Mohammad Elshinawy – Ibrahim (as) – The Master Guest Host

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the importance of honoring guests and being mindful of one's own guests. The speakers emphasize the need to be polite, be aware of guests and their behavior, and avoid using negative language. They also emphasize the importance of bringing guests to restaurants and being hungry, as it is dishyter and delicious. The conversation ends with a call to action for the upcoming vacation season.
AI: Transcript ©
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In 111, Thailand on a screen over here is the fear of what are going to be left in Thailand and God unforeseen. Our CEO Dr. Medina, Mian de la mujer Allah philomela woman you live forever de la jolla in Bahasa Malaysia de cara

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Mohammed Abu Dhabi u haul sudo Latina de la casa de

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la want to see moon NASA forum Bakula de FC wahida wahala farming has Lj Hello Xhosa with me who Marija and Cassie around manisa de La Villa de casa

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in namaha, can la cumbre FIBA levena America por la Haku Colin sadita lacuna Ramallah como la casa Nova come when you are suitable for the fellows and alima all praise and glory be to a lovely thank Him and you seek His help and his guidance and his pleasure and his forgiveness.

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And we seek from Allah protection from the evil whispers within us and the evil consequences of our shortcomings or misdeeds. For remember Allah guides none can lead astray and remember our model leaves without guidance, one can provide guidance to that person. And we justify that no one is worthy of our worship and our devotion and our love and obedience and the absolute sense of those words but Allah and Allah alone, without any partners, the true supreme King, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was His Prophet and his messenger and the perfect example for humanity until the last day.

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Oh, you have EMA and all you have believed keep your duty to Allah be protective of your duty to a lot of value of duty to a lot of holdings and do not die except in a state of complete and total surrender to a lot of state of Islam.

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And to begin

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after saying shaytani r rajim. Allah subhanho wa Taala he says smilla Rahmanir Rahim. * attack ahaadeeth LiFi Ibrahim and mikami

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has their come to you the story of the guests of Abraham, the guests of Ibrahim al amin who were honored in the follow up follow Salah when they entered upon him and they said, We greet you with a greeting card as Salam palemoon Cameroon. And he said greetings be with you or people who are unknown

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for either the Heath Ledger at the origin in Semyon and then he drifted off to his family, his wife, and he came back with a lien mitsi cow, a boon

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a cooked

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cow for his guests that was filled with means for Perabo, he lay him and then he brought it even closer to them.

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And then he said Elijah Kowloon Aren't you going to eat for Lj Sevin, whom FIFA, Guardiola, taka wabasha, rubeola menolly when he got scared, he got worried they would refuse to eat. And so he became worried. And they said to him, don't be afraid. And they delivered to him, the reason why they're coming. They mentioned to him We are here to deliver to you news of a knowledgeable, sudden, knowledgeable boy avoid that you will have that will be very knowledgeable.

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And so this is the story of the guests of Ibrahim alayhi salam, who of course were angels carrying to him that will show the good news from Allah that He would have a son

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and this will be the topic of our football today. The guest Rahim Allah He salam, why? Because as it will find Rahim, Allah says, For pajama itead he is.

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And let's see here in Ashraf, we'll add that this set of verses kept gathered all in one place, the manners of hosting your guests the manners of being a host in Islam, which are the very best manners, and most honorable of them, meaning the most honorable aspects, the most praiseworthy aspects of hosting your guests of all the different ways that people try to honor their guests. A lot of gathered for us in this short image of his story, the most noble way to host your guests.

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Well, he says to a man that had been at Sokoloff and let's

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He had to follow for notes I can log in never hear me now by nascio. Our ad him, he said and if you consider all the other ways that people made up invented to honor their guests, you will realize that they are nothing but either backwardness or overburdening practices, which people have developed over centuries. And it's nothing but that their culture, their custom, not free from being flooded, maybe their hearts were in the right place, with the practices were off tomorrow. Whereas this story of Ibrahim alayhis salaam, his guests, is the perfect snapshot of how to fulfill a very important part of our faith, which is honoring your guests. And so why are we covering this these is

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because they carry the core of economic life. Why do we care so much about the commonplace because this is a part of our faith in Islam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Man, Canada, you know, we learned when young will ask you before you can buy from whomever Have you believes in Allah on the last day, whoever has faith in God and in the Hereafter, let them honor their guests. That's one reason. Another reason is sins is a part of our feet, we have to make sure it doesn't get mixed in with culture, we separate them. tradition and culture are fine. But when the tradition challenges the religion, and we need to know which one to prioritize, or else a part of our religion could be

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dismissed with the change of culture, if we presume it to be culture. And this is something we may see that this aspect of our Islam could vanish over time, the same way didn't exist. Before the time we brought him on. He said, I'm recording some historians, he was the very first person to actually do this open his house to get people are much more

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anxious with inviting people into their homes before his time. And so this practice was developed through revelation, and it trickled down into the generations after them. But it could also disappear again the same way it once wasn't there.

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And that is very possible for us, especially when the life of this world, our lives, and our times have changed the great deal. And so we could become overly preoccupied with our lives. And forget that Islam, there are certain places where Islam puts a hard stop and says know what it means to be alive. Part of that is living for other than yourself. You don't just live for yourself and your income and your kids, and you're feeding them. And that's all this must remain part of the human civilization, the wholesome human civilization.

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And the reason why I chose actually to mention this.

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I was invited by a family that would kill me if I mentioned their name of this community that made me walk out thinking belittling myself, we were invited over their house, may Allah bless them, the entire family. And the host became sick.

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And he couldn't even stand and he invites me into his house, and I didn't think it was that serious, and you still come still come. And when I walked into the house, I found that he actually had to leave with his hand on the floor to open the door for me.

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And I said, Would I ever do that? I walked out like, no, I would just say guys, I'm sorry. It's not a good week. Next week, come back. It didn't doesn't mean that much to me, though. I know some of the some of the Ahadi. Am I a product of my culture? Absolutely. Are we products of our culture, it will rub off on us. And if you want to see what it will look like, look at your look at our children, look at your children. Do they value honoring the guests as much as you value it?

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Some of the best families will have the children come give Sam to the guests and disappeared. As to sit with the adults with their father, right or with the adults with their mother, or take the children of those guests and host them themselves a mini hosting, show them their room, show them their toys, these types of things. If these things don't exist in our children, we have to be careful that this is fate could be fading out of us slowly.

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You know, I remember one of my Messiah.

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This is fine.

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This is becoming the culture of the member perhaps to keep switching the microphones and this is fine as well. it'll teach us patience will hamdulillah.

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And so one of my machines used to say to me I remember

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that I only saw one family in all the homes that I visited all the cities that I visited because I remember one family where the children actually came and felt like I'm the host. This is my responsibility to duty. It's an honor. I set the table with my parents, right. I make some

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The sweets and the kid was selling, he was happy to be a part of this. We have to instill that happiness with observing others, the guests in our homes, one of my passions, I remember when I was growing up, my father would kill us. If someone knocked on our door. And we said, and he asks us is Baba home? And we say, yeah, Bob was not home. He would destroy us, it would become so lazy. We would have to say the hotdog, no, no, please come in. And of course, this is assuming that the person answering the door or the people in the house are older of age so that there's not any inappropriate foreign men foreign woman behind the house inside the house alone. But he says when

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you can imagine he's 10 years old or up, you have to say come in first. Then they come in and we would walk inside they think we're getting our Father, we bring them a cup of water is Baba hope, no, he's not home, that's when we can tell them that love is my home. If I tell him from the door, my life is over.

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So this needs to be re instilled. The third reason why this subject is very important. And I'll spend the fourth one or perhaps sewage on it

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is that I'm hungry now. We're at the end of the

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year right at the end of the Gregorian year. And this is a time for much visitation that happens during the school breaks that are coming up the winter vacation, lots of visitation, lots of socializing. And so it gives us an opportunity to apply right away, not just in one ear and out the other. And so I invite them all lunches, 14 or 15 qualities you take to be a good host for yourself for your children. I'll mention of them nine. He says First of all, Allah zildjian praises Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam by saying had an attack. ahaadeeth alafia Ibrahima glucosamine amin has there come to you have you come to learn the story, the meaning the very important story that you should learn of

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the guests of Abraham who were honored who honored them. They were honored by Allah because they are angels. But they are also honored by Ibrahim alayhis salam and I'm about to tell you how. This is the meaning of the recording. Some of them have a city. They said there's a dual meaning here on London mentioned who honored them because it's not just one direction they were honored by Allah and honored by Ibrahim Alayhi Salam in the form of gifts

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is definitely worth it IE so far do Salah when they walked in on Ibrahim. And so they said to him Salah

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Kala Salah moon, co moon moon cone, he said to themselves so they said it was his notice they said Salah man Salaam is doing a fairly right no Sandy mussalam and the meaning of Solomon is we greet you with a greeting. That's a good thing to do when you enter the supposed to greet he greeted them with a better greeting. He said setup moon was around when Jim likes me to feed food with a gentle and he said greetings be with you meaning endless greetings with you. That's the difference between salmon and salmon. He says and always the host should be very careful. Meaning he's the one with the spotlight is on he has to be better with his guests because he's leading the gathering. Then his

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guests are are with him whatever they say. You always greet them respond to them reciprocate in the best fashion always just like our last test, for example, we that we need to meet a hearing for how you'll be accent I mean, a little further I will actually

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I will do have a dinner, right I was when you're greeted with a greeting, respond with better than eight that's ideal. I will do or at least to return it. Because that's the bare minimum. You're not allowed to do less than that, but you should do more.

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And so when someone says Sarah, you say back to them or

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they say Assalamualaikum warahmatullah. Ideally, you say back to them when they come salam wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu right. They mentioned your name, you mentioned their name you make do art for them.

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And it's not just the words that you saved you try to also meet your guests greet your guests with cheerfulness with a big smile. Whoever comes into your home, that's the first thing you bring to the table. The generosity table The first thing you bring is I'm happy that my guests are here my mother in law, my father in law are non Muslim, even the province was visited by a guest that was quite burdensome. His name

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was Juma blue said about the Aloha honor who became Muslim later, he brought him in the house and he he had the milk, some milk for her to squeeze some milk out for him. He asked for more

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Until the problems are seldom

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kept bringing him more until he milked that animal seven times for this individual. Likewise,

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when her mother came and greeted her at the conquest of Mecca, she came to the province on Sunday. She's trying to enter my house, she,

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she wants me to, like, forget everything and just go back to what it was. She wasn't Muslim at the time. But I will say that the doctor was the was the mother of ismat. Because every book, and she wasn't Muslim. He said to her, honor your guests and treat your mother well and always keep ties with her, regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the fast when they're at your door. That's it. you greet them on a standard that a lot of us have had Oh, dad.

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I remember regarding responding with that, which is better. There was a man who needs to be taught to care to kids

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who Cerruti beautiful voice.

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I'll leave all names out of this whole bunch online. So he came to one of the machines that we both respect to travel to him. And he said some shit, I'm going back to sort of the if you ever come to Serbia, you must you must come to my house.

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Of course, I don't have plans, okay.

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You can't say no.

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I will have the man of the harem. Inviting personally, like my friend is the man who leads a lot of the Gabba. When he calls you, you can't say no. I was like, Wow, that's pretty impressive.

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The sheer said to him, I will come if you call me.

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That is even more impressive. I value your invitation, right? And I respond to you with something better than you offered me. That is the type of hosting that a person should have, especially when they're the ones on the receiving end of the visit.

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And then he says Sam moon co moon moon Calhoun, he says greetings are people who are unknown.

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He didn't say who doesn't know the moon, come on, let me mature etc. In the past tense. He didn't say I don't know who you are. Because that could cause a little bit of an awkward moment.

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He picked his words with his guests very careful that he said that. He said people who are unknown he didn't mention who doesn't know them. Could be me. It could be the whole town. The whole city doesn't know who you are. He wants to tell them.

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Tell him who you are. But he doesn't want to see it in a way that could cause some sort of offense, some sort of friction of failure and expression could ruin the whole gathering. Sometimes the word that you say that is inappropriate could outdo the food that you spend so much money on.

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And so he says to them, Coleman Calhoun

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and there is a rule in Western culture here that is very consistent with this issue of choosing your words carefully. They say you never talk on the dinner table about two things, politics and religion.

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And this sounds about right.

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This doesn't mean we don't remind people of Allah subhanho wa Taala. You don't leave a book on the table say Mashallah, like that book a lot. Would you like to borrow it? That's what a smart person will do. But meaning you don't sit there and debate where you polarize, I believe more than you just had you believe more just how long and that becomes the conversation. I'm the host, right? I'm left wing and your right wing and then we debate on the pros and cons of the political parties. You don't do that you don't polarize cause that that awkwardness between yourself and your guests, that's what Sam was trying to do when he said Full Moon moon cone.

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And then a lot of Oracle data sets and sometimes we don't we read over these ayat and we don't really pay attention to the words he says for all of our EDA led for jet engine in semi our horn Who am I without

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you prefer avant at a fairly solid? You call that bonafide? romance is when you're snickering like when you're when you're being a little bit tricky, a little bit deceptive, right? And so fox is in Arabic. Their behavior is called the avant. They act like they're not looking then they attack the rabbit. Right? They're deceptive a little bit. This is a praiseworthy kind of deception.

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Ibrahim, it said that it kind of slides away without anyone feeling to his family. What's the point there? What's so praiseworthy about that? He's not making his guests feel like they're a burden. He's not saying okay, stay right here. I'm gonna go get the food right now.

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So the person comes back and says no, no, no money. There's no reason for the food. There's no embarrassment. There's no hard feelings. There's no room for negotiation either. He kind of slipped away

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and came right back. We originally in semi. He came back with a full cow that was roasted. That was cooked.

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He didn't wait. He slipped. He didn't ask them. Have you had dinner? Because that's the obvious he's gonna say No, I'm fine. Would you like some tea? No, you don't do that you make the sale they say in business, right? You tell them coffee or tea? Not would you like the tea, all this is talk to us from a lunch choosing the precise word for all that he that he slipped away to his family. And he came back with, with a cow that is roasted. There are three things here that need to be said. Because Ibrahim Ali said it just came to three people

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with the whole cow.

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If you're paying attention, you might wonder, wait a minute, isn't that wasting a cow for three people. That's why the fuqaha the scholars they took from this area that this is not wasted, this would not be considered wasting, if you have one guest and you cook a whole sheet for him, right you fill a sheet for him.

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If you have a whole cow, when you serve it to three people, this is not wasting. What is wasting. Wasting is when you overburden yourself, you put yourself in debt to serve your guests. Or you can afford it. But after they're done eating, you throw out the rest. That's wasting. But if you want to honor your guests by having some huge variety with you make sure to take care of it and you package it up later. And there's 1,000,001 things you can do with it, send it to a homeless shelter, send it to a soup kitchen, maybe our wives will force us to eat it for the next two weeks. It's fine, so long as it doesn't get thrown out. That's that's not wasting.

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The second thing to be said about this guy, he came with a cow that was roasted, is this necessary?

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Is the point to spend a lot of money.

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That is not the point.

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The point is that Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam, brought out to his guests, the best that he had available. That's the point

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not to go even if you have the money.

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But if it is not available, this is not considered honoring your guests.

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And further proof of that is that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam when I met and came to him asking who's going to take me up for the night, but I just arrived here I have nothing I'm hungry. He said to them who will host the guests of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And so one of them only took him home. And he said to his wife, what food do we have to we have nothing, just this little stuff here in the box. He said, and it's for our kids. He said, put the kids to sleep and turn off the lights and I'm bringing him

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and so that he comes over their house, and he had told her to turn off the lights because they're all sitting there putting their hands in the dish and eating as if they're eating, pretending that they're eating so it's not awkward, so he doesn't feel like he's the only one finishing the whole family's food. And he's the only one eating in reality, and nobody knew about this. The next morning the prophets of Allah wa alayhi wa sallam called him forward and asked them what what he did. And he said la da Jeeva la hoomins. Ranieri cumin barely had a lot of the Most High Marvel, he was amazed by your action last night. That's what's meant that you provide the best of what you have. Because

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if you think about the opposite, what's one of our customs, many times we will stop the hosting of guests because we're not ready to receive them. Sometimes there's a schedule, your child has an exam, somebody's sick, these are all, but we say no, no, I have to go out and make a huge feasts. And sometimes it never really happened. It just drags and we never bring them home. We never bring these people home. So in order to overburden yourself, you bury many opportunities to honor your guests. And both of those are not good. Giving up that opportunity for that rebounder. And number two, overburdening yourself. The best way to honor your guests is to honor them with what's

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available immediately within means and people love this by the way when they come in, they see some simple food in front of them say Wow, he's feeding me from his family's food. right he didn't have to do this. people notice these things and it's even more honorable sometimes. Then you go going out of your way to do it a whole lot of stuff

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salatu salam

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ilaha illa

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Allah Masha Allah Mohammed Abu Dhabi also

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so first of all, it wasn't wasting Second of all, it's not necessary to go out of your way that's not what's being captured here. Third of all, they said this is a proof that Ibrahim Alayhi Salam his house was always ready for guests Why? They said he slipped away like he wasn't felt

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He wasn't gone for long, and he comes back with a cow.

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That means most likely he didn't just go get his cow, right? And slaughter the cow, and skin, the cow and guts it and then cook it. That probably wouldn't apply to Ravana. He slipped and came back, which means the whole family was used to the issue of receiving guests. It gradually became what they were known for. That's why the beginning of the is one of the points we missed. In the finale, they walked in on him. It's as if he had an open door policy. It's not even like the doctors can we come tomorrow, and it's as if Ibrahim alayhis salaam house was open for guests, by day and by night.

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And so his house was prepared because the cow couldn't have been prepared in minutes. No way, allows capturing that he used for them the best food available there. And not just the edge of the cow, the worst of your guys, engineering semi alene cow. And it was ready, by the way as well. So I thought Rama, who he laid him aside for the hook was running out now he brought it close to them.

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He brought it close to them says a few things. He did not except for anyone to serve them.

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He served them himself. That's part of honoring your guests. It is totally fine to go to restaurants and give them your business, especially when they're missing restaurants. But there is something different about bringing someone into your home, serving them with your own two hands. Right? That is something that Ibrahim alayhi salam, even if he wasn't one that cook, he is the one that brought it and brought it close to them. Another thing is that he brought it close to them. He didn't say you come close to it. And so he went out of his way or he did all that he could to comfort his guests. You know, in some beautiful cultures. I remember when I went

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to visit my grandparents and my aunts in Egypt, they would bring you

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and this exists is very famous about also the the North African culture the Algerian Tunisian Moroccan Libyan culture. When the guest is sitting there in the reception room, they bring him like a jug of water so he washes his hands while he sits it to comfort him as much as possible. And I remember growing up my mother Allah bless her, she would always ask the guests would you like me to get you wipes those soapy wipes? Or would you like to wash your hands? Whatever is more comfortable for you? She would offer the guests wipes. This is of what is referred to here for carrabba. Who la him. And then he said to them, Elijah kulu, won't you eat? He didn't say it immediately. But when

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they didn't eat it won't you eat and even want to eat is different than eat? Right begin? As they say in English. He doesn't say that. Oh, he tells someone Won't you eat it's more delicate. Bismillah the prophet SAW Selim, he told some women to eat and they said let us study we don't want any God Allah touched me and a Jew and waka diva. He said don't combine between hunger. And between live, like don't fall into both if you're hungry. And he left it there. He didn't force them. honorable guests, a host does not force his guests to eat. This is a huge mistake people have some people do it. Once again, we live in a customs that built up over the years. If he really analyzes

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what he was doing, he's really doing it for himself, not for his guests.

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Like you can become angry at your guests for not eating but what if he's allergic? What if he doesn't like the food? What if that's just not him? What if he has some sorts of condition? I remember one man said to me, and this was to be honest, despicable. It was absolutely disgusting. He said to me, You are dishonouring me if you don't eat while loving if you don't eat my wife is divorce.

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First of all, who should I kill myself or destroy your family? Those are two good options for me. I can't eat. The food was absolutely delicious. I love learning for that. Oh, maybe more than any other food out there. This after that event said to me my wife was divorced if you don't eat my food, and I had already eaten. And so when you're assuming the principles you made up, they surpass their food just being reasonable a little bit, then this is not praiseworthy.

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In any case, for I would just I mean home cleaver. He felt some sort of fear from them. Ibrahim Ali Sarah will said about him and was it le fi he felt fear. Meaning he didn't show his guests that he was afraid that he was troubled by their actions. He was troubled by their behavior. This is very beautiful.

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Kevin Nash off, which was a man that started many wars against the prophet SAW Selim, when two men were sent in Medina to go execute him.

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They said to him come outside, they visited him and they said come outside.

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And so he was afraid something's wrong here in the middle of the night, and his wives. were afraid

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They said to him their words trickle with blood like these don't sound like they're nice they're there's something going to happen something's they're up to you. They know what your something's wrong. He said to them in Medicare evils right before he was killed. He said to them in Al Karim Doria in a pharma team believed in Agile. He said an honorable person, a person that honors his guests, even if they request from him to kill him, he has to accept.

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This is not actually islamically true. But this is the type of culture he got from that environment he was in right that pure, honorable regular guests environment which our Dean regulated with reinforced. So May Allah bless us and you and these coming days and help us make the best out of the visitation season out of the vacation season. I love them. I mean, teach us that which will benefit us and benefit us that what she has taught us was a lot more of our family. Wait for him. I didn't even set up a loving

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dinner last night. I learned

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a lot from him. You know he never

00:31:13 --> 00:31:14

was a lot

Khutbah 11.03.2017

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