Moutasem al-Hameedy – Life Of The Prophet 01

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the natural history and negative consequences of losing everything during Islam, including the use of water, animals, and belief in Islam. They also touch on the history of Zionism, including the use of mirror and negative emotions. The speakers stress the importance of being mindful of what comes into our hearts and how it can affect our world, while also discussing the use of mirror and potential negative emotions when complaining. They share personal experiences with behavior related to love, romantic relationships, and healthy relationships, but are unsure if it is possible to achieve.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hola middle who wants to hang on to stuff you're gonna hold to below him in Cerulean fusina was a yachtie I'm Elina Miyagi level Philomel de la la la mejor Lilford her her the Allah or shadow Allah Allahu Allahu la sharika was shadow no Muhammad Abdul who was who the horse Allah who had a you early he was

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all that.

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So inshallah This is the beginning of a new series, and it will be about the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, which is the Syrah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the way we will go about it in sha Allah will take it more of a

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will take it more as,

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as a story will take it, it will be more of a storytelling. But in storytelling, there's a lot of wisdom. There's a lot of lessons to pick up. So sometimes, we will pause the story. And we will talk about the lessons that we can learn and try to relate them to our times. So as a good introduction, Inshallah, to this series. And I think every Muslim, I really think every Muslim, should learn the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because that's the history Oh, that's our history. And when we don't know history, we're not going to have a strong foundation and our present. And if you have no history, then you have no future, you have really no future because any

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the existence of any individual or any nation is more of a story, you have a narrative, there is a past, present, and future. This is how we understand ourselves, is how we understand nations. Our minds work in a way that we see things through the trajectory of time, past, present, and future. This is how we evaluate this is how we relate. This is how we understand things.

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So you judge or the people or you treat the people that you come across based on what you know about them or about their past, because the past till tells you so much about them. And when you look into someone's past, pretty much you can predict the future to a great extent, to a great extent you can predict predict where they where they're going. Same thing with even moving objects, you know, when from looking at the past history of a mood moving object where it's heading.

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So that's part of how we think and how we evaluate this is a very basic mental process. So when we learn our history, we know where we stand today.

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When we know why we are here today, we know the way that we have taken to reach this point in history, and where are we heading in the future. So there are so many important points and benefits in studying the life of the prophet saw Allah when he was in it. I mean, also, by looking into the life of the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we learned a lot about Islam. We learn a lot about Islam.

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So you will we will learn from his example, how his relationship with Allah subhanaw taala was, and that's the role model for us. That's the example that we should follow. And

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as we go through the life of the prophets of Salaam, we will see the sequence of the revelation of the Quran. So it helps us it puts it puts us in a better position to understand the Quran. Understand the revelation.

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by looking into the life of the prophet Sallallahu wasallam, we get to see how great a person he was.

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We delve into his personality into his history into his personal traits into how he dealt with different situations. This actually gives us a deeper insight and appreciation of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as a person and reveals so much about him, especially when you see his life as a story.

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Another aspect of his life that really becomes manifest is his mannerism, the mannerism of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his personal traits are profound. So how he treated people, how he dealt with difficult situations, how he would behave in certain conditions. That's quite telling about the profits or the lows and his example. And there's so many things there for us to learn. There are people who might think, well, this is history now we live in a different time.

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And this shows a lack of understanding of life because life repeats itself, the story of life repeats itself. And there are universal laws that are timeless, that apply at all times, that apply at all times. And the human history keeps repeating itself and these units

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As a lot laws play out, over and over again, at every time in every nation, regardless of all differences, color, language, culture, religion, they play themselves out. And they are manifest only some of the outside external appearances that might seem different. But deep down in essence is the same thing happening over and over again.

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And one of the great books that really talks about this is catabolism, aka Dima, by human has done the famous book of evil called dual maca. Dima, he talks about something that he calls a pseudonym konia, a pseudo konia universal laws that never they can never be broken.

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So he goes over some parts of human history, the history of different nations, he goes into social aspects, political aspects of different nations, then he distills from this universal rules that apply across the board everywhere, everywhere. So he actually developed even a pattern of how nations come into existence, they start in a weak state, then something builds among them, they have a common cause that they agree upon, that brings about solidarity among them, brings about solidarity among them. So they have a course to live for, to dedicate their lives for, it becomes a cause for them a purpose of life, it becomes it makes their life meaningful. And it binds them

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together in this kind of solidarity. When they develop this nations are rising up to their to the peak of their strength that time, until they reach a point where they fulfill their goals and they defeat their enemies. And they reach a state of affluence and ease and tranquility, and relative peace, that's when they have reached the apex. And that's when the nation start to go down.

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Even Calderon he was the first one to come up with this kind to detect this kind of pattern. And he applies it a different nations and he shows how this plays out. And it's gonna, it's a universal law and doesn't break, it doesn't break. So when you look at the life of the prophet saw, Selim, there are so many lessons, you're gonna see so many patterns, you will see some desperate Points, points where people lose hope completely. But something comes into the equation and it changes everything. So that also like we can learn, we can draw lessons from this and apply them in our times. But no matter how things, how bad things go, and how gloomy the scene seems to be, things can always change

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in an instant, in an instant, and that's why they say,

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you know, those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it.

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Those who do not read history and learn from it are bound to repeat it repeat the same mistakes. But when you learn history, you avoid the pitfalls that caused the destruction of certain nations. And you can find this in the Quran, Allah Subhana. Allah says, conceal will fill up the fumble, okay for kind of harkening back to lithium and publico, travel through the earth and see, what was the outcome of the nations that came before you. they disbelieved in Allah subhanaw taala. And that was the end. That was their end. And if you're going to look at even the Muslim in the history of the Muslims, you're going to find the Muslims only lose power and dominance. And they lose land. Only

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when they become with mainly two things, they become complacent, which is ultimate nanofiller dunya. So they become more attached to this dunya they have the affluence, they have the resources, so they become attached to that. So they'll have no cause to gather them and bind them, they have nothing to work for, nothing to strive for. So they lose the motivation, they lose the cause that binds them together and gives them the energy. And so and then they start indulging in, obviously in in desires and the attractions of this life. And this is when they start falling into sins, oppression, greed, and they lose their unity, they lose their connection with Allah subhanaw taala. The second most

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important thing is they lose knowledge.

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They lose knowledge when people lose knowledge, understanding and guidance, the nation has gone. So when there is ignorance among the people,

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and why it becomes widespread. Nations start to lose their power, they start to decline until they reach a point where sometimes they completely disappear. Sometimes there are nations that completely disappeared. But there are nations who went down and reached hit bottom

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hit the like the deepest level in their history, but then they pick themselves up again. And they had some progress and so on and so forth. So there are factors. So when we look into the life of the prophet saw Salem, you're gonna see a lot of patterns, you're gonna see a lot of things that actually help us that we can take

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And we can apply to our times because these are universal laws and you will find ALLAH SubhanA. Allah says in the Quran that God can Kasasa him a bra. Rocket can if you Kasasa him abroad that's in solid use of indeed in their story, there is a bra, a bra we translated usually as lessons. Lessons. That's a loose, it's correct, correct translation but solution, Abraham in Arabic, Abraham in Arabic comes from a wall. A wall means to cross cross a bridge,

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you cross a bridge from one side of the ocean to the other or one side of a river to the other. That's a wall. So you cross a bridge? Why does Allah say this?

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Basically, in the Arabic language, when you read a story or history, you take a lesson, then you strip down this lesson to its basic elements, then you take it over to your side to your life, and apply it to your time and benefit from it. You have crossed that bridge of time. So you have taken the lesson from that story. You crossed over to your side to your life and you've managed to find a practical implementation of it. That's what Abraham is. That's what Ebla is. So this is why last month Allah has filled up the Quran with stories.

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Wherever you reciting the Quran, you're gonna find stories repeatedly, most of the Quran is made of stories. Why? Because there's Ibra, there are lessons that you can grasp, take and transfer into your personal experience into your present time and apply them and benefit from them and reap the fruits. That's what this is why stories are very powerful. Stories have symbolic power, although they have their own details that not necessarily all of them apply to you. But when you strip it down the story to its basic elements, it applies everywhere, everywhere.

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Somebody's too excited.

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All the stuff

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so I'm gonna give you some platform and see, what do you think that benefit there are benefits that we can take from the life of the prophets and allies? And what do you think we can learn as we study the life of the prophets Allah?

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What can we what can we get what benefits what fruits? There's so many? I just mentioned a few. Probably I said the things that were on your mind already.

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When you learn about the Prophet sallallahu sallam, what do you think happens?

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Definitely, you're going to learn from the personality, the character of the process, and then one of them is patients, you're going to learn this Absolutely. You're going to learn something.

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Love when you get to know the prophets of Salaam, closely look into his personal life, his family life, his public life, political life, and how he dealt with different types of people. You can't help but love him. Really when you see the beauty of this character, you are drawn into it, you are drawn into it. You can see the wisdom of Allah subhanaw taala and choosing Mohamed Salah Salem to be his final messenger you can see that clearly. Very good point love you get. So that actually creates more attachment in your heart to the Prophet salallahu Salam and you will see that your love if you pay attention and take that to heart, you're going to see that your love for the person would

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actually grow bigger.

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What else can you get

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from studying the life

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caring as another aspect of his character caring for others. Yes, there's actually a very obvious side or the life of the prophet side so them that he cares for others. He cares for others, whether he whether he knows them or even if he doesn't know them. He cares for Omar also NACA Illa. Ramadan, will * Amin Allah from Ghana says we have sent you only as mercy to mankind. Mercy to the world. So the prophets Islam indeed, was a manifestation of mercy so you can see his mercy and his care. Always caring for other people. Absolutely. One more

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communication and

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communication ethics Well, that's still part of the life the rich personality of the prophets of salaam there is much to learn in terms of communication Absolutely. wants something a bit more general than rather than going into specifics

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or being

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put your hands up that's too much for me, I can't

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again, strength you're going to will tie in with patients so it's part of the character of the person give me something more general a general type of benefit.

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Then, okay, we already mentioned this, so you're going to learn a lot about the Sunnah of the Prophet saw a lot of

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The aspects of Islam from how you see the prophets of salaam deals with different situations.

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statesmanship leadership, yeah, I mean that's gonna be manifest. How actually there's a lot to learn from the messengers awesome in terms of really being the, the first the head of a call of our people who are calling us to worship Allah then when it becomes

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when he forms a government and a proper state, how he actually does this. It's actually a very powerful side of the life of the prophet, son. Okay. Okay, good.

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So, in order to get into the life of the prophet saw Selim, we're going to see what happened before that to give some kind of background.

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There was a man in Mecca.

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One of the most important people in Mecca

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one day, probably seems to be physically tired, fatigued, fatigued, we don't know really what he was doing, but he seemed to be tired he can't comes to a cab

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comes to a cab to what they call a hedgehog. You know, this arch. Okay, that's part of a cab. So he has this place for him. Usually where he rests is one of the important people in Mecca, important personalities. So he takes a nap.

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During his nap,

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he hears a voice.

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And the voice tells them

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by EBA

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dugout by EBA, by means good, something good.

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He wakes up. He doesn't know what that means. What's this voice and dig out labor, what's labour. So he asked what they were, but the voice doesn't seem to respond. So when he wakes up, he feels there's something weird about this dream about this voice that he had in his dream, but he doesn't know what to do with it. So he decides to ignore it. The following day, he takes nap at the same place. And by the way, that was a habit for him.

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The same voice comes back to him and says he feels Balraj. So he asks what's barva but the voice doesn't respond to him. So he wakes up again. And he says but it also means something good, something clean and, and righteous. But he doesn't figure out so what's the spotter doesn't understand it.

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Third day, same thing, same voice comes to him and says

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zum zum

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zum zum.

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So he says What's zamzam? But now the Arabs have a history of Zionism. They know they used to be in Mecca, there was a well called Samson. They knew this. They knew this. But the well dried,

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it dried out and it was there was no water in it anymore.

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And the traces of the well were lost. No one knows where it was. Well, they know roughly was around the Kaaba, but they don't they can't they couldn't find it. So it was lost.

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She says what Simpson. So the voice describes to him what zamzam is.

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And I don't remember the exact narration but it says basically

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aphorisms and the Nakata Warabi. Some in debate in numbers, banal, filthy wisdom,

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lie to them, what to them, or when I tell him, okay, basically, dig out zamzam. It's by the colony of the ants close to that, where the crow comes around and hits with with its peak, or would it speak and this zamzam never dries out for good.

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And it's never like There's nothing bad about it.

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Now, this is a description that is clear for the locals in the comic cons know what this place is. So he wakes up, he goes, and he calls on his only son at the time, he had his son called hearth. So he brings it home with a young man. They bring their tools, they start digging in that spot.

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A while later, they were digging, water comes out.

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Water comes out.

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It comes out and they see the borders or the small wall against the well. The borders of the well. The old well, when they see that they recognize this is a Muslim. They know them them was the well of our father Ismail

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is the father of the people of Croatia that father, the ancestors.

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So when he says this, he says Allahu Akbar was a Muslim.

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Now Allah Akbar the Arabs used to say, Allah Akbar.

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because they worshipped Allah, they worshipped Allah, but they associated partners with Allah in worship. So they would devote some worship to these partners like in US Nam the idols.

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So, but they worshipped Allah Subhanallah they knew Allah was there, they knew Allah was the creator. But the problem was that associated.

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These are SNAM, the statues which represent righteous people, they worship them, besides Allah, basically making dua to them, thinking that they can help them offering sacrifices to them. And we know that this is Schick, this is polytheism. And that was the main problem.

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So he said, Allahu Akbar. Now when this man says Allah, anyone has figured out who I'm talking about now?

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I'm doing more Taalib I'm doing a remote polyp. I've done more polyp, who is the grandfather of the Prophet SAW Salem. I'm doing mock pilot.

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By this time, I'm doing what Tom says Allahu Akbar with a loud voice. people of Makkah said there's something

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fishy there. There's something that happening. So they rushed to him, they see the well. They say, well, that's zamzam. So they said, we have a share. This is this, the wealth of our father is money. So we have automatically have a share in this. That's an inherited inheritance.

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Abdul Muttalib says to them, no.

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So he says, in the huddle, I'm the one who says to be here doing this is something that was given to me specifically.

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Excluding you completely, I was told about this, I was meant to do it. Three nights or three days, I have the same dream and tells me and gives me the exact description where to find it. This is specific for me, I'm not gonna give it to you, you have no share. It's all mine.

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They say no, you have to give us a share. So there was a dispute. Now they had a habit that how would they

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sort out disputes. They had what they call sorcerers or Elkana. From Kahin. People who deal with magic, they deal with gin. You know, this kind of Hocus Pocus, abracadabra stuff, right? The same thing like Harry Potter, magical spells, and so on and so forth. They would go to these people. And these people would play their magic and look into their marble sphere, and then they would figure out the answer. Obviously, these people dealt with gin, these people dealt with gin, so they will call it Ghana. And they would make a lot of money by abusing people and taking advantage of them. So they said, No, we have to find a judge someone to judge between us.

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After disputes, they said, Okay, let's go to Cara Hina to bunny sand. Kahina Tobin, he said, This is sorcerer with Benu sideburn, who said, lived in the north of the Arabian Peninsula around the South of Tuborg today. Okay. She was on the borders of a sham, now a sham at that time. It was around to book which is the northern city in Saudi Arabia today. So that was the borders there. So okay, you know, this sorcerer, female sorcerer lived around that area. So they had to travel from Mecca, you're talking about probably, maybe 1000 kilometers, or 1000 kilometers, they had to travel there, in order to sort out or solve this disputes settle this disputes. So I'm gonna go call it goes with

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his son, and Harris and some of his brothers close family as one group and the other leaders in babka. They go as a separate group, but they were sort of traveling together, but still separate. So on the way, and so does it. And it's not like today, there's a highway, and you can speed up can reach that in a couple in a few hours. Now, that would be days. And there were no like towns and cities, many towns and cities in the middle on the way. So there was it was a great danger was a great danger, actually, if you run out of money. Also, if you run out of water, you could actually die. You could die in the middle of the desert.

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And that actually happened with Abdulmutallab in his group. They run out of water in the middle of the desert.

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So they said we can't survive now. The only hope we have is speak with the other group, which was still visible to them. They approached them and they said can you give us some water because we run out of water and we're gonna die. They said sorry, we are also in the middle of the desert for shallow water with you that means both of us are going to die.

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We care about ourselves. Now you guys find out a way find out find out a way to survive.

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So Abdulmutallab with his group, they they start, you know, consulting with one on what should we do? What's the best go back? Even if you go back, we're gonna die on the way we're in the middle of nowhere. Wherever you go, you're far from everything wherever you go.

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We're going to die on the way. There's no water or Well, that is close to us, either ahead of us, or behind us, wherever we go, we're stuck.

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And that's still that shows you that's a lot of disputes where they get get people. And that's shows we agreed. We agreed needs people. So disputes most of the time don't lead to good results, that only target results. So this is why a lot of competition over dunya and worldly matters. A lot of disputes about this, and people being greedy and being very insistent when it comes to having, you know, personal gains, and so on and so forth.

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could actually be problematic. But that doesn't mean you ask you don't ask for your right know when you have a right to ask for it. But you still have to be wise. But you will find people within families within the same country, sometimes within the same religion. People fight over trivial things. And they pay a hefty price, a very big price. For some for a small gain, it becomes an ego game, right? I don't want to I'm not I'm not going to compromise. I'm not going to, I'm not going to, you know, take a step backward. I'm not going to leave it for you. So it becomes an issue of pride and ego and people get stuck. And sometimes this happens as well with, you know, you haven't

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conversation with someone and you say something say no, that's not true. No, it's true. No, it's not true. It's true. True. You bring evidence don't bring it becomes an ego thing. It becomes an ego thing. No, I'm right, you're wrong. The other person No, I'm right, you're wrong.

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You can't prove to someone in that state anything, you can't prove it. If it becomes a matter of ego, a matter of personal pride.

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The mind is put on the side, there is no logic here. There is no logic.

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So anyway, so they thought, what can we do the consultant one other word, we're stuck. Now what can we do? How can we get out of this? They arrived at one conclusion. They said, You know what?

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If we die, our bodies will be, you know, lying on the surface of the earth. And that means, you know, beasts, wild animals are going to eat us.

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And the Arabs, and many cultures actually have the sanctity for the body. No, it should be buried, it should be buried. So they started thinking about what they're going to do to their bodies when they die. So they said, instead of us, all of us being eaten what we can do, we still have some energy. Now, some calories. Now, let's use these calories that we have to dig graves, each one of us thinks their own grave. And then each one of us, we make our graves close to each other, then each one lies next to their grave or in their graves. When someone dies, the other ones with the little energy they have they put some dirt on top of him. Then the remains one person was buried everyone

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else and he remains. You know, if animals eat him, that's fine. One person, you know, gets eaten better than all of us. So that's the best solution they could arrive at. That really sad, have they dug their graves, each one sat in their own grief,

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then Abdulmutallab tells you as well, sometimes when people are trapped in people without guidance, and without connection to Allah subhanaw taala how crazy people could go. And by the way, like, this didn't seem crazy to me to any of them. It made so much sense. And that's the problem with cultures. That's the problem with cultures. You know, when you live in a culture, there's a lot of stupid things and the culture has. There's a lot of stupid things, the culture that we live in today.

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But we are blind to these absurdities, we don't see them. Once you become part of the culture, it's hard to see what's wrong with it.

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Once you develop personal traits, it's hard to see what's wrong with them. Maybe they become blind spots. So for them now for us looking at that they say that's crazy. You guys just wait for death in your graves.

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But for them, it made so much sense in their culture, and their culture. And that shows the influence of people around us. The general society these are things you have to keep in mind. We don't think freely humans we don't think freely. We don't. A lot of our conclusions, a lot of our convictions, a lot of our beliefs, personal beliefs, a lot of our understandings, a lot of our stereotypes actually come from the people around us or the society, and we never question them. We never question them. But how what's the sign of maturity a person can actually see beyond this. That's when you grow. That's when you when you see other cultures. You see other times how they

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thought then you can judge your own culture from a distance you are not trapped into it. That's a sign of maturity. So these

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people because they don't believe in Allah subhanaw taala they don't know Allah subhanaw taala very well they don't believe in him the right kind of belief. They were thinking about their dead bodies. But then it just don't do abdominal polyp it don't don't have do not put up he just thought he said do you guys we just sitting in our graves waiting, he says this is another reason is it in other lodges. This is this state of helplessness is inappropriate. We're gonna dye this dye trying to find something.

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So come on, let's let's start moving, we're gonna actually start searching for water, let it let us die searching for water, rather than die in this helpless state. So they decided actually to start searching for water. Abdulmutallab gets on his

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on the back of his horse or camel. As soon as it hits the ground. Water comes out from underneath the camel or the horse, it comes out.

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So when they saw this, they filled their containers, they drank. And they were relieved. Then they approached the other group and they say, you can fill up your containers.

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And we have just found water here. So they come they fill up their containers as well. Then they want to resume the journey to that Sorcerer to al Qaeda. But now the other group says they say tell them what they say, you know, they said in the law, the APA can Hoonah for Sahara, if you had to hit my father.

00:31:29 --> 00:31:41

Now we'll leave the black isms and they said the one who gave you this water in the middle of the desert where it's unexpected to find water and in this fashion. Okay, he's the same one who gave you some some.

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We don't need to carry on with the journey. We're going to leave it for you. Let's go back to Makkah. That's a strong sign. That's a strong sign for us. We don't want it anymore. So they actually head back to Makkah

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and zamzam or the ownership of zamzam stays with Abdul Muttalib and his family and this is why they used to offer water to the Pilgrims when they came to MCC.

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So they go back

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to Makkah, and zamzam as I said, is under the supervision and the ownership of Abdul Muttalib and his children, or his actually his only son.

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But what is the

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story of Zionism?

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What's the history of Zionism?

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The history of Zionism,

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about thinking

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she was dying to find excellent, excellent, yes.

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That isn't the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam, he brought his wife Hajer.

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And his newly born son, Ismail,

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he brought them to Mecca. He brought them to McCann Mecca, was as the Quran describes b word in the Reagan era. It was sort of a valley. It's not a sharp slope, but it's between hills and too small mountains. It was and in the middle of that valley, there was a small hill, a small hilly area, tiny, like probably a couple of meters high. And there was though her though has big tree tree, you know, in the desert areas, you have the trees that spread, like sort of vertical, like they're sort of horizontal, these horizontal trees that spread. This is a Doha so there was a tree there huge tree in the middle, but no one lived there. No one lived in that area. Now previously, historians

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say that Mecca used to be a small village. But when a bow fan came the flood

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the time of Prophet no hallelujah Salaam. The small population of Makkah was obviously destroyed with everyone else with all of everyone.

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But and afterwards remained as a barren desert. There was no one to live there. It was, was on the trade routes for caravans they used to pass by it, but there was no one living there. So Ibrahim Ali is based on the Command of Allah subhanaw taala he brings his wife Hunter and his infant son Ismay. He brings them he comes from where

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What did you call him? And he said, I'm live mainly

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Palestine and Egypt, Palestine and Egypt. And we say Palestine by the way. What's called Palestine today was was designed in 1970.

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Palestine is bigger than this. It has a lot to do with bloodshed. So Palestine was bigger than what we know of Palestine today. Okay.

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it these are political borders, newly political borders. So

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he lived in that area around that area.

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And he reached Iraq. He came from Iraq. He comes from north of Iraq.

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So Ibrahim based on the commands of Allah subhanaw taala brings his heart is hijacked his dog, his wife and his son, Ismail was just newly born. He brings them to that area. Mac, as I said, there's no one there. He leaves him there. And he has one sack of dates and one sack, a one water container.

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He travels with Hunter. Once they reach that point,

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he turns around, and he sets off, he leaves.

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He realizes he's leaving. She turns to him, she says,

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Are you going to leave us here? You can leave us in this in the middle of this desert in the middle of nowhere, there's no one here can leave us here. Or you can leave us too. He doesn't turn to her. He keeps walking. She asked him a couple of times, he doesn't respond. She realizes this is definitely not his personal decision. There is must be revelation, she knows he's a prophet. There must be a revelation there. So she asked him Allah Who Amara can be heard that isn't Allah that commanded you to do? This is a command from Allah. He nods, he doesn't even look at her. He nods. She figured out she says even though you know your own Allah, Allah will never let us go to waste

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Allah is going to take care of us. And that shows to a call.

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In the middle of the desert, no provisions, only a little bit of dates and water. She knows she says with certainty in a lie only on Allah, Allah will take care of us. She knows she says that with certainty.

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So the thing is,

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what we see is not the whole story.

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That is added with your provision, a lot of your risk to your provision is actually an element. Maybe it hasn't come to you yet. So you shouldn't worry so much about it. You should work towards it. Yes. But you shouldn't worry so much about it. You shouldn't worry so much about why knowing that Allah is going to take care of that. And just because you don't see it, it doesn't mean it's not there. It doesn't mean it's not there the solution to your problem, because you can't see it. Now, it doesn't mean it's not that sometimes it's just round the corner, just round the corner, and we get desperate. We start using unlawful means to solve our problems or create more problems for

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ourselves. But you don't realize this solution is just coming. It's just on its way. If you just wait, if you just wait. So how

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Alayhis Salam was confident that Allah is going to take care of them so she had no concern. She was drinking from that water, nursing her little boy and eating from the dates but she runs out of water. She gets thirsty, the boy gets thirsty starts screaming

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she now the passion or the compassion of a mother now is a kicks in. She doesn't she she can't see his son screaming and she has nothing to offer him. So she runs around trying to she's trying she tries to find out if there is any population any caravan passing by any nomads, Bedouins tribes that are moving out so that she could actually see so she goes to this small hill next to where she is, which is a sufferer. She goes on top of it and she's she starts looking around. Maybe there's some someone passing by, maybe there is somebody that maybe there's a shepherd that can just get some water from looks around. There's nothing she rushes to the opposite side, which is another one.

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Okay, she rushes and she holds her there. Okay, they have Jill Babb. Her dress, she holds it because she rushes so she holds it up. Then she rushes

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to the other one looks around, she doesn't see anything. So then she goes between them probably, I think I think her thought process was maybe I missed someone on the other side. Let me go and see. It's the same panic of a mother as well. This doesn't do this does not go against our cold by the way. It doesn't go against our code. And that's sometimes we are very sharp. We take it as black and white.

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Having to walk cold doesn't mean you have some consent.

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Just like having greenbar and pleasure and acceptance of Allah's decree and Allah. Allah does not mean you don't experience sadness. That's when the prophets of Solomon his son died. He cried. It's one of the comparisons your Rasul Allah, you're crying.

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He says in the heart Rama, this is mercy. The person who says this is mercy that's put in our hearts. Does this mean the Prophet Salam was not accepting of Allah's decree? No, he was. So it's not about blood.

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I can wait. It's not about black and white this way. And for vitamin Eyad when his son died, he laughed.

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When his son died, he laughed. They said why you love? He said I'm happy with whatever Allah decreed. Now remember pain criticize this he says, This is not this is not the right type of being pleased with the decree of Allah because the prophets of salaam was better than other al he cried. So crying does not go against accepting the color of Allah and being happy with it doesn't go against it. It means you're a human being, you still have this human nature and you go through your normal human emotions. The same with her job, she was a woman she was concerned for his for his son. But that doesn't mean she felt Allah is gonna leave them. She didn't feel that but she realized she

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had to do something she was acting on her instinct as a mother. That's it. Sometimes we are harsh to judge ourselves or judge others so you don't have to work on you don't have acceptance based on human emotions like this. No, not necessarily. Not necessarily.

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So she was between them seven times. And the process was LM says, well either the Casa nurse and this is why people make say, between the Safa and Marwa so it became an act of worship became an act of worship. And it was there from the time of Ibrahim till the time of the Prophet SAW Selim till our times till the end of time. So setting between Savannah was going to be there as one of the acts of worship and one of the acts of pilgrimage.

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So when she was in her last bout on Ottawa,

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she hears a cracking sound she looks around the water has come out next to her son is married to that Haley, small hilly area where the tree is, water comes out. So the problem says this was the angel. The angel hit the ground with his wing and Allah cause the water to come out and that's the zamzam. That was she started taking from that water and filling the container, filling the container

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and the zamzam is very special. The prophets Allah Selim says Matt zamzam balm will determine what she felt will soak them in the water of zamzam

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could actually substitute food.

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It's so nutritious that could substitute food. So, it is more has more nutritional value than normal water has much more. Okay, much more.

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So the chemical composition of Zoom's immortal is, is different, is different from other types of water.

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What she found was so common and it's a remedy. It's a remedy for illnesses and diseases. So zamzam has this zamzam has this capacity. And the person said something about the water of zamzam. He said metal zamzam. Lima Shuri Bella who

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the water of zamzam will serve the intention

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that you drink it for.

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So, for example, this is why it's a sunnah, that before you drink them, then you have an intention that I'm drinking zamzam with a wish or with a DUA, you that you wish from Allah Subhana Allah with the intention that Allah grants me this thing that Allah grants me this thing so for example you want

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many people use it to memorize Quran, they drink something with intention that Allah makes them memorize the Quran. You can drink it with the intention that Allah gives you a wife, you can that Allah gives you the car that you wish for Marathi, right or Ferrari, whatever.

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Or Allah gives you

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whatever you wish for.

00:43:54 --> 00:44:04

So much wisdom, so many machinery below. This is why for example, in the hobby or from Allah to Allah, He says Shearim tumah ASMs them beanie yet and mini Yeti NHI Allah Who Lee

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really man through the jungle

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was it? No, it was even harder. So he was able to handle as Kalani. He's a trip to Muslims and even handler scholar he the one who made a commentary on Al Bukhari, the famous commentary on Sahadi that he barely even hydrological. So he said, I drank zum zum with the intention that Allah gives me knowledge of Hadith and the narratives of Hadith as an imam with the hubby

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as an imam with the heavy and so Allah Allah gave him such high level of knowledge in that field.

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So, ZamZam was there. So hudgell was there for a while. And then there was some Arabs, no man, nomads traveling from Durham, a tribe called Jerome. So they were traveling around and they know this valley. They've seen some birds hovering over it. Now, you know, Bedouins

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and people who live in nature, they they know how to read traces, or the signs for us that are meaningless. But for them, they have a lot of meaning. They realized since birds are hovering over that place, there is water.

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There is water. So they send to people to check out they say we know this place, there's nobody there, there's no water, why are birds hovering over it? So they sent to people to check it out, and they find Hajj and their son and they find water.

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So you know nomads are traveling, they try to find a place to settle in, they keep traveling from one place to the other until they find a good place to settle in, depending on the season on the on the rain and saunas, manufacturers.

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So they

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so when they see see in that state, they say to Hajah

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Would you allow us to move into this area? Since there is water? Would you allow us to move into this area? Now? Hi, John, as the person who says she had a liking for people, she was a very sociable person. And she wants that, you know, she doesn't want to stay by herself. So she want people to live alone. So she loved that. But she said, but this well is fine. You guys have no right to it. I give you from it, but you don't have right to it. They said fine. We agree to this. So Jerome settled there. Jerome spoke Arabic, tribal Jerome spoke Arabic. So they settled there is marine and Islam grows among them. So he learns Arabic from them.

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He learns Arabic from them.

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He grows and he becomes sort of a teenager, a teenager.

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Then Ibrahim alayhi salam comes after all these years, and Brahim comes back.

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Comes back. He knows he's gonna he knows or he knew he was going to find his family there. Why? Because he left them for Allah and he knows is a command from Allah subhanaw taala. So he knows it's going to find he is going to find them that so he goes and as the Hadith of the Prophet and says, What can I expect Embree? nebulin law who

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is married, used to sharpen some of his arrows for archery, under a tree.

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Ibrahim recognizes him he recognizes his father. So they hug each other.

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Then employ him and he Sam says to his son, Allah give me a command. And that's to build his house here.

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build his house here.

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So would you help me?

00:47:33 --> 00:47:35

So it's my head said absolutely.

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So they start actually building a cabin. And it's what Allah revealed. And so lots and Nakara AVR fall Ibrahim will cover a dominant debate on Abraham builds on the foundations. Now foundations. Well, this, there's a dispute here but many of the scholars say that the foundations of Aqaba were already laid down they were there already under under the under the soil under the dirt or the sand. So Ibrahim uncovered them then he built on these foundations. What is your father Ibrahim Allah in the middle Bates who is married have been at a cobalamin in NACA into Simi Valley. So they were building and they were calling upon Allah Allah accept from us you are the All Hearing the All

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or been our Allah muslim mostly mainly like elementary yet in our own meta Muslim meta like Allah make us people who submit to you Muslims to towards you, that we submit to you, we follow your command, we are obedient to you.

00:48:32 --> 00:48:45

Which animals humanely like a woman go to the Yeti now on metalcon from our descendants from our progeny, people who are will be Muslims people who will submit to you and follow your guidance

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and are seeking to Ballina and show us the rituals or the acts of worship for Hajj or to Ballina and acceptable repentance, and so on and so forth.

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And Ibrahim and he someone he left them in the first time and he left her job and it's made at the beginning. Allah Subhana Allah talks about this and sort of Ibrahim he says a banner in the skin to me and the Yeti b word in reserve and in debate tickle Mahadevan Robin aliotti masala. Oh Allah I have made my family settle.

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in that valley, which has no vegetation has nothing to grow that has no fruits, no vegetables, nothing. And the basical Muharram where your sacred house is supposed to be built

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in debating

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Roberta India's controlling via TV was already in debate tickle Mohammed Rob banner up masala, Oh Allah, the purpose of this so they established salah they establish Salah that's what that's why he was commanded to leave them there. So Bonnaroo came Salafi. Edith Amina Nassetta we Elaine, so let the hearts of some people come towards them turn towards them. It started with Jerome coming to them, asking to live with them. And then it

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keeps with all of humanity you find people's hearts attached to Maccha fragile indeterminant Nassetta we like him also co Minister Murat longish Quran and grant them a lot of fruits and produce and blessings from you so that they may be thankful.

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So Doha the prime has been manifested, and we see it until today in Mecca, you find huge bear in a camera to coalition and risk Camilla dunya. Allah says, the fruits and the benefits and the blessings from everything, pour into Mecca into this spot, and you can see whatever you want, you can find it in Mecca now. So that's a blessing. That's a blessing from Allah subhanaw taala. So they build the house and

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Ibrahim leaves it comes another time because he saw a vision when it's male was he reached a point where he's strong, young man, strong young man.

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Ibrahim sees in a dream that he actually kills his son he slaughters his son, he slays him.

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And the Prophet SAW Selim says in the Hadith wrote the MBA hack the dreams or the visions of prophets or revelation, truth. They're not just you know, thoughts, not random thoughts. They're not just wishful thinking knowledge, they are revelation from Allah.

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So Ibrahim approaches his son's mind He says, Yeah, born a year in Niala filmin army and near the Belk from Varma, that Allah or my son, I saw in my dream that I was killing you that was cutting your throat.

00:51:37 --> 00:51:44

From the mother Tara, what are you going to do? What was the response of his Marius? Ebert if Alma tomorrow

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called a narrative and my tomorrow, Saturday, Luna insha, Allah in a slavery, she says, Oh, my God, do whatever you are commanded. Again, this is a response of Dr. Ibrahim, what benna which Allah mostly mainly, like makers, from those who submit to you, submission from Ibrahim and from Israel. Yeah, but if I might, oh, my that do whatever you are commanded. You are going to find me from those who are patient

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for the Muslimah will tell the whole little Jebin so when they have submitted they decided to fulfill the command no delay.

00:52:18 --> 00:52:26

What Hola. Hola, Jimmy and Ibrahim told his son, you know, you bow down. Don't show me your face. I don't want my

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you know, fatherly a passion and compassion and mercy to stop me from fulfilling the Command of Allah. Don't show me your face, bend down. I'm going to cut your neck from the bank. I don't want to see you how going in pain because I don't want to stop it.

00:52:44 --> 00:53:05

Submit for the Muslim hour till Loulou. Jabeen whenever you know a year Abraham Codsall doctor wrote, yeah, in a kinetic energy machine. So Allah subhanaw taala at that moment, called upon Ibrahim, and he says Ibrahim, you have fulfilled our command. You have fulfilled our command, you've been loyal, you have been faithful, you've been obedient.

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With a day now we depend on him that ALLAH SubhanA sent down a Ram

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Ram, and this is the ransom of more of any of you have smiley histogram. You don't have to kill him. It wasn't the point to kill him. But it was a test for you and him. It was a test for you and him.

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So some narrations indicates you find them in the books of tafsir Ibn katheer mentioned some of them, though, Abraham actually started cutting his neck with a knife. But Allah subhanaw taala made the back of his neck turn into metal, copper, something like copper. So the knife could not go through it could not cut through it.

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Until us want to send down the ROM and he called upon Ibrahim and he said you have fulfilled the Command of Allah subhanaw taala. And obviously, these were Ibrahim alayhis salam has a very special state among the prophets and messengers

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as well as one that is closer in the Quran, so many beautiful descriptions in Ebrahim akana Ahmed and Arnesen, Allah

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many other descriptions

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especially descriptions about Ibrahim alayhis salam,

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so that was the test for them and this is why we have a sacrifice the sacrifice came from this. The old here the Kobani that we have comes from this comes from this.

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Then Ibrahim leaves smiles grows up among jewel home and he reaches a point where he gets married. So he marries a woman from Jerome for manager

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Ibrahim Oh is married has worked now to do is it goes out. I don't know what kind of work exactly but he was doing some work and then he would come later on.

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Ibrahim comes one day later on.

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That means traveling between Palestine

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And, and maca. Ibrahim comes one day, asked for the house of Israel, showing what the house was made. He goes to the house of his main locks on the door, his wife response. So he says What is this man? She says he's out working

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because Okay, so how is life? Please? How are you How's life treating you?

00:55:23 --> 00:55:29

He says we live in an industry is very difficult conditions we don't eat enough.

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All conditions are hot or hot and when we're uncomfortable not feeling comfortable in our life cycle. So she started complaining. So he tells her when his smile comes back. Tell him Oh, convey my greetings my salaam to him. And it says Hola, hola yer I Tabitha Berbick and tell him change your doorstep or your doormat.

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Smile comes later on at the end of the day.

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And he says to his wife, anybody asks for me. She says yes, there was a man an older man. He came and asked for you. And I told him you went here

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and describe him to me. She describes you realize this. That's my dad. That's Ibrahim.

00:56:15 --> 00:56:21

Did he say anything? You said yes. He's just sending his greetings. And he says, you know, change your doormat or your doorstep

00:56:22 --> 00:56:29

says this was my father Ibrahim and you are my doorstep. He's actually ordering me to divorce you.

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And that's a command from a prophet.

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It's not just a desire from the father goes to his son. I don't like your wife divorce her. It's not like this. Okay? We have to remember these are prophets that are given guidance from Allah so it's not a haphazard decision. Or he just felt bad. Okay, I want you to divorce her or I'm not going to talk to you like sometimes parents do this to their to their children's. It's not it's not a good practice. Like it just because I don't like your wife divorce her.

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Why She's a good woman.

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Anyway, then, later on, some time later, Rahim comes again.

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Ibrahim comes again.

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And it's made this time had already divorced. His wife is first wife he married another wife. Again from Jerome

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his father comes knocks on the door. Wife response was this my age he's out. How Cavan toma was life treating you ARE YOU GUYS ARE YOU conditions? She says that Hamdulillah we live in a good state. We we eat we drink we live in peace. Okay. hamdulillah Allah and she says thanks to Allah. Allah is. Allah blessed us with so many things.

00:57:44 --> 00:57:59

So he says, When smile comes back, give him my greetings and tell him that bit Abbottabad Babich keep your doorstep maintain that doormat. Then he leaves he leaves where to Palestine? Are we talking about? So halala?

00:58:02 --> 00:58:20

So Smith comes back and he says to his wife, anybody asked for me? She says, yes, there was this older man she describes them says, Oh, that's my dad, you say anything? Yes, he greets you. And he says, Keep your doorstep. He says you're on my doorstep. And he commands me to keep you hate. That shows.

00:58:21 --> 00:58:32

Complaining isn't another good personal trait at all. It's a serious flaw in character. Some people have this complaining nagging character.

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Wherever they go, they find something to complain about to nag about the oh, we see the negatives. Some people think it's actually a very good thing. Like I can find fault and everything. That's a prescription for disaster in your life.

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So and that's actually, that's such that's a reality. That's a reality. This is actually the scientific research about people who NAG and complain. And actually these people are miserable, really miserable. And it affects the brain, it hardwires the brain and has an effect on the hippocampus part of the brain, it gets smaller and has to do with emotions, okay, and regulating emotions. And basically the practical consequences of people always complaining and picking on the negative things, being able to figure the negative things quickly, their attention is always directed there is that wherever they go, they're gonna, they're gonna find faults, they're gonna

00:59:26 --> 00:59:29

make life hard for them and hard for others.

00:59:30 --> 00:59:35

Really. So when you complain a lot, what happens, you

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know, your brain changes.

00:59:40 --> 01:00:00

I'm sure there are other processes there, especially when it comes to the soul and the heart. But at least that's what Neuroscience tells us today. That when you actually complain, and you always searched for mistakes and for problems and for issues and for loopholes, and for faults, what happens? This is how your brain starts to shape itself and create connections in that way, where it actually makes you completely fake

01:00:00 --> 01:00:14

stated on negative so wherever you go, you always find you're always searched for mistakes automatically. And thus you miss the good things, you miss out on the good things. And you know how life could turn actually for this, I don't remember there was a research on

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a lot of people in different fields in different professions.

01:00:19 --> 01:00:59

Think that was the University of Berkeley, California, the act of trying to see which professors professions are more prone to depression and mental illness. And they found out no offense to anyone. But they found that lawyers actually have a higher level of depression among all other professions across the board. So they tried to find an explanation for this. And they actually some of them came up with this explanation. They said, Actually, lawyers always search for loopholes and laws in arguments and mistakes, that's what their work depends on, to try to see what's wrong with your arguments so they can win the argument. So they,

01:01:00 --> 01:01:37

so actually, the brain hardwired because we have this, you know, what they call neuroplasticity, where the mind our brains are not, by the way, are not fixed, they keep changing and growing based on how we think and what and our habits and so on, and so forth. So they figured out that their brains are hardwired to pick mistakes, and they found found that they're in their personal lives. Like these people with their spouses, they keep pointing at their mistakes with their kids pointed their mistakes, wherever they go, they find they see only mistakes, because it helps them in their work, but it destroys their family life. So they started actually a new training program for a lot

01:01:37 --> 01:01:54

of lawyers that they can go through, where they can actually develop another habit so they can shift when they go back home, they can, you know, turn off their radar or their detective ability for, for figuring out mistakes. Anyway, that was more than decide.

01:01:56 --> 01:02:33

So but the point here is complaining is a serious flaw in character. It is serious, it's not a joke. It's really it's not a joke, it's not insignificant. So when someone is always complaining, figuring out mistakes, and always search for mistakes, what I would recommend, as Ibrahim Ali some recommended to smile, stay away from these people, they will ruin your life. They will create a lot of negativity in your life. And they think they're being critical. And they help you help give you feedback. They have a lot of good names for that, by the way. complainers and nagging people have a lot of good names for what they do. But it's not about the labels that you put on them. It's about

01:02:33 --> 01:02:34

the reality.

01:02:37 --> 01:03:17

And people are more positive and more optimistic as the actual of the Lions Clubs, the problem she's counting will fit a little hasn't the problem loved this kind of optimism, you know, optimism and good signs. So it's not about the problem you He warned against a player or a player is some kind of pessimism and being always, you know, pessimistic and negative about things, and expecting bad things to happen based on certain signs, and so on and so forth. So the person warned against this. So it's a serious flaw. That's a lesson that we can take from this story from this advice from Ibrahim. And he's. So if you want to build a strong family, good family, make sure you're not

01:03:18 --> 01:03:44

marrying a spouse that his negative that always picks on mistakes that is nagging. It's really important to find someone who is by nature graceful, and their content. And they always thank Allah for the small blessings for small blessings. So very important, personal trait and obviously develop this within yourself. It's not enough to have a spouse like this. Because if you're having negative nature, it's contagious, so you're gonna affect others.

01:03:50 --> 01:03:55

So that's pretty much the history of themselves. Paula zamzam took us down different routes.

01:03:56 --> 01:03:59

But it's worth it. Let's go back to

01:04:01 --> 01:04:28

to Abdul Muttalib Abdullah Matana, we had to set one sanel Harris. So he wanted more than that. So he made another or an oath. He said, Oh Allah, if you give me 10 sons, he wants a lot of children. If you give me 10 sons, I'm gonna kill one of them for you. I don't know what kind of mentality that is. But so halala so, he says, If you give me 10 sons, I'm gonna slaughter one of them sacrificing for you.

01:04:29 --> 01:04:49

Allah doesn't need that kind of off survival. So he makes that oath. I'm going to slaughter one of them. After some time, slowly, slowly, slowly his sons we mean, he gets his 10th son, now that he has incense. What am I going to do now? He's stuck. I have to kill one of my sons.

01:04:50 --> 01:04:56

He tries to find a solution, no way to find a solution. You have to call one of them he goes, he consults some of the

01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

some sorceress, some of the Catena

01:05:00 --> 01:05:10

You know, find me a way out, no way out you have to make an offer you have to fulfill it. So they have something casting the lots casting the lots is more like a toss. It's more like

01:05:15 --> 01:05:39

it's more like they had like, they would have some cups and they will put some arrows in this cup. And they if you want to choose like from 10 things, so you have 10 arrows, and in this case 10 sons, so you write the name of each son on a one son on one arrow and so on and so forth for the 10 arrows. Then you randomly pick for one of those arrows and whatever comes out that's what you choose is a random choice.

01:05:44 --> 01:05:47

Mustafa, can you speak with these young excited young boys

01:05:50 --> 01:05:50


01:05:52 --> 01:05:54

so they cast the lights.

01:05:55 --> 01:05:57

And the arrow comes out Abdullah

01:05:58 --> 01:06:22

and his youngest is no he's not his youngest, but his MO his theorists and the one he loves the most. Abdullah, you know, anyone who has children? Do you love them all, but there is someone who just captivates your heart. You can't do anything about it. You treat them equally, but there's someone who just owns your heart. Okay, so it was Abdullah I'm not firing them. I thought it was his son Abdullah.

01:06:24 --> 01:06:28

Now he's a real learner. It's not hard to find a way out I can't kill myself.

01:06:29 --> 01:06:31

So shall the next week we're gonna find out.

01:06:33 --> 01:06:43

Next week, we're gonna find out what Abdulmutallab did Inshallah, to get out of this predicament. I have time for one or two questions. I don't know if there's more questions we can take to

01:06:44 --> 01:06:45

any questions.

01:06:48 --> 01:06:57

Any questions? So next time into next week inshallah we're going to carry on this how we will go through this era and this kind of style, take it as a story, but still take lessons and learn from it.

01:06:59 --> 01:07:12

And show love by this we fulfill or we implement the verse where Allah Subhan Allah says, look at cannula comfy, also the lack in Pharaohs religious water Hassan indeed in the Messenger of Allah, there is a role model an example for you to follow. So no questions.

01:07:13 --> 01:07:13


01:07:17 --> 01:07:18

what's the name of the book?

01:07:20 --> 01:07:41

I'm not using a specific book. So it's, that's over years and years of teaching Cyril reading in it, there's a lot I have my own notes, a lot of a lot of stuff in my head. I'm just bringing it back. So some of the good books is actually the sealed nectar is a good book. That's the most available and it's okay, it's okay. It's a good book in Sharla by Baraka Lo Fi comm Okay.

01:07:43 --> 01:07:44


01:07:47 --> 01:08:26

Yeah, the problem with with increasing the frequency of the Halacha twice a week is people who can make it for Friday might not be able to make it for another day. So that's problematic. So we'll we'll keep it inshallah for Friday. And I mean, it's good, I'm going to leave at the end of each Friday telecom gonna leave a cliffhanger, just like this leave you in the middle. So make sure you come back next week, and probably bring someone else. So for me, I believe this is very important as well, knowing our history. And for a way for all of us all age groups, even our younger generation, we should know our Prophet Muhammad salsa, we should know more about his life. And we should be able

01:08:26 --> 01:09:02

to make the connection between our time and the lessons that we can learn from his time. There's a lot there's a lot to learn from his life, from his example from his character from his demeanor, and so on and so forth. So, you have children, you have cousins, you have siblings, anybody can invite people young, old, what I would recommend you invite them over, and Sharla we'll try to make it as entertaining and beneficial as possible. Inshallah, so it's every Friday. Now after mod Shala. When winter comes, time will probably change. Okay, if it's quick question, I'll deal with it. A particular reason why.

01:09:04 --> 01:09:05


01:09:06 --> 01:09:36

Okay, why Samsung was called Samsung. There are, you know, historians mentioned a few things but there is nothing specific. Some of them say that that's the word hydro said zamzam basically trying to contain the water not to overflow. So that is where that came. Zum zum. Zum. Zum also means to carry so he was trying she was trying to carry the water in the container. But there's no specific really anything authentic as to why it was called himself. There's a few theories, but nothing confirmed Baraka Luffy home, so lots of them and Amina Muhammad well used to be used

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