Mohammed Mana – Breeze of Mercy Sept. 20, 2017

Mohammed Mana
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of "will" in the context of poverty and wealth, with emphasis on understanding the people involved and potential misunderstandings. They also discuss profit sharing between Muslim individuals and their families, setting up an evil initiative, and the importance of not overpaying for one's time and allowing one to initiate initiative. The conversation concludes with a mention of a future film about similar experiences. The transcript is not a conversation between speakers, but rather a collection of sentences related to a variety of topics including weather and human intelligence.
AI: Transcript ©
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Can Huneck fat been?

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala memberi thalamotomy diamino Allah He also could be here Jemaine along eliminare may have found our friend that'd be my Olympian I was at dinner in a llama in a rural community laid equally here actually who are urging la manana Cyril came in 3ds. Allah came in higher up to Kona buco Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we begin with the name of Allah seeking His blessings and his success from him and his protection. And we bear witness that no one was worthy of worship except Allah alone. And we asked a lot of teachers that which benefits us and allow us to benefit from that which he has taught us and

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to increase us in beneficial knowledge. Brian, you're here. Did you come before on Wednesday night? This is the first time Welcome. Such a pleasure to have you.

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So for our dear brother and anybody else that happens to be stopping by for the first time I don't

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you guys hitting out?

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Mashallah, have you?

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So, yes, we your smile brings us joy, Brian, thank you for coming.

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So for those of you that are with us, for the first time, what we do here in this class, the class is called breeze of mercy. And a lot of people are like, what does that mean? I don't know what it means. Okay. It's a nice breeze and it brought mercy and it's just a nice title. Okay, just let's let it go. But what we're talking about here is we are talking about more MLS Nabi sallallahu, wasallam, the dealings of the prophets on the line, I said, I'm watching you tonight.

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And watching you play, but you're too far away, if I want to throw something, okay?

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We have a secret deal between us. We're talking about the dealings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, how he dealt with different individuals, different types of individuals, different segments of society, etc.

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And the idea behind that is so we can get an

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example and roadmap for how to behave.

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Very often we hear about the life of the prophet Isaiah lemon, we hear different stories from his life. And that's really enjoyable.

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I like it, maybe it's not enjoyable to other people, but I enjoy it.

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But many times, we are so caught up in the history and the historical events,

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that perhaps we are not spending enough time talking about how the president behaved and how he acted. So those discussions and those classes have their merits, and we need them inshallah, we'll have more of them. But what we aim to do here is look at different narrations and look at it from a more thematic perspective, not chronological, and not necessarily historical. But let's look at those narrations or the prophets I send them is described how he dealt with different people. And then we can get a practical example for how we should be dealing with these different people. We are almost almost 50% through this text that we've been

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chipping away at. And we just concluded last week, the chapter of the prophet SAW said in his dealings with those that experienced different types of difficulties and calamities in their life and how the prophet SAW Selim was supportive for them. So that was really interesting.

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So now we're starting a new chapter tonight, which is to I'm going to hit some a lot harder sell American football, all

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the profits of the Larson's dealings with people that were economically poor, economically had less than others in society around them. And before we actually delve into any of the narrations

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poverty is

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not something

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in Islam.

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For a Muslim, it's not necessarily something praiseworthy, but it does not define or reflect on the status of that person ever.

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Meaning that poverty or wealth are not what determines the virtue or the status of an individual, neither in this life, nor in the hereafter.

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So we find the Prophet sallallahu sallam, some of his closest companions had a tremendous amount of wealth.

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And we find some of his other companions having absolutely nothing.

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Literally nothing. I mean, nowadays, when we say nothing, it's like very little, but when we say nothing, I mean nothing, meaning they had one article of clothing that they were and that was it,

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not even a second one to wear on laundry day. Not even that, and we find they were very close to the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So we see that he had those kinds of close relationships and associations. And what's amazing, is we see these two different demographics, also having that kind of relationship and closeness.

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So oftentimes, when we hear about Sahaba, that had a lot of wealth, we hear names like nurofen, earthman, and fn, and others. But we also hear about Sahaba, that had nothing will sort of ignore me that will hold all your different companions like that. They were all so how about together, they all shared the same society, and they lived in the same community together, and they supported and helped each other in different ways.

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And that's really amazing. Because that's not what we see in our communities in our societies today. Nowadays, people are on levels based on their socio economic status. And those levels usually don't mix.

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So people that are generally on the wealthier side of the spectrum, and that's why you have classes, right? You have, you know,

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middle class, upper class, lower class people based on,

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you know, their

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household income.

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And those classes live in the same neighborhoods. So there are certain neighborhoods where you have the average or median income is something, you're not going to find anybody that has less than that, they're not going to afford to be able to live there. And vice versa, you go to places where the median income is very low, you're not going to find anyone with a high salary living there. It just doesn't work like that.

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I was listening to one

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to one gentleman, and he was

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he was working as an engineer in Ohio. And he was making a pretty decent salary, you know, like middle class salary.

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He was working as an engineer, but he had a certain project, certain vision that he was working towards. And it required that he save a lot of money. So he lived in a very poor neighborhood. And he was saying the rent over there was $180 a month, just like unheard of, right. It's like a city, Cincinnati, Ohio, one of these cities in the Midwest.

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So that's very strange, you don't usually find someone that has that kind of job, that kind of income living in those kinds of places. So it's rare. But the idea is they didn't mix. When we look at the community around the puffs, I said, and we see that there was that kind of mixing. And the fact that they had drastically different socio economic statuses did not impede those kinds of friendships and relationships. And that's very interesting. Now, from a city perspective,

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we said, a person's wealth does not define or set their status or their virtue of the process I sent him said, in the law, you're mad at him in your head, when you men lay your head directly, the manner in land him in your head, Allah gives wealth to those whom he loves, and those whom he doesn't love. But he only gives a man to those whom he loves.

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So a person can have a tremendous amount of wealth, that doesn't mean that God loves them.

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And a person could have absolutely very little, if not any wealth, and that does not mean that God hates them, or that they are being punished.

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It doesn't necessitate that we have nothing in the Quran or in the tradition of the prophets I send them that sets those kinds of

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sets those kinds of parameters.

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So that's just some disclaimers and some information to think about. In the get go. Know the Prophet sallallahu Sallam first and foremost, before even we talked about his spending, let's talk about how he dealt with money that he got kind of so long, right? He said, Ma Ma, is he doin Hagerty? He was at Lehman and difficulty in football, he will miss out in the profits a little longer. I do send them when he would have a source of income, whatever it might be. He automatically divided and

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I organized that wealth and would set aside a certain amount from the get go. So right when it comes into his possession, he's already dedicated a certain portion, we find this narration, which is recorded in the book of Buddhahood. And we also find a similar narrations in Bukhari and Muslim. It's an authentic narration or Mr. rojava narrates, he says, Canada sort of like it's a lot harder said I'm a young family here and he went to South Dakota before that he, he wrote the law who narrates he says the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when he would receive some income, he would spend a portion of it on his family on his household, and then whatever was a surplus after that, he would

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give it outside aka, or he would dedicate it as charity.

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So the process of them took care of his responsibilities took care of his family, his household, those that were under his care and his authority. He took care of their needs, and then anything that exceeded or went over that the problems that I send them, gave it in celada.

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Ahmad also says in another in another narration after there was the expedition of labor, he says, Well, I'm a Hebrew for just Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam I said I've had a desire in just at being a Muslim mean being a Muslim ina, which is an ephah cotton Lee, former footballer and difficulty la Jara, who been a footballer in Mahajan, Waka tyrosol La Jolla Salim kulu Marina vsrx Cinema sadaqa Allah akbar Allahu Allah wa Casa home in

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New Earth. So after they had the expedition of labor, and the Muslim community came upon a large amount of wealth and the Prophet was the leader of that community. So the Prophet divided the wealth into portions. He kept one portion for himself and his family needs and he divided other portions amongst the Muslim community. Now even that portion that he took for himself after he spent and took care of all the needs of his family, he, whatever was a surplus, he divided it amongst them, oh, how'd you do on those that had migrated from Mecca to Medina, the prophet said in a narration, which is recorded in Bukhari and Muslim and Abu Dawood. He said, all the wealth of the Prophet is

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all of the wealth of the prophet of soda, except Illa, except that which he takes from it to feed and clothe his family.

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How is that the case? Well, the prophets I sent him said, we speaking about the prophets and the messengers, our wealth doesn't get inherited.

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So you and I, we spend on our families, and we give some charity, but ultimately, when we pass away, when we die, our estate, our assets, our wealth is going to be divided amongst our inheritors. And the law says that in the Quran, your children get a certain amount, your spouse gets a certain amount, it cetera, it gets divided a law set those fractions in the Quran.

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But when the prophets I send them died, nobody from his family inherited from him, they didn't inherit,

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it was sada, they don't hear it. So the prophets I send them also said in another Hadith, that the profits don't leave behind

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wealth as in money, but what they leave behind is, they leave behind knowledge. And that's why they say those that seek knowledge, those that learn the knowledge of this religion, those that learn the Quran, and the tradition of the prophet SAW Selim, they are inheritors of the Prophet,

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because that is his inheritance, the fiscal the financial inheritance, it doesn't, the profits are an exception to that, that just goes to solidify, it goes to charity. But if you want to inherit from the and what's amazing is, money gets inherited by certain people at a certain time, and that money is going to be spent and it'll go.

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But you have the opportunity to inherit from Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and every single believer has the opportunity to inherit from him until the end of time. All you have to do is dedicate some time and some effort to learning this religion, then you become an inheritor, you have taken from the inheritance of the process of them. Okay.

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Next kind of sort of long ride to sannomiya to a thorough either inherited if you will do he barely as happy Oh, hey at him,

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just by seeing

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the that some of his companions or people in his community had, were in a state of need. He said a lot of them would be moved, and he would feel discomfort and pain. I was sitting with some nice friends earlier before moving up and we were talking about emotional intelligence. You guys remember. So here's an interesting example of that. And Jared abdillah here the Allahu anhu Paul qunar in the Rasul Allah

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So long it was cinema fi so didn't know how to

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refer to Ratan.

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Tata led me to whom in Moodle. Well Kula whom in Moodle Mirage Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam Allah May Allah be him in alpha

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for the harasser, Maharajah Omar, Abdullah Al and then upon for Salah mahatama for all. Yeah yo Han su taco Bakula? de la comin FC wahida la

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in LA Kenner, la Cooperativa well ala t financial. Yeah, you heard Medina I'm an otaku la will turn off some akademiska de la casa de cada Joon Min De Neri min Dr. Jaime Min sobey min sorry, booderee min sorry, tirmidhi. Hector, Paul Weller will be shifty Tamara.

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So the profit so the longer it will sell them in this authentic narration. He was sitting in the middle of the day of surgery now. And a group of people and a

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envoy or a group of people came from a tribe from an area known as Madonna.

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And the narrator describes that they were barefoot, and they barely had any clothes on their body.

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And their situation was, you can tell just by looking at them that they're not in good shape.

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They are not in good shape.

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So when the prophet SAW sent him saw them, the narrator is saying Fatah Malala Jr. Besides me saying the face of the Prophet changed his facial expression, his demeanor changed, just when he saw them.

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The sight of these people brought discomfort to the Prophet sallahu wa sallam, he had to do something about it

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for the hora de Maharaj. So he went out and he came in, he was moving. He didn't even sit still. Then he told me that, who was the oven he told me that call upon all the people gather everyone.

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And when the people heard the voice of bi, they came they gathered. It's like, you know, they heard that the prophet SAW sent him is calling you to the messenger, there's an important matter something important is going to, you know, like, for example, when everyone's phone is buzzing, and you get that Amber Alert. It's like that. Beta was giving Amber Alert, everybody come to the mustard, something important, is about to go down.

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So when they came, the prophet began with an introduction of reciting a couple of verses from the Quran, that have to do with taqwa, that have to do with being conscious of Allah, and then have to do with protecting yourself from that which is displeasing to Allah. And after reciting those verses, he said,

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he said, Give sadaqa give charity, even if it's with your Dino, even if it's just with one, you know, piece of currency, gold or silver. Or if you give sadaqa from a piece of gold or a piece of silver, or from your clothing. Give an article of clothing as charity, or a flyer, which is a certain it's a it's a weight, it's a quantity, right? Like like we have pounds and kilos, right size, a certain quantity is that a sign of book of some kind of grain or a song of Tama, and he kept on listing all of these different things, gold, silver clothes, wheat, barley dates, whatever you have, give something from what you have in charity, and he went down the list. He started with the

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top like gold, the most expensive commodities. He went through the list, the narrator says until he said, even if you give a piece of a date, outside of well, it will be shifting tomorrow. Even if it's half of a date, like you if all you have is one date that's all that you own in the world. Then eat half of it and give the other half and soda

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for geology remmina Ansari B Salatin cadott cafo

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Belka digest at some metabo analyst at Khomeini meant by amin with the Albion hotel to wage hospital so I sent him into * and humid herberton for color so my sentiments and Islamism Nathan has an a fellow who Angela Angela and me that'd be her brother whom in Haiti and gentlemen oh god him shape. woman said nothing Islamism. Nothing sia can only he was rojava Islam and melebihi I'm embedding him in Haiti. And also I mean, I was at him shake.

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There's a hadith recorded Muslim. So after the Prophet gave this reminder, and he went through all of these different types of wealth, all of these different assets, because often when we talk about sadaqa, we think of dollars and cents. It doesn't have to be. It could be in money, it could be in clothing, it could be infinite.

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It can be in time, it could be in physical assistance, all of this.

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So when somebody came, and he brought forward some wealth that he was giving in South Africa, it was so much that it was spilling out of his hands. He couldn't hold it with his hands. And he put it in front of the process. And he said, Okay, this is my contribution. Bam, there you go.

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He was the first one. And then people started following. People got motivated when they saw him that one companion do that. So one after another, until the narrator says, After a while, we saw piles, two big piles of food, and clothing and money, all of these that people have brought forward and sadhaka. And the narrator says, until I saw the face of the prophet SAW Selim, he had to Hillel, meaning I saw the face of the Prophet become bright with happiness. Earlier, in the beginning of the narration, he says, when he saw the sight of those poor people, his face changed out of feeling for their pain and their poverty. Then when everybody came forward and gave charity, his face completely

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changed out of happiness. Those are the things that made the puffs I sent him happy.

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And then he said, the prophet SAW sent him said, Whoever initiates a good initiative,

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whoever initiates a good initiative,

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then he will have the reward for that action. And he will share in the reward of everyone that followed after him

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without taking away from their reward.

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So everyone's getting 100% reward for their contribution. But the one who initiated is in addition to getting 100% reward for his contribution, he's also getting a share of everyone that came afterwards.

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And it's not like he's taking away from their edge up, but he's getting more on top of that.

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Well, hold on, there's the other side of the equation to the profits, I send them set and whoever initiates an evil initiative. So the first one is a good a virtuous one.

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Man send me so Nathan has a good a beautiful initiative, then the Prophet said, woman setting up an Islamic unit and say, whoever comes and initiates an evil or a negative initiative,

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then not only are they going to get the sin for that action, but they will also share in the sin of all of those that followed.

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Because when you initiate something people are going to follow if you are the trend setter.

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So a lot of people aspire to be trendsetters in our culture today, and they like to be followed. It makes people feel important. Like I did something and everyone's doing that. And so sometimes you'll hear people oftentimes, like, if there's a certain word or a certain practice, I was like, Oh, I started that. Yeah, I was the first one to do that. Then everybody started doing that when they saw me do it. So if that's something positive, good for you.

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But if it's something negative,

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that's not a good situation to be in. That's not a good trend to set.

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Because you will, it's like a, you know, they say pyramid scheme. It's like a pyramid scheme.

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So you want to have a good pyramid scheme. You don't want to have a sinful pyramid scheme.

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Allah no way you separable. So he very handy mubadala to Muslim in a la parte de la. Well, Beverly myt. him Leila. So why did the Prophet become so happy because he saw people sacrificing and pushing forward taking initiative to sacrifice and do something seeking reward from Allah. And that made him really happy.

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That made him really happy. Salatu was Salam. So there is encouragement in this narration of the prophets I send them to

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take initiatives.

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I heard one of my teachers say one time that

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you will find most people are followers.

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Most people are followers.

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A few people are leaders.

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Most people wait for someone else to do something. And then they will decide Should I follow or not?

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The majority of human population that's that's how they behave.

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You ever saw that? Like, was it?

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planet earth or something? One of these nature documentaries, where they show the penguins.

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You don't talking about what eat? You don't watch those kinds of things. They're not interesting to you.

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You don't talk about Ryan?

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Is it Planet Earth? I don't know what are these nature documentaries. So when penguins come to like

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Cliff, what do they do? They want to decide or like a, necessarily a cliff or like they come to the edge of ice.

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And they want to decide should we jump in and swim across? or What should we or should we not? What do they do? Anybody? Anybody know what I'm talking about? Or am I just like, in lala land right now? You know, talking about? What do they do?

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They stand there. Yeah, most of them like 99% of the penguins just stand there. And, and they're like, I'm telling you YouTube it look it up. It's really amazing penguins, right? What do they do? So they're all just standing there. And they look really cute. And they're just saying they're flip flopping and they're slipping. And isn't that And isn't that? And they can't decide? Should we go? Should we not? Because they're very indecisive? Should we jump in? Should we not do so what do they do?

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They push one of them for

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a penguin gets pushed forward. And like if you works out every all the other penguins just jump in and they follow. And if it doesn't work out, they're like, Oh, this is not good. And they turn around, they go somewhere else.

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penguins are hilarious. So that's how most people are. Nobody wants to take that first dive forward. Right? And if any of you have attended the plethora of fundraisers that we have in our community, right, you always find the fundraiser. And you know, I always feel bad for them. It's got to be like the worst job.

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They always say like, who is gonna start who is gonna take the initiative? Who's gonna start it off, right? Because there is virtue in Islam for being the one who takes initiative, because people will follow. You're going to impact others. And so we have an encouragement from the police. I sent him to take that initiative. Be the first aspire to be the first if it's something good and positive.

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If it's something evil, don't try to be at the top of that list.

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What can I do my female Hagerty will say Karima, who are you? I see him and Abby Herrera thoroughly Allahu Allahu Akbar, Allah He la de la ilaha illa, who

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in control into Atomy do we carry the LD mineral joro in control, I should do hydro Allah botany mineral Jor.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam says in this narration

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on the authority of Laila,

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how he himself would experience hunger.

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And that hunger was due to poverty. So the prophet SAW said him himself, went through chapters and experiences of his life, where he himself experienced and tasted firsthand. hunger and poverty, not having anything to do. I attended a baja de la casa de la casa, a teeny weeny,

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Afro Nabina. Remember your Hazara team in a jewelry box she and Li Fei Jie Jie fail by original who are either uno de, you're an NB algernon one IV in ledger, Abu hurayrah says, this is a statement of Abu hurayrah f one is the statement of Abu Laila himself how he would sometimes have hunger. He said, You know, some days would

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pass not the prophesised this was a boiler speaking, some days would pass a vote and I would say I would be I would fall down unconscious. Next to the member next to the pulpit in the message of the prophets. I sent him from hunger, complete malnutrition. He said until somebody would come You know, I would get up and then collapsed from hungry said until somebody would come and they would be like, their feet would be at my neck. And they would think is this person crazy? Are they insane? Or what's what's going on with them? Because of the way he is walking, looking like he's dizzy and collapsing and getting up. And he says I'm not crazy when that'd be in the drawer. It was not

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insanity. It was just extreme extreme hunger.

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When I've got to Yeoman ilottery at him olevia Hello gentlemen who for Mandala Abu Bakr in fossa l to Who am I 18 Min Ki tabula he muscle to Illa de la vida, Mia foul. So Abu huraira says, Man, I was so hungry. So I went out into the road where people walk

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and a worker came.

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And so he said, I asked Abu Bakar about a verse in the Quran.

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And Abu huraira himself says, and I only asked him about it so that he would give me something to eat. That really was not searching for that question. But he didn't want to say he was too shy. He didn't want to say give me food. So he's like, Hey, I have a question about this I and the Quran and aboubaker would say maybe he would say Oh, okay, let's go grab a bite and we'll talk about it.

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He would get some food, but it didn't happen.

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He said, Well I'm here find

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some Amala B rumor. First of all to her Anya timman kita Bella hemosol to

00:30:12 --> 00:30:12

me a friend

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who does then Omar came and I did the same thing again. Hey, I have a question about a verse in the Quran. And I only am asking that question because I'm hoping he would give me some food.

00:30:25 --> 00:30:34

But it didn't work out and eventually almost passed as well and he didn't give him anything. And he left furnish a tutorial about it

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for her to the regime inteligente well, Jor said so I kept on walking a little bit more, until I fell on my face from hunger and exhaustion.

00:30:47 --> 00:30:51

For either Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam caught him and I'll see

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Marina Annie, for a while other Beardy. Kamini we're out of mfe NFC or Murphy wedgie. Some

00:31:05 --> 00:31:12

hidden. So when I opened my eyes again, I found the prophet SAW him standing over my head.

00:31:14 --> 00:31:17

And I looked up at him, and he gave me a big smile.

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He smiled.

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And he held my hand, carried me and led me by my hand, and he knew exactly what it was that I was feeling.

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And he looked at me and he was able to see in my face, read my face and see what it was that I was feeling. And he said, Yeah, but he said, he like shortened his name, out of like affection.

00:31:41 --> 00:31:53

He shortened his name. His name was a Buddha, which wasn't his name. It was his nickname anyways, but instead of saying Oh, hooray about heaven, Petula Baker Rasulullah. So when I said yes or messenger of Allah,

00:31:54 --> 00:31:55

Allah, Allah

00:31:57 --> 00:31:59

the Messenger of Allah said the truth,

00:32:00 --> 00:32:07

well mobile for tayberry to further herremans Allah. And so he walked and I followed him I walked with Him

00:32:09 --> 00:32:15

first, then two, but before stepping inside, I sought permission May I come in? He said, Come in five, you know, Lee,

00:32:16 --> 00:32:26

for judicata one min Leben for call me he hadn't been. So the Prophet walked inside the house, he found a bowl that had a like milk in it.

00:32:27 --> 00:32:33

So the Prophet asked the people in his house, his family, he's like, Hey, where did you guys get this from? They said,

00:32:35 --> 00:32:45

Tao Holika phoolan oh falana they said such and such person. You know such and such man or woman gave it to you as a gift. They sent it to your house as a gift.

00:32:47 --> 00:32:54

About hidden so the Prophet called him again. Go to the baker rasulillah Buddha said yes or messenger of Allah, what can I do for you?

00:32:56 --> 00:33:24

And how could a sofa Federer homely? So the Messenger of Allah said, and help again, truth for Allah sofa? for this community, this group of people that were known as a sofa, he said, Go call them who are no sofa. They were a group of people that lived inside the masjid. They were Mahajan. they migrated from Mecca to Medina. They had absolutely nothing. That's why they were living in the masjid. They had no home. They had no wealth. Abu Laila was part of that community.

00:33:25 --> 00:33:50

And explains he says, Why are we awful Islam? Now I want you to add in what I meant, when I had either added to sacaton, Bertha beha la him, whether we attend, I would mean how shaden will either attend to haidian orosa la him what I saw, I mean, Howard shalaka Humphrey ha, Abu huraira explains. He says, Look, these have so far, they have no family, they have no wealth.

00:33:51 --> 00:33:52

They're like all alone.

00:33:54 --> 00:34:04

So whenever the prophets I send them gets set up a charity, so somebody comes to him and says, Hey, this is charity. So what does a prophet do? He sends it to them entirely.

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But if somebody comes to him and says, Hey, this is a gift for you. Then he invites a philosopher to come over to his place, and he shares it with them.

00:34:17 --> 00:34:22

So that's why when he asked about this bowl of milk, they told him, What did they say to him? They said it is a

00:34:23 --> 00:34:28

it's a gift. So he told us to call a huddle sofa. Tell them all to come over.

00:34:37 --> 00:34:40

fossa any valic so Abu huraira was not happy.

00:34:44 --> 00:34:45

Why do you think he wasn't happy?

00:34:47 --> 00:34:59

Because he wanted it for himself. The guy is dying from hunger. He says himself up behind us being totally honest. He says for call to Omaha the Leben fee and a sofa going to enter and we'll see

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

Birmingham, Alabama Sheraton etowah Bihar

00:35:04 --> 00:35:35

well, Anna rasuluh la him first a Moroni and od Allahu la him family Casa and you see many men who will come to you and I'll see you I mean, who may have been so mad, he got upset. He's like, man, I really needed something right now like I am literally falling unconscious from hunger. And now the Messenger of Allah sending me as a messenger to all of these people. And I have to now deliver this love and His milk and everyone's gonna drink from it. And by the time they all drink, well guess what? It's gonna be finished and there's nothing left for me.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:39

And I really wanted some being completely honest.

00:35:43 --> 00:36:10

With me, I couldn't believe it like it was silly. So I said I would do it to him further out to him. For Oktoberfest, the new for me another home, Marisa home in a debate about hidden Petula Baker sort of law by the hood for him. So he said, You know, I will hit it I was like, man, I gotta obey Allah and His messenger. I have to do this now. So he went and he told the Hello Sofia, Hey, everybody, come over to the house of the Prophet. So they came

00:36:11 --> 00:36:22

and they sat down each one took a seat and the profit called up 100 again, never hidden. Yes, so messenger of Allah said take this and give it to them. Give it to them host them.

00:36:24 --> 00:37:01

For gel to earthly hurt. rajala fashola baja Tarawa. Samira de la caja Rajan calendula for you fashionable subwoofer, so I took that bowl, that container when I go one at a time, I give it to the first guy, and he drinks and he drinks and he drinks and the narration says he drinks until he's completely satiated. So it's not like it just takes a sip, sip sip, pass peace cup. know, he's drinks a lot until he's completely full. And he's like, okay, I can't drink anymore. And he gives me back the ball. And there's still some in it. I go to the next guy. And he does the same thing.

00:37:03 --> 00:37:15

Until Hector in Tahiti, Elon nebia, salvare selam Nakamura, welcome. coolum he said until every single one of them drink, and I reached the Messenger of Allah, and all of them are full of

00:37:16 --> 00:37:22

meat they they drink to their fill, meaning if you were to go back and offer some more, I'd be like I'm full. I'm good.

00:37:24 --> 00:37:25

And there's still some left.

00:37:28 --> 00:37:32

For woba, who Allah de for Nevada, Ilia, furtiva sama,

00:37:34 --> 00:37:38

for color are hidden. So the Prophet took it and he looked at me and he smiled.

00:37:40 --> 00:37:43

And again, he said, a breakout of sola yes on messenger of Allah.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:49

Allah Bucky to an hour and the Messenger of Allah said, Hey, looks like it's just you and me that is left.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:52

Just you and me.

00:37:54 --> 00:38:02

Go to a doctor, Yasser Allah. Allah Allah said, Yeah, you're right. You are correct. Oh Allah, awkward.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:07

For Shut up. So the Messenger of Allah said sit down, drink

00:38:08 --> 00:38:18

for God to fish. So I drink and then he stopped for God. The Prophet said drink some more.

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00:38:21 --> 00:38:22

fermez la aku

00:38:24 --> 00:38:28

to la sala de Beretta Camille hochma edgy doula who must reckon.

00:38:29 --> 00:38:49

So he kept on doing that I would drink and stop. And the Messenger of Allah would say, keep drinking, and I would drink and I would stop and he would say, keep drinking, and I would drink until a Valera swore. And he said, I swear by the one that sent you with the truth. There is no space left for me to drink anymore. I am stuffed

00:38:52 --> 00:38:57

on for me, so the Messenger of Allah said, Okay, let me take a look at that bowl there

00:38:59 --> 00:39:00

for our athletes.

00:39:01 --> 00:39:03

So I've already passed him

00:39:04 --> 00:39:05

the container,

00:39:06 --> 00:39:09

the Hemi De La Hoya, some machete well favela.

00:39:10 --> 00:39:16

So he said Alhamdulillah and then he said Bismillah, and he drink all that remained.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:22

Allah is not done. Abu hurayrah says, For Nikita Rama.

00:39:25 --> 00:39:33

So after some time, I bumped into Rama. Remember when he bumped into Rama earlier in the story? So again, he bumps into him up

00:39:34 --> 00:39:44

with a kotula hula de Cana me, Emily. And I told him the story. I told them everything that happened, how I talked to Abu Bakar and it didn't work out. I talked to Oman and didn't work out.

00:39:46 --> 00:39:59

And then I fell on my face and the Prophet phoned me and then he had some milk and I wanted to drink it. He made me go and get everybody else. And I gave it to everyone everyone drink and then I drink until I couldn't drink any more than the Prophet drink. What did the Romans say?

00:40:01 --> 00:40:05

Welcome to the who, for Levy, for law he

00:40:13 --> 00:40:14

altura Who?

00:40:24 --> 00:40:24


00:40:26 --> 00:40:30

I told him when he left I just took a while and I

00:40:33 --> 00:40:43

told him remember that verse of button that I asked you about? He said, I asked you about it. And I swear by Allah I have more knowledge about that verse than you.

00:40:44 --> 00:40:46

But I was just trying to get some food

00:40:47 --> 00:41:11

on aroma. Well, ah he let an akuna occultic Habu em in any akuna li me flew home we're in Nam, Mr. Moody Nam. Omar says I swear by Allah. I wish if I had taken you inside with me and fed you with whatever I had, that would have been more beloved to me than the most expensive camel out there.

00:41:13 --> 00:41:23

Me meaning the most expensive mode of transport. You could fill in the blank with whatever modern mode of transport impresses you today.

00:41:26 --> 00:41:33

would have been more beloved to me that you came inside and I fed you something then for me to have all of that wealth. All of those millions.

00:41:36 --> 00:41:37

For canon Ws RS lm

00:41:39 --> 00:41:47

ft noodle. We interview hooli Mr. Ratan Jor el dia de la. For USC be here for us. ebma stealthier?

00:41:48 --> 00:41:50

What's the moral of the lesson here?

00:41:51 --> 00:41:56

This is a long, really enjoyable story from the life of Abu huraira.

00:41:58 --> 00:42:01

But the way it relates to our chapter,

00:42:02 --> 00:42:11

from the very beginning, Abu huraira when he fell on his face, and he found the prophet SAW Selim, did he tell the prophet SAW Selim I'm hungry?

00:42:13 --> 00:42:20

Or LA, he didn't say I'm hungry. Did he asked the prophets I said, um, can you give me something to eat? He did not.

00:42:22 --> 00:42:29

But rather, he says, In the narration himself. He says, What alpha Murphy NFC. Well, Matthew, what he

00:42:30 --> 00:42:36

says, when the prophet SAW me, he knew what I was experiencing.

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And he read it in my face.

00:42:41 --> 00:42:44

That is emotional intelligence.

00:42:47 --> 00:42:54

That is the ability to understand what others are experiencing, even though you're not experiencing it at this time.

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And that's the emotional intelligence that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had, and exhibited.

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He didn't have to tell the process and I'm hungry. He was in tune with what people are going through. And then it's part of like, preserving their dignity, that you see someone going through something, you come to their aid, before they have to be in the situation where they have to ask,

00:43:21 --> 00:43:22

because who likes to ask?

00:43:23 --> 00:43:36

Nobody does, even though they didn't want to, and he has nothing. If he were to ask, no one would blame him because he's from the sofa. He's sleeping in them. And he really doesn't have much wealth.

00:43:40 --> 00:43:53

prophesize send them understood and read and picked up on the signals picked up on the demeanor and the behavior. But you know, you can only do that. If you genuinely care.

00:43:56 --> 00:43:57

You can't make that up.

00:43:59 --> 00:44:06

You can't, you know, find a guidebook on how to do that on the internet, you have to genuinely care.

00:44:07 --> 00:44:11

If you genuinely care, you will notice those signs.

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And the prophets I sent him cared.

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And he is teaching us as our role model

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to care.

00:44:21 --> 00:44:52

Genuinely be concerned about others. Let's take it a step further. You cannot care and you cannot be genuinely concerned about the needs of others. If you are too consumed with your needs and wants always an only is not possible. The two can't happen at the same time. If I'm only thinking and worrying and stressing about me and my needs. It's not emotionally possible for me to have the capacity to care about others. It won't happen.

00:44:54 --> 00:45:00

And so you see a lot of people in our day and age that are oblivious to what others are doing.

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Experiencing around them why? It's because they're so caught up with what they have going on.

00:45:08 --> 00:45:18

But if you kind of like, tuned away from that for a moment and paid attention to others, then you will be able to develop that concern.

00:45:20 --> 00:45:23

figure that concern, concern for others.

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a lot of things in our culture around us

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are pushing towards a very

00:45:35 --> 00:45:38

self centered, it's just about me.

00:45:40 --> 00:45:49

And what I am going through, I was teaching a class in New York, and there was a sister attending the class. And she was actually a

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was in New York, I can't remember.

00:45:55 --> 00:46:03

The don't quote me on that. But there was a class and there was a sister there. And she was in the field of psychology and social work in therapy. And

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she was saying that one of the ways that people cope and overcome with some of their own challenges is they make themselves available to serve and tend to the needs of others.

00:46:17 --> 00:46:19

And this is like, they've done studies on it.

00:46:21 --> 00:46:23

Excuse me. So they've done certain

00:46:25 --> 00:47:09

behavioral studies. And they'll find that people might be going through their own sets of challenges. But when they put a pause on tending to that, and they care for others, that actually helps them cope with their own challenges better, they develop more gratitude, they develop more, you know, gratefulness, and they're able to have more patience with whatever it is that they're experiencing. So sometimes, you know, this is one, this is one idea that if you're going through something really, really difficult, take a moment out and go and help someone else who's suffering from some difficulty, make yourself available. I remember one time in Medina, I went with one of my

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And there was I was, I was having some difficulty with a process. There was an issue that was very problematic at the time, and nobody was was helping me out. And it was causing a lot of problems for me and my family. Anyway, so that was like a stressful time. But in the middle of that time period, I went with one of my teachers and we went to this neighborhood. Now I used to think Medina was really small, and I knew all the neighborhoods, but He took me to this neighborhood that I had never been to before. And

00:47:43 --> 00:47:43

we found

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a square area. So they were, first of all the homes were really, really,

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I don't want to say simple, but they were like really rundown, like a lot of them had just

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tin, not tin but like metal sheets as a roof.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:09

And then there's like gaps between. So there's some clay bricks, and then there's just like a sheet of metal on top. And that was like their home.

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And they were in the middle between a lot of these homes, there was a square area was just dirt. There was nothing there. It was just dirt.

00:48:17 --> 00:48:46

And there was a small msgid in that square. The Square was maybe the size of like our mustard parking lot, maybe a little bit bigger, maybe like double that size. And there was a small msgid. The msgid was probably the size of that little room over there, the little courtyard, the little entranceway, small Masjid, it had no electricity, it had no microphone, maybe 2030 people 40 max would fit inside that mustard. And sitting outside of that message. Were a group of very elderly men, and they were just sitting there in the dirt.

00:48:48 --> 00:49:11

And so I had done with one of my teachers, you know, he was just sharing with me some of his time and it was enjoyable. We went, we got some food. And then we got some extra food, we packed it. He said, bring the food, I'm going to take you somewhere. And we went to this neighborhood. And he stayed in the car. He said, Go and give this food to those brothers that are sitting there and tell me what happens.

00:49:12 --> 00:49:40

Like, okay, they look like they're needy. So it took that bag of food and I went there, and I gave it to them. And it was like going under a waterfall of like cold water, the amount of gratitude that they displayed. And by the way, it was not a fancy meal. It was nothing special. But they were so grateful. Yeah, and the I don't I don't know how to describe they made you feel like you're

00:49:42 --> 00:49:44

the most generous human being on Earth

00:49:45 --> 00:49:51

from the gratitude that they displayed, and they were trying to pull me to sit and eat with them that food.

00:49:53 --> 00:49:56

I'm like, No, this is for you. It's not for me.

00:49:57 --> 00:50:00

And so I went back and he said So what happened?

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When I said, Man, they are really happy.

00:50:04 --> 00:50:31

And he said, Yeah, maybe this is the, you know, maybe this is the first meal they have in a couple of days. Allah knows. But happiness, while law, he that moment of that, two, three minutes with them, you forget every single sorrow that you have in your life, just because of the gratitude and the happiness that they are displaying. That you Allah has given you the trophy. Allah has used you to put a

00:50:33 --> 00:50:36

an experience of breeze, if you will, of happiness into their life.

00:50:37 --> 00:50:41

You just completely changed their day. And they make you feel it.

00:50:42 --> 00:50:54

Another time I went with that same teacher, and someone gave him some soda. He said, Oh, I think I know someone that can use this. Now, we went to this old neighborhood where the doors are like lower than the street.

00:50:55 --> 00:51:19

Because that's how old the homes are the streets. They keep adding asphalt, but the door is like lower. So you're on the street, and then you go down these steps. And then there's the door to the house. It's interesting. And we knock on the door and this man opens the door old man he could barely walk to give him that soda. Man, he would not let go of him. He was hugging him and kissing him and crying. Like you just opened for him the doors of gin.

00:51:22 --> 00:51:28

And it wasn't much actually I know exactly how much it was. You want me to tell you how much that money was? I'll tell you right now.

00:51:29 --> 00:51:30

I'll calculate it for you right now.

00:51:36 --> 00:51:38

It was $53

00:51:41 --> 00:51:49

we went back to the car she said Did you see how happy he was with that. So I said man, he was so happy. He said he's gonna live off of that for the next month

00:51:52 --> 00:51:53


00:51:55 --> 00:51:59

so the prophet SAW sent him taught us to be aware.

00:52:01 --> 00:52:02

aware of what others are feeling

00:52:05 --> 00:52:07

okay that he can interview so long I said him

00:52:09 --> 00:52:27

ecosim Dana's heavy leotta mo home. And Ebony serial Karla Canada solo si centimeter emsa personas and mini sofa TV Now when I say mean of hobby for Canada, Juliet hobby Roger Lee or Roger Roger Laney, what allowed you to be ferocity had the courage Ashleigh

00:52:28 --> 00:52:37

Cordell has in my back the I mean home at her home. Rasulullah saw Selim Vito parama whom McKenna into who this generation that may have dimensions in surebet, amen.

00:52:41 --> 00:52:44

And it's also mentioned in the book of Shiva,

00:52:45 --> 00:52:50

the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when the day would come to an end, and people are going to go home now.

00:52:52 --> 00:53:26

There would be this group of philosopher, we talked about them already. And the Prophet doesn't want them to go to sleep hungry. Now he doesn't have enough in his home to feed everyone. If he did, he would have taken care of all of them, but he didn't have. So what does he do? He divides them amongst the other Sahaba. And so the narration says so one person can only afford to take one. So one guy would say, hey, you come with me, you're coming over to my place, another person may take to another would take three, even sometimes one person would be able to take 10

00:53:27 --> 00:54:06

I'm going to, I'm going to sponsor 10 people tonight. And then whoever was left the prophets I send them says, you guys come to my house. And whatever food they had in the house of the prophet SAW sent him, he would share it with them, he would split it with them. So this shows also that sometimes you might not have the resources to take care of everyone that you want to or everyone that is in need. But you can be a organizer. You can coordinate. You know, I might not be able to take care of all these people. So I say you know what, Hamza? You're gonna take this guy, you're gonna take him out to dinner, Ryan, you take these two out, you guys go for dinner. Suddenly, you're

00:54:06 --> 00:54:20

gonna take that one out, you guys are gonna go out for dinner like that. And that way we delegate and as a community, we take care of one another. And so everyone gets fed everyone gets taken care of no one has to go to sleep hungry that night.

00:54:24 --> 00:54:51

In another narration, it has said kinda albimanus hybris software T for Amal also mycelium so this is a child, one of the sons of a man who is part of a sofa he says My father was from I had a sofa for Mrs. autolyzed Larson I'ma beat him for jelly and caribou Raja Ruby luxury voila julaine Hector Bhakti to Hamza Hamza for color of socialism in paliku. From Pelican Emma who Isla BTR Asia for palya Asia, Amina for Java to be hashish waiting

00:54:53 --> 00:54:58

for some magic to be a certain Muslim coupon mithril

00:55:00 --> 00:55:14

Hey settings. So metalia issue spinner for jet b s sin. So, same thing happened with the prophesize lm with other software he designated delegated different people go here you go here, then

00:55:15 --> 00:55:36

five remained. And amongst them was the father of this man. So he says, My father told me I was the fifth. So the Prophet said, Come on guys, the rest of you, let's go to my house. So they went and they went to his house and the Prophet said, Hey, Aisha, give us whatever food you got. So she gave us her shisha tin, it was

00:55:37 --> 00:55:44

a dish that they would make from hindpaw. It was something that they would, it was a seed, they would

00:55:45 --> 00:55:49

grind it and puree it, and they would make some kind of meal from it at that time.

00:55:52 --> 00:56:07

And sometimes if they had a piece of meat, they would put a piece of meat in it. Otherwise, if they had dates, they would put some date in it. So it would either be savory or it could be a little on the sweet side. And so they sat down and ate and then she brought Hey,

00:56:09 --> 00:56:21

did you record a Heisman video for sofa? Fill mustard Masjid that's called haysville mess it never even Medina Fie, Paramus, mall hice use murmur tomorrow

00:56:24 --> 00:56:47

some thermal mass summon the floto they still make it till now in Medina in the on the sofas in the in the prophets mustard on the days when people are fasting. They used to bring it it's called haste it's like dates and it would be pounded or mixed with some kind of summon, like fat. And it's it's a little sticky.

00:56:49 --> 00:57:16

It's sweet and it's it's heavy. It gives you a lot of energy. So she brought that and so they ate and so then the process of them said can you give us something to drink? So she brought a big a big a big bowl that they had, and they all drink from it and they shared it. And then after they ate and they drink the puffs I said I'm in shape to be more in tune in production in the masjid. The Prophet said if you guys wish you could spend the night here. Or if you wish, you can go back to the masjid

00:57:18 --> 00:57:26

for Paulina La Belle number 11 Masjid so they said no, no, we'll go back to the masjid. You know, the house the process that was very small.

00:57:28 --> 00:57:32

Probably if they had all stayed there, they would have been just side by side next to each other.

00:57:33 --> 00:57:43

So they said no, no, we'll go back to the mustard after they ate and drink. And even the way the puffs I said I'm said it was very gentle. It wasn't like, Hey, y'all need to go home. But y'all need to

00:57:45 --> 00:58:27

know, if you guys want to stay, you can stay. I'm not gonna blame you. If you guys want to go to the masjid, you can go now. And so they went to the masjid. And they stayed there. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is showing us in this narration. But it doesn't have to be something glamorous. It doesn't have to be something grand and huge. I mean, these dishes that they ate really simple. And some kind of grain pounded up. Sometimes they would add some dates. If they had some meat, that would be a piece of meat. It doesn't have to be glamorous. I know sometimes when we have walima or a party or Tao what we want to have the full table spread, and you want to honor your guests and give

00:58:27 --> 00:58:50

them the best. That's beautiful. That's generous and kind. But it doesn't always have to be that way. Sometimes it could be very simple. The problem is when our expectations and the standard prevents us from feeding others. So no, I can't have anyone over at the house. Unless if it's a big grand meal.

00:58:52 --> 00:58:58

That's a problem. We might just have something very simple, but if you share it with someone, it could bring a lot of baleka

00:59:00 --> 00:59:07

and some of the most enjoyable meals that I had in the houses of some of my teachers were some of the most simple ideas

00:59:09 --> 00:59:13

and some bread, some cheese. Oh Allah here we were happy.

00:59:14 --> 00:59:29

You know, other times we went and Mashallah they had such nice meals, but that it was the sincerity. And it was the company that made it special. And he lentils and cheese and bread sometimes many times, and it was very, very enjoyable.

00:59:30 --> 00:59:32

But what counts is to be genuine and to be sincere

00:59:33 --> 00:59:37

and to share with others and to open our doors.

00:59:38 --> 00:59:44

up to him apply and feed other people. What are your thoughts? Hi bajada Derek and the prophet SAW Selim encouraged

00:59:45 --> 00:59:48

his companions to do that as well.

00:59:50 --> 00:59:52

The next section is quite a long Hadeeth.

00:59:54 --> 00:59:59

Actually, the next two are really long. They're nice stories. So we will save them for next week.

01:00:01 --> 01:00:02

We'll save them for next week.

01:00:04 --> 01:00:17

But even let's conclude with this point here, which is related to what we just said. It doesn't always have to be something grand. It doesn't even sometimes it could be if you don't have anything, but you can be the link

01:00:18 --> 01:00:32

kana solo centimeter Lamia, coonan, into Houma, uscb Hill 15 or Sarah who Isla de US Highway. The prophet SAW Selim himself sometimes was in a state of poverty, he didn't even have anything to give. But he would send that

01:00:33 --> 01:00:53

needy person to one of his companions, and it'd be one iota all day long running and RuPaul Jr, Julian. In an era similar historic cinema for call in image hood, a man came to the Prophet isonomy said, Man, I'm exhausted. I'm hungry. I really need some help right now. But also that you know, barely nissa tea if a pilot will love you, Bertha will help a man in the land.

01:00:55 --> 01:00:57

So he sent a message to his

01:00:58 --> 01:01:13

to some of his spouses and they said, Look, all we have at home is water. That's it, nothing else. So Mao said that you know what I forgot? Let me throw that out. So he sent the message to another wife. And she came back with the same message. All we got is water. That's it.

01:01:15 --> 01:01:19

For today, so as I said, I'm Julian Yoda, who had he lay or hammer hula.

01:01:21 --> 01:01:58

So the prophesied Selim said Would anybody take this guest of mine and Allah will have mercy on them for a minute on salt Anya rasulillah so a man from the unsatisfied I will do it from Tata v. Irani here at academia by philosophy law. So the man said to his wife, honor the guest of the Messenger of Allah, Allah Tamara indena illa poo to CBN she said, All I have is the food for our little kids. That's all we got left. For Karla heyyo parama que pasa be histologically whenever we mean to be anarchy, either our direction for either the Hara lcbc alarge what he called

01:02:00 --> 01:02:01

the Aquila, for pumila. See large

01:02:03 --> 01:02:44

Hector 234. Hey Atlanta, housewives Elijah one a woman to be honest, sama comet canneto sociologia for ultra tufa, Jarrah Irani and the Houma Quran for Berta babine so he made a pot he said, Listen, put the guests over there and brighten the lantern where he's sitting. And we'll sit over here, put the kids to sleep, dim the light where we're sitting and we'll pretend like we are eating and give whatever food you have to our guests. And so she did that and they went to sleep hungry for them. I also heard that a lot as soon as I send them for call barakallahu li li o RG Berman, Sonia Kuma. When they came to the Prophet the next morning the prophet SAW sent him says Allah has you have made

01:02:44 --> 01:03:25

a lot happy Allah has Botanica Allah has smiled or laughed or Allah has been amazed at what you did last night. And a lot of revealed diversity if you don't either unfussy him Willow canopy him kasasa. They prefer others over themselves, even though they have need. We mentioned this narration before in the chapter of how the Prophet honored his guests. And here it comes again, in the section of taking care of football or the needy. And the relevance of this heading to this particular chapter is that sometimes you might not even be able to host someone, but you can take them to someone that is able to always remember the principle a little audit on your own Allah and

01:03:27 --> 01:03:37

if you are not able, then you are at least able to find and deliver the message to someone who is able. And so all we can do at that point is deliver the message

01:03:38 --> 01:03:40

and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

01:03:41 --> 01:04:06

even though he didn't have anything, but he didn't turn them away. He said, Okay, let's try to find someone who will be able to be of assistance. So if we cannot be of assistance, let's try at least to find others who can come and serve the needs of these needy people. We'll stop there inshallah. Tada and we'll resume next week with these two lengthy narrations which are very interesting.

01:04:08 --> 01:04:11

Any Any questions before we wrap up or comments?

01:04:15 --> 01:04:16

What do you guys have to say?

01:04:20 --> 01:04:21

Guess what did

01:04:23 --> 01:04:24

you raise your hand?

01:04:34 --> 01:04:39

Are you allowed to borrow money to feed someone else? As in take a loan

01:04:42 --> 01:04:46

or ask like on their behalf for charity.

01:04:52 --> 01:04:54

Are you allowed to Yes you are.

01:04:57 --> 01:04:58

It depends on the situation.

01:04:59 --> 01:05:00

If the

01:05:00 --> 01:05:09

There's no other alternative than Yes, that would be praiseworthy. Because you're, ultimately you're doing that set up, because eventually you're gonna have to pay back that loan, who's gonna pay it back?

01:05:10 --> 01:05:11


01:05:12 --> 01:05:17

And some of them actually, some of the scholars, contemporary scholars actually, were known to do this.

01:05:19 --> 01:05:27

They were known to, to take out loans under their name, to help someone actually know, someone

01:05:28 --> 01:05:29

who witnessed this themself.

01:05:30 --> 01:05:49

That one of the one of the scholars actually took a big loan in the 10s of 1000s, to help someone who is in need, and nobody was coming to their aid, and they took that loan and that responsibility upon themselves. So if there is no other option, then that is permissible, you just have to make sure that you are able to pay back that loan.

01:05:51 --> 01:06:18

And sometimes, the other situation is you can ask for sada on their behalf. That is also permissible as well. But it's not for you. So you don't take from it. You're just the messenger, or you're the one delivering. So yes, if you do know someone who is in need, you can be that middle person and deliver that sort of our food or wealth or whatever it might be. Just keep in mind that that's a big responsibility.

01:06:19 --> 01:06:23

So if you're going to take up that responsibility, give it its its right, make sure that

01:06:25 --> 01:06:34

so I'll give you an example. So sometimes people do this, and they don't just do it for one time. They do it often. So the money that they're receiving gets mixed up with their money.

01:06:36 --> 01:06:37

that's problematic. That's

01:06:39 --> 01:06:52

that's a, you know, a serious situation. Be very careful. Because you don't want to come on the Day of Judgment, having consumed money that was intended a soda for someone else, you know, so that's the only thing. Yes, ma'am. Yes.

01:07:01 --> 01:07:02


01:07:05 --> 01:07:18

Yes. So this story that we mentioned, of Abu huraira, the long, lengthy story where so many people drink from the same bowl, and there was still some leftover. This was a miracle of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam.

01:07:19 --> 01:07:42

And this type of event happened several times in the life of the prophets, I send them where there would be food, or a drink. And if you look at it, you would say, this is not enough for a large number of people. But from the baleka, from the blessings, and from the miracles of the prophet SAW Selim, it would end up being sufficient for everyone, and sometimes there would be some leftover.

01:07:43 --> 01:07:48

So yes, that is part of the miracle, the process of them. Now, is that something that could still happen now it is

01:07:49 --> 01:08:04

the process I sent him is not here. We don't have him sitting with us. Is it something that can happen? Yes, it is. Maybe not that the extent of course, and it's not a miracle. None of us here are prophets. Anybody who is planning to be a prophet, sorry.

01:08:05 --> 01:08:21

Sorry, Hamza. I'm going to work out, you know, Hamas, I said, When was the last one, but there are still there's still something called Baraka. There is still something and what is but I mean, oftentimes, when we hear the word Baba gets translated as blessing,

01:08:22 --> 01:08:34

which fine if you want to translate as that but that maybe that doesn't give the full meaning. The word Baba in Arabic means and new moon was the idea for something to grow and increase.

01:08:35 --> 01:09:20

And the scholars said about a cat doesn't always mean that the quantity of something increases, but the manufacturer or the fat either or that what you are able to derive from it of benefit can increase. So for example, you can have $10 and I can have $10 is the same amount of money. It didn't get any more. But Subhanallah you have Basilica in these $10 you are able to achieve with these $10 so much. And my $10 goes like that, and it's like gone. Now what did I get out of it, man, I don't even know where it went. Right? So bollock varies in level. So that is something we can have. And there are ways that we can there are things we can do to increase velyka in our time in our life,

01:09:20 --> 01:09:37

and our wealth. There are things you could do. sha Allah and that will be another discussion for another day. Actually, there was a jamaa holthe II Okay, on that topic, so if you're really interested, you can look it up in Sharla from a couple of months ago. Any other questions or thoughts?

01:09:39 --> 01:09:39


01:09:41 --> 01:09:43

You'd like to share something please? Similar?

01:09:48 --> 01:09:48


01:10:08 --> 01:10:26

Yes, this is something you experienced you witnessed. So the brother is saying many times in Ramadan, so Ramadan, they have the F bars, right? We have community are sometimes at somebody's house right where they're breaking fast, so people will eat. And then other people come afterwards maybe they came late.

01:10:27 --> 01:10:36

And they there's still some food left and everybody ends up eating, everybody ends up getting a share of that food. And sometimes you might think there's not enough.

01:10:37 --> 01:11:18

Sometimes you look and you say, oh, more people came prepare the plates, and they're scraping there's like, no, it's not enough. How many people 20 people we only have food for six. But somehow not everybody ends up eating. How that's about a lot increases the benefit and the output. May Allah subhanaw taala increase our time and our wealth and our food and our lives and our homes with Baraka. Allah fill our lives with Baraka, Allah allow us to benefit from that which he has given us. May Allah Allah subhana wa tada beautify us with the character of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam May Allah subhanaw taala make us like the prophet SAW Selim in the way that we deal with the poor

01:11:18 --> 01:11:36

and the needy, and all of those that we come across. May Allah subhanaw taala unite us with our beloved messenger in the highest levels of jinn, and allow us to drink from his hand to drink after which we will never experienced thirst or that was sort of Lahore Silla Mubarak and Amina Mohammed right and he will Sahil Salim will la who Adam will cinematical

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