Moutasem al-Hameedy – Living With Quran

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the upcoming return of multiple celebrities to the area, including Hina and Kela, and emphasize the importance of showing faith and connecting to one's true nature. They also stress the need to be true to oneself and not just highlight one's actions. The speakers advise not feeling satisfied with actions and emphasize the importance of fasting for achieving spiritual health and avoiding misinterpreting words. The importance of building a personal relationship with the Quran is emphasized, and individuals are encouraged to use the words of Allah to create a connection with their heart and make a personal relationship with them.
AI: Transcript ©
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And then hamdulillah Hina who want to start in who want to still feel?

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What do we learn Himanshu Rudy and fusina What's the year to Anna Lena? Mejia? Hila who fella mobile Allah who wanna you believe the Allah?

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What should I do Allah Ya. Hola. Hola. Hola. Shetty. Kela wash Hello ana Muhammadan rasul.

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Yeah you Halloween taco la haka to party he will Atomo tune in to Masuri moon yeah Johanna Souter back home lady Holika comin FC Wahida wahala coming has

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with them in Houma Deja and Kathy are one isa What's up hola hola de Luna be here we are in LA haka and I like Kamala Heba yeah you are Latina Amano tabula Hawa Kulu Outland studied useless Lacan

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while ferula kununu back home one a Utah

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How are Rasulullah who felt as if I was an AVI match and that I do deal for in the Hadith Nikita Bula here as our gel waka y'all had you had you Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa salam, or shot one Amorim of data to her what coulomb data team, what will be the atom Bala.

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All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him. We seek His help and his aid and we asked him for his forgiveness. We seek protection and refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the evil consequences of our actions. Whomsoever Allah guides, none can lead him astray. And whomsoever Allah leaves and abandons to go astray, no one can guide him.

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I bear witness, and I testify that no one has the right to our worship. No one has the right to our ultimate love and devotion but our Creator alone Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, who has no partners, who has bestowed all these blessings upon us, and I bear witness and I testify that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His servant, and His Messenger or you who believe fear Allah as he should be feared, and die not, except in a state of submission and peace and connection and devotion to Allah alone.

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All mankind be dutiful to your Lord who created you from one single person, and from him he created his wife and from them both he created many men and women, and fear Allah through whom you demand your mutual rights and observe the rights of your kids. Surely Allah is over and all water over you and all your affairs. Or you who believe keep your duty to Allah, fear Him, connect to him, and trust him

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and speak the truth. He will direct you to righteous deeds and will forgive you your sins, no matter how huge and immense they are.

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Indeed, the best speech is the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. And the best guidance and the best way of life is that of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa, early he was alone. And the worst thing a person could ever get involved in when it comes to the matters of the deen the matters of Islam are the newly innovated matters, the better. Because every innovation every bit is misguidance. And every misguidance takes its people to the hellfire. How fast the days of Ramadan have passed.

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Only a few days ago, it feels just like a few days ago that we were looking forward to Ramadan welcoming this wonderful guest welcoming this beautiful opportunity. This peak time of connection and devotion and closeness and spirituality and sweetness of Eman. We were looking forward to it and in the blink of an eye today, over the next few days we will be saying goodbye to Ramadan.

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And this is how your life and my life will pass. Before you know it you'll start having white hairs just like myself and like many of us here

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soon your hair will start falling off. Soon you start getting wrinkles, and soon you will be too old. Too old to start planning for

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life ahead. This is how life passes and Allah subhanaw taala describes it as a mirage, woman hayah to dunya ill,

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or this life is a passing fleeting enjoyment, it's a mirage, it's a delusion.

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So you go through it as a preparation to make it to the hereafter, it's your opportunity, it's the chance, a given for you, so that you make it to paradise. But we get so much work, you know, we get ourselves worked up, we get ourselves busy trying to plan for our future and we forget that there's no future on Earth. There's no real future on Earth, the only future is in the hereafter and the next life you know it in your heart because when you were born, it was placed and put in your heart and your very fabric, you very make up, you will fit through your human nature knows it, you will not create it for this world. You're not part of this world, they just a visitor, and soon you will

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be departing and Ramadan is a reminder it is theirs come and soon it is departing, and it will leave us.

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And in Ramadan, there will be winners and there will be losers. And I pray that Allah subhanaw taala makes us from among the winners.

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Michael but today will be about no matter what you've done in the past days, we still have about five days to go, five days to go or four days to go. Don't miss out on them. Don't miss out on them. Don't let the fact that you have wasted your time. The fact that you have not given you all in Ramadan, don't let that dissuade you from making use of the last five or four nights of Ramadan. Make sure you give everything you have to Allah in these remaining nights. And the Prophet SAW Selim has given us an example.

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In Simon that is reported by Muslim and his Sahaba the messengers Allahu alayhi wa sallam says in the Rajala man will be an ally ally now terma yakun obey in vain who Robina has Euro,

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Fiat and they will be under the genitive Ayatollah that a person will be doing throughout his life, the actions of the people of the Hellfire, the people who will end up in the eternal punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala until he gets so close to the hellfire, there's only one hand span or one arm's length is only away from the Hellfire by that short distance. Then the word of Allah comes through the word of Allah takes place. And that's the word of Allah, in his book in the local mifold that is written about everything that was going to happen. That was written 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and earth. And it was also written into your heart. Because when you were in

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the womb of your mother, Allah sent down an angel that wrote where you were going to end up.

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And there is no force upon you. There's no compulsion upon you. This is just Allah's knowledge of the Unseen. Allah's knowledge of the future, what you were going to do, where you were going to end up so the angel were right will you be from the people of the Hellfire, or the people of paradise, so was written also in your heart, where you will be, but Allah has given you in the first place the fitrah, the fitrah that knows Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, the fitrah that loves Allah subhana wa Tada the fitrah that recognizes paradise, the fitrah that recognizes the fleeting nature of this world, it recognizes it, it knows it. It is the feeling of guilt that creeps on you when you break

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the laws of Allah subhana wa Tada. It is the pain that keeps poking you in your heart. When you focus in your life, about the enjoyment of this world and you forget about Allah, you forget about the reason you were created to love Allah connect to Allah live for Allah and that's the only time you'll be able to connect with your true human nature, the pristine nature that that you were made according to

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and the Quran comes to confirm this, the Quran comes to fortify this and strengthen it and push you towards it. So inside from outside comes the words of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada the example of our great prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in all its details. And from inside comes the blueprints comes the very fabric of who you are your fitrah all of them are in a state of compatibility.

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They are exactly the same. So you need to listen to that. So as Ramadan is leaving you it needs to remind you that you will be leaving soon as well. How soon, even 100 years from now will be very soon.

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What is 100 years compared to an eternal life in paradise or hellfire, and the messenger SallAllahu Sallam told us about the most the person who lives lived the most extravagant, the most easy life on earth. He will be brought on the day of judgment, and he will be dipped in the Hellfire for less than a second just dipped in the hellfire. Then Allah will ask him my servant. Have you ever witnessed any ease and in luxury in your life? And he said, No, Allah by Your Majesty and Your greatness, I've never seen an ease in my life. Just one dip made him forget everything that he enjoyed on Earth.

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And then the most miserable person on earth, the person who will have the hardest, toughest type of life on earth will be brought on the day of judgment, and he will be dipped. In paradise, you might say the hellfire, it's burning. So one dip actually makes a difference. What about paradise?

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We often feel that we need to take time to enjoy the bliss, and the beauty and the ease, right? We need to adjust to it. But the beauty of Paradise is something different. It's not part of this world. It's something that your mind can understand. But your heart can recognize your foot Ron knows it. And that's the sweetness you feel when you reciting the words of ALLAH and you truly connect to them.

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And you're surprised by some tears rolling down your cheeks.

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Because awakened your heart is the moment when you're praying behind the Imam and he's reciting the words of ALLAH and you feel you want to cry your heart out, you have a feeling of coming back home, coming back to yourself. That's your fitrah

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that's what the Quran does. This is what the words of Allah do. They take us back in the journey, take us back home, take what take us to who we are. And this is what Islam calls people to. It doesn't Islam doesn't strive to change people transform them.

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This is not the right way to put it. Islam brings us back home Islam wants you to be true to yourself, because your very nature, your very nature is the nature of belief of love for Allah of connection to Allah. And so unless you go back home, once you connect to your true nature, you will see the world differently.

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You will connect

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the whole system, the whole current of worship that runs through the universe, and you will recognize it and you will feel it. And this is why Allah subhanaw taala says that when I love my servant, my seven six nearness to me, and I love my servants, I will make everything work for him. Because once you connect with the universe in the worship of Allah and the devotion of Allah and the love of Allah, you're part of this universal harmony, the means and that Allah sent down to run the whole universe, and all only mankind and jinn are given choice to break from it. So once you choose to connect to it, Islam doesn't want to make your life hard. It's that makes it makes it makes your

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life easy. If you feel that the rulings of Islam are making your life hard, you're doing it the wrong way.

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You're doing it from the wrong place. You're trying to do it with your mind, with your intelligence with your with your intelligent mind, but you're not connecting to your true nature. When your heart recognizes the beauty of Islam and it connects to it and opens up to it. You will look at life from a different perspective. Things will just sound differently. Everything you'll see the glory of Allah and everything. You will see the mercy of Allah and everything. You will see the wisdom of Allah and everything. So what can we learn from Ramadan as it's departing us and leaving us first a reminder,

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those people who did not give their best in Ramadan, so far, it's not over yet. It's not over yet, just as in that hadith, if in the last part, you show Allah some sincerity, some truthfulness, some devotion that you truly love Allah, Allah will accept from you. And Allah might make it up for you as if you have worked hard throughout Ramadan. Just as he would send that person who throughout his life did the evil sins, but the last bit of his life he turned back to Allah and Allah sent him to paradise.

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This is how forgiving Allah is this how merciful he is. It's not mathematics with Allah. All you need to do is to show true love and devotion. And if you truly sincere with Allah, Allah will guide you. If when you pray, you say to Allah, he didn't say rock on a mustard team. You say it from your heart or Allah guide me to the straight path. Keep me on the straight path. It didn't say rock almost nothing. If you truly mean it. If you truly mean it from the bottom of your heart, you're not saying it only with your tongue. You're not just thinking about it in your mind. Just feel it. Your whole body, your whole gut your whole soul is saying it

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and you mean it from the bottom of your heart? Allah will never let you down. He will never let you down. And if you think otherwise you don't have the right thoughts about Allah. That's not Allah Who created us. That's not Allah who said Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with the Quran for our guidance. And he said, Well, my answer NACA in LA Rahmatullah mean, we have only sent you as mercy to mankind. So put your trust in Allah, show Allah, some truthfulness, just between you and Allah. You don't have to show anyone forget about everyone else. This business, no one has anything to do with it. It's only you and Allah. Don't show it to anyone.

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Make sure there's only between you and Allah experienced that moment that beauty of only connecting to Allah and forgetting about the creation, it's a different feeling.

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And the prophets also give a give a beautiful example of someone who's really truthful to Allah, how Allah will guide them. There was one companion, he had a weakness in him he was a bit of a distant companion. He had a weakness in him that he would drink alcohol, he could not break from it, he was addicted to it.

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So every time he was brought to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to in order to have the punishment for drinking alcohol. So one day one of the people of the congregation looked at me and he said, May Allah curse him or may Allah distance him. How often is brought to the Prophet SAW Selim to be punished? The messengers also said that Allah No, don't curse him. Don't swear at him.

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That way, you know, shape on Okay, come, don't be an eight for shaytaan with shaytaan against your brother in your head. Bula sola, indeed, he loves Allah and His messenger. Some people get the Hadith wrong, they say as long as you love Allah, your sins are all forgiven.

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It's not necessarily like that. But what the Prophet SAW Allah meant as the scholars of Hadith the commentators of Hadith on this hadith said, they said that his love, his true love for Allah and His Messenger will wake him up one day, and we'll make him break from it.

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So if you truly sincere with Allah, if you truly love Allah, Allah will not let you down. But you need to grow that love. You need to manifest that love. You need to do your best to make it to Allah subhanaw taala so make sure the last night and Hamdulillah I believe most it's a long weekend. So most of you are not working. What What else do you have to do?

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When else you know the Prophet SAW Selim before, one time he mounted the member and we know the famous Hadith. And just before mounting, remember, he said Amin, Amin, amin three times his companions were puzzled. You know, that's the first time the Prophet saw them does that? What does he mean? So afterwards, they asked him, they said, O Messenger of Allah who did something you don't usually do? What did you What did you mean? He said, Gibreel came to me and he said, three drivers, one of them was an ad blocker on Madonna, Willem Eufaula, who far broader than that, the one who lives to witness the month of Ramadan, and does not get his sins forgiven and Ramadan. So may Allah

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distance him from his mercy. What does that mean? That means this is a golden opportunity. That's the best time in the year to get your sins forgiven. You haven't gotten them forgiven? What are you doing?

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That's the time you most likely to get your sins forgiven, you miss out on it.

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You can't afford to do it. And who's making the drop the best of the angels Gibreel

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and the best of the creation, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, do you think this will not be answered? So it's not late yet. It's not over. You have these last nights. You have the pm come to the ER when you make your fast. Make sure you're doing it for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah for Allah Himself. A lot of us do out of habit. We just so much used to it. I'm just I'm just fasting. I'm just going through the motions. That's not how fasting should be. Fasting is so spiritual. It's so spiritual. This is what Allah subhanaw taala says in in Austria and for in the holy war, energy. All the actions for the son of Adam are belong they belong to Him is the reward is

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for him, except for fasting. Fasting is for me. Allah is saying fasting is for me, and I will give reward for it. He didn't even name the reward. Because it's immense. It's great. It's powerful. Why? Because it's a profound experience. And the messenger of Salam said in the Hadith also reported by Muslim he said in Hola, hola, Jambo. Inasa de como exam income, Allah does not look at how you look at your looks, how you look your appearance, Allah doesn't look as How nicely you dressed, how nicely you speak, how nicely you behave, or about your impression management is not so much concerned about this. But Allah looks at your hearts, your hearts, your hearts.

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And this is why she called Islam to tame me here. May Allah have mercy upon him. He says, the main wisdom and the main point behind all the acts of worship that you see is their impact on the heart.

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That's the point behind all the acts of worship, they are so important you have to observe them, but the gist of them is what happens to your heart? What you experience in your heart. Are you experiencing the beauty and the devotion and the connection to Allah subhanaw taala? Or are you just going through the motions, so make sure you do this for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala I'll share with you certain things just to walk out of Ramadan this year triumphant.

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Make sure this Ramadan will be able to change you. And even if you have not done your best in the past few days, as I said, you still have the time and you can do it. It's achievable. And it said is with Allah, it's not math. It's different. There's a different mathematics with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada completely different kinds of intelligence, completely different kinds of logic. It's the quality, Abdullah Abdul Rahman of the son of Mr. Malhotra Abdullah Muhammad Ali Allahu Anhu. He died at the age around 84.

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When he was about 83, he said to his son Salim, he said, Oh, my son, you know, if I know that Allah has accepted from me one such that in my life, one, just one sujood, one prostration I would have no desire to stay with you in this world, or people, I would just want to go and leave. Only one says that the thing that is keeping me in this life is keep trying to make a search that Allah would accept. And that doesn't mean Allah doesn't accept or worship, but he's talking about a higher level of acceptance, about the quality of that search done.

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About the inner experience as you are performing that such there.

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And that's what Allah wants to see from you show Allah some devotion. So show Allah truthfulness, show Allah love and dedication and you don't have to fake it. You don't have to make it up, you're born within it's in your heart, you just have to tap into it, and bring it out and experience that and you are going to enjoy the most. And that's the sweetness of a man, this is where it comes from. So I'll share with you certain things that inshallah will make you or will help you and assist you, no one can make, by the way, change, no one can make you a better person. The most important thing about the creation of man is choice, choice, choice. Your essence is about choice, you will make the

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choice where you're going to go in life. You want to be truthful to Allah, or you want to waste your life, it's your choice. Even if I try harder can't change you, you try hard, you can't even change your children, you can do all you want. But ultimately they will have to make a decision.

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They will have choice is the essence of human life. But these tools can help us in sha Allah, change and benefit from this from these days in Ramadan, help take your life to the next level. I'm not talking only and relate your relationship with Allah. Once you correct and you rectify your relationship with Allah, this life will serve you. This life will serve you and people who trust know it. The thing is that if you don't trust, you can't see it. You have to trust to see it. You have to experience it when you you have to experience it to believe it. Because from where you are, if you're acting from your conditioning, your cultural conditioning, your upbringing, most of the

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cultures around the world, if you're acting from that platform, you can't see it. You can't experience it. You have to cross over and experience it and you will see it's a different logic different dynamics, but you will holding yourself back because you are not trusting you will not surrendering to Allah subhanaw taala The first thing you need to do is to start truly thinking about your story with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tala, my question to you is, what is your story with Allah? What is it?

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What's the summary of your story with Allah because your life is actually your story with Allah? What is the word? What is the statement that summarizes your life your experience on earth? What is it? Is it one of love?

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Is it one of devotion?

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Is it truthfulness? Is it negligence? Is it heedlessness? Is it corruption? Is it deception?

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Is it naive hope in Allah when engaging in sin? Or is it just love for Allah? He's just truthfulness. Being true to Allah true to yourself true to the creation?

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Is it about kindness and about mercy just like the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because Allah summarized his mission and his life as mercy to mankind wama also NACA Ihlara Metallica, I mean, we have sent you only as a mercy

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See, but mercy to mankind. That's the summary of the life of the of the Prophet SAW Selim. What's this? That's his story with Allah. What is your story with Allah and if you don't have a clear story, start building it, building it on love and devotion and compassion and kindness to the creation of Allah, an openness to the words of ALLAH and this takes me to my second point is what is your story with the Quran, a lot of us recite the Quran, with our tongues, but it never touches our hearts. It never awakens our fitrah never awakens our souls and never connects us to Allah. And I understand some people they need to work hard on the Quran, and because of the lack of the Arabic

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language, because of the lack of the understanding because of technical issues. These are merely a bridge, but you need to give some time for your heart to reflect on the Quran. And that's the meaning of that book. Allah subhanaw taala says clearly states clearly why He sent down the Quran, he said Kitab and Angela who in a car mobilock A book that we have sent to you as a blessing book, Lea the Blue Yeti so that they make the double of its verses of its signs. The bull means you open your mind, you open your mind and you reflect and most people stop at that stage. That stage is a bridge to let the Quran delve into your heart and awaken your fifth Allah. Awaken the love of Allah

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inside you. And that's what the Buddha means because the Buddha means letting the Quran reach its final stages with you. Letting the Quran give you the ultimate meanings that are behind the books from gather in Arabic, the book, that's the meaning of the word, the book. So you need to live with the Quran. You need to let live let the Quran speak to your heart. Most of us are busy with the technical stuff of the Quran, that's great as a bridge, but that's not the whole story. That's part of the process. You need to let the Quran shape you. If the Quran does not shape you you don't have a good relationship with it. If it does not specify what kind of person you are,

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that's not a that's not a good sign. I shall only Allahu Allah was asked about the Prophet Salah Salem. How was he? How was his demeanor? What kind of person was he the best word she found? She said his demeanor his character was the Quran itself manifested. Are you a manifestation of the Quran?

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Because deep inside you you are created compatible with the Quran. And this is why Allah Subhana Allah says in surah Tintin laquered, Harlequin Al Insana, Fi X. And it's like when we've created man in the best shape, and a lot of us think it's the physical shape. What about your spiritual shape? What about your emotional shape? What about your intellectual shape? What about the whole systems within you tangible and intangible? What about those, those are perfect as well when you were born, you were born upon the foot rock upon the truth upon the love of Allah.

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And it stays within you. And it keeps reminding you about Allah subhanaw taala. So you need need to build your story with Allah. And the second point is one of the best tools to do this. Build your story with the Quran. What's your relationship with the Quran is the Quran your friend, take the Quran as a friend, because the Quran takes a life of its own. It's the words of Allah. It takes a life of its own when you connect your heart to it.

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It doesn't stop at this stage of being an intellectual endeavor, it becomes a holistic experience.

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It's a profound experience, it elevates every part of your being.

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So you need to you need to let it awaken you. And these are two things if you start doing this, and the very simple things and very easy and that's your very nature, you're not doing something strange to you. You're not doing something that is forced upon you. That's your very nature. If you were left with your own nature, this is the way you would follow the way of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions totally Allah who already had our stuff for Allah he will confess the Pharaoh

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Nabina Muhammad in early he was so heavy I remain with that. So you need to build your story with Allah subhanaw taala make it clear. The time you wake up in the morning make sure that you live your day for Allah, that you live this day for Allah no matter what you're doing, you can do it for the sake of Allah. But make sure you begin your day with Allah. He's number one in your life. And the best way to do this is to pick up the Quran the most half and read. You might say some of you might say I don't understand it, just read it. Read one page, and surrender. Don't try to be smart with it. Don't try to be very intelligent with it.

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Just read these things.

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Know that these are the words of Allah subhanaw taala. And if you have an access to a good translation, read the meanings so that you can reflect on the meanings. And ask yourself the question as Mr. McLaughlin always says, in so many places in his books, he says, You need to take each verse and let it speak to your heart and say, What is the message in this? In this verse for me? What is the What is Allah subhanaw taala conveying to me in this verse? What is in it for me? In this verse, what is in it for me? What can I take from it? You will be surprised, I'm telling you be surprised how each verse comes to life. It takes a life of its own. And it speaks to you and this

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one moment has ended. Verse three, he said, a very profound statement, so profound and so powerful that a lot of us misinterpret. He is to say that we used to make difficult and difficult is basically reflecting and thinking on the creation of Allah on the words of ALLAH, the signs of Allah regardless whether they are, were the words of Allah Oh, the creation of Allah. We used to engage in Africa and this differ could lead us to tobacco. What is the call to the Coronavirus? misunderstanding, Imam Imam Shiva Clementine media he says to the Quran means remembering. So what does it mean? The Quran refers to itself in the Quran so many times most of the time is what vicar

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vichara says Kira. It all comes from the same root what does it mean? Remember, remind? Remember, remind you of what you only remember something you already know. And that's your fitrah your knowledge of Allah your love of Allah so the Quran reminds you of your true nature reminds you of the love of Allah that's already instilled in your heart as the Hadith also reported by Muslim from the companion for the from the man the prophets of salaam said in an Amana Turner's the Latvija colubrid region from Alamo middle, Ernie from Alamo Mina, sunnah, Amana, which is the fitrah the truth the true religion of Islam was placed at the deepest recesses of the hearts of the human

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beings. Then they came to know from the Quran, when they came to know from the Sunnah the commentators on saya Muslim like Imam and know what he said that shows that people are believers by nature, that we have the love and knowledge of Allah already in our hearts, then the Quran comes to awaken it and nourish it and grow it then the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW Selim comes to nourish it, and enhance it and give it clear manifestations.

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So that's what you need to do. So imagine has an imbecile he says this, the fog could lead us to to that core. So we came back home sort of, and this setup could lead us to more difficult because it gave us more insight, deeper insight. So we started developing more insight and doing both of our core and that's your journey with the Quran. You will be surprised when you give the Quran your heart how many meanings will open up Abu Sulayman at Dharani. May Allah have mercy upon him one of the early generations. He said to Allah He sometimes I pray at night, and for four nights and reciting the same verse, I can't go past it.

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One verse, I can't go past it, because I'm enjoying it. And so many meanings, floods of meaning are coming my way that I can't disengage from it and move on to the next one. So for for four nights, I'm just so used to pray the whole night, the whole four nights, I'm repeating the same verse and getting so many so much insight and meanings and connection and love and sweetness that are can't go move on to the next one. Until Allah Subhana Allah bestows His Mercy upon me, he just lets me take a moment of heedlessness, and just jump on to the next one. Otherwise, I'll be stuck with this verse for the rest of my life. Thus, that's the relationship with the Quran. It's quality, it's not

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quantity, and the lovely Massoud said, are under love no matter what they allow, and said if I recite two verses, and engage in them, and I reflect on the meanings and benefit from them, it's better for me than reciting the whole Quran. Just like this has been so quickly just to finish it, it's quality that Allah wants your heart through these actions. This is what Allah wants from us. So that has an imbecile he said, we used to make difficult ever could lead us to take that call to remembering to that could lead us to a higher level of difficulty, and so on and so forth. And we used to alternate between the two and go in this kind of upward spiral. And then listen to this

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until we started speaking to our hearts and that doesn't mean speaking like talking to the hearts, but basically that's engaging with the heart through the reflection on the words of Allah and the creation of Allah and awakening the fitrah more and we would engage with our hearts until our hearts spoke out to us. And lo and behold, when an article Kulu Bahat nataka thesis statement when an article aloo Bahat Turner pocket for either Hulu Bula Esna on what absorb and we engage our hearts until our heart spoke out to us. Lo and behold, it turns out that hearts have eyes with which they can see an ease with which they can hear they have a life of their own.

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And that's the life of the Maccabi and these are the people that are closest

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Allah in the highest ranks of paradise, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us from among those people. So I would summarize, make sure make sure that you seize these last remaining days. Do your best specially experienced that in your heart, give Allah quality, quality. Make sure you give Allah your best, because he deserves more. Make sure that your heart is with everything you're doing for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala make sure that from now on, you develop a relationship with Allah that so you are aware of Allah every day, you, you are aware that every day you're writing down your story with Allah and that's the story you will see on the day of judgment on your records. And you

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will be held to account according to that story. You're writing it, whether you like it or not, they in and day out, you're writing it and the angels are recording it. It's a story. It's a lifetime, and you will be held to account based on it. So make it a beautiful story. Make it a story of love, story of devotion, that story of, of contribution, a story that's full with beautiful meanings that you would love to read on the day of judgment and say

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and in order to do this, the Quran is your best aid the words of Allah subhanaw taala there's nothing like them for the heart. There's nothing like them for the soul. There's nothing like them as a way of life.

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So build a personal relationship with the Quran even if it's one verse, even if it's one verse, just take your time with it, bring it to life, through your heart's connection, bring it to life in Dejan it and realize that Allah did not send us random words Allah sent profound words that are supposed to awaken us. This is what loves Allah subhanaw taala says, what is actually attached to him, to who's out there to me, man and when this the verses of Allah are related to them or recited to them, it increased them in faith. And Allah says about the believers and levena either look here Allah Who wants you that follow him? He wants when Allah is mentioned, the hearts tremble. Why? Because they

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know Allah inside it reminds them of that beauty of that greatness of Allah. So they connect to it, it awakens in the heart. So their bodies go through this kind of shivering.

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That profound experience. The words of ALLAH can give you that but only if you give them your heart, you give the words of Allah, they will give you back, you give them just your tongue. That's all you're gonna hear just sounds sound bites, give them your heart. They will give you profound meanings that will change your life. It's not intellectual knowledge only. It's something that's more profound something that will grab you something that will hold you by the collar and will take you to the to the truth. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept to our fast and our station Allahumma Taco Bell Minnesota and I will pay Allahumma Taco Bell Mina along with Taco Bell Mina and semi

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already moto Ballina in October Rahim Allah Who MFI Lenovo Vanna White slough and FE MD now with a bit apadana on sadhana a little coal mill Catherine Allahumma Tujuh was an if you had to hit the mobile aka Allahumma Tojo was an Allahumma fool and I don't know bene, Allah Hama and Nana certainly will tell you I was not what a Manager Our manager in a rock band. Tina duniya has nothing It has nothing to work in either but now lovin bananas Lucullus la sala Kefalonia well Eamon, Allah Maha the hill Allah Allah, Allah Utica if you have bought Allahumma had the Hila Anna Lata Joe Kaffee ha ha Barbara Hermetica Ahmed rahimian Allahu Mahina Islam Otto, Eman de la anticipate Anika in Corona

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Mina Bali mean Allahumma fildena when he was at dinner with him in the home Hakuna Elena, Allah homage to me and I wouldn't want me to well, mostly me and I will mostly not hear Him in home while Mr. Allahumma Tojo was on a lot how much

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it can mean in a law how much

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it can mean and allow him access to the pub and

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you know what I mean and

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what he mean Allahumma Tojo was Allahumma Tujuh was Unoh along model American Jew Allahumma s and hardy metanephric equally held by Tina duniya Hassan Orfila Filati hasenhuttl working either but now Allahumma Camino Salafi nominated me enough equally maca and Allah how much work Islam Allah has been the most thorough at all welcome Allah home. I felt I need him. Dena homeless Amen Allahumma Kandahar, the Hill Yeah, but we are as he Subhanallah big Robin is that your phone was on I don't know. Sorry. In our hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad Ali he was like that he was

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