Mohammed Hijab – Linguistic Profoundness of the Quran

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Speaker 2 discusses the meaning behind a letter from Allah that describes laser chemistry as "well, who is semi albasini there's nothing like him at all" and that "well, what is he" means is that there is nothing like him at all", which has a huge impact on Muslims.
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Quranic expressions have minimal wording but maximal meaning. For instance, Chapter 42, verse 11, Allah states laser chemistry he shaped well, who is semi albasini there's nothing like him at all. There's nothing comparable to him, and that he is the all seeing or hearing. Now the insertion of the letter Caf laser chemistry shake actually has a profound meaning, which is that there's nothing even comparable to him haven't been laser miserable shade, there's nothing equal to him, then there could have been doubts that there's something maybe not exactly equal, but maybe a degree less in terms of status. But the fact that calf is there means that there's nothing like him or even
comparable to him at all, which has a huge impact on what we believe as Muslims.