Mohammed Hijab – Has the Quran Been Changed

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The historical context of the Koran is discussed, with the title being one of the largest and most important apologists in modern history. The writing of the title is based on a single point of reference, and the historical backlash of the title is considered to be one of the largest and most important apologists in modern history. The title is one of the largest and most important apologists in modern history, and the use of it to acquire political hangings is considered to be one of the largest apologists in modern history.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Brother Mohammed

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from Siddharth Institute. Now I wanted to quickly go through the news that came on may go through the commentary on the news that came on about feminine parchments and Quranic pages, the ancient pages that was founded bundle University, on the shelves of the library for many years and went unnoticed. Now firstly, I just want to say these are interesting parchments and very interesting historical pieces.

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And certainly, I mean, this is going to change the way many Western academics think about the Koran in particular, and the historicity, basically meaning the validity, the historical validity,

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validity of the broad Islamic concept.

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And so, it's good in many ways, it's very interesting in many other ways. However, I'll be frank with you honest, I don't think that this will alter or change the way a Muslim should think about the Quran. Because the Quran we believe is a preserved document was preserved speech.

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And frankly, you know, the Quran has been preserved, we believe, since the time of the Prophet

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till now, word for word letter for letter harmonica, or Val slang for valcyte.

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So, yes, this is a very interesting thing, but reality is, it's not that these parchments, or these historical pieces are going to, you know, cross referencing the ground with these pieces. It's actually that we're referencing these pieces with the client. So that should be the mentality of it shouldn't be that, okay, we've got these pieces. Now, we can see if what we've got is correct. No, it's that we've got the crime. And we'll see if these pieces are correct, using what we have of a of a crime. Now, they're saying already, that it's something which is very similar. They say it's the same virtually I've changed in the in the pvcs words,

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I'll say this, but actually the reason why that would be the case and the reason why that is the case is because the Quran is a speech, which from the very beginning, right was was festival, codify and orally, orally,

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basically memorized, so people would memorize the prime. It was an old tradition, and it was also something which was written down. So you had two different ways

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of preserving the Quran, both of them came together hand in hand, and the prophets of Salaam when he would communicate the speaker of Iran, recite the Quran, people around him would write it and memorize it. He in his lifespan, recited the whole of the Quran. From Fatiha to ness from chapter one to chapter 114. Right And so at the time of abac, the standardized version of the Quran was with us Abu Bakr was the first halifa of Islam. And he reigned for about two and a half years. That time basically had the Quran as a standard as documents with us. And we knew, and we know from history, that actually, it wasn't one point of reference. So it wasn't just one person who came from a circle

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perspective trying to write the facade, it was multiple points of transmission at the school at the Latin and Arabic, which means basically, you have different people narrating and writing and memorizing the plot, thereby enhancing, you know, the the strength of its validity, making it more valid as a document as a sort of historical document because when it comes from more than one person, it's all the same. Therefore, we have more reason to believe that it's actually the way it was her. Now at the time of Othman ruff and Roger Lohan Anvil, he was of course related to profit through the marriage of his he married his daughters of laffin basically standardized, again,

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multiple copies of the Quran, and he sent them to different centers of Islamic power. But what was really interesting, and this is a golden rule, in our tradition, was that he didn't just send the Quran to say, Basra in Iraq, he didn't just say that I must have to say, you know, this place or that place he sent with the Quran, according or a mockery of someone who was proficient in reading it had memorized it and have a chain back to the Prophet. Can you see this? So thereby enhancing the chances that there would be no way that this could put on could be lost in transmissions? Because it would be two ways it would be an oral transmission and a written text. So as this happened, we have

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the Quran now, you know, in different centers of Islamic power,

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a document which has been validated by the Sahaba right, just huddling the comparison profit, and this document has stood the test of time. And so therefore, what we have done is what we have now and that could be conclusive, conclusively said.

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Right. And just to touch on another point, which is a very important point.

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If you compare

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In terms of just looking at the historical, you know, the academic historical method that is actually used the approach the historical approach that is used to preserve the Quran, I would make this contention. And honestly, you can send this video to non Muslim colleagues, Western academics, I honestly want this particular contention to be heard by all, so that there can be a strong response, I'm completely confident

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that my contention is there is no ancient document, the age of the flock, or older or younger, but we're talking about that kind of ancient document that kept that has ever been preserved in that kind of meticulous, rigorous, thorough way. If we look, for example, at the New Testament, you have Matthew, Mark, Luke, and john. And I'm not saying this honestly, is a Christian listening to me, I'm not saying this to be polemical, debated, I'm not trying to be like that. But if you look at the Old Testament, the New Testament, you'll realize that that book has Matthew, Mark, Luke and john, no chain of transmission. We don't know who Matthew was, Mark was, Luke was what john was, we don't

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know who they actually were, when they were born, when they die. The same cannot be said about the chain of transmission. We do know exactly in the only chain, exactly who was in the in those chains, when they were born, when they die, everything about those individuals that we need to know in order to see if they are valid, Stripes valid people that can actually write the Quran.

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This is,

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again, something which is unbelievable, and the reason why the Quran is only one version of the Quran, and not multiple different versions, which contradict each other, as you find with other scriptures, and I'm not trying to be polemical, to Christian viewers, honestly, I'm not trying to be but this is just the academic reality.

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So please look into the preservation because I would say this is one of the biggest miracles of the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala

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which is chapter number 15. And first mobilizes in naturalness and we're in the latter half. Certainly we have sent down the reminder, certainly, we will reserve it

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