Mohammad Elshinawy – Shaded by Allah (2) – A Devout Youth

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The importance of leadership and protecting people's privacy is emphasized in Thailand, where most people achieve their dreams and contribute to society. The need for youth to use their youth for personal reasons is also emphasized, including finding a team of IT engineers or corporate officials to help individuals grow up and achieve their goals. Finding a team of IT engineers or corporate officials is crucial for building a successful Islam lifestyle, avoiding sinful behavior, and setting boundaries to avoid harm. forgiveness and rebuilding behavior are also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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In a country like Thailand I want to start you know the he wants to fiddle with our own lead it's our island should already have fusina will say yes yeah Marina de la level two either for level one I used to be further ahead yet or shadow Allah you know hitting a level that would actually Colombo shadow number from Medina Avenue wherever you go also you will Adina Amman la parte de mucho Nila one tomb Simone Yohannes itself photo book let me follow up alchemy never seen one hidden poor fella farming has agenda over 700 injured and Cathy Romani

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are deaf Allah had led the

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behavior of ham in Allah How can I make a fever? Yeah, you're Latina ml Taboola voodoo to Poland said either use letter commander Merlok on wealthy locals and overcome or make lottery law however Sudan will prefer different fields and our Lima and my barrack to begin after praising Allah azza wa jal and attributing all thanks to him and all praise to Him admitting that all guidance comes from Him. And no one deserves our pursuit of their pleasure like him, nor our seeking with them protection but him you subpoena with data and we ask Allah to protect us from the whispers within our souls, the evil whispers within our souls, and the awful consequences of our evil actions for

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whomever Allah died. No one can lead astray and whoever I love needs a straight and can die. And we testify that none is worthy of our worship of Allah. alone without any partners, the true supreme king of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was indeed his prophet and his servant and His messenger.

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And their alma Zildjian, has entrusted us just as he has entrusted the people before us with our senior the interest of mentors for

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our site and Medina hoods and Kitab. In public Ummah, Ian community, Allah we have certainly entrusted the nations before you as we do with you to have the Temple of Allah to live by it, to die by it and to meet Allah subhanahu wa taala with it.

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And to begin, we continue now with what we began wonderful to go two weeks ago and my last thoughts about the very special seven that will be secure and I must shade on the Day of Judgment. We said that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to us that in the chaos of the Day of Judgment, in the duress and the heat and the turmoil that will be phased in on the Day of Judgment, there are seven types of people that will be secure in our must shade of love will create for them out of this throne and shade and appoint them to be secure. They're the first of them he said, Allah He salatu salam, Imam NIOD just leader. And we widen the scope of leadership that this applies in every sphere

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of our life, in every decision that is left to us or in our power to make the responsibility and the concern we should carry about being fair about being just in all of our exchanges, all of our interactions, all of our endeavors, all of our responsibilities. The second of the seven and it is our appointment today. He said Ali salatu salam, WA shabu Nasha, Fe rebalance your and a young man or woman, obviously a youth that is reared that grows in are among the worship of his Lord, in the worship of his Lord Subhana, who was on. And so this is praising the quality of the youth, and the youth in the language of the art of beginning 15 years of age till about 33. And it definitely will

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not but it will not exceed 14, this is what they use the word youth for referring to a chef will be 15 to 33. And it will not exceed 40. As many of the scholars mentioned, this is a youth who understood that this is the period in their life with the greatest opportunities, the period of strength in their life. And so they took that strength and instead of using it to be self serving to serve themselves. Instead they use the observing Allah Subhana Allah to add

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and that's why another narration of this hadith about the seventh generation of Sandman he says if not shall babba who wanna shout or who theater it won't be healthier events. This is a person who wears out this period, right? He uses it up he expends it in obeying his master in devoting himself this devout youth that devotes themselves to the worship of Allah azza wa jal and so he knew he would never have an opportunity like this one. He understood or she understood there is no time like the present. I will not get

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His back that this is the age of strength. This is the age of activity. This is the age of contribution.

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This is the age of great power. And they understand with this great power comes great responsibility as well.

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And so they value this gift properly. And they understood they will be questioned about this particular phase in their life specifically, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no two feet will be allowed to move on the day of judgment until a person is asked by four things about four things two of them are either only he female Abla what enrollment is the female ethna one Chabad he female at love, you will be asked about his life in general how he spent it. And you will be asked about his youth in particular specifically, that, what he used it up with what he did pleated it in what he invested in.

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And of course, the person that is able to do this right like to expand their youth in the right directions. This is an extremely difficult task extremely difficult, because in essence, you're taking on the world, you're taking on the world, it is natural for young people to be rebellious with the world, but usually they take on fights they can handle. And so he'll tell his parents don't tell me what to do. I'm a grown man, I'm a, I want my independence, give me my space, give me my freedom. And this isn't important. By the way, a person does need to loosen the chains a little bit at this age. But this is not entirely about their freedom. Because if you notice, what they're

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asking for is what they're asking for a little bit of breathing room.

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Not so they can really be independent, but just to do what everybody else is doing. All they're really asking for is not doing what their parents are doing. And I want to do with my peers are doing. But I'm the one who's able to repel all of that, all of it, what my parents are stuffing down my throat. And what might society stuffing down my throat, this is very distal, the Sahaba did have their love language, it's incredible. Like, I'm not going to follow the religion of my forefathers, the sahaba. But it's not like you're going to follow society's fashion now all of society didn't want you to be on Toki all of society turns you into an outsider. So you're taking on the world to

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resist all of this. And that is why, like, Look now with these

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wrong decisions that the youth make, because they're so accessible. They're so handy that they're so there's so glimmery there's so decorated, there's so many, the person that's able to resist all of this is certainly certainly eligible for a huge reward. Because he put up that fight he took on the world, some of the stuff they would say, for who I shared to me many after who Medina Tawanda, who this person is tougher than someone who conquers a whole city by himself single handedly, because that's what he did. He conquered the world. The whole world did not have an influence on him. Internal and external. He has impulse he has certain desires as a youth, like the curiosity, desire,

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the lust, desire, the autonomy, desire, that to validate my existence, desire. In this age, he doesn't even have to go out looking for a bad decision to make Either, right. They're all coming his way. He repelled the pictures and he repelled the magazines, and he repelled the movies and you repelled the bad friendship. You know, a long time ago, people made bad decisions, youth went astray, because they had nothing to do they were just sitting idly that face doesn't exist anymore. There's no such thing has nothing to do. There's enough movies for you to flick through until you die enough clips, enough funny videos, there's enough news, there's enough debates, there's enough

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comments to write this. And so for them to resist like they're not in the driver's seat anymore even with these things.

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And so for them to resist it, they will certainly be someone eligible for a reward that great what's the reward going to be that the reward is when everything goes haywire, if they have Judgment, Allah azza wa jal takes these youth or these people who live that way during their youth, even if they got older, and he will basically tell them, this is about to get very ugly. Step to the side, you're gonna be fine. Just stand here till this day is over. Because they already fought their battle. It's almost as if you know in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He said to a man, a man asked him, my bad Ushahidi lay in my bed I'm sure that he lived on a futile boring why is it that someone dies a martyr for example, he does not get tested in history does not have to go through the rest of the interrogation in the grave. And so he said to him, Alec Salatu was Salam Kapha Viva

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recounted to you Fiala Rossi he Pfitzner the glimmer of the swords. On top of his head is enough of a trial. Like what is the Shaheed someone who testifies to the truth, right? He did not waver in the most difficult hour. So the what's the point of the questioning in the grave and said he passed the test. There is no test harder than this test to see the glimmer of the soul on top of your head. Likewise, this youth who lived this way, Allah will exempt him when he repelled all those flames and took on the world and conquered his desires, the desires of those pressing him to conform, he will be put aside from the heat of the day of judgments.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even said from the virtues of this young man, yeah jemalloc guna Minh shed been left subwords I left

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our Lord Marvel's from a young person that has no leanings, like everything is driving them. You don't they say they say and the Sheva loadable minute genome, like those young years in your life, up until I mean, they go there's phases within the youth, but 1520 2530 even up until 35 in our age, because it fluctuates from generation to generation. It's still there inconsistencies and saying like no, I want this career then you spend all that so we should No, no, I want this one. I want this girl. No, no, forget it. I can't stand her anymore. I want that girl. That it's almost like Insanity without explanations. They're just so volatile. They're so inconsistent. They're constantly

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swaying with every wind. So this hadith says Allah marvels at a young person that does not have these leanings. Who does not sway like this last subwords Allah who lie on Cebu Allah shape, that the sheep he does not just go headfirst into one thing after another.

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Allah marvels at people like this, like who like the Sahaba for example, we said we said it's not 40 So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam His Prophet when was deferred until he was 14, perhaps to be seen by his tribe, and this is not a young man anymore, because that's how they saw 14 They saw Sidney Cahoon, this this age of maturity, okay, we can listen to this person. And so out of mercy for the people, Allah azza wa jal gave it to him when he was 14, so he can be validated in their eyes.

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But everyone who followed him was younger.

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Abu Bakr Sadiq was less than the Prophet SAW Selim. So he was you know, sometimes even younger men and our families young. I don't even know if all of you know how young he was.

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Who set up this aid, they don't get left behind who leads an army and 17 he was young.

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Why the chairman will send us the folly of Yemen. He's 28 years old. I do love my school. There's a young man, I shuffle narrated to us it a fifth or a quarter of our Hadith, our the Hadith canon, meaning that the lifestyle of the Prophet SAW Selim statements and actions that was through her

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when I didn't nominate the gentleman who was 15 years old.

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In the famous story, when he stood there and said, Oh, he asked about it now who was also young, by the way, were younger than 14. He said, I heard that well, January, I heard from Chris the Prophet SAW son lift. And when they came at him, and they swipe the sword at his arm, and he could not continue in the battle with this at 15 years old, he said, I sat down, and I put my arm underneath which was hanging by my skin, and I stepped on it and I stood up to get it off. So I can, these were all young people, Allah azza wa jal marvels at a person like this.

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And you know, even among these have been in the early generations, the youth who understood that they were not children at 15, you're an adult at 15. You're an adult, you know, at 16 years old. He asked me more out here who died in the year 122. After him shut up.

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He would walk in the streets and the seniors, the senior people, elderly people, and also many of the scholars, one time the PA, the general or the governor, he saw 400 plus people walking behind him. And so he said this is disrespectful, disrespectful to the elders for you to accept being their leader. And so he said to him Kempson know how old are you? Carla can sing me

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who sang let me say I was I am like the age of oh seven Z.

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While he was the emir, the leader

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well, who opposed to Jason fee here go back at the vacuum Oromo while he was leading an army that contain that will work harder on people older than him. And so the thought it said to him to cut them back Allah who he stepped forward, may Allah bless you.

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Keep going on with your business. You have every right to do this. I have not. And that by the way, that begs a very important question. We can sit here and talk about how great the early youth work but

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How helpful are we to empower our youth, to empower our youth to give them responsibilities in our families, and in our masajid, to serve their respective needs to acknowledge their growth to stop looking at them, like their children? How often do we do this? You know, it's not giving someone responsibility, some sort of leadership, even if supervision is gonna happen from a distance, that's of the ways that you bring them to fulfill their potential. They say you can be something at this age.

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And this is what our prophets of Allah who I used to do, he would not just wait for age, and it wasn't even about how religious you were either. You know, many times we have this like, idealistic issue that, you know, if the youth are committing certain things, they can't be involved in the messaging or can't be involved in the dialogue, or they're not even welcome. They don't even feel welcome. Sometimes, like, can you imagine also have the Allahu Anhu. They're all from the bottom of playbook. And a person is struggling with the desire and lust that he has. He was his jihad, his battle, his struggle was it was alcoholism. Like imagine people were in a battle. And he sees people

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that used to do what he used to do drinking alcohol. And he kind of just like walks off to the side, and like, goes into the alleyway, starts drinking alcohol with them. And he regrets it again, he repents again, he tries again from from scratch from the beginning, like, can you imagine this? Can you imagine young man that like gives that or doesn't narrow table or gives a lecture and on his way to give the lecture you kind of like his old friends call and he can't resist and he picks up the phone call and, and he goes to make a trip to the bar or something, we and if we have time, we'll come back to this. But that's one of the reasons why we're impeding our youth, we're demanding a

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certain degree of religiosity, even, you know, even our youth, we said, it's way beyond 15 years old sometimes, or you go to college, and they come out of college, and they're there in the professional, you know, workspace, and then they don't find any place for themselves. And the message is like, you're just you're still young. But I need a team of, you know, of IT engineers or corporate officials or I know processes, I know how to make things work. And you're refusing to recognize that that's one of the reasons they walk away from the massage and right, we're showing them you cannot really be someone in the religious sphere until you get older. And then you wonder

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why you have children in the massages because their parents forced them to be there. And we have adults in the massage because they are forcing their kids to be there, they're keeping a close eye and that middle sector from 15 to 35. Very little people are just very busy. And they keep telling themselves when I get older, if they get older.

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But if there are youth here and there are many youth here, please do not do that to yourself, realize this phase that you're in will never come back. If a person does not get used to something when they're early Old habits die hard. And even if they like who memorize Quran when they're older. Who becomes Muslim wire most of the converts in this age group right? Why were most of the those who rejected the Prophet SAW Selim those that were older, you it probably won't happen.

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Even if you find the opportunity to you may think after college, I get a job or start attending the masajid again, where the parents may think so that's impossible.

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Nine times out of 10 99% of the time, perhaps this does not happen. You think you'll be free or when you get to college and then college think oh, that's a workload now and then okay, when I finished college, but then you have a career now you have to get married, okay, after I get married or start settling down but when you get married, you have more expenses now and you have your parents and your in laws to appease then you have kids and there's doctor's appointments and that when the doctor's appointments you need there's more expenses and then okay when the kids gets older I'm gonna memorize Quran start coming to the massage and even then they usually don't come the minority

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of people are in the massage and even those that bring their kids what percentage is that? And then your kids get older you think you'll be free when they get older and get married off? No now you're solving problems, marital problems drama between the husband and the wife, your kids, it will not happen. So you capitalize and the parents help them lure them into their own success into the into recognizing this opportunity. Let them feel it. Let them understand and also be realistic about it when you do it. You also have the Allah on who they saw a young man

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a top ironic narratives and societal Veep as well as just a man he says capital original Devil answers they saw a man as by the Prophet SAW Selim as era sooner Allah la Mora oh my god you want to shelter eat now Canada has a FISA meaning that if only this guy was more dedicated, you know, to the religion. If only this was in the path of Allah when he saw how muscular how broad how strong he was physically, they said if only he was an asset to us, meaning if only he would come out to battle with us on the path of Allah. He will protect Islam serve Islam in the Muslims.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Kandahar Raja yes Allah What did he say? Hold on for who if he said Videla

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This young man if he went out

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to provide for his young children that is part of the path of Allah. He said, well you can have furniture Yes, I believe initially thing and you can get it for home. He said he didn't love and if he went out so he can take care of his parents that are old and weak, then that is in the path of Allah, Allah in follow Giada and F CSR and NFC you refer to her before visa vie the law. And if he comes, he walked out to provide for himself and to keep himself chaste or to keep himself dignified being able to get married or not have to make for money, then that isn't the path of Allah. He said to them, When can I Faraja? Yes, at the end, and when MUFA hora 10 For whoever picks up the shirt

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And if if

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he walked out, so that he can show off to people and boast about himself, then this is in the path of Shangela. This heavy, there's so many lessons in it. But when you think about your youth, understand what you want from them, Don't ask for too much and you get nothing at all.

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He Alex auto Salaam is saying you being a devout youth does not mean you are in in isolation, you don't benefit the world around you. You just you lock yourself up in the cave, you just have this unrealistic understanding of what it means that Allah will provide for you. That's not the case at all. You need to benefit your the world around you, you need to serve your room. You know, even one of the few he mentions a story about a young man who kind of like put a stop on his life, his word, his career, everything.

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And they said he said to them, what happened is that he went to just dedicate himself to the worship not to know anything about the masjid, basically, to live in the messenger 24/7. They said he went off at some abandoned place. And so he went to him told him what in the world do you do you think Allah wants this from you? Do you think this is what it means to live for the sake of Allah?

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He said, Well, bla bla showed me a sign. He showed me a blind bird being provided for by a bird that could see

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it would put food in its mouth. So I knew Allah would provide for him. So from the wisdom of the chef, he said to him, Why in the world did you choose to be the blind bird? Why couldn't you be the other bird? And so we're not asking people to not half their careers. The Prophet SAW salad did not accept that either incorrectly, the understanding of the Sahaba our youth need to go on and work on their future and excel in their future, but not to be career driven, meaning consumed by their careers, excel in your career and be the best person ever as a as a young person. Absolutely. But do it with a sand for Allah, not for your career, not for yourself, but for him for your own good bite.

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There are people who pay 1000s of dollars and the foot bus is winding down, I don't have six, seven minutes left. They pay 1000s of dollars. And I just spoke to one of them yesterday, they attend Princeton University, they said attend George Georgetown University, some of the highest end University, some of the Ivy League university in this country. And people are paying so much money to learn about how to have what they call nowadays in the textbooks, moral fortitude, or spiritual strength, which basically means regardless of what happens in life, I'm going to behave a certain way. I'm going to not be affected by my losses. I'm not going to be derailed by my gains, I'm going

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to be who I believe I should be, regardless of the factors. This is what's meant. This is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was speaking about. One of the ways that this is impeded is because our unrealistic understanding of what it means to be a devout youth and the other misunderstanding I'll address it after the rest of the show Allah would have already had that stuff out on him anyway.

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Handling lambda lambda was solid was salam ala Medina via by the shadow Allah, Allah that would actually get that question on the Muhammad and habitable whenever you also.

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And so the first trip up from being one of these devout youth is thinking that you need to be in the masjid all day every day.

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And that's not sustainable. It's not going to happen. So if that's your impression, and you expect her of yourself or of the youngsters around you, it will never happen. So however, on the other hand, the students of the Prophet SAW Selim were much more human than us. They understood that this religion was their priority, but it didn't get in their way of engaging the realities engaging the real world. The second misunderstanding is to think you'll be able

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do that, to get that balance without coming to the massage at all. Without keeping a routine of connecting with Allah spending, are you dedicating yourself to Allah ritually, religiously? I mean by religiously with extreme dedication, absolutely. Because

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the more you add, some people think some people think that a devout youth means he'll never commit sins, like when I say have the balance, go ahead and have your career. Just don't violate your religion. i We don't even mean this is the second problem, that you're not allowed to violate your religion at all. I mean, you're not allowed but you're expected to this expectation is not supposed to make you feel comfortable about disobeying Allah, it's supposed to make you hopeful when you disobey Allah subhana wa, because shaytans real door here is real door to the youth fear is not the sin itself. But it's using those sins, using those bad decisions, those mess ups that are natural,

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they're expected there's no way around them sometimes with the youth

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is to get that to throw all the acts of obedience out of their life. And so when a person commits a sin, he disobeyed Allah, and because they're so emotional, when they're younger, we are so emotional, and you're younger, we're more susceptible to this right? And we're less stable or less deliberate.

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After they commit the sin, they get this like emotional void, like the spiritual emptiness, they feel like check on tells them You're disgusting. You can never be a good person. It's over. You're finished. Why is our money believing you?

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And so this idealism that Shavon what's in your head,

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is the most dangerous factor, you see.

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That's why the danger of the sin is the chain reaction that causes that you commit another sin after it and another sin after it and it becomes your lifestyle.

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But if you commit a sin, you're supposed to Islamically immediately follow up, follow it up with a good deed. Allah Azza the Prophet SAW Selim says, well, it's very sad yet that has said quickly follow up the bad deeds of the good deed for that little eraser will erase straightaway it's gone.

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But when you if he can get you to stop committing the good deeds,

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if you are able to keep coming back to the good deeds, having a routine, keep coming back to the good deeds, they will eventually get the sins out of your life.

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That's why Allah azza wa jal made Toba so relevant to the prophets, the pious and everybody, everybody has to make telephone, everyone has to make a cell phone. Everyone has to follow up their bad deed with a good deed to wash it away. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in hola hola Yemen had that amendment, Allah will not grow tired of forgiving you have rewarding you until you grow, grow tired of appealing for it, of applying for it.

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You know, the scholars say one of the conditions of your tilba your apology your user to be accepted is for you to not for you to be determined not to go back to your sins for you not to go to be determined not to go back. They say what that means is even if Allah knows that you are going to get weak again. But you don't know this. You're being honest. You're really trying to regret it. Even if Allah knows you're going to commit this sin in another hour or another five minutes or another week, he will still forgive you when you sought forgiveness. He will not judge you based on his knowledge about you. He will judge you upon how sick how sincere you are in that moment. That's it.

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You know what one of the writers on the subject I found a beautiful word for Lisa's Shavon who makes you think that the the defect in your life, some of us how good is it? Some of us have, they were still Sahaba so when we say this devout youth, you can be one of those devout you your children can as well so long as you have a mechanism to keep flushing it out. So long as you don't get yourself drown. He says it's like the example of someone who finds a fly in his house. And he's so bothered by that fly that he breaks one of his walls to let the fly out what's going to happen ever all the bugs are going to come in now. He says so a person that commits whatever they commit

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so long as you don't allow yourself to feel so ugly that how can I get I just visited this website. How can I keep meeting these brothers and smiling and acting religious and granary shaking the masjid when I just you know, did whatever I did. He says you continue to import and you continue baking stuff while you continue coming to the massage and

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you continue studying the Sunnah of your Prophet salsa.

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let you continue rehearsing all of these meanings, reading about the life of the prophet saw select our conferences coming, bring your family to it, but that's something you have to rehearse. It has to keep happening. It has to keep coming up in your life.

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And you can be absolutely certain that if you have youth in your life, those youth will not do that. If I'm not talking about to the youth for a second, and I switched it back to the parents one last time, they will not do that, unless you do it. Unless they see that routine in you.

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You know, one of the big writers on like life coaching and these these types of genres. He says Peck children have always been bad at listening to their elders, but they have never failed at mimicking their elders.

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And the art of they used to say this a long time ago, you say, Mr. Tara, and then that killed the following you jellyfish Toberman boo.

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When shell Nash, Nash will fit you and even other Americana, I wonder who abou they say basically, listen, Oh, Father, oh, head figure, oh, if wonderful person, don't you see that the branch your children are an extension of you. The branch always imitates those that raised those that took care of it, they'll imitate them, they may not listen to them, but they will find themselves imitating them in the end. And every young person grows up in the exact same way that their father had habituated them, the habits they put into them, you know, even nowadays, with this, like clothes, and it's just so amazing. When you study domestic violence cases, people, women, wives that are

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beaten at home, they say, there is usually a very high percentage that this child who saw his mother get beat up and he was traumatized by it and hated it so much will still grow up and beat his wife.

00:32:00 --> 00:32:39

He'll still fall into wife's bedroom, because he hated it so much because it was his mother. But at the same time, it got planted in his subconscious. That's how you deal with a woman when she upsets you. And so actions speak louder than words and you need to set the model for what you're trying to instill. If you don't come into the massage and have Halaqaat in your house regularly revisit the life of the prophet saw Selim and the Sahaba your children will not do this. And they could be farther than you and needed far more than you need it. May Allah azza wa jal make our youth the youth that are devout to scholars, Adam was ALLAH and enjoy a life of nearness to Allah and enable

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them to develop the qualities now that will stick with them when they need them even more later on in life, love Muhammad. Allah Allah fildena de lubaina was Lila that's a very Nina Nina sola Salam that gene amylovora Matthew unknown

00:32:54 --> 00:33:19

Allah Allah Allah salAllahu Salam and seven coalition What does that even mean? coolibah what is elk? unfrozen Jen Nicola it's coming in Iran hola Muslim slimming I wouldn't see much I'm hola Maddy Sheva, Bananarama will let will let the data Idina fossa work for the desert and Iran will have the ultimate Hoonah fossa above morality was certainly Mozilla Barrick and Africa want to be eco Sunni can come early. He was somebody that you marry

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