what, this is not what I want to do. It's not what I want to do, I want to do something totally

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different. I want to get more into teaching, rather than sitting and doing a management type of position. And so I decided to make a change. And that change came with a price tag. Now that was my decision. Not everyone has that decision. Not everyone can budget and plan. Sometimes you wake up in the morning and you realize you go to the doctor and they tell you hey, your whole life is turning upside down. Or you wake up in the morning, you go to work just like every other day. And you realize when you get there, there's a notice you've been laid off, you only have a month left to work or two months left. And that's it. Your whole world turns upside down. And so remember last

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year, when I made that decision, I literally was, you know, coming back to a new country, technically, because I hadn't lived in Canada for 12 years. And all of a sudden I decided to make this decision. I'm always like, are you sure you're making the right choice? I'm like, yeah, I'm making the right choice. That's gonna make me happy. But I got to choose that cut in my paycheck. Right? I took literally a one quarter

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cut from my, from my, from my regular salary that I would normally would get by putting a few things together teaching here teaching there and so on. And one quarter out. I'm always like, Are you sure? I'm like inshallah, everything's gonna be okay. Don't worry, I'll be much happier. I have more time to spend with the family. You know, just everything's gonna be good. It's not about the money. It's about the time and Suppan Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala always will fill that gap in in whatever it is whether it's a gap in terms of finances a gap in terms of your time and gap in terms of a loss of someone, a family member in the family, Allah Subhana Allah will always fill it with something that

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is so much better. And we see that we see Pat and you know people who, their families Mashallah they are the ideal family, you look at them and you think wow, Mashallah. We want to be like them. And Allah subhanho wa Taala test them, sometimes with the loss of a family member, someone who dies young, the child might even die, and people think Subhanallah how can how can this happen? Such a beautiful family, such a perfect family, but Allah subhanho wa Taala test them, and then you notice their family only becomes even stronger because of the tests that they've been given. Why because they trust that Allah subhanho wa Taala, who had given them the joy and the happiness had taken away

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part of it only to restore more because of their trust into what could in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we see that highlighted here, in these verses of the Quran.

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We move on to the next one on Charlottetown which is Surah number 42. Who knows what sorta it is

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Surah assura assura? What is Surah? When we make much one, all right, what does that mean?

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Right consultation, we consult with the people that are around us. So it shouldn't be a one man show. Even though there's one person that is a leader, that leader should consult with the people around them. Sometimes if the leader wants to make a decision based on their own knowledge and ability and capability. They could do that. But they should still ask the opinion of others maybe Allah subhanho wa Taala will bless their thoughts and ideas with something that would be said by the few people that they consult with. But at the same time it is from our Deen and from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to consult. And Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that here

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in the Quran, that he even named a surah of the Quran assura consultation. So it's important to, to consult and to be people who consult others as well as, like we seek consultation so we seek someone else's advice, as well as we should be people that give advice. And a point to highlight with regards to advice is that whenever someone comes to you for consultation, they come to you seeking advice. We should give them the answer.

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advice that they need to hear

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the advice that they need and deserve, and not the advice that they want to hear from you. And people try and do this all the time. With me in particular, right? They come in, they say, Okay,

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what about this? What about that? What about this? Can I ask you a question question about this question about that. And then you'll notice they've asked like five or six other people this question, and then they'll go and ask another five or six people the same question. And then they'll look at the spectrum of 10 people or five people that they asked and say, Eeny, meeny, miney, moe, which one of these sounds best to me, right? And so we shouldn't do that in our dean. You can consult consultant, that's good. But whenever someone comes to you, and they're asking a question, give them the information that they need to know that they need to know, and not the information

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that they want to know. So if it's a friend that comes and asks a question, the exact same question that someone else would come and ask me that isn't different? The answer if this scenario, the casing is exactly the same, the answer should be the same as well.

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It shouldn't differ because that person is a friend, or that person is someone I know or I know their situation personally, or I think this might happen because of their situation, because I know them. Well, if that's the case, then there should be reasoning why the answer different, right? So we should be very careful when we seek advice, don't seek advice, and constantly do so. And a lot of people do this on the internet. They go and they seek advice from 100 different resources, right, or sources, just searching for answers and answers and answers, simply because they haven't found the right one yet, the one that suits what they feel most most comfortable with. And the dean is not

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always what makes us feel most comfortable. Sometimes we will have to endure hardships, sometimes we will have to go through difficult moments, right? with things that we didn't think would be so difficult. We didn't think it might be, you know, so challenging for us to, you know, for example, open a business or to invest in certain things you can invest here, you can't invest there, and you look at so many people investing and making lots of money and you think Subhanallah Why can't we do this? How can we can benefit? Imagine if the Muslims could benefit from all that money and put it into the mustard? What guarantee do we have that we would actually take all that money and put it

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back into the society? no guarantee. So Allah Subhana Allah has limited what we can do and can't do not because it's what what's best for us. Sometimes, it's what's best for society. And that highlights you know, the main aspect of interest that Allah subhanho wa Taala forbids interest because it makes the rich richer and the poor poor, and it only divert or breaks up society and makes as we see, you know, I remember yesterday during a thought some of us were talking about that. In some countries, you notice actually notice this morning is drinks or food I was having some food with some brothers. And so kinda they were talking about how in some countries, it's such an extreme

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gap. You have extreme poverty and extreme richness, right? And there's nothing in between, there's no middle class. And so we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to apply the rules of the Shetty across the board in sha Allah so here in sola to shorter Allah subhanho wa Taala begins

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the surah and in verse number seven, I wanted to point out, okay, that he can Oh hanaa ilica Cora earn an era via the tune zero omole Cora, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that this urn had come to us and he revealed it in the Arabic language, and then he gave it to who so that it would be a message to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam to warn the people of which city

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the people of Mecca so oh my god is the people of Mecca. Woman Hala, right and those that are around it. So Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights the fact that the Quran came down to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the language of the people that spoke that language over there were in Mecca on Quora, and the neighboring cities and towns and provinces. Does that mean that the Quran is only for the people of Makkah and Medina?

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No, it doesn't. I know a joke from a friend of mine Actually, my one of my dad's, you know, distant relatives, who's Pakistani, he's like, you notice all the prophets and messengers, they came to, you know, mainly the Arab nations. And we don't have any report from any profit or messenger that came to the people of Pakistan last because they're free of sin. And I was like, Mashallah.

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It's very interesting. So, you know, because he was saying, the prophets and messengers were sent to people that were committing, you know, sin extreme sins that were so displeasing to Allah Subhana Allah so he sent a prophet or messenger to the people, right? And so he said, you notice that it was there's no, there's no record of any prophet or messenger sent to the people of Pakistan.

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Like does that color is a nice joke that stuck with me since childhood.

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Subhana Allah so Allah Subhana Allah to Allah here mentioned on Quora, and we notice in Mecca There's a famous University there. What is it known as? Women of Color right the Islamic University in Mecca, Omar Cora.

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There are different names for MCC as well as panelists Allah refers to MCC also as

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back with a bat backer, and there's different names like the city of Medina. There's different names previously, it was known as yesterday and then it changed to

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Medina, Darrell, Eamonn, and taqwa and many other names that have been given to the cities of Mecca and Medina. So Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights that the Quran was sent to the people of Mecca, and those that were neighbouring it obviously that's where the people were residing, the Muslims are reviving, residing the followers of Mohammed Salah longer and he was sending him, but it was given to them in the language that they understand Arabic Do we understand Arabic today?

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Do all of us understand Arabic? All of us? No, we don't we don't all understand Arabic right? Only some of us do. But we still follow the Quran. And that's why we're doing what we're doing. We're learning the Quran and learning in a language that is easy for us to learn and to grasp. And it also is important for us to learn Arabic. So in sha Allah to Allah, hopefully some of us take initiative to learn the Arabic language and teach it to our children as well so that when we're reciting the Quran, when we're standing in Salta, you know, when we're trying to grasp the full meaning of the Quran, we can only do so if we really listen to it and read it and recite it in the Arabic language

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because it's so much more powerful than when we simply go over it in English. From verses 16 to 18. Allah subhanho wa Taala warns not to dispute over Islam, right not to dispute over Islam. And this is important for us to try and understand why Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights this here. What sort of is this?

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assura? Right, the consultation? I don't know about here, probably you do, because I don't know every single mustard, I think has like a general body meeting. But I remember growing up in Montreal, I have like, you know, nightmares of the general body meetings that took place in our massages in Montreal. So Pamela was just like you'd go and it would it would result in a fight. To the extent that there were some years that my father would tell us stay home. As you know, the children were teenagers who would say stay home because it's safer for you to stay home. I was like, I could never understand it. My mom is someone who accepted Islam could never understand why is it

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that going to a meeting that's happening in the masjid about the betterment of the masjid and the community and the society ends up in something that could be violent, something that's dangerous, something where swear words are exchanged, where sometimes a police show up where I've, you know, seen hockey sticks being thrown at each other. So Pamela is crazy, right? And that's what happens in our or happened. I haven't seen it happen in a long time that happened many years ago, when the Muslims were trying to communicate and cooperate with each other to try and build a mustard. But what are we building really a structure? Are we building what we have here now? Right? Are we

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building just a building that has a roof and walls? Or are we building a place to learn a place to have a guarantee calf a place for our children to come a place for us to have fun and play? Right like the ball court and then and playing badminton and so on, both young as well as adults? Are we having a place for our sisters to come in together and to sit down? Are we having a place to socialize where we can socialize as good friends right and not go into places that are how long for us to socialize? And so that's one that's actually I want to say it because brother Mohammed's that hits here and he's probably going to think I'm trying to suck up to him or something. But somehow

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that's what I like about coming to this mustard. You know, since I've been here for a year now every time I come I meet nice people. I mean really nice people and I have the opportunity to teach what I've learned. And I've been given that platform and hamdulillah and it's good and I noticed that the people here when I'm away for two weeks Mashallah the brothers they come up to me like why do you always travel so long? Why do I was travel so long, right? We missed our halakhah for two weeks, how come you weren't here? And so somehow that makes you feel guilty and makes you feel as though you want to give back to the to the community and that's exactly what we need. We need a community

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that's hungry, hungry, not for the food Mashallah we always get food, but we need a community that's hungry for knowledge, hungry for companionship, hungry for that social aspect, hungry for friends, hungry for good people and that's Mashallah I found it here. I've seen it here. There's always room for improvement. But Subhanallah it's it's a growing aspect of our community in sha Allah. So Allah subhana wa tada here warns us against disputing over Islam, now disputing with the non Muslims as well as disputing amongst ourselves as Muslim in the

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those that believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala and already have that faith in that iemon in Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So it's a lesson for us to refrain from disputing. And that's the beauty of our Deen whenever you notice that two people don't see eye to eye, and they're both Muslim, and they're both disputing

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some massala or an AR matter that's islamically related. The reason why they're disputing in the method that they're disputing if it's not nice, is because of a lack of knowledge. That's, that's simple. That's that that's a simple definition. It's a lack of knowledge. Because the scholars of the deen they differ on such high levels, like they go into my new detailed aspects of the deen. Like one word sometimes, and they dispute they write each other letters and refutations. You don't know Arabic because, you know, the fact that you don't know Arabic, you probably haven't come across any of these books or any of these, you know, what I say which are little, you know, letters that

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have been written back and forth, but the scholars write to each other and we have them we read them, how they argue amongst each other, but in such beautiful ways, right? They give their proofs and they debate and they they talk to each other and they try to convince the other about a specific matter. That is so minute Lee, you know, not even important to the average Muslim, but to Canada, when you look at the deen under a microscope, it's important. And so they they have these disputes amongst each other in beautiful ways. And that shows us that the difference between the person who argues with another person and it starts to get rowdy or it starts to get you know, you know, people

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are angry and words are exchanged and sometimes it gets physical. That's simply because a lack of knowledge, lack of knowledge in the deen not lack of knowledge as in you're a dumb person, no lack of knowledge in the deen. And the more that we know of this Deen, the more we realize, we don't know. Get it? The more we know of the deen the more knowledge we acquire of Islam, the more we realize there's so much that we don't know. And that's the beauty of Islam. Right? That it's like a it's like an ocean of knowledge. Think of the ocean and you look at the oceans, Pamela go to the Great Lakes. It's a simulation of the ocean. And you look out at the water. And you think if all of

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this water was to turn into ink, like we discussed last week, or the week before, if all of the water was to turn into ink, it still could not write out all of the words, or all of the signs of a loss of power who attacked it.

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And that's like infinity in terms of our eyesight at that moment. Right, we can't see any further. And it's all water. Yet it couldn't write out all of what Allah subhanho wa Taala discusses and has sent to us. And so we should refrain from disputing and having these arguments with Muslims. If someone starts to argue with you,

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and you want to argue back, stop yourself, stop yourself and tell them say duck on the level of Haven, maybe there's a lack of knowledge on my part, I didn't understand this. Well, I'll go and find out. And I do that too. Even sometimes people come to me with with a matter that is so simple in the deed, like something related to Lulu, or something related to, you know, preparation of Salah or something on you know how to find the direction of the blood, so simple and so basic that, you know, we may have learned to many of us probably have learned to when we were children, but they come to you and they argue with that you say does that come alongside.

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That in itself is showing that person that some kind of love at this point in time when you're really angry and you're coming to me I don't have, I don't have the need to try and prove you wrong, because I will just become angry as well. Right? That's just the way we are as human beings. So just thank them. And if you notice the person is not angry than maybe trying to advise them or try and tell them you know what I always thought it was this. And think of the example of those two boys. Right? Those two children at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Who were they?

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Right? The grandchildren of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what did they do?

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When they were making little? Did they do

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what they do?

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They asked the uncle, if they could be taught how to make will do properly. Right? How? Watch us how we make will do and tell us if we're doing this right?

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Show us if we're doing this right. And they did that because they noticed he was not making loot properly.

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And so they asked him, can you watch us and show us you know, tell us if we're making our way through properly and so they made will do so perfectly that he realized he's making you know, insufficiently or there was a deficiency in his will. So that is a beautiful example of how to correct a mistake of somebody

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in verse number 30, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the cause of any disaster or hardship that we face is because of our sins that we commit. Now I know some of you are probably going to start thinking of this, and wondering how is it that it's because of our sins, and Allah Subhana Allah mentions here, verse number 30. And whatever affliction befalls you, it is on account of what your hands have wrought, or what your hands have earned. And he pardons much of us handle which Allah forgives us a lot. So Allah mentions that the sins that we that we commit, or sorry, the yet because of the sins that we commit hardship comes our way. So anytime in our life that we think of, you

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know, Subhanallah this happened to me, right, you're driving and maybe a rock hits your windshield, and it cracks your windshield. And then you remember earlier today, or earlier this week, you might have been doing something that you should have been doing. Or you might have said something you shouldn't have set, right? So you think somehow Do I need to purify my actions in order for things around me to go a little bit better? This is touching upon the concept of a loss of power, what to add.

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And we know that we can sort of tweak our color we can change our color, by making dua by performing good deeds, righteous deeds, righteous actions that are pleasing to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala when he's pleased with us can send good things our way in sha Allah putana

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four verses 32 to 35 ships are a blessing from Allah subhana wa Tada, just before we touch upon this, something I wanted to mention, regarding the verse that we just took, what about a person who does a lot of good deeds?

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A person who does a lot of good deeds, but then notices that they are still tested with a difficult moment. What about that person? Or what about the scholar?

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Right some of our teachers I remember we would learn from them and the whole world would travel to Medina just to sit in to learn a hot ether to from them in the time that they're there in Medina. And we used to take it, you know, take it for granted that we're sitting at the feet of these scholars. And so Pamela, some of them are going through difficult moments in their life. Like I remember some of our show you they're suffering, you know, like one of them stomach cancer, but not many people know it, right. Suffering from from illnesses, suffering from, you know, not being able to sleep, suffering from, you know, various things that Allah subhanaw taala had given them that we

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don't see the average person getting these are very, you know, difficult things that have been placed upon the scholars of this Deen. Right. Those are people that are close to Allah subhana wa Tada. Why is it that they get a hardship?

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To test to raise their ranks? Right? Anyone else?

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to clean their sins? Good.

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Exactly. That's what I'm looking for. Right and tying in what you're saying what, what everyone else is saying, raising the ranks of of the scholars, it helps them to get through what they're going through, the more hardship that they endure, the more closer they feel to Allah subhanho wa Taala, the more sincere they are in their worship and their Eva and their seeking of knowledge. Then we look at the prophets and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was tested severely. And he taught us that those that are closest to Allah will be tested the hardest, those that are closest to Allah Subhana Allah will go through the harder tests. And that's because they are capable of

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going through them. Now you can be from Laguna sun Illa WUSA, do you think that the person who's a man is really low and weak is capable of going through the heart the hardest of tests? No, it's going to be difficult for them extremely difficult. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tests those that are closest to him with the hardest of hardships. And that's because he knows they're capable of withstanding those hardships. It's just a matter of them trying to get through it as we mentioned, a test and so we ask Allah subhana wa attallah to make our tests easy for us, even though our Eamonn continues to increase in verses 32 to 35 Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the ships and how the

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ships are a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he highlights here the wind and how the wind pushes the ship and you wonder to yourself, why would Allah subhanho wa Taala even think of talking about ships in the Quran? Like what would be the purpose of putting the ship in the Quran and talking about you know, a ship or a boat that travels in the water what's the point? Why Why does anyone think that

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example example of what

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that is a blessing from Allah, how is it a blessing. Now, when you think of the ship, you look at this massive, you know, structure and especially today, they're not made out of wood now they're made out of steel.

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And the cargo ships, you know, one inch, two inch, three inches thick steel, but it doesn't sink. It floats on top of the water. And not only does it float on top of the water loss panatela highlights in this verse here, he sends the wind. Now, traditionally, historically, we use the wind in order to push the ships, right. Imagine if you built a ship and you put it into the water, but there was no wind from a loss of power with that, where would the ship go?

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No, it wouldn't sink, it just would say a left and then it would sail right and then it would go front and then it would come back. And sometimes it would stay where it is. And then it might come in, you know, approach the shore and bumped into the shore, and then it might go out again, it wouldn't go in any direction. It would have no direction, nothing to steer it anyway. But Allah subhanho wa Taala with the sending of the wind and the use of the sails, you can power that ship that boat and push it in a specific direction. And Allah Subhana Allah mentions in the Quran, that those are vessels that he gave to us to use as transport to go from one place to the other, to

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travel the world. And today Allah Subhana Allah has given us what we still use the ships what what else do we use the aeroplane right? planes, what do we need in order to fly the plane? wind, we still need air, we still need air in order to travel that distance. So Subhana Allah Allah Subhana Allah highlights this in the Quran, and mentions to us the ships and how without the wind, that ship would not be able to travel it would not sail anywhere, it would just stay where it was and float off and not have any course in particular. And that's why we also saw the verse in the Quran Bismillah imagine a woman was

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in Nabila her food walking, watching Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us to say this, why Bismillah With the name of Allah, this will take its course, it will go on its course, whether it's a ship, whether it's a plane, whether it's a boat, whether it's a roller coaster, whether it's anything, any mode of transportation, with the will of Allah Subhana Allah it will take its course without it, it won't. I remember there was a time way back in the day when I was 18

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I was driving back and forth or 18 maybe 20 I was driving between Montreal and Toronto and on my way from Montreal to Toronto, I started to have an issue with my car was a 1986 Toyota Corolla right and the gas cap was the problem

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after after troubleshooting so many things and consulting you know I was still am very interested in cars and the automotive industry but so panel after troubleshooting so many things thinking it might be you know, at that time was carburetor didn't have fuel injection on the car so the carburetor maybe there's a clog somewhere maybe the you know the gas the fuel pump, maybe it's a fuel filter. So I actually went to Canadian Tire change the fuel filters while I was here in Toronto, did a bunch of things to the car, and only on the way back after spending money to try and you know, resolve the issue. As I'm driving back after another 80 kilometers, boom, car would just stop. And I realized at

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that point in time there's a there's a problem with the pressure problem with the pressure in the tank. Why? Because the cap after being old, it wasn't releasing the air from the tank. So the pressure was building up too much inside creating a vacuum not letting the the gasoline flow into the line the fuel line going into the carburetor and the engine. And so all I had to do is crack the cap a little bit and Dr knows it simple. And Allah subhana wa tada shows us that without the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala without the will that Allah subhana wa Jalla had commanded that to move to flow it to go wherever it wants wherever it's commanded to go, it won't go you can try everything in

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anything under the sun you can change the engine you could change the transmission you could change a gas tank you could change the fuel you could change the fuel pumps you could change a fuel filters you could change everything. But a simple thing like air had stopped the car from moving and that was it. And so Allah subhana wa tada highlights here that he gave those ships the ability to move and today Alhamdulillah we use you know, the ships use diesel engines and they flow through the water Mashallah quicker paces but Allah subhana wa tada is still the one that controls that.

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In verse number, verses 4243 Allah subhana wa tada

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Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here that it is better to forgive someone than to expect the punishment in return for what they've done. So if someone harms you, let's say they punch you in the arm and you got bruised. What is the recompense that they deserve to be punched back in the arm and they get bruised right? An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

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That's the concept that we use. So Allah subhana wa tada here shows us in the Quran and we'll read through these verses in sha Allah verses 4243.

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The recompense for an evil is an evil like they're of someone who does something they're recompense is exactly what they did is to be done to them right. But whoever forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah. Verily, he likes not the avanti moon, the oppressors, the polytheist, the wrongdoers, etc. Then in the next verse, Allah Subhana, WA tada says, and indeed, Whosoever takes revenge after he has suffered wrong, for such there is no way of blame against them. So someone who has received what they deserve, then you know, there's no blame, right? Because you've done what you've done.

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And the person who, who seeks the revenge, there's no blame upon them as well, because they didn't do anything wrong. They only gave back to that person, what was taken from them. In verse number 42 of us handling what to Anna says, the way of blame or to blame is only against those who oppress men or people and wrongly Rebel on the earth, for such there will be a painful torment. Then in verse number 43. A lot concludes by saying and whoever is patient, and forgiving, these most surely are actions due to courage. So those who are forgiving, and patient, those who let go for those who don't hold on to grievances and things that have been done to them. And here, Allah subhanho wa

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Taala highlights it because it's absolutely important for us to try and understand that sometimes people harm us do something against us, even family members, right? Sometimes they'll post something online, that reveals something about you that you wanted to keep secret. I know this happened to someone I know. And they came to me and asked me what they should do. How can we clarify this issue, someone posted a family member of theirs, because they were jealous, or they were upset with something that happened within the family, they posted something about them and their children online that they didn't like, right, that made them feel extremely bad.

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And so they wanted to know how to deal with that person that did that.

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And so obviously, you can consult with them and tell them, you know, you could do this, you could do that you could seek legal, you know, assistance and so on. But the best thing is to try and resolve issues as Allah subhanho wa Taala says, it is your right, as a Muslim as a movement, it is our right to forgive the person, you hear that it's our right to forgive them. So it's not their right to that we forgive them. It's our right, I have the right to forgive you or to seek the revenge for them for what you've done. And so it's my right to seek forgiveness of that person, meaning you forgive them for what they've done. And the loss of Hannah Montana mentions here, whoever is patient and

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forgiving. These most surely are actions due to courage that this person has done something better above and beyond the average person that goes beyond the norm. And that will be rewarded, as he mentioned in verse number 41, in 42, that this person will receive the reward that they are deserving of. So Allah subhanho wa Taala Yes, you can go and seek revenge, you can go and get what you think you deserve. But what's more rewarding to you is that you forgive the person and you tried to advise them through your forgiveness, tried to advise them and don't wait for them to come and seek forgiveness. I know a person asked me this just last week, do I have to wait for someone to

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come and ask me to forgive them before I can actually forgive them? Or because they've done something wrong against me? Can I simply forgive them and not even tell them that I forgiven them just through me and Allah Subhana Allah, just communicate with Allah and tell him Allah, Allah, I forgive this person for what they've wronged me against or done against me, right? Yes, you can do that. And that's what we should do. We shouldn't wait for someone to come, because we might forget. And then that person might be punished on the day of judgment because they didn't get back what they deserve. And so Allah Subhana Allah may actually give them a punishment later on because of what

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they've done to us. And so we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to forgive all those that have wronged us in any way shape or form.

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Virtual Reality

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Show line 43 Okay, so verse number 51 253, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions how the revelation came down. How does how does revelation come to the prophets? There's three different ways three different methods. What is the first one? What are you which is

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okay? So that's what we're talking about. We're talking about why, but why is the three different types revelation is different

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Different types. How does it come through an angel like you mentioned, right an angel brings the message down from Allah subhanho wa Taala. That's one. Second one is

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a dream, right? That's good. What's the third one?

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behind the curtain? Someone mentioned it behind the curtain, right? So Allah Subhana, which I will communicate with, for example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanded him to tell us the home of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam we have to pray 50 times a day, that was initially what was told, and then it was brought down to five times. And so that process was done in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But behind a

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curtain or veil, basically, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could not see Allah subhanho wa Taala. He was behind something or there was something that was blocking his view. So he could not see a last pan with Allah even though he's standing in front of them. So if I'm standing in front of you right now, I'm sitting in front of you, as I am right now. And we were to drop a curtain down. Am I still sitting in front of you? Yes. So some people get confused with this. They say well, how is it that Allah was in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they were in front of each other, but yet he didn't see him. How Didn't he see him on the last panel at Ana provided something

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to block his view from being seen? Right? So there's three different methods either through revelation from the angel down to the Prophet, or through like a dream, or through the communication of Allah subhana wa tada to the prophet and messenger from behind a, a veil or a curtain, we move on to the next one. So xocolatl

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which is a 43rd sort of the Quran and who can tell us what it means.

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guru of the ornaments Mashallah because you all have your translations in front of you. In verse number nine, Allah subhana wa tada highlights the machine and how they admit that Allah subhanho wa Taala is their Creator and we spoke about this yesterday, when

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Kanaka sama team will

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follow common layer

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nella zizo Lani so if you ask those who who worship idols, who is their Creator, they will say that it is Allah subhanho wa Taala that that created them in verses 26 to 35 must handle it. And I mentioned that Ibrahim and his son and declares his belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala. He declares his belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala. But then from verses 30 to 35.

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Allah subhana wa tada here mentions how he gives an example of the luxuries of Earth, the luxuries of Earth, and this sort of is a zone of right what is it highlighting the luxuries of Earth, right gold ornaments and so on and so forth. Right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that in these verses, how the examples of luxury are there for us on earth, and I just want to go through a few of them in sha Allah, because we do have some time to go through them. And in verse number 33, and we're not that all people had been a single nation, we would certainly have assigned to those who disbelieve in the beneficial in the Beneficent in Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to make a silver roof

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of their homes over their heads and the stairs by which they ascend, right and if you look at it in a different translation, it mentions the beauty in using jewelry or the the the the gold and the silver that we enjoy so much silver in terms of the roofing but to have elevators in one of the translations if you look at Sophia International, I believe it mentions elevators What do we have today to go up and down in our homes? We don't have elevators yet but we have something similar and in our buildings we do those that live in apartment buildings or using elevators Mashallah they have you see it's a blessing from a lot of people think we live in an apartment, we have less than the

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people that live in a house. But people live in a house ask me I take 36 or 38 steps to go from top to bottom in my house like going up and down. I don't know why people design houses like this in Toronto, Canada, people live in an apartment building, they simply push a button and go up the elevator. So simple, so easy, right? So it's a blessing there's always a blessing from Allah subhana wa tada wherever we look will notice that we've been blessed. Then Allah subhana wa tada says, and the doors of their houses

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and the couches on which they recline. So these are all luxuries that people will will enjoy of this dunya right having elevators having, you know, beautiful roofs and nice homes and now you're noticing instead of using the old shingles, they're now using those clay shingles or the stainless steel equivalent of those shingles or you know, galvanized steel. So all these beautiful things that we're trying to adorn our houses with, and then allow us to add dimensions, the doors of our homes, and I know

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I know you know my dad once way back in the day, he wanted to change the door on the house and we went to this door store, right the store that sells windows and doors. That's why there are so many different kinds of doors, beautiful doors and doors that had like, you know, gold plated handles and stuff like that. Why do you need that? Why on earth do we need it of us? Hannah Montana knows best. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions your couches that we recline on. And that's what we do. That's exactly what we do we enjoy this dunya so much, that sometimes it blinds us. Now does it mean that these things are wrong? No, it doesn't. We can enjoy from this dunya what Allah Subhana Allah has

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blessed us with, you can enjoy it, you can benefit as much as you want. But let that wealth come into your hand and never get to your heart. Let it come to you only from the hands length that it stays in your hands and not let it get to your heart. So you use your wealth as much as you want. benefit from you all sit on your wealth, enjoy it as much as you want. But when you hear the call of Allah subhanho wa Taala you leave the wealth and you run to pray to Allah Subhana Allah.

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Then we move on to verses verse number 36. Allah subhana wa tada mentions whoever turns from Allah and then leaves the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he likes and that he promotes He will make shape on and appoint shape on for that person to be their friend. So shavon will be their friend. I asked me a question. No, okay, just stretching. He's tired. Tasha, I know it's the last hour of the day sometimes I need energy to Mashallah. And so, Allah Subhana Allah mentions he will appoint for those who leave the the the command of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, He will give them a nice friend and that friend will be shaitan so he will appoint Siobhan to be their companion.

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In verses 52 to 53, Allah subhanho wa Taala describes how fit our own disgraced musante has sent him and how he insulted musala his Salah, and he also highlights the aspect of this speech impediment because musala Hassan had a speech impediment, right? And that's why when he made the dua, he said, rubbish rightly suddenly, were suddenly empty. Why look that amid the Sani, which means to literally unlock, untie or remove the the knot from my tongue. So masala Hassan had a speech impediment, just like some people have a lisp, or some people when they speak, they go over the words to three times. That was how masala has sent them, you know, spoke and so he asked Allah Subhana Allah removed this

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from me so that I could speak to fit our own and clearly deliver the message. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala assisted him.

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And he also, you know, made fun of musala his lm fit on made fun of musala his salon by saying, Look at him, he's just, you know, this person who can't even speak properly, who doesn't wear golden bracelets, you know, he's not wearing gold. Again, the suit is highlighting beautiful adornments of this world, trying to make it seem as though because he's a person that claims to be a prophet. He doesn't have any of the bounties and beauties of this world. Why would you follow him? And musala is and I've actually convinced his people that because he doesn't speak clearly and because he doesn't wear jewelry, he's not someone that you should follow. And so the people turned away from Moosa and

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in his setup, and continued to follow fit around in verse number 88, to 89. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam here complains to Allah subhanho wa Taala that the mushy King don't believe yet Allah subhanho wa Taala responds to him and tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to respond with

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respond with Cena. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is complaining to Allah subhana wa Tada. They don't believe they're not listening to the message. And Allah Subhana, Allah tells them respond nicely, respond nicely behaved nicely, let them see in you a beautiful example. So that they would want to be just like you. And so that's an example for you and I as well, when we're trying to deliver this message of Islam. And when people talk to us so harshly about Islam, and they come to us and get into our faces, make sure that we show them a nice example. carry yourself as though what they're saying to you doesn't matter. You believe in a loss of Hannah Montana, that's more important

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than what they're saying, and how they're defaming you or disgracing you, or saying you're Muslim, you're like this, you're a terrorist and so on. It doesn't matter because you know, inside of yourself, you're not that person that they claim you are. And so it doesn't matter to you and it doesn't bother you. We move on to Surah dovan, which is the 44th soda of the Quran and it means this smoke, and here Allah subhanho wa Taala begins the surah from verse one to four, and he talks about the Quran and how the Quran was revealed and how it was revealed on the blessed night, which we know is the night of Laila to recover Laila to hodiny Hiraman Alfie Shahar. So here we're talking about

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the soul of the smoke.

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Doohan and it ties in with this exact moment that we're going through the last 10 nights of Ramadan. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to catch Laila to recover from amongst these last 10 nights of Ramadan. Never ever give up until the moon is seen. Never give up until the moon is seen. Okay. Strive extremely hard until the moon is seen a lot of people on the last day of Ramadan, you know, they'll notice that they'll have time that's it, the month is over. those last few minutes, make sure you're here in the masjid. Tomorrow would be the day varied. For example, make sure you're right here in the front row crying your eyes out, because that is the moment that

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Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives. Even though it's not the night it's not Laila to cuddle. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to seek out the last moments of Ramadan, because that's the time when Allah subhanho wa Taala looks at our actions that we've done throughout the month, and forgives us. So make sure that each and every one of us are not celebrating aid in advance. Take advantage of the last minute the last 30 seconds of Ramadan and worship Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and ask for forgiveness.

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Then in verses nine to 16, in the last panel with Allah mentions how he will send the smoke, as we see it sort of Doohan, he will send a smoke that people will notice and this smoke will fill the air and people will not realize it. Some people will realize this is a sign from a loss of bandwidth and others won't. They won't realize that this is a sign and then a long will take the smoke away and that Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that he will send baadshah right if you look through the the surah and the verses and that is referring to the Day of Resurrection, so he will send the smoke then he will remove the smoke and then afterwards Allah subhana wa tada will send the Day of

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Resurrection from verses 17 to 33 is the story of Musa and Allah subhana wa tada here is highlighting the signs of Allah subhana wa Tada. And throughout this entire surah he's highlighting signs smoke is a sign as we just finished mentioning, and there are signs that he continues to highlight throughout this surah

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verse number 38 This world was created with a purpose and with wisdom as Allah subhanho wa Taala says, not as a time to simply just play and enjoy yourself. There's a reason why we were created and that was to worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the ways that we constantly, you know, remind ourselves to do so.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that this world was not created as simply a place to play and to enjoy ourselves. How much more time until the

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904. So no more than six minutes what time to say there.

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855 there. Okay.

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So we'll take five more minutes, that gives you five minutes inshallah, that's my type of math. So our last panel with Anna here says in verse number 56, to 58, that gender will have no death, in gender, there will be no death. So a person will not die in gender. And the only death as the last panel which Allah mentions in the verse is the is that one death which is the death that we will have leaving this world. So that is the death that we will taste in gender, there is no death. It will go on and on and on. Just like Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned yesterday and we discussed it yesterday.

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In verse number 58, Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights how the Quran flows so easily on the tongues. You notice when we recite the Quran, it flows nicely off our tongues very beautifully. And Allah is telling us this to try and have us understand and remind ourselves that this is the word that has been sent to us by Allah, that is so easy for us to recite. Even the person that doesn't understand Arabic can recite it. Even the child that doesn't understand a single word of the Quran doesn't know a single word of Arabic can memorize the whole thing from cover to cover. That's a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he reminds us of that here at the end of surah. Doohan we'll move on

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into the first few verses of Surah jatheon jetha, which is the 44 45th School of the Koran.

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And this means the kneeling, those that kneel down from verses one to 15 will take chunks of the soldier from verses one to 15 Allah subhana wa Adana mentions the importance of understanding his signs. So the very first part of this sorta he's going over His signs, the signs of a loss of habitat, and not only mentioning signs, but the importance of recognizing them the importance of knowing that these are the signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right and how does it affect a person's life and to change ourselves when we notice that this is a sign from Allah subhanho wa Taala add in verse number 14, Allah subhana wa tada mentions to let the believers forgive

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The disbelievers and to endure the hardships that they produce. So any hardship that the non Muslims provide or put upon us as Muslims endure it, as a last panel, Medina tells us in verse number 14, endurance, endurance, endurance, go through it. And you will be patient through that test. It will pass in sha Allah to Allah, be patient with it, and forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive. Why? Because there are people who don't understand. There are people who don't understand, right, that are doing this to us as Muslims. In verses 16 to 20, Allah subhana wa tada tells us, we have our shediac to follow, not the shitty of Benny, Ian, which is the telephone and the books of the

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past in general. So we follow our shediac. And the law is advising us not to follow this idea of the of the people of the past or the books of the past.

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Verse number 24, the machine would tell the prophets that time is what destroys a human being. It is the one thing that destroys us that takes our life away time when time is up, we're done. Right? And it's easy to understand that. And Subhanallah that is something that can actually trick people to think that time is actually what destroys us, but it isn't. It's Allah subhanho wa Taala that takes our life away. Because a lot controls the time.

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He is the controller of the time, and he swears by the time because he created it. One large city in in Santa Fe close. Allah swears by the time it's one of the shortest soils overrun and we recite it in our salt when we don't have enough time. And we're rushing, and we recite Allah swears by the time while awesome,

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yet we're speeding through our prayers. So we ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant us a deeper understanding of the short pseudos of the Quran. And we'll conclude in sha Allah to Allah which still gives us another seven minutes. We'll conclude with verses 27 to 29. how Allah subhana wa tada mentions that the Day of Judgment, every single nation, when they are called upon to quit to be questioned, they will then kneel down, why will they kneel down? Why do you think people will kneel down? This is the sort of the kneeling.

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When people finally realized we will stand before Allah subhanho wa Taala Will we be able to stand on our feet?

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Will we be able to actually carry and carry ourselves on our feet? When you hear terrible news? You get that phone call and you're standing up? And someone tells you are you sitting down? You know, it's bad news, right? You know, it's bad news. So imagine when you're standing before Allah subhanaw taala, and you're about to be questioned about the things that you've done in your life. How would I relax, feel those young imams that come and stand up and you notice the legs shake, like shake, because they're scared. And so panela that's, that's a trial. It's a test. It's difficult, but we get past it in sha Allah Tad. So Allah Subhana Allah mentions that, you know, the nation's as

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they're called up for questioning, they will kneel down, out of out of the severity of what they're about to face and we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to make it easy for us to continue to worship Him and to worship none other than him. We asked hold us accountable to Allah to grant us the ability to be forgiven. Throughout this month of Ramadan, we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy for us to continue to kneel down to none other than him throughout this entire month of Ramadan and throughout the rest of our lives, meaning out of galantamine or solo senemo about going into Vietnam hamadryad the US Army

Explanation of Surah Fussilat verse 46, Surah Ash-Shooraa, Surah Az-Zukhruf, Surah Ad-Dukhaan, Surah Al-Jaathiyah

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