Moutasem al-Hameedy – Life Of The Prophet 19

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of the Prophet's actions during the Battle of HUD, including the construction of a house and the use of new materials like stone and clays. They also emphasize the importance of the Bible's teachings for understanding the spiritual world and the use of visual merchandising to help people pray. The importance of forgiveness for those who use it is also emphasized. A woman discusses her desire for a marriage and the importance of finding out who owes the deed, while a recent video by an artist about sexual orientation and the need for a marriage counseling service is also mentioned.
AI: Transcript ©
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case, just the notion that he would be walking somewhere, thinking the professor might be underneath. He said, I could not fathom that. So he really was he was sort of very stressed out with this. So he approaches the prophets of Solomon, he says, Please, all Muslims of Allah make it easy for me. I just can't live above you, kind of on a level above you. It's just it's not happening. It's not happening. When the prophets of salaam saw this, it just said to us, you take the ground floor and that will go on the upper level.

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So, this shows you the sensitivity of the and the and the tenderness and the beauty of the onset of the unsought is what allows me to praise them as these people are very hospitable, very generous, so that they are more concerned with their their guest, then the guest is for himself.

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So this is how the sensitive they are. And this is their excellence SubhanAllah. This gave them the upper hand when it comes to generosity and hospitality.

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So the prophets also have now is settled in Medina. The Muslims are happy that the problem is there and they frequent him they're able to see him on a daily basis learn from him and benefit from him. Remember, we spoke previously about a man when the Prophet SAW Selim was in Cuba, before the person moves into Medina, we said for 14 days he settled in Koba, which is called also ARIA to Benny mo ebony health.

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A man came to the Prophet Solomon, he said, This is something that I gave you for sadaqa that I had kept for sadaqa say give it to the Prophet Solomon, he noticed the bras I was promised or Salam did not eat from that, but he passed it on to others so they could eat from it. So when he saw that he said, this is one, the man said this is one. Now as the prophet Salam settles in Medina, this man comes again to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And he says to the prophets, I saw them I saw that you have not eaten from my sadaqa.

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So I have kept something I wanted to give as a gift. So this is a gift for you was food. So the Prophet SAW Salem accepts it, he eats from it, then he passes it on to others.

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So the man notices listen, he says this is number two. This is number two.

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Up until this moment, there was no Masjid in Medina. So where did the Prophet SAW Salem pray

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when there was no Masjid Where did the Prophet Salah Salem pray actually then origine goes counter Salah already we send them your suddenly Hey, through the rocket who salah the Prophet SAW Salem would pray wherever he is, it was also time. When he's at home he would pray at home. Or he was same every time he was with his companions outside in the outskirts of Medina. Time. Let's pray. That's it. That's how he prayed before building a masjid and nebo for building a masjid in the Bowie. The Prophet saw them as he was living in the house of avoidable Ansari, he noticed there was a piece of land that was very close.

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It was deserted, it wasn't utilized. And it belonged to some families from banana jar again, the same clan from Al Hasan he he saw this piece of land and he said family and only be able to call murder you know, he said let's make a trade about this

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piece of land name a price they said no messenger of Allah we're not going to take anything from you the Prophet I'm insisted that the price be paid the price be paid. What was in the slander was some old graves was a piece of it was an old, extremely old ancient graveyard. And lots of garbage. Lots of garbage people will or whatever like people wanted to get rid of that would dump it there. So the President said we're going to build the masjid here.

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So they started clearing it. In order to clear it. They had to remove the graves. They had to remove the graves. Now the narration in Arabic and that's where many people go wrong.

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These graves Ebola, the narration goes for no Bichette and qubole No Bichette alcova the Arabs here what do you understand straight away once you hit no Bichette Al Khobar.

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What do you understand?

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really with that we are able to understand it today. Yeah.

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It's a very intrusive action, of disrespecting a grave and tampering with it.

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without respect, but that's not what the word no bisha really means. Nobody shall Carrboro or Nisha to COBOL it means there were dogged out dug out and there were removed into another area. So for example, we have a narration

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about the Battle of Oxford.

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During the Shilada of morale, we're, probably Allahu wa we're going to be Soufiane was the Khalifa of the Muslims later on, later on, after the death of the prophets of Salaam, after the death of the for Khalifa

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was more aware, was the Imam and this was in the past the year 60. After Hyjal there was a lot of rain, so there was a flood in Medina.

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And some of the graves of the shahada of the martyrs of HUD got uncovered. So they were the bodies of some of the martyrs of the bat in the Battle of HUD, and this is how much about 60 years later, and these bodies were fresh, they were still bleeding. So they were uncovered because of the rain and the floods.

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So the weary or the governor of Medina, he commanded and tune Basha how to heal cobalt, so he commanded same thing, and timber shell cobalt, meaning that they are removed, they were carried properly, they dug out properly, and the corpse or the bodies or the remains that were there or the bones would be taken into a proper place. So that's what was done to that piece of land. So the Prophet of Islam ordered that it be cleared, and that the old graves would be removed to a proper area, otherwise people would be stepping on them.

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And then they started building a masjid. And never we started building the house of the Prophet SAW. So then what did they use? So they used dark stones. So there was some sort of black kind of black stones that were very common in Medina, very common, these are belt stones. So they use this for the wall that was facing the Qibla the southern wall facing south towards the Qibla they used it to build this then they started making making their own bricks from clay. brown bricks from clay so it started making it and they actually benefited in this industry from someone who from Alia mama bulk no Habib, there is a man called punk Ibnu. Habib and Yemeni volcano heavy came from a DMM originally

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a mama, it's today, the eastern side of Saudi Arabia, specifically a word the capital Riyadh is around that area.

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That's Alia mama. So he was a Muslim. And he came from that area and he joined the Muslims in Medina. So he was very skillful in making the mud and the, and the clay and sort of creating bricks out of it. So the prophets of salaam used to say to the Companions, that will clean the valley, Kelly mme for interval enrollment, I find the homeowner hidden behind

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the process, I would say to the Companions leave the you know, the making of that clay for that person from your mama, he's very good at it, leave it for him, leave it for this guy. And the Muslims started carrying the stones. And they were trees, by the way. So the trees were cut off palm trees, they were cut off, and they were used in the building of the masjid. And the Muslims were carrying the bricks and carrying the stones. Every one among the Muslims was taking part, even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the Prophet was carrying the bricks, some of the Companions would come and say to the Prophet, Allah, you know, you know, don't bother with that, we will take

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care of it, the Prophet SAW, Selim would say, you know, I need the reward just as much as you guys need it.

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And this is a good act of leadership, a very good act of leadership that you actually engage in the work that you expect your team to, you know, deal with. So you don't deem yourself important enough or have such a high status, that you do not engage in these mundane type of work and tasks. No, you actually take part in that wherever you can help, you can help. And it doesn't mean you waste your time, you know, engaged in all these details, but basically, as a leader, you know, you engage with that, to a certain extent that encourages the people. And because they see the leader being being there, and it gives them a lot of enthusiasm, a lot of inspiration, and a lot of feeling of, okay,

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you know, our leader knows what we're going through. He makes us feel at home, he's proud of us. He's one of us. He's not like at a higher level of authority or status. He's just like one of us. And this was one of the unique characteristics of the Prophet SAW Selim. Some of the people will describe the Prophet Salam when they saw him for the first time. They said,

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if you see him

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you think he's just one of the group

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He fits, he fits in within the group he belongs. But if you pay close attention, you can see he still stands out. This unique paradox was very unique to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when you saw him either he was just one of those guys. But still with more keen observation, you would see that he actually stands out, there's something really special about him. That's a unique kind of, you know, paradox in leadership. And not all leaders have this. So the prophets of salaam was helping out. Every Muslim generation goes, every Muslim was carrying one brick, so they were making the bricks by the way, at that time, they were much bigger than what we have now. So these small bricks

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that we have now they're not the same size. The bricks were really huge, massive.

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So each one of the company was carrying one brick, but amount of new assets. And not only so used to carry two, it was physically strong. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam actually the companions were, this shows the beautiful side, the human side of the companions, sometimes we display the companions in a way that makes them

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it's like this imaginary characters, like there are unicorns, right, they're not even real. But actually, the companions were just human beings. We're just human beings. So they were carrying this, the stones and the bricks, and there were sort of singing, singing

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songs in what we know today. But what the Arabs called a Rogers, which is basically some rhythm, using some rhythm and giving it some basic tonality, or basic melody. So they would say, hola, hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hiral akhira Allahumma Farah Hamilton sobre el Mahara. So these two sing it just like the Bedouins. Not only the Arab world, in other words, in other countries, other cultures as well. They have this kind of basic rhythm and singing that they use for weddings.

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When they travel, you know, sometimes in their gatherings. So they used to say this and the prophets I used to listen to that and enjoy it and repeat after them. That's the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So amount of new asset

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would be carrying two bricks, the person would see that and he would be impressed with amount of money. And he says, Yeah, we have Mr. Dr. Wolfie Atul barrier. He says, Well, Amara, he will be killed by the party that is on the wrong.

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So Amar gets really like puzzled and a bit troubled. And he says, he would look at the Prophet SAW Selim and he would say Allahumma Inanna, who became an Alphington or Allah, we seek Your protection from the times of fitna from the times of fitness So the Prophet some would say Amar carrying these bricks and walking the person would approach him look at as well the humanity and the human side of the problem. Then he would come to the shoulder of Amara and tap on it and try to rub the dust off it

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and then he would say well yeah, we have Mr. Taco will be at Tilbury water Amar he will be killed by the party that's on the wrong and obviously the prophets of Islam here is alluding to the battle that will take place that will take place later on, among the comparison between the army of Illuminati Talib and we've never used to handle the Allahu Anhu Jimmy and mela pleased with all of them

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where Amar would be with the army of Alumina be italic and he would be killed by one of the

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people in the army of Mahalia if not be Sophia of the Allahu Anhu Jamie

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anyway, so the building the masjid and as we said, the front wall which is facing south was made mainly of these black or dark stones, and then the rest of the walls that were made from

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from the bricks that were made by mud from mud and in the front of the masjid which is towards the south, they used the tree trunks as poles

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No, no that well

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will later on Yes, it was changed. But anyway, the way they built it that was to the south to the south facing to the south. But a good observation is that the Qibla was still facing towards the mountains in that time, but to the south, there was the black wall, and then the rest of it was made by with mud or with the bricks. And then they use the tree trunks as poles and you know, the leaves of the bait trees and the branches were used as a canopy on top in order to make a canopy so when they prayed, especially a borehole and acid time and you know that land is hot. So you needed some kind of canopy to protect

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People from the heat of the sun and they made initially there was one door but later on as the masjid developed, it was turned into three doors. So you will find Babel Jibreel. There's one door gate of Jibreel, where Babel Rachna on the opposite side. So on towards the west towards the east, there was Babel Gibreel Decatur of Jabril. towards the west, there was Babel or Rama and towards the north at the back, which was the front at the beginning.

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this, let's say the Kabul so al Qaeda at the back, which is the northern wall, there is another door, and that's for women. And Bible Shomali this called the northern gate, the northern gate, that was later on made for specifically for the, for the women. Now the message of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam roughly was in length 35 meters in width, it was 30 meters 3530 35 meters in length, and 30 meter meters in width. That's the mystery of the prophets of Salaam, towards the end of the masjid, the back of the masjid, which was at the time that Qibla

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but later on, when the tabla was moved to al Qaeda, or to Maccha, it became the came to be on a sofa, a sofa which was the back of the masjid, what is a sofa, it's more of a canopy, just like in the front canopy. And that was made to host those who are homeless, the Muslims that were homeless, and these are the ones who were called Lucifer, and Lucifer, these are the poor Muslims who had no house, no family, and they had no food, they were extremely poor. And we'll come actually to describe them in detail because they were an important segment of the Muslim community at the time.

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So this is where they used to sleep, and they used to spend most of the day there and the Prophet Selim spent a lot of time with them. This is where they were the most learned among the Muslims, the poorer ones were the most learned among the Muslims Shala we're gonna have a display today of

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a prototype of how the message of the prophets of salaam was built at the time, because the problem next to the masjid, he built his own house. So, he built a house for himself that was made of chambers. So, you have first the chamber of Hafsa will be alone, later on would become the chamber of Hafsa. Next to it the chamber of Isha will be Allah Juana. And a little bit further Why is the house or the chamber of soda also next to the masjid was the house of Ali and Fatima

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which would be the house of the environment later on, and other chamber

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so this is what we know to be right next to the

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to the domestic of the prophets, Allah was

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back at his house, I'm not sure exactly what it was, but not necessarily next to the house of the prophets. Inshallah we'll see in the demonstration. So I hope the brothers in the media will just give that soon ready.

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at the beginning,

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when they build the mustard

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people would just come to the mistake that time of other

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people would sort of

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have an assessment about was it time for us to time for lunch or whatever, and they would just come to the masjid and have the gym and pray. There was no call for prayer, there was no other.

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the prophets of salaam used to give the hook by sort of giving the drummer the Friday hotbar. And how did the program do it he would stand next to there was a trunk

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and it wasn't full length was up to a certain height, the person would stand next to it, and he would sort of lean on it when he was standing.

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That's how the person used to give the hotbar but one of the neighbors of the masjid one of the women of unsalted Well, she was a rich woman. And she sees that the Prophet SAW Selim was given the hotbar but she saw there were more people coming now. More Muslims and the Juma Masjid was full even overflowing with people. And so she she thought of making a podium for the prophets of salaam or a pulpit or a member where the person could stand elevated and people are better able to see him and his voice would reach further as he is at a higher altitude or level.

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So she

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approach the prophesied and as she says in nearly fatten the German or I've done a John F Adonis no like I'm in Berlin. So she says I have one of my sleeve sleeves is actually a carpenter rescue for cow carpenter. So what do you think if we create a pulpit for you make a pulpit for you, the prophet Salam, he likes the idea. It says, Well, why not? So she orders that carpenter to make the, the pulpit and he makes it and they put it in the masjid. So it was three steps, it was made of three steps. The first two, just like similar to this, let's say, without obviously the Declaration and the beauty and stuff, it wasn't very basic thing. So we have two steps, the prophet Salam would

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stand on one, two, and then the third one, he would sit on it before the hotbar. And in the middle of the Hadith, that was the member of the Prophet Salah Salem. So the first time the Prophet SAW Selim is given the hot button this member on this pulpit.

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As soon as he starts his hotbar there is some strange noise in the masjid. And it was more like the crying and the whining of a little baby.

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So they turn around, and the problem realizes that it was that trunk that tree trunk, the prophet Salam used to lean on started crying like a baby.

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So the problem turns to the companion in his effort on Verona ILAHA, he shows you how the Hashem

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in the hotkey Allah mechanic, this moment that he says this trunk is crying because it misses the remembrance of Allah that it used to be connected to when I was saying it when I was leaning on it when I was depending on it. So the Prophet Salam comes down from the member, he, he unclimbed the member, and you're unmounted the member and he walks to that trunk, and he holds it.

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And then the companion will erase the story. He says, it's exactly like when you carry a baby who was just crying. When you hold that baby, it starts sobbing and feeling a little bit quiet and calm. It was making the same noise until it became fully quiet in the process and leaves it and he goes back to the member and he carries on. He finishes his hotbar

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he finishes and that shows that all the creation of Allah that you see here, that was a very clear manifestation but all the creation of Allah subhanaw taala has a life of its own and it's invisible to us. Last Panatela says in the Quran, we're immune che il you said Behold, be him the heath when I can that of Communitas behold, there is nothing except that it celebrates and glorifies Allah subhanho wa Taala but you cannot or you do not comprehend that this be they make this be everything makes this be this table, this bottle, ceiling, the walls, the cars, the trees, the wind, the clouds, everything worships Allah. Everything, praises Allah cemented the plants, everything animals

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everything worships Allah subhanaw taala. But we do not comprehend that that that glorification we do not understand it but some times for certain reasons Allah but then it makes it visible, just like this trunk. At the time of the prophets of Salaam, this just like another rock that we talked about. In the Meccan period when the Prophet Solomon was in Makkah, he said in Nila it for Hajj and katakana Usili, Murali Jakob like Bertha, that there is a stone that I know in Mecca that used to greet me, before I received the revelation

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used to give salaam to the prophets of Solomon was a stone a rock, in that we call an inanimate object, right? Because our our the title or the name that we give it is limited to all perception. But everything has a life of its own. Everything has a life of its own. The fact that we don't see it, we don't capture it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's there. So the prophets of Salaam, finishes, it's called.

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It's important to know about this, the member of the prophets I send them the problem utilized it to clarify so many things about the religion of Islam. So one day the prophets Allah Salam gets on top of them, number two, the third level, the third step on top of it.

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And he turns to the blog and he says,

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Allahu Akbar, he starts his solo.

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He starts his solo.

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So he makes record.

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Then he sent me alone, even Hamidah stands up. Then he unmounts stepping backward. unmounts The member goes down because there's no space for him to make suit. There's not enough space. So he goes down to the floor. He makes suit to search.

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Then when he's done with this to do

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He stands up and he walks, climbs the member again to the third level, and he makes the second workout again.

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Then when he reaches to do it again he goes down, walking backwards, he goes down and

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he completes his tour rocker. Then he tends to the companies he says liquid for * to them like that, oh solid the only movie I've done this so that you see my salah or so that you copy my salah. Then he says Son, Liu, Kamara, eight ammonia or Salah you pray, as you saw me pray or as you see me pray. So the prompts that I'm utilized, the member utilized, the member, I was going to ask, you must have had to do that.

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So actually, I'm just thinking of demonstrating it just for the sake of it. So pardon me sisters, I don't think the sisters will be able to see that all of you must have turned the the camera so we're just going to do it just to show what the prophets also landed

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so I'm not going to pray, I'm just going to demonstrate so it's no, it's not going to be a prayer. I will say the prophecy of the lamp, mounted the member.

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And then he started his Salla Allahu Akbar something like this, then he after reciting it went full record Subhanallah

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semi I load

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then he sort of unmount the number

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goes down.

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And thus

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so this is

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roughly what the prophets of salaam did. And what do we benefit from this is that the prophets I send them used to demonstrate to the Companions, so he would use visuals right? Use visuals. The prophets also tried to use that in demonstration and we know this is actually the prophets of salaam did that a few times. So one day with the companions.

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The Prophet SAW Selim as Abdullah says, how Paulina rasool Allah or Salam Hogben pro Salam made a line in the sand. For us, it's a long line. Then around it, he made scattered short lines around it on right and left. Then he says to the Companions, how does little to Allah, He says, this is the path of Allah, the long one, the straight one.

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We had the he SUPL

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Allah Cooley, Subhan Allah, Allahu disobedience shaytaan Ania drew LA. upon each of those small lines, each one of them is a path upon each path, there is a shape and that is calling people to it. Then he recited and heard our Sara Lee Mr. Freeman, who will attack wo suwo Lefortovo Lockerby commensurability. So lottoland AM, and this is my straight path. So follow it do not follow the other paths. Let's they

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take you away from the path of Allah subhanaw taala. And so the prophet is starting to use this kind of visuals in order to demonstrate to people help them figure things out. And one day the prophets Allah Salam sees the Companions he was with the Companions was a full moon.

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And the Arabs romanticize about the moon a lot. It's strongly present in their culture. So, so if they want to describe someone, someone as beautiful they would say, mythical comma, right, mythical comma, someone wants to describe the handsome face, it would say is like the moon is like the full moon.

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So the prophets of salaam sees this Full Moon and he says, I totally want to come up with terminal better. Do you guys see the full moon? The Companions? Yes, we see it. He says for in a COMSAT our own Rebecca Mahayana LA to La moon if you're not yet a little better.

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You see the full moon said yes. He says you shall see or look at the Face of your Lord as you see the moon nothing will

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hold you back from looking at it or seeing it.

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So the problem would use visuals from the environment from the environment of the people so they could relate to what he says. So part of it was using the member

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to clarify to them the Salah and how to how to pray

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the prophets of salaam talks about his member because his member had four

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foundations foundational pillars. So the prophets of salaam says our Mo Minbari had our Awatea bone filter. Now these pillars of my full pillars of my member of my pulpit are actually pillars in Paradise will be pillars in paradise. Not only that, the Prophet SAW Selim says man being mean Barry Webb at

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my been a member you wrote

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Somebody else will join between my member and my house. To my male member on my house. This is one of the gardens of Paradise. And that's a robot Sharif that when you go to Medina, people fight to pray there. And I think it's it's green, the green, is it green green carpet, right? It's green mats. Yeah, the green mats SmartBuy, the green mats, and they have a time for females, right? Where males are not allowed to go there. And then there are times for the general public for the brothers. And usually there's a lot of tension. There's a lot of fighting in order to pray there. Unfortunately, there are places that are supposed to be for peace and tranquility.

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It's been abused. So we'll find someone who's been there for hours, and they're not willing to leave. Where are they? Whereas there are people lining up waiting and waiting for hours and people are not leaving to allow the others there. Now, I don't know how what are you going to get from that? You could you commit, I would say some sort of a inappropriate act to your Muslim brothers and sisters that's far greater. That's far greater. If you are kind to them, you're going to get much more reward than just praying in that spot. But you go you sacrifice the greater for the lesser

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that's called and sorry for that term. I use it with reservation dumb religiosity.

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You can't be dumb about your porosity you, you you for example, you commit a huge sin in order to make a small suna like and something that you can use that you don't have to do. It's optional for you to do any updates with the with the laptop. Are we still there?

00:31:46 --> 00:31:49

10 minutes. I'm not going to grill you in public.

00:31:51 --> 00:31:52

Is that going ahead?

00:31:53 --> 00:31:54

So let me know when you're ready.

00:31:57 --> 00:31:58


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anyway, so that's a roll. A roll the Sharifah also the prophets of salaam talks about about merits and rewards for investors in nibbly. So the Prophet SAW Selim says Salah tune famous god of volume in Elfi, Salatin famous Eva, so a prayer, a prayer in my Masjid is better than 1000 prayers in any other Masjid.

00:32:21 --> 00:32:43

It counts as 1000 prayers as 1000 prayers. Okay, so it counts as 1000 prayers in any other Masjid. So you get the the reward of 1000 prayers when you pray in the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam illustrated haram except for the Masjid Al haram in Makkah.

00:32:44 --> 00:33:29

Masala tunefulness with haram Dolman me at Alfie Salatin famous Eva, whereas if you pray in the Haram in Mecca, it's better and reward than 100,000 Press than 100,000 prayers so you pray a lot. You pray a lot in the Masjid Al haram in Makkah, it is as it's better than you praying the whole 100,000 times. So this is why when you go for Umrah or Hajj you know don't miss out on praying in the harem. Don't miss out. And yes, some scholars say any Masjid you pray within Maccha within the Haram area, it counts as this but that's a doubtful matter. Don't compromise go to the home itself and pray and when it's for as long as the lines are extended out and connected even if you pray in

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the streets because of the it's just jammed.

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Then as long as the lines are connected, you get the reward. And even when the mustard expands, the reward expands the reward extends with it. So it's not like oh, this this is only with the borders of the time of the prophets of salaam No, as long as the masjid expands, then the reward follows with the new lines are the new

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area of the masjid that is added to

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the masjid. So let's look at the this. This by the way there is the medina exhibition and it's such a profound and beautiful exhibition in Medina. So if you happen to go for Umrah or had make a point to go and visit it, so they have actually a prototype of the message of the Prophet salaam, the houses of Medina itself of 100 the trench of even some clothing at the time of the prophets of salaam, the weapons, the swords, the spirits, everything they tried to create an exhibition of everything that relates to their life. Certainly we don't need to play the video this is a very good outlook on it. So for us, do you see the side

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it's not exactly the same but anyway, this side which you see the canopy here on this side,

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okay, it's supposed to be completely covered but this is just for the sake of demonstration to show you what how it was built. This is towards the Qibla okay, this side, this is the side

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of the Qibla. This is the side of the of the Qibla.

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This is the master. So we said in length, oh, that's playing. Alright, stop it. So in length, this is basically 35 meters. And the width is 30 meters, roughly speaking, roughly speaking, and these chambers to the side of the masjid are the houses of the wives of the Prophet SAW Salem, along with the house of Fatima and the holy. So, right in the front, which is the far end, I'm not sure the pointer is always is also here. Okay, let me see. It's this Yeah, this house around here. This is the house of Hafsa. Probably Allahu Ana, that would be later on, okay, because the Prophet somebody, Mary Hafsa, later on after the Battle of ahead. And next to it. Number two, is the house of Fraser

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or the chamber of Ashtabula. And then right next to it is that of Fatima, the house of Fatima. So I don't know where the pointer is. That's number three here is the father and father that was a photo and only later on, this is where they live. Then the one that's after and that's almost

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the chamber of almost dilemma here.

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let's go to the second row, which has two chambers, the first one towards the tabla. It's, let me see what the pointer is. Yeah, here this is the house of soda into them out of the Allahu anha, the wife of the prophets of Salaam. And next to it is the chamber of Xena international the Allahu Ana also the wife of the Prophet SAW Salem. Now there is, as far as historians are concerned, they don't know where the rest of the houses of the wives of the prophets of salaam where exactly they were. We don't know exactly what they are. So they didn't put them in that prototype. They did not share them in this exhibition. So looking also at the

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doors. So

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you will find right next to the chambers of the prophets of salaam This is the what is the point

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anyway, you will find the right next to the chambers of the prophets of salaam there was Babel Jibreel, the door of Gibreel the door of debris. On the opposite side there is Bible Rama on the far end, here on the far end

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and to the back to the back of the masjid not where the big canopy is where the small red canopy is. That's a Bible shimmery the northern gate. So there were three doors or gates into the mystery of the Prophet SAW Selim.

00:37:50 --> 00:38:04

Where was the pulpit or the member of the prophets of salaam placed later on after the Qibla was changed towards Mount mudcat was Al Qaeda is pretty much towards the corner where is still covered now you see what it's covered. Now the canopy in that corner, this is where the

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pulpit or the member of the Prophet SAW Salem was. And today until today, they have a small member, they have a small member, or they actually have the member there is still in the same spot where the member of the prophets are sending wise. So when you go to the Haram in Medina, you're going to find that the pulpit there or the member and that's where they hopefully gives the hope but I think that's where they have to do the whole I'm not actually

00:38:30 --> 00:38:39

I think that's what you will find the member there you will find the member there but it's not the member of the prophets Allah it's been rebuilt, because this is a huge number that they put there now

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towards the back, which is the thinner canopy towards the back where the northern gate is or Babish family is.

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That's where sofa used to stay the homeless among the Muslims. That's where they used to sleep and live and

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that's where the learning used to take place reciting Quran and learn the Quran and teaching Quran and everything and the prompts that I'm used to spend time with them, it used to be done around that place. So again, towards the south, where the

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where the cabin is what the bigger canopy is, we said that wall was made mainly of the Blackstone's of Medina, the Blackstone's of Medina, the rest of the circle of the masjid was built with bricks that were made, they were made of mud. Is that clear?

00:39:36 --> 00:39:47

It's good to see this kind of prototype it does help visualizing. Sorry what it was like But you see most of the masjid is is uncovered. Most of the masjid is not covered

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because they had limited resources. That was the only thing available to them. And sort of

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so imagine how it was during Joomla and the

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heat of the sun. But Hamdulillah that was what the Muslims were capable of. And for the first few years in Medina, the Muslims were not by the way rich, they were really struggling financially. People were struggling even to find food to eat, struggling to find food to eat for about six, seven years. In Medina, it was extremely difficult. Extremely difficult. Yes.

00:40:30 --> 00:40:34

Good question. Where would the women pray,

00:40:35 --> 00:40:46

in the masjid, during the Salah, the area where a sofa is, you know, where the poorer people and the back would stay. That's where the women prayed.

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And something important to observe about the women at the time, that and this how it should be men, the prophet Salam said, Hi, you're also fulfilled regionally? Uh, well, the best of the lines of the prayer of men is the first one. Then the second one, then the third one. And the best of the lines of the women is the last. So how do women start praying? How do they line up for prayer? We line up we fill up first, the first line, right? Women are supposed to fill up the last line

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first than the line that's in front of it, men the line that's fun to read.

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This is how women are supposed to

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pray. And

00:41:32 --> 00:41:36

the Sunnah is for women to be able to see what the men are doing.

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That's the right way. That's the right way. So the Prophet Solomon did not create a separate masala for the women. No, but he put the women in the back so they could see. So the first line of men could see what the professor was doing so they could follow him. Second line would see what the first line is doing. They would follow him and so on and so forth. And the woman would see what the men were doing, and they would follow. And that would eliminate a lot of confusion when the man makes a mistake, or he makes sudo tilava. Right. He's reciting Quran and there is a soldier and he goes for sujood. And then the the sisters are women, they go for record. They don't realize.

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So the Imam says Allah who the man Hamadan, they're confused. Oh, sorry, the man says Allahu Akbar. They expect him to say My Lord, I'm an amateur. Right? This is a confusion and they don't know what to do and until they figure it out, they've already missed a rock out with the Imam. So it's the Sunnah for the women to be in the back so they can observe and they can see what is happening but the prophets of salaam was commanding women to be well dressed and the prophets Allah Salam would. For example, there is an there's an etiquette about salats Jana

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no one should move should leave their spot after Salam. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah said I'm going to Allah. The people who pray behind the Imam they should keep maintain their spots until the Imam turns around.

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That's an etiquette that's not observed.

00:43:05 --> 00:43:28

People should not move ideally, ideally, should not leave their spot or start moving until the Imam turns away from the Qibla. Head tion Saiful Imam is called instead off to leave them turns to the side or he turns backwards towards the people who pray behind him. So people should not leave their spot until the mountains even if it's slightly

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and why some of the scholars say why would the prophets of salaam stay for a while facing the Qibla not turning around, to give time for the women to leave before the men can start leaving and turning around. Because the promise that I wanted to give women that space, he wanted to give the women that space, then later on the Prophet SAW. So when he saw that men and women were coming into the masjid through the same door, he says lo Jan Luminesce EBA. And

00:43:57 --> 00:44:03

he said, I wish we could make a separate gate a separate house for the women. So they don't have to mix with the men

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and jam around the door as they are entering or leaving. So this is why later on republish Shomali, the northern gate which is towards the back was actually dedicated for the woman later on, so they enter through that door.

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So this is where the women used to is where the women used to pray.

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Also, we know that and Mr. Neverwet is just like one of the three masajid and Mr. Dill haram and Masjid Nabawi and they must lock so they are the only Masjid in Islam, that it is permissible for you to travel to go and pray in them. In Islam, it's impermissible for you to to travel specifically to pray in a masjid

00:44:47 --> 00:44:59

to pray specifically in a masjid UK except these three massages led to shut down Rehan who in La Isla de masajid. The process is it's impermissible to travel to

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

Pray in the masjid except for the three masajid and Mr. Do haram SGD ha that will Mister

00:45:06 --> 00:45:20

Mister do haram in Mecca, Masjid Nabawi Masjid of the Prophet SAW Salem, Masjid Al Aqsa en el Cortes, that's it. But you traveled to another shrine, you traveled to another, for example,

00:45:22 --> 00:45:24

like you traveled to pray in,

00:45:26 --> 00:45:48

let's say Mr. Sheikh Zayed in Abu Dhabi, right. It's such a beautiful construction, right? I'm going to travel to United Arab Emirates to pray in that Masjid. Is it haram? How long you can travel to pray there. But if you're traveling there already, okay and decide to visit the masjid and see a praying it Oh, no worries, but don't travel specifically.

00:45:49 --> 00:45:55

To pray in that Masjid. I want to show you another actually view I'm not sure if I can get to the other video.

00:45:59 --> 00:46:00

Yeah, this shows you

00:46:02 --> 00:46:03

this is another view.

00:46:08 --> 00:46:19

This is another view of how it looks like this from the northern side. So this is from the northern side, this is a Babish family the northern gate,

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which is number 12. You see number 12 there, and then the sofa. And then you have then the area where they used to pray, where the prophets of centimeter to lead and where the member is, is on the corner that is still covered now still covered now. Then you have the chambers. So obviously the chambers or the houses of the prop salon were not built at once. Were not built at once according to need when there was a need when the province has had a new wife, she had no chamber that would build a chamber there are a house there.

00:46:54 --> 00:46:57

So that's the view of a view into the

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mystery of the prophets of Salaam and his house. That's it. Okay. So move on sha Allah in the future as we move on. Every time we talk about

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some of the events that take place some of the battles Shala we're going to try to find good pictures or good videos, we can it can give us some kind of a demonstration in order to help us visualize that these things saw

00:47:37 --> 00:47:41

so at this moment, the wives of the Prophet Salam had not arrived yet.

00:47:43 --> 00:47:53

And this more up until this moment, the wives of the Prophet SAW Selim had not arrived yet in Medina, but who was on the way there was an issue on the way but she she's been.

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She's engaged to the prophets of salaam but he had not married her yet. Had not consummated the marriage. So she was on the way around that time she was on the way to Medina. And with her was her sister USMA been to Abu Bakr so they were on the way a smart mentor Rebecca she says I set out from Mecca we left Mecca

00:48:19 --> 00:49:05

Welcome to multi men, or and she she was in her he was in pregnancy. She wasn't she already entered the ninth month the last month of pregnancy. Nevertheless, she set out I don't know traveling there. It was not those you know, luxury boss buses or coaches or trains it was you had to ride a camel you had to walk it was difficult. Three to six days. Journey was extremely difficult. She was pregnant, but she was yet nevertheless she made the journey to Medina. Now as soon as they arrive in Cuba, which is to the south of Medina as soon as they arrive in Cuba, she cannot carry on anymore.

00:49:07 --> 00:49:14

And then she goes through labor. She goes through labor and she gives birth. She gives birth who is the husband of as smart

00:49:16 --> 00:49:18

as Obi Wan So shall we who is the boy

00:49:19 --> 00:49:27

Abdullah and Isabel Abdullah Agnes Zubaydah, and this is the first Muslim to be born in Medina.

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The first child to be born into a Muslim family. In Medina, Abdullah ignorance about when he was born, they take him to Medina to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam them the Prophet and salam holds him gets hold of him. Does he do the prophets Islam takes a date he chews on it

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until it melts in his mouth, and when he does, he spits his saliva there's mixed with the dates in the mouth of the baby

00:49:57 --> 00:50:00

in the mouth of the baby. So as Matt says for

00:50:00 --> 00:50:14

Can oh well she in dalla fie three rasool Allah is Allah Allah so the first thing that enters the mouth of my son, it was the saliva of the prophets, Allah, Allah, Allah.

00:50:16 --> 00:50:21

But Abdullah eminences, where are the Allahu Anhu don't do this.

00:50:23 --> 00:50:24

Don't do this.

00:50:25 --> 00:50:35

The correct opinion this is specific to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because you have a lot of bacteria, especially if you have rotten teeth

00:50:36 --> 00:50:41

are infected gum, or issues land don't do that.

00:50:42 --> 00:50:50

You might just, I don't know, they end up in the intensive care unit.

00:50:52 --> 00:50:53

So be careful.

00:50:55 --> 00:51:27

Child abuse, you might get in trouble, right, they might take you to jail. So be careful, you can do what you can do. And most hospitals and doctors accommodate this and respect it if you say this is a religious practice for us and tradition, they actually respect it if you do it in a hygienic way. So what you can do is peel off the dates because the skin of a date is very sticky, and it's dangerous for little baby. So make sure you peel it with a knife properly and you just take the flesh of a date and put it in

00:51:28 --> 00:51:37

purified boiled water that it cooled down boil it and let it cool down. And you make sure it's it's hygiene and clear. And then

00:51:39 --> 00:51:43

the date melt in it. You can wear gloves

00:51:44 --> 00:51:56

the ones that he they use in the hospital. And then you melt it there. And once you get this thick syrup, date syrup, you rub it against the gum of the little boy.

00:51:57 --> 00:52:13

So that's the sooner to do that's before the baby takes anything. That's the first thing that's the prophets of salaam did that with other children they used to be brought to the Prophet Salam as soon as they were born, and the Prophet Hassan would chew on the date and take from the saliva and rub it against the gum of the little boy.

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And one day he was doing this to the brother of * of nomadic the little boy and the boy starts sucking on the finger of the Prophet says I mean he likes the dates actually. Children like this Hala little baby. They like it. They seem to like it. So the President says on little illaha Bill unsalted thermal he says look at how the unsolved love the dates. It's like in their blood, the love of the dates. So this is a sunnah so the prophets of salaam did that with Abdullah Abdullah Zubair

00:52:44 --> 00:52:56

All right, shall we get Allahu anha she says, As soon as I arrived in Medina, I was hit by an illness. What are the symptoms of this illness? Her hair was falling off

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profusely, like she almost lost her hair completely, was falling off.

00:53:04 --> 00:53:05


00:53:08 --> 00:53:09

Then she makes dua

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until Allah subhanaw taala brings back her hair loss as it brings back her hair. And the Prophet Salam then would soon marry. Aisha, Radi Allahu, and it was such a beautiful day for the people of Medina was such a beautiful day of celebration.

00:53:29 --> 00:54:08

And not only the prophets of salaam got married, Hamza, and uncle of the prophets of Allah Salam also gets married, but he marries from the unsought. So there is a man called Chi superfat Hemsedal the Allahu Anhu strikes a very good friendship with him, and he marries his daughter Hola. Hola. Been to case she becomes the wife of Hamza Abdullah Abdul Muttalib. And Hamza seems to have to have developed a very beautiful relationship with his in laws. So he would spend a lot of time with his father in law, who was his friend as well. And the prophets are certain would also spend time with them and visit them to the point that how Allah been to case the wife of Hamza, she actually

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narrated a lot of Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. She generated a lot of Hadith from the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam so one of the Hadith that she narrated, was when the Prophet SAW Selim says,

00:54:20 --> 00:54:55

she says basically in the rasool Allah He saw Allah Allah Hamza, Fatah, Cara dunya, the prophets of salaam came to visit Hamza. So they mentioned the dunya. They mentioned the slife for Karla rasool Allah is Allah Salam in dunya Hubballi rotten hola Rossum says this life is green and beautiful and sweet. Thurman her her be happy her booty kind of goofy. So whoever whoever takes it, with its rights with new rights. Basically, he takes it from Helen and he takes it to utilize it. He's not obsessed with it.

00:54:57 --> 00:54:59

Then Allah would bless it for him. So whatever you take

00:55:00 --> 00:55:11

On the studio ticket from Helen and you take it for a good reason, not being you know, desperate to get it and and greedy that Allah would bless that possession for you bless that well for you.

00:55:13 --> 00:55:22

What Obama would have wielding female Allah He were mad Yasuhiro nearly all male Allahu Mulki I mean how many people would actually abuse the money that Allah has given them?

00:55:24 --> 00:55:40

And then that would be a source of torture for them. On the Day of Judgment, there would be burnt in the fire because of that. So the prophets Allah Selim would generally, you know, he had a rich social life, the Prophet of Islam wouldn't have had the rich social life. And

00:55:42 --> 00:55:49

although this was such a beautiful time in Medina, there were some sad moments, some sad moments, any one of you remember sad Busara

00:55:50 --> 00:55:52

sadness Aurora from the unsolved

00:55:58 --> 00:56:00

he was the host, the host of,

00:56:01 --> 00:56:42

of mazahub Ibnu home I remember when the person was still in Medina, some of the people of Medina came in they said O Messenger of Allah said someone since it's one of your companions to teach us. He sent me an email, who was the host of most of us at the Blue Lara. He was the one providing protection for Masaba OMA here, he was one of the early Muslims there Caberg nomadic one of the unsolved famous one who, who was one of one of the three who were left behind in the Battle of the book, okay, he's the one when he met the prophets are seldom in Mecca. Previously, he found the Prophet sighs and I'm sitting with a bus in the shade of the cab. He comes to the prophets of salaam

00:56:42 --> 00:56:47

with us. Alright. And then all Abbas

00:56:48 --> 00:56:49


00:56:51 --> 00:57:10

I bust Uncle Sam says, Do you know these people? President says no. person so like this is this is Cabanel Malik. The prophets of silence is a shared the poet. That's the poet. Saddam already knew about him. So Kang Malik says I felt saw like cherished and appreciated by the prophets I said and that you recognized me.

00:57:11 --> 00:57:23

So as adamant as Aurora, the host of metabolomic this great company one of the early Muslims in Medina, he falls ill and then he passes away.

00:57:24 --> 00:57:37

So cabin Malik. He has a special story he says, Every time I hear the oven every time I hear that all the ice the slug congregational salah, I seek forgiveness for us. ademu Laura

00:57:39 --> 00:57:57

why he says the inner How can a welcome and gym mat have been after Medina when the most there was started to be some Muslim individuals in Medina. The first one to establish the Gemma for the Muslims in Medina was as a dinosaur. So every time there was a Jamar Cabanon. Malik remembers him, he makes the art for him.

00:57:58 --> 00:58:04

So the Prophet SAW Salem preys on Sam, administer Lara. And

00:58:05 --> 00:58:47

here we can connect a story. We can connect a story because let's say this was the burial of Adam Nosara. And the prophets of cinema was sitting around next to the grief and the prophecy someone who's sitting next to the grave after the the burial he would say is still fairly comfortable and I use seek forgiveness for your brother because now he's being questioned. Now he's being asked three questions, right? mundra book, mad Enoch, Mata all of you had already bought the vehicle, who's your Lord? Was your Illa? The one that used to worship? What's your deen? What was your way of life? What was your religion? And what do you say about the man that was sent to you as a messenger?

00:58:48 --> 00:59:00

These are three questions the person will be questioned. So the Prophet says seek forgiveness for him. Hopefully Allah would support him to answer these questions. Around this time. Someone comes,

00:59:01 --> 00:59:24

comes around and he starts sneaking behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he's very curious. It's obviously is looking for something. He's trying to see something at the back of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The problem notices him then President does something strange he doesn't usually do. So what is the prophet Salam do? We'll find out next week in sha Allah

00:59:28 --> 00:59:29

so we'll stop here in sha Allah

00:59:31 --> 00:59:40

and we've carry on insha Allah next week so we can have a few questions before we go. Do we have any questions here on the floor? Yeah

00:59:44 --> 00:59:44


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01:00:00 --> 01:00:00


01:00:03 --> 01:00:04

know, the

01:00:06 --> 01:00:17

I don't want to get into the details of this because some for some people might require further explanation. But generally speaking, the army of Maori and the army have really opened up with all about the Allahu Anhu gymea.

01:00:21 --> 01:00:21


01:00:25 --> 01:00:29

who had more rights, it was the only amount of value gonna be tolerable by law when

01:00:30 --> 01:00:46

I was I don't even know that's the majority of the scholars of Allison, some of the scholars they have a bit more nuanced answer. They would say the ones that were upon the most truth. They were the ones who were not involved in that at all, like Abdullah and Omar,

01:00:48 --> 01:01:35

like Abu Julio Allah. They said, No, we don't get involved in this whole thing. So that's the most correct opinion the strongest stance, but among these two groups, the army of Illuminati parliament, the army of Moriah, who was who had more truth with them, this is why those scholars who who had this more nuanced approach, they said basically, both sides had some truth and some mistakes. But the truth was leaning more towards the side of the morale where the group have also really have not been tolerable to Allah. And they use this hadith as a clear, headache is authentic. They use it as a clear indication, we have a martyr Cthulhu here, Amara will be killed by the basically will

01:01:35 --> 01:01:38

barrier here is not even on the wrong but it's basically the more oppressor,

01:01:40 --> 01:01:51

the more oppressive so basically, they were on the wrong compared to the group of aluminum, but suffice it to say that otherwise it could get a bit more complicated. So any questions here? Yeah.

01:01:53 --> 01:01:54


01:02:11 --> 01:02:22

Jazak Allah, I think this is this clarification is needed. Because when I said the homeless, it's not necessarily like the homeless that we have here today. What I'm saying is, these are people who could not afford a home or house.

01:02:23 --> 01:03:04

A lot of the more strangers actually like one of AnnaSophia was Abu Hurayrah, probably Allah and he was from Alice of Abu Hurayrah. At the beginning, he had no house. And the reason these people were poor, is that they dedicated their life for the study of Islam, and to learn the Quran. So that's why they were homeless. Now, they chose to, like they had nothing to do or they were idle, and they, they were not motivated to do something you know, but these are people who decided to dedicate their life for the learning of the Quran, the study of the Quran, and because of that, they were they had no jobs they had no business and they had no finances so exactly as the clarifications needed

01:03:04 --> 01:03:15

there's one announcement I want to make about the summer jobs is the applications are posted online on the website and volunteers are welcome and needed for Ramadan please Okay.

01:03:16 --> 01:03:50

For Ramadan, Inshallah, we will need some volunteers. So this is an opportunity for everyone to actually start from now, we don't want to leave it last minute. So if any of the younger brothers even the older ones want to help out with whatever work is required during Ramadan, this is an opportunity as well to get some reward because whenever you help with feeding the fasting people and making it comfortable for them in sha Allah helping them out, you will get some of the rewards. So please email if you're interested in for at Abu or see the brothers and the main office specifically brother hourly.

01:03:51 --> 01:03:52


01:03:54 --> 01:04:07

I'm getting written questions that I'm not good with reading. So it takes me time. So please, I mean, if you can stay until we get these questions are the two questions I'm going to take I assume they are from the sisters. So we need to give them a fair chance as well.

01:04:27 --> 01:04:29

Okay, basically a father chose

01:04:30 --> 01:04:58

a husband, I assume it says a boy but I assume it's a husband for his daughter. And he inquired about that boy or that man, that husband can't that candidate and he found it to be a good match. He was satisfied. Then they got married the daughter and that young man got married. But then the daughter finds out that this young man that she married, had told a lot of lies about himself to the Father.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:03

So about his education about his profession.

01:05:05 --> 01:05:13

So the marriage, a lot of the acceptance was actually based on his reputation was what was mainly lies. That's what the question says. Now that

01:05:17 --> 01:05:21

now the daughter blames the father and she's suffering in this marriage.

01:05:22 --> 01:05:47

Is this father to blame in the eye of Allah subhanaw taala. Now Allah holds people to account. It's not for me to say Allah, I don't know the details. Every story has two sides, or actually more. So it's not for me really to judge. If a father hasn't, has inquired to the best of his ability, which he should, and should, he should exhaust all efforts to find out about the person, definitely, because that's the life of his daughter.

01:05:49 --> 01:06:28

But I do want to say, I sense a bitterness here. So this is why I'm hesitant to say anything specific about this case. But in general, I would answer, in general, it's the responsibility of the father or the wellI, to really inquire and find out and dig out anything about a candidate. And he should do his best. Obviously, people go through circumstances go through conditions, they go through some troubled times. So how will they do that? That's between him and Allah subhanaw taala. But regardless, whether he's blameworthy or not blameworthy, now, after all of this has happened, that's with Allah subhanaw taala, there's not going to change the situation. Now, what really

01:06:28 --> 01:06:31

matters is how this daughter is going to live with her husband.

01:06:32 --> 01:06:36

And I think she should figure a way to really make this work out.

01:06:38 --> 01:07:19

If the husband has potential to be good, and so on, and so forth. So that's, I think that's what matters now. So you are in a situation start, start from now don't, because blame could really distract you from making the situation better. Now, who blames Allah is gonna hold people to account? You feel bad about it? If you're bitter about it? Okay, that's probably the case. But let's not confuse this with how what you need to weigh up your options, whatever you can do, what what would be the best course of action from now on to make this workout? Because now you are in a marriage? What do you want to do? Can you make it work out? Is the person does that person have

01:07:19 --> 01:07:57

enough goodness in them, you can start building on hopefully, he would get it become a better person, this marriage would probably, you know, something could get something good could come out of it. It's now this is something you want to look into. Now, if there was so many lies, that makes your life really impossible with Him, you definitely need to speak to an imam who is a marriage officer as well. So don't speak to me, I'm not a marriage officer. Go on and approach any mammals emerge officer who is licensed by the city. Okay. And from their experience, they would actually be able to assess the situation and give you a good advice. That's in general.

01:07:59 --> 01:08:04

So you said the prophets of salaam used to blend in with a

01:08:05 --> 01:08:14

unique paradox that he simultaneously stood out and he fit in? Yes. How did he stand out? Can you elaborate? Well,

01:08:16 --> 01:08:54

okay, that's about the leadership style of the prophets of salaam we said he, there was this paradox, the Prophet SAW Selim, you would just feel he's was was one of the people, but also he would stand stand out, he would stand out by His mere presence, you could tell there was some things as as you start mixing with this group of people, we can see, this person had special presence number two, you could see respect in the eyes of everyone else, you could see the attention gravitating towards him, the people who take the instructions from him, the admiration, the HA, the respect that they would give to him. So join so many ways, the wisdom that he shares, right, his

01:08:54 --> 01:09:17

unique behavior, his selflessness, his service, so Cholo in so many ways, this is how it would show so. So it's just a matter of perception, as I said, this way, said it's a very unique paradox. How does this play out? It's quite unique, and you have to see it, by the way, something with leadership and there's many experts in leadership actually say they say leadership is like an art.

01:09:18 --> 01:09:23

You recognize it when you see it? This way, there's a lot of definitions like one of the

01:09:26 --> 01:10:00

meta analysis on leadership. There were there was were scholars or researchers who tried to study leadership. And there was one guy called Stockdale, one of the famous researchers on leadership. He studied all the literature on leadership in the 70s. He made a research about all all research all writings on leadership that were written in the Western world. And then he arrived at a conclusion he says we have as many definitions of leadership as many people who have written on leadership. So each one who wrote in leader

01:10:00 --> 01:10:24

She had their own definition, why it's such a profound phenomenon and it's hard to capture it in words. So, again, the leadership of the prophets of Salaam is beyond words. So so this is these are just glimpses we're having into the example of the prophets of salaam all the leadership of the prophets of salaam I can take one question from the brother side so if there is anyone out give him a chance right? Okay go ahead

01:10:27 --> 01:10:28

breaking the journey

01:10:29 --> 01:10:30

and visiting blue mosque

01:10:31 --> 01:10:32

and then you

01:10:36 --> 01:11:06

okay, you you're you're having a journey or you're touring a country or you're stopping over in Istanbul and you decided to visit the Blue Mosque if you're doing that out of tourism, yes, but if you're just doing that because I want to pre tour like are there going to be special there that's that's what's wrong. But if you're touring it, you want to see the beauty, the architecture, etc. As a tourist fine and you happen to be there. It's a masjid say I want to pray to Rockaway. I'm going to pray in the masjid but believing there's no special merit for these two rockers. Nothing wrong with that John

01:11:08 --> 01:11:13

is not going to * we meet next week inshallah the Halacha Zwaan BarakAllahu Li Ka masala Messina Muhammad Wario sabio syndrome

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