Fatima Barkatulla – Aisha (RA) – Mother of the Believers #22

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of privacy and learning from past experiences, as well as being patient and continue to strive for success. They stress the need for a positive life and encourage parents to use the community to stay connected. There is a new lecture series and parents are encouraged to reach out for more information.
AI: Transcript ©
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Oh, I should, I should.

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I should, I should

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she was

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peace be upon him. We

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are amazing father was

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known as the truth.

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dear sisters

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam and our thought Illa. That handler that we have reached the final class, today is the final class of this series.

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And so I wanted you to at least have all of those links.

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If you would like to stay connected, you know, and whenever there's a new class, or whenever there's some new information,

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there's a little link there put,

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you can sign up to receive updates.

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And also, just to let you all know that all of these classes that we've had, they've been uploaded to YouTube, either on the element, our YouTube web,

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YouTube channel or my own YouTube channel. And they have also been uploaded as audios. Okay, audio only. So you could listen, for example, while you're walking while you're ironing, or maybe when you're on a drive, or something like that. And they've been edited and uploaded on

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the Muslim Central podcast. Okay, so if you look up, I've put the link there, Muslim Central podcasts, Fatima barkatullah. You can get that podcast on any platform that hosts podcasts. So, you know, iTunes podcasts or Spotify. I don't even know the names of the different platforms. But you know, they're there. So you could download it and listen to it as an audio also on SoundCloud.

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So I've put the link there for SoundCloud on my channel. And there are some other ways that you can stay connected that so if I were you because when once this class ends, the chat will just disappear, right? So if I were you, I would copy and paste

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those if you need them. If those links I should have asked right at the beginning. Can you all hear me? Because I have no idea if you can hear me?

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Okay, just waiting a minute or two, for other people to join us. So how long did it last? The last session? Can you believe it? We've had 21 sessions. And this is the 22nd session.

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We have been on a journey, right? We've been on a journey following the life of our beloved Mother, I showed her the liner, and I'll let you into a secret. I have learned so much on this journey myself, you know, it's not like I had every aspect of her life thought through, you know, before I started this process, this these classes. In fact,

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I would say one of the reasons why I was very happy that, you know, Manor asked me to give these classes is that I knew that it would drive me and be an opportunity for me to properly research certain things, you know, and get them straight in my own mind and reflect on them you know, and hamdulillah. So, I have learnt a lot from this process myself. And I really hope that you have as well I really hope that you have all learnt very well as well learnt a lot and gained a lot from this, you know,

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in this last session, we're going to look at some of the features of the phip of Ayesha Ludhiana, you know, to really

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focus on her feet and really delve into it and do it justice would take probably a lecture series, right because there were so many issues regarding what she deferred with the Sahaba Okay, not so many, but they were a significant number.

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And with various Sahaba you know, not all of them, but some of them. There were certain there are certain features that have the lion managed to do some research

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As part of my alchemia degree, in which we were analyzing or I was analyzing the

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methodology of Ayesha Rana, right, so what are some of the features that we can observe? In her method of analyzing fear work that we can find in? You know, what sort of folk that developed later on? What are some of the analytical features, right, or methodological features of her?

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Her method of deriving conclusions and rulings?

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It's a new area, I would say, there's probably only one PhD that I could find.

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Well, actually, there's there are in Arabic, I've seen at least one in Arabic, a Master's dissertation. And in English, I've seen one as well. Where the,

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the the sisters, then there were sisters, who did those this dissertations attempted to begin to analyze some of her Annie flip

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method methodology, you know, we can call it that. Um, but really, it hasn't really been done in a in a coherent, and very thorough way. Maybe, you know, maybe I should do it. I'm thinking about it, you know, inshallah, for my own masters, we'll see. But in Sharla, definitely do look out in the future for a children's book, which is coming out in Sharla. Supposed to be coming out then by the end of this year.

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On Ayesha, Milan, hmm. Okay. And that's in line with the other book that, you know, learning routes published, I wrote Khadija. So it's going to be in the same kind of genre of

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written as a story, you know, in Sharla.

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And I don't think it will only be suitable for children, you know, the way I write is handle a lot of sisters, they also really enjoyed the four digit book. So

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that book is aimed up my nine year old and above.

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But also, in the pipeline is a book about a shadow crown as a scholar, you know, and I would really love to write that. So please, make that for me make a habit out of this class, you know, and some of the other work that I've been doing, we can produce a book, which would really not not look at each other, the loan has stuck in a superficial way, because that's what I've kind of found that a lot of the books in English tend to do, you know, and even in Arabic. You know, this kind of lists some of our differences, and, but there's no really deep analysis, I would say, so, make glad that we're able to do that, that I'm able to do that. Or, you know, I would encourage you as well as

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sisters, those of you who are studying those of you who intend to, for example, study further, do consider, you know, looking into aspects of eyeshadows fit, because it's a vast subject.

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So today, we're going to look at some of her

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the features of her flip a few opinions that she had that in and few things that she differed with the Sahaba on.

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No, by no means exhaustive. Yeah, there's no way we could do an exhaustive study in a session such as this,

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but it will give you a taster. And then we will look at I shudder Dylan has worship, you know, as an arbiter. And also, we will then

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look at the circumstances and

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you know, moments

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around the time of her death. Okay, similar, let's hope we can fit it all in.

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we begin with some of the features of her flip. One of the things you'll notice, when you look and remember I mentioned the book, your art, and I sorry, algebra, right? He Jabba by Mr. mazurka. She, where he he collects what he calls the correctives. You know, the things where I showed the unhide corrected?

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The Sahaba there's a sister I said, who's written a I think it was her PhD actually. And let me tell you what it's called. She called it is corrective of the companions, a translation and critical her the study of Zopa she's Ali Jabba here Adi mustard rocket, who Isha

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is a harbor and it is from the University of Leeds and the sister who wrote it will his sister Sophia of the Rotman? You can look that up online, actually just Google it, you'll find it.

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It's a good, I would say,

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a good beginning, you know,

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and it translates some aspects of the book as well. So if you're not, you know, able to read in Arabic, you could look that up as well.

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But I would say that

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there are some aspects of it that,

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uh, you know, obviously, because it's from a Western University, and there is this, I would say, drive in western academia to always bring in feminists and what they have said and bring in, you know, Western academics. I wouldn't say it's a very classical analysis, though, you know, it's, it's a decent, any book to refer to or dissertation to refer to? Mashallah, I'm just saying that I found in some areas, you need to be a bit cautious because,

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you know, there are some famous feminists who have been

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used as reference points in the book, in the dissertation or thesis, and I don't think they've been used in the right way, you know, in the sense that they're not used in a way that we, as orthodox Muslims would

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only see them as some kind of authority to make a judgement on any, you know, I shut it down as ahaadeeth or the Islamic scholarly tradition, right. So, I would say with caution, you can any refer to that. refer to that VHD, if you like.

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So, here are some of the

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some of the things that I noticed when I was studying, I showed that as phip during my alumier years,

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first of all, whenever I should have done her, corrects people, you know, and this is something that scholars have highlighted, actually, whenever she corrects people, she allows their dignity to be intact.

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That's a beautiful thing, if you think about it, right? And how many people today do that? I mean, it's really not a common trait, right? When you're going to refute somebody, you slap them down, you, you ruin their reputation, you try to cast aspersions on their personality and their intentions and panela. Right? In the WebSphere. At the moment, how many times do we see that happening? You know, but I shouldn't rely on her when she is correcting people. One of the things you notice she allows the dignity to be intact. And she does it in a

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dignified way herself, you know, she makes up for the person who she's correcting. So she'll say male love mercy on Abu huraira he didn't hear this correctly. Right? But I love mercy on so and so. He didn't have knowledge about this, right?

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In a very dignified and very nice way, Masha Allah,

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she also first when she hears a heartbeat or somebody brings something to her.

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She tries to ascertain.

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First of all, was the Hadith narrated in that way. Right? She makes a judgment on that. And also then how is that headed to be contextualized and understood? Okay. And what some of the scholars have highlighted as being the living Sunna right or the her lived experience, she brings that to

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in her judgment, you know, analysis of which opinion to follow on a particular issue. Right. And some of you might know that in early Islam

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you know, the Sunnah was not synonymous with Hadith. Okay, the Sunnah, today when we think of the Sunnah, a lot of people would make it synonymous with Hadees. And later on, it kind of did become synonymous with heavy because they had it was like the vehicle right? through which you would know what the Sunnah is. But in early Islam, and one thing you notice, especially about the Maliki mud hub, which still exists in the Maliki mud hub, or it did anyway, for the first centuries, is this idea of

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the living sun. Now, this idea of the Sun not not just being narrations and Hadeeth. But actually the lived experiences of the people of Medina and the people who, you know, the Sahaba who were alive at that time and the context right, the content

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Text under which a certain Sunnah had been established. Right? So, it's really important to, to point that out. Also,

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I would say, you know, I'm going to mention some of the features of her methodology, or principles that you might notice when you study her way of correcting the Sahaba or her opinions, you know, in general. First of all, she had a lot of personal insight and knowledge. And she used that her personal insight and knowledge about a particular issue, to correct people or to make a judgement, right? For example, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, when he would be fasting, sometimes he would kiss one of his wives. Right? And so she used this knowledge that she had, because she was one of the wives, right, who had been kissed by the prophets and Allah, what

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leave us alone while fasting. She used that to refute For example, She refuted the loving amabilis regarding tying the braids, you know, the braids that a woman has, when they're when she's when she's having her blossom. Right? Whether she needs to open them or not. I shut it down on her said No, she doesn't need to open them. Right. She doesn't need to open them. And, you know,

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the love and honor was saying no, she must always open them before she makes the whistle. Right?

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So she used her personal experience to make that correction or assertion, right? The same with the kissing of the wives, right? When people asked, Is it allowed to kiss your spouse when you're fasting? And they thought that it might be something that will break the fast? She said, Well, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to do it, right. That was through her personal insight and information that she had. She also used her strong and precise memory. She would correct things that people had forgotten, right? Or that they had not been quite precise regarding. Okay. So for example,

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you know, there's this incident that happened where she asked that the body of sod when Abby will cost when he died, be brought into the masjid. Okay. And people refused to bring his body into the masjid because they thought there was something wrong with that, you know, there's something wrong with bringing the janaza the body into the masjid. And it shouldn't be on her. She said how quickly people have forgotten the prophets Allah Allah wanting to send him prayed over so he'll be in Alberta been a bay bar

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in the masjid. Right. So she Yanni corrected them,

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due to her very precise memory, right? People were not really sure, but she was sure she had a very clear memory of that

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logic and common sense she actually used logic common sense bs you know, what what the scholars call chaos like Anna logical reasoning, right? In order to

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make assertions or make

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For example,

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you know, when Abu huraira for the line when he

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mentioned that a person, the person who washes the dead, the deceased, okay, has to make muscle, right, and the person carrying the deceased, right so, you know, the men when they carry the deceased, the the coffin, or the body and they take it down to the burial ground.

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He said that they must do make will do, right, and that the person who watched the disease has to make muscle, okay, I shut the eye on her. She said, you know, she used logic to make a judgement on this. And she said,

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she said, you know, all is a dead Muslim nudges. She said is the dead Muslim nudges. And then she also said

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wama Allah Julian Lohan Hello. Then she said, What is it? What did what does it affect a person if they're just carrying a piece of wood? And what she meant by that is that the dead body is like an object, right?

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If you were to carry an object, a dead object, like a piece of wood, would that make you cause you to have to make or sell now? No, it wouldn't, right? So she's using that kind of logical reasoning and also

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Of course, she knows that the from her knowledge that there was no there was no such prohibition or no such ruling right from her experience with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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but she's using in this

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case, she's using logic and reasoning to

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refute what a correct

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abracadabra are the land

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her knowledge of the sub root of Hadith that the Sahaba sometimes didn't know about. So, the sub of Woodward is a bit like the southern nozzle when it comes to the Quran right. So, the Quranic verses You know, there are books you can you can find that have the the reason for revelation, why was this particular is revealed, you know, what was the incident that caused this ayah to be revealed? Similarly, with the Hadith, there is sub world, why was this always the incident or the context in which this

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this hadith was narrated? Right. And she had a very strong knowledge of that.

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So, you know, she would speak up using that knowledge. Also, sometimes she would have knowledge of a hadith or some detail or factor that the other Sahaba had no knowledge of, right. For example, you know, when people asked her about the profits of our salon, is it okay to wake up in a state of Jenna Arbor? Okay, in a state of, you know, major spiritual defilement, I think that's the right translation of Genova. And still, so major ritual defilement I should call it and still fast is okay to wake up in that state and then begin fasting. Right? Well, can you begin your fast in a state of Genova? Right.

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And I share what I did on her would know that right, and other people wouldn't know whether the profit or loss on them did that or not. And she said that the profit and loss and I'm used to fast even if he woke up in the state of Genova.

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Also her knowledge that something was abrogated, that other people did not know about some other features, you will notice when you look at her way of looking at matters, and her fit, is that she would do Tafseer of the Qur'an using the Quran, right? So, you know, the saline or the scholars of solo, they call that the serial core Ambedkar. And so you, you explain some verses of the Quran using other verses of the Quran, right. Also the serial core and the Sunnah. So, explaining, for an through the Sunnah, she used to do that a lot.

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She also had a precise knowledge regarding the context of that we already mentioned that. Now we mentioned the context of Addie, but she also had knowledge of the context of the ayat. And that's Barbara knows all of the ayat. And she would often bring that into her reasoning. And she

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also took a look away she would look at the linguistic meaning of words in the Quran at times when she was, you know, explaining a verse

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regarding the Sunnah, she was considered an expert in Asana and fidelia. The the actions you know the sun that regarding prophets, Allah salons actions. So you know, in that had the, you know, the, the sooner we know that the sun that is not just the words of the Prophet sizer, it's also his actions, right? And his approvals, the things that happened in front of him and he approved of it, right. So, she was an expert in the

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actions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that she witnessed more than his words are more most of her heads about his actions rather than his words, which is very interesting.

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So in other words, you know what we were saying about her being like a witness, right? She was like the witness to the Sunnah, right? It really like highlights that doesn't it? She was also

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very precise in the rating ahaadeeth. The Sahaba used to sometimes check. I had these that they heard somewhere, they would say, I'm going to go and check it with each other. They learn that right because they knew that she was precise. Instead of merely narrating. She would often highlight the Illa for a hokum, and the reason why

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hokum exists, right.

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Or the muscle Aha, the benefit behind that.

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That read that ruling, or the hikma the wisdom behind that ruling.

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And she already said she would resort to chaos, which is Anna, Anna, Anna logical reasoning.

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When there was no direct Quranic ayah or Hadith about a matter,

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okay, she would also one thing you'll notice is she'll she would cross reference ahaadeeth with Quran, right? So if some someone came to her whether, how did she say, haven't you heard the idea? Such and such? Right? should use that to explain this idea or to correct it, you know, correct their understanding of it. Um, she so she would examine the Hadith in light of, of the sun or the living Sunnah that she had experienced and witnessed. And also, she would examine Hadith in light of PS,

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if she didn't have knowledge about something so panela this is, this is something worthy of note, she would defer to other Sahaba, who had more knowledge about that thing, right? So for example, when people asked her about wiping over the socks or wiping over the hoofs, she actually said, you know, go and ask Ollie Delano, because he traveled with the profits on a more or because he did something he had more experience of this. Right.

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He had more experience of a particular setting with the prophets of Salaam, right? And so she would defer to other Sahaba.

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Right, so let's look at some examples.

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I had five examples here. They're very detailed. So I'm going to maybe cut that down so that we can make sure we any, any end on time, okay. So, let me give you some examples. One example is

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a opinion being sought. For example, one of the

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Okay, there is a narration that Schaber been off man entered into the presence of eyeshadow, the Manhattan said, Mother of the believers, we have collected a lot of discarded cloth from the Kaaba. So, you know, the cloth that covers the garba

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she was he was saying that we have removed you know, because every So, often they would remove the cloth of the garbage, they would replace it.

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And they said, you know, we remove the cloth from the garba. So, we intend to prepare some wells and bury it deep, deep under the ground, in order that no person who is in the state of sexual or menstrual impurity may wear it, okay. So, they were under the impression that this cloth is sacred or something right. And I should have advised them, she said no, you have not done well. In fact, you have done a bad thing. If the cloth of the garba has been removed from it, there is no harm in one who is in a state of Genova for example, or menstrual impurity to wear it, to use it in other words, right. So she said sell it, and whatever profit is made, spend it on the poor, and in the way

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of Allah and on the wayfarer, right. So you can see from here, that she is highlighting that this is an unnecessary type of reverence for the cloth of without labor, right? And that instead of preventing its use, and wasting it, it should be used, people should be able to benefit from it and use it, right? Because it's just cough at the end of the day.

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And so I think so Hanalei another thing that this example highlights, I think, is, you know, that she was very adamant in against bidda. Right, against innovations into Muslims theology and their understanding of, you know, of Islam, you know, so anything that was starting to be revered, that was not meant to be revered. She would highlight that, you know, and this is one of the main reasons why she began teaching, right because she wanted to preserve the Sunnah. But authentics are not and prevent newly invented matters from polluting the pure Sunnah, right and the way of the prophets or LA Selim. So

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you can see that she really cared about that and cared about the Muslims not becoming sort of superstitious or starting to reverse things that were not not to be revered.

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Another example is Alma De Leon, who,

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once he came across,

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I guess it would have been omiya in the marketplace, and he was buying some cloth to give to charity, and almost said, Oh, my Oh, congratulating him and I said something positive to him about that. That's good that you're doing that. You're living up to your name, he said, but then later, when Omar came across this armor again, he said, What did you do with that cloth? What did you do with that cloth or that garment that you bought? And he said, I gave it to charity. And he said, Who did you give it to? And he said, I gave it to my wife. I gave it to my wife in charity. Right? So Omar said what, you know, he said,

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I thought you said you're going to give it in charity. And he said, Yes, he said, Indeed, I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, whatever you bestow upon them, women, your wives.

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It's charity.

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Okay, it's a charity for you.

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And Omer. He hadn't heard this. He said, amor Do not lie about messenger of Allah.

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amor retorted By Allah, I will not leave you until we go to Russia to decide on this matter, okay. And Omar, he said, Amr don't lie about the Messenger of Allah Be careful. In other words, he's saying Be careful, you know, don't just say all the profits on him said something just because it agrees with something that you want to do, or you did. So obviously I was upset his thinking, you know, I'm I heard this so they went to Arusha, but the learner, they sought permission to enter upon Ayesha and Amma said, I employ you by Allah. Did you hear the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, whatever you bestow upon them, meaning your women folk. That is a charity for you.

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And actually responded by Allah, yes. By Allah. Yes. And Omar said to himself, and we heard him say this in other innovations as well. He said, he said, Where were you on this matter? I was distracted by the business of the markets. So you know, he's to lament that Why wasn't I here to hear the profits are less Helen say these words Yanni. Because I was so busy in the market, I missed so many of the headaches of the profits and allow a seller to Pamela Omar is used to actually take turns, you know, he had a business partner. And one of them used to take care of the the business while the other would accompany the prophet SAW Salah, and vice versa. But obviously there were times when and

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where it wasn't there. So again, they went to Arusha as the arbiter right as the person who would clarify who was

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who was right. And again as a witness of the Sun not right.

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Some other examples we can give a shout out the man has opinion regarding

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seeing a lot, right on the island. So some of the Sahaba due to a hadith of even a bus or the Londo saying that the prophets Allah Salaam had seen a lot, okay. And they fought that this meant literally that a lot that the prophet SAW Selim had seen a lot. Some of that's gonna say even a bus didn't mean that any the prophet SAW Selim had actually seen a low with his eyes, but that he had seen a type of seeing with his heart, you know, okay, but anyway, this

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this opinion that was out there, and it should have been on her not as a direct response, but any when she heard about this, she very strongly corrected it or any objected, okay. And she said, Let me get to the place.

00:34:25 --> 00:34:39

So zurka she, in his book, you know, a job he actually mentioned this. He says, That must be the Tabby you know, the Tabby scholar. He asked I chat about this right.

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He asks Ayesha, if the Prophet had indeed seen Allah, she responded, you have made my hair stand on end by what you have uttered.

00:34:53 --> 00:35:00

Who has said to you that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam saw his Lord He has certainly

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lied. So she's it's an expression you know whoever says this is wrong this is a complete lie okay.

00:35:08 --> 00:35:29

She went on to recite from the Quran, law to the Ricoh who are bizarre what Who are you the recoil absorbed by her Latif alphabet, that the that no vision can encompass him but he encompasses all vision a lot encompasses all vision for he is the most subtle all aware from the Quran so to learn on

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surah six, I am number 103 in other words she's using the Quran Yeah, we said she used the court on as a cross reference when she's any showing her understanding of something right? So she's quoting the Quran and then she said rather he saw gibreel in his natural form twice. Okay, because there are certain verses of the Quran when a cobra who bill offical movie in Angola kodra who knows Latin Ohara here she's saying this is about God and a Sunnah that the prophet SAW Selim, so would you be

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okay. And she said, I am the first of this community of Muslims this oma to question the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about this, about these ayat you know colocado Bella for como bien en la cultura

00:36:25 --> 00:36:27

nasbla 10 Ohara

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and he said it was in fact you but you whom I did not see in his natural form on any occasion other than these two.

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And then it says that it continues with her reciting the verse she mentions in the previous Hadith. Okay, so you can see that she used her knowledge of the Quran and knowledge of the fact that she had questioned the prophets I sent him about this herself, you know, again, inquisitive nature, you know, all of that the time that she had with the prophets of Salaam right, a unique amount of time and the unique intensity of time, she used that to express her understanding of this matter. And she objected to anyone saying something which she had knowledge was not correct. Right.

00:37:21 --> 00:37:26

Okay, another issue we can mention. Okay, correcting.

00:37:27 --> 00:37:45

Oh, yeah, this this is a famous one, where basically the crying of the deceased, okay. Does the crying of the deceased family cause the deceased to be punished? Okay, so, in St Muslim we find hadith of urban Omar.

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That hafsa right, the daughter of Omer wept for Omar.

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You know, when he when he died, or when he was dying? Sorry when he was dying, and he said calm down. Oh my daughter. Do you not know that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the deceased suffers because of his family's weeping over him. Okay. And there's other examples of this, okay, where even abass sorry, even Omer was basically narrating that. Yanni crying, crying over the deceased, by the family causes the deceased to be tormented. Okay.

00:38:33 --> 00:38:36

So it says For example, when Omar was attacked another Hadeeth

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even a burst when Omar was attacked, so hate came in crying and saying oh my brother Oh, my friend.

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Omar has said also Hey, are you crying for me when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said the deceased is tormented because of the crying of his family for him?

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Okay, so even my boss says he mentioned this hadith to Ayesha, he mentioned after Omar died, he mentioned what Omar said to Alisha Avila Anna. And she said may Allah have mercy on Omar.

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By Allah the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not say that Allah will punish the believer for his family's crying over him. Rather the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam said, Allah will increase the torment of the disbeliever because of his family's crying for him. And then so Pamela, she quotes the idea of the Quran. She's in Surah Al Anam, surah six, I a number 164 in which the translation is the quote and she says the Quran is sufficient for you that the Quran says and no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another, right. So because of because the Quran says clearly that one

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person is not going to be punished because of the action of another. Right? So she's using that to kind of support this opinion that she's expressing, that know, the Muslims family, when they cry, it doesn't harm the deceased doesn't harm the deceased.

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And you know, she said, even when people asked her about this, she said, You know, you're narrating this from this to me, okay? And from two people, meaning Omar and even Omar, the son of Homer, who were not liars, and they're not to be disbelieved.

00:40:40 --> 00:41:04

But sometimes a man may miss here, she said, this hadith in Bukhari and Muslim. So you see, again, she's trying, she does it in a dignified way. She's not accusing them of anything, any, any anything that lacks integrity, she's not accusing that integrity. She's just saying, you know, maybe they didn't hear it properly. Maybe they misunderstood. Okay. And

00:41:07 --> 00:41:21

in another haviv, it was mentioned to Arusha that the loving Omar had stated that the deceased is punished for the crying of the living. And I shall responded My God, May Allah forgive Adorama meaning

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even Omar,

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May Allah forgive him, surely, he has not lied, but he has forgotten or been mistaken. He said

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he has forgotten or has been mistaken. In fact, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam passed by some, some Jewish people who are crying over a deceased Jewish woman. And he said, they are crying over her, all the while she is being punished in her grave. Okay.

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um, you know, the scholars of Islam, they try to reconcile between these narrations and they say that, look, if the deceased person asked his relatives to wail and cry over him, then he will be then he will feel some torment from this, okay? But it's actually the Wailing, you know, the wailing and lamenting, that is forbidden, not crying, not weeping itself, right?

00:42:26 --> 00:42:37

crying and weeping is fine, because the Prophet Celeste himself, at times, cried right at the death of his son, for example. And on other occasions, so.

00:42:38 --> 00:42:40

Okay, I'm just going to check in with you guys.

00:42:43 --> 00:42:44

Ah, ha.

00:42:45 --> 00:42:47

Life is different. Yes, it is.

00:42:49 --> 00:42:59

I, you know, as you can tell, there's actually a lot that I could talk about when it comes to fit. But I hope that that's given you a bit of a taster. You know,

00:43:00 --> 00:43:03

what was the verse? Which verse is this?

00:43:12 --> 00:43:18

Okay, if you can email me afterwards, please. Because I've got to make sure I

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give our mother Ayesha a good farewell. So I'm going to now move on even though I did have other examples of the thick of it shut down looking at the time, and then I've got to finish in 15 minutes. So I'm going to move on now. And perhaps in the future, we will have an entire class, you know about a show that has opinions for those kind of advanced students or people who are really interested. So in a, I hope that's given you a little taster. There are other issues. You know, you can also look at the Java, you can see all the compilation of places where she corrected the Sahaba, Abu huraira, for example, she corrected as well, on many occasions, sometimes because he narrated

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the second part of a hadith and hadn't heard the first part, etc, etc. Right. Okay, so now I want to highlight

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a, what are the big lessons that we've learned from the life of our mother?

00:44:23 --> 00:44:24

I shot okay.

00:44:27 --> 00:44:48

And before I do that, I'm going to talk about the I shut up the line hose, warships. sapan a lot like one of the things that I feel like we didn't really get a chance to really highlight is her worship, you know, because obviously anyone who has a status with a lies because they worship Allah, right.

00:44:50 --> 00:45:00

And we I'm just going to give you a little glimpse of that because remember, she witnessed the worship of the prophets or something, she lived with him and she would often pray with him in

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The night as long as he prayed right.

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But even after his death, we see some beautiful narrations.

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It says, and this generation that one day when I showed up did on her recited the verse for man Allahu la now or corner either buzz moon, which is sort of to tour 52 I am number 27 then Allah bestowed his favor upon us and protected us from the punishment of the scorching fire when she read this ayah she could not hold back her tears and she began to sob. It was an explanation of the state of those who had left the world and lived in the peace of salvation in the hereafter.

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Ayesha was still concerned about her position in the hereafter. So Pamela, and when she recited the verse, she sought refuge in Allah and she begged Oh Allah

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please bless me and keep me away from the hellfire. And her nephew Ottawa. You know, we mentioned or her student and nephew or what Vina Zubair he said he was waiting for her. Okay, he saw her and he was waiting for

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it to finish. And he had Sala and he became tired, so he left to go to the bazaar to go to the marketplace. And he said when I came back from the marketplace after finishing my work, I swear to Allah, I found her continuing the same prayer and tears, Pamela

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also, I should have been on her try to perform perform her prayers in congregation.

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This is something you notice about her.

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Either she would follow the mom from her room, which was adjacent to the mothership, or she would pray with women who came to her room.

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Sometimes she would order her slave, Zach Kwan, to lead her in prayer.

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Also, when it came to fasting, on the day of Allah for one year, which was the day of the year, a lot her it was very suffocatingly hot and yet I showed that on her was fasting. Her brother of the Redmond visited her and when he saw that she was fasting despite the weather, and that she was tired and soaked in sweat. He said, Why do you not break your fast but Arusha because she was so adamant to follow the Sunnah, or to be observant of anything that the prophet SAW Selim had exhorted her with. She said, How could I break my fast when I heard a loss messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, certainly the fast of the day of autophagy atonement for the sins of the year before.

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There's so many examples.

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Anyway, but suffice it to say that these are this is just a glimpse of how a bird that and she really cared about a bird that you know, and she really took it seriously her personally by that that's really a sign for us as well, right? That it's not enough to be doing things in public. And sometimes we we do most of our deeds in public, most of the good things we're doing, people are observing them.

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Make sure they're sisters, to have plenty of good deeds, plenty of worships that are private, that nobody knows about, not even your spouse, not even your children. That only you and Allah know about.

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Make sure you have that and that is the the the best path to sincerity. You know, sometimes we feel our sincerity. Why am I doing this? Am I really doing it for the sake of Allah, etc, etc. So my teachers, one of the best advices they gave is instead of stopping doing good deeds, that you feel are not sincere, strive and work on your sincerity and increase in the good deeds that you do in private, that nobody knows about. Right. So Pamela,

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I shed the light on her.

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You know, her status was higher than the other wives because the main reason was that because I lost power that I had revealed verses about her. Right.

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And Mr. Malik even used to say that whoever curses abubaker and Omer will be lashed.

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But whoever curses are Isha, the punishment is execution. panela his opinion was that the punishment is execution. Why? Because Allah revealed in the Quran about her, okay.

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You know,

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Allah says, you know in the Quran that when you heard the lie when you had the slander, why did you not say, we should not repeat this? Allah forbid it is a monster saunder and Allah warns you never to do anything like this again if you are true believers. In other words, anyone who accuses Ayesha is not a true believer, anyone who accuses her and any cast aspersions on her dignity and her chastity right and affirms the slander is not a true believer.

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I showed her the unhappy Elana

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passed away at the age of 66 on the 17th of Ramadan,

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in the year 57, or 58 of the hegira 57 or 58 years of the Hydra.

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She said to Abdullah bin a Zubair

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do not bury me with the Prophet abubaker and Omer. Bury me with my companions. In other words, other wives

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in Buffy, as I would not like to be looked upon as better than I really am. Pamela

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you could see that she had that humility.

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When she was ill in the illness of her death.

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Even Ibis says that he sought permission to enter.

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She was reluctant because she knew that he would praise her. Okay.

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She knew that he was going to praise her, but she allowed him in. Okay, so now this means like, she's probably I'm just imagining she's lying on the bed of some sort. And there's a curtain between her and even a boss within that room. Yeah.

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But you know, her nephews, they insist they said, they said, Come on. Boss is asking permission, you know, let him in. Amen. So she agreed. He asked about her health. And then he said,

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From the first day of creation, you have been singled out to be mother of the believers. You were the most beloved wife of the Messenger of Allah, the moment your soul leaves your body, you will be in the company of your Lord. Because of you Allah revealed the verses relating to Tammam right, the dry ablution

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the Quran speaks of the purity of your character. And those verses are now recited in the mosques in the masajid day and night.

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And when he carried on and on and on, and this is the Sunnah of the Sahaba, you know, they would, what you do is when somebody is dying, you give them positive news, you give them glad tidings, you hope, the best for them, right? You want them to have personal one of Allah when they are dying. And when he had started going on and on and praising and praising and pray, she said, Even she said, even at birth, please say no more about these things. I wish I had never been born.

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Right. So she still used to feel very, like bad about what happened, you know, with the incident of the camel.

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And she had she still she was very hard on herself when it came to perception of her own shortcomings and mistakes, right, Pamela?

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when she passed away, the knees started to spread.

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And they say that

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huge crowds of women.

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They say that when they heard huge crowds of women

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came out onto the streets.

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And janazah

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janaza was led by a boyhood IRA

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and it was attended by many women, as well as men.

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And she was buried at nighttime. According to her request. You know, she even after her death she was

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she had given instructions even for after her death that her dignity as a Muslim woman.

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be preserved. And Yanni in that vein, she wanted to be buried at nighttime so that she would have

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higher level of concealment. Right, and privacy.

00:55:20 --> 00:55:29

And they said that her nephews, were the ones who carried her her body and buried her in broccoli.

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May Allah have mercy on a mother Ayesha, not the learner. You know, when you when you study the life of any person from beginning to end, in any kind of detail, you really

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feel like you've got to know them. And when you read about their death, you can just imagine what it must have been like, right? Imagine living in Medina and hearing that a mother of the believers has passed away. I think us as women, we would have gone out onto the streets, right? We would have wanted to be,

00:56:07 --> 00:56:09

you know, when somebody like that passes away,

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it feels like the world or time has kind of stopped for a moment. And you know, that we need to take stock of where you are as a people. And I can only imagine what people felt like, you know, at that time, that would have made them all come out onto the streets.

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A mother actually lived a very full life, she lived a life.

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You know, it was a life well lived.

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A life focused on the hereafter.

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But not forgetting the needs and service to the oma in this world as well. She was very sensitive to her shortcomings. She didn't. But she did not allow the past and her own mistakes to debilitate her.

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Just going to take one moment to ask the eliminar team

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if we have time for me to mention my top lessons from the life of Alisha of the learner.

00:57:24 --> 00:57:25

Since this last session,

00:57:27 --> 00:57:33

they will allow me Ah, okay, extra five minutes. Okay, I'll try my best chocolate.

00:57:35 --> 00:57:45

So my sister's, you know, make the offer Amada. We are indebted to her for everything that she's passed on to us, right

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now, at least because she's a great role model for us as Muslim women. And

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we can each derive lessons from her life based on what really stands out for us. I'm just going to highlight 10 things that I personally have benefited from, and that I believe that we as Muslims should really pay attention to.

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Although is in no way exhaustive. You know, I want you to actually think about some of the lessons that you've gleaned. And maybe you can send them to me, right? You can send them in an email contact at Fatima barkatullah.com. But here are my top 10 lessons from I should have done his life. First of all, her life and her contribution highlights and signifies that women

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are significant in this oma you know the role of women in the preservation. The passing on

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the development of Islamic law is significant.

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It highlights that women have the right to or have the duty to enjoin the good and forbid the evil based on knowledge, right? So we as women, if we see something just as I should have known her, if she had knowledge about something in a group, in her setting that other people didn't have knowledge about, or that she felt needed to be said something that enjoining the good and forbidding the evil needed to be done. her status as a woman did not prevent her from doing that. You know, it's irrelevant whether you're a woman or a man. If you have some knowledge that other people don't, or if you can see something that other people are not seeing.

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Then you have a right and a duty to enjoin the good and forbid the evil based on knowledge, not based on emotion, but based on knowledge. That's what we see with our mother Asia.

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Number three,

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be beloved to your husband and devoted to your family.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:09

You know, I showed a dealer and her, her devotion to the prophet SAW Salaam is the thing, the key thing that gave her status, right?

01:00:10 --> 01:00:57

She was the most beloved to him. And it wasn't just because of the fact that she must have been attractive to him. And you know that he loved her as a as a his beautiful wife. We can see from the moments when he was passing away. And all of that time he actually found comfort in her presence. He wanted to be with her. Why? Because she served him the most, she was more attentive to his needs, right? It's not because just because of any, any physical attraction or something, right? It's also because she actually served him the best, you know. And we can see that in the way she was devoted to him and his final illness. It's not easy to look after somebody when they're, you know, when

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they're ill. And yet the prophet SAW Salaam died in her lap.

01:01:03 --> 01:01:04

So be Beloved,

01:01:05 --> 01:01:10

to your spouse, be beloved to your family, and in service to them.

01:01:12 --> 01:01:21

Be just even regarding people you have rivalry with or who have wronged you. So panela shut down her.

01:01:23 --> 01:01:47

She was just regarding people who even had taken part in the slander, she would defend them afterwards, if somebody said something negative about Hassan bin forbid, for example, or the other animal, you know, for his part in anything? She would say no, don't you know, he, he used to defend the prophets, Allah, whatever sent him. She defended him, right.

01:01:49 --> 01:02:30

And she recognized that, you know, those of the Sahaba, who had participated or had made mistakes at that time, they had been punished. And that's it. Once you punish Hamas, you don't get to when somebody is punished, you don't get to keep mentioning their mistake again and again, you know, so she was just regarding that. And we also mentioned how she mentioned a narration of the prophet SAW Selim, that was positive, like good news for the governor of Egypt who has who had killed her brother. Right? Why? Because she felt a duty to speak the truth, regardless of

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any her own emotional feelings about a particular person. Right. So be just even with regards to people you have, like rivalry with or you have or who have wronged you.

01:02:46 --> 01:03:03

The next lesson, keep striving to improve yourself. That's something you notice about it should Adana, each stage, she's rebuking herself, she's striving, she's improving herself, she's learning from a particular incident, and adjusting her behavior.

01:03:04 --> 01:03:20

be sensitive to your own mistakes, and be willing to change direction and realign yourself. Right? When I should have relied on her out of complete sincerity to part in trying to bring the

01:03:21 --> 01:03:35

people who killed or assassinated with mandra Delano, when she took part in trying to bring them to justice. And it didn't go well, and it all fell apart. And you know, all these problems happened.

01:03:36 --> 01:04:02

She was very hard on herself. She was very hard on herself, and she really regretted it. But that didn't cause her to now completely fall apart. Instead, she changed direction, you know, your mistakes and your failures. They teach you to change direction. That's basically what they do. And she used them to change direction and realign herself with who she truly was, and should be.

01:04:04 --> 01:04:10

The next lesson, I've lost count of the numbers, by the way, one of you is noting them down,

01:04:11 --> 01:04:48

is focus on what you are good at, you know, I think I should have gotten off to the incident of the camel and you know, after the death of her father, especially and then and then Omar and then off man. And then even probably by the time of Allah or the Lionel, she had it seems that she had become very clear on the fact that her strength or how important role that she could fulfill was to teach the mother about the Sunnah of the prophet SAW something. Right? And she began to focus on that the rest of her life.

01:04:50 --> 01:04:59

So we too should ask ourselves, what am I good at? What is the thing that I could fulfill? For the amount of the prophets Allah solemn to serve a lot

01:05:00 --> 01:05:01


01:05:03 --> 01:05:16

Another lesson we learned from the life of our mother Ayesha is channeling our personality towards good. channeling our personality towards good, you might have a certain personality type or personality trait.

01:05:17 --> 01:06:08

Our Dean doesn't ask you to suppress, and diminish and remove your personality. Right? It doesn't ask you to do that. What it does do is ask you to channel that, to control that, and move it in the right way in the right direction, not to follow your desires, but to use that for good. So we see that I show that on her. She was not like the other wives, the other wives, it seems they preferred a more kind of private and not as much of an outspoken existence, right. And that's fine, that's fine. You know, they had their own roles, they must have had their own circle, they must have had their own any status and situation. All right. I shouldn't do that on her. She did used to

01:06:08 --> 01:06:32

intervene. She did used to send letters to the political leaders. This was her personality, this was her way. Okay, she did it within the the the guidelines of Islam, but she didn't completely remove her personality. This was her personality. She used it and channeled it for good. And I personally have learned from that, you know.

01:06:35 --> 01:06:42

And the last two lessons I want to mention are that crises will affect the best of us.

01:06:43 --> 01:06:53

You know, this life is gonna be full of crisis, there's gonna be a crisis in, in our lives at some point, right, there's going to be struggle, there's going to be tests.

01:06:54 --> 01:07:17

but be patient and continue patiently continuing. And Sharla will mean that in the end, we will be exonerated. Right. Sometimes somebody might wrong you, somebody might miss represent you. They might slander you, but you patiently persevere and keep putting a line number one, and what Allah thinks of you as number one,

01:07:18 --> 01:07:41

I'm not going to say that I am going to be revealed about you, right? That's not going to happen, right? The revelation has been sealed. But in some way, Allah Subhana Allah will exonerate you. Of course, in the end, justice will be done. And success is for the pain. And we learned that from the tests that our mother actually went through.

01:07:43 --> 01:07:50

And the last thing I want to mention is that to have any work worthy status, you have to earn it.

01:07:52 --> 01:08:05

You know, and we have to ask ourselves, what are we going to do to earn the status that we want with Allah, if you want to be Beloved of Allah, if you want them to love you, there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with wanting

01:08:06 --> 01:08:10

the believers to love you, and wanting a lot to love you.

01:08:11 --> 01:09:05

Right? If you want that, you have to be worthy of that status. And a mother I showed the Learn how she didn't just gain that status. You know, from the sky. She strove she, she she did the effort. She lived through the difficulty, she was willing to speak the truth. She was willing to put herself in difficult situations. She served her husband, she served the messenger of alerts on a loss on him in his most difficult times. Right. And in his last illness, for example, she fought against her knifes, right? And she fought against her desire for living a more comfortable life, in the time of the prophet SAW our center, right? And she accepted that for her was not going to be this life. This

01:09:05 --> 01:09:12

life was not going to be a luxury for her. You know, she never married again after the death of the Prophet suasana Just imagine that.

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01:09:16 --> 01:09:22

my dear sisters, I hope that from all of that we've learned and I want to leave you with one I have.

01:09:23 --> 01:09:25

A lot of Allah says

01:09:26 --> 01:09:38

when levina gehad rufina Lana, Deanna home sabudana we're in a la helemaal my son in law says those who strive in my way,

01:09:39 --> 01:10:00

we will guide them, our pods, we're going to open paths for them. Right? And Allah is indeed with those who excel those people who have a son, the mice in on so my sisters with that ayah please, I want to ask all of you to

01:10:00 --> 01:10:25

To go ahead to go forth, I hope that you have benefited from this from these sessions in Charlotte, this session as well is going to be uploaded very soon on to YouTube. Share this series with sisters that you know, and make the offer us inshallah next year. Okay 2021

01:10:26 --> 01:10:29

we are going to come back with another series.

01:10:30 --> 01:10:44

At the moment, we believe it will be the book of the major sins. Okay. Bye mama Barbie, we're going to look at what are the major sins and how can we avoid going anywhere near them. Okay.

01:10:46 --> 01:10:59

And so please look out for that series. Stay on the mailing list for eliminar and I'm sure they're going to tell you about that. And join my mailing list. I've posted it. I don't know if I'm going to post it once more.

01:11:01 --> 01:11:05

Before I finish, I know I've gone over time.

01:11:06 --> 01:11:08

Please forgive me for the last session.

01:11:10 --> 01:11:11


01:11:13 --> 01:11:30

Join the mailing lists and then that way you can stay in touch and Sharla with that I will finish does that Kamala Heron My dear sisters, I really enjoyed spending this time with you I wish I could actually see you and be in a proper class with you guys. Wouldn't that be great inshallah one day

01:11:32 --> 01:11:39

I hope that a lot of Allah writes down that we spent this lockdown period this year of lockdown.

01:11:42 --> 01:12:05

You know, doing something righteous, doing something good learning something good and improving ourselves in some way as as maid servants of Allah. And with that in Sharla I'm going to bid you farewell keep in touch to panic alohomora behind the shadow Allah Allah Atlanta stuff you go to like a salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

01:12:07 --> 01:12:28

I hope that the seminar team can keep the chat open just for maybe a minute or two so that people can save any details that they need to thank you so much for all your lovely comments, and just echo Okay, and so all of those who joined our live series and for those who are watching the series on YouTube or any other platform

01:12:30 --> 01:12:59

we look forward to welcoming you all back in March and Sharla is another fourth marketable as new lecture series. Expanding on the book Kitab cupbearer. The major sins they invented the heavy and to stay updated please text me updated to m&r centers mobile 0745008803 he asked the last panel dialogue to keep us all safe and strong during these times along with the best analogy they can a lucky our homies

01:13:00 --> 01:13:34

and can I please thank almoner as well you know for initiating these classes for hosting these classes and the brothers and sisters behind the scenes you know who you you can't tell but you know, they've been doing a lot of hard work. May Allah Spanish Allah reward all of them and may bless them and see the all the good work that they do? And also their patience with me and trying to get me to finish the class on time. Does that come on? Aaron, for all of that, you know, I really appreciate that sister Bushra and your team does allow parents

01:13:35 --> 01:14:00

to use this community as best as we can. Yeah, center. As I'm sure allow me Everyone remember your community center as well next to you. And don't forget we have most powerful thing which is the internet and 100 has kept us connected in our hopes even through to school, such as law fair. And again, sister Fatima. Thank you to everyone. Is that a little cooler here? And a shout out Shall we see you again enough until I come. So now Michael

01:14:05 --> 01:14:05

was the

01:14:08 --> 01:14:09

woman Scott.

01:14:13 --> 01:14:16

She was in

01:14:18 --> 01:14:19

third grade.

01:14:24 --> 01:14:25

She was

01:14:32 --> 01:14:34

I should I should

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