Riyadh Walls – Jumuah 3 January 20201441
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Oh all the windows Samila administrator on your rajim
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa salam the what will sell the Musala 10 What the Sleeman
yearly funny be my call me me real be Immerman mousseline, I shall do
a Illa Illa Allah Who will you Salehi?
what I shall do under say hidden when I begin our all the men are
heavy burner Mohammed and are also rasool Allah. Call term will be it
will mursaleen
solid Lahoma will sell them whether they can Allah has in a be
healed I mean
Well, he also has Bertie Hill war really may mean
bad tomato misdemeanor cinematic come rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh
call hola tomato to en Fe Kitabi Hila Aziz by the rules will be
learned he may not show your tone your bra Jean
yeah a U haul lady in Manu to boo Illa Allah Hito verten also
answer a book from a UK fear uncom se t calm where you the killer
calm Jana terjemahan Jackie Hill and how low yo Mala Zilla who Nabi
yeah well lady in
no room Yes sir been a de him will be a manny him your coluna your
Kununurra burner a team Lana neurona we'll see
in condition.
So the
geometric mean
for years.
In previous years
I used to often speak about current affairs
on the day of Joomla. And in actual fact, some time ago, about
six months ago, somebody actually asked me you know,
about something that had happened and why I don't speak about it.
And my answer to that is quite simple.
We are now undoubtedly
in the depths and in the heart of the fetus.
And the nature of the Phaeton the trials and tribulations of the
beloved prophet Sallallahu Sallam described them how they were going
to be over 1400 years ago. He said a dokkan
is the plural of Wuhan like smoke, it will be smoky, it will be hazy.
It will be foggy.
In other words, you won't really be able to
know what's going on.
That is the nature of the fetus.
It's the nature of the trials and the tribulations
that we are in at this very moment in this very time
and so yes, we continue
to be abreast to be ahead of what is going on in the online. We need
to do that we need to let me turn the camera Muslim infinity
seminar. Oh come akala Salah syndrome, he was not concerned
with the condition of the OMA is not of them. So you must be
concerned you must be abreast you must know what's going on.
But more importantly than that
no matter what is going on,
no matter how bad it's still going to get because it's still gonna
get worse before it gets better.
That is something to agree on.
It's going to get worse before it gets better. And we read an
extremely low
in the history of the OMA of Muhammad Sallallahu Alexandar.
Politically economically,
in terms of unity or disunity, we are at an extremely low energy.
So what do we do at a time like this? No establishment Allah.
In order that our situation should become better,
we are going
to surrender instead of worrying too much about current affairs. We
are going to turn to the one who is in control of all the affairs
because the last one to dialysis law who will
belong to Allah is the creation. Well, Omar MBFS
Tabata, calahorra Bula Alameen Blissett be Allah who is the
creator and sustain of everyone in everything in the heavens on
So, that is why you will find the the topics that we are speaking
about have to do with our connection with Allah.
Because if we can correct this, then you will see as Allah
subhanaw taala promises in Allah La yoga Yoruba told me in Hatha
Yoga, you may be unforeseen, Allah will not change the condition of a
people until such time as they change the condition of
And our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he gives us a
if you like an acid test
when do we know when is the time
to be mostly concerned with ourselves and I don't mean in a
material way I'm speaking in a spiritual way. In a reformative
way. Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is all right to
Shahan Mopar animal. We're how one whatever animal a gerbil or even
FC for Alec and
for I like
if you see people obeying the grid
and you see people following the whims and the fancies, Allah
and you see people being self opinionated.
In fact, they are vain about their own opinions.
And this is even happening amongst Muslimeen where they become vain
over their own opinions over their own or how over their own whims
and fancies, they become vain about them over call Allah and
call a lawsuit.
Over what Allah says in our beloved Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu Sallam says, he says, if you see that happening for
alayka nepsac Then busy yourself with yourself.
Busy yourself with yourself.
Meaning correct yourself.
repent and return to Allah. As we're speaking last week about
we need to make use of our life before our death because when we
die, there's no coming back.
So we need to make use of our life make use of our time
in making righteous Allah
before it is too late.
And as long as we are doing that, nothing and no one can harm us.
No matter where we are in this world.
Yeah, you will live in mono. Oh, those of you who believe, says
Allah subhanaw taala I laid come full circle.
This is not just a clue of what the prophet hasn't said in the
That is singular and plural tomorrow, same thing.
Busy yourselves with yourself. Oh, those of you who believe busy
yourselves with yourselves.
In other words, keep busy making Toba
get busy making right where you've done wrong. Get busy returning to
Lyon to recommend the law today to
those who have gone astray can bring no harm to you, as long as
you are following righteous guidance.
Even if most of the world
even in fact, even if only a few.
If it's the minority
are striving in the path of Allah
then doesn't matter what the world is doing no harm can come to those
who are trying to make right with Allah subhanaw taala
law you're to come mandala today.
So that is why today in shallow to Allah, I would like to speak about
the topic of Tober
I would like to speak about the topic of turbo your to Butalbital
Totana Suhana
Tabea to woo a Raja AR Joe
it's time for us to return to Allah
it's time for us to make
being the best Muslims that we can possibly be. It's time for us to
make that the number one priority in our lives
and not just something we are doing on the side.
And not just something that we think about when we have free
But making it
the very the very axis around which our entire lives revolve.
But Today Ima tools to mirror
that picture consistent continuous Toba
because ultimately,
we as human beings come upon us Allah Allah Allah He was a lamp to
loop in the Mahato.
War cradle Hatha in two WebU all of mankind are sinners, all of
mankind Earth
as they say Toobin to Earth.
We have this in Islam.
All of mankind besides the Gambia, who all they have the quality of
Esma although it's almost wanted to Allah has protected them from
sin, but the rest of us are all sinners. And the best of those who
sentences our beloved prophet Sallallahu Sallam are those who
repent and return to Allah subhana wa Tada.
So what is
in this verse, in Surah, Hareem.
Allah subhanaw taala says in verse number eight, year a, Johan
Levine, Manu Oh, those of you who believe, to boo in Allah, He told
that 10 Now Suha
are those of you who believe, repent to Allah, a sincere
Repent to Allah, a sincere repentance.
The answer of Bukoba
perhaps your Lord,
are You Kaffir aankomst Tico will forgive you for your misdeeds.
Will you the Sheila come Janet and enter you into gardens, tangerine
tactile and her under which rivers flow.
Yo Mala you Zilla
Omar on the day
in which Allah will not disgrace the Prophet and those who believe
with him, may Allah make us of them.
May Allah make us of them. May Allah make us of them. I mean,
know to whom you're serving a ad him the light press protrudes from
in front of them
will be a millennium and on the right your Kowloon saying Robina
melanin Rana What are they saying? Oh Allah
to fit for us our light was defeated.
And forgive us in Russia in Kadir. Indeed you are capable and have
power over all things. So talk a lot.
So he almost all the time is commanding the believers.
And yeah, he will live in harmony is he thought
it's a general address to all the believers, but let's stiffness
without any exception.
Will you feed in would you
and there is a card that will sue Lea.
There is a principle in Islamic jurisprudence that that which is
general, the address that is made generally
makes it incumbent and obligatory.
In other words, Toba is something that is worshipped
Toba is something that is compulsory
In actual fact, and unfolds
as soon as a person has sinned,
it becomes compulsory for them to make Tober. And if they
procrastinate, then before they can make Toba for the sun, they
have to make Toba for procrastinating about performing
that's what means never procrastinate
that's why when it comes to
this idea of you know, when am I gonna change my life?
When I'm gonna stop doing wrong when am I going to strive to be
The question is answered with the sample now.
Now's the time.
Not after
not after Mercury Berisha, not tomorrow, not next week, not next
and I started myself make denier as you're sitting here in this
masjid, you're Allah I want to change my life for the better
and don't don't think well you know, I've already felt I have
attained the station that I've I've wanted to attain In other
words, you have a riddle and enough's,
very dangerous.
Even apply last Canary Rahim, Allah Allah he says, a slew
Kulu or slew Kali ma See ye tin
walk off letting Warszawa
a riddle.
He says that the origin of every sin
and of every heedlessness.
And of every desire
is for a person to be satisfied with themselves. In other words, I
don't need to change.
For the person that says, for example, I stood up for the
hatchet last night. I mean, what more can I do?
I fasted Monday and Thursday, I'm in commerce.
So a person who has satisfaction about themselves that don't see
any, they don't see any room for improvement. They're in a very,
very precarious and dangerous situation.
The origin of every sin of every heedlessness of every desire, or
riddle and illness is for a person to be pleased with themselves.
And then he says, we'll also
talk while you're covered tinware
and the origin of every obedience and every wakefulness meaning
consciousness being conscious and mindful of Allah, and
which means modesty.
The opposite of fulfilling one's lusts and desires
is to have
to God oneself snuffs or to God oneself soul from falling prey to
the lower knifes at the origin of these three, obedience,
wakefulness, and modesty and chastity is for you not to be
satisfied or pleased with yourself. And then at the end,
this is what you're aiming
What are your enemy?
Li Alleman Yoda and Luffy were au Javelin healing lie of the
undersea Allah think of this very carefully. This is a wisdom this a
it requires, like the doctor says that when you when you chew a
piece of meat, you should chew it at least 50 times before you
swallow it, in order that it should Jive properly. Likewise,
when you take in this Hekima, you know, metaphorically speaking,
chew on it for a while. What does he say? Then? He says and what
What knowledge of a learned person will make them satisfied with
And what ignorance of an ignorant person will cause them not to be
satisfied with themselves. Do you get
what knowledge
of a learned person
will make them satisfied with themselves? What is he saying? He
says that even an island
somebody who has all the knowledge of the Quran and the Sunnah of our
beloved Prophet Muhammad says them, but he is impressed with
Basically what he's saying he has no knowledge
And the person that knows very little,
but always sees room for improvement within themselves.
He's saying even that the person is ignorant. What kind of
ignorance is that? That's actually the learned person.
The person that never ever thinks too much of themselves like say
the hammer
or the Allah Tabata Quwata Allah Cornejo, half allah how often
you're talking to another limb.
He said Allah so much that he believed that the five Johanna
would only been created for him.
And one day he said
Lohja and NASCIO Malkia Murthy Jana Julian.
Hakuna Danica. He said if everybody had to come on the day
of Kiama and be entered into paradise except for one I feel
that I'll be that one.
Some of the elements say no this is said to have some say no it's
also said no I'm gonna
but mashallah, these two bombers if you must just study their lives
They would never ever to show themselves says I love you love to
work with Allah and he was so unsure of himself, that he was
even afraid that his name was on the list of the 17 hypocrites of
Medina. And I've narrated the story many times.
As a reminder,
Satan Muhammad, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, located
in Abuja inviting to Canada ominous if you've been a prophet
after me who would have been on your
agenda on the Euro the light of the people of Germany said to him
one day Salallahu Alaihe Salam, but he said you said no matter
what the line, you are the light of the people of Jana.
Yet he was afraid that his name was on the list of the 17 Moana 15
of Medina.
With with Abdullah the new baby saloon
and Khalifa, a man who was also known as Kathy Musa Rasulillah,
the keeper of the secret of the messenger Allah He had the list,
and he wasn't allowed to give it to anybody, or to feel that the
Sahaba might kill them.
And the Prophet saw some fear that they would be a fitna that if they
killed the mafia kin, then the story would go around Muhammad
kills his own companions because no more than 15 were pretending to
be his companions.
So it was kept a secret who said normals worry is my name on the
list? Probably for wouldn't tell him.
The prophets Allah Salam passed away in the Khilafah of Satan Abu
Bakr is my name on the list. However, we didn't tell him then
he became the Khalifa muscle now
are they by Allah? Have you found my name amongst them?
For those who looks at him says yeah, we need my eyes Allah, Oh
Commander of the Faithful, I seek refuge in Allah from what you are
saying. Unterman ashington, machinable Jana, you have the 10
people that have been promised Jana.
But yet he's still feared.
He was still never too sure of himself. He always saw room for
So that's what I say, as we are sitting here today. Let's make
that new year.
We're not talking about New Year's resolutions, it's not our new
In actual fact, a Muslim should make use of every day as if it's a
new year
of the Hegelian calendar every day. What are you
looking for? Are you allowed to borrow if you want to and what did
you say? Mainly Juniata issue about the work for your dunya as
if you're going to live forever? What does that mean? In other
words, whatever you're doing in the dunya strive for perfection,
they obviously must be halal. I
mean, even if they have the most sincere intention and it's not
halal. What's the point
of the litmus, Rudy says, Allah tomato mozzarella, and he says,
Lion fo Kowloon. Illa behandeling there's no use in a word, unless
it's backed up with a deed while ions are coated in their veneer.
And there's no use in a word or a deed and this is backed up with a
good intention.
When a colon will,
in neither was a sunnah, and there is no use in a word or deed,
or an intention no matter how good it is. If it's not in agreement
with the lifestyle of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu
that's why you will never ever see a man or a woman for that matter.
As an angel. You will never ever see them saying Bismillah
it's not possible because you can't smoke with a good intention.
Knowing that it's gonna harm you
Are, do not harm and do not reciprocate harm. And that's why
there is almost consensus amongst the scholars today.
that smoking is not mcru it is haram
because you're causing harm to yourself and you're causing harm
to others.
This topic is not about smoking. This topic is about
improving ourselves, even if it means leaving smoking. If that's
your contribution to yourself, if that's your contribution to
yourself for the sake of Allah, you will see how many doors
understand that Allah will open from that good deed.
Here are your Levina Armano to boo Illa Allah He told Burton Nasu are
those of you who believe repent, to boo return?
Return we have we go way have we gone that we need to return you
know, we we've gone we've gone away
we've gone away from Allah.
We've gone away from the Quran.
We've gone away from Suniti
whenever you heard me say that you must have another means mankind.
So Halal
means the best of mankind. We've gone away from his sunnah.
So we need to come back and Allah asks especially when it comes to
the Quran for a herbal loan, where are you going?
In Hua in the Quran? Allah Allah me it's nothing but a reminder for
all the world's Lima Zsa Amin come a starting for the one that wants
to be upright and steadfast.
The one that wants to walk the straight path of Allah and stay on
The Quran is the Sunnah is there.
Talk to
be Hema lamb talk de Loup Aveda, I have lived to you two things. If
you hold on to these two things you will never go astray Kitab
Allah was in the book of Allah and my way of life.
So Allah is telling us to come back.
We have with God.
Allah is telling us to wake up and return to come out of our state of
heedlessness and carelessness and when to do it, to do it now.
Like the story of Phil Daly
a story that I've also mentioned a number of times over the years, a
beautiful story of a man who was a was a highway robber.
He was a highway robber, one of the worst crimes that any human
being can commit. That's why in Islam, the punishment
for a person that is a highway robber, in other words, he prowls
the streets, the roads,
looking for people to rob and to harass.
And in many cases kill whenever you have the biller. The
punishment, you know what it is, crucifixion, and for the limbs to
be cut off from opposite sides.
That's in the Quran. That's in the Sharia, to talk, very serious
crime in Islam.
And obviously, a had that can only be implemented
under the authorization of Accardi in the country where Sharia is
being implemented.
But it's a serious crime with a serious punishment, but yet fully
live in our yard.
Or a more low Tanner.
For those of you who don't know, you're probably asking, you know,
why is he making dua for him if you're such a bad guy, because you
must hear his story of Tober.
And he was infamous in his time was during the colorful abyssea
during the episode Empire,
and there was a reward
for the capture of fidelity
that data live
for daily should be, should be stopped, should be captured.
But Fidel was a master of disguise.
And one day while in his disguise walking the streets of Baghdad on
his way to meet his lover, if you busy with one haram, it's very
easy to be busy with another.
So as he was on his way, he was going to meet his lover in a
garden somewhere in Baghdad.
And he gets to the place there's a high wall
And he climbs onto the wall and he's standing on the wall and he's
about to jump into the garden for this rendezvous with his lover.
And he hears an old man in the street reciting
nearly levena
Tuck Shaka Zulu boom be the gorilla. busy caring nuzzle Amina
Wallah. cool new
tool Kitab Pavan fatale hemo Emmett for CASA Kulu boom we're
cathedral min hum sassy
so the Kumar who loves him
he heard this verse
and we know the power of the Quran
in the huddle Khurana yeah de la de Aquila
that Quran which guides the most upright when he
or she fell.
And we reveal of the Quran in which there is a healing. For the
oil was sick, his heart was sick, his heart needed healing.
And when you heard this verse, it entered his heart,
Allahu Akbar, in such a way
that it threw him off the wall.
Let's first understand what the verse is saying. Almost wanted to
Allah says has the time not come? For those who believe
it's always addressing the believers always addressing us
while lawmakers have a true believers. I mean, he's addressing
us has the time not come for those who believe
that the our hearts should submit and surrender to that which has
been revealed of the truth.
Alarm yet nearly livina Amanu and Tasha
Lizzie Karela.
Firstly, to the remembrance of Allah, the believer, when he just
hears the Name of Allah, in normal mode, Allah Xena is Allah, what do
you let Kuru boom
that's where we need to be aiming for. If we not did, let's where we
need to be going to, if we haven't arrived,
that indeed without any exception, the true believers, they are those
that we even the name of Allah has mentioned their hearts tremble.
Allah make us of them.
And that when the verses of Allah are recited to them, why the
toilet Allah him to the tomb, Iman, when they hear the verses of
Allah in the Quran, the Eman increases,
alone, and they put the trust in the Lord.
That's what we need to be aiming for.
So coming back to the first verse,
Allah mutiny, Levine, has the time not come for those who believe
that the heart should submit and surrender to the remembrance of
Allah and to that which has been revealed of the truth.
And not to be like those who were given the book before the
Scripture before. Massara. What did they do for Paula and they
human Emmett? They procrastinated.
They procrastinated. He was not young.
Have a lot of cool
until I get to maybe middle age, you know, over the hill when I'm
when I'm downhill then I start thinking about Allah. Then I start
thinking about the deen of Allah. Then I start thinking about room
for improvement. Who knows if we can even see tomorrow?
We were mentioning the saying of earlier work for your dunya as if
you're gonna live forever, but work for you as well.
As if you're gonna die tomorrow. We spoke about that last week.
So no procrastination.
Procrastination is the thief of time.
In fact, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he spoke he said
loud to so before he spoke about procrastination do not
procrastinate. Learn to so we fall but we sought to sin. Sin law to
say with who don't say sofa. I will.
I will make Toba I will change my life. I will make improvements I
will reform no no Alon.
So don't be like those who were given the Scripture before they
procrastinated in returning to Allah
for toil, Allah, Ahmed.
And so to procrastination turned into a long period. And during
that period what happened for
the hearts became hardened. But cathedral Minh home first upon and
many of them
Were transgressors in the eyes of Allah.
This I entered his heart and jolted him so much that it threw
him off the wall, luckily not into the garden,
but back into the street
and immediately picked himself up and he said,
The time has come, the time has come.
And he started to cry
and he started to say stuff, Allah to Allah, Allah when it came to my
for altruism to Allah, Allah.
Oh ALLAH forgive me, I repent to Allah, I returned to Allah and I
regret about the wrong that I have done and then make a resolution
not to disobey Allah is starting to make Toba
but in the back of his mind, he's only going to forgive him after
all the wrongs he has done.
So he makes his near the end of the day, he is going to go
immediately to Makkah
and he's going to go make dope oh, by the haram.
So he finds a coffee law that is hiding
that he's hiding from whom
there is a coffee or a caravan
of either for Judge Timothy
doesn't say in the rewire where they went for Hajj or Umrah he
just wanted to go to beta light haram. But there was a coffee that
was going to Makkah, and they were hiding in some ruins on the
outside on the outskirts of Baghdad, hiding from phobail and
his arm, his army of of bandits.
And he was sitting there and he was listening and they were
saying, you know we better not go out now it's nighttime, for daily
might catch us. So he stood up and he said and therefore
it should could mean for any term a lot of blasphemy. He said I'm
Fidel Be at peace for I'm repenting and returning to Allah.
He joined the coffin and off they went to Makkah and on his way he
is suffering and he's making Toba and he's making his divan, but he
still has the sphere.
Allah is not going to accept him unless he's too he's too much of a
sinner. Just
totally otherwise he wouldn't have gone to Morocco. Otherwise he
would have just carried on with his haram but there is this little
whisper the shaytani is whispering to him. Just Allah might just not
forgive him. Allah might just not accept his tone. And that is what
he's so fearful of.
Because one of the worst things for a believer is to display in
Allah's mercy.
So the closer he gets to Makkah, the more fearful he becomes, the
more is something and as he arrives in Macau,
and he enters the door of the harem. There is an old man sitting
by the door reading called Reba,
a Seraph, who Anna foresee him la takana to Morocco Rahmatullah in
nulla. Federal zulubet Jamia in no one fulfil rushing
say to them, oh Muhammad, some of
those servants of mine who have transgressed upon themselves do
not display in the Mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins,
he is oft forgiving, Most Merciful.
And this verse entities hard burden was salam, Cooley and
peacefully and immediately then in the he knew that Allah and felt
really again with certainty that Allah had forgiven you. And he
became one of the greatest scholars of Islam.
Not School is
one of the greatest scholars of Islam after being a scholar, he
became a scholar.
In fact, they called him an avid hunter mine if you're looking for
for the oil, you will find him either in the harem of maca, or in
the harem of Medina.
One of the greatest and most pious scholars of Islam that have ever
walked for the hill, even
Tsujimoto Muslimeen there is no time for despair. We have to
return to Allah and return now
and believe that was one of the other will forgive us a terrible
minute zombie come unless somebody would like to prophesy Salah
Salem. The REPENT OF A sin is like one who has no so I end with the
words of the poet he says is a Catholic nun Katsunobu for Dawa be
delay for a nama canoe to come in Harmon katajanokka
If your sins become many, then cause those sins to be wiped away
by standing up in the middle of the night and the night is dark.
That was one of the other causes to revive the screed sunnah of
tahajjud Salah
and never ever display in the Mercy of Allah for indeed for you
to display in Allah's mercy will be a greater sending all your sins
Together Allah to Ballina Allah Subhan Allah Allah forgive us and
guide us, give us the Tofik to live that life of a Tober today
Mr. Mira, continuous perpetual repenting and returning to him, no
matter what is going on in this world, for indeed if we are going
to surrender our face to him, and we are going to put our trust in
Then in sha Allah Allah Allah will indeed change the condition that
we are in a condition of fear and anxiety to one of peace and
security were accurate that 100 laudable Alameen wa salam alaykum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
This is a message from hygena Irene
who says in the villa I love you all for the sake of Allah. Please
make dua for I am one year older.
So we say Allah subhanaw taala grant you long life in His
obedience with Ali sejarah in Barakat who cell lung tumor
Allah subhanaw taala grant you good health and give you a long
life in His obedience in Europe anatomy.
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
you're on the line Alameen
europea sector are you stood Are you gonna be
your BM Wilford region Kuru will be far rich Kuru buena era be i
lemon will you be Kenosha Rama Homina Homina Are you gonna hook
back we'll hug them and your handbook will have been hammered
in your career buena de la Hogback here I leave them to help take
your career on behalf kick your teeth from behind click Alt have
been the majority he'll makadi in either condition Kadir
law is a Catholic Minka zooboo Further we have been met Dr. Phil
lately will lay the Muslim who will talk on autonomy Rahmatullahi
for in nama canoe to come in Herman hataoka. Who album Why
should the unnecessary you don't know whenever you know while demon
Wahhabi bin Mohammed and Rasool Allah Bella rissalah
We're not so hello mama.
Well Crusher Petaluma we just had the Fila haka jihadi had utter
Julio Kane Bella Bella Allah because he can Shiva deja vu
Gemelli he alguma Jimmy he saw it he saw Lou la he early Sunday la
Kola who yeah lemon who might have gotten nessa Woman Island kill
Hannah in Biographia Homerton Islam Rasul Aqeedah
Illa Aliah Sarah T Curam is Moromi llama color whom hola Anna Tabata
customer fee Kitabi Hilah Aziz by those who Billa him in a show you
on your regime yah, yah
yah au Hallerin Manu to boo Illa Allah hito button su ha we'll call
it Allah wa to boo Illa Allah He Jimmy and a you help me know when
Allah Allah come to flee home
for in October Wilma Adorama Tober
Tober what Toba tuna su ha in nama here Alia colonialism when Adam
when he Wilma
Oh Phyllis Boyle Kadhim shahada garden, I was sent away till
Kajima law and Joab
when he heard the call to Allah, Allah me
when are you?
fatahna Allah focus as
well you heard the Hanged Man Accra and 34 daily with a yard and
Lizzy can mean to talk
for Karla fatality. Billy call in Mahara min ma Habiba T.
Ali kindom aka Philology, dar Samia heavy liar. For what God and
we're Bukka Wirkkala.
For Budda YouTube Obadiah you still feel salmonella beta lion
Muharram well can cough Isla tema find him I was Salah in Abu al
haram Samia Huhtala Kalia, everybody
foresee him la takana tumor Rahmatullah in Allah. The Nuba
Jamia and in no hoo hoo, unlawful Rahim for Allah and Allah subhanho
wa Taala Camila Talbert, Vanessa Allah to Allah.
And Allah Xena
here to boon in Allah. Toba tenderness hoo ha towboatus
covenant mode.
is remote? Well my fear attend the road to becoming Hoonah kala Hana.
Hana Hana madrasa to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam your
Kulu Phil Habibollah Mustafa Al will be reliably with them Bula
Yun sir what day Yan hula Yarmuth ml machine to come out to Dan
while you're cooler or you could live in yada Mahato on Wilfredo
kata in a toe
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa shall do Allah Allah Allah Allah
Who will you saw the thing shall we say you didn't know whenever
you know what all the men or what have you been a Muhammad and
Rasulullah ha Tim will MBA will mousseline you will see common FC
and with nipa olam be worth it for Coca Cola to Anna vikita Because
he's been the Himalayas shaytani R rajim. Yeah, you handed in
toquilla haka Ducati.
Illa anti Muslim moon. Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. Allah Hi Suma could barely see it. Seattle has an atom haha.
Well Harlequin NASA hula hooping has an inbox zero arriba de la
mina Salatu was Salam ala CD Wahhabi Wudi Toby Muhammad in Gulu
Viva la Shiva oneworld Abu Salah will do in Allah how will you
solve Soluna Nebby here are you hello Dean Solu Allah He recently
moved to Lima Allama Sonia Allah Muhammad Allah Allah and Muhammad
Kamal Salah to Allah Ibrahim Ibrahim robotic Allah Muhammad wa
ali Muhammad Kamal Baraka Ibrahim while early Ibrahim Phil island in
Mohammed and Majid Waldo Allahumma and in qualify Rashid in Abu Bakr
Omar worth man well Ali, Hassan Hassan Mohammed will remain well
answered, even authority one sided Sahaba to the agenda
ain't got to have a ticker er hamara Hamid Allah Maricel Islam a
well Muslimeen Allah Maricel Islam Allah muslim in Allah Maricel
Islam or Muslim or ally we finally can be totally happy with Deen
Alana 21 And if you Philistine with her certain Europe or Alameen
Allah Muhammad Allah Azza mean ad sahaya krummenacher Amin almost
one and a sham Phil Iraq or Afghanistan or phillium And if he
bought them or was equally makan Allah monsoon was a bit Akadama
hum era Bella Alameen Iberdrola in Allah yeah
well Eater is in Poorva when her an infection in one monkey will
either come landlocked come to that karoun como de la sala Tricom
Yahama Kamala work in a sauna?
remember solid heels in line shoulder touching shoulder close
all the gaps please make sure that all cell phones on site
Bismillah R Rahman
r Rahim
Nikki O'Neal de Yong
Stuffing Serato levena and
hiring of throw him on me
Canada in Keita
Jean mama Dada Ji kita
Deena you can see buena Dean where my movie
scene is
Paul SL T roll when he calculable Rana, Ruby him
Cebu can
grab your money
from no loss on Jaffe
all you have going to be here to get
along with
some young
Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim
Rossmann man of rushing to the dean
of rush, rush to kill me Dean
Doing steady dinos
stuffing Serato levena And
while you will have to be
on me
in Nikita about Adila
Can you teach
more called rombro in our alesina
he knows
you scold me
too he
was feeds
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
so many of you all
Sit down
sit down one
still it's still it's still a little bit too
send me
an hour
tupuna Illa tupuna in Allah tupuna in Allah Allah Allah when I
a kid and
Allahumma Antara buena
becoming Shangri La Solana
Allah Masha Allah, Allah Masha Allah and Allah Alterna are more
on camera I mean, so how not to be caught off