Mohammed Mana – Breeze of Mercy Aug. 2, 2017

Mohammed Mana
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of helping people with disabilities and creating a meaningful gathering in Islam. They emphasize the need for individuals to be aware of their abilities and challenges in order to achieve victory and empowerment. The speaker also mentions significant improvement in the number of square feet acquired, but notes that results may be impacted by timing of acquisitions. The call ends with a thank you and a promise to speak again next quarter.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam or I shall feed MVA or more cillian la masa Leo sad no Mohammed you know Nicola so really can they be Romeo Allah Allah He also have us a limited * Kathy Allah

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La malim Nomi And Pharaoh now on February limped in, I was eating a Llama

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Llama in an era was becoming a millionaire.

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We begin by thanking and praising a lot and asking him to shower Mohammed salatu salam with compliments and salutations.

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And we begin by asking a lot to teach us that which benefits us and to allow us to benefit from what he has taught us and we ask a lot to protect us from information which does not benefit

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us to what follows We are continuing in our chapter of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his dealings with members of the community that were

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facing different types of disabilities and different types of challenges. And we stopped at the section which describes the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as facilitating for them and carrying out some of their needs. What kind of sort of longer it was lm yep Lila whom hijacked him the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would spend some effort and some time to carry out some of their tasks. If they needed to handle certain things he would be available to help them tangibly. We talked about how the prophesized seller may draft for them. We talked about how the Prophet sallallahu wasallam gave them words that were encouraging and help them to maintain patience. We

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talked about how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam scolded others who mocked or belittled them. All of that was very meaningful. But here we see examples of the prophet SAW Selim physically going out of his way to be of assistance. So let's look at this first heady and nsmt Matic handle the long run, and number 10 can Effie ugly her shape for quality rasulillah in nearly era cahaya for Kalia oma phoolan ohmori, ASC khaki, shady achillea lucky hija Toki holla Murphy, Bella terracotta ferrata minha JT here.

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In this Hadith, which is recorded in the book of Muslim, it's authentic and it's of nomadic narrates that a woman came to the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam. And NSM nomadic says can have your ugly handshake, there was something with her mental health. The examiner he comments on this hadith in his explanation of Sahih Muslim and he says, can you actually have a meal for today when knocks on that there was some deficiency. So some type of mental health disability that she had. But she came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in this condition of hers and she said, O Messenger of Allah, I have a need,

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and I need you to fulfill this need for me.

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So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told her, yet will be full. And you know, he called her by her.

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The name that she was known by, or referred by a mother of so and so whatever her child's name was, he told her

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choose any one of the pathways, any one of the roads of Medina of the city, that you wish to take me and lead me there and I will follow

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meaning wherever you need to go, just let me know. Where do we need to go. And so, the Hadeeth mentions and as describes, and he says, she led him down through some of the pathways and the roads until she came upon whatever tasks she needed to be fulfilled. And the prophets I send them followed her and went with her to care of that need, until it was done. It was settled taken care of, and then

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and then he went on his own way.

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The earlier my comment on this, and they say Holla Holla her for holla her that he went with her, meaning they were together and

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There was no one else with them. So they said, Is this the hallway that is forbidden? What is called hallway is when a male and a female are alone. And this is something that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam forbade us from unless of course there is a family relationship or a tie of kinship like husband and wife, Father, daughter, etc if they are the head if they are Muslim, but if they're not, if there is no Muslim relationship between them, then they should not be alone together. So the aroma commented on this is it is this the hallway that the prophet SAW Selim forbade us from How can it be one howdy it says it's not permissible. Here we find him going with this woman. And they said,

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this is not the hallway because can Effie mamoli ness, it was in the street in the walkway, out in the open.

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Or Moshe had the Shahada to him he Yahuwah

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lacking lyase merona calama. He said, everybody was able to see the prophets I said him and see her, they were not hidden or disguised or far away from the vision of people walking around, except that they couldn't hear. They were not close enough to hear what she was asking of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So here we have a understanding a qualification of the impermissibility of Allah, that if it's in an open place where the people can clearly see, then that does not constitute halwa. But of course, it needs to be a gathering that is needed, it should not be frivolous. So you can't have homeboy and homegirl chillin in a coffee shop, like, everybody can see us no problem. No, that

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doesn't count. It doesn't count. It needs to be something meaningful, needed necessary, and not frivolous or flirtatious. And in that case, it would not be considered Hawaiian. In this case, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was tending to her need was being of service.

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Well, how did that mean help me he was a while but he was somebody he added a lot you have our eg that we refer to jt lacasa. And in this Hadith, we find a clear example of his helm of his forbearance of his pitch, patience, artist salatu salam of his humility, that he was a humble person. You know, he didn't, she could have asked anybody else. He didn't have to ask the Prophet. So I said to him, and you what she needed. Was it so profound that only the prophets I send them could be there to take care of that need. You could have asked anybody else to help her. But she came seeking the prophesies and let me he did not turn her away. He could have said, you know, go to

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so and so I'm busy right now. But he didn't do that. He went out of his way, and especially out of his way because this was a person of special needs that we took to Jackson Khosla

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a whole long houfy ld here and Roger Inanna. In this next section, we find not only do we find the prophet SAW Selim doing this, but we find that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is being taught by Allah, to always make himself available, especially to those that have special needs. The prophet SAW Selim, generally speaking would make himself available the prophet SAW ourselves and made himself so available that Allahu Subhana Allah commanded upon the Sahaba a fee, a payment.

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In salata, mogera the prophet SAW Allah Subhana Allah said he then Ajay tomales una vaca d mu baignade. Welcome sadaqa if you want to come and have a private meeting with the prophet SAW Selim, you got to pay some sadaqa pay some charity, because that is how much people were taking from his time. But then that verse was later abrogated. That ruling was mensual it was abrogated. So

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that ruling was lifted. And they no longer had to do that anymore. That the prophet SAW Selim made himself so available that Allah revealed insalata has up in another solar that don't stay lingering in the house of the Prophet sallahu wa salam when he invites you to come eat with him. Allah revealed Yeah, you're Latina Manu.

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salata is up

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the last verse on the right page.

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Either he to meet up with me

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for the Hulu VEDA primetime fantasy roster and essentially Hades in the valley calm Can I use the nebia Fiesta shaman calm? Well, LaHood is a mineral.

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Allah said when the Prophet invites you to his house for some food, then go inside and eat but when you're done, go leave

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because you're staying for so long and the prophets I send them is getting fatigued, but he is shy.

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In Nevada come Can I be your prolonged visits would be of harm to the prophet SAW Selim. But yes, definitely even come. He is shy. He doesn't want to tell you guys you know, time's up, I gotta go.

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But Allah says well, Allahu la especially even a hacker but Allah is not shy from expressing the truth. This is what it is.

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So Allah says he died during to fader Ito, for the Hulu, and you're invited Come inside, for it upon him, Tim van tashiro. After you eat, you're fed, then go ahead, go about your way, go about your way. So, so here we have clear guidelines, this is the extent to which Allah subhanho data. This is the extent to which the profit center is making himself available, so available that Allah has to then come and Institute certain rules, so that that people don't go overboard.

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That's just generally speaking availability. But on top of that, there is additional effort being put for those that have special needs. And we see when the Prophet made the less than appropriate choice. In this matter, we find Allah subhanaw taala, correcting him, and it's called unrevealed. As a matter of fact, this was an example if we can take a tangent here that some of the scholars said this is proof that the Quran cannot be something that Mohammed Salah Selim came up with himself, because if he was the author, why would he mentioned verses that that contained criticism of him?

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Doesn't make sense, right? If you if you want to say I'm the I'm a prophet, I'm bringing revelation from God then everything in there about you would be spotless, but we have in solid abasa sort of Ibiza, which is chapter number.

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What sort of chapter number

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he believes or you're sure so. Okay. In the first three verses, Allah subhanaw taala says arabescato Allah.

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Oh my god, Allah Allahu.

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Allahu Subhana. Allah to Allah describes the frown on the face of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the face of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings and compliments of God be upon him that he found and the person that he found to turned and walked away. Who was he frowning to? The vast majority of scholars of Tafseer dimension the Hadith around a shuttle de la hora and her may Allah be pleased with her, and I shall call it and their own zerah Ibiza tala Phoebe Naomi Maktoum in alarma, a terra sort of La la la where it was cinema. vijayakumar era Sula, la oshine

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we're in the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Roger adminer Aloma in Missouri kena Fujairah Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam he already lined up right in a way a pool at hobbema aku Batson for kulula. For he has his own zeal. This is narrated in Timothy and the scholars have graded it as authentic. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in conversation was in talks with one of Ravana el mushrikeen, one of the chieftains of the pagans in Polish, one of the highly respected and someone of

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highest standing in the Mexican society. And the Prophet is giving them doubt whether prophet is explaining to him about the religion of Islam, and inviting him to accept Islam as his way of life. And this is a special conversation because this isn't an average person. This is a person of influence in the Mexican society. And if a person of influence recognizes that Islam is the truth and accepts it as his way of life, then that will have a positive impact upon the whole society.

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When a person of influence

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make certain choices, people look up to that person.

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And that has a ripple effect upon that society. So the Prophet is spending so this is this is important what he's doing here. This is an important conversation.

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But yet, in the middle of that conversation, the companion by the name of Abdullah even even only Maktoum that was his name, Abdullah, if you know me Maktoum, he approaches the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he was blind. He couldn't see.

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And so he comes to the prophet SAW Selim, and he says the auto sort of law or messenger of Allah shinny he wants to ask him advice about something.

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And he's, his vision is impaired. And so the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had a frown on his face. He didn't say any aggressive statement. He didn't do anything that physically harmed this man. But he had a frown on his face because he's in the middle of this conversation. And this man came and by the way, I know Maktoum had already accepted Islam. He was one of the first the early people in Mecca to accept Islam. So the Prophet found Ibiza.

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ABA means to frown in Arabic, what Oh Allah, and so on Maktoum he didn't find that his question was given the attention that

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He was seeking so he turned and went away. And

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the Prophet found

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when that blind man came to him, woman you did he can Allahu Yesica. Allah poses a question to Mohammed. So I said, I'm in the Quran, and how do you know he is not going to be the one to be purified? meaning from the guidance that he would get from the Prophet, a man is still dinner. Oh, what about that other one?

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is still going out? What about the one that was so wealthy and and had a high position in society and was was not really accepting your message to begin with? Until huzzah. But as for that person, you gave him all of your attention? Well, Malika and Leah zeca How do you know what you know? How do you know he's going to be guided and purified by your guidance? It's not in your control guidance is in the control of Allah. Your job is just to be available to disperse the guidance.

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So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam here is being corrected by Allah subhana wa tada to make himself available. Well, I mean, how hoonah Amata? Long Reza, la Sula, who, Allah who saw bill in various other scholars comment on this and they say here was an important guideline for the messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not to single anyone out with his teaching and with his message or his guidance. Just because this person is wealthy, and has a high position in society doesn't mean that they deserve more. No, everybody deserves your time and your attention and your teaching, and to be exposed to guidance,

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whether they're wealthy or whether they're not, and especially here we have someone who is a person of special needs.

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And so here we find the Prophet, we find Allah commanding the prophet to give special attention to a person who has special needs and guidance is in the hands of Allah and Allah is the most wise and the Most Merciful.

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Well, can I use sudo la him oilfired Hello Jain home.

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The Prophet used to always also in addition to that, try to find ways to make it easy upon the members of his community that had some of these special needs. And zeytinburnu therapy tentatively Lahore and whatnot are sort of like it's a long road to send them

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zedi marathonbet a companion narrates that

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when it was revealed to him the vs Nepal en la yester we'll be doing a mini mini in our Mujahideen, a FISA de la, the verse in the Quran was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in which Allah said those that are just those that are just sitting around, not putting in any effort not making any sacrifice, they are not equal in reward and in virtue, to those that are striving, those that are struggling, those that are spending from their time and from their effort and from their,

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from their from from their lives, you know, to to as part of community service. Well, Mujahideen, a FISA barilla, they are doing jihad, they're struggling, they're sacrificing in a multitude of different ways. fee sebelah, seeking reward from Allah. So Allah says in this verse, those are not equal. Somebody who's just sitting around not doing anything, and somebody who's struggling and putting an effort, they're not the same. Are they the same? logically speaking, they can't be. But this was the first portion of the verse. So when this verse was, was revealed, and the companions were reciting it, for john, who mimic to mean, so Abraham Maktoum, the same companion, who we just

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mentioned, who was

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who was vision impaired, he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he says, you know, sort of a lot lower still to jihad, Elijah to what can Allah Jonah he came complaining to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is concerned. He said, You know, I'm limited in my abilities.

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You know, obviously, he has a condition that is, he feels is holding him back from doing what some of the other companions are doing in terms of jihad in terms of sacrifice. He's like, you know, I'm limited here. So does this verse apply to me? where Allah says, those that are struggling and sacrificing is not the same as those that are just sitting around? He's like, well, I'm amongst those. I'm just sitting around, but what can I do? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam consoled him and he continued, and the rest of the verse was revealed, and he recited that to him, which is a little when you're born. This is sort of the Nisa chapter number, four, verse number 95.

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layer or the bottle, Allah then in the continuation of that verse mentions the exception, except to those that have some special circumstance that they are dealing with.

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That then this comparison doesn't apply to them, then they have their reward. A lot also revealed in salt and fat, chapter number. salt and fat was job number.

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You don't know that one. Can you look that one up for us? Verse number 17.

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Allah says Lisa, mahalo June when I had an allergy Hello June when I had a memory of the heritage, manual de la hora Sula, who the * hujan it into a dream into TL and how many of

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you your zebra who either have an enema, Allah says the man, the one whose vision is impaired, Lisa, knowledge, there is no shame there is no sin upon that one, or upon the one who has a a disability in terms of their walking knowledge, the one who has a limp or, or who has a

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challenge in mobility without really haulage, or somebody who's suffering an illness, whether that be temporary or a chronic illness. All of these different types of people allows giving examples, that these conditions that they have are holding them back from fulfilling certain actions. Allah says there is no there's no shame upon them. There's no sin upon them for not being able to carry out certain obligations due to their condition. And then Allah puts things into perspective for us, when they usually are Allah hora Sula, who you deal with Janet, but the one who obeys Allah and His Messenger does the best that they can do as per their abilities. Then that's a person that Allah

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will grant entrance into paradise Jenna,

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woman yet Allah as a boy who have an enema, but a person who has the ability to obey and they decide to dis obey, then that person is susceptible to punishment from Allah for offer and Humphries Patel Jihad ifisa hatillo Patel, if Adam you can live humbly humbly Sara and I will hora de la nephele infy Sabina. So we find that these verses were revealed it with regards to different different activities, different military expeditions, different battles, different actions that required certain physical abilities that some of these companions might not have been able to participate in due to their condition so that they would not feel left out so that they would not feel that they

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are less in virtue or have less options of gaining reward, what I can mentor where I'm in home, or other filho jihad, let me acqualina Vu sort of long, right, he was telling me I'm never who I mean who. But on that note, if there were some of the companions, that with their different challenges with their different disabilities wanted to still struggle as much as they could the Prophet did not single them out or tell them No, you can't. You can't participate in this activity or the other, but he would allow them to participate as much as their condition would allow them to do so.

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What kind of sallallahu wasallam you will leave our home bearable Mohammed. Well, we are yet in addition to that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam we find him as a community leader. We find him assigning and delegating certain tasks to some of the companions that had some of these disabilities or challenges, which is a really important lesson so let's look at a few of these narrations would mean that he kept my Walker if he was what he also didn't let Mr. Sharon never use an alarm or to sell him and NASA Phil horology Irani apart emotionally kena Holly gel Medina te Ll Baka Hillel Medina te Aki tele him Buddha helia for hora de Rasulullah sallallahu it was cinema fi elephant may

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also have it was starting might have been an ami MK two min Allah sadati Beeman Bhakti effin Medina.

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So we find in the third year after the digital in the city of Medina, when the Muslims in Medina were being attacked by Polish as revenge after the Battle of beddit. And this was the famous battle known as butchered because it took place in the foothills of the mountain of boyhood, outside of the city of Medina.

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So we find the profs lesson on how to go outside of the city with his companions to defend and fortify the city and the believers from this oncoming attack. And he appointed this companion Abdullah Al Maktoum still that same one, we find him mentioned so many times, he lived very close to the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So the Prophet assigned him to be the Imam for the believers that remained in the city. Those that did not go out on this particular expedition, they had to remain in the city. The Prophet appointed him to be there, mmm to be their leader in the salaat to lead the congregational devotional prayers.

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And he didn't, you know, sideline him because of his disability, that oh, you know, you're not capable of that. And this is something that, you know, our community might do, that if a person has a particular disability, you automatically think that you know what, let's just keep them aside. But that's not the case. They may be they may be challenged in one aspect, but

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You know what they may have other abilities that far exceed ours, you know, those of us that that do not consider themselves as being challenged in one way or another. So it's important for for as a community, to delegate and to assign tasks to people based on their strengths and their abilities, even if they have certain challenges or a certain

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or certain disabilities.

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What can I do allow the use of a longer I said, Mr. Medina, t XL amin Mandala, Waka danika stuff LFO, who you will suddenly be Nassif in Medina, and nsep, American Allahu anhu. And it'd be a sort of long radio cinema style if at all, even you only make to mean Adele Medina team or watain, you suddenly be him or her. So we find these narrations in the book of Buddha wouldn't read. And the scholars have graded as authentic that not just in this occasion of the expedition of boyhood, but actually there were several other times where the Prophet had to go outside of the city of Medina, and he would time and again, appoint Abdullah Al Maktoum to lead the slaughter.

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You have a question? Yes.

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If it's the man that's sitting down,

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okay, so good question. So

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it is asking if the Imam is unable to stand in the congregational Salah. And that's a good question. Thank you for your question.

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If the Imam is unable to stand, because standing in the devotional prayer is looking, it's a pillar. If you're able to stand you have to stand, you can only sit if you're unable to stand. Sitting is a concession for those that are not able to stand.

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Except if we're talking about the voluntary Sala

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there's a distinction between the obligatory and the supererogatory or the voluntary Sala. So in the obligatory Sala, you must stand if you're able to do so. But in the voluntary, the extra the supererogatory, voluntary, the nephila sola, you have the option to sit down, if you would like to do so, if you are tired or something like that, of course, it is better to stand if you have the ability, but you have the option to sit down if you need to. And in that case, you will have half of the reward. But this half of the reward is speaking about the person who has the ability to stand, but they are sitting in the nafi lasala

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in the voluntary Sala but in the obligatory Salah, or even in the voluntary, if a person cannot stand, somebody has a

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cast on their foot,

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you know, or they have crutches, or whatever the case might be, you know, or maybe they don't even have any of that, but they can't put weight on their knee, for example, whatever the case is,

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then if they need to sit down, then that doesn't take away from their reward that does not take away from their award, even the obligatory Sala.

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Does that make sense? Now as for the mmm sitting down, the ideal is that the person leading the salon would be able to stand. The only time we would have an Imam sitting down is if that's the only person in the congregation qualified to lead the Salah. And they happen to have some kind of injury or disability where they must sit down. In that case, the congregation will also pray sitting down

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they will also pray sitting down. So let's say if there's only one person out of the congregation that is fit to be a man that is fit to lead Salah. And you know what, he just had surgery on his knee. So he asked to pray sitting down. So the congregation will follow the amount they will also pray sitting down even though they don't need to. Why? Because the Imam is to be followed the Prophet said in a major Hmm, will you tell maybe the Imam was appointed to be the Imam to be followed? And so the scholars understood that to me that even if he is sitting down then you sit.

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Does that make sense and that does not take away from the reward of the congregation. But if there is an alternative if there is someone else, a vice Imam or someone else that is fit to lead the Salah that can stand then that person would be given priority to lead the Salah. Is that clear?

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If they are the only person qualified to lead the Salah, yes.

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But if there is someone else qualified to lead the Salah, then that person would take priority.

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Allahu Allah.

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Where were we? Okay, so we were talking about the Prophet so I sent him a pointing, I'm delighted to only Maktoum to lead the Salah. And he was a person who is impaired in his vision, not just once, but time and again. So he is appointing them he's given them giving them positions of leadership, the Imam is not a small position for the prophets that allows them to appoint to someone. It's not it's a big deal for someone to lead Salah in the absence of the Messenger of Allah.

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You know, and so for him to appoint someone who, you know, society might consider to be a lesser, qualified person because of their disability. This is a strong message from the Prophet of Allah, to show that a person's physical conditions doesn't take away from their virtue and from their strengths and abilities in other avenues. Well, Ocala illegal identify any field on mobile. Now Abdullah Abdul Maktoum, this companion was his very famous and especially known for event

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for being the one that would call make the event the call to prayer, especially in Ramadan, when there was the second event for fudger

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and Abdullah Ahmed, all day long we're in Houma, little sort of la sala herder cinema been in VLAN and you as you know Bill ailyn for Kuru, Mashallah boo, idea even Maktoum so mccarl waka ama la una de Hata Yoko Yoko Allah who a sweater sweater. This is narrated in the book of body and Muslim, it's agreed upon it's of the highest level of authenticity.

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Abdullayev naramata, the son of Romo, hilltop he narrates he says the Prophet instructed the people. He said, Listen, Bilal, the companion Bilal is going to make the event at night. Meaning when you hear the dial making the event, it's still nighttime, for cooler wash level so you can still eat and drink.

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still eat and drink don't confuse the advent of B dial to be the advent of 5g and that means you have to begin your fasting. No biraz van is priest is pre Dawn prefetcher alerting you that the time of Vegeta is approaching. Approaching but you can still eat and drink. So the Prophet said eat and drink until you hear the event of a banal Maktoum until you hear I'm delighted only make two making event. His event is the event of fidget so at that point, you stop eating and drinking day has begun. It's time to perform the budget, the early dawn prayer and your fast now will begin.

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And the Abdullah of naramata continues in the narration. And he says what kind of food and he was not able to see

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and so he could not discern the time of budget because to know the time of budget you have to look out and you have to see that line of light on the horizon. That means it's time for a budget No, they didn't have clocks and watches at that time. They knew the prayer times based on the movements of the Sun so if he can't see if he's blind then how does he know when it's time to take it then?

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Well, other people would alert him they would say I'm delighted no matter and they'll say Abdullah its morning time its morning time go give her then and he would stand and give event.

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So the question begs itself, why couldn't the Prophet just appoint one of those other people to make the event

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they can see I mean, why do we have to have an extra person there someone to know that it's time for Vegeta then go till Abdullah ego maker then just have somebody who can see maker that But no, the profit goes out of his way to appoint this man to make a dent because he's special.

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He's special. He's a person of virtue and of wisdom and of knowledge. And it doesn't matter if people think he is deficient. The fact of the matter is he is not deficient.

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What kind of when he thought a little longer and how pilot can mimic to mean you as the new the Rasulullah sallallahu cinema who

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he narrates, in a hadith recording Muslim is authentic, that even only Maktoum used to give the event for the Messenger of Allah the Messenger of Allah would tell him go give and then and he would go make the event he would go make the call to prayer. The author comments here and he says fonville eat a steak lollipop hottie that we are happy for her body roll bustle, Mama, Daddy, can you as you know, we are ominous wait well in Allah. So he comments here and he says look at the wisdom of the Prophet and the mercy of the Prophet, that he appoints this man who has a certain disability, but he gives him very important tasks of event.

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Leading Sala and have an email of being the immediate being in charge of the people in the absence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in the city of Medina, so he has given these important tasks. So people that have, you know, members of our community that have certain disabilities, that doesn't mean that they have to just be sidelined, they cannot participate.

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There is no absolutely no precedents for that. Quite the contrary, we have precedents of all types of people contributing in a way that they can

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with what their ability is, so they are still individuals that can contribute to the community and to society at large at zero mean either to him as we come close to the end of this chapter. We also have examples of the profit warning the people from harming anybody that has some kind of special need. Anybody I bet that will the long run hotel. This is a very serious narration by basl de la hora and hope God and Abby are so long where it was lm Mel rune. Mel rune Mensa about who? Mel rune Mensa oma who Mel Rouen Mendoza baja de la, Mel Rouen minha yada

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yada Tahoma de Melo Runa men kemah and polythene Maroon men waka Allah he met in Maroon man I mean it'd be mid Omi load.

00:36:35 --> 00:36:55

In this Hurry, which is narrated in the book of Imams and scholars of graded authentic. The Prophet mentioned several examples 1234567 examples of people that the Prophet described as mela rune and this is a very, very serious word.

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learner in Arabic means curse.

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And unfortunately, amongst the community of Arabic speakers, many times it is taken lightly.

00:37:09 --> 00:37:11

But the definition of of learn

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is a portal do me like Mattila

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to be cast out from the mercy of Allah.

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So when Allah describes someone as an as Malarone,

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that means that this person is outside of the fold of the mercy of Allah, which is very, very dangerous.

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Allah says in the Quran, what I meant to say at kulesza My Mercy encompasses everything. If if somebody is outside of the mercy of Allah, that's very scary.

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That's very scary. The reward of Allah is earned through His mercy. It's not through our actions we don't we're not doing God a favor, through our acts of goodness, but we are trying to earn his mercy is what we're trying to do. So for someone to have learned upon them, this specific type of curse, it means to be outcast, to be kicked out from the mercy of Allah. And that's very, very serious. It's not a matter to be taken lightly. And the Prophet says I was not sent there and I was not sent as a person to just curse people left and right. Hey, this person is curse that person's curse. No, no, no, that's not appropriate.

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And is very few narrations you can count them on your fingers, or the Prophet describes a category or type of person that will be do an action that earns learner is very serious amongst these categories. Who are they, for example, the prophet mentions men said about who woman said, but

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the Prophet says, a person who curses their father or a person who curses their mother.

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That's very serious.

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It's not a matter to be taken lightly. They are susceptible to learn from Allah.

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A person curses their father or their mother. I mean, the the book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger is full of verses and narrations encouraging us to be of the to display the utmost level of mercy and kindness towards our parents.

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So a person who does the complete opposite, they are cursing their parents, then they are susceptible to being cursed by Allah.

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So that's very serious. And you know, a lot of times we we have shortcomings in this regard. We have shortcomings with regards to our behavior towards our parents.

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Many of us fall into that the best of us do, because it's a relationship like any other relationship, and every relationship, you know, has its good days, and has it's less than good days.

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And that happens even with parent and child, especially when you're spending so much time together, especially when you're in 2017. And dealing with millennials, but even before then, is the age old problem. But it's definitely been exacerbated by a lot of social ills that young people are affected by nuts. That's really tragic and unfortunate. As a matter of fact,

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popular culture, and mainstream media oftentimes make it funny to, to behave inappropriately towards one's parents. So a lot of popular TV shows that you see, you know, it's very common to see people being rude or being ill mannered towards their parents. And that's something that's just taken as, Oh, that's funny, or that's cute or something like that. But that's not what our religion teaches us. That's not what our Prophet teaches us. There are certain red lines that shouldn't be crossed. And amongst those red lines is respect for the parents. There needs to be a certain respect and decorum. I mean, that's how you maintain health in the society. If people are being unruly and

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disrespectful to their own parents. I mean, look where that society is headed down a very dangerous path.

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headed down a very dangerous path. So a person who curses their mother or father, they are susceptible to being cursed by Allah. So the Prophet mentioned the seven categories. Amongst them, he mentions, the one of the ones he mentions is the one that

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pushes a person who is impaired in their vision out of the road.

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And, you know, nowadays, if somebody were to do that, and film it, put it up on YouTube, it would be like a prank and it would go viral. like someone's someone's blind, you can't see. And you purposefully misdirect them and they fall and get hurt on their face. It would be like, America's Funniest Home Videos, or some

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people still watch that. Or am I like getting outdated?

00:42:05 --> 00:42:08

They don't watch that anymore. Back in the 90s my bed

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so that would be considered something humorous. But but that's not I mean, that's,

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that's, you know, stooping so low. And that's being susceptible to being cursed by God.

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When kemah and Bala who are and who will? della who Allah hit him upside the head? The Prophet says the one who, who leads a blind person down the wrong path or directs them or pushes them to a path of danger or which way is this oh just go this way Yeah, right over here, leads them down a

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dangerous or false path or miss guides them as they are walking or making their way.

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The author comments here in the footnote, you know, and says, What in SFP neji do en Baba shabba be super happy yet and I both have been in a coffin, either a homebody erroneous or any period, the Lu who Allah et al maracas, yoga Hakuna LA is Holloman but in America home Allah bdrms amen and know who you are do Lahore and appropriate for Sahaba who had there was it that was sorted? So Metallica, who am MSA alati una unit B Hua Hua Hua la Aditya Anil hota for whom la Drona and hurry hectic Tasha Vinny hayati and opa mon fewer gc alati were heard dictation for the whole body and bustle. The comment the the author comments here on an event that he witnessed that some young people just like

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we were talking about, he describes them as super hot, immature and stupid. If we can use such a loose term, that they were taking a blind person across the street, and they led them across the street. They're like, okay, here you are. And they let go of their hand and walked away. And so this person who has a vision impaired has found themselves in the middle of the street don't know where to go. And everyone's honking at him. And he's, like, totally confused. And the people in the car think what is this idiot doing in the road? And he's thinking was everybody honking at me? And until eventually, they realize that this person cannot see. So what a student again, if somebody were to

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do that, now that would be like, Oh, so funny. You know what a funny prank. But that's so disrespectful and that's someone that could be cursed by a lot.

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That's someone that could be cursed. You know, I was hearing on one of these. I was listening to a podcast about the brother who's involved with a project of translating the old line in Braille. And, and he's, he's someone who's visually impaired and he was talking about, you know, the proper decorum for when you see someone you know, that has a walking stick or a walking cane, and you want to help them. There's a proper way of doing it. He was like, you know, one of my pet peeves is like when I'm waiting at the crosswalk and someone

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comes in just grabs my arm, like, oh, I'll help you just come this way. It's like, No, No, No, you don't. There's a proper way of handling this. We don't, we are not incapable. Ask first he was saying, if you see someone asked them before you just decide to take over and take the initiative and help. The basic thing, you know, that ask, may I help you with this? Would you like me to assist you in this man, they may say, No, I'm good, I got this.

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There was a there was an individual who

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was, had a particular condition. And, and he was, it was blind his whole life as a young man. One of our teachers was telling us his story. In Sudan, this was in Sudan. And, and some doctors came to the town, they performed an operation, and he was able to see, he was able to see for the first time in his life, you know, he was born with this condition, they did this operation and he could see

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his whole life, he doesn't know what it's like to see with his eyes. And after this operation, he could now See, now it wasn't like, amazing 2020 vision, it was still it had some weakness, but he could make certain things out he could see and it got so bad

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that he wished that he went back to being blind again, why? Because he's like, I didn't know how to function. I was so used to functioning by knowing the number of steps from this place to that place, and from this street to the street and knowing the cracks in the road and and hearing from the sounds you know, he was so skilled in finding his way that when he actually could see for the first time he didn't know how to handle all of these, you know,

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images and and and and lights that that were hitting his his sense of sight. He didn't know how to handle that. So he's like, man, I want to just go back to being the way I was. I was happier that way. So to be sensitive. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam teaches us here to be sensitive. It's not a funny matter it's not a joking matter. It's very serious. Well, I'll never use a lot more I do send them a nano salata. Illuminati tycoon will be I'm sorry, him, law hook. This is really powerful. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam informed us that it is by these individuals,

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people that have these disabilities and different challenges. It's these people in the community that will bring victory and empowerment to the entire community. They will be a source and a gateway of victory and empowerment to the entire community. How so? For those that don't know the Allahu anhu ended or who folded on either Mendoza, who forgot and maybe you're sort of longer it was alum, Helton sorona or todos una illa bewafa yquem. Wolfie rewire in NEMA young sobre la who have E oma Be ye ha be there watching him what's on it him. La see him we're an Abbe de la la la, la la la to set him up all over Huni burapha accom for intimate todos de una Toon sodwana below I thought equal. So

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we find three narrations here, near read in the book of identical quality in the psyche, respectively. And all of them have been graded. So here and authentic. In the first side, the companion side, he

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saw himself as a person of

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He was carrying himself in a manner where he was very proud of himself or happy he thought, I'm a person of virtue and side was actually

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you know, one of the chieftains of his tribe. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to humble him

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and wanted to put things into perspective. And he said that Helton sorona were todos acuna, elaborado, ephah, eco nocellara victory and there is sustenance, wealth, how are you going to get it except through the weakest amongst you?

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The weakest people amongst you are your source of nostalgia, of victory and of risk and of sustenance and blessings from God Almighty. How so? The Prophet said another Hadith, he said, in nama young surah la who have a hill oma Baraka, he said, Allah will grant victory to this oma to this community to this nation, by way of its weakest members.

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weakest as in weak because of, you know, not because of laziness, but we because of as in a certain deficiency, that they may have certain physical inability or disability that they may have. How the Prophet says be dry to him, through their, through their supplication, their prayers, their conversations to God Almighty. Their conversations and their direct to allies answered that was one of the first sections we talked about, in this chapter, that a person who is going through we talked about the

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The story of the woman who would constantly fall unconscious,

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she came to the Prophet and the Prophet told her your door I'll be answered, because of this condition

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and their drama and their Salah, their devotional ritual prayer.

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It's accepted by Allah. Lastly him and because of their sincerity,

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because of their sincerity, their supplication, their devotional prayer and their sincerity, this is a means of a law granting victory to the whole community.

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So, these are not people that are

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truly weak in the true essence of the term.

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Because their strength comes from their relationship with a lot, they may physically have some weakness, and society may consider them less capable, but in the eyes of a lot, they have the potential to achieving virtue much higher than you and I that think we can walk and talk and move and do whatever we want, whenever we want.

00:51:06 --> 00:51:27

So we'll do both, if you will. Misaki in Wilmore aptean film which tener el Muslim, Oshima, tuna Lima, the author comments and he says, The presence of people that are impoverished or people that have some kind of weakness, or some kind of disability, their presence in the community is a doorway of mercy to that entire community.

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There are people that should be welcomed, we're happy to have individuals like that in the community. It's your presence that will open up doors of mercy of law upon all of us.

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I mean, Abby, lady, if Darrell LaHood anybody there a door of the many doors of goodness that a lot opens for his servants, Lee akuna una Katana fuson feasability be him What is ne la him when masa Aditi him when he akuna Dora burapha Ramadan, when our salon where his Indigenous women, and so that there will be competition amongst the community for who will go and serve these people, and who will go and show us and show excellence towards them. They should be competition people should be competing hastening to go and offer them help offer them services, offer them assistance be there to support them to comfort them to aid them whenever they need that and whenever they request it. And

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so that there would be a means of mercy and victory and honor for the Muslim community.

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This is the next section is one that we already mentioned.

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And it is how the Prophet sallallahu wasallam when he would encounter certain individuals

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that perhaps behaved in a certain way due to their disability

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that he overlooked that

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he overlooked that if they behaved inappropriately. And so we mentioned the story of the

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land owner, when the Prophet and his companions were going towards the mountain of orchard and they passed the by this man and he was a blind man. And he had some other you know,

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disabilities and that affected his character. And he behaved in a very rude manner towards the Prophet of Allah he actually threw dirt in his face.

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And so the companions wanted to defend the honor of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam the Prophet told them leave him alone, just leave him alone.

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If I know who Adam Albus are well, Basilan, he is lacking not only in his physical sight, but also in his spiritual sight as well just let him be this is not there's no need for retaliation or retribution here or scolding or correcting just let him be and move on continue on in your way. And, and this is very common, some people they may behave in a certain way that would frustrate us or that we might

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consider to be rude or inappropriate, but if they are having certain conditions, just overlook it. I mean, you're not dealing with the average person you're dealing with someone that has challenged in one manner or another. So overlook those faults and those mistakes and those poor choices and move on in your way.

00:54:35 --> 00:54:57

Well could have been abuse all along where it was Mr. Mehta who identity rally behind him was at Lahaina Viet, Minh, medterra humby. And also for those that do not have any type of disability. For those that don't have any type of disability, there is also an important lesson for them when they come across such individuals

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and that is to explain

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Press gratitude and to ask a lot for his protection.

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For lm and w solahart. Cinema or matter who either oh man OC baby and hatin and Yamato la efia for Andromeda Anahata battle de la hora, anyone that'll sort of La his little La Jolla cinema. El Mundo el sahibabad infobel Alhamdulillah hello there Anthony mabthera cabbie. Well badania Kathy remain Hakata Lita illa roofie I'm in the Oracle Bella is a hadith narrated into the meeting. And a scholar said it is sound, hasn't it is sound. Armando narrates he says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if any one of you see someone who has been afflicted with some challenge, or some test or some difficulty, whatever it might be, it doesn't only have to be a physical disability By

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the way, it could be a mental or behavioral or spiritual, whatever the case might be, but some type of affliction or some type of test, if they see someone like this, their immediate reaction should be to say, Alhamdulillah.

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To express praise and gratitude to Allah, and say, Alhamdulillah, and this is a supplication that we should learn, we should especially teach our children, and hamdulillah Hilary, if any members medterra cabbie, I think in praise Allah, the Almighty, the one who has protected me, pardon me, saved me from this challenge that this person is afflicted with? Well, for millennia, Allah cathedra amendment Hakata Lila, and reflect upon how Allah has preferred me over so many other people, meaning with respect to that particular challenge. So for example, if you see someone that has some type of disability, like we mentioned, a person who has

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vision impaired, for example,

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if a person sees someone like this, they their immediate reaction should be one of humility to be humble.

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And not to feel that, Oh, I am so much better because of who I am. But no, automatically turn that gratitude back to your Creator. And back to the one who gave you those abilities to begin with. Because you can wake up tomorrow with that same challenge to

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I mean, in that regard, when I mean,

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our abilities are limited, we're creation, we're human beings. So make this supplication think and praise Allah for protecting me and saving me from being afflicted by this and preferring me over all of those people that have that affliction. Again, the preference here is in that specific challenge. Because as we already pointed out, it could be that a person who has some type of challenge is far greater than us, in virtue or in reward or in the sight of Allah. But we're talking in that specific regard. And we shouldn't ask or wish upon ourselves, you know, these types of challenges or afflictions or illnesses or whatnot. No, we should ask Allah to always protect us and grant us the

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best. That's what we should seek but if we are tested, we maintain patience, and maintain gratitude. So it's a balance about being balanced. The Prophet says, if a person makes a supplication expresses that gratitude to Allah Illa raffia mean daddy kill Bella, then they will be protected from such a such a challenge or such a difficulty.

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The scholars commented on this, and they said part of the roadmap jambalaya Nicola has decried silan behavior to use me, who will use me remove patella. The scholars, they commented on this and they said, the appropriate etiquette is that a person makes this supplication in a soft and low voice just to themselves, they should not say this out loud.

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Why, so as to not hurt the feelings of the person that you have observed?

00:58:59 --> 00:59:10

I mean, how would you? How would that how would that make them feel? You see someone that is suffering from some type of disability, like Oh, thank God, I'm not afflicted with what you've got going on.

00:59:11 --> 00:59:23

That's insensitive. So make this supplication silently to yourself. It's a moment to be humble, and to express gratitude to Allah, and to recognize that this blessing is from Allah. If he wishes at any moment, he could take it away from me.

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That's the idea behind this application. It's not so that that person can hear you. It's meant to be done quietly, and in a soft voice that only you can hear. So that's a very important etiquette to keep in mind.

00:59:40 --> 01:00:00

What about the analemma and elmora? idle healthy potty? Well, Kathy rubella. The author closes this chapter as we come to the conclusion of the chapter of the dealings of the Prophet with those that had disabilities and we bring it right back to where we started. That really, in essence, truly, it's not about physical challenge.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:15

or mental challenges or, or disabilities or what have you. But really what makes all the difference is the condition of a person's heart and their acceptance of the truth and their submission to Allah. That's really what

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is a defining line between people and it's not their physical abilities or disabilities.

01:00:25 --> 01:00:39

Allah mentions in uninsulated our life, chapter number seven, verse 179. Well if I did Allah and Allah Johanna Mecca Filomena Jean Newell is now home cordovan life avant ebihara what are you doing now you Barcelona, Bihar, what

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is morona Bihar Allah aka kill me Bella home Allah Allah eco Houma la fille en la puts it all into perspective for us. And he says, you know, there will be a lot of the jinn and the ins, the genies and the human beings that will be in the hellfire.

01:00:57 --> 01:01:02

But Allah describes them and he says, No, uhub they have hearts.

01:01:03 --> 01:01:30

They had hearts and here the heart is not talking about the beating heart, but it is talking about the intellect liahona beha they did not use that intellect to understand and recognize the truth. What are you known? liable sirona via they had eyes, but they didn't have True Vision. What am I then on nyas madrona behalf they had ears they had hearing but they weren't listening.

01:01:32 --> 01:01:37

Kill Anam Bella hummable. They behave just like livestock.

01:01:38 --> 01:01:55

Actually, Allah says no, Nay, even worse than that. Because livestock are only doing what they were created to do, which is wake up, graze, poop, procreate. Go to sleep, do the same thing the next day over. That's what they were made to do. They were not made to

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worship Allah and work and serve.

01:02:03 --> 01:02:10

The way we are as human beings, we've been given certain intellectual abilities, and we're expected to use them.

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So Allah says, if you're going to be given these

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faculties, these abilities, you're going to be given this agency and you're not going to use it. For benefit, you're not going to use it to recognize truth, an accept it,

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then you have brought yourself down to the level of livestock, if not lesser.

01:02:33 --> 01:03:06

And these people had eyes and ears and hearts and intellect they had it, but they did not use it. So as we come to a close, Allah says and sort of hedge, verse number 47, for in her Letterman episode, what I can tell him kulula T for sudo. Allah says, blindness. True blindness is not the blindness, of the eyes of the physical eyes, from seeing colors and shapes and lights. But rather, it's the blindness of the hearts, to refuse to recognize the truth.

01:03:07 --> 01:03:48

So May Allah Almighty, we asked him and we begged him to open our hearts, to recognize the truth clearly as truth and follow it. And to recognize falsehood clearly as falsehood, and to stay away from it. We ask a lot to protect us from confusion. And from misguidance. We ask Allah as he has gathered us here, in his blessing house, that he gathers us in the highest levels of gentlemen, with his beloved Prophet, and that we drink from his hand to drink, after which we will never experience thirst again. We ask Allah to guide us to the straight path. We ask Allah to allow us to remain guided upon the straight path. We ask Allah to guide us to make the best choices. And we ask Allah

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to guide us to the character of our Beloved Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam We ask Allah to beautify us and adorn us with the most beautiful of character traits, positive habits and behavior. We ask Allah to make us of those who listen and follow the best of what they hear what I thought of Darwin and hamdulillah he'll be right I mean, we close by thanking and praising Allah. Wa Salatu was Salam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, and compliments and salutations and preys upon our Beloved Muhammad sallallahu alayhi Salaam Salaam Alaikum aloha

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Whoa, whoa

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