Mufti Menk – Boost – Power… Power… POWER!!

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The speaker discusses the importance of reciting the Quran in order to achieve the power of the word of Allah, which is powerful and has a powerful impact on the entire environment. They stress the importance of learning the Arabic language and not reciting the Quran without attempting to read it. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the Quran's verses and the benefits of studying the language.
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Assalamu alaikum my brothers and sisters.
In Ramadan, we must try to complete the
entire Quran,
The messages of the Quran, the surahs that
are being read through the days, through the
the messages within them are so impactful,
so powerful, so serious.
You take a look at Surat Al Baqarah,
it's named after the cow,
but Allah Almighty says those who recite this
in their houses,
Shaipan is unable to penetrate that home, which
means, Shaipan or the jinnkind will the negative
forces will not enter that home in terms
of jinnkind and shayapin.
So it's important for us to recite. Just
by reciting it, it wards off shayapin
and the devils and the jinnkind.
Imagine if you knew the meaning and you
read it with the meaning in mind. How
it is.
Imagine if you are to read one verse
from that entire Surah known as Ayatul Kursi,
and you read it 3 times in the
morning, 3 times in the evening, that alone
creates a barrier of protection
around you from
a lot of harm.
Amazing. Amazing.
And the last few verses of the same
Surah, Surah Al Baqarah,
when read
once in the morning, once in the evening,
they also have a powerful impact.
This is the word of Allah
My brothers and sisters,
do not underestimate
the power of the words of the Quran.
This is why when people tell me,
I can't read the Arabic.
I don't know how to read the Arabic.
I'm struggling to read the Arabic.
Is it better to read the Arabic or
the English? Can I read in a language
I know?
Can I just read it in English? Let
me explain.
Even if you don't know how to read
Arabic, the power
of reciting those words without knowing how to
read Arabic, it could have been transliterated
it can be just because you heard something
and repeated it without knowing how to read
it. All of that is still extremely powerful.
It has 10 rewards for every letter
that you're going to read. And on top
of that, it has
a powerful impact on the entire
around you and your home
and your entire
impacted by that. So do not replace it
with the English translation alone or something of
that. That does not mean it's not important
to go through the translation,
nor does it mean you should not do
the translation and only do the Arabic because
that's another problem.
Here we're talking about the importance of that
that lies within the word of Allah
in terms of protection.
It's something amazing.
So even if you can't read Arabic, please
make an effort to learn.
To learn
some of what you need to know. You
have to make an effort.
Read it. Recite it in Arabic without knowing
how to read the Arabic language maybe or
without understanding
the Arabic language. All of that is
or it's it's a point. We're gonna get
to that just now, but
to get that impact, you're gonna need this.
You're going to need it. So make an
effort. Don't be lazy. And don't come and
say, oh, it's very difficult. If I were
to tell you that there's something important where
you're gonna earn $500,000
by the end of the night, you'll spend
all night learning that. SubhanAllah, this is far
more valuable than that.
the importance of reading the English language or
a language you know,
that is
equally important in terms of
in terms of connection,
in terms of,
you know, the rights of the Quran and
so on. Yes.
So you would be wrong not to make
an effort to understand the Quran.
Just like you would be wrong not to
make an effort to recite the Quran.
You would be
wrong to to read the Arabic without attempting
to read
or the meanings of what you're you've recited,
if you know what I mean. So both
of these things are very very very important.
I wouldn't put one above the other.
But what I would say is
the reward, the the the impact
upon your entire surroundings,
happens with 1 more than the other. And
then the impact upon your entire life
would happen with both together,
because you're going to need this and that.
And in fact, to understand it,
according to some scholars is more important because
the entire reason why this Quran was revealed
was because
of Allah wanting you to,
was because of Allah wanting you to ponder
over its verses.
May Allah Almighty forgive us all. May Allah
grant us strength.
May we be from among those who ponder
over the verses.
Leave you with a verse,
Allah Almighty says,
A book that we have sent to you,
it's a book of Allah, the Quran.
And this book that Allah has sent to
is blessed.
And Allah says,
we have sent it to you,
the blessed book.
ayati, in order that they may ponder deeply
over its verses.
and for those, who have sound intellect to
take heed,
ponder over them. That's the purpose of revelation.
So that you may ponder
deeply over the verses of the Quran. And
another quick point, there's no contradiction in the
Quran. I've seen a few video clips of
some people who don't even know Arabic.
Some people who haven't even read the Quran,
who are trying to try to prove, oh,
there's a contradiction here. Oh, this means this.
This means that. Trust me, it's laughable.
It really is laughable.
You just have to know Arabic language thoroughly,
and you have to have studied,
the disciplines of the Quran, and you will
immediately know what they're saying is just
their whims and fancies. They're making themselves feel
good by saying that there's a contradiction there.
No contradictions. Trust me. 1 of the brothers
said something,
and I was just thinking to myself, meaning
he was not a Muslim, I'm calling him
a brother in terms of humanity.
And I was thinking to myself, oh, brother,
you discovered this after,
1400 years. Right? And for 1400 years, people
didn't think of this thing. Right? Doesn't it
show you that you're totally wrong, man? May
protect us, from just the value of this
beautiful, powerful book.
When you read it, you are protected.
Alhamdulillah, Assalamu Alaikum.