Mufti Menk – Bigger Test For A Bigger Reward

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of peace and acceptance in facing hardship. They also mention the historical rule of being asked difficult questions and receiving a certificate of completion. The speaker emphasizes the need for effort and money in order to achieve a better job and salary.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sometimes, and this is what we ask the

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almighty to protect us from, if your hardship

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drifts you away from the almighty, it's actually

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it could be the beginning of some punishment.

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When you have hardship,

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don't pick a war with Allah.

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He is your Lord. He knows

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people better than you have been through bigger

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problems than yours and they've sailed through it.

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The prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the

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best of all, the highest should I say.

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Jesus, may peace be upon him. 1 of

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the top 5.

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Noah, may peace be upon him. 1 of

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the top 5. Abraham, Ibrahim, may peace be

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upon him. 1 of the top 5.

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Moses, Musa alaihis salam, one of the top

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5. I've mentioned all the 5 now. Right?

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They all went through challenge upon challenge. Go

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and read about the pharaoh. Go and read

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about the Romans and how they treated Jesus.

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May peace be upon him. Go and read

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about Quraysh and what they did to Muhammad

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peace be upon him. Go and read about

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the parents of Ibrahim, his father and his

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community and what they did to him. We

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have faced nothing as compared to them.

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They were loved by Allah. So if Allah

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does it to whom He loves, He says

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it clearly to us. When I love you,

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I'll test you. And when you when you

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when there is a greater reward for you,

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the test is a bit bigger. Just like

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the school. It's a good example if you

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think of it.

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You want a bigger certificate. Well, you've got

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to be asked some difficult questions. You're gonna

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have to go and do some research. You're

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going to have to write a thesis. It's

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going to take you a few years. You're

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going to sweat. You're going to spend money

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and energy and effort and whatever. But after

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that, you're going to have a title perhaps

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and you might be able to get a

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better job and a better salary for a

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little while. The similar rule applies when you

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have done that and sacrificed your time, your

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money, your energy, your effort in order to

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please Allah. Allah gives you a certificate. You

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have a title next to your name and

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you enter into the hereafter

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and you will get not just a job

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a or a salary. You get everything you

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wish for and you want.

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That's what it is.

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But it's an effort.

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