Moutasem al-Hameedy – Justice And Mercy

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The Prophet serviced the Muslim army and protecting his family members, but his actions were seen as a grave mistake and did not lead to pride or joy. The importance of virtue in relationships, society, and personal emotions is emphasized, along with the need to be smart and safe. The importance of balancing intentions and emotions is emphasized, as it is crucial for everyone to be mindful of their actions and intentions. The culture centered around the " AD" and the "we", with a focus on the "we" and the " ADH."
AI: Transcript ©
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Hola Mundo Hornstein I want to stuff

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when are we gonna be there? He mentioned Audi and phocoena We'll see Marina

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Mejia de la Hoefler. mobila la who wanna Yobe lil fella. The

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Shadow era in La la la sharika shadow no Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa early he was

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yeah, you're Latina Am I not taco la haka to party. Walter Morton Illa and to Muslim on here are you one SUTA Kurup Docomo lady Hola, Coco, menacing Wahida Mahalo caminhadas of Jaha with Amin Huma Reja then Kathy one is

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what Hola. Hola de Luna de he will auto Han in LA hurricane alley como la peba

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Yeah, you hola Dena, hermano taco la Hawa, all colons de de la kama La

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La Kumu. Back home, what are your

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what I saw the whole photographers if I was in Halima that, for in our stockpile, Hadith vichara Mala. What external Huda who Dr. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early he was alum or Sharon Ohmori Mata to her coulomb d'etat in Vida Aquila. With that in Bala.

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OPRE. praise is due to Allah, we praise Him. We seek his aid, and we ask for his forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the evil consequences of our of our evil actions. Whomsoever Allah guides, none can lead astray and whomsoever Allah leaves to go astray, and then can guide I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship, except Allah the Almighty alone. And I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa add he was LM is His servant and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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when the prophets of Allah would even send them was preparing to

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march to Makkah, and take it over. His plan was to do that in secret, without even informing the companions the Muslim army, as to where that they were heading to.

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The Prophet SAW Selim wanted to take the people of Makkah by surprise, so that there will be no bloodshed or if there is then minimum bloodshed.

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He wanted a peaceful takeover. He wanted to take them by surprise. So he concealed

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his plan.

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And probably he disclosed it only to the very closest among the companions, and the ones whose awareness of the plan was necessary.

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One of the companions who knew about the intention of the Prophet sallallahu sallam was a great companion. His name was how could it be Navi belta?

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How could we not be able to ascend written letter to the people in Mecca, whom the prophets of salaam wanted to make sure they never hear about this? Because he didn't want them to get ready. Prepare for warfare, then it would be a lot of casualties on both sides. And the Prophet Salam wanted to avoid bloodshed in a messenger that headlong in the sacred land

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How do we know we built our sense this letter with a woman the Prophet SAW Selim is informed by Gibreel he sends out even Obeah Taalib

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to bring their letter

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they chase the woman they get the letter they bring it to the Prophet SAW Selim the evidence is physical

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there is no way to interpret this

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the prophets are seldom calls for for how to we're gonna we will try to come He says, Maha your health. What is this?

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Now there's no way of giving it any interpretation excuse. It is straightforward.

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How to Build your loved one who says you're sort of Lucky let Angela lay on Messenger of Allah give me time to explain. Give me Give me enough time to explain myself.

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He explains his situation that he has family relatives in Mecca.

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Different from all of the other migrants all of them are hygiene.

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How they're gonna be built, I was not from Quraysh. He was not from the people of Mexico and he had no protection for his family members who were in Mexico. And he was concerned that the people of Mexico would take hostages from the relatives of the Muslims.

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Those who were already in Macau

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and that they would use them as one of the cards to play with during this, you know, battle potential battle. So he wanted to protect his relatives, his family from that kind of destiny. And he thought if he sends to some of the people of Makkah, he would have a favor upon them, and that they would pay him back by not taking his family as hostages.

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And not, you know, doing that to his family. He explains this to the Prophet Slava syndrome.

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I'm gonna, Bob is witnessing the whole thing and he says the other sort of Allah, Akbar omocha had an

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almost injure of Allah and me chop off the head of this hypocrite. The prophets of Allah and even send them tends to Amana. He says, in no culture he'd ever draw one line with any kind of Allah Allah, Allah, Ada, Libertarian, Emmylou Machito, in Ecuador first.

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He was one of the Muslims in the Battle of better and you don't know, perhaps a lot of the battle, the people have better the Muslims who took part in the Battle of battle, and said, do whatever you wish, I have forgiven your sins. And he said Salah can ignore the belt, he told the truth,

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he told the truth. Now this was such a grave mistake from how they will not be able to a huge slip, but who is free from error?

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Who is free from error. There are people, especially those social justice warriors, those people who are foreign to virtue and to the highest principles, but they tried to apply them in a way that is inconsistent in a mathematical way.

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That's not how virtue is applied. That's not how it's related to.

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The Prophet SAW Selim did not look at the act, or the slip or this mistake, which was a grave mistake by how to singularly he put it in the context of the whole story, life story of how to be more of a belter. And it looks like an anomaly. It's a departure from his norm. And every human can be given this allowance. Because every human being Earth could look no other mahatva.

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Every human being is going to fall in an era who is perfect, who is complete, we have to recognize our humanity. And thus, even when we apply virtual justice, we apply it in a way that is wise. But oftentimes today that we see justice,

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equality, truth, any kind of virtuous meaning that we look up to, is being applied in an an obnoxious way, in a very unwise way.

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And that doesn't do justice to the concept itself. It's a violation of virtue itself.

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So the prophets of Allah who sent them,

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forgive how to be belta. He gave him that allowance. And the messengers or Salam says in the Hadith, narrated by Aisha Radi Allahu anhu, collected by imam in Nyssa. And let's say, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said it, you know, they will hate it, I thought it him.

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You know, people who are known for goodness, when they slip, forgive their mistakes,

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overlook it, turn a blind eye to the mistakes of someone who has a clean record. You don't treat them like someone who keeps falling into error, someone who keeps making mistakes, that's wisdom. That's the spirit of virtue that's not applying virtue in a mathematical way that kills the point behind it.

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And sometimes, you know, we behave this in our personal life in our family life. We have, for example, you find a husband, who has a wife who has been good, and for some certain circumstances, maybe she's been under pressure, maybe she's been just going through a transitional period, she makes a mistake, and it might sometimes be a grave mistake. And then they forget everything good she did. And they hold her accountable by that very mistake, and then make him make him pay for it in the worst worst pipe way possible.

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Or a wife or husband has been very respectful, accommodating, caring, he's been looking after her has been very, very good husband. Then he slips a moment of weakness, or maybe he's going through a period. And who among us doesn't go through this period.

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And he treats her maybe he treats her badly or makes a mistake, a big huge mistake. Maybe not one, but two, three, but putting that within the ocean of the goodness, they disappeared these mistakes, but she hold him hold him accountable as if nothing has come to her from him. But this mistake or that mistake.

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And that's what the Prophet SAW Selim warned wives against. He said to kill the learner with a foreigner last year.

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He said you curse a lot.

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And then when someone makes a mistake, your husband makes a mistake you forget everything you've seen or heard the home in

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Daraa Kulu.

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From either Baghdad Minho, che nessa Delica Kula for Carla tomorrow a time when

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a person is being good to his wife or his life. Then one mistake he makes one mistake, then he she says to him, I never saw any good from you. The Prophet SAW Selim said, this leads to the hellfire.

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This ingratitude leads to the hellfire. So even virtue is not a mathematical concept.

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It's a virtuous concept in itself. And when it is applied, it has to be applied with wisdom.

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And that doesn't only apply to relationships,

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it applies

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even at the level of society.

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When we, when we look as as a society want to pass a judgement or in some kind, we make one on what to make some kind of an estimate of a of a, of a society or of a specific community. We have to have justice. Yes, there are mistakes, there are flaws. There are issues, but we cannot ignore the good things.

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That always needs to be balanced. The Prophet SAW Selim said La Jolla ferok movement on Momina. In Cary Hammond, her follow can boldly

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let another husband hate his wife reach a point where he needs himself to hate his wife

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and reach a point where he is unable to tolerate her in his life. If there are things about her he doesn't like, then there are things about her that he likes. So it's a matter of where you look where you focus. It's a matter it's management of emotions here, and feelings.

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And it's all it all comes from wisdom and balance. And you find humans treating Allah subhanaw taala is the same way you find Allah subhanaw taala if you if we were to try to enumerate the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala upon us, we won't be able to count all of them. Allah Subhana Allah says we're intero don't Emmet Allahu Allah da sua. And if you were to try to count or numerate the blessings of Allah, you won't be able to cover all of them, you won't be able even to, to recognize all of them.

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And then we have the audacity many times to say, Oh, I've been living a very tough life. My life has been miserable. My life has been hard. I've been going through circumstances. Life hasn't been treating me well. Then you ask someone else, how is life not too bad.

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I will say this person's life is miserable. They've been going through a lot, life hasn't been treating them fairly.

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We say that without shame, forgetting how many blessings that we are enjoying, we are swimming in an ocean of blessings. And whatever trials we have in our lives are the exception and normally, but that's humanity. And that's the meaning of the verse where Allah Subhana Allah says,

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What Carlito minha, Abadi has shackled, and very few among my servants are actually thankful or grateful and appreciative of the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala. So when we apply justice in Islam, it is applied with wisdom, with mercy, not in a wrath, magical way of dealing with the will high anxiety authority, people who have a clean record of good behavior, good conduct, you do not take them down with the first mistake they make.

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this kind of behavior spreads more in toxic environments, when people have a lot of envy and jealousy.

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And they're lying in wait for someone to fall to trip to make an error. And then they would take that person out and target them.

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Why because of personal issues and sometimes this is done under the guise of Islam and protecting the data.

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You defeat if we see someone that doesn't mean forgetting or not establishing justice and not giving people the rights because the Hadith itself says a pharaoh that with the authority him in love in hood, Oh Allah, Allah.

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Oh, come on.

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Yes, you overlook the mistakes of people with clean record, except when there is a right of Allah there is a punishment prescribed punishment of Islam. It has to be fulfilled the prophets of Allah Islam says what a mulatto

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nflt might have been to Mohammed in South Africa to Qatar to yoga. He says by Allah affolter mother, daughter of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam were to steal, I would apply the punishment on her.

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So there is a balance. And this doesn't mean we resort to vain favoritism. If I love this person, I let them go, I don't like this person, then I hold them accountable.

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We all can seek means around in our principles and laws, we all can sometimes abuse the spirit, the true spirit and the wisdom of Islam and virtue.

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But this is a matter of Taqwa is a matter of how mindful we are, how beautiful two are, we are to Allah subhanaw taala no one honest we are in our application of divine guidance. So this is a very important principle to live by. Something to live by, and even sometimes in treating ourselves.

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There are many people who are striving to become better Muslims, they're striving to pray and fast and remember Allah and learn the Quran, and improve their character and their love. But sometimes they slip, they fall back into their old ways, and they start beating themselves up. That's not the way to go. That's not the way to go.

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So it's important to keep a balance and be wise and if we try to reduce ethics, morality, virtue, religion, to mathematics, it doesn't work. That's not how it works.

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And Allah subhanaw taala even teaches us in the Quran, how to handle this, how to, how to keep in mind this principle.

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Allah subhanaw taala says, who will lead the ends Allah Allah Calcutta, I mean who is to maklumat one who know Maliki Tabby Whoa ha will moto share Behat for a melody nephew Kulu be Ahimsa, you won't forget to be owner, Mata Chabahar minhag to Al fitna will be to haul Wheeler.

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It is Allah who sent upon you the book.

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Fee he is on mahkumat there are definitive clear cut versus instructions principles in the Quran. They don't, they don't allow more interpretation than the primary meaning they're obvious.

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These are the mother of the book, these are the foundation this is the reference that you refer to when there is something dubious own something allows for more than one meaning when there are differences and opinions, you resort to the foundational points. Whoa, hold on water shall be had others have more than one meaning for more than one meaning allow for more more than one interpretation.

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Then the prophecies that I'm showed that intention, a sick heart, how will approach this kind of gray area.

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They leave the foundational ones, the well established verses and they just start picking on an issue why because it allows for something that they they are inclined to. And they start trying to pick the opinion or the ruling that that they desire.

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So they depart from the general principles of Islam just like, again, when a person has a clean record, we don't pick on one or two mistakes if they fall into them.

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We look holistically on how this person behaves. The same thing that will aren't has general ways of conveying the message. We cannot ignore that and just speak one and start interpreting it the way we want. That's not how we treat the Quran.

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So it's important that we develop this within ourselves and the way we treat ourselves, the way we treat the Quran. The way we deal with Allah subhanho wa Taala even if Allah tries us and

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and of Allah Subhan Allah takes us through trials, we should not forget how merciful Allah is.

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We should not forget the blessings of Allah upon us from even before our birth until up until this moment.

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We should not lose sight of the overwhelming blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala and then in our personal relationships with our spouses, with our children, with our friends, with our community, it's important to have a balance.

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And the thing that will help you find the point of balance is not a technical point. It's a matter that has to do with the heart. When you approach a situation with a pure intention, without any preconceived notions or desires, then you are free from bias. And most likely you put your trust in law you will be guided to the truth to the point of balance. But if you

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already have something in mind you always going to project that in a situation.

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So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us

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be among those who strike a balance when dealing with such matters. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to keep our hearts up on the straight path up we'll look over the other stuff that Allah do you want to confess?

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hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayidina Muhammad Ali, he was heard he was

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looking, considering the Muslim scholars. The great ones among Muslim scholars in our history teaches us or offers us great examples in this regards.

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You will find

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some of the great scholars of Islam or scholars who went into some times fell into extreme issues of innovation of an inappropriate interpretation of some aspects in art either right? But reading about their life and about their demeanor there was in serious colors looking for the truth, searching for the truth in the Quran and the Sunnah.

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But who is free from error, and sometimes even major errors but you look at the whole legacy. You can see the sincerity, the adherence, the striving to adhere to the Quran, sunnah, and to arrive at the truth. But sometimes there are times of fitna where the fitna is overwhelming. And it actually affects even some of the elite some of the elitist among the scholars.

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So we find, for example, cheerful Islam and multimedia.

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In his books,

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you find that he exposes

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all of the approaches to data that don't seem to fit the path or the methodology of the companions. So he would speak about the Jamia in general than about the Tesla specifically then about the Usher era, and specifically about the Columbia. Then he will speak about the metal, the metal media, and he will speak about the different groups, and he even spoke about the sheer if they actually and others. And even while speaking about that he would mention some of the good things about them, and acknowledge them.

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And interestingly, although he was debating specifically with the Usher era, there are Thida and many times if you read his refutation of the SRA Arcada, you will find him to be very strong in his language, and very decisive, and many people who subscribe to the ASHRAE way they would take offense and you would find that they will attack shekel astounds me personally and start to bring him down.

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And it happens until today.

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But you read How shameful is loving to me himself spoke about the Imams of the Usher era, how he held them in high esteem.

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How he praised them how he used to praise the man but hasn't shot himself quote him many times. How often he praised

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many of the Imams local baton learning

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among the Imams of the SRL how he praised remember his ally himself and his style of writing and establishing the truth. How he priest one of the leaders of the the Imams of the Acharya, an Imam Al Duany, Imam Al Haramain. He praised his book which is now lost his book on the ROI on the soul, he praised it.

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And he praised his his approach to it to the topic and his defense of the of the of the religion in his book, especially his book on a CSR shadow on the political leadership issues and Islam.

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And then he praised many of the leaders of the other sets and he acknowledged them he praised him in nowhere we,

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and until today, the Imams of Allah sunnah praising Imam unknowing, although they still point out that in the area of Esma and the SIFAT. He had issues of wills that were not acceptable, but they would still teach his book his books on the Shafi mother, his book, his commentary on Saudi Muslim, et cetera, his Book of Love car and other books.

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There was still praise, even hydrolyze Kalani Rahim Allah Tala, although he had similar issues in terms of weight of the names and attributes of Allah.

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And they would learn and teach his books. There's classes are about teaching their books.

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That's the way of approaching these people.

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But there are some times people here and there Oh, he doesn't agree with us write him off completely. There were people at some time who appeared and they said the books of Imam nawawi and the books of Imam have been hydrolyzed Kalani burn them.

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Imam Sheikh listening to me you're praised

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to a very high extent,

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Elizabeth no Abdus Salam. And he's the Imam of the Shire of his time.

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He even praised scholars of the shadow in his time that conspired to put him in prison and kill him, get him killed, he even praised them.

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Here, this is not an invitation to praise Every one here and there. But the point is to give justice. And when we apply principles, virtuous principles, we don't take them out of context.

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Virtue is one body and it needs to be applied with wisdom, with consideration with balance, and with sincerity to Allah subhanho wa taala. And how much we need this in our times.

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When there's a lot of Phaeton there's a lot of trials. Muslims have a lot of challenges, whether they live in Muslim lands, or they live in other countries as a minority. There are a lot of challenges that are legislations that are making life hard for Muslims. There are social changes that are a serious threat for our youth. And we need to have a balanced approach. And we need to appreciate what we are going through and rise up to the challenge with so much wisdom and depth, not with immaturity, and then we call this dower and not with engaging the Muslim masses into issues of debate

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that will not benefit their hearts and will not benefit them in their relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala along with affiliate marketing you know what I mean as when Muslim you know, when Muslim et al Haman and white Allama fildena Don't open away so often if you Emelina with a bit Kodama, no one's gonna care feeding a llama Filipina what he wanted, what he meant. When he went down on Halina. You had a generic economic alarm nobody really had to rise up or attic while you were Daffy here hello Marcia tickle your malefic Phoebe Kitab Ik was soon to be Casa de la Ronnie he was a lot of my quality muscle Wi Fi and I mean I mean enough equally McCann along with the podcast

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Aloha morphin life a lot of us have no idea do we can I do we? Yeah. We are

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in a lie model will deliver anywhere at all. By the way in her annual fashion. He will move carry will be able comme la la come to the Koran with kulula healthcare comm was Kuru Allah Nam he is it also la Marcela Mubarak Ali Abdullah somebody can Muhammad while he was here Jemaine

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