Moutasem al-Hameedy – The Story Of Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal 02

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The importance of learning from experiences and experiences to teach others is emphasized in the Hol denies and the sky is the image of a bird. The segment discusses the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin of the origin
AI: Transcript ©
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Let me know salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi

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wa bad. So this is inshallah the second segment speaking about the man. No Han Bella shibani Rahim Allah Tada.

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And remember Hamad is Kenya was Abu Abdullah is Kenya. His nickname was Abu Abdullah.

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So we said

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Imam Ahmed studied under so many scholars starting in Iraq, then moving to

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from Baghdad where he is to Al Basra moving to moving to Mecca, moving to Yemen.

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So he started with so many different scholars of his time. And he gathered most of the Hadith that could be gathered at this time. So he traveled to each Imam, he took the Hadith with HTML. And then

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he built his own school of thought or his own approach, when it comes to the Hadith of the prophets of Salaam and the How To understand this Hadith, and implemented

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Mmm, no humble had a very special kind of style. So although he committed all the ideas that he had, he committed them to memory, yet he would not

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narrate Howdy, or teach Hadith except from his books.

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That was a very high standard.

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Why? Because he said, I don't want to make a mistake in the Hadith of the Prophet saws. I don't want to teach a mistake. So every time he taught, he made sure he would read it from his own records, and he had such a huge library.

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Okay, so we said we're going to add some of the things Mr. Mohammed decided to teach only at age 40. And I was actually reflecting on this. I was trying to understand there are some imams who only taught When they reached the age 40. And why did they do this? I think

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I was gonna ask about the audio, I can feel some I can hear some feedback or some

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way way back. maturity starts from 40 from 40. So they reflected down there.

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Okay, so it comes from People of the Scripture, say, okay, that's a view that's a view

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but this could like Mmm, I was actually hoping. So Ashraf, Mohammed will deal with the

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Mohammed the audio I think there is, it's a bit high. So if you can put it with them.

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So Mr. Mohammed, he basically the way he took it is from the life of the prophet SAW someone so that he was given Prophethood he was given the message when he was 14. So it seems that he meant and also thought this was the age of real maturity and even the Quran hattah Isabella should the

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center Kala and ash Khurana Matic so last month Allah has in the Quran to the age 40 that it is the age of maturity, the age of maturity, and

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the prophets of Salaam says in the Hadith.

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Men, Bella urbane.

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Whoever reaches age 40 has been given enough time to come back to Allah.

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I said he shouldn't have any questions or any like excuse with a lot later on. I only lived 40 once you reach 40 each 40 that's enough time for you to reflect about life and realize the truth and embrace it. So.

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So remember, my dad started teaching only at age 40. So I was trying to figure out exactly what he meant and did that. And somehow there's this is our dilemma that people who teach Islamic Studies and Islamic sciences they really face the face with this.

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There is a big dilemma.

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These sciences were developed by people of high caliber in terms of knowledge and understanding. And people have such a high level of spirituality and maturity and experience in life.

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So when

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random people like us teach their stuff, you can feel it you can feel the gap.

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You can feel the gap. You can feel this. These guys come from a deep place within. They come from a lot of maturity, a lot of understanding a lot of connection to Allah subhanaw taala you realize how small you are. When you

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Read there. So something is

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I can hear something beeping isn't the table.

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at age, so when looking at a man that he wait, he had to wait or he himself decided to wait until age 40 It seems he himself wanted to mature as a human being as a Muslim, as valuable as a student of knowledge. So he wanted to reach a high level of maturity. So when he teaches, he is full of what he teaches. So he is personally at a level that matches what he teaches. Because really, honestly, sometimes I said, this is something we people who teach Islamic Studies struggle with, sometimes you'll feel I shouldn't be teaching this. Why? Cuz I'm not a person who could really represent this. I'm not a person who really has internalized this and who is able to teach it from the heart.

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And that's a big dilemma. Because when you are, as I said, you don't want the scholars documented their science and their their knowledge and their contributions. That's not just information. That's a whole way of life. There is

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there is a person behind this, there is maturity there is there is knowledge and wisdom behind this. So when they documented this, when you come across it, it's not mere information, it is such a profound heritage that you have. So if you aren't just going to pick up the information and share it, and even speaking their words, and you, yourself personally have not reached that level of maturity and knowledge. You really, it's really a dilemma. So you have you're faced with two options, either you have to grow as a person to be able to teach these things. So you have to grow and spirit in your connection to allow your tuckaway your spirituality, you have to grow in your

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knowledge you have to grow in your maturity and the level of your wisdom and as a person, and you also have to grow in your a Bader and in your depth.

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And that takes so many years, that takes a lot of work and who reaches that level today. Or you can just fake it,

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fake it speak these big words that are far bigger than who you are, you are a dwarf compared to these giants. And you speak in big words that are far bigger than who you are.

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And that's powerful. And that's why I'm so friendly to him a lot. He says in the middle the yarn and cuddle the Annie, the men. He says knowledge gives people a sense of pride and arrogance about themselves they become full of themselves, just like money does to the rich people.

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When a person gets rich, it's easy for them to get, you know pompous and, and and sort of full of pride, right?

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Knowledge also has this hazard. That's why the endless cause used to teach at that before and like one of the tabs instead to eliminate eliminating, we learnt Adam luck and humbleness. Then we were taught knowledge afterwards.

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As you work your mind Mohammed we said that when he taught there was about 5000 people attending his halaqa 5000 people 500 would be serious students of knowledge who would learn the rest of them. 4500 will be people who just want to look at him and see how he speaks how he carries himself to learn from his luck.

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About Imam Malik one of his students, they said we stayed with him and Malik for so long until we took his knowledge. But then we stayed with him for so many years afterwards to learn how

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to learn his demeanor his character.

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So he

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started teaching when he was age when he reached at

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age 40. There's something interesting that Mr. Mohammed was very close to

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you have no mind. You have in mind, one of the great scholars of my region in my region is documentation of men of people the narrator's of Hadeeth. What is their state? Are they reliable in terms of taqwa religiosity and honesty? And what about their memory, the level of their memory? So Emery JAL, Mihai Romain was the top man in that science at his time. So he was very close friend with him and Mohammed and they would we said they traveled together to Mecca, on their way to Yemen to meet Abdullah zakka son Annie. But they found him in Makkah, so you have no money in one day he was with the management and they found a huge congregation in the masjid.

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So there was so many people gathering attending a halaqa. So So there must be a big scholar there. The oldest number are attending. So let's go on and learn. And they were big scholars at the time. By the way, they were probably in there. He was in his 60s

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in the later part of his life,

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so they walk into the masjid

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and remember

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By that time he had earned prominence among the students of knowledge and in the whole Muslim world. So they walk into and they, they see one sauce. And sauces is a term of people who used to come with narrations come up with narrations that would amuse people and entertain them strange stories. But a lot of them were fake. And were untrue and were fabricated narrations, but they are very strange. They are very entertaining and people would gather to hear these stories is why they appeared even at the top of the pile. And even though we thought he actually warned against our sauce, these people who say that Be careful, beware of them don't sit in or where they teach. Because these

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people have not studied knowledge. They just found some books or they collected some folk tales narrations, and they put them together and they start teaching them and because they are amusing, they're very good storytellers. People get amused they get a lot of entertainment. So they love watching these guys and covering attending them. So when Amanda hammer the New Haven home and they walked in into this machine, they saw this huge gathering they said this listen to this guy. So the guy says and he seems to be like, not a normal liar but high caliber liar. So he says basically, had definitely no handle. And yeah have numa in okay. No Hamble

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taught me or he gave me this narration which he took from you, you have numa in which he took from so and so and and, and and from the Prophet sauce on number, anyone who says that ilaha illa Allah, Allah will create a bird and this bird has 100 tongues. Each tongue would be saying La ilaha illa Allah to the Day of Judgment. And each reward for each tongue saying La la la la all this time will be recorded for this man.

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So you have no money looks at him and he says, did you?

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Did you narrate something for me like this? He said, No.

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It's what is this guy getting this thing from? So he says, I have a question. He says yes, he says, okay, Can Can I Can we know the chain of narration? Where's where does this come from? He says yes. had definitely I don't know how well and yeah, he

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taught me for which he took for me even though my son songs until the Prophet was Allah. So like the narration, the chain of narration, the man is sure about it. He didn't even change it like the same thing. So I haven't even a hammer looks at me. He says, I am.

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And this is I have no money. And this is not something we have narrated.

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But the guy has said high caliber liar. So he was stuck. So he says you think you are the only admirable humbling humor and there are so many others

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say? So anyway. So that's an incident that happened. When I met him, I handed him a lot. And so this is why it's a warning. Some people these are local sauce. They teach things that are not verifiable. They're not authentic narrations. They're not authentic stories. They're just as I said, for entertainment amusement, there's something new, catchy,

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trendy, so people would go and attend the Holocaust and there'll be no knowledge in their knowledge. This is why you have a lot of narrations from the early generations in the cell of warning against Hadeeth loco sauce against additional costs even one of the great scholars of Hadith upon he wrote a book against about these opposites about their lies and warning against them.

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something about Mr. Mohammed Mohammed that was very interesting, as well.

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We said can we leave the questions till the end that would be better.

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Mmm, not humble. As we said. He studied he made his point to study Hadith first. So when he documented the huge number of Hadith, he made sure that he learned them very well he classified them and he acted upon them. One day he says, mass emitted to be Hadith in men Rasulullah sallallahu. It was an old model way to Hadith and and also license alum in Tamil to be

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a nanny or way to Hadeeth. And anonymity is also a gem for Apple for Apple had jamnagar Harmon for the heptonstall had jumped at the gym to add weight to the Rama. He said there's no headaches that I narrated from the processor system except that I acted upon it. I put it into an action.

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But there was one study that generated that the professor didn't want to do hijama cupping. And he gave the person who's done the copying for him, he gave him a Durham. So he said so I went to the head jam the person does hijama and I got him to make a demo for me and I gave him a Durham to follow this hadith. This is how careful and meticulous he was about his health and his knowledge. So Amanda had developed a very good level of understanding of Hadith and because that comes with implementation

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As well, we said he's dedicated his life solely for that. And he said he inherited some property from his dad. So he didn't need to worry so much about living. And you remember we mentioned Imam, Abu hanifa. He lived, he was a rich person. And he lived a fairly, you know, life of luxury, luxurious life. Same with Imam Malik Imam Shafi was more of a poor person, remember, we said and he said that I got so much used to poverty that I don't have any aspirations to become rich.

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Man, I don't know him. But he used to live at a very, very basic level to the point, his children would complain.

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His children would complain, let's just live like anyone else. But imagine mad, as I said, was a person who was detached completely from dunya. And that was his style. That was good for him. But that's not certainly good for everyone. So you need to read yourself, you need to test yourself before you choose. Sometimes people put themselves in hardship, they read something from, from the early generations from a tablet in and they want to follow the example of this person. Maybe that's not for you. It's just that's too difficult for you. So you need to be wise as well, because you're gonna find among the companions, some who chose poverty. They chose to live at a very basic level,

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but you have other competitors who chose to live a very rich life like nsmb nomadic and nomadic hardy masala Sallam who used to serve the prophet SAW Salem. He lived such a lot. He was from the Midian he lived such a long time. I think he died past age 100 100 100

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he had a palace in Medina, and then

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he had the palace, he lived in a palace.

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Does this? Is this anything against EMA? No.

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What are some other companions lived a very basic level. That's, that's what they chose for them for themselves. So you need to also understand yourself what's actually good for you. Because you might push yourself into poverty or into a very basic level of living. And maybe that's going to be a fitna for you. And it backfires. And you don't want to go even to righteousness and to worship again.

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Who knows? Maybe a life of affluence would distract you away completely from Allah subhanaw taala.

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So you need to study yourself and figure out yourself what is actually good for you. So you put your relationship with Allah, first and foremost, and see what is conducive, what is helpful to that to enhancing that state. So you have to be careful about these things don't see, like Amanda nawawi, he didn't sleep, he would be just reading and he would just be nodding off and have having minutes of sleep. I'm gonna do the same, right. And I actually tried doing this, and I ended up with a very bad health condition. So now when I went to the doctor, who was my dad, and he says, You mad, you're crazy. What are you doing to yourself? That doesn't, you can't live as a human being like this. So I

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figured out, maybe for some people, it works out but not for me. So I was about I really put my health in jeopardy. So that means don't not everything you hear you go and do it. In it to be careful. The example for us is an example of the process and if that's the main example, then other, you know, nuances, you have to be careful as to how you adopt them. And let's look at the physical description of Imam Ahmed Mohammed. He was mildly tall, so he wasn't very tall. He was a little bit above average. And he was dark skin. It was dark skin because originally the Arabs are they have an oedema and Adama among the Arabs, which comes as well from Adams name comes from that. Adams name is

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Adam. And Adam is the dark skin that you find among the Arabs. You've seen Arabs who have dark skin. That's an Adam, that's an Adam, you still find a lot of these people in, you know, in the Arabian Peninsula, especially in the southern parts of Saudi Arabia, even the northern parts in Yemen, in Oman, you find these this kind of Arab dark skin that's the origin of the Arabs that's how the Arabs actually are. But they have the Arabs have some foreskin still like I shall only allow and as a pure Arab, but she had fair skinned to the extent they have faced was even had a reddish kind of complexion.

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the providence of his face was more over fair skin.

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mm Malik himself he was an Arab but he was almost almost so far almost a white almost white

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and his eyes were colored. So there are some, okay, some among the Arab who have this first skin, but mainly the Arabs. They have this Adana, which

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Is the dark skin dark skin so, it was actually dark skin. He was dark skin. And he was very thin, is very thin.

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When he became like when his, he had gray hair, he would dye his hair with henna. So he had the reddish color of henna, the this orangey color of henna. This is how his beard

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still in his beard, there was some black hair.

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A man would dress up in white most of the time.

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He would dress up in white and he was like some of the people who knew him and they said you have never seen a person whose clothes were as clean as him and

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he was so careful about the cleanliness of his clothes. so careful about the cleanness of his clothes.

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And he used to wear sometimes LLN Sua, which is the cap the poofy cap. Yeah, that most of us have like the brother here. It's kind of cap, okay. He would wear this or sometimes he would wrap around it. Mm. He will drop a piece of cloth around it to make it more of a murmur

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and a management's cap. He made it with his own hands. He made it himself. He made it himself.

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Sometimes he will dress up in green. Sometimes he would dress up in green and cold weather he would wear this firewall, which is more of a cloak made with sheepskin

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with sheep skin, that's what he would wear.

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What would Imam Ahmed eat? We said previously that often he would eat dry bread. So he would put it in a like put it in water socket and water and then eat it. dry bread. That's it. That's what he would eat. And he would not really eat so much. So in terms of food, I don't think your food was really healthy. But for him it worked out. Mm hmm. had died around age 7273. That's the age that he died. So in terms of his food, he wouldn't eat much as I said, sometimes he would add to this bread, a little bit of salt.

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And he never ate

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fruits. He never ate fruits. But he would sometimes eat

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sometimes would eat watermelon. But the other fruits like that was common in Iraq for example, a pomegranate. Suffer delicious. Safari.

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Anyone knows Arab nostalgia in English

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it's a very I think it's ugly kind of it's a yellowish looks more like pear, but it's very hard and shape is not so regular. And when you eat it, it it sort of bites your tongue.

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Yeah, it's hard. It's not easy. Okay. So that was as well he wouldn't eat these fruits. So he would use it. If he ate fruits it would be only watermelon

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or grapes sometimes. And he would eat the grapes with watermelon or dates. That's it

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sometimes we would eat the lentils

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he would also be an integral part of his diet was vinegar

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that's it that's what we need. What

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Quincy, Quincy. It's not a common fruit but I mean, in a sham and in Iraq. It's actually very common. It's very common. And I think it's very nutritious. I believe it's very nutritious.

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Okay, there's a

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a person called this house of Abraham who was the governor at the time.

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He wanted to check what a madman has for breakfast. I actually remember when was he would remember had had a habit we said of fasting a lot. So usually break is faster. And that's what that's the meat the meal that he would have. So when he checked his breakfast, or he would eat for breaking is fast. It was basically two small loaves of bread with a small cucumber.

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That's what he would eat

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to small levels.

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bread with small cucumber. And

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that's it for him. It was enough. We said his house was very small. There's almost nothing in it.

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it was very simple one it was a very simple house. Very simple house.

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He married two women.

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He married two women. First one was shoved into father The second one was like Hannah was like her. So these are his two wives. Imagine that. He never had an argument with any of his wives. That's something that he stands out and no argument no fight, no quarrel with any of his wives.

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Okay, one day, we said that Imam Muhammad was

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inspired so much by Imam Shafi and he loved him so much he got attached to him so when he when every time Imam Shafi visited

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but that he would stay with Imam Ahmed and he said we stay with him most of the time, to the extent that he won't even pray this on the press. Why? Because he didn't have time. He just wanted to stay with Imam Shafi and learn from him. The children of Imam Ahmed, they just wanted to see who Ushahidi actually was. Why? Because Amitabh no Hanbal would mention Imam Shafi and make dua out for him everyday. Everyday mama chef, he met me chef, a mommy chef a machine so he would talk about him so much

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that the children of Imam Ahmed just wanted to see who who a chef it was. So one day, ma'am chef, it comes to Baghdad and he wants and he decides to spend that night in the Mohammed's house. So he goes to his house.

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They eat together.

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And remember, Chef eats a lot that night.

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I remember having a humble had a daughter was very knowledgeable, very righteous woman. So because she had so much about me, I'm a chef. And she said, he's a peasant I should observe and learn from so she would actually look at him and I remember Shafi from a distance he was getting sitting in an imaginary in the guest room. So she would observe him and watch him she wants to see what what's special about this man.

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Firstly, first thing,

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he eats a lot. That's the first observation. second observation mamod goes to sleep. So he leaves he put some water with the Imam Shafi for him if he needs to drink, or if he needs to, that was the norm there to do km Alain kamerlingh was the norm just like you would pray Asia.

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Actually, even there are so many people don't pray even. But for them to me lay luck. You don't pray at night. That's just weird. It's It's strange that someone doesn't pray at night. So he put the water there for him if you want to. Once he decides to pray at night because they used to sleep then wake up later on in the night and pray.

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So she's observing him and she wants to see when he's going to wake up. He's going to pray. How is his recitation? how long he's going to recite? How long is this recall? She wants to see all of this. But remember, shafie lays on his back.

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And she sees him sleeping. And that's it. She waits one hour, two hours, three hours, four hours, whole night is gone.

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demand has improved in Iraq.

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Then Yvonne Fletcher is called. She says like Why does my dad speak so much about this guy?

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But then not only this, he stands up and he prays she says even praise without

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this guy just woke up from sleep. He's praying to sooner. And he's like he's not even making although he's praying for his his Witter.

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When he prays with us that's really like there's something wrong something off here.

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So later on, she asked her dad and she says this man you keep praising, praising. These are three things I saw from him. He ate, he ate too much. That's not the right way. Number two, he didn't pray even at night. He slept the whole night slept. When he wakes up for furjan a pleasant praise without

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even that man is puzzled. So he goes through himself and he says when my daughter observed you and that's what she saw is what she's right. Because have them pay you

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back to an Oxfam and he says this is a good food from a good man that I love. So when I know it comes from Hillel. So he says so I wanna I ate from it to honor you because you're having me as a guest. So I wanted to honor you so I ate from it. I enjoyed it because it's your food.

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As for me sleeping the whole night.

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He said I didn't sleep I just laid on my back and as I was trying to sleep, the Hadeeth came to my head where the profits are seldom

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you know, the brother of nomadic the younger brother, he had the little bird that he played with, and the bird died. So he got upset. So the brothers when he saw him, he said to the child, yeah, ABA earlier, he gave him a cornea. He said, Yeah, but my father knows about my What did the bird do? So the boy says, It died. So the professor says about oh my god, what did the bird do? It died.

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So the person would repeat that for him as some sort of play that then Brazil would make him laugh.

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So he said that it came to my mind

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and I found it very interesting. So he said so I extracted from this hadith 70 practical points.

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Sabina fader

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so I found in this Hadith, 70 points, practical points that we can actually learn from them and practice. And when I finished, that I learned from Virgil was called that time.

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So I stood up prayed

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Subhana Allah. So that was an incident that happened as well with him.

00:31:21 --> 00:31:30

Yeah, he didn't break Waldo because he didn't sleep. So obviously he didn't need to make we do something about Mm hmm. So let's go to the Muslim Imam Muhammad.

00:31:34 --> 00:31:56

Mother has started studying like her teeth carefully and collecting data from age 16. So you can imagine such a long time studying her teeth. So he kept developing his Muslim and Muslim means it's a collection of Hadith that is based that is classified according to the narrator's So, for example, Buhari you are for example,

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Babylonia, Babel okitama, Eman Kitab, will fit on. Based on the topic thematic topics. This is how they are arranged, but Muslim that anytime you hear a Muslim Muslim is classified according to the companion who narrates their Hadith. So in Muslim Ummah, you're gonna find for example, Muslim ebihara all the ideas narrated by Abu hurayrah in one place. Muslim do Abdullah bin Omar all the Hadith reported from Abdullah Omar in one place, Muslim to Asia. Hello Anna. All that Heidi from Asia in one place. That's what Muslim is. So this is how Mr. Mohammed put his Muslim head

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00:32:39 --> 00:33:00

I mean his Muslim This is so big that the unique narrations unique narrations in the Muslim because there is a lot of repetition. Remember, a hadith sometimes the same Hadith comes with a slightly different wording or from a different roots chain of narration. But the unique narrations that are in Muslim the management around 28,000.

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Around tweet 28,000 unique narrations The others are around 48. So all of them together around 48,000 narrations Hadith, so one of the biggest one of the biggest collections of Hadith that we have in the history of Islam, Imam Ahmed Mohammed built his own method. He didn't like he didn't say I have a method. But his fit and his approach

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was documented by his students and was followed and was followed Mohammed hated or he disliked that people actually write his,

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his fatawa. he objected to that he won't let them but still, they actually wrote his fatawa and mainly It was his son.

00:33:51 --> 00:33:55

His Son, sorry, he narrated a lot of it. And this photo were collected

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by Alan, Alan he wrote, he collected

00:34:02 --> 00:34:08

massage edema, Hemet, massage, Mohamad, all the opinions of Imam Ahmed, he collected them.

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We said it you might say there's something special about him and his determination, a strong

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you know, level of determination. If he wanted to do something, if he he's gonna fix like, put his mind on it. He's not gonna leave it until he gets it done. That's how we met Mohammed was. So he was very studious, very hardworking. And this remember the incident that where he where they met? Up there was a person Annie in Mecca because they were traveling to him to Yemen. They found him in America. He said no, I decided to go to Yemen. So we're going to go to him and why because there was a person and he's not gonna stay for long in Mecca. So he wanted to learn everything from Rosa cassani. So he knows he has to go with him to Yemen and spend enough time with him to learn

00:34:58 --> 00:35:00

everything from

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The Reserve asani. So during his stay in Yemen, he ran out of finances. And we mentioned that he ran out of finances. So people tried to give him money, he won't take it. Even Abdullah was up his teacher his shift. He said, you know, run out of money take this as a loan, you can pay it back. He said, No. What did he do? His shoes.

00:35:24 --> 00:35:52

He, he bought money, he bought money from someone, and he kept his shoes as a trust with that person. So because the person doesn't know him, he's a stranger. So he said, I'm gonna give you back your money. And these are my shoes. So you can keep them with you. So you can imagine he walked around without shoes. Why he just because he did not want to seek help from anyone. And then he started working as someone who carries stuff for people. That's him. And

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then he worked also cleaning people's houses.

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People hired him to clean and to do labor work, and he would do it. And he would not take sadaqa or charity or gifts from no one.

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And that later on reflected because a lot of the whole effort wanted to give him something some compensation because of the treat the ill treatment that he received previously. And he refused that. Even one of his children, I think it was sila. He accepted Aplia, or a gift from one of the polyphor. Remember, he had said, you can find yourself another house, you don't live with me. And there was an issue with them. I remember how they would not go and visit him in his house. He would not eat in his house. But he would be okay with him coming to his house. They said I'm not gonna go to your house. I'm not going to eat in your house.

00:36:48 --> 00:36:57

So he was very careful about about this. Something interesting as well. Mm hmm. It did. And this is something that that hubby mentioned, he said,

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you mentioned his narration from someone who lived after you like around the time of Imam Muhammad afterwards a little bit afterwards. So he had some of the students have Mr. Mohammed visiting him.

00:37:10 --> 00:37:15

And he brought out a book. And they used to write books. Yeah. transcribed them.

00:37:17 --> 00:37:34

So he said, Can you recognize you guys this book, he opened it. Can you recognize the handwriting? This is? He said, this is the handwriting of our chef. Remember? He had passed away that time? That's our teacher. Remember? I haven't been humble. How did you get this book? He said, we were in Mecca.

00:37:35 --> 00:37:45

And we were studying good. soufiane even Oh, yeah, you know, we're staying with him and studying with him. So if you have no idea, you know, then we missed an ad for a few days ama didn't show up. We didn't see him.

00:37:48 --> 00:38:18

So we decided to go to the room where he usually stays. And we knocked on the door and we said, What's wrong, he was inside. He said, my clothes. My only film that I have was stolen. So I have nothing to wear. So I can't leave the house. I was like in the house for a few days. I can't leave the house. I don't have clothes. Angela see is such a simple thing. We don't even think about, you know, this issues like this. But for these people, it was difficult.

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As he is he had two films,

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two films, and sometimes they would get dirty. He would stay at home and wait until his wife washes them and they dry up so he could wear one of them. It was a struggle clothes were a struggle at that time. So So this friend is Mr. Mohammed, he said, okay, like I have some money, I can give it to you.

00:38:42 --> 00:38:48

If you want to take it as a gift, take it but if but if you insist to take it as a loan, I'm still okay.

00:38:50 --> 00:39:23

He said no. So I said, I tried to figure out, like find out find out something to help this guy. He was exempted. So he said, Okay, listen, there's a book that I that I bought from someone and I want to transcribe it. I want to make a copy for myself. Would you transcribe it for me? And I would pay you for that. He said, Yes, fine. Give me the book. So give him the book. And it's transcribed it. And he gave him. So he so he brought him the book, and he gave it to him. And the man said, that's the money. You know,

00:39:25 --> 00:39:32

upfront, that's the money up front, taken it to dinner. Mmm. I said keep it go to the market and

00:39:34 --> 00:39:38

buy me some clothing. So the guy goes

00:39:39 --> 00:39:52

and he gets the clothing and he gets him on muddy sheets of papers. Mm hmm. Then transcribes the whole book for him and he gives it to him. So you can imagine this, he was a man he would not take money from

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from anyone.

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So that was

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Okay, Imam Ahmed

00:40:03 --> 00:40:43

his method he was very careful to follow the Quran and the Sunnah. Very careful. And so he would straightaway like take his foot from the Quran or the Sunnah. If you didn't find anything clear or anything specific in the Quran or the sooner he would go to the fatawa of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he would seek their fatawa they have agreed on something he would take it without question. If they have differed about the same thing he would choose from their fatwah the one that is he that he feels is closer to the Quran and the Sunnah. And sometimes he would change his opinion this way you find him out Mohammed has sometimes How will an old fella

00:40:43 --> 00:41:00

sometimes you would have three, two or three opinions about the same thing. With any student of knowledge, any scholar as they grow and mature in knowledge, they're going to change some of their opinions. That's normal. That's obvious. So almost with every scholar, and that's a sign of maturity and that the person is actually studying and learning.

00:41:14 --> 00:41:19

Something that we'll could close with about Mr. Mohammed we said that you remember about the

00:41:21 --> 00:42:02

effects of alcohol on the fitness of Hulk Oberon were some of the whole affair adesina beside caliphs they adopted. Specifically Mr. Moon started with Mr. Moon, and then it was with a tomato, some dental wafak these three polyphor they adopted the opinion that of the Mattila the Quran was a creation. And they tested the scholars say the man Mohammed refused to give in. And there was one incident when Imam Ahmed, the other scholars told him about what they told her that will be a de comida taluka don't kill you kill yourself, and they integrated the verses well to him. Islam and okra was

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a man.

00:42:05 --> 00:42:26

Last month, Allah says Allah will not accept or will not forgive someone who says this belief after they have believed except if they are forced into it. If it's a matter of life and death, their life is on the line. They can just see what is haram or what is Kufa in order to get themselves out just like Amar, vinyasa,

00:42:27 --> 00:42:34

vinyasa, Dalai Lama, no. So the so these scholars, they said to him on the head, why do you push yourself you're gonna, you'll be you'll get killed.

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So remember, thought about this. So when he was brought out of prison, and he was going to be questioned, and there were so many people, students of knowledge, who were ready, they had their sheets ready and their pens ready. And they were waiting just for one statement from him and, and we said, almost all the scholars gave in except for four

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was Imam

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Muhammad and Mohammed Abu, and kawari. And Abraham met for these, the last two they gave in ultimately,

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Mohammed Abdullah died because of the suffering and Mr. Muhammad remained.

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So when he looked at all these people, and he was in pain, because he had been whipped, and his back was like, This kid has come off, his back was dumb, he couldn't feel anything. He was extremely exhausted. And we said he did not even stop fasting. And praying at night, even when he was in prison throughout the predicament.

00:43:36 --> 00:43:43

I think he was in prison for about 28 months, 28 months. So he was brought when he saw all of these numbers, huge number of people.

00:43:44 --> 00:43:50

He was about to give him just why just to save his life. When he saw all of these people, he said, more to whether or below her

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and says I'd rather die than send these people astray. I'd rather die. And he refused to say it. So he was whipped even more. But then he was put in.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:05

As we said,

00:44:06 --> 00:44:08

he called home prison or

00:44:09 --> 00:44:14

house to house arrest. I was put under house arrest. And during this time,

00:44:16 --> 00:44:21

one of the great scholars came from an endless but the economic lead.

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This is one of the great scholars of Hadith, but he you know, misled. He wrote a Muslim, a collection of Hadith. That's the biggest collection of Heidi in the history of Islam.

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This is the biggest collection of Hadith in the history of Islam, but Muslim nobody ignore that. And unfortunately, it's lost.

00:44:45 --> 00:44:56

They found some parchments of it, but not many, but it's such a huge book. And some of the contemporary scholars think the manuscripts are there somewhere in Germany.

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00:45:00 --> 00:45:24

No one of the scholars of our time has been chasing the history of because, by the way, you know, sometimes people know horses and their lineage, and so on and so forth. The manuscripts scholars as well have ways to trace a manuscript, where it traveled, who it was bought, from, and so on and so forth. People have this for dogs now. Yeah, it's really what it was. Which kind of,

00:45:25 --> 00:45:32

yeah, genealogy this comes from. Some scholars of manuscripts have this kind of genealogy for manuscripts.

00:45:33 --> 00:45:51

So I I know, a contemporary scholar whose was an expert, one of the top experts in the world today. And he's been chasing this most nut butter, economic lead. And he says, I have a very strong, like, clues that it is somewhere in Germany.

00:45:53 --> 00:46:41

Yes. And he even has some names. These are people who bought these manuscripts from ignorant Arabs who inherited these from their forefathers, and they had them as just as historical value. They know the real value of them. And they were, they sold them for certain amounts of money, and they didn't know what it was. So some German orientalist had bought them. And he has some of the names and he's been chasing. But it's very difficult to chase that because this is even an issue of national security security in Germany. So when he investigated about this, he got in some trouble. So you still have he, there are some people who are searching for him. So but the economic lead, he came

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from and Dallas because he heard about him, and he wanted to learn from him. And so he came. When he asked about him, I

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was told about the story.

00:46:51 --> 00:47:02

Mmm, it was not supposed to meet anyone sees how am I going to? I came from an endless slack about three months journey on my feet. I can't learn an hour content from him. And

00:47:04 --> 00:47:15

she said, I might figure out I must figure out a way. So he goes to him out to the house, he knocks on the door. And he says sir, and he says, like I'm a beggar. I want help me out. Give me some money.

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So remember how it opens? When he when he sees the amount of money? He says,

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I'm looking for him and Mohammed? He says Mr. shermin, but I can't teach you. I'm not supposed to teach anyone I'm not supposed to speak to no one is but Mr. Mohammed, I came to you from an underdose What should I do?

00:47:35 --> 00:47:55

I said, Listen, I have an idea. You come to me every day as a beggar. You asked for food, you ask for money. And you sit by the door, I'll be behind the door, I'll be narrating some Hadeeth to you. And these who said these people would record straight away to their memory. So I'll be writing maybe two three with you every day.

00:47:57 --> 00:48:21

And then I'll give you something to eat and then you walk away. So no one gets suspicious about that. Said find a fair deal. So he comes every day to management and does the same until he collected from him. Mm hmm. 300 had eaten that way. 300 Hadeeth in that way, so roughly he was there for about three months or 100 days, then mmm It was released. Why? Because

00:48:25 --> 00:49:09

no matter what kill him I'm safer, much overkill he took over and was passed away. And no matter what kill became the hurry from otaku was upon the method of Allison. So he ended this plight of testing people upon or about Hong Kong caught on, and he gave him full freedom and he wanted to compensate him for all the suffering and everything but refused. So Am I mad at that time, he gained so much prominence. So now I had went back to the machine started teaching every time but even when it comes to the master, the management says, make space for him. That's the real students of knowledge. That's the real student of knowledge and he would let him come closest to him. That's

00:49:09 --> 00:49:13

with him. Mm hmm. Dude, he was taken first. By the way he was.

00:49:15 --> 00:49:37

He was with a group of scholars. And there was some some people came from some Bedouins came around. It was a huge gathering. So remember, he had said, somebody said to him if you are not going to give in when it comes to the issue of cultural Koran, you will be tested. He said, Well, I I don't I don't feel I don't fear imprisonment, because the prison is not going to be worse than my house.

00:49:38 --> 00:49:50

It's not going to be worse than my house. Like my house. There's nothing there. So this prison is going to be just like my house. If they kill me, that will be Shahada. I'll be a martyr. But what I fear is that being whipped

00:49:51 --> 00:50:00

that's the only thing that i i don't i don't think I can handle this. So one of the Bedouins says, you know, Mr. Mohammad, oh, someone else

00:50:00 --> 00:50:08

In the gathering who had been whipped, he said, you know, it's the first one second lash. Then after that you become numb, you don't feel it.

00:50:09 --> 00:50:25

I said, Okay, that's fine. One of the better ones. And then he met him. And later on in his later life, he says, well, like, one of the words that struck me the most was a bad one in that gathering. He said, Yeah, Imam Muhammad, if you are whipped, you'll be whipped for the sake of Allah. So

00:50:27 --> 00:50:47

you don't give in. You don't give in because people depend on you here to say the truth. So you are you are if you're whipped up whipped with dignity. And if you die, you die with dignity, and you don't give in. So instead, we're lucky that these words touched my heart. And the law helped me through them. So I remained steadfast.

00:50:48 --> 00:51:12

So it was whipped a lot. Mmm, it was a lot. Even one of the, the guys who were well actually lashing him, he said, We're lucky if we lashed an elephant, like we left him, I mean, it would have collapsed. But this guy every time we'll ask him, he says, Subhana, Allah Alhamdulillah. And he was fasting. So sometimes Allah Subhana Allah made him steadfast in this.

00:51:19 --> 00:51:34

So a lot of protected the data and the sooner the true belief as soon through. Remember, when he was taken to prison when he was taken to be lashed the first time he was really troubled because it seemed that he had an issue with being lashed.

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He was taken and another guy came from the chamber where they lash people.

00:51:40 --> 00:51:41

And he was a thief.

00:51:42 --> 00:52:08

So he looks at him and he sees his faces pale and he's worried. He says, Yeah, man, what are you worried about? He said, I'm going to be lashed. And I'm afraid I won't be able to you know, that to stand that is the amount of been lost hundreds of times for the sake of shape one. So as a thief, drunker junkie, kind of guy. I was lashed for shape on so many times and haven't given up your being last for Allah.

00:52:10 --> 00:52:35

Allah, Allah gave me so much patience when I heard this. And it made me film. It said it was exactly the first time you get last second time, and you don't feel it, you're numb Subhana Allah. So remember, the signs of torture, were still showing on his body, even when he died, even when he passed away. So that means that he was tortured severely, but he remained

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steadfast. So these are, I mean, I think it's a it's a beautiful

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image. There's something about him as well. If he saw something wrong, he would not remain silent, he would speak but with at the end with with good luck and wisdom. Like for example, at that time of his time, some kind of spread of Shiism was happening. So he wrote Kitab, bufala and Sahaba. He wrote about the merits of the companions of the Prophet or center, and the book spread.

00:53:14 --> 00:53:30

Also the people in Iraq, they utilize the fatwa from a memorable hanifa about Abidal, Kufa. Maybe if they used to make it a drink some sort of a drink they would make from different things from grapes from dates, etc.

00:53:31 --> 00:53:46

But they would make it in a way that's slightly different than normal alcoholic drinks would be made. So people deemed it the time it was intoxicating to a certain degree, but people deemed it more like juice.

00:53:47 --> 00:54:03

So they would drink it, they would drink it. So remember how to handle growth keytab will actually be and he would have an always in his pocket every time wherever he sat. He would pick it up and he would read the Hadith of the prophets of Salaam kolomoisky and hammer. Every intoxicant matter is considered to be humble and

00:54:04 --> 00:54:27

muscular. So he would read all of these Hadith so every time he saw something, he would actually write about it, and he would, he would, he would advise about it. So it's very careful about correcting people's beliefs and people's understanding about Islam. So this is a giant one of the Giants scholars and these four imams are really amazing and great and there's so much that we can learn from them Subhan Allah, and

00:54:28 --> 00:54:53

I personally The more I read into their lives, Rita I benefit a lot. There's so many wisdoms so many blessings that you can learn from these people may Allah bless them and accept their efforts. May Allah subhanaw taala grandison more scholars and people of knowledge who would revive the Sunnah of the prophet of Solomon the true message of Islam and help people live by de la jolla. Was there his questions? Let me take them quickly.

00:54:55 --> 00:54:59

I'll take one or two quickly, because wow for Asia

00:55:00 --> 00:55:02

Give the brother because he asked at the beginning, yes.

00:55:06 --> 00:55:06


00:55:18 --> 00:55:20

companions were different.

00:55:21 --> 00:55:27

They were all upon the way of the prophets are seldom, but there are personal preferences. And there are

00:55:28 --> 00:55:36

personal tendencies. So humans by nature are different. So you have different interests than I than me.

00:55:37 --> 00:56:12

Someone else has different interests, you have a certain level of stamina in certain areas, or I have better stamina in different areas as well. So your physical nature, your genetic makeup, stipulates this, but also your awareness of yourself, your awareness of yourself. So some people poverty is good for them. Because if they get rich, really rich, they'll become arrogant. And they will go into all the bad, they'll do all the bad things. But for some people, if they get poor, that's a great trial for them, they're going to be angry with a lot, they will be upset and they won't even worship Allah.

00:56:13 --> 00:56:50

So people are different in their demeanor, in their, in their tendencies, and the gifts in their skills. So all of these actually require a real expression, a real expression. So, so it's just like this, a person is aware of themselves, they're gonna find this, you know, if you have an orientation to something, you will find yourself flowing into that. As long as it doesn't go against Islam and Sharia. You're okay with this. So this is where it comes from? personal differences, they are there by our very creation. Yes.

00:57:02 --> 00:57:23

He mentioned this, he mentioned why he didn't want people to record his fatawa because he said, you should. I mean, I'm a human being you can take I can slip I can make mistakes. So he wanted only people to take the hold on and the sooner and develop the understanding around them. So anchor the understanding around the Hadith and run the Quran, that's the right way.

00:57:25 --> 00:57:51

But some people cannot reach that level. So they always want a vehicle to help them get there, which is explanations of the scholars. clarifications. That's why people need the books of Tafseer Yeah, the he didn't want that because he still he didn't hold himself in high esteem. He didn't hold himself every time someone praised him. He would say well madrina Allah hostage Raj, he says How would I know maybe this is some kind of

00:57:53 --> 00:58:11

something that makes me feel good about myself then i would i would not do enough for the sake of Allah. How do I know that last winter is really pleased with me and I've done enough Okay, so we don't have to time apologize for taking more questions is Aquila here. So la semana Vina Mohammed while he was Savio salam, we meet next week in sha Allah

Sh. Moutasem Al Hameedy Friday halaqah, the story of Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal (Part 2).

March 31, 2017 at the Abu Huraira Center

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