Mohammed Faqih – Prophetic Policy #1

Mohammed Faqih
AI: Summary © The importance of following the Prophet sallam principles and following the user's actions is emphasized in the prophets' teachings and instructions for settling for Islam. Consent to following the Prophet's teachings and references them as examples is emphasized, as well as the importance of checking in with family members and not just walking around with a knife. The importance of praying for the Prophet's prophecy is emphasized, along with the need for passionate commitment to it. The natural rhythm of the beast is also discussed, and individuals should not be afraid of their faith.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right, this is going to be an introduction inshallah and next week inshallah we'll go into the actual categories in shamatha.

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like this Mila Hamdulillah He also salatu salam ala Rasulillah Salam Allahu alayhi wa sallam, inshallah Allah in this series we're going to discuss the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his character the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam principles.

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The way the Prophet SAW Selim dealt with different people different issues.

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Maybe homie sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Allah azza wa jal in the Quran says La parada cannula confy rasool Allah Who SWAT en hacer una Toliman K origin la How will Yeoman ask him? Whether Kerala cathedra that there has certainly been for you. And for you here, it means who

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by the way, I'm going to be doing this the whole the whole time, I'm just going to make sure that everyone is awake. So who is it is this talking to? When Allah subhanaw taala said, Look at Kerala come there was, or there is or there has been certainly in the prophets, I send them

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for you. And the Messenger of Allah, he's talking to the believers, right. And the believers were talking about his community that companions of the Prophet of Allah who I need to send them who knew him, interacted with him, engaged him Salallahu Alaihe Salam, and he engaged himself Allahu alayhi salam, they knew him on a personal level, but also this extends to those who

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who will come afterwards. Right. And this is key, just highlight this, right? So Allah subhanaw taala is not only speaking to a generation that actually vanished or disappeared, and they're gone. This is still

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applicable. It's not obsolete. Right? So Allah subhanaw taala says, look at Canada compute rasool Allah He was one has an A there was an Oscar for you. Oh sua means Some scholars say anything is for anyone.

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Right? Example.

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Some people may use the word the role model in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And Allah azza wa jal qualifies this by saying Hasina.

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Right? has enemies. Good. Excellent. Perfect if you want to, right, there was a good example because you could have what not all sort of lessons. But in general, the word was, well, you could have also a Hassanal or ASA. So yeah, you could have a good example or you could have a bad example. Right? Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was was what one has an in the indefinite, you know? So and he was also told Hasina, the scholars say in everything, even cathedra him Allah says this ayah this verse, Aslam cabbie, se Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This holy verse contains a great principle

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of adhering to the set to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam following the prophetic example. And then he specifically mentioned three areas right? Fee equality and his sayings will fit his actions. Right? What Why did he and his

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the province of Allah why don't you sell them injunctions? Right? So all these three different areas.

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So Allah Subhana Allah, Allah says the man can arugula will Yeoman Asha. Right? This example works for those who

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to have hope or have faith in Allah and the Last Day the Day of Judgment. Right? And this last portion with a cut Allah has Hera and mentioned Allah subhanaw taala, or remembers Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam, often, this, this description that Allah subhanaw taala gives regarding those who find the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be the best example. Or the greatest example should apply to all of us, or we should be struggling to be of those people. Right? So this applies to us, not only there's a habit, it's a habit, of course they were the our leaders and we're, you know, great model, you know, role models while the Aloha model after Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but

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it applies to us because we're supposed to have hope and faith and certainty in Allah subhanaw taala in the last day, the day of judgment, and we're supposed to remember Allah subhanaw taala often, right human can arugula will Yeoman acid with a cannula and Kathira

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This shows that this actually applies to us as well. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not only an example for that generation, but he was he's also he remains to be an example for every generation. And one of the challenges that many people have nowadays,

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is being able to relate to the prophets of Allah it is

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right, to the point where some people may even say things like, and I've heard this things like, but he was a messenger, he was a suit, he was a prophet, how am I supposed to?

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Really how could I aspire to follow the example of a prophet or be like him?

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And this argument or this statement, or this misconception is flawed in many ways. Number one, Allah subhanho wa taala,

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does not expect us or he did not, he did not commanded us to do something that is beyond our capacity, Allah will never tell us to do something that is beyond our capacity as human beings, they will kill if Allah Hoon of sin allows her so we're not supposed to become prophets or messengers, we won't be able to. And that's not what is meant here, right? However, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Whatever I command you, whatever I tell you to do to me in Houma, SOHCAHTOA do have it as much as you can, whatever your whatever it is within your capacity. And our capacities vary from one person to another. Right? So that's number one.

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Number two, Allah subhanaw taala does not tell us to take angels as role models.

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Right? Allah didn't say like, it's kind of looking Fiji breed or Susan Hassan.

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But feel rasool Allah, the Messenger of Allah Satsang, who is what Anna Bashar omitted from the promise of asylum over and over again, he is told to tell people, I am a human being like you,

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I'm human, right? You should, you should to be able to relate to me I relate to you, you should be able to also relate to me. So we're told to follow the example of a human being extraordinary nonetheless, and he is still alive is an extraordinary human being. But he is a role model that we can relate to sallallahu alayhi wasallam by number three, by being told to follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah, Allah sets the standards, or the bars high at the highest. It doesn't make sense, right? To be told to follow an ordinary human being, or someone who is inferior to you.

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Right? It doesn't make sense. Because if you can exceed that person, if it's an ordinary human being that you can actually be like or beat, then that person is no longer suitable to be fit to be a role model. Right. And this is from one of the and I disagree with people who say you can take different role model models in different areas. You know,

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and, and I'm still struggling with this, with the fact that sometimes we do find some people inspirational, no doubt, but to consider that person, a role model or an example, we need to be very careful because you're setting yourself up for failure to be disappointed. There will be moral or ethical, you know, questions regarding individuals, and we see a lot of people who will get disappointed, because they took someone as a role model, and then what happens when they discover that that person was not as good as they thought? Right? And that's why there's a statement attributed to Elon Musk Road, Radi Allahu Anhu he said mankind was 10 Then if you must take someone

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as as a role model, right, failure stand up the mud. So let him

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follow the example of those who passed away. And by the way, he was referring to the to the companions of the Prophet sallallahu Fein and hirelateral mental fitness

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for the living, there is no guarantee that this person is not going to deviate. Right? So you want to basically look at someone who has ended their life and they have they left a legacy behind and they did not do anything that violates or that basically, that destroys that legacy of theirs, right. So we have to be very selective as to who we take as role models who our youth or our children take as role models, who our family members take as role models.

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Last but not least one interesting

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finding that I found, you know, when it comes to code

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qualities of leadership,

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essential qualities of leadership you'll have different models, different theories, different list of qualities, and most of which are very impressive and obviously positive, you will find that most of them especially the ones that are agreed upon, you will find them not only present in the province and sell them but they are embodied at the you know, the province of Salem was the epitome of of excellence SallAllahu ALA, so, in all of these areas, but there's one in particular that caught my attention and inshallah to Allah don't ask me for the reference, because I don't have it in front of me. I have it on my computer. That basically suggests that a role model should be

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which is very what troubling, right?

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Right, it's troubling. You see my point where I'm going with this

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note taker,

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did I lose you? You're not the note taker?

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We do need a note taker by the way.

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Who is it?

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Like, do you see anything? You know, anything wrong with this? If someone comes to you and says, no role models should be somewhat fallible, fallible, someone

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and somebody, someone who's very humble and can

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make mistakes,

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because we make a mistake, so we need to be the prophesy sentiment is infallible, civilize him. So we're in our theology in our belief. So we're all of the prophets of Allah, the messengers and the prophets of Allah, whom by the way the prophets and sell them himself was told to what beings find as an inspiration and follow their example. Although it can Latina

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like a Latina, ha, ha, ha, Mala Febi Houda homak Teddy. Right. So Allah subhanaw taala told him to so. So how do you respond to this?

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Okay, but but nonetheless. Yeah, but what I'm saying is, I'm not saying what was he infallible or not what I'm saying he is infallible. Right. So Allah. So if someone comes to you and says, Well, you can't take someone who's infallible as your as your role model?

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We don't take

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Well, yeah, yeah.

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The role models that you it's something that you could do as well that if somebody couldn't make mistakes, to be successful, then you cannot create you. So you have to have somebody that you've known that

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you can get into their shoes.

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Listening to us, someone who is susceptible to the same, you know, whatever another human being is susceptible to but he was a little outside prophets and messengers, were susceptible to many, you know, factors that affect human beings, you know, they would get sick, they, you know, get hurt, they feel sad, they feel all kinds of emotions. Salatu was Salam o Allah him sisters.

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one time a sister, you know,

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that he is sometimes he has to repeat it.

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That's not what I'm asking. I'm saying is can you take someone who's infallible as your role model?

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Of course you can. That's what the is saying. Look at Kerala, confy, Rasulillah, also to Hassan and it makes perfect sense. As a matter of fact, the process one was the most dignified Sallalahu they were selling Allah azza wa jal said we have dignified human beings like a Corona right? So Allah subhanaw taala wants you to follow the example of the most dignified, now you may not be and you will not be able to attain that. Right. But the goal or the objective or your your responsibility is not to attain that level. It's not to become a prophet, you won't be able to become a prophet, right? You're, you know, you're you will be rewarded and you will be blessed for what for trying to

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for the struggling to be right for adhering to that path.

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You are not expected to be infallible. So we are not meant to reach a level of infallibility. That's not what is what is meant. We're told to follow the direction

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follow the effort. Follow the focus.

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Follow the statements, the actions

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I write the condition of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam consult with him, Sal, Allahu Allah, us. And as a matter of fact, there are certain areas where we won't be able or we're not

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allowed to do what the prophesy said I'm did. Right. So for instance, can you give me an example, things the province of Salem did that we're not supposed to do.

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We saw it, right? In fasting, fasting consecutive days, without breaking the fast. That's a habit of one line from their love that they had. And by the way, you know, taking someone as a role model is necessitates or it's a necessity, also, of loving that person and admiring that person. Right. So there's a habit of Dawn Allah had him because of the love that they had for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and because of the Zilla, they had the they wanted to do the same set the same thing. So the process and I'm told them not to do it.

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But they continue to do it. Right. So promises are seldom What did he do? He went on, just to show them that they won't, they will not be able to keep up with him some a lot. And he said to them in the rest, okay. Ethicon

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is it's not the same in the editorial to mRNA USP right. My Lord is feeding me and my Lord is providing for me. So I'm being sustained by Allah subhanho wa Taala in a manner that does not apply to you. So you're not required to do this in this area. You're not following my example here. You're not being inspired by me right now. Right? You're actually going beyond your capacity as human beings, so don't do it. Right. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and also the Quran warned us to go beyond what the the parameters that were set for us by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that's why we have to follow his statements, his actions and his injunctions. So, we

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follow his statements and his actions, but if there is anything in his action, that is contradicted or that is qualified by his statement, what takes precedent?

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The statements I will lose all Allah they set them at them and I feel really this is this is a principle right? That that we follow the prophetic statement, because the statement has very clear explicit implication and indication,

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but the action itself could be something that is what

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that is.

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A special is should it could be a special case, applicable only to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. Right? Like,

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like for instance, yeah. Or like praying all night long, or not all night long, but praying as much as the prophet Saddam did. Right? Could should you feel guilty? For not being able to play tu tu tu sorry for not being able able to pray as much as the prophets I seldom did?

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Until your feet as well? No, obviously not.

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Right? Who can who can reach that level, also, to think at any point that we can be like him or to think that we can do something beyond what the process Salam did is in and of itself, a form of extremism and deviation. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned those people who thought that the process of them did not do as much as they ought to do. And they wanted to do something extraordinary something beyond what anyone can do. And one of them vowed to pray all night, the other person vow to fast every day. And the third guy that you know vowed to not to get married, right? celibacy. They were taught that this is not this the prophesy Solomon's way. This is not

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prophetic. This is not what Islam teaches. Right. And this and the religion also condemns those people that are and condemns those people that

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have overburdened themselves with that. That which Allah subhanaw taala did not impose on them. They were self imposed. What Benny attend him to write a level of like priesthood or, you know,

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where Allah subhanaw taala didn't require that, nor was it taught or set by any of the prophets are the messengers, whether it's isa or Musa, or any of the great respected prophets and messengers of Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam Allahu Allah him as you may and may Allah be May Allah's blessings and peace be upon them all. Okay.

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By law last statement, insha Allah, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, the objective of this series is to help us

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follow be inspired by the prophetic

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example. The prophets I send them as a human being, as a leader, as an Imam, as a judge, as a ruler, as,

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as an active member of the society, I don't like to use the word activist but as an active member of the society that wants to see reform, as you know, a reformer sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a as a spouse, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, right? As a parent, for both fathers and mothers,

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as as a manager, as a leader, as a community member, you know, as a family member sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was a great example for all of us.

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I think we have five more minutes I can just go

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go through the areas that were supposed to follow the Prophet

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of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in

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Can we stay a little longer? shall

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they still have your attention? 10 minutes, though. Exactly.

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Yeah, I wanted to leave 10 minutes for q&a shamatha.

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areas in which we should follow the prophetic example, right?

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obedience to Allah subhanaw taala and worship. As a matter of fact, we should only follow the prophetic example in these areas we can't go. We can't be on our own when it comes to obeying Allah or worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah and Allah azza wa jal mentions that in the Quran, right.

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we should also be inspired by the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the prophets and messengers before him. By the way, the process was an embodiment in terms of his manners and character, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have the best qualities of the prophets before him.

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So even when we find something in the Quran, that is attributed to Ibrahim Ali sana or to smile. So for instance, in the Quran, when ALLAH SubhanA, Allah says about is made, that that part of his practice as a, as a as the head of her of his own household, what can I add more Allah who be salah, it was a cat, what kind of Enderby, Model D, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah tells us that it was his policy, this man his policy, that he would command his family, the members of his household be Salatu was a cat, he would remind them of Salah and zakat.

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And we know that by default, the Prophet sallallahu, Allah was his, of course, the great grandfather of the process. But the process I was told to follow his example. So we know that the prophets of Salem from his own practice salAllahu alayhi, Salam used to do the same thing. He used to command his family members to pray follow up with them, when it comes to Salah as a cat. So it is expected from any head of household from any father, right? To do the same thing, assume the same responsibility. You can't say, Well, I don't really bother about these things, because it's up to them. No, no, no, it's your responsibility.

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As part of the prophetic policy, to actually as a head of household, part of your responsibility is to check in.

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Right, with the members of your household, every person that lives under your

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If you're paying the bill for that place, right, you better check in with them, and make sure that Salah is being established in your household. And, of course, I'm not saying that you should walk around with a whip in your heart in your hand, because that's that's not what the promises of them did. I'm not saying that you should you should go around and you know, but nonetheless, you should check in with them. Right?

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Have you prayed, you know, I didn't see you in the gym, you know,

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you need to be in tuned with your households

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commitment to Salah and Zakah. And obviously, of course other obligations, but these two in particular are highlighted and mentioned in the Quran. So we find an example. And when it comes to a bad in obedience to Allah subhanaw taala another area in which we should be inspired by the the prophetic example

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is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam its relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of his remembrance of Allah azza wa jal and in terms of his, you know, you know how the process has turned to Allah subhana wa Tada into for his needs SallAllahu usam he frost them constantly. That's why you know, I am big on this whole issue of

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our community members, you know, we all all of us, we need to learn dua should be a daily practice and commitment.

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Right in the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah has to Allah says well, Karla Robbo, Komodo, only a steady welcome the Prophet

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sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam used to make dua to Allah subhanaw taala. Like there was no, you know, as if it was so much desperation though Allah azza wa jal has assured him and reassured him and promised him that he will be safe, he will be victorious he will be protected. Salallahu Alaihe Salam, yes, the process led us to beg Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and he never took that for granted. Does that mean that the process um didn't trust Allah or did not believe in Allah? subhanaw taala? No, but he did just that is your practice, you're supposed to do that, regardless of the outcome. Right? And that's what the process, you know, taught us I will bug her about the Allah

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Allah says that before the Battle of budget. That's why I'm saying that when we read the Sierra, we need to just

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like read between the line and just examine these things and try to relate to them. The Abubakar said that the person and traits desperately

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and to the point where Abu Bakr himself he's, he said to the process and he had a sunnah Allah, don't worry, your Lord will not fail you. It's not the process and

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you know, didn't have any doubt that Allah subhanaw taala is good. But he prayed right with desperation because that's what Allah subhanaw taala is worthy of

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prophets and messengers, their fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala and their humility before Allah azza wa jal, a lesson for us to learn from them, their humility and their fear of Allah subhanho wa taala. Right. And again, you know, we find examples of profit, Nua Ibrahim, yeah. Right, Allah subhanaw taala highlights these prophets in Surah Maryam and then he says to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when Our Verses or when the verses of the Most Gracious either Twitch La La him to Rahmani Haru Sujatha will be cukier they used to fall on their foreheads on the ground. Right and prostration and display of humility and crying, they used to cry

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right out of fear of Allah subhanaw taala. So, a believer who who understands this should be should be at that level. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to beg Allah Subhana Allah to keep him upon the right path and not to cause his heart to deviate. Is there? Was there any chances of the promise of centimos going to deviate? Obvious there was absolutely no chance yet. This was one of the most repeated right? Do ads of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, right. Begging Allah subhanho wa Taala

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like that, okay, we're gonna stop right here.

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So Allah Hi, do you have

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any questions?

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There are certain things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam approved off,

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Now, if someone comes and says, Well, I don't approve of certain things, because you know, my culture doesn't allow it or because I don't think it's manly, or because I don't want people to take advantage of me. We can tell that person wait.

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The prophesy Salem didn't have any issues with these things.

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what what has more value or importance, your culture, your tradition, or the prophetic tradition? So according to the province of Salem, these things are absolutely fine. personal tastes I understand that you don't want to do something or you don't. But you can't prohibit or forbid. Something that the passive Selim allowed or didn't have any issues with, he may not have said anything about it, he may not have done anything about it. But

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it was part of his just had of his of the general accepted norm of conduct around the prophets Allah Allah Allah was.

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There a lot of examples of this actually,

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many examples of this

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and that's why when when the Sahaba say we used to do such and such during the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi Sena, and there was no objection from the process to it. That shows us that it's valid, it's okay. Right.

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Anyway, questions

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shouldn't be as long

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as he learned not

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to hellfire. Yes. That's another way to look

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into it

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as a matter of fact, we need to ask ourselves, why am I not making dua? Why am I not praying enough to Allah? Why am I not making a loss of habitat? You know, one of the one of the practices that I see, especially here in the south, that I envy, obviously, it's when you see people when they see a family, at a restaurant, sitting, and then before the food comes, or when the food comes, what do they do?

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They say grace, a pray, after they finish their meal. What do they do?

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Sometimes before they leave that, that, that that gathering, they once before they leave, he pray, like so hon Allah. Yeah, and I'm not saying we should follow, you know, that practice, and we should do it that way. But what I'm saying we have our own prayers that were taught to us by the Prophet sallallahu, I think it was said that, you know, you you will, you will see that the life of the believer of prophetic life revolves around,

00:31:44 --> 00:31:49

in and out, I mean, in every step. So why are we not praying enough?

00:31:50 --> 00:31:58

Muhammad Sharif has a whole course that about how do i is, is a transformative?

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Being committed to you I'm practicing you do, I can ask you to transform your life, change your life around. Right, and we have access to it and we were taught, you know, the art, I don't want to call it the art of the practice of do art by the prophets of Allah isn't. Right. So we really have to ask ourselves, what is it? Is it am I? Am I disappointed? Do I not trust Allah? subhanaw taala? Do I not trust myself? Because she Atlanta has a lot of tricks that he can play on us. He can pull on us. You know, one of them might be Oh, you're not worthy. You know, some people one of the reasons they don't make dua is because Allah knows.

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Allah knows why you need what you need. You don't need to pray for it. He knows if it was good for you, he would have given it to you. If it's not good for you. Maybe it's not right for you to ask for it.

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shaytaan Masha, Allah comes as like your personal counselor giving you anyway. So you think

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majorem has to be alone. And we're like, no, seriously. I mean, right? Am I not? Am I not? Right? Right. Or it's like a deep state of Avila. People who just wake up when when calamity strikes, when they're very desperate, when everything fails, they turn to Allah subhanaw taala constantly. They don't remember they put their faith in everything, right? Various solutions, preventative measures, and then you know, whatever treatments are out there and everything. And then when everything fails, and then everyone gives up on them. They're like, maybe we should just make a drop.

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Right? Turn to Allah. But even in that state, Allah Subhana Allah says, may be even more thorough EDA, when you're desperate.

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Some of our own I'ma say that Allah azza wa jal answer the dua of Allah answers has to do with the kuffaar Allah subhanho wa Taala answers or answer the bliss.

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Rabi. Right. When you turn to Allah you said, Rob, be my Lord.

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Right, my lord, I beg you, I asked you, He will not turn you down.

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Never. So so it is a sign of humility and rejection or not practicing that is a sign or could lead to arrogance and pride and that basically leads the person to hellfire. That's why Allah says in Allah DNSSEC be Rona and a bad he said hold on a Johanna muda Corinne another, another just point to be added to this. You find some people they're very

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they're okay with begging human beings that you know, there may even be okay. And you know, fine, too, when it comes to begging the dead or asking you know,

00:34:40 --> 00:34:43

but when it comes to Allah subhanaw taala was like complete to hate

00:34:45 --> 00:34:48

to do to McCullough Cena, who did they find it very difficult.

00:34:49 --> 00:34:59

Right? And that's why it's, it's a beautiful statement attributed to you. Is that Allah subhanaw taala to begin with

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He did not he does not inspire you to make dua except that he

00:35:04 --> 00:35:07

except that he's ready to what? Answer

00:35:10 --> 00:35:12

What makes you think that he will not answer? No.

00:35:14 --> 00:35:14


00:35:16 --> 00:35:26

leave inshallah. We'll close inshallah to Allah Subhana Allah humma Hamza Kenisha Allah Allah heyland Ness Sophia Rocha wanted to relate to that one and Hamdulillah halbleiter Me

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