Moutasem al-Hameedy – In The Light Of The Quran – 17

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The host discusses the power of light and knowledge in shaping one's life and achieving goals, including verses from sources of light like the blindsided person and the fear of punishment. They emphasize the importance of understanding and embracing reality to achieve goals, particularly in light of the historical context of Islam, including its implementation as a means of achieving spiritual well-being and the use of religion as a means of achieving spiritual well-being. The speakers also mention the importance of provision and wealth in achieving acceptance of the light of the land and strong faith in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Welcome to a new episode of In the light of the Quran. Now as we are trying to do with more light out of the Quran and I hope that all the previous episodes and segments that we had, have increased us in light and brought us new words a lot, because really this light can change your life can help us can make us stronger. This is the light that allows you to give us in the first place. It's the divine light, it's not like any other light and we know that knowledge is power. So what do you think of this knowledge is divine is given to us from our Creator, from Allah, He tells us about our life and about ourselves and about how we should be in

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swelled. Now all of this gives us a lot of power, a lot of light, that we can really, you know, sail in the ocean of this life confidently with strength, and with determination and with a lot of potential to achieve in this world in this test that Allah has put us in, so that he sees who is better among us in actions. Now today's wisdoms and light, we will take that from the surah have a right sort of rod which is the Torah is the surah of thunder. The surah Felder has a lot of meat deep meanings in it is very strong surah although it's relatively short, but it's very wonderful. Surah has very deep and strong meanings that really can have a very impact, very strong impact on

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our lives, and we give us a lot of light and especially as we know Thunder is always I was always with the light on this.

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So we try with the lightning of it. We try and Sharla to benefit from the light that we find in the surah we'll start as usual with elicitation then Sharla will talk about the wonderful meanings that we have in these questions that we will recite

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Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Welcome back. These wonderful verses from source of light, this aura of thunder are very strong, because they talk to the believers, they speak to our hearts, they tell us about the end of this life. It tells us about what the great pleasures are the blessings, the gardens, the dignity and the honor, that is awaiting the believers in Paradise, and heavens, in the agenda that we are all looking for the ultimate goal of the Muslims, Allah starts these verses by giving a very strong parable, saying is the one who knows what was revealed to you or Mohammed knows about it, and understands it? Is he like the one who is blind, you see how as we

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are talking about the light, this verse tells us that the revelation that was sent to Mohammed which is the hot pan, and the sooner or the light, so the one who possesses the Quran and the Sunnah, the understanding of them, the meanings of them, and he follows their guidance, then he can see, he has eyes, he can see with them, because he has liked the lessons. But the ones who turn away from this revelation, they are exactly like the blind, they don't see they can't see, because they can't see a reality of this life. They can't see that they have gone wrong, they can't see that they went the wrong path, they can't see that. So they are blind because they don't have the light of the

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knowledge of

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the light that we are all looking for the light that we are trying to drag and get from these wonderful verses, the words of Allah Subhana Allah, then Allah says only the people of understanding can remember and reflect and take lessons. So this exam example, or this parable should make us think of we are really throughout people's understanding in reality.

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Then Allah describes the people's understanding, he says, They are the ones who fulfill the covenant with Allah, that they worship Allah, they fulfilled the word that Allah no one has the right to be worshipped, but a lot. And then Allah says that they do everything Allah commanded them to do, and they feel Allah, they're always in a state of fear of the punishment of Allah. And they fear, the punishment on the Day of Judgment, they feel that they might feel the account of the reckoning on the Day of Judgment, they're always willing to do more, because this scale always pushes them to do more righteousness, more good deeds, because they know they have their own deficiencies. That Allah

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describes them, that these people have patience. They have patients that they are patient with everything that comes to them, all the hardships that face them, all the calamities that comes to them, why seeking the face of Allah seeking to see a lot of see the face of a lot on the Day of Judgment, to enter Paradise. So they have patience, and perseverance for the sake of Allah, because he deserves that. Then Allah says, They established the prayer and these pins from what we gave them, in private and in public secretly and publicly. And when they when people say, afflict or give them hardship, treat treat them very badly. They treat people with kindness and goodness, they

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return good for evil. And for these people, that will be the best destination, the best end, what is the best and Allah says, it is goddess of agent, the best gardens, paradise that a lot prepared for them, they will enter these gardens, they will enter Paradise, they will intergender with their righteous fathers, and wives and descendants and children and kids, that all of them will enter Paradise, those who are righteous. So what, then the angels will come to them, the angels would be entering through the gates of Paradise saying to these people, peace be upon you. Congratulations, what a wonderful achievement that you have achieved because of your patience. It's a wonderful

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abode. It's a wonderful victory. It's a wonderful thing that you have succeeded in this difficult exam. Then a lot of other people who are blind, the ones who didn't follow the light of the Quran and the Sunnah, these people Allah says about them, they do not fulfill they break their word with Allah they do not fulfill the covenant with

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Allah, and they do not follow the commandments of Allah. And they spread corruption on Earth. They spread corruption, they spread all types of evil indecency, polytheism, schilke. And all the things that are like they said all these things,

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these people, they will have the curse of Allah, and they will have the worst destination, the worst abode. Then Allah talks about provision and provision is physical proof provision, which is wealth. And there is another another type of provision or wealth in the standard which is knowledge of Islam and acceptance of the light of the land. And we hope Allah subhanaw taala to increase us in this provision, which is the light of the Quran. So when Allah says those people who are very happy with this life and the pleasures of this life, in these people have don't really know that we actually they can't see they don't have the lights of the Quran, to see the reality of this life. Because

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this life is only a very short pleasure that will soon depart and leave us. Then Allah says that the people of disbelief say why don't we receive a sign? Why don't you receive a sign on Mohammed from Allah? Then Allah, Allah says to him, to reply to them, that it is Allah who guides whenever he wills because Allah knows what's in the hearts. So the ones who have good hearts, who have the readiness to follow the truth, Allah will guide them

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because the signs are already there. But these people they want more signs, just to oppose the messengers just for argumentative there argumentative attitude, just for that sake, not to believe in Allah subhana wa Tada. Then we come to the most important wisdom in these verses a Lost Planet. Allah says that Allah guys who are the ones who repent, Allah, if you repent to Allah alone will guide you will give you guidance. Then Allah says they believe Allah describes the ones who repent, they are the ones and their hearts are very satisfied are very peaceful, when Allah is remembered, so when they hear the word, the name of Allah, when they hear, hear the name of Allah, the hearts

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are at peace, and they feel tranquility and ecstasy because their hearts are attached to Allah, they have so much love to Allah. And then Allah says very rarely the remembrance of Allah With the name of Allah, the heart skillet peace and tranquility. So we want peace and tranquility and real happiness. It's only only with the Quran with the remembrance of Allah. Then Allah says for those people whose hearts are happy with the name of Allah, peaceful With the name of Allah, for these are the best abode are the blessings of Paradise and the best wedding and the best about so inshallah we will try to be among those. So we fulfill the description Allah gave for those people who have

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lights so they can see they are not blind, they see this life through the light of the Quran. So let's see our lives in the light of the end, inshallah hope who benefit from these wisdoms, and until we meet with you versus with new lights from the I leave you in the care of the last panel at a high level salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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