Mufti Menk – Do You Have Problems In Life

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The importance of guidance in the Bible is discussed, including the use of guidance for everyone, particularly those with financial or health issues. The speakers stress the need for guidance and forgiveness, as well as the importance of learning to pass tests to achieve gender norms and avoiding misunderstandings. They also emphasize the importance of avoiding embarrassment and staying away from evil things, as well as being aware of one's actions and not just trying to avoid conflict.
AI: Transcript ©
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My beloved brothers and sisters, we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala we thank him for everything he has given us. And we asked him to bless every single one of us and to grant us all goodness. My brothers and sisters, the seeds of guidance are only shown by Allah subhanho wa Taala he is the owner of guidance and for this reason Surah Fatiha, which is the opening surah of the Quran, which we are supposed to be repeating so many times a day in Salah, Allah subhanho wa Taala has made it very clear in that particular surah that he is the owner of guidance and this is why

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the supplication in that surah is a no sir almost nothing, Guide us to the straight path, confirming that the guide is Allah, the One who grants us acceptance to follow upon a path that we have been explained is Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. If we take a look at Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, all the messengers, they were sent with guidance, but whether or not a person who walks or treads the path of guidance is in the hands of Allah. So the first and foremost seed of guidance is to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for guidance. When we read Surah Al Fatiha please my brothers and sisters do not just pay lip service to the tune and do not just pay lip service to the surah by

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reading it without concentrating exactly what it means. It is the most powerful surah in the Quran. It is referred to as Oman Quran. And as you know that means the most important surah in the Quran and this is why it is repeated so much in it. There is the mercy of Allah that is being spoken about the opening verse Alhamdulillah, in your beenleigh alemi in mon umami, we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala confirming that he owns absolutely everything. He is the owner of entire creation. He is the Lord of the world's everything he made. He owns it completely yet he says he is most forgiving, Most Merciful all most beneficence mode most merciful, that is Allah subhanho wa Taala and he continues

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to say he is the owner of judgment, the Owner of the Day of Judgment. And then he says and this is the supplication we all make you alone. We seek guidance from you alone we ask for help Subhana Allah Subhana Allah you alone we worship yeah cannot good. What Yeah, can I stay in and you alone we seek help from and thereafter the one and only supplication in this entire surah as I mentioned a few moments ago is Dino Scirocco starting Guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom you have favored, not the path of those who have earned your anger know of those who have gone astray. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us with guidance I mean, so my brothers and sisters, the seeds of

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guidance. Firstly we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah sincerely, we search for it also sincerely. The sincerity is extremely important. If someone wants to learn a point of goodness in terms of religion, in terms of getting close to Allah subhanho wa Taala. But the reason is, in order to compete with people or to prove that I know more than that is where it stops. In fact, one narration of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he says, Whosoever seeks knowledge in order to compete with the knowledgeable or to prove a point to the ignorant will not even smell the scent of paradise. Even though the scent of Paradise can be smelled from a long long distance, a distance of 50 years or 500

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years according to the different narrations. So for us to have the correct intention is extremely important. I must learn for me to put into practice I'm worried about myself, I'm worried about my agenda. And at the same time, once I've learned and I've put into practice, I will then pass the message on not so that I can prove myself to be a better person than everyone else or more knowledgeable but because I'm genuinely concerned for the rest of humanity and the rest of mankind in order that they made to achieve gender or they may achieve gender to May Allah subhanho wa Taala. Grant us all Jana.

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sow the seeds of guidance importance for us, it's very important for us to speak about it. But more important is for us to understand it and put it into practice. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us Secondly, the guidance is achieved, obviously by the gift of Allah subhanho wa Taala and he uses various ways to tap us. Sometimes a person achieves guidance whilst they have a lot of goodness in their life. They have not yet tasted difficulty or calamity

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They turn to Allah and that is the best of people, those who have turned to Allah at times of ease, and then you will find Allah subhanho wa Taala will be with you and He will definitely assist you at times of difficulty. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us, but some people through the blessing of Allah, the gift of Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala guides them, because or should I say through a sickness that they have been afflicted with, through a difficulty they have got through financial loss through the death of a loved one, through some form of issue that they are going through that is negative, the pressure of society, you know, the various friends that they may have, that might

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be harming them, or they may find that if those friends are harmed, and they don't understand what's going on, and they're worried about themselves. And Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses them through this, because if that brings one closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala It is indeed a gift of Allah. And we've always said, and we will continue to say that sometimes Allah subhanho wa Taala makes us sick and Ill in order for us to return to Allah subhanho wa Taala in a beautiful way, you know, sometimes you have medication, and that medication does not help and we will visit a doctor after a doctor and it does not help and what happens if such a person was not close to Allah, and Allah loved the

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person enough to want them to turn to Him, then they understand and realize at that juncture, that you know what, I have a Lord He is the owner of cure, and then they say Allahu machiney Oh Allah grant me Kyo. And by doing that, they actually turned to Allah for the first time in their lives. And if that's the case, wasn't it a gift, wasn't it the gift of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But at the same time, sickness can be accessed from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because with us who believe we understand that whenever we have sickness or negativity, it should draw us closer to Allah. Sometimes shavon seizes the opportunity and draws people away from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this

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is why when people have sickness and they are calling out to Allah, and Allah prolongs that sickness, maybe because Allah loves the way we worship Allah when we are sick and Ill we are much more sincere, we are genuine we cry out to Allah in such a beautiful way that he loves it so much that he wants to keep us in that condition for our own elevation yet we become fed up after a while and we become sick of it and we begin to resort to means of cure that are not prescribed by Allah subhanho wa Taala never let alone not being prescribed but that are prohibited. May Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard us, may Allah make us from amongst those who appreciate his gifts upon us. The

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fact that we are sitting here and breathing today is a gift of Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the house one of the houses from amongst the houses of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And for us to be here surely there must be something that Allah loves about us. May Allah subhanho wa Taala love us even more. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those who love Him genuinely and not just by mouth. I mean, so my brothers and sisters, it's important for us to repent to Allah, repentance and St. rufaro was done by Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam between 70 and 100 times a day some narrations have actually taken it further. And if we take a look at the authentic narrations, they,

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they say Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam sought the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala 100 times a day Subhan Allah more than 70 times a day in another narration authentic What about us so panela you know, days past weeks past and sometimes we might have paid lip service to the term is devour you know stones rula after Salah we say price immediately after the fall of Salah without even picking up what we've actually said. To be honest with you, we need to make a difference. When we say a stone's throw Oh Allah I seek your forgiveness. I'm asking you to forgive me. If Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who did not need it did it so often? What about us and one of the main

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reasons is, not only does it wipe out the sins but it draws us closer to Allah and gives us the opportunity to achieve guidance, because it's still far is one of the seeds of guidance, to be able to ask Allah to forgive you. And for me to be able to ask Allah to forgive me is already a seed of guidance that I am sowing and inshallah if I water it correctly, it will grow into a huge plant which will develop into a tree that will bear fruit by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala so we need to ask Allah forgiveness. Don't think for a moment that what have I done wrong? Why must I ask for forgiveness? That is shaytan Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not need it, but he did

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it. So if we follow his example, we know we are human. To be honest, our thoughts sometimes are not correct. The way we operate is not correct. The jokes we utter sometimes are not correct. The way we speak is not correct. Sometimes we don't even know we are sinning. And if we were to ask Allah Subhana Allah

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Allah for forgiveness regularly by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala we would be from amongst those who are who have a better relationship with our own maker. May Allah bless us and our offspring, and may He bless the aroma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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another seed of guidance and this is a gift of Allah subhanho wa Taala is to make an effort to be able to make an effort in the right direction. Do not think that okay, I'm asking Allah for guidance, and I've sought forgiveness. Now the guidance will come to me whilst I'm reclining in my bed during the time of solitude, that is impossible. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah forgive us, I need to make an effort I need to use the capacity, the power that Allah has given me to achieve the goodness I need to make an effort to achieve the pleasure of Allah without that effort, you are not going to be able to achieve the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala It is not easy to come for Salah

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to Juma, it is not easy to get up for Salah. Especially when the timing is very awkward, or should I say we're not used to it because of the various countries we come from, and the different timings and time zones and so on. All this is irrelevant when it comes to the love of Allah and the person who really wants to achieve guidance. They don't mind what time it is for as long as it's the time of solitude. They are up some heinola we complain you know, I slept very late. So I skipped my federal Oh, the builder. You slept very late no matter what you should have got up at the time of federal radio budget and perhaps slept after that. Instead of missing entire fudger what type of

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guidance does such a person one who does not even make an effort? May Allah subhanahu wa taala help us? And can I tell you if we think that okay, you know, it's just one Salah that I've missed others are missing many Salawat that is from the devil that is shavon trying to unseat you or unseat that beautiful guidance that you've just shown. And Allah May Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses look at it the other way. If we miss Allah to the federal we need to tell ourselves that there are billions of others who have not missed it today. Why should I be on the wrong camp or in the wrong camp? Why should I be from amongst those who have missed out when there are billions of people literally,

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there are millions and billions of people who have read the salah and they read it on time. Subhana Allah I miss out and I'm the one who's just been sleeping and Allah subhanho wa Taala still gives me the honor and the dignity where people look at me with respect. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah forgive us, may he make us from amongst those who are not embarrassed, neither in the dunya know in the era, I mean, so my brothers and sisters, the effort that is required is also a seed from amongst the seeds of guidance that will bear fruit by the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala make an effort, make an effort to dress appropriately there is no point in telling people you know, pray for me I

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need to dress properly there are so many things I need to change, start changing them. start changing them by the help of Allah start changing the way you speak to your family members. The way you address those who work for you start changing that. Don't just say I want guidance from Allah pray for me. May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us. Yes, prayer is important. But when it comes with the correct intention, it will automatically lead you to making an effort. If that prayer came without the correct intention and we just paid lip service to it we are never going to be able to change because the effort will not be made. May Allah subhanahu wa taala strengthen us May he make

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us from those who can make an effort my brothers and sisters. It is best to come early for salah and read the most have or engage in a little bit of a car the Vic of the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala then to come late last minute we are rushing to the house of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, the most important journey for us will be the journey into the hereafter. The most important journey for us is the journey into Jenna. May Allah grant us Jenna.

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But what guarantee Do I have and you that we are definitely going to go straight to Jenna, may Allah grant us Jenna and May He grant the agenda through His mercy without reckoning, we are weak, our deeds are sometimes not even worth looking at when we think of our own deeds sometimes we are embarrassed but Allah subhanho wa Taala will grant us gender however, it is important that for that journey we make some form of reparation, some form of reparation, any long journey everyone prepares you know you buy your ticket in advance you make sure everything is in order you get your visa in advance, you arrive at the airport two hours three hours before the flight you make sure your seats

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are okay your luggage is alright. Everything is okay you make sure that in your bag that you are taking into the aircraft you don't have you know liquids more than 100 miles and perhaps sharp objects and so many other things that are banned and then you go through security they check you they send you back they put it back again. They make sure that you are all clean and okay and thereafter you enter the flight and you will sit on a seat that is designated for you and you alone. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah bless us. I learned a lesson from this we will all be traveling into the AF era on a journey that is much more exciting than one who flies on an aircraft even if you are

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flying first class, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us ease that journey you need preparation

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You need to purchase a ticket to the correct destination. What's the point of saying family we're going on holiday and instead of buying a ticket going to a beautiful holiday resort, you end up going to a place where there is war that is broken out, and you just land in the middle of it and you've put everyone at risk. May Allah Subhana Allah, Allah grant us ease, it does not mean that the ticket is cheap to that Warzone that we should fly there. No, it does not mean that the ticket is cheap, or they are offering it for free to a zone that we don't want to go that we just fly there. No, even if the ticket is expensive to the destination we would like to go to we will save up and

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make sure that we get there. The same applies to paradise. It has a journey that needs to be made. And that is from this world to the next. It's a journey. That journey requires preparation. And that preparation requires a great effort and it requires dedication. Purchase your ticket to the correct destination by coming for Salah.

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Purchase your ticket to the correct destination by dressing appropriately. Purchase your ticket to the correct destination by worshipping Allah alone. and protecting yourself from anything that anyone has said is polytheism safe you'll save yourself from that I have a policy if anyone has ever mentioned that a certain item is shipped you stay away from it you are safer. No point in arguing and debating if someone has said this is wrong. The best thing for you to do is stay away from it because that which Allah requires from you, nobody debates it. Nobody debates it. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us, May He grant us ease. Similarly, you will purchase your ticket to the correct

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destination by understanding the message of the guide who came to tell you where the destination is and what it is all about. And that is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam How will we be able to go to the correct destination when we've made no effort to know what its name is or what it's all about and how we can get there. SubhanAllah a person wants to travel from point A to point B but doesn't even know where point B is SubhanAllah. So an effort is required to learn learn this goes back to that effort. It is impossible for us to achieve goodness if we do not know what goodness is. And it is almost impossible for us to abstain from evil if we do not know what the evil is and how to

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safeguard ourselves from it.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us so ensure that your baggage is correct and when we say this it is important for us to know that when we are traveling we make sure that the baggage is correct. What about traveling into the air for certain objects you're not allowed to take if you have certain things you will be sent back you have to clear yourself of those items before you can cross the same applies to gender May Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses same applies to our baggage you have unnecessary things inside your bags. I recall a visit that someone made to India he came back with peanuts Subhanallah lips in the peanuts you know salted roasted peanuts from India and he paid a

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fortune because his weight was over. And people were when the children later on at the destination were given these peanuts they were throwing them all around and he happened to stop all of them and gather them and he told them you better eat every single peanut You don't know how much I have paid peanut peanut May Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard us. This is unnecessary items you could have bought the peanuts at your destination but when we are foolish we don't understand we don't realize the same applies to us we do certain things thinking that yes we will go to general and so on yet we wasted our time in the dunya we wasted our health when we had health we did not read Salah when we

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had the good looks we did not dress appropriately then comes the days later when we regret what Allah He regret is also a seed of guidance. Remember this for as long as you regretting whilst you are alive and breathing. It's a seed of guidance. If you sit and ponder over your actions in the past and you regret that is actually such a great seed that is sown because it will lead to tell about it will lead to repentance and the warm tears. This is alarm and this is the gift of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon us, my brothers and sisters, let's make an effort. Let us ask Allah subhanho wa Taala another set of guidance is to ensure that you are in the right company. Yeah you levena

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Amano Taku la macoun Houma la sala de O you who believe be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala and be with those who are truthful be with those who are the correct company truthful to Allah, truthful to the messenger truthful to the message of Islam, truthful to the reality that they are going to die one day and they also would like to go to Jenna, if people are focused all upon one goal and we happen to be in their company, automatically our focus will remain on the same goal. But if people are not focused on the same goal, and we happen to be in their company, we will forget about what our goal is today. People have forgotten life is all about money, money and making money by hook or

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crook and people who are supposedly good muslimeen sometimes will even fulfill their Salah because they are worried about Allah subhanho wa Taala sometimes they tend to forget that Allah He there is more to this existence than just

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Earning money. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from materialism, we see the beautiful vehicles around. And immediately our heart inclines towards having the latest car and the latest phone and the latest everything because we see so many of that around, put that on one side, why don't we see those who are in the masjid very early, and we say tomorrow I'm going to compete with this man, I will be here before him Subhana Allah. Tomorrow I want to compete with the sister today she's dressed so appropriately, inshallah I will dress like that, and even better, and we don't need to tell them because if we tell them it may become an issue of arrogance. And now

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sincerity may be lost. But we tell Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is why Allah says, festival honey rod, you want to compete with one another competing goodness, in these type of good deeds, you see a man giving a charity and you tell yourself in sha Allah quietly, I'm going to give more than that man Subhana Allah, amazing, this is now in the right direction. And if we have the good company, the right company, no matter what, by the will of Allah, we will be guided in the correct way in the correct path by the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So one of the big seeds of guidance would be to be in the correct company. If we understand that we will also understand that one of the

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seeds of misguidance is to be in the wrong company.

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You can be as good as you are, if you're in the wrong company, slowly but surely, the goodness will be washed away because you're in the wrong company.

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So this is why it's important for us to know some of these seeds of guidance for us to be able to achieve goodness in this world and the next, this world and the life in this world will lie. It is very, very short. It is actually a few hours if you'd like to count a few hours, and we don't have much time by the will of Allah. steer yourself onto the right path. And make sure you tread that path. And make sure you understand the effort that is required. The condition of the heart is extremely important. One of the seeds of guidance is to remove hatred within your heart for other people for no reason. You know, we see someone we become jealous. Jealousy is a seed of misguidance

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if you would like to be guided, remove it from your heart Subhanallah we become jealous of people and we start worrying about what this one has and that one has. And in the process we forget, where am I going, I'm not even going to get a moment to enjoy these luxuries that I am busy fighting for. And I am heading for my grave. And this is why understand one thing and understand it very well. No matter what you have in this world when you are buried. It's just you and the shroud. That's it. Every single thing is left behind no matter what you've earned, no matter what on earth you have in terms of possession, the only thing you carry with you your deeds, your deeds alone, and that is

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what you will go with not even your body will you go with Have you understood this, not even the body I have Am I going to take into the hair, not even the body, the body is going to be loaded into the grave my soul will separate from the body and depart as Allah wills and how he wills it will go wherever he wants into the bursa and later on it will be resurrected in a way that he wants. gela wahala May Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for us to understand. We fight over petty matters, Petty issues, I was not promoted, he was promoted, I will not speak to him or I'm going to leave the job and so on Subhana Allah Subhana Allah, May Allah help us and guide us to make the correct

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decisions in life. My brothers and sisters I've just mentioned some of the seeds of guidance. I hope and I pray that we can expand on this at some point and I hope and I pray that by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala we can learn to love one another because loving one another for the sake of Allah is a great seed of guidance, the oma we are part of one oma today, we look for any reason to cut relations, we look for any reason to create a distance, it is supposed to be the other way around. We are supposed to be looking for the smallest reason that will unite us and this is when the strength of the oma will be manifest. And this is when the people will not be able to tread all upon

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us and they will not be able to destroy us because we love each other because of the few common factors that we have. Not that we hate each other because I think slightly different from you in two points in your life. May Allah subhanahu wa taala guide this oma May he make us learn to love one another, to respect one another to be able to reach out to one another and to be able to help ourselves firstly and then be able to help the rest of the oma when it comes to guidance and learning and putting into practice and making an effort and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to guide us by saying eat dinner Sarah Thomas the team beloved brothers and sisters, it's important for us

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every day to spend time sending blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam definitely the nation states that whosoever sends blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once he will receive the minimum of 10 fold of that. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us all. It's important for us to understand why we should be sending blessings and salutations upon Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. The choice is Allah. Allah has chosen him as chosen him as a healthy one.

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commercially and Allah Subhana Allah Allah has blessed him to be the guide who came to us to show us the path and he came and he Subhana Allah against all odds against the enemies will try to attack against the armies that came to attack against so many difficulties of the people who try to keep him quiet. Subhana Allah, if Allah wanted, the message could have come without any effort, it would have been delivered, no one would have harmed him, no one would have tried anything and the message could have come but we would not have appreciated it. So Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to know that whenever you tread the path of goodness, there will always be people who will be against you

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who will try to you know distract you who will try to make you give up the goodness that you are upon all these other tests of Allah. If you continue and you persevere and you bear patients, by the help of Allah you will join the ranks in sha Allah you will join the company and the companionship of those who did the same from amongst an OBE in our CDP in our Shahada, he was solid him from amongst the messengers from amongst the truthful from amongst the martyrs from amongst the pious and so on. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us so with this in mind, we say salute certainly Muhammad Allah Allah Nabeel Mustafa Al Habib Mustafa komamura.

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Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah wa salam ala Nabi

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amanu, sallu alayhi wa sallam odus Lima Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Abdi Kabbalah Zuniga, Muhammad

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Rasul Allah man, whatever you have washy Dean Medina Abu Bakr, Omar Osman Ali, Allahu anhu Mwanza Tabby one, Monica wakamiya Carmela Kami Allahumma Islam all muslimeen Allahumma Amina Viola Nina was the image and Marina de la semaine Taka, taka taka Bell alameen Allahumma salli ala Lena dare him be reacting in la una La La Houma Louisiana, Alabama, Louisiana Alabama, Louisiana, Louisiana melkonian Allahu Machina Allahu musbema varnamo muslimeen or Hamilton our moto Muslim in our Hamlet Illa Masato la llamada

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de nada de

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la mattina Amana alohomora bonacina signia Hassan Hassan joaquina de ba ba ba ba in the Kansas me to Ballina in the current Rahim Allah in

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any way you want

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to the law

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