Mohammad Qutub – Islamic Keys to Success

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The success of Islamization is emphasized, including finding one's own success and protecting one's personal relationships from evil attacks. Consistent and disciplined goals are also emphasized, as it is the only way to achieve success in negotiations. The importance of acceptance and embracing change in personal growth and entrepreneurship is emphasized, along with the need for a "people-centric" approach to life. embracing change and embracing the idea of a "people-centric" approach to life are also emphasized.
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Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala so you know what you've learned you know or have you been a bit of parsing upon that didn't
bother me he was happy with the rain woman said the Sun illuminating so kinda color and Milena Alexandria in Atlanta Ronnie Mahaki. Our dishwasher surgery with Cindy Emery was determined recently if only I praise Allah Almighty and I send prayers and blessings upon Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He's not a family, righteous companions and all those that follow them with the right guidance until the Day of Judgment me dear brothers and sisters and sisters, As Salam aleikum, wa rahmatullah wa barakato, masha Allah, the sisters are always more than the brothers.
That has a lot of implications, possibly interesting ones.
And if I think, you know, we can deduce different things from it Subhan Allah, may Allah bless you all, and increase us all in knowledge, and faith and action inshallah.
Brothers and sisters today, I'm here to speak to you about Islamic keys to success.
as I was thinking about the topic and preparing for it, I decided that I want to
not be restricted by an apparent dichotomy between the different types of success.
There seems to be a dichotomy,
almost as if you will either talking about successes in dunya
or successes.
And most of any
talks about this subject will approach it this way.
And the it will be about success, the common perception of success, the stereotype of success, and then going to the real success, which is the success of an Acura.
But to be honest, I think being stuck in that dichotomy is a problem in itself. And that's why I decided to approach it differently.
And to first talk about the success in the dunya, which let's not fool ourselves, every single one of us says after and is not a bad or wrong thing.
And I will explain Inshallah, and everything will become clear. Soon enough.
Too many times, the topic is approached and dealt with as two mutually exclusive things, either success in the dunya, or the success in the akhira. And success in the dunya is largely looked down upon. And then we just talk about the ultimate success, which it is, and that is the successful
is it not possible to maybe combine the two?
Is that so far fetched? It's so difficult.
Can we talk about success in the dunya without feeling bad about it?
Everyone here
is probably studying in the university, and is going to be the happiest person on earth when they graduate.
And everyone's going to be happy for you and congratulate you. And then you are going to go on in sha Allah to do better things, to work to excel, to become someone are all these things wrong. Is all of this success, not something that Islam encourages, is that something Islam looks down upon?
That's not the case.
Let's try to go after Muth.
Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran and it is the dua that we keep making
enough in dunya Hazara.
Allah grant us good in this dunya
and in the accuracy what will
us from the hellfire, right? Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran
by the ultimate landownership on regime slash ma Rahim when I'm in Florida.
Now Ohio Earth
Our labor,
whoever does
good deeds, male or female,
and they are believers, we will surely cause them to have higher by Yeva of pure good life.
The scholars of Tafseer
especially of the tabby are eaten all the way back to the tangerine, they mentioned that Hyatt and Eva here is here in this dunya. It's not in Alaska.
And the proof is in the continuation of the iron, because it says that we will reward those who are patient, this is in an era but philosophy and now higher tempo EBA will cause them to have a good and pure life. This is here in the dunya.
And this is what everyone is after. Because Allah subhanaw taala made this dunya
Yes, as a trend, the Tory phase, but it is also the place where Allah azza wa jal gave us the responsibility of Khilafah. So that we may build this earth. So that we may
be and have the responsibility of
forwarding the cause of Allah subhanaw taala and his Deen here on Earth.
As you can see, when I'm talking about success in the dunya here, I'm not talking about it as a very limited and restricted and fairly stereotypical modern sense of the word, which is two things and two things alone and you'll find it in the dictionary as well.
Wealth and thing.
Clearly, and we're all educated people, this is not all we are talking about.
But yes, a lot of people consider success, those two things and nothing else.
20 in the dunya, you could be a successful educator and a teacher, you could be a successful parent, a successful Daiya.
successful businessman, a successful scientist, what's wrong with this?
Is this not also rewarded?
You are in iru M. How many of you have taken the Islamization of knowledge? Raise your hand,
everyone, no need for raising hands speaking Islamization of knowledge, so you are quite versed with this concept.
We are learning but we learn
in a way insha Allah that is pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala and we would like to educate ourselves and the Ummah in a way that brings people closer to Allah subhanaw taala and allows them to excel here in the dunya as well.
The Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam was he not successful in the dunya he was the most successful person here in the dunya
before an era before the fact that he will be the one who is going to open paradise and he will intercede for people. Before all of that he was successful in the dunya.
He was the best of people the best of humanity.
He sucks transmitted the message and fulfilled the responsibility that Allah subhanaw taala gave him he was a successful parent and husband.
He was a successful diplomat, diplomat. He was a successful military commander, and Mujahid.
He was successful in all of his endeavors
here in the dunya.
And I'm sure you all know that he was included as part of the 100 most effective people this world has ever seen.
In a book written by a non Muslim, but notice here the underlined the word effective or influential here in the dunya.
And of course, he is the best of humanity and he is the best in an era and everyone will be going after him.
Even the prophets peace be upon them all will be going after him.
Why can't we combine them?
Do we always talk about them as if it's this or that? Well, if someone is so engrossed, and drowning in the dunya and sees nothing,
but money on the scale,
Ringgits or dollars or whatever it is, and only looks at the number of followers and the number of likes and sees nothing else, then yes, this person needs to be reminded their brother and their sister. It's not only about followers and likes, and it's not only about Ringgits and dollars, there is much more
but I like to have a good estimation, my brothers and sisters as well as of myself. And I know that I hope in sha Allah, none of you are in that category in the first place. So let us go after which is better, which is
the profit zone Sallam told us not to ask for join.
But to ask for a full dose. Go for the best, the highest Jana go for the best option, and that is to have both and dunya. Well
in that light,
we can see that there are some keys to help us to become more successful in the dunya. But again, with a broader and more comprehensive and let us call it Islam, ised concept and meaning of success. Okay.
What are those keys?
But before that now, it's time for
an honesty session. And I want to show of hands.
How many of you here would like to be some?
Raise your hand.
Be honest.
Not that many. Well, okay. The hands are slowly coming up. What are we? Okay? Are some people still confused about the question? Anybody confused? Yes. Okay. Like, well, I'm someone What do you mean? Do I want to be someone I already someone I'm not a thing, right?
Someone meaning you want to be someone, someone in this world, someone who may be looked at? Or maybe someone who is pointed at to say, Oh, look at so and so.
So now show of hands. Who wants to be someone?
It's interesting, right?
Some people seem to be shy. Some people are thinking, Wait a second. I want to be someone. What does that entail? Right? What if I was someone?
Am I doing it? To be someone? Am I doing it for the likes and the follows?
There is there something other than likes
helped me social media people, their likes, right likes anything else?
No likes, right? Whether it's Facebook or Instagram or YouTube or anything else.
Everyone should want to be someone.
There's nothing wrong with it.
As long as your Nia is in the right place,
as long as you're near is in the right place.
All of these great names that we mentioned, of people who lead humanity of people whose knowledge continues with us until today whose names we mentioned until today.
Most people became someone
with all their Nia was pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala that was it.
But they knew that ultimately
that if they were going to influence people, they would have to become someone
and this is the situation and once you have a positive influence on people, yes, you will become someone people will look out for you. People will seek you. People want to hear you and people will want to learn from you. If you do not want that then we have a problem. Because then we have a problem with admission.
Trying to look at this differently now? Where is your ambition? No, I don't care if I'm anyone. So that means what is what is your legacy going to be? This is what being someone means It means leaving a legacy. So now if I say it that way, I think everyone will raise their hand and say yes, I'd like to leave a legacy. Okay. Being someone,
if you become an author, your books will be read, your books will be shared.
Your books will be quoted, your articles will be quoted, if you become a scholar, normally.
So how do we fix it?
and I will start with keys to success with that, because we're talking about Islamic keys to success. Okay.
You will read, I don't know, 10s.
I think 10s Maybe not hundreds 10s of books and examples of the habits of successful people and the keys to success, you know, amongst the most successful people and so on and so forth, right? And they will all have something in common and sometimes they will be slightly different. What about Islamically? What are the Islamic keys to success? islamization?
we have things that are unique. And yes, some of those things that are being mentioned by non Muslims as well. We find evidence in it in Islam. But you also find things that are unique to Islam.
And this is what I would like to possibly mention some of them by mentioning the idea first,
because we are as far as I know, an all Muslim audience. Let's start with the guidance of the book of Allah subhanaw taala, or a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then maybe later on, you can slightly modify it and mentioned the rule. Okay, or the key. And then the evidence for it from the Quran, let's say are the Sunnah of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, first thing, NIA
this is quite unique
Subhan Allah the scholars start their books with read Hadith Hadith of
the Allahu Allah, about the right
everyone's paneled, everyone, to everyone is his New Year, and everyone will be rewarded according to their new year. What is your new year? What is your intention?
This is not only important
in every individual step you take towards success. But now I'm talking about your general Nia.
you want
the dunya and akhira. You want success in the dunya and akhira that our Islam sets us up for that our Islam is getting us ready for
look at the media.
In fact, in some cases, interestingly enough, success in the dunya may be
a precursor to success in the akhira how
look at the case of Batman
or Superman or the Aloha, because man was phenomenally successful in the dunya. A millionaire by everyone standards.
And then
with that,
he had the ability to get that guarantee that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave him
when he donated some 300 camels right to the book expedition and apostle sallam said what my album was love my fall garden young Allah could he have done that? If he was not successful in the dunya
he was successful in the dunya he took the next step. His intention was to please Allah and He gave it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and he got that guarantee. He got Allah Hara through his success in the dunya
Nia, the importance of Nia, if he was
a nobody
if he was someone who
had his hand out to people, this
instead of like this
could have been this could have become this.
It's not
what is your intention? What is your intention from life itself? Remember I said, General, your general Lea, why are you here?
Why are you getting an education? Most people will say I'm getting an education to work.
And to this and go back, take a few steps back. Why are you here in the dunya? What is your Nia ultimately, when you go back to your Lord,
our Nia shouldn't be to please Allah subhanaw taala every step I take and every single decision I make, to please Allah subhanho wa Taala and then guess what brothers and sisters, everything else will fall into place.
Then everything else you do, becomes from Allah, I am getting an education, to be successful in the dunya to support the deen of Allah, to educate people, to please Allah.
Everything falls into place.
And then you are trying to be successful and to be someone and to make money and all of that for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala because of what you want to do
with what Allah subhanaw taala has given
I still remember after a football I had given in the States, I forgot what the football was about. And then a man comes to me afterwards and he says she needs to have for me I thought he was gonna say naked or you know a mother is sick or have a test or something like that. He said make you have for me to give me a lot of money.
That's interesting request. I've never heard that before.
Why? He said I want to spend it in the way of Allah. I want to support the deen of Allah subhanaw taala with it. This person understands the power of success in the dunya and how we could make it successful accurate as well. For the deen.
So Nia, number one, and ni here is very much related to what people call goal setting right? Everyone talks about set your goals. What are your goals? First thing, first goal first key to success. What are your goals have a goal if you don't have a goal, you're going nowhere near?
It's all about me. Right?
Number two,
Allah subhanaw taala says
when Athena Jahad oficina de en su Winona, Allah
those who strive
for us for our costs, we will guide them to our paths.
Strive for Allah.
Strive strive hearing here meaning dare hadoo fina, this is striving. This is being ambitious. This is working hard, hard. persevering. This is putting all your effort
Jadoo Fina. Of course, this applies to jihad in all its forms and can apply to something like as general as success going after your education. What are the major hurdles?
So we're gonna strike my brothers and sisters put some real effort. Guess what? If you're lazy, if you don't put some real effort, if you don't spend a lot of your time
seeking and working hard for that success, you will not be successful.
So this idea
includes all that people talk about, about being diligent and working hard and persevering and having ambition.
And ultimately, if you don't want to be someone and you don't want to have a legacy, maybe there's a problem with ambition.
My brothers and sisters, you should turn one of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam we should have implemented here in terms of success how
he said Ali Salah to
Salam about the human beings coveting of
He said, Locanda Livni Adam were the enemies they have leftover Allahumma 30,000. If the human being had to valleys of gold,
he would seek a third. Right?
So can Allah, human nature, right?
Apply it to ambition now.
Two things that you want to succeed and
if you have
two degrees go for the third.
Not many people with two or three degrees I think some people have maybe two everybody masters here, anybody doing Masters masters or bachelors? Nobody doing Masters don't be shy PhD.
PhD mashallah any doctors doctors already know
some movie, some are shy or mothers, the gardens are near.
If you have to go from the third,
you finish to juice go for the third, you finish 20 Go for the 30
you have two companies go for the third.
You have three choices go for the third, go for the fourth and the fifth and the 10th Don't stop. Keep moving keep going.
This is how people achieve things. And when you look at specially the scholars of Islam, you just you know you're boggled your your mind is you start to lose your mind when you see what they achieved and how hard they used to work. Okay.
Number three
you should
consult people.
So here you are now and you're thinking about what you want to do.
What company you want to start a
website you want to start a channel you want to start
an institution want to found
a book you want to write whatever it is, did I miss anything?
Well, that's
there are so many, but whatever it is, you apply to your own situation. Consult people consult with shall with whom fill out.
Our religion is built upon Shura consultation. The Prophet alayhi salatu was set up and he is receiving washy revelation from Allah Himself, consults his Sahaba
for course about that, in which there is no worry, right? So he consults them in the matters of the dunya consult people get different people's opinions as experts talk to them. And ultimately, you can consult someone other people cannot consult Allah
make the hub do your istikhara
do your SD huddle before you take any sort of step and then when you're in the next phase, when you're making another important decision, consult the people and consult Allah subhanaw taala and keep doing it. Okay. This is another important key for success
of course the order
I hope I can get them in order but I think they might be.
I might. Some of them might be before the others but it's okay. Then once you decide
once you have decided, do not hesitate and go on marching forward with what you decided. Allah subhanaw taala says
either as an
Allah that is awesome. Meaning if you decide that you decided for to work Hello.
This is after consulting people. After consulting Allah subhanho wa Taala
you decided this is what you're going to do. telecon Allah don't look back.
You ask when do I know if this is from the shipper if this is not, this is from the shipper. You did everything
and you can sell
To properly use Did you see her and you are ready to move forward and then you start hesitating. This is probably from SharePoint.
But he doesn't
help us move forward. Don't look back.
Further more reliance on the last panel to highlight another unique aspect of the Islamic keys to success that we put our trust in Allah azza wa jal
especially after we have consulted him, and he has facilitated the next step, either as an
Adela go ahead and rely on Allah subhanaw taala and keep your faith and your trust in Allah subhanaw taala strong
after that, what do you do? What are some of the other keys to success?
Let me hear from some of you what keys to success Islamic keys to success would you suggest
Yes, system steadfastness.
excellence that fasteners meaning patients
Okay, excellent. So
keep steadfast. Stay patient and
continue the way you are right? Even if it is something small. Right.
Okay, excellent. What else? Yes, brother. Salah. Okay. Salah in general.
Being pious, in general, the sister mentioned is the karma. Right, the importance of karma.
To achieve success, we'll get to that because this is related to
be with positive people. Be positive yourself. Be positive yourself and continue to
grow, be optimistic, right? Don't always look at things negatively.
Okay, excellent. Okay. Surround yourself with good people. Okay. Yes, sister.
Strong mindset. I might put that with the first one when a teenager has the
right yes system and that's definitely true. Yes system while he was
on a burner.
how would you like a
good session?
Okay, okay.
You too, okay.
Okay, excellent. So, it seems there's consensus between the brothers and the sisters,
that being pious and fearing Allah subhanaw taala. And I'm getting to that. You reminded me of one of them, but it's coming after anyway. But fearing Allah subhanaw taala and being pious
is a key to success in the dunya as you just said, and as Allah azza wa jal said filipiniana who hire by Eva, fear Allah subhanaw taala you will have success here in the dunya and in an Adela, follow the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala turban tibia holder, fella how often I let him
know fear will be upon them nor sadness in the dunya and in the Acura Yes, I saw a sister than here
so when you're facing a hardship and you don't know which way to go, okay.
Okay, excellent. So seek guidance, seek guidance from Islam. Right seek guidance from the religion of Allah subhanaw taala. The the Quran be the Sunnah of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, okay, I think we had a hand up here
about a central database between the individual and the creator. Okay. Whatever temptations have been around.
Okay, excellent. So strong relationship with Allah subhanaw taala because you will be making a lot of decisions and this is precisely what I'm coming to. And I will mention that rule or key very soon, what else?
So everyone is now you know, they're saying things, you know, so the shift can be happy, you know, be a good person, please Allah subhanaw taala give me something that has to do with that particular project. We understand and we are
All in consensus, fear of Allah is number one.
But now we were to talk about specific keys, which we can find in Islam brothers and sisters as well. We're not talking about, you know, something that, you know, we heard from this scholar or that who is not a Muslim from Islam itself.
What else can we get? Where's the Islamization? summarization of successful Islamization on businesses the Islamization of business, we didn't get there yet, right.
Yes. So they told us to mentioned that a company an
individual themselves is very weak, like just one person, even if you have like the strongest ambition, but if you're alone, you don't, you can get lost in everything. So try to get like minded people. You have a goal, and you find people that can support you in achieving that. Okay, okay. Excellent. And yes, we see that in the Islamic way.
Okay, a pious, pious companion, a like minded individual that will keep you encouraged and ambitious. Okay, what else?
A good companion is like the musks Yes, exactly. And that hadith of the prophet or Salam like the seller okay.
Yes brother
Okay, consistency is very important. There we go. Consistency and discipline, right. Very important and a lot of the mentioned that being consistent and being disciplined, right. Where do we get consistency and discipline from our isa
from Salah right number one, from Salah consistency and discipline, the five daily prayers Absolutely. Praying on time being consistent with it. Where do where else do we get consistency very important, fundamental way before fasting fundam fundamentals every one of you knows this every single one
no, I'm gonna start with the nose
the most relevant of deeds are
the one will help. But then
the best deeds as the prophets have said themselves are the ones that are consistent. Even if it is very little. It's all in our Islam, my brothers and sisters.
You don't need any of those books. Fine, you might benefit and learn things but ultimately you'll find that in our Islam Subhanallah it's just a matter of connecting things properly right.
Seeing the relevance and implementing it in that particular case.
Okay, what else? Yes system. Very important Baraka logic excelent doing things properly. excelling at it, not wishy washy job. Not, you know, Oh, okay. Well, it broke. Sorry. No, no, not like that.
You do your work like the Germans, right? They got their reputation, and they deserve it. You look at some of the things being built and you think Subhanallah
Wow, what minds put this together? You know, when you talk about a car and someone says it's a German car, or even it's a Japanese car.
Where's the excelling amongst Muslims? Very important. Where do we get that?
Okay, class and 31.
From Islam, where do we get?
Baraka Luffy? The prophets of salaam said in Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah and Yukina who Allah subhanaw taala loves that any of you does anything. They excel at it. They do it perfectly.
Is it gonna be the case where someone says, Okay, this Muslim invented this
Muslim produces obviously, nowadays, you know, it's all about nationalism. So it's about which country, it's not about which religion but will it ever become like this?
Or Muslim put his effort in this, that's it, or she did this, it must be perfect. They put their hearts in it and they excelled at it. Very important, absolutely. Do things well
give value, people will notice. People will benefit, create that value.
And people will
definitely benefit from that. And that's when you will succeed.
When we talk about the keys to success,
I suppose not mentioned it,
no talk about the keys to success is complete. And it would be completely remiss without how to deal with failure.
How, how much time do I have enough?
Time? 10 minutes.
All right. It's gonna be tough.
Maybe 15? I might have to stretch it.
Where do we get that? How to deal with failure. That's a good one.
Which one?
Okay, excellent. But if so, the Prophet alayhi salatu salam was feeling really down. Right. He was rejected. He was insulted. He was pelted with stones Aileen salatu, was salam. So he turned to Allah azza wa jal, and
he turned to his Lord.
And he and there the scholars debated the authenticity of this. But in sha Allah the meaning itself, when he tells us Allah subhanaw taala he complains to Allah azza wa jal
Guwahati welcome letter here at UVA alumnus he's complaining to Allah azza wa jal of course that's on another level.
This is the ultimate message the ultimate responsibility Allah has given him and he feels that people are rejecting it. This is of course on another level. This is not comparable to oh, you know, I tried to
implement this project or that and I failed right but still
we benefit from it. We see the profit that has turned to his North that's number one. What else
were the brothers Oh, the sisters are answering Of course you they they're more number but Yes sister.
risk measurement Yeah.
So he used when he told them seven years
Okay, Mashallah. Very nice. Very nice. You are studying admin or something I'm standing at. Okay.
On this very nice, Mashallah. Right. So he's talking about this is more administration, right risk assessment. Okay, in terms of use of Isilon guiding them to how they should deal with the famine. Excellent. Okay. Mashallah. What else? How do we deal with failure? How does our Islam teach us to deal with failure? Yes, system.
Time management is different. I'm dealing with failure now. How do we deal with failure?
Failure is a necessary component and precursor to success. And I really like a quote, which I hope is correctly attributable to Thomas Edison, when he said most of life's failures are people who didn't realize how close they were to success when they stopped.
I saw a hand here Yes, Miller
the House
rejected every time have to
keep on trying. Okay, that's an interesting one. He kept on trying
to guide them he did not despair.
Even though at one point, this is a whole different discussion. Allah subhanaw taala reproved him
when the blind man came to him, and he was trying with the influential of kurage, right, but yeah, thank you
kept on trying. Okay, you have to keep on trying.
And you can't
try and convince the
jury. Okay. So let's say his whole life, kept on trying kept on getting back up, kept on getting rejected, kept on getting insulted and kept on trial. Absolutely. And the Prophet SAW Salem was a, just
a complete person was full of positivity in every single way. Okay. And he was like that with everyone around him. And he was lifting everyone around him and encouraging them. Yes system.
Okay, Michelle, very nice Khadija radula. AHA is making him strong, because he was afraid. But after receiving the why, and she said, that's good. Yes, sir.
So you should learn from what you fell down. Okay. Take a lesson from that the next time you try you do not make the same mistake again.
And again, you will then each so learning, you will continue to move forward.
Look, look at failure positively. It's it's a lesson. Right? And there may be several failures before you finally succeed. Right? Absolutely, absolutely the case.
The Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran
that the ones who despair
of Allah and His mercy are only the disbelieving talk.
And I can tell you, Allahu Allah,
that these ideas are teaching Muslims never ever to despair of Allah.
And I might be a little bit saddening, when you see that this is a lesson that I think a lot of non Muslims have learned, maybe better than some Muslims.
So you find they don't despair. And they continue trying. And they continue hoping
even though they don't have the same Eman that you have in Allah subhanaw taala.
But somehow or other, they may make something work that many people around them said would be impossible.
Based on the conditions, based on biology, based on your situation impossible.
And they make it work.
never despair. When there is a love, there's always hope when there's Allah,
health condition, psychological problem, failure after another. Whatever it is, there's always hope with Allah, we never despair, when there's Allah subhanaw taala. Very important message. So it's not only not discern from the Mercy of Allah, not the spirit at all, because there's always hope. As long as there is Allah, if Allah is there, anything is possible.
Anything is possible.
And you can make it work, and you can do it.
some things will happen and people will call it a miracle.
Do not despair, never despair.
And other similar examples that teach us that failure is just
a necessary precursor.
No one is going to succeed from the beginning. Don't look at the 1% brothers and sisters. And this is part of the problem because everything you see on social media is far away from the average of the curve. So you have the outliers, you have this curve, right? You have most people somewhere here, you have very few people here. And then you have the 1% and the 2% over here, And subhanAllah most of the time, the spotlight is on those extremes, and most people are somewhere in the middle.
So don't despair. If you see someone
on another level of success, quote unquote, right? And then you think to yourself
have, well, where am I? There's no comparison. Well, you know, this is maybe the one 2%. And who knows how long it took to get there, right?
How to deal with failure also, we get from our Islam. These are some of the keys, important keys to success. And here we're talking about keys brothers and sisters, we're not talking about what I would consider habits. On a lower level, we were talking about the fundamentals of fundamental keys, then you can talk about habits, getting up early, and being healthy, and all of these great things, but we want to talk about the main items, the main keys to that success.
Of course,
no know talk about success would be complete, without talking about the ultimate success. And the ultimate success is the success in Atlanta. And that's why Allah subhanaw taala says in the normal,
he says an F 100.
Indeed, the believers have attained
call it success
and maybe even something more than success, because technically, how many people speak Arabic? What's the closest translation of success in Arabic?
it's actually less than further
it's higher on the moon, the scholars of the DeBary and the roofer serene said, Allah subhanaw taala only created a few things with his own hand.
One of them was Adam, Alex.
And the Torah that he gave to someone like Sarah, and John metal Adam,
he created with his own hand. And when he created the Garden of Eden, he said, a few 100 million.
Those who enter this
who's telling you the most knowledgeable Allah subhanaw taala.
Indeed, confirming that believers
are the ones who are successful. And then he mentioned is the quality Ladino, houfy Salatin.
Those who are humble in their prayers, and those who avoid vain and idle talk, and those who observe the cuts, and holes, those who guard their private parts, right, and those who are true to their trusts and those who keep to their prayers. Those won't be the inheritors of function DOS, one of the very few places in the Quran where Allah mentions as infidels, they will inherit the highest of paradise. This is true.
Success and failure.
This is what Allah subhanaw taala
teaches us through the event that we hear five times a day Hi yah little fella, come to come to success
through congregational prayer, through doing the Juma prayer with your brothers. Right. And maybe there will be sisters as well.
Hi yah, Alan fella come to the fella. The greatest successes the success of an era.
In the beginning, in the first part of the talk, I was talking about combining the success of the dunya and the success of successes accurate however,
for so many people who couldn't care less about the akhira and live their whole life and maybe they are Muslim or they were born Muslim. And all they care about is quote unquote dunya success having wealth and fame and nothing else and they don't know if prayer they are the biggest losers even if they have the biggest bank account
because the ultimate successes
attaining Jana and that's why the Quran
is filled
with talk about an Phala and mostly Hoon Alphonse alpha is Rune
not going to a full dose just
from hellfire
Allah subhanaw taala says, The
drawn away from the fire.
And then to the intergender. This is suppose
this is trial, you have trial.
And the ultimate trial
is the agenda of Allah subhanaw taala. Maybe there are
who do not have your capabilities
you have your capabilities,
but didn't have the opportunity that you have.
And they reached their 60s and 70s
never was able to get affordable education, but they're quite smart.
They didn't really attain that success that we're talking about. But everyone seeks to be someone to really leave a legacy. You're just a normal person. But all in all, here obedient to Allah
and they will go to pass
they are successful.
And maybe they are someone you wouldn't even look twice at someone downtrodden. Someone you think to yourself is nobody an absolute nobody.
But they are more beloved to Allah subhanaw taala than 1000s of those successful people who do not know Allah's plan.
Because we live in a world of false appearances.
It's all about the cosmetic
or rather maintenance, you have to periodic meetings, another important key to success, right? Planning and Evaluation and looking at things re evaluating and so on. You can think about where we're going that focus
and mostly hone right, folks at first.
Allah subhanaw taala mentions those who believe and migrated for the sake of Allah and straw for the sake of Allah, which I hadn't be serene Allah be Allah, Allah him will push him. They didn't jihad, through their wealth, through their own selves, meaning actual jihad, they gave themselves to Allah subhanaw taala.
Those indeed are the successful ones. If you are a weak party of Allah has below when you are of the successful ones.
In success, if you feel Allah subhanaw taala
those who do righteous good deeds and fear Allah and are conscious of Allah subhanaw taala
workshop Allah wa Iike who will is soon those are the ones who will wind who are triumphant. This is the ultimate triumph. This is now the dichotomy. If you have someone who does not fear Allah azza wa jal
in people's eyes, superficially,
look at how successful they are. But in the sight of Allah, they mean absolutely nothing. And they may be the dwellers of the Hellfire.
Subhan Allah. And I'll end with this story.
The maternal
uncle of an acid and malic
acid Malic over the long run, one honey hit
was part of a delegation.
He was part of a delegation that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam sent yet we're done.
Of 70 Quran reciters the Prophet alayhi salatu salam sent upon the request of some people.
His name was haram, even Manhattan.
So haram was sent along with this delegation
when they requested from the Prophet isochronous Salam, some people to teach them and the Sunnah.
after the prophets, I send them send them
and they were on
their way.
They discovered that they were treasures.
They were not sincerely asking for people to teach them the Quran and the Sunnah. Actually, they were going to kill them.
So they actually assassinated all of these resources.
And one of them was Halloween within Manhattan.
So, one of those treacherous enemies of Allah subhanaw taala came with a spear from behind him
and stabbed him.
You know, the first words that came out of the word of how have I been Manhattan
he said Foos to build Carrara
He said, whose to
have one
Subhanallah always them.
Only them. I can't imagine.
Maybe, maybe others as well from from our generations. But for that to be the first response, upon being stabbed, it's just it's staggering.
Who's to Wallet bill.
I had one by the Lord of the color.
Why? Because he has attained what every Muslim should desire. And this is Chad.
martyrdom. He was martyred. So his first response was not Ouch.
It was not cuss word.
It was not an insult to the enemy of Allah. His first response was, was
I have one, it means he was waiting for that.
You see, this is why the prophets of salaam says about shahada that, the one who really hopes to be a Shaheed
will have that rewarded sha Allah even if they die
in their own bed, because they want it, be waiting for it. So once he got it immediately pulls to one live trial
by Allah who would consider this Triumph today
for success?
It's not about the standards of people today about the status of Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala make us all successful in the dunya?
Two good question.
Is happiness the same as success.
There are so many successful people, quote unquote, who are miserable,
And there are people who are downtrodden and not successful at all, by today's standards, are the happiest and are most content. So no, they're actually quite different. They are quite different mind you, sometimes the color
If one knows how to.
If one combines the success of dunya and akhira,
successful Dounia they crave and they are spiritual and they fear Allah subhanho wa Taala you can combine both definitely, absolutely. And we know the poor complain to the Prophet SAW Selim. The habitat, people who do so they want to the profit is also seller. And they said O Messenger of Allah.
We don't have money like the rich do, we can give sadaqa do all those things. He to teach us something so that we have an advantage. So we thought that we could do this is wicked, right?
Subhan Allah would have the lower level Allah, Allah Allah
any second that you do. So they came back to the roots of Silla and said I'm a sinner Allah, they learned that they can they start, they started doing it as well.
So we lost our advantage. They are having money that successful they spend in the way of Allah subhanaw taala what Allah has given them and they remember ALLAH
So he said that like Ebola,
this is the melody of Allah. He grants it to whomever He wills. So there are people who can combine those. Okay? And let's be honest, also, let's also be honest with ourselves. And I started the talk with honesty.
A lack of success in the dunya
can severely affect
our attitude, our nefs, our psyche, our happiness, definitive, nobody wants to be a failure. So you might be the most pious person in the world. Right? But if there is a,
there are successive failures in real life, it can really affect you very negatively. So this is why I'm trying to talk about the importance of success in the dunya as well.
Not the idea of only or just think about gender, so you tell this person
or just, you know, just think about you know, what Allah subhanaw taala has reserved for you and an Acura definitely insha. Allah. But, so, but I think I think dunya has no,
you know,
in many cases, I don't think a lot of Muslims want to become so affluent and rich, that they are swimming in gold, and they have five cars and three houses. And I don't think that's what they want. I think a lot of Muslims just want to
live a good life. Okay. Not means
anyone else, not have to go to the mechanic every three weeks because of their clunker. You know?
This is most natural, right? So
there's a difference. And successfully to me, is also very important.
What success and the Akeelah is the ultimate?
There is no question about
Yes. How can we check your success because a lot of other times some people have successful but others.
This is, you know, this is where you protect yourself from either hustle, right?
You continuously do your cup, you do your job.
you're careful
about what you disseminate and what you don't, nothing wrong with that. These are ASVAB these are reasons and means that you should take so I know this SR SubhanAllah. You know, this is the way she is
what she hears about somebody success. It's like she can't handle herself. Don't tell her about your success.
Or this brother, right?
this person cannot have children.
Allah help them.
You don't have to tell them who just had a son or a daughter.
Maybe without real intention
on you.
Be smart about what you divulge. And when you don't, this is another important thing. Furthermore,
you protect others success, and Allah will protect yours. You make dua for other people's success and Allah azza wa jal will bless yours. How do you protect other people's success by protecting them from your husband and your island?
Exactly, well, the one solitary curve is actually protecting himself from arrogance.
There's a difference. The one is Sunil curve. He is saying Masha Allah La Quwata illa biLlah. It's not by my effort. This is Allah's blessing upon me.
The one way you protect other people's success is when the Prophet SAW Selim said if you see someone do not cast an evil eye upon him make dua for him with Baraka. So you're Allahumma barik Allahu Allah bless it. Once you hear someone succeeded Masha Allah, not only saying Masha Allah no make dua May Allah bless your money. May Allah bless your wealth may Allah bless your success and increase it right but that
Hello, I like do that to protect them from your own ICT and insha. Allah, Allah will protect you from others.
your speech to stress the importance of having a correct idea in the beginning of your journey.
It just might be easy to do in the beginning. Let's say for example, a person does see success.
Success can change people. Yeah. So how do you suggest the person protect their need?
Thanks. Well, that's a good question. This is you don't do it once and you're done. Right? You know, there are some directions that Alibaba know what we during his talk, he would stop
and reconsider his knee, your near you're always looking at, you're always renewing. Right. So if you understand what he said, I did not face anything more difficult than the issue of my new year. Right? So you're always renewing, you're always looking at it, you're always improving it, you're always bringing it back to where it should be.
You're absolutely right. After success, or for a while, the passage of time incidents in your life
this is not the way I used to be. That's not what I used to work for. My intention was different can happen. This is the continuous self accountability, always looking at oneself. Holding oneself accountable is
what will allow us to do absolutely brother. So intention is something you're constantly looking at and renewing.
Will love
specific word for making the Oh like utilize.
Media is in your heart. So I mean, Allah Allah, the correct opinion is here is something in the hearts, okay. You don't have to actually vocalize it. But if you choose to vocalize it about something that doesn't have to do with worship,
you could, it could almost be like an oath. You know, when someone takes an oath upon themselves, what Allah He,
you know, I will do this thing. And I will excel at it in sha Allah, right, this is more of an oath, maybe that Nia, but at the same time, it is demonstrating a certain intention, right. But in terms of worship, when we talk about worship, that's different.
But you can remind yourself, I'm doing this for Allah, I'm doing this to please Allah, I'm doing this not for his pleasure or her pleasure or for this or that, right? You can tell yourself that you can. And ultimately again, to the point of the brothers question.
This, this issue of talking to Allah azza wa jal conversing with Allah subhanaw taala in your heart in your Salah, Oh Allah, this is my situation helped me Oh Allah,
I need this. I need that for Allah You know, I have weakened this give me strength, right. This is also a way to reform and read
people buy success in social media digital company or their travel brands. How do you stop them from coming into that? Because people contact you on Instagram and you have to have an Instagram because you want people to
have traffic on your channel we also what kind of
have you seen?
What do you mean by
now she was an adult, specifically, so that nobody recognized
this sort of thing. So how do you This is
I mean, I think here, it's just requires a certain level of vigilance on my right. And I think this is more of
a tool that means question, you know, using the proper tools that that particular platform allows you to sift out to filter to, you know, permissions to allow or not allow,
you know, traffic that may be unwanted, you know, something along those lines.
But that's something that, you know, I think, has less to do with success and more to do with, you know, how do you deal with that, say, the online world and some of the, the risks
of being alive, indeed, everything is going online.
But it's the same with security online, right? personal security, online, security of data and stuff like that, you know, these are all other issues that
you think are continually being improved
issues of privacy data privacy, yes. So forgive me but I think it's just I was more focused on general interests.
Because like, women, can you raise your voice when women messaging men, oh, like that
are you talking about male female relations therefore
you have to be open.
But what applies there applies to dealing with people face to face as well nothing has changed, right? Protecting one's
chastity protecting
once person keeping things very business related, right? If this is indeed what you're talking about the same limitations the same things that apply to male female relations outside the online space apply here and the ultimate
limitation there because you have different situations and you don't actually have to deal with things most of the time and a case by case basis, you can just give you know, like blanket rules for every situation, the ultimate
restriction there is fear,
fear Allah and you know, if this interaction is halal or if it is going somewhere else, right. So, keep it
something that is completely business related and communication that is completely business related. And that happens all the time amongst Muslims, males and females in a university setting at work, that happens all the time and it can be done in a very acceptable and professional way. And once it starts to
move away from that, this is when you start working towards that which is permissible, right. And the ultimate guideline there and recommendation is to film
with the
media, okay. What's your Nia? Well, I mean, if you started a channel because you want to get married, you know or to find the love of your life.
There are other ways right
Well, again, what is your Nia if you just said if your your Nia is
to do something and to succeed at something
is your Nia as well to form haram relationships? God forbid.
Is that what you mean?
that's also true, that's also true, and that's why vigilance is required. That's why vigilance is required configurable was required.
I've just
See a few questions from the QR code. So I'm gonna choose the relevant questions here. Also some unique questions. The first question from online.
How does one thing
during prayer,
this is the this is a lesson in itself, this is most important. And
for sure prayer
is related to general crucial as well. General who is having that fear of Allah subhanaw, Taala and humility.
with Allah subhanaw taala in general,
if you have that, then the next step is to work on
the salah specifically. And for that there are some theoretical and some practical considerations, like I said, that would be another that would be a talk to be honest about it. But as it is one of the qualities that Allah subhanaw taala launches and the fact first quality mentions about those successful believers.
One of the very important things to do in terms of practical considerations is that you before you stand, and I've experienced this time and time again, when you stand before Allah subhanaw taala to pray, make sure to get rid off and stop thinking about everything else that you were doing, and that you are going to do afterwards. This is ultimately important. Okay, because maybe we don't have the kind of show that
some of our predecessors did, where he would be doing Magoo, and someone would ask him, your colors changing and they would say, Don't you know who I'm going to stand in front of? I think this is rare amongst us now, right? Let's be honest and realistic, but we read this right in the books.
So ultimately, if they are doing that means from the time of voodoo,
he's already let go of everything he's done. And he's already thinking about selling before I was fertile. So the least we can do is when I said before Allah azza wa jal. I'm not thinking about what she just said.
Or what he just did,
or what just happened, or where I'm gonna go after the Salah and what I'm going to do
I'm really trying to focus on the task at hand and guess what brothers and sisters and you are all mashallah young. You are in your 20s? Anybody above 30?
Anybody not? 30
Okay, you don't have to raise your hand anyone above 40 There are a few
the women will never answer
anyone above 50. So as you go through life and you get older, and the problems pile on
the issues, and the preoccupations and the dunya of you just want to get rid of it for a few minutes. Believe me he'll come back to you believe me.
Don't worry about it. It will all of your problems will be right there waiting for you wants to say so.
They will not go don't worry. So just leave them aside. Okay. Throw him back Allah
thrown behind you just focus for five minutes. Okay, on an accurate and once you say this, Allah will all be there for you don't worry. Okay, but for that time, focus, right. Think about standing before alas patrulla. Think about the verses that you are reciting. Consider that you the only part of your Salah which will be recorded
for you in your book of deeds is that in which you are focused, concentrating, the rest is gone.
So you will be given a great after your Salah.
Maybe it is three out of 10
four out of 10
some of you
thinking sheets Why are you being so negative? Why do you say nine out of 10 Eight out of 10
This is not my grading system the profits are similar mentioned. So easy mentioned Walter
And he went up to one half
I know this heavy raise your hand if you know that handy
so not many and he stopped at one
we didn't go any further
we Allah make us
the next question is how can we can can meet as a Muslim, maintain my divider. However, we have to attention to what happens in western crisis, like what's happened in Syria to see how can we still maintain our focus for our life?
Okay, so how do we balance the two? There's no contradiction.
The Muslim is balanced in his life, in his
in his work in his education, in his concern for Muslims in his interest in the the the causes of the Muslims and the Muslim ummah, absolutely, you have to balance those things, and different people will find balance different ways. Okay, this is not a one size fits all impossible. Okay. But I absolutely I salute you, that you are trying to maintain that balance and that you care about it in the first place. Because we have unfortunately, those extremes, we have that extreme of a Muslim who only thinks about his own bad and his solid, public sphere.
They have no idea. And all they care about this,
what they're doing in terms of a balance Allah.
Zero activism, doesn't know anything about what's happening to their Muslim brothers and sisters or the Muslim causes around the world.
This is not the way of the process of setting up I hate to tell you,
you are not correct in this.
The problems are similar, knew what was happening. And this woman cared about what's happening to his Muslim brothers and sisters look, looked after it had those ambitions. That's how he attained that success. That's how the Sahaba attained success so quickly, that baffles the minds of the non Muslim masses.
How did Islam achieve such remarkable success in less than 30 or 40 years
in the desert of Arabia, where nothing was going on? an uneducated and unlettered people, and now all of a sudden Subhan Allah they've taken over and surpassed the two greatest civilizations at the time.
Does this sound like
that, quote unquote Muslim who knows nothing about what's happening in the Muslim ummah and all they know is very bad. Or
Muslim knowledge. Okay, Islamic knowledge.
Muslim is balanced.
They are worshipping Allah. They care about their prayers, they are active. The other extreme is also not good. And I've seen in this way
very active, masha Allah
all the causes of the Muslims. You mentioned some of them Palestine, Syria, the Rohingya Yellin They know it all. But then you look at their
private Islamic life, their Salah issues.
This is not acceptable.
Why do we jump between extremes? Either this or that? No, that's not the way it is.
Always in the middle. Islam is always about happy middle.
Okay, all metal was a pub.
I hope that answered your question.
Since you're not over time, so I'm gonna just the last questions, so that
you mentioned that failure is an essential part of success. So what is your view for people whose face consists of being straying from the Path of Allah?
Especially in the model, where religious shame is apparent? And we're religious, religious, religious shame shaming.
Okay, continuing the question, were religious living this is abiding Muslim communities.
Oh, so this is a person if I understood correctly, this is a person
who is far from Allah subhanaw taala
A and not a practicing Muslim.
And they have to deal with religious shaming. Do you understand the question?
You mean, why don't you explain it to me, brother?
Okay, go ahead, go ahead.
You mentioned that failure is an essential part of obsession. Okay.
So what is your view for people whose failure consists of being a stray from the allotment of time,
especially in this modern world, where lead shaming is apparently innocent communities? So there's something in that question. There's
an implication that I'm not quite understanding, especially with regards to religious shaming, I'll try to answer based on what I understood.
When I talked about failures, I'm not talking about failures in being far from Allah subhanaw taala, we're being not religious, this is the ultimate failure. Okay, we were talking about failures in terms of this, trying to achieve success in the dunya. Okay, not doing well at school or in the project that you are trying to launch or whatever it is that you are trying to do. Those are the failures we're talking about. If you're far away from Allah subhanaw taala My dear brother, my dear sister, without any religious shaming, the first thing you should try to do is rectify that. rectify your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. God willing, everything else will be rectified. But the
first thing you need to do if you are in that situation is that because this is the ultimate and if you don't rectify that, no margin or amount of success is going to help you okay? And God forbid if someone continues on this path, they will be the losers. And just like Allah azza wa jal mentioned the great winners and those who trials then you have the greatest losers in an era when reality Biller, so
whether there is religious shaming or not, okay, and if they are saying that,
how can we deal with it because there is religious shaming, okay. Maybe the religious shaming is not something a person who is far from Allah will enjoy.
But at the same time, maybe you should change your outlook.
Don't look at it as religious shaming. Maybe this person just wants what's best for you. And therefore they're trying to guide you.
I don't know if I understand correctly. Just a minute.
Maybe they are trying to
enjoin good and forbid evil so they're trying to bring you to Allah subhanaw taala I think the sister wants to put me on the right path. Yes, sister.
you have correctly.
Oh, so Okay.
Have people from different sects appointed think
about setting each other by saying
you shouldn't do that?
Well, ultimately, yes, he may not be correct.
You do have Muslims who are
taking people further away from the deen because of the way they deal with other Muslims because of the way they advise because of the way they
get their message across. And this is the worst and you are trying to rectify and to bring this person closer. And because of how the lack of compassion that you have and possibly the lack of knowledge and the lack of faith in terms of our retirement one night and mukha you are only distancing them from Allah Subhana Allah and Allah azza wa jal told the prognosis
when evil unplanned for them and how if you were a heart of hearts in that way, okay. The people would have left you and this was not the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Not sure if I answered the brother of the sisters question. But like I said,
the failure in terms of being away from Allah subhanaw taala is the ultimate failure. And this is why we see in the draft when the child will see
PDD NOS do not make our predicament in our deen, God forbid, this is the worst. Okay, and this is what
the Sahaba you
Used to be most afraid of because predicaments in the dunya maybe for all practical purposes we can deal with
the deal. This is very serious. If you are talking if the brother or sister was speaking is talking about
this thing difficulties they face, okay? Because they are maybe they have faced so many predicaments in the dunya. And they feel they are weak of Eman they are weak of faith, I have a
series dealing with that on my channel you can check it in sha Allah call is the light at the end of the tunnel. This is specifically for dealing with weak faith
predicaments problems and things of that nature when you are at your lowest instead of being at your highest loss.
the brothers in sha Allah when I share the channel with you in sha Allah
now or later.
Can you raise your voice?
so Pamela absolutely right. And this is an interesting example that we could look at.
Of course, it's a very special example. Because
in terms of worldly standards, it was a failure. And even the Sahaba saw is a failure. And they couldn't grasp it. They couldn't accept it, or messenger of Allah, what's going on? Are three on the truth. Right? And the if it wasn't for Allah subhanaw taala keeping the prophets or send them for
when everyone might have considered a failure, this is along the lines of let's accept who shall let go but Allah higher will look okay, looking at failure positively. And maybe that that particular failure or that particular thing will actually end up being good. Okay. This is what I said and technology and Ohio local law center to help us check in what was your luck? All right. Don't always just look at the leader parents. Okay, have faith in Allah subhanaw taala that thing may indeed turn out to be good, that thing may indeed turn out to be lead to success. And indeed, that was a fit when they would ask the problem
was he said really? Firstly, he said yes, absolutely.
People they say something bad to what
you say that is hitting me.
Any person
everyone, if anyone hears of me and it doesn't
mention any Jew or any Christian,
make something better, whatever. It is something but and then you can see all the people
around the world. And this is my message for other people.
Because because there's people
in the judgment
This is what that's something that's
for administration,
but there's some things to
keep something in mind there. You should not be happy that the box also lives in salsas. You must it must bother you and they must anger you.
There will be Yeah, well no, I mean Subhan Allah Allah azza wa jal works in mysterious ways. And he's been will enter every single house and I was telling some
brothers and sisters that on the day, okay, on the day of September 11, and you know what, September 11 is, someone came to the masjid and announced his Islam.
And I'm like, What?
are you doing here? You said I came to announce my Islam, right?
He doesn't approve of what happened. But Subhanallah you know, he started reading more and more about Islam and so many people started reading about Islam and they came to Islam.
So many things may happen. And a lot of times we may look at it and say this is the worst. But then if Allah subhanaw taala is going to turn that into something that will help the deen he does what he pleases. Allah Allah. Thank you so much for the questions.