A Grave Mistake

Mufti Menk


Channel: Mufti Menk

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Speaker 2 discusses the confusion surrounding the Hadith and the importance of praying for others. They also mention the connection between the termRasool and the wa'ud in Islam. Speaker 2 provides an example of the confusion surrounding the statement of Muhammad sallali Aliya.

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Those who don't believe in the Hadith, they would be making a grave mistake where would they get the details of how exactly to pray, how to give that charity or that Zakah to those who are poor or to the categories of people who are deserving. They wouldn't know that except through the explanation of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Notice, we go back to the statement as I do under Mohammedan Rasulullah. I bear witness that Muhammad is actually the messenger that term Rasool is connected to the Salah. rissalah means a message, Rasool So Allah is the one who sent the message through a messenger to us. If you don't want to take the messenger as a messenger, you will never ever get the

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complete message. So it goes back to confirm the authenticity and the importance of the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the life of a believer