Mufti Menk – A bad deed is not written until..

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the mercy of Allah's actions and how he gives people permission to commit sin and do bad things. They also talk about the meaning of "good" and " Bad" deed, and how individuals can achieve forgiveness through forgiveness from Jesus Christ. The speaker also mentions a time after committing a sin is written next to someone's name, and if a person does not obtain forgiveness, a sin is written next to their name.
AI: Transcript ©
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the mercy of Allah dictates that when you do good, he multiplies it for you. But when you do bad, he comforts you, by telling you, I'm not going to multiply the bad, I will count it against you. Just one bad deed. Subhana Allah. So Allah says,

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a b c. d Fela New Jersey, in myth, la Juan La, la moon. As for a person who comes on the Day of Judgment with a bad deed, they will not be recompensed except equivalent to that which they did, and they won't be wronged. So your good is multiplied but your bad is not multiplied. Isn't that the mercy of Allah? Isn't it so comforting to know how merciful Allah is. In fact, I can tell you something even more comforting taught to us by the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, When a person intends to do a good deed, they already have a reward by the mere intention. If they were to follow up that good deed and do it, then the reward would be multiplied. If a person

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intends to do a bad deed, no sin is written against them yet, if a person intends to do a bad deed, and then decides against it, because they've realized it's prohibited, and they would earn the Wrath of Allah, then it is written as a good deed. They did a good deed, they stayed away from sin, that they wanted to commit simply because Allah prohibited it. Amazing. So to intend them to plan a sin

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and thereafter not to execute, it becomes an act of worship, it becomes a good deed. So hon Allah, look at the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then if a person does the bad deed, Allah instructs the angel to hold on, not to write it against them yet, for a period of time, for a part of the day or a part of the night. Why? Lala who Ania tuba, perhaps this person might seek forgiveness. So he there's no need to write it yet.

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So we're given a time after committing a sin, to repent. What kind of comfort is this? Imagine someone has committed a sin, major or minor, and the angels are told, and this is a correct Hadith. The prophet SAW Selim tells us Allah tells the angels, hold on, don't write it yet, just hold on. And so Subhana Allah, amazingly, if that person seeks forgiveness, immediately after the sin, then nothing is written against them. The sin is not written, it's gone, it's wiped out. In fact, there is a good deed known as repentance, that's written for them. Subhana Allah, so my brothers and sisters,

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the guilt, or the regret, that a believer feels immediately after committing a sin is actually the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It's the comfort being given to you to say, listen, what did you achieve by this? Did you gain anything nothing? Seek out forgiveness. If you were to immediately say, Oh ALLAH forgive me. Allah says, You know what? The angels haven't yet written it. You're fortunate Subhana Allah. Then if a person does not repent, and the time stipulated by Allah subhanho wa Taala passes, then one sin is written next to their name. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us forgiveness at the mercy of Allah

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