Mufti Menk – The Man in White

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The history and importance of Islam is discussed in a series of segments covering topics such as clothing, deeds, peace, and happiness. Prayer is emphasized as a means to achieve contentment and success, and rules and regulations are emphasized. The speakers emphasize the importance of practicing spirituality during prayer, being mindful of one's words, and embracing different aspects of Islam for personal growth.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Shafi Lambie, even more saline Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Vina woman tabea home BSN elomi denio Abed.

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We always commence by praising Allah Subhana Allah to Allah sending blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his entire household, his companions. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless them all, and bless every single one of us and grant us all goodness.

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This afternoon, we are speaking about embracing Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam the messenger May peace be upon him and I'm sure we all know that when it comes to embracing the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, it would definitely be following his example, respect of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would be to confirm that he is indeed the final messenger, the one sent by Allah subhanho wa Taala in order to teach us what Allah wants in order to teach us how to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. So indeed,

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we thank Allah for giving us this beautiful opportunity to be able to go through this. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to bless every single one of us. I mean, my brothers and sisters, I've been given the task of making mention of the men in white, the men in white, referring to whom if I were to ask you, who is the man in white made mention of in the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Some might think it's the Prophet sallallahu Sallam himself because he loved white and he said, that even when people are being buried, they should use perhaps, in fact, it would be ideal or better to use white for the shroud that people are in shrouded in.

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However, the man in white is not referring to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam it's referring to someone else. We all know that Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, the best of creation, the most noble of all prophets, the final of all messengers, the one who has the highest status in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He who will be resurrected first, he who will enter Paradise first, this is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he who will be granted the power to intercede on behalf of members of his own mind. That is Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. So one day when he was seated, and this is made, made mention of by Omar Abdullah and Hadith in Sahih Muslim, he says we were sitting with

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the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and

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a man walked in, a man came. Who was this man? He says, well to describe him. He had white clothes on. He was a man in white, white clothes. So white, which means it was actually dazzling. You know, it was a white sometimes when you have white people ask me, how do you maintain the whiteness of your clothing and I told them, there is a trick and the secret can I let you know, you see the detergent you purchase needs to be such that when you mix it with water, it doesn't become blue or green or another color, it actually remains white, then your clothing will remain white. The minute you have the most beautiful detergent, but it changes color. Or even the fabric softener if it is

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blue, or pink or purple, it will change the color of your white. So that's just one of my secrets. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us.

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So at that time, they will no sophisticated detergents as we have today and fabric softeners and so on. But he was a man in dazzling white look at it. He says shady dubya

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which means his clothing work was very, very white. And he had black hair not just ordinary black but proper black, Jet Black, complete of black and white contrasting. And he was a person whom we did not know. We didn't know him. In fact, the narration starts off by saying he had no sign of having made a journey yet we did not know him which means he came from somewhere far because we had no clue who this man was. And he didn't have a sign of having made a journey. Imagine a person comes in I'm just now imagining with my imagination, and they're supposed to have come in from somewhere far away and there is no sign of any form of creasing on their clothing, no sign of tiredness in

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their face and you just say Masha Allah Subhana Allah, look at this man Subhana Allah. So he comes in with white clothing, black hair, he's not known by the people and there is no sign that he had undertaken a journey.

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Subhana Allah The reason is he was not a man he was not just he was not a human being actually

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He came in the form of a human being. But he was the angel jabril alayhi salatu was Salam. He was the angel jabril

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alayhi salatu was Salam May peace be upon him and upon us all.

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So he walked in, and he obviously attracted the attention of the people because the Allahu anhu says in this description exactly as I made mention of a little bit earlier.

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And now he is sitting, he comes in, he sits in the presence of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he sat in front of Mohammed Salah Salaam in a way, similar to that which we sit when we are fulfilling Salah in the last part of the Salah, we have something known as the shadow, or the Tada, where we are sitting down, and we are reading out yet.

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So he sat in a similar way, the only difference is, he came so close to Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam that the knees were literally touching his knees, he came in so close, so the two of them are now looking at each other. And so close, no one knows him. But he was respectful. He didn't say anything disrespectful. And if people were watching, and there were quite a few of the companions sitting there, they were watching, they saw they're looking, and they surprised, at the same time, amused to a certain extent because they don't know who he is. And he didn't introduce and nobody asked him, Who are you? You know, when you enter the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala It is wrong to ask a

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question, Brother, what are you doing here? Who are you? Whoever it is, he's allowed to come in? Or she's allowed to come in to Panama?

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You don't say Brother, you know what? What's your name? You know, just fill in the form before you come in. No, this is the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And this is why I firmly believe and I feel the difference when I go to certain massages, that Masjid where people are made to feel comfortable, no matter what they are looking like, is a Masjid that has any sincerity of the people. It is a Masjid, that will attract a lot of people. The minute you come in, and people just look at you as though you know, with the eyes, you know, they make their eyes a little bit weird with that eyebrows coming up and down and so on. And they look at you like, you know, what are you doing here? You know, I recall when I was much younger, there was a person who used to live nearby, a certain Masjid. And one day they came for Salatin federal, and

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it's Allah subhanho wa Taala brings us sometimes to his house, through a difficulty we may be having in our lives. So when your life is flowing, everything is easy. Sometimes that's not a gift of Allah, it's a test of Allah. The gift is when things go the other way around. That's the gift. Because to be honest, all of us have a certain softness in the heart that is only felt when you have a problem when you have an issue. You actually come down not to your knees, but to sujood you come down to cry to Allah all I have a problem I have a matter. I know of a person who fell ill

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and they fell ill the bones began to ache, everything started happening and they started sorting out the problems they had with people because they started believing that you know what, I've got very little to live, and I better start sorting out my matters. Well, it's true.

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So this is why sometimes a difficulty in your lives or in our lives. May Allah subhanho wa Taala not make us go through that which is very difficult. But sometimes these issues actually are a gift of Allah because they bring us closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala amazing. So this is why

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Allah subhanho wa Taala has kept goodness in diversity when it comes to matters that occur in our lives. Sometimes like people say, you know, Allah doesn't love me. Why? Because I've been in the sickness for so long. Well that's exactly the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala that's exactly the love of Allah. Aren't you crying? Don't you go to the masjid the house of Allah. Don't you weep? Don't you raise your hands, the day you are cured, perhaps you might not come for Salah to fetch it anymore. So Allah says Hang on, I love you so much in this condition. I'm going to keep you in this condition, it's the best and then you die in that condition. It's better than having got better in

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terms of sickness and further away from Allah subhanho wa Taala and then have a sudden death when we were oblivious of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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so this is why we say the massage in the houses of Allah subhanho wa Taala make people feel comfortable. Greet them with a smile and don't go into detailed questions that make them feel uneasy in the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, imagine people enter the house of Allah you want to read your Salah, what do you go there for? Even the lecturer and the Imam I normally tell those who are imaams in the masjid Look, don't get stuck into deep rooted politics where you're going to, you know, start attacking people and attacking names and so on. People have come here to learn something good. They have come here to get closer to Allah.

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They have come here to soften their hearts. They have come here to increase in spirituality and religiousness. And here you are giving them a speech about how bad a certain person by name is, is that what they came for?

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It's important for us to know make them feel comfortable, and speak about something good. They want to go back educated about something regarding Islam. So when they go back, they feel like they're a good Muslim. They want to fulfill their Salah, the next Salah they want to come back to the masjid because those smiles and the ambience they felt is missed.

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Imagine May Allah Subhana Allah, Allah forgive us. You enter the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala. They look at you and they say, brother, What business do you have? What do you need to donate here in this box before you go in, relax, take it easy. Hang on, the man will give on his own. But all you need to do is reach out, reach out to the people with a smile, ensure that the people have

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bonded with the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah make us I know I've spent a moment with this. And the reason is, to me, it's very important, I think a lot of people are chased away of the house or from the houses of Allah subhanho wa Taala, because of the attitude of some of the jamara, some of the muslimeen. And sometimes even those in charge, attitude means a lot when it comes to a Muslim, open your hearts, not everyone's going to think like you not everyone's going to dress like you. Not everyone's going to be on your level of spirituality and religiousness that does not make them worse than you in any way, nor does it make you better than them. Rather, it is the way the

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life will end that will determine whether they are better or not, you know, when you start a race. Interestingly, if you watch the long distance races, you know, 1500 meters, 3000 meters, you know, the three kilometer race right at the beginning, the guy who's going to be first is perhaps tagging along at the back, and he's slow and determined and others are racing, you know, and all their energy is gone. And then when there are a few 100 meters remaining, suddenly you see the man coming from the back. And he takes over one after the other and everyone starts clapping for him. Wow, look at this guy. He's coming. He's determined he has this determination. And he moves where were all the

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guys who were racing at the beginning, oh, they all tired lagging along, you know, and, and they now tired, they cannot run any further or any quicker. And here comes a man who was near the back and he wins the race.

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So do they then give the prizes according to how you started or how you ran in the middle? Or do they give you a prize according to how it ended? The same applies to your life, my brothers and sisters.

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We are running this race, those who are determined those who near the end they become serious and they become people who really win the race are the ones who will get the prize. If I am a beautiful, powerful person today, in in the eyes of the people and I might be a person who's trying to gain closeness to Allah but because I despise others and so on. Perhaps because of that I might not win the race. And all this Where did I Where did I divert from when it comes to the Hadid because the Sahaba the luevano didn't ask jabril alayhi salam before or even after? Who are you? Where did you come from? What business do you have? I need to buy a vehicle from you. So give me a business card

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nothing of that happened today you meet someone Mashallah the guy's driving a beautiful car someone has and they said you know what?

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What do you do for a living? Because you just looking at this car is and when you passed him, and you smelled the scent? Is it Ooh, Tom Ford stuff it'll give us

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you know, the food would not so bad smelling Mashallah. But anyway, to be honest, people ask me what do you do for a living? What do you have to do with what I do for a living? Did I pinch your money? When if I didn't? Please keep quiet. There you are. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us we need to make people feel good, comfortable.

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So jabril alayhis salam comes in and he sits down and he says yeah, Mohammed, imagine he's addressing Mohammed Salam. Some might consider it a disrespectful way of addressing Mohammed wa salam because obviously, the Sahaba of the Lama and him in the majority of cases used to say, yo rasulillah salam salam,

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especially after the verses were revealed in Surah.

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In fact, Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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Don't let the calling of the messenger be similar to the calling of you one another. You call him with utmost respect. So what you would have to do is say something respectful. You know, if someone calls you by your nickname, they need to be close to you. With Mohammed Salah, send them no nickname. He had the title Rasulullah rasulillah salam Salah, Joby Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is called embracing the messenger because he was a messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, embrace him by calling him with the right name, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And that's why the

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It says for us who are seated here and for us as Muslim men today, it is wrong. We are actually

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doing a disservice to Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam if we hear his name and we do not say sallallahu alayhi wasallam thereafter sin blessings and salutations immediately upon he whom Allah has chosen to be better than us all everyone. So to say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is actually an act of worship such that the reward of it returns to us tenfold. According to the Hadith masala Allah

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sallallahu alayhi wa Ashura, whoever sends blessings upon me, once Allah says,

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Allah sends blessings upon him tenfold 10 times. So if I want to be blessed, I need to say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whenever not only when I hear the name, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but even Generally, we send blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this man comes in, he sits down, he says, Yeah, Mohammed, tell me about Islam. I want to know about Islam.

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You want to know about Islam? The prophet SAW Selim didn't look at him and say, Who are you? Where do you come from? That's such a simple basic question. Everybody should be knowing that. You know, today if someone says,

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especially when they dressed islamically you know, oh, my sister, my name is Miriam, for example. And what is Islam?

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Mashallah, are you Muslim? Yes. Well, obviously looking like a Muslim, named an Islamic name or an Arabic name. And what is Islam? And imagine if the speaker says, Well, you know what, you should be knowing that let's move next question.

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The process alum didn't do that. He did not embarrass him. What is Islam? So he makes mention of something so powerful that to this day, we know these as the Pillars of Islam. Confirmation of it comes from this hadith in Sahih. Muslim to say, yes, there are five pillars of Islam. What are the five five pillars of Islam? There are other narrations, but this is one of the most important ones.

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And like I said, there were a lot of companions watching. They were listening attentively. Sometimes we have a q&a. And a person has a question that they desperately want to ask, but for some reason, they're either embarrassed or maybe they don't, you know, they don't want to ask the question thinking that it might be a question that's too simple. Or maybe this or that. So you know what? Firstly, you're not supposed to be shy when it comes to asking questions that is important to know, if you want to embrace Rasulullah saw Sam, how will you do it if you don't know the details of what he brought?

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If you don't know how he said, embracing

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himself, he makes it quite clear to us and you know what the following of Mohammed Salah Salam is the most powerful way of embracing him, he makes it clear. But at the same time Subhanallah A lot of us misunderstand it. And we think you know, embracing means just to give a big hug and no matter what you say and do thereafter. You rahaga you know what saga means say I give nice big hugs, but I don't mind what I say and do later on No not at all. I can give some of the best hugs. I think a lot of the boys you know that don't think Mashallah, Mashallah, as well, Mashallah, he gives quite big hugs. The only thing he's a bit taller than me, so I need to tiptoe. So Panama.

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But at the same time, my brothers and sisters remember this. Don't be shy when it comes to asking questions. You need to know respectably or respectfully, you ask a question. Don't be disrespectful in the way you ask. And don't ask in a way that perhaps the wording is cheap. You know, sometimes people use cheap words, to ask a question.

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So ask it in the best way, but ask. So he says and another thing before I make mention of what the answer was, sometimes we benefit by attending because a question is asked where we didn't know the answer, or we didn't know the details. Thanks to someone who asked, we now found out so Pamela, it's beautiful. Because you and I may not have thought of something someone else did. They asked a question and we say Hang on. I didn't know this. Well, now you do, don't you?

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So this is why it's important for us to listen to attend, to be able to ask and even if we're not asking to be able to appreciate those who do ask.

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So the province of SLM says, and Islam. Now he's answering saying this is what Islam is. He says, He speaks about to bear witness that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah number one, economist Salatu Etta is a cat he was only Ramadan wa * minister de la he's a villain five pillars of Islam. We all know them, don't we? So I can move on kantai Mashallah.

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Okay, so just to quickly go through them and Islam, what is made mention of when Islam

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is being spoken off in, in the same Hadith or similar verse as the term Eman you will always find that it is referring to actions it is referring to the deeds of a Muslim Islam. So, if they are mentioned separately then a lot of the times they refer to one and the same thing.

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But if they are mentioned together then they refer to two different aspects. One is Eman meaning the belief within and Islam meaning the submission and the actions. So this is why when you say the Pillars of Islam and pillars of Eman when you speaking about Pillars of Islam, you're talking about actions I can actually see this with my eyes. If a person is fulfilling their Salah I can see it if they're abstaining from food I can see if they giving there's a cat I can see if they're going for Hajj, I can see if they uttering the Shahada, I can hear it, I can see it. But when it comes to a man I cannot see they say I believe well whether you believe or not Allah knows best. They say I

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believe in the angels I believe in the prophets, I believe in the books I believe in the the last day Good and bad, and so on. I don't know it's between you and Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. So if you take a careful look at this, it's interesting because Islam in the Arabic language refers to a few things, you know, we will notice the root word made of three letters seen lamb and meme, ser la and map. And if these three letters are looked at, in the Arabic language, you get quite a few good things that come out of it. One is peace.

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And if you add another lamb in the center, it is a greeting. So this is why you get the greeting of peace. So you say sell llama, which means he greeted, he greeted, he greeted with what with Assalamu alaikum. Peace be upon you. So if you breathe correctly, you are actually praying for someone to achieve peace. When I look at you, I'm saying May you be at peace, which means any problem you have, under the sun, any difficulty you are going through, no matter what it is, I pray that you are actually at peace from all of that. And I pray that you are at peace from my home as well. I won't harm you. You should be at peace in every single way. So if a person is going through a sickness,

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financial problems, social problems, whatever else it is, any issues, I pray that you're at peace, may peace be upon you what peace as Salam elefun lamb a lot of the times appears in the Arabic language to denote the entirety of the matter that is being spoken about. So Salaam, what type of Salaam all types of peace, I hope and I wish and I pray for that for you. And this is why we say take it seriously when you're greeting don't just say, you know different accents, different parts of the world. They say sonichu in some places you have that. It's more than, than anything else. You know, a lot of people don't even know and in some places I know I visited one country and everyone

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says alarm and I'm like, hang on. It's a proper prayer, save properly say it Okay, you know, you get a reward for it As salam o aleikum. Assalamu Aleikum, and you may add to it, what

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I'm adding to the prayer, I'm making a bigger prayer for you and guess what you get to reward for every segment of it. So add a few more segments, but don't add segments that are not from it. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us ease we follow the sooner we want to embrace a sort of Lhasa salon so we will greet the way he taught us. So the best greeting would be salam o Alaikum, warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, soon. So you're getting a double, triple quadruple reward because not only the three segments, but the fact that that was part of the sooner you getting it.

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May Allah make it easy for us to say these words, sometimes we don't, you know, we don't really sometimes we cut it, chop it, change it. And one of the worst things is for a Muslim to replace it with high. You know, when we were young, high only men, someone who was on drugs, Allah forgive us.

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So my brothers and sisters, it's important to know that if you follow Islam, you will achieve peace. But following Islam, you find the term Islam also coming from a similar route of seeing Lamin meme, which means to submit, to surrender, to surrender To what? To Allah to surrender to the law of Allah to surrender to what Allah wants, what does he want from you? He wants you to be disciplined. If you are disciplined, you will achieve peace. If you are not disciplined, you don't achieve peace. Remember this? I've used the term discipline because obviously rules and regulations need to be followed. Many people say in Islam, you know, there are a lot of rules and regulations. So I don't

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feel like entering the fold of Islam, or it's very difficult to be a Muslim and so on lots of rules and regulations. While I tell you think for a moment about something I'm about to say, study those who are the most depressed, or should I wait it the other way? study those who've let themselves loose. They have no rules and regulations. They do.

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as they please, they have behavior that even animals don't engage in, study them, you know, they party, and they will go out every weekend and they drink and they're on drugs and they will, you know, commit adultery, fornication, and they are literally having a bowl of a time. They are the most depressed of people. They have, they lead a very sad life, a lot of them on antidepressants, because they don't have rules, no discipline, they don't have something known as submission, submission towards submission to the one who made you that is the ingredient of contentment. Allah has kept a law such that the more you follow instructions of Allah, the more content you will be in

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your life, the happier you will be. People want happiness, I'm not happy, why I don't have money. Well, those who have money even less happy than you are.

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So now, give me all your money. So Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala help us Oh,

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that was just a joke. Don't Don't pile up a note, a word of notes here.

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But the truth is, yes, those who have you know, those who have focused on wealth alone, wealth has never brought about happiness.

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I recall a brother I met very recently, a wealthy brother, and he says, well, law he, I used to be such a happy man. And now that I have wealth, I'm so stressed and depressed because my kids are fighting my family's fighting. I don't know what to do, the more I give, the more I'm depressed. And so we happen to look into what was happening and so on. And I still I believe that the way to achieve contentment is to go back to Allah, to dedicate yourself starting with that Salah that you will fulfill for Allah no matter what, you know, you can be a person who's got so many obligations on Earth, but when the time of prayer comes a winner, and the richest person is He who can put aside

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the entire dunya the whole world put on one side, and you say, this is my Salah, it may just be the last prayer I am going to be allowed to fulfill. Here goes Allahu Akbar, Allah, you are the greatest. And then you see the contentment you have you see the happiness you have. You see the heaps of wealth that were there, or that was there would never bring about that happiness that you will achieve from Allah

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Subhana Allah, the Sahaba of the law, who was so content today, perhaps a lot of people have more in terms of figures, but they are not as wealthy, because wealthy is not going to do with materialism alone. It's got to do with so much more.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us so this is the term Islam that I'm speaking about. You want to achieve the peace, you have to submit there is no other way of achieving inner and outer peace. And not only will you achieve peace in this world, but even peace in the next you will achieve it. You will get closer to Allah in this world and the next. So when you arrive on the Day of Judgment, do you know that there are narrations that tell us that there will be people graded on the Day of Judgment, there will be a grading done very quick, but it will be done. What's the grading? You have the VIPs and you have the others and then you have people who are perhaps May Allah forgive us

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sinful who will be struggling in a different way altogether? People who are total disbelievers who will perhaps be graded in a totally different way. So some of these VIPs Do you know what the Hadith says? Raja Luna coloboma, Allah Khan, Bill masajid. So many categories. One of them is a person whose heart is stuck, or hanging in the house of Allah, you know, Moloch means to be hanging, so it's hanging, meaning it's the time of Salah, I fulfilled my Salah, and I can't wait for the next Salah. If that's your attitude, you've now achieved a bit of success. Because your heart is hanging. It's waiting, it wants the next prayer Subhana Allah. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us

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ease, and to make us from those who can surrender so that we can achieve peace. Like I said, the more rules they are, the happier you will be. And we've given the example of those who have let themselves loose, and they are the most depressed. So it did not bring about any happiness. Not at all. I've known of some brothers and sisters who've led a life full of disbelief. And since the day they turned to Islam, and dedicated it to Allah, they say no matter what we had in the past, we have never ever tasted this type of sweetness and goodness, worshipping our maker alone. This is what Islam offers.

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The Pillars of Islam are quite clear, like I said, the Shahada, you you declare that you believe in Allah alone, you worship your maker alone, no association of partnership with him in any way whatsoever. Neither His names nor his qualities, not at all.

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He is the one where we have worship. And this is why when we declare a Shahada, we say the meaning of it is not

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you know, just a literal translation in the Arabic land.

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Because the Arabic language is far deeper than the English language, so we would say there is none worthy of worship besides Allah. If you say there is no god besides Allah, one might argue, well there are so many gods being worshipped besides Allah.

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So when you say la ilaha illa Allah in the Arabic language, yes, it may just translate as there is no God but Allah yet the proper translation of it is there is no god worthy of worship. The other gods are not worthy of worship because they are not devotees. They are not actually gods. I mean, if someone worships, you know, a carpet or this speaker microphone or anything else people do sometimes.

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It's a fact people actually do.

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They will worship and say, that's my God. So if we say there is no God, but Allah what we mean is, there is no god worthy of worship, besides the one who made you remember this. And this is Islam. This is the way Allah grants us success in this world and the next, you worship Him alone, so none worthy of worship besides Allah, no one in absolute control of every aspect of existence besides Allah, remember, who owns my existence? Allah, my happiness, my sadness, Allah, my wealth, everything else, my health, Allah. So when I asked for health and happiness, who do I seek from Allah and Allah alone? That is Islam?

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And then his names and qualities if someone is most forgiving, Most Merciful? Can I use that to describe another human being or a creature of Allah?

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I can say, this guy is merciful.

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But I can't say is the merciful, not at all. The Merciful is Allah

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subhana wa Tada. So let's know this. The names and qualities of Allah unique to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah is the Owner of the Day of Judgment. Allah is the one in absolute control of every aspect of existence. Subhana Allah, May Allah help us in all our issues, the difficulties we may be facing? May He grant us ease in this world in the next I mean, so

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we declare this, we've uttered it, we've said it thereafter, we pray for the sake of Allah five times a day, we know this, we should be praying people ask, Well, why is it time? You know, why is the timing this way? Here? Why is it one, just before sunrise, the other one is just after the zenith. And the other one perhaps is in the late afternoon, and the other one is just after sunset and one late at night? Why this timing? To be honest with you, whether you know it, or you don't know it, that is the ingredient of your peace, your serenity, your comfort, your contentment, your success in this world in the next, some may be able to explain to you and some not. I remember

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once my dad told me many years ago when I was young, and we were speaking about a lot of fragile, very young, and you know, when you're young, my father used to actually sit next to my bed. And he used to tap me, and he used to say, Get up for Salah.

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And I would say okay, you know, what's the password? Just now. That's the password just now. Okay. And dad would then sit next to my bed, he would put out his agenda and read his pseudonym.

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And he would make sure he's sitting there until I get up.

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And then I asked him once I asked him, you know, we have to get up so early. He says, wouldn't you like to breathe the fresh oxygen before people breathe it?

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And I'm looking at and I'm thinking you know, what is this man crazy? You know? I'm breathing fresh oxygen before others Really? Allah wants you to breathe the fresh morning air. And I thought okay, he's just pulling my leg well Ah, when I grew up, I found that Subhanallah doctors tell people to go out early in the morning to take deep breaths and here we are this Muslim walk into the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we don't realize that this oxygen is actually in the purest of its form at that time of the morning, but she will Misha Bula me of Ebola me lol massage at me new return me on multi Emma give good news to those who walk to the massage in in the darkness of the night of

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having a a complete new and light on the day of judgment and we think you know what? Oh no, it's probably it's just something heavy that was imposed on us not at all there will be health benefits that you don't know about such as sujood prostration you put your head down on the ground Subhanallah you don't realize that that is the only position a human being can comfortably get into whereby the brain is lower than the heart so the gravity is actually pumping that blood effortlessly to your brain

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so panela and we just think to ourselves Yeah, dude you know what let's pick it as quick as possible you know Ramadan is over let's make a better plan for next Ramadan. You know, I say this because sometimes in Ramadan people think of tarawih and tearaway you know it's it's derived from raha means to rest to take it easy and what people do, literally they pick on the ground like chickens they want to get done.

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And out and done.

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Allah forgive us take your time with tarawih. I always say it's got to do with quality, never, ever quantity. Remember this, it's got to do with quality. I'd rather fulfill two units of prayer with proper concentration taking my time than to fulfill many more just picking and insulting Allah subhanho wa Taala. Remember this.

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This is Islam. This is Salah, Salah the timing is from Allah, we will benefit from it. Obviously people have discussed it, and I could go into it. But obviously, time constraints, we won't go into the details of the timing and why every Salah was timed in a specific way. But the bottom line is whether you know it or not understand that that submission is what will bring you to the point of contentment and happiness in this world in the next. Similarly, when it comes to why do we have to pray in Arabic? Have you ever heard that? It's a it's a decent question, to be honest with you. It's a very decent question. Why do we have to pray in Arabic? Hang on? What do you mean when you say

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pray? Do you mean a supplication? Or do you mean a specific type of actions movements? Or should I say words with actions that starts in a certain way and ends in a certain way five times a day? Which one are you talking about? So they're confused, because the word pray does not necessarily translate as Salah in the Arabic language it could mean.

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So da is a supplication. If you tell a Christian look, can you please pray? They will supplicate but when you tell a Muslim Can you pray they have to ask you What do you mean? You want me to pray for you? Which means supplicate for you. Or would you like me to or are you talking about offering the five daily prayers which is Salah, only a Muslim can divide that

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so if it is Salah, Salah is beautiful, every one of us needs to contribute towards the protection of the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala that's the Quran, every one of us. So once you declare yourself as a Muslim, one of the things you will definitely do and you have to do is to memorize the word of Allah as it was spoken by Allah subhanho wa Taala in the language that Allah has chosen.

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Even if it means a small chapter, you know, a lot of us would memorize Surah Fatiha right or wrong.

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So to Fatima you know it put up your hand

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you don't know it? Okay, that's better. Mashallah. So it and then a lot of us know sooner to leafless pseudocode you know, if I say nothing like alkota my little two year old will be able to complete that inshallah I hope so. And then when I say kulula had, you know, that certainly philos I think everyone should be knowing that off by heart. And this is the reason why a lot of us when we fulfill our Salah, guess what, we're guilty of using these two shorter suitors and that's it. By default, we'll have barley in our clinical COVID facility Arabic oven Have you heard that one?

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us learn a bit more May Allah subhanho wa Taala open our doors really. So if you take a careful look at this, each one of us have learned it in the Arabic language, even though we don't speak the Arabic language because that's our dedication to Allah, we will say it in the Arabic language because so many reasons. One of them is at least I know I've contributed towards the protection of this book of Allah subhanho wa Taala by memorizing a certain portion of it. Everyone's memorize different different amounts.

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But I have so this is Salah, so many other aspects we won't go into regarding Salah, thereafter you have sown, or Zika Zika is the arms that we give to the poor when you say charity, there's a problem with the word. The reason is charity in the English language is wholly and solely and totally voluntary.

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But when it comes to Zakah it's not a voluntary charity. It's something you have to give. So it's not a tax either. But it's something between and this is why we say it's difficult to use in the English language to translate the words of the Arabic language without a proper explanation to say look, Zakah is actually an act of worship whereby you need to reach out to those who are deserving or certain categories of people in such a way that a certain amount of your wealth or your savings, a specific type of your wealth. a certain percentage of it needs to go out annually. Wow, what an explanation and we just say charities aka charity, Salah prayer.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us ease.

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And then after you look at some and fasting, fasting also, you know, I was surprised when I was young. And I recall this because as you grow older, you begin to see different things you know, and you begin to mature and you you know that the people of other faiths, they fast as well. So I I was once faced with someone saying I'm fasting and they were busy eating and I'm thinking but how are you fasting? No, we just have to stay away from certain foods and I'm like, okay, that's not fasting. That's more like slowing

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Hola Hola. Hola Allah forgive us. When we first we serious we don't eat anything we don't drink anything you know some people fast so they say I'm not allowed to have salt Okay, what's that that's not a fast I don't mind you know roasted chicken without salt. It's I just get used to it but I'll enjoy it because I'm so hungry you know when you're hungry, anything tastes good if you notice that

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I remember my mom. I used to tell her oh this tastes so good she says that's just because you're hungry. I say nobody does he says yeah just because you're hungry when you're full and tell me so when I was full I said I don't feel like eating she says You see, no matter how tasty This food is you don't even feel like eating it. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to appreciate those who cook for us. I mean, Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to appreciate those who cook for us. I mean, that's better Mashallah.

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I see most of the men said quite loudly, it shows who cooks

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so my brothers and sisters, this is a cat This is the the song and then we have Hajj harmony Stata le Sabine and before I continue one point regarding the Hajj. I know in this country, it's not so easy to go for Hajj in a lot of Muslim countries because they have a quota. While llahi my brothers and sisters it's important for us as soon as we can afford we need to make sure that we try our best you know we apply we make sure we try and so on. There are some people in certain lens

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who afford it who can afford it but they don't make an effort. They think you know what, I'm not ready for Hajj I know back at home. And I come from the southern tip of Africa, the southern part of Africa. You have some people who will tell you You know what, yeah, okay, I've got the wealth. I've got the money, but I'm not yet ready for it. You know what that means? In other words, I still need to sin a little bit in my life before I go to make peace with Allah. That's what it means to me. Someone who tells you you know what, I am not ready for Hajj, which means a I can't give up this girlfriend of mine. That's all it means.

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To be honest with you, you can and you must, Allah decides when you have to go your your life needs to change and I always say to fulfill the Hajj is easy, but to live as a * is what is difficult. You know what that means? I fulfilled my Hajj one of the signs of a successful Hajj is when you come back from Hajj your life needs to have changed somehow one of the signs of a successful Ramadan and our amavi in our Amman has just passed is that your life has changed some way in this Amazon so if I'm a band comes in my scarf comes on my cloak comes on my Koran comes out you know the men Mashallah they start coming to the masjid and reading their salah and so many things happening and

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as soon as the moon is cited, everything gone. Everything gone. Have you noticed you know the sooner of keeping a beard so people in Ramadan sometimes they forget about Gillette and everything else they leave it you know and sometimes the sisters Mashallah you know, the scarf comes out and they look so Mashallah, wow hamdulillah Subhana Allah, you know,

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you might be wondering how to, you know, okay, I'm just saying it's not I'm not speaking about something in particular. Okay. I'm just saying giving you an example. So amazingly, or should I say strangely, or sadly?

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The wind blows, as the moon is cited, and what does it blow off, it blows off the scarf, and it blows off the beards, Allahu Akbar, everything gone. The wind is blown. The houses of the Muslim mean everything changes. Let's not be those who are affected by the wind blowing on the eve of it. That's a day of happiness. You've changed change your life. You know the Hadid says whoever has fasted in the month of Ramadan correctly, properly, expecting a reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala. All their sins are forgiven. They start a new leaf. How do I know that my sins are forgiven? Well, if my life has changed to a certain extent, my life has changed to a certain extent. So I am happy

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and I feel closer to Allah. If that happens every time I've done one law, he by the time five or 10 events have passed, I will be feeling so close to Allah subhanho wa Taala. May Allah help us to fulfill our duties unto Him we were speaking about hygiene, how to tell that the hygiene is accepted. If one of the signs I would say is if your life has changed somehow, then indeed you are closer to Allah, the greater chance of your hijab being having been accepted so many people.

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Interestingly, I will say two more things about Hajj. So many people go for Hajj, when they come back, they are okay for a while and after that they forget they back into their old ways and habits, let that never happen. Secondly, something interesting in West Africa that I picked up was the pride they have and when I say pride here, I'm not talking of haughtiness, but I'm talking about being happy. You know, I'm proud to be a Muslim doesn't mean I'm arrogant to be a Muslim, it means I'm happy to be a Muslim. Like I said the word pride in the English language, you know, you need the Arabic to explain it. So it's not to do with a cup or it's not to do with something you know,

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haughtiness, but the pride they have in calling themselves Alhaji

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You know, Alhaji hasn't Why does he have to be called Hajj to keep reminding him that hey, you've made Hajj Allahu Akbar. I was shocked. I told him but why just say brother so and so no, this guy is on Hajj. So much so that some of the footballers were known as Al Hajj, if you know that. Hey, brother, you're not supposed to be there. football pitch Mashallah Allah subhanho wa Taala grants access to all those sportsmen who are Muslim and help them to grow up to be given the balance between their demon what they've chosen. You know, it's not right for us to condemn sport. But definitely we need to strike a balance and know as muslimeen we Oh Allah, whatever we owe him, and

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we will not compromise that. But at the same time, we do have, we do have permissibility to participate in that which does not displease Allah subhanho wa Taala hamdulillah. So this is why they call themselves al Hajj, and Hajj in order to keep on reminding you. Let's move on further.

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So the prophet SAW Salem answered jabril le Salatu was Salam with these very brief points, he says, believe in Allah, or to utter the Shahada, Salah, zeca, song and hatch. So he says, You've spoken the truth. Imagine the man asking the question, heard the answer? And then he says, That's right. You spoken the truth.

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Subhana Allah, the Sahaba were quiet, they were silent. Now listen carefully. The Sahaba learned something because they heard this order being given to these pillars of Islam. So they obviously learned something. And from amongst them, there might have been some who had refreshed the knowledge that they had. So it was beneficial for all of them. But none of them batted in to say how can you say that? How can you do this? Omar will hop out of the lava and who's normally a person who likes to get up and deal with things physically.

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He just says he vanilla. Yes. And who are you somebody who we were surprised. This man came in is asking a question. When the answer came. He says, Yeah, you're right. So why did you ask me? You know, if you knew what it was, Why did you ask me? But they just said we were surprised, but we let it pass. They didn't make a noise because they knew that perhaps someone wants to learn maybe that's his style. Maybe that's his way. Not everyone's going to have the same style and way. Not everyone's going to be a person who's you know, I recall Allah He I saw a brother

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with a huge tattoo exposed. Okay.

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And he walked. It was this was in an airport. And he walked through. He looked at us, he greeted us. And I was surprised I said from all people, you know, they don't greet in a rush. Even Muslims don't greet in a rush. If you notice that you see a guy who's a proper Muslim or someone and they'll be the furthest away sometimes you greet and they like

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What's wrong? walaikum salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatu Let me earn the reward, man. You're supposed to respond to a greeting, but like who are you? It's like the application form I was, you know about to Oh, I was speaking about that. You need to fill in an application the minute they know who you are or how much money you have, or what you're worth. Oh, sorry, man. I didn't even hear the greeting brother. You heard the greeting. You didn't reply because that time you didn't know I was the owner of the business you are walking to

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that's the Muslims condition today May Allah forgive us. It's a sign of the hour where a salon will leave you know salon will only be when you know someone you want something from them. That's it. Imagine we have non Muslims who greet us whenever I've been in the lift or whenever I've been on public transport. When they are non Muslims. They'll get your morning sir. How are you doing and what? And I'm like, wow, okay, good morning. Okay. You know, fine, I greet them back and I will. But why is it the Muslim men have a problem we don't greet we don't greet each other. I've seen Muslims greet non Muslims but they won't greet another Muslim. Well, I tell you, I've seen it happening

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they'll greet non Muslims

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Come on, relax. This This person is not this person is even higher, because they are Muslim. You're acknowledging someone who's lower by saying hi. And this person who's really high there's no Salaam for them. Mashallah, well, that's a weakness of Islam. That's why we speaking about Oh, should I say weakness of the Muslims. That's why we speaking about it as is. Islam teaches us something but what the Muslims are doing is sometimes something else.

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So Subhan Allah, He then asked Mohammed Salah salam, another question. He says, tell me about Amen. So Mohammed Salah Salam says, the pillars of Eman one after the other, he says to believe in Allah, obviously, that Shahada that you uttered. Now you believe in it, you believe in it with your heart, and that is known to Allah subhanho wa Taala and the angels and the books and the messengers, and the last day Subhan Allah

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and the fact that good and bad fate comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala

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So we believe in Allah I've already touched on that.

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The angels, these are creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala created by Allah, they do not have the ability to disobey Allah subhanho wa Taala This is why men,

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if man obeys the laws instruction, having the ability to disobey, obviously, he achieves a far greater reward than one who doesn't even have the ability to disobeying.

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So you have the ability to disobey you can you can forget about your Salah, forget about your duties unto Allah, you know, you can go and commit sin, but you haven't, because you love Allah, you are submitting to Allah, you want to get close to Allah, you want to embrace Rasulullah saw Salah, so everything is quick, because you know, Allah sent Mohammed Salah Salaam and this is the message and I will follow the message as best as I can. In that case, you are surely higher, or you are surely achieving a greater reward than one who doesn't have the ability to send Not at all. This is why there is a debate or difference of opinion amongst the scholars as to whether those who are obedient

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from amongst the human kind are actually higher than the angels. There is a discussion in this regard. And I lean to the opinion that says yes, they can be because

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of this fact, the angels don't have the ability to disobey they don't lie. asuna Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, they do not owe disobey Allah, they don't get tired, they are created with no, they are created in a totally different way.

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And they don't have the ability to disobey they are given tasks they fulfill them exactly as is. So when man has the ability, and he still obeys Allah having the ability to disobey surely there is a feather in his cap that is not achieved by those who don't have the ability to disobey.

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So from among the angels, some are higher than others. Some are more well known. Allah has chosen whom he wants, with the tasks he wants to give them. jabril alayhi salatu salam came down with revelation. And this is why at the time of the process, and some of them said, We don't like gibreel because he came down with the punishment and he came down with this and he came down with that. And Allah says, well, it's Allah Who decides whomsoever He wishes to send as a messenger? He will send from amongst the angels. A lot who Yes, Buffy, Amina

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It is Allah who chooses the messengers from amongst the angels as well as from amongst the people Allah chose.

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It's not me are you who choose? It's Allah subhanho wa Taala, who chooses? So we believe in the angels and we believe that they are the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And Allah has tasked them with certain tasks. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows why and how he has done all of that. So the angels,

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the books of Allah, all of them, we believe in them.

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The Quran is the book that we believe in detail in and the reason is, yes, the other ones are there we have the Psalms of David we have the, the the Torah, we have the tail mood we have for example, in fact, we have the other scriptures that are revealed by Allah subhanho wa Taala. In brief, in a nutshell, we confirm that these are revealed books, and these are the people or these are the messengers they were revealed to but at the same time, we do admit that there has been some tampering that has happened to with those books, and therefore not everything in those books is accurate. And this is why the Quran like I said moments ago, all of us have memorized certain

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portions of it, some of us perhaps the entire Koran.

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In the same language.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala chose for it.

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And this is why if you take a careful look, a careful look at this memorization of the Quran. It's unique, it is something amazing. Allah has made it easy. And there are people who don't speak the Arabic language who will know it covered to cover to the degree that some of those who don't know the Arabic language, you tell them, what does it say on page number so and so or verse number so and so and they will recite it for you and they don't know the Arabic language. Different people are on different levels when it comes to the memorization of the Quran. And this is why I always say that you see when it comes to the previous scriptures if you take a careful look, people adjusted the

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scriptures by translating the scriptures in order for them to understand it. And we are taught to adjust ourselves to understand the word of Allah so you don't adjust the Word of God because you don't understand it. But you adjust yourself to understand the word of God. So that is why the Quran is not lost every one of us. We have heard that. Yes, it is emitted

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to recite the Quran when I say reciting, I'm speaking of those who don't know the Arabic language reading the Arabic, it's very important, you will get 10 rewards for every letter. But guess what, it's equally important to read the English or to try and understand it. Knowing that the English is only man's attempt to explain to you what he believes is the closest to that which Allah wants to say. It's not an accurate, accurate translation, per se, no.

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And this is why you have a little bit of wording. Sometimes that might be different people know it's translation. And you will notice the Arabic is usually on one side, because it's like an indemnity, to say, listen, hang on guys. I am translating. I'm trying to explain to you what Allah is saying. But the proper word of Allah is here. So I might, I might have a little bit of, you know, difficulty explaining to you. But this is the word so if you know the Arabic language, here it is, you will understand it much better. I'm sure you've noticed that. Where have you seen the Bible with the Aramaic on one side? And the English on the other? I haven't seen a single one, not one Subhan

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Allah, May Allah forgive us, may Allah grant us the ability to understand how favored we are. So we believe in all the books in brief, and the Koran in detail, and the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala. All of them, we believe in them. We respect them when people draw cartoons or when people make movies that are blasphemous against any one of those, including Jesus May peace be upon him, Moses, may peace be upon him, Muhammad May peace be upon him, we will be equally insulted. Because for us, they will all noble messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us and protect us. Also, as we move further, we understand Muhammad sallahu wa sallam the final of

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messages, no one comes after him in terms of profit, would it seem disclosed

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as part of the belief of a Muslim

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and then we believe there will be a last day everything is going to come to an end. Either I come to an end before that day or the day comes and then I come to an end. But that's up to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And then we believe there will be a resurrection where Allah resurrects us, and we will be questioned, and there is heaven and there is how and we believe that Allah Mercy is so great that we have hope in it. He says, I will forgive those whom I wish to forgive anyone I want to forgive, I will forgive. But I don't forgive those who are associate partners with me. Some people misunderstand this.

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I remember a person asking me very recently a question, saying that Allah says he doesn't forgive Sheikh.

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So even if I make Toba am I wasting my time?

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And I said, my brother, you've misunderstood it. When Allah says in Allah, Allah, Allah.

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Allah does not forgive when association of partnership with him has occurred. He's speaking about those who've died without repenting. So when you die without repenting, and you get to Allah, and he sees that you have so many sins, he is telling you, I still may forgive those who have not sought repentance for other sins. But when it comes to Sheikh if there's no repentance, I just leave it at that it's up to him. This is what he said. So in your life, you have a chance for as long as you breathing, the Sahaba have to face facts, the bulk of them, the majority of them, before they accepted, Islam was very keen, they were associating partners with Allah. They were not people who

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are on tawheed. For example, they were not people who were worshipping one Allah, no, they were worshipping their stones and their sticks and their idols and so on. They will not from amongst those who worshiped Allah alone. But when they asked for forgiveness, when they turn to Allah, Allah forgave them, they became the best of people. So this is referring to one who dies, and the hand has not asked the last forgiveness from Sheikh then Allah says, I won't forgive them. So someone says, but why won't ALLAH forgive them? Listen, I don't know. It's Allah who decided that I know He is merciful. And I know he is most forgiving. But when he decides things are good, no say in it.

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You know, I once had a Christian

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men tell me that, you know, your God says he won't forgive sins, certain sins, and I said, What do you mean? He says, Well, if you've died,

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like you just said now, meaning like I said, Just now,

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if you've died, and you haven't asked for forgiveness, from the say, the sin of association of partnership, then if you're not going to be forgiven, so what's the point? And I said, hang on, you know, don't pick on us. This is called picking, picking on muslimeen for no reason. Allah is most forgiving, Most Merciful, he will forgive and he will definitely grant mercy. And when he has said something, he knows why he has said it. So if he says he's not going to forgive, it's up to him. But you know what? You guys believe that someone else is punished because of your sins. May Allah forgive us. He says now up

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I said I'm not I'm doing exactly what you did. And I can go a step further. You guys believe that God had to kill someone because of other people's sins. We believe that blood doesn't need to be spilled in order to forgive. No, Allah will forgive you without killing anyone. He doesn't need to kill anyone. Subhana Allah.

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This is why we say Islam is based on mercy. the mercy of Allah is not connected to spilling the blood of anyone. the mercy of Allah is direct, immediate. You ask Allah for forgiveness, he forgives you. You ask Allah alone, he will, he will grant you

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keep on asking Subhan Allah

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never lose hope in the mercy of Allah there was something I wanted in my life. This is my personal example.

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And I was calling out to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and I never lost hope.

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And so hannula

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a year passed two years past five years past 10 years passed every single day.

01:01:02 --> 01:01:03

I asked for something

01:01:06 --> 01:01:09

15 years past 16 years past

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and it happened Subhana Allah

01:01:13 --> 01:01:14

Subhana Allah

01:01:15 --> 01:01:17

it's my own personal example.

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And I know Allah He is

01:01:21 --> 01:01:22

16 years later

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calling out not once so many times a day, every single day.

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And it came

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Subhana Allah

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This is Allah subhanho wa Taala catches gift.

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People lose hope you call out to Allah day to days and you think Oh Allah subhanho wa Taala you haven't heard me? Well, Ah yes, I might have gone through days but I had no option but to call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala You are the only one who can sort out this problem for me. You are the only one who can help me here. 16 years later, it flicked came in and I'm completely completely dedicatedly

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in absolute belief that Allah heard the first da first pray.

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He knew what was right when it was right. How it was right why and everything and he gives you at the moment. It is the best for you. Subhan Allah

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Eman belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we believe that there is a last day, we believe we will be resurrected heaven and * and we also believe good and bad fate comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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A quick clarification, there are people who sit back and say, Well, if Allah has decreed everything, then I can just sit back and whatever is written for me you will fall from the ceiling.

01:02:54 --> 01:03:05

As well there are people who actually believe this Do you know that there are people who say if everything is decreed let me sit even in marriage, there are people who just sit and say, Well, you know, I'm just waiting for the proposals to come in.

01:03:06 --> 01:03:07


01:03:08 --> 01:03:16

you mean you're not going to make any effort your parents, your father or anyone else, no effort whatsoever. No one's going to make an effort, well, then you might just sit single forever.

01:03:17 --> 01:03:18

May Allah forgive us.

01:03:20 --> 01:03:31

The same applies to wealth. If Allah has written that, I'm going to be a millionaire, it's coming. Maybe he's written that you're going to sleep in your bed and be the poorest person ever. And you're going to struggle without food or drink because you're lazy.

01:03:32 --> 01:03:58

Allah forgive us. The Hadith clearly says, make an effort to achieve what is beneficial for you, then lay your trust in Allah. Didn't Allah give you your hands? didn't give you a capacity? Don't blame destiny, for your laziness? Not at all. Yes, when something you've tried hard to achieve when it doesn't happen, then you say you know what, it was predestined? They will.

01:03:59 --> 01:04:06

But if you haven't even tried, and this is why the narration says a hairy Salama and folk was telling Billa he will adages

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work hard to achieve what is beneficial for you. I want to achieve a degree I need to go to the college I need to enroll. I can't just sit at home and say oh, life is written for me. Someone will pass by my house and come inside and say, Hey, anyone wants a degree Come let's go. And then I'm going to go and I'm going to everything that's never going to happen. Not at all. You know, you have your you want to market your product, you need to go out and market it. You can't just think your life you've decided that people are going to buy my product, you know that they will pop into my house and say oh, I believe you selling x, y and Zed let me buy from you. Not at all. That's not

01:04:39 --> 01:04:44

going to happen. You were a fool. Perhaps you needed medication. May Allah forgive us.

01:04:46 --> 01:04:48

This is true. People do this.

01:04:49 --> 01:04:59

So you need to make sure you made an effort and work hard. Don't be lazy. Then when something comes don't start blaming here and they say look, I tried my best. It's

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Allah like the Hadith says, uh, you know, you tie your camel and then you say I lay my trust in Allah you don't just leave the camel loose and say I lay my trust in Allah and I'm gone and then you come back and there's no camel, but Allah I laid my trust in you. But Allah subhanho wa Taala told you to tie it. You didn't. So who's to blame? Subhan Allah.

01:05:20 --> 01:05:24

So jabril Allah is Salam hears this in brief the six pillars of Eman

01:05:25 --> 01:05:36

And he says, Yeah, you've spoken the truth. Again, the law says we were surprised. And then he says, tell me about the sun. What is the sun?

01:05:37 --> 01:05:45

Tell me about it sound so how about listening, it'll be a lot and like I said, refreshing their knowledge and perhaps in maybe in some cases gaining even more knowledge.

01:05:46 --> 01:05:59

So he the prophet SAW Selim looks at him and says la San Juan tabo de la haka and Katara for inlanta contra la oficina de la, la San is to worship Allah, as though you are seeing him.

01:06:01 --> 01:06:14

And if that is not the case, then to worship Allah knowing that he is watching you. These are two different levels. Now if you just analyze these two beautiful levels, you will see the difference between the two.

01:06:15 --> 01:06:39

If I am worshiping Allah, as though I'm watching him, I am concentrating. I am focused, I am dedicated. My act of worship is so valuable. It is so great because it is though I'm seeing Allah subhanho wa Taala imagine you fulfilling salah and it's as though you're seeing Allah subhanho wa Taala some people might find that difficult. Hence you have the second part of the Heidi.

01:06:40 --> 01:07:16

Allah is watching you so I know Allah is watching me. So if Allah is watching you again, you are fearful of him fearful in a nice sense, not fearful as the day is going to burn me no fearful in that you want to please Him you want to make sure things are done correctly Allah is watching you, Allah knows so it keeps you away from that which is bad, it keeps you away from evil, you are now fulfilling an act of worship, knowing that Allah is watching you, you do it correctly, because to show off to anyone besides Allah is known as association or partnership with Allah. But to show off to Allah is an act of worship, or alive doing it for you imagine and we'll let you try this out. You

01:07:16 --> 01:07:35

get up at night and you say well this is only for you. No one knows. And you go to the bathroom to make you do Mashallah. So this is only for you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have done this. So Pamela and then you say Allah and you just speaking Who are you speaking to Allah just you and Allah Oh Allah you're watching see me I'm your slave. I'm your worship. I'm getting up just for you.

01:07:36 --> 01:08:09

I'm here Allah and then you will make the best will do trust me because it's Allah you showing off to him to say Listen, I'm doing it properly here it is, here it goes. And then you get to your agenda or masala, whatever you call it, and you lay it out. And Mashallah you want to start You say, Well, I'm reading this for you Subhan Allah, so between you and allies just for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and you start your prayer, and you taking it easy and you know, you might want to read in the most melodious beautiful voice you take your time, and you say all of this is for you. It is far more valuable than just getting over and done with the Salah. I need to do the window. So

01:08:09 --> 01:08:17

I'm just washing my hands and I don't know whether I've done the massage properly and half the time I'm gone. I walk five meters and I say Hang on, did I wash my hands?

01:08:18 --> 01:08:54

That's because you weren't concentrating nothing. Your mind was somewhere else. Like you reading Salah you say Allahu Akbar. And you're doing it for the sake of Allah. When you reading surah, two Fatiha, you want to show off to Allah subhanho wa Taala that you know, you reading it correctly, you thinking about the meaning and how beautiful it is. When you say hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen you are actually speaking to the same Allah he's listening. He's watching he knows amazing form of spirituality, religiousness, but a lot of us we do it in order to get done with it. Do you agree? Well, I am being honest with you. We do it in order to get done with it. So we just say lavaca

01:08:58 --> 01:09:08

behind the Imam Subhan Allah but what happened to your fatty how, what happened to everything else? And what happened to Oh, but before I could read it, the man was already down. No, no excuse so Han Allah or

01:09:09 --> 01:09:28

we start thinking of everything else. And then we write a letter to the chef or to anyone that you know, I have a problem of concentration in Salah. Yes. So at least try and eat show Allah, try and impress Allah subhanho wa Taala take out unnecessary things from your mind in your head, you'll be able to concentrate a little bit better in your Salah in your prayer.

01:09:29 --> 01:09:30

Subhana Allah,

01:09:31 --> 01:09:32

this is Salah.

01:09:33 --> 01:09:46

And this is sn to worship Allah as though you are seeing him If not, then at least know that he is watching you Subhana Allah to Allah, it's a very high level, and it's a level that we all should be working towards.

01:09:48 --> 01:09:59

And then jabril Allah is Salam says again, he says yes, you're right. So that you know you you've spoken the truth. You're not lying to me. You're speaking the truth. Subhana Allah you asked a question and this is what you're saying.

01:10:01 --> 01:10:17

So he asks the last question. In fact, the second last question, he says, tell me about the hour. Tell me about the hour. Now listen very carefully. When you ask a chef question, a lot of the times he will give an answer. A very knowledgeable chef may tell you, I don't know.

01:10:18 --> 01:10:42

He's knowledgeable. He's worried. What is he telling you? What is he say? It's knowledge. So when someone says, I don't know, don't get irritated, maybe he doesn't. Maybe he wants to check it. Maybe he wants to refer you to someone with more knowledge. So Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is being asked, he is being asked, tell me about the hour. You know what he says? Mal must Oulu unhappy Allah

01:10:44 --> 01:10:56

Subhana Allah, He says, immediately without being shy, he is the Messenger of Allah. He says, the one who is being asked, doesn't know any more than the one who's asking in this regard.

01:10:58 --> 01:11:31

Amazing. So Pamela Watson etiquette of learning for us all, myself included, obviously, all of it is for every one of us. Where you don't know something. Don't pretend. And send people up the wrong tree. SubhanAllah especially when it comes to technology today, we don't like to plead ignorance. You know, we all want to know, we all know what's going on. People say how do I do this? Yeah, I tell you, but you don't know. But I tell you come I show you. But you just try and just like I would have tried so hard. Allah just say I don't know. And it's over. And some of us when we know we say I don't know, because we don't want to help them. That's also another problem.

01:11:32 --> 01:11:33

May Allah forgive us?

01:11:34 --> 01:11:37

But it's an etiquette we do learn when you don't know something said I don't know.

01:11:40 --> 01:11:47

So then he says, Okay, what are the signs of the hour? What are the signs of the hour. So he says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he makes mention of two interesting points, he says until a matter of better.

01:11:54 --> 01:11:55

He says a slave girl.

01:11:57 --> 01:12:41

A slave girl would actually give birth to her master, or a mistress, meaning the one who is in charge of her. And there are several translations of this. Some some of the Hadith even say, It depicts the disobedience of the children against their parents. Yes, it may be included in that. Some say it depicts people who perhaps may give birth to the children of those who are their masters in a way that perhaps would only be known closer to the end of time. And one of these ways is when we have surrogacy whereby people are hiring the wombs of those who perhaps happen to be living in poverty and need a bit of money. And you know, some of the women don't want stretch marks on their

01:12:41 --> 01:12:52

bellies. So what they do is they say, look, you hold the baby for us, it's not your child, it's ours. We just renting a space in your belly stavroula. But it's happening. It's prohibited in Islam for your information completely.

01:12:54 --> 01:13:23

So basically, it's amazing. So hon Allah, how the process and I'm predicted this, he said it a long time back. And the beauty of it is everything that's happening now the prophets of Salaam spoke about it at that time, even though they may not have understood it, they memorized it and pass the message on, perhaps you will get to see it. And we are getting to see different aspects of the same wording in our lives. I've only given you two but there are so many more.

01:13:24 --> 01:13:32

And then he says, you will see the bare foot you know barefoot meaning those who don't even have shoes or slippers.

01:13:34 --> 01:13:38

Naked naked meaning they can't even afford proper clothing.

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poor poor, depicting poverty.

01:13:45 --> 01:13:46

shepherds Wow.

01:13:48 --> 01:13:50

Competing with one another.

01:13:52 --> 01:13:55

In the height of the buildings they're building.

01:13:57 --> 01:13:58

That's what he says in the same ad.

01:14:00 --> 01:14:33

So one might ask, is it prohibited to build high buildings, you know, high rise buildings? The answer is no. Not at all. It's not prohibited. Let's not get that wrong. You have a high rise. There's nothing wrong with it. But did you compete with someone? Did you do it? Because you needed it to be there? Or did you just say okay, he did one. It's so many meters. I'm doing another one to prove that I'm going to go high. That's now a sign of the hour. Does it make sense? So to have a building that's 100 stories, there's nothing wrong with it if you need it. There's nothing wrong with it. You know, you need it to accommodate people you need it for whatever else it is, perhaps

01:14:33 --> 01:14:59

office blocks, it was needed necessary. I wanted to do this and we got it done. And Mashallah, it's all rented out and everything is being occupied and used and it's something that people appreciate and it's there to serve the people and their needs. Alhamdulillah It's not wrong. When it becomes a sign of the hour is yet our Luna elbonian. Tata will means to actually compete with one another when it comes to the building. So I have 20 he has 25 he says okay, now I have 30 you have 35

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800 he will have one kilometer, this guy has one and a half kilometers. That's a problem. We become occupied in this competition and we forget that we have a lot to go back to. And this is what will divert people away from Allah, they become too engrossed in worldly matters. And this is what we're being reminded of.

01:15:17 --> 01:15:56

So this is the Hadith in a nutshell, it starts off speaking about Islam. Then it goes speaking about Eamon, then it speaks about the accent, and then it speaks about the hour. And every answer is unique. And it's amazing. And it's concise, and it's precise, I might have taken one hour, 15 minutes talking about it. But to be honest, it was a hadith that doesn't take more than a minute or two to actually recite and to say, but the understanding at the time was so broad and so beautiful. We Subhana Allah do not have the same, exactly the same understanding. However Alhamdulillah we have opportunities to hear different explanations of it, for it to impact on different aspects of our

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lives. And this is why if you take a look at the last part of the Hadith, you will find something even more interesting. The prophet SAW Salam waited, this man gets up and he walks away, and he's gone. And when he's gone A while later, the prophet SAW Selim says, Omar, do you know who that was? He says, No, I don't. He says that was gibreel. He came to teach you the dean. Wow. He came to teach us. So it shows that a q&a is a way of learning. It's a way of learning, asking questions and getting answers.

01:16:31 --> 01:16:48

And it shows that Allah is so merciful, he sent someone to ask questions so that everyone else could hear what the answers were. May Allah subhanho wa Taala benefit us And may Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us in every way. I want to thank the Messiah here, they've actually given me

01:16:49 --> 01:17:30

more time because they'd said shafia here told me that you know what, you can just carry on and I said, Okay, let's keep it loose ended. shala so Alhamdulillah I just continued speaking, and I think Allah subhanho wa Taala for giving me this beautiful opportunity to meet with every one of you. And I thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for accepting us for this beautiful moment. We are discussing something extremely important that is embracing Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam different aspects of it. Look at how he treated the people. Look at how he taught with so much of ease, so much of love so much of beauty. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to beautify us as well and to help us to embrace

01:17:30 --> 01:17:46

the prophets of Salaam in this world, as well as in the next and to resurrect us with him and to grant us his intercession wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad Subhana Allah Subhana Allah Mohammed ik the shadow lala land owner to be like

An hour worth spending to listen to this audio and learn about the Man in White who came down to teach the deen to us. In addition mention is being made of the following aspects.
• Hadith of Jibreel,
• Pillars of Islam and Pillars of Ihsaan,
• Asking questions in a respectable way,
• Embracing people in the masjid,
• Achieving content and peace through salah.

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