Mohammad Elshinawy – [Ep 2] Humility In Practice – Manners Of The Salaf

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of humility and acceptance of Islam, particularly in avoiding negative behavior. They also touch on cultural practices and the need for a strong personal value. The conversation touches on the historical significance of the stoic culture and its impact on behavior, as well as the use of the beast for fear of offense and being goal-oriented. The transcript also touches on a disturbing incident involving a woman named Omar and the importance of law as a means of protecting oneself and others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Allah Allah He was like a big man you know begin the name of Allah All Praise and Glory be to Allah Who makes finest peace and blessings be upon His messenger Muhammad and his family and his companions and all those who tried his path. Just like a little later everyone were jumping back into it in sha Allah with edible self fit the AMA Anna's the manners of the early Muslims, the self, the righteous predecessors, in their dealings with people in their interpersonal relations. And we said that

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bringing ourselves closer to their biographies is the remedy for so many

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dimensions of our lives. It is the antidote to so many

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unethical practices or even personality traits that seep in, due to the other lives that we interact with the lives of those who are not as privileged to be refined by the revelation the way to sell it for the way the early Muslims were the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Hey, you don't necessarily the very best people of my generation, Thelma Lavina, Luna home then those who follow them filmer Lavina Luna home, and so those first three generations are extra special. And we're not confining ourselves to the first three, but it's an indication of the earliest periods of the OMA.

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And that we want to pay extra attention to, to recalibrate. So we begin now we're going to try to cover three or four or five sections per week. And I'm going to try to give them a overarching theme if I can, because the sections are rather short, they're rather brief. And so this one will mostly be about humility. So although, but in practice, you know, like, humility is not the feeling or not just the feeling, and that's important. You know, even from the great wisdom of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he said, in the hadith of Massoud and Muslim lad, hello Jana atta mankind efia kalbi, he with Karla Dora team in Kibera, nobody enters Jana paradise, if there's a

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speck sweet of pride or arrogance in their heart. They said the Rasul Allah we like to have nice clothes, nice shoes, are we arrogant? They got worried. And then he said, No, Allah is beautiful. He loves beauty alkie bro, Bata will help the Welcome to nurse arrogance is the rejection of truth. This is a practice a conduct, right? So humility is also a conduct. And it has come to NASA, it is the belittlement of people. And some scholars pointed out that look at the two examples he gave. He said Baba don't help. Rejection of truth. That's an outward thing that you do. Welcome to NUS belittling people is an inward state of yours. You look at people like they're nobodies. Like

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they're cockroaches. Right? Who are you? And the wisdom and the beauty and giving those two definitions, one external indicator of arrogance, one internal indicator of arrogance, so that you check both inside and out for because specs will destroy you. Because someone may pretend outwardly may act in practice humble, like they have humility. But inside, they're arrogant.

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Yeah, and if someone gives you some advice, and you say just like a little late on, great point. But in your heart, you're saying who does this person think they are? To give me nicely? Yeah, you got to check both sides, inside and outside. And likewise, some person can think that they're humble, because they have this like warm and cuddly feeling inside.

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But when it comes to the people, they

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are defiant when it comes to the truth that people bring them. And so humility at large inwardly and outwardly is what some of these chapters will be covering through anecdotes from the lives of the self. So the first section, he says here, he starts the whole book with this section, lay up to my own theory, bananas, were you the Runa Reba, Allahu taala. They do not hope for the approval of the people.

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Instead, and instead of that they prefer seeking the pleasure of Allah.

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And of course that needs a little bit of a qualifier because everyone can read that line

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on their personality type. I don't need to please nobody. I don't care what they think about me. I just care about Allah. No, you're actually wrong. Because if you cared about Allah, there were a lot of times when Allah who wanted you to be gentle and sort of be flexible and wanted you to be agreeable and wanted you to be polite and right. And the opposite is also true. Some people sort of like say Islam is

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About being kind and gentle and merciful and compassionate, even at the expense of compromising our relationship with Allah that that also is very wrong. And so what he is saying is their ultimate objective is pleasing Allah and getting his approval, not pleasing people and getting their approval. Is that clear? And how do we know this is the case that if there is a conflict between the people's approval and Allah's approval, I pick Allah's approval? I don't expect everyone to be pleased with me.

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And so he quotes a chef remember chef Rahim Allah is saying, and Natsu Elia to learn to drug, the people getting all the people on your side is an objective that is never attainable. It's impossible. Well, Asa Lee Illa salamati Minh Sabine, and

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I do not believe there's any way to escape without upsetting someone. There's no way around this. He's trying to say, for Alagiah B million federal capitalism, and so be keen on what benefits you whether it pleases the people it might sometimes or this pleases the people just focus on what is what is possible. And he cites that a man came to Al Hasan Basri Rahim Allah and great Imam from the tambourine generation after the Sahaba he met hundreds of the Sahaba and the man said to Al Hassan, in the coalmine, usually sooner the edgy do be that usually sunnah Kalyanji do be delicate, you gotta walk there it fika sebelah there's some I'm gonna warn you, I want to tell you something,

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share. There's people that sit with you for no reason than to find things they can hold against you. They're mining, for reasons to cancel you as we say nowadays. That's why they sit with you. So he said back to the man that was cautioning him, he said to him, how when alayka Hatha take it easy on yourself, meaning I don't take this stuff heavily. I don't take it to heart no big deal. You also don't, don't go overboard. It's no big deal. Take it easy on yourself. He said, Because I set as one of my objectives in life to reach paradise. And I found that to be possible. Is it possible to reach paradise? It is. He said, and I set as one of my goals in life

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to escape the hellfire. And I found that to be possible. And I set as one of my goals in life

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to get the people's approval, and I found that it wasn't possible. Gender is possible the fire is possible people's approval is not meaning all of them all the time. He said for in a nurse listen for in the NASA lamjao unqualifiedly him or AZERTY him for K fire Abona and mahalo P Mithila, whom people don't even approve of God, who created them and provides for them, how are they going to approve of a fellow creature like them?

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Right or wrong? Very wise way to look at it. And you got to realize this book is about dealing with people, part of your manners with dealing with people will come from the fact that you are lowering your expectations of of them. You know, they say people are people, they're not gonna stop being who they are. And part of who they are, is they're just different. Sometimes these differences aren't even a bad thing, right? We just look at things differently, understand things differently. Sometimes people will insist on being evil also, that's another reason why they'll never stop laughing at you or never stopped disapproving of you. Just get it out of your head. Even God doesn't

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have universal approval. Right.

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And it was reported

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in a debit adabas Sharia.

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That's Musa alayhis salam

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once said, Yeah, Rob in the NASA coluna fee, Mr. Lazar fee. Oh Allah, they're saying things about me that aren't true. They're slandering me. They're accusing me they're sort of suspecting me for El Hala Hui Lai. And so Allah inspired or revealed to Musa Allah He said um, yeah, Musa la Magill Valley Cali NFC for K fetch Idaho luck. Oh Musa. I didn't grant this to myself, that people will never say bad things about me. So how can I get it to you?

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And Malik Medina, Rahim Allah. He said, since I understood people since the day I finally figured it out.

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I have never been pleased with their praise nor displeased with their criticism. They said why? He said, because the people that praise You are exaggerating. And the people that dispraise You are exaggerating, meaning most of the time people just emotional, they're not actually being accurate. They're not actually being fair. And so just like, I get it, no big deal. Obviously, it's normal to be pleased when someone praises you, and to be displeased when someone insults you. This is normal. But what he means is he's not thrown off his rocker. What he means is this isn't a huge

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do for me. It doesn't cause me to pause or make turns. I gotta I have another objective. That's not it. I'm going somewhere else. So these things are not that influential.

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And a chef I remember chef Rahima hula, he said in another narration, and Hadith Hello, Leah, Mahajan, Illa Allah, homo hipbone or mobile. There is no body on Earth except that he's got lovers and haters. For in cannula Buddhism indolic polyalkylene, Amar OMA Khalifa RT Lucha JAL. And since that's the case, let's that let your lovers be those who obey God,

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the mighty, some people, some people will hate you. Why? Because you are pleasing to God and they don't like that. Can you imagine? Some people are like this, if you'll never be able to apply a piece of them all. And even claim Raveena Hola. He says in a little bit of an analysis here that I'll summarize for you. He says this is because pleasing the people is not possible, nor asked of you know reported about anyone among you. He says La Malcador on Well, I'm more on while I'm at Thor. It's not enough, dude. It's not possible.

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Theoretically, it's not possible. He says, nor is it more. You are not commanded to seek everyone's pleasure. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's not your job. Well, I'm Thor, nor has it ever been reported about the righteous about the prophets about God Himself. Never. He says so since it is impossible to avoid some of them being upset at you, then they're going to be upset at you while you're pleasing God or upset at you while you're displeasing God.

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So have half a brain he says, and let them be upset at you if need be, while you're pleasing God subhanho wa Taala and it will not harm you that you don't have the approval of those that will not benefit you in this world or in the next, what does it get give you.

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And you know, there's actually a hadith about the fact that these aren't separate subjects, that if you seek the approval of everyone, you will wind up displeasing Allah. And this will cause them to wind up

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not liking you anyway.

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They're actually connected. And that is the you know, the hadith is narrated by Aisha the Allahu anha. And in the context of where it was narrated, or the backstory of why she mentioned it famously, was because of the fitna, you know, there was a big standoff between Alia the Allah who won and why we have the Allah who won in sort of the two major provinces of the Omen, Kufa and a Shem. And so, I issued the Allahu anha at the onset, especially, she wanted more IWEA to get vengeance for from the killers of his cousin, his tribesmen Earth man, or the Hola, Juan. So, and of course Ali or the la han disagreed and said, Listen, I will not accept this, I don't approve of

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this, I can't let you do this. And so I shouted, Allahu Allah has sent him a letter. And she said to him, tumor IWEA, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I heard him say, I myself heard him say, Whoever seeks the pleasure of the people, while this obeying Allah, Allah who will relegate him to the people, meaning Allah will leave him for the people to help him and they'll never be able to help him.

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She's telling him be brief, basically. Of course, that concept is correct, regardless of whether or not it was correctly applied.

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Between Ali and Ali Abdullah Juan, especially from why we aside, but this is something that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and the continuation of the Hadith, he said, and whomever seeks the pleasure of Allah, even if that angers the people, Allah who will become pleased with him, and cause the people to become pleased with him. And by the way,

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the people that matter, will become pleased with him. So many times. There are people who get a lot of criticism even within their own families, when they seek to please Allah azza wa jal, their particularity about like, you know, what they eat or what they don't eat, what kind of functions or events they attend, and if they don't attend, eventually, eventually these people that are upset with you, they wind up seeing that you are a better person for it. Eventually, they realize this is actually a good person. Yes, he doesn't come to the wedding where there's dancing, but he also calls me and he also visits me and he also checks up on me and more than everyone else. So if you are

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consistently trying to please Allah, you will win people's hearts over Allah's Dean and his selfie it will cause people's hearts to talk to turn towards you. Just make sure you don't seek it directly, even at the expense of displeasing Allah because then you'll get neither, they'll neither be pleased with you. Nor will Allah be pleased with you, and then you lost out on both

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the next session

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another sort of shade of humility. He says Jacoba Luenell Hakka me manager or be He, while I ltfu Tuna Isla de la. They accept truth from wherever it comes. And they give no consideration to who is saying it. That's called what in English?

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What's that called being what?

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Being objective, being impartial, not being biased, right? I'm not partial this way or part of that I'm impartial. I have no sides. I'm with the truth. I'm seeking the truth. The truth comes from whatever that action I'm taking it.

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And you know, this is what it means to be a Muslim. Because a Muslim is a servant of God, a servant of Allah and Allah, of His Names is that have the ultimate truth. And so if you truly have served to to Allah al Haq, you will accept truth as part of your service to God, wherever you may find it. You know, there is a Hadith it's a hadith and sort of

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many scholars mentioned it's a weak Hadith, some are attributed to Allah you know, the Allah one, but the wording is important to remember, which is Al hikma toolbar, lateral movement. Hi filmer wa Jeddah alpha alpha Hua Al Arabiya. Two different narrations that hikma wisdom,

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precise truth, wisdom, right? This is the last property of the believer.

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When you have something that belongs to you, and it's lost, what do you do? You look for it, what's yours? Right? Why is it lost?

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Why some wisdom, some wisdom in the Quran, so not lost? Why some wisdom loss

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because Allah sprinkled it among his creation, He scattered it, he distributed it on purpose, to see if you're going to accept it, even from places where it's difficult to accept it.

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You get it. That is how he is testing whether you are a true leader, a servant of God or not. Whether I like you or not, whether you're agreeing with my sort of opinion or not, I'm accepting truth.

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Abdullah who was rude or the Allah one, the great companion, he said in this regard, men Jack have been healthy for Cavell hoomin Whomever comes to you with the truth it makes sure you accept it from them when canonbury Then by the law even if there's someone distance from you and hated to you bury then by the law. He said woman jakka Bill Belton for de la he were in Cana Habib and arriba and when someone comes to you with something wrong,

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check them right rejected resisted, even if there's someone beloved to you, and closely related to you.

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And they'll claim Rahim Allah Allah

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after mentioning many, many, many Imams of the early Muslims,

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he says while sodic was the key, because some of these funny memes were controversial, more controversial than others. He said, while Sadiq was the key, the truthful person the servant of God, who is Zeki not Vicki Vicki means intelligent there they are intelligent but he says it's the key meaning the pure hearted person, person doesn't have the the pollution of biases or prejudice. He's saying a saw deadly truthful as a key yet who do mean coolly mean whom in the hormonal Hawk he accepts from them all, whatever truth he finds with them. And he seeks with that help in his mission in life, which is worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and does not reject any truth or any benefit they may have, because of any shortcoming they have elsewhere and then dismisses their value. He says Phil Callum came out on mute luckily Allah, Allah mean because completeness and perfection belongs only to Allah Lord of the worlds and there is no servant, except that he has his rank has his station meaning beneath Allah meaning a station within the stations of what

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imperfection some of us are more perfect than others are more correct than others. But we're on this ladder somewhere

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you know,

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the great Imam Muhammad and ammunition clearly Rahim Allah,

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rather recent contemporary scholar on the Quran. He says in his Tafseer what would ban feed FCT the Quran Al Quran or manual called Animal Quran? He says and it is known,

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well known should not be disputed that we look at any statement while turning a blind eye to the person stating it

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it even if that person may come off as the lowest of people to you, we already saw he's talking about the Quran. We already saw in the Quran that Allah agreed with,

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and concurred with the statement of someone that committed the lowliest crime, which is worshipping the sun, worshipping another creation as if there God in the story of saba. He said, When Sulaiman Allah He Salam sent that message

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to the Queen of Sheba. All right, the queen of saba. Some say her name was Bill peace, when he sent her that she pulled her advisory council together. And

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she said to them, I got a letter from Suleiman, he's telling us to concede to his reign into his power and to stand down and to submit to Allah along with him.

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But under his rule, right, so she said in Surah, enamel another account of this is the sort of the number the chapter of the ants

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call it she said to her counsel, in Elmo Luca either the Hello Korea 10 that the Kings when they answer a town, they ruin it. I've said to her, what ya Lou? Holly Ha, hey, Avila, and they take its most honorable elites, and they humiliates them. That's what she said. So what do you guys think we should do? Should we fight them? Because you guys know what kings do when they come to town. Kings come to town, they ruin it, they level it to the ground, and they take their biggest sort of opponents or challengers, the biggest threats. And they make an example out of them. They make Isaiah Talia Avila

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at the end of the iron right after she says that Allah says, what are their Lika falloon?

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And that is what kings do. He's agreeing with this woman who is a pagan idolatry worshipper of the sun, at least according to this stuff said of what that means. And so he's saying that should teach us all that no matter who's saying something true. If it's correct, you gotta say yeah, I gotta agree with you there. It's correct.

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Of course, Allah is agreeing that that that is the norm with kings, not that Suleiman Ali salaam will do that just sort of important disclaimer, before I get canceled, but I don't need anyone's approval.

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That was a good exercise in the chapter before right.

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you know, even a lot of the Rahimullah

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the inflatable Kadir, you have this, I will summarize it. He says on this point, he says and, you know, philosophers, they've done so much wrong.

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And so much damage to people's minds and lifestyles and human history. He's talking about non Muslim philosophers, obviously, right? Think about all these different traditions out there. People lost in their thoughts. And then at the end of the long journey, do you say the only thing I know is that I don't know and write stuff like this?

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He says, but we have to keep in mind that these philosophers, not everything they see is worthless. Especially if we find some of what they say. Is not rejected by our Shetty out by our revelation. He says, Let's see Yemma female CMR female was a fool you think about the things they describe minute Hey Kami, what's about Rui? Mina shallots, like certain wisdoms life wisdoms and ways to sort of tame your your carnal desires. He says, Well, my cat didn't know Foose and the conspiracies that our inner sense our inner selves pull on us? Well, not until we lay him and Sue Adama. And what happens when we don't have a conscience? So they were basically very introspective. And that stuff is

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subject to personal analysis and sort of measuring the patterns of human behavior. And so they do have some there. So be sure not to miss out on it. You know, for example, like, what is he talking about? Who's familiar with the stoic tradition? Was it's the stoic tradition is? What's the stoic tradition?

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Anyone know?

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Him, you got it? You want to give us like a?

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Yeah, the stoic tradition is basically how to transcend dunya. But in their terms, right. They basically say that passion is irrational. That's their philosophy. So if you're able to like them down your passions a little bit,

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obviously worldly passions, because he means desires, right? If you can dim down your passions, you'll do better in life. You'll make less reckless decisions. You'll be less emotionally broken because you're turning down your emotions. You're not getting too happy, so you're not gonna get too sad, right? And then they put together sort of practices exercises on how to do this right

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There is a lot of benefit in that. Right? There's much our Dean came approving of this. Building on this there's a lot of resemblance between these teachings of the stoic tradition that the philosopher's through trial and error have built on over the years. And it being you know, inspired, approved of even

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taught directly expressly in our in our tradition in the Quran and the Sunnah. And of course, it is flawless, they're not here, but he's saying there's a lot of things there that are not disapproved of disqualified in our tradition. Make sure you don't sell yourself short and miss out on it. And then he gives so many examples of scholars that say this person is solid and Hadith like you met Muhammad Rahim Allah, then they tell him but wait, wait, wait, he's a Moto G. Moto G is like a deviant ideology. He says I don't carry solid Hadith. I'd love to hear Hadith from him. Remember the body Rahim Allah, you know, would take from a man that was from the cottage you guys know the

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coverage or

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whoever coverage?

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What do they believe?

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They basically believe that sins are disbelief. They don't have anything called sins. Basically, the sin and the disbelief kind of got, you know, flattened to one thing so if you commit a sin, you're not Muslim anymore, very deviant that caused them to excommunicate many Muslims, including Argumentum not found on the Allahu and I don't even know a lot about the Allahu, and under the presumption that they committed certain sins. Can you imagine like the slippery slope got very ugly, very fast, very *, very deviant people. But Al Buhari and others would except with qualifier, but a hadith in Sahih al Bukhari through al coloriage. Why?

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Because he was very unlikely to lie because he believes that if he lives as a disbeliever, so they were like extremists. And so within certain parameters, they have certain safeguards in place to avoid certain unconscious biases, but he will not consciously lie. So if his memory is known to be good, I know he has integrity because he's paranoid about sin. Therefore, I'll accept his Hadith, great objectivity. Great impartiality there.

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And he shares here

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a wisdom from a pre Islamic

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let me get his name right. I looked it up in English for you, bulls Zuge, my hair or my hair. This is like he died in five at

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the Prophet SAW Selim was born approximately 572 Just to give you a picture. He was known as like a wise man and a sage that was from the Kieran family in Sassanid Persia, close to the elites and the royalty of the Sassanid Persian Empire. So in any case, he reports from him that our scholars collected this, they appreciated this, they sort of use this as an example of, you know, the mentality of the Muslim the humility and practice that the Muslims should try to embody that

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Jim Hart, or

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whatever his name was, I can't say his name and take care of my daughter. That was like, an impossible one. Come on, ladies.

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Anyone? No it? Is it a well known name. I've read it a gazillion times. And I went to Wikipedia to make sure like I'm pronouncing it right.

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In any case, it is recorded in our books as Muslims. That is the whole point that we have no problem sort of benefiting from this legacy when it is filtered through the values of the Quran and Sunnah that he wants said, this great Wiseman and sage that I

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have taken every point of benefit I can find in this world from everything till I was able to even benefit from the dog.

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And the Raven, and the pig and the cat. That's a good one, right? He said as for the dog, they asked him What What can you possibly take from dogs like, like human beings were superior. He said

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in Fuli early he was a boohoo unhappy man. It's man's best friends right? It's loyalty to its family dog won't steal from your food. Are they sort of giving you guys a free show?

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They know we're streaming so they they're thirsting for for attention.

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Info Holy moly. His loyalty to his owner.

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Was that boo and hurry me and his protective Agnes. His defensiveness regarding his women and come near my woman. Right. These are good qualities to have. He says I noticed these in the dog. And I took them

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He said they said some What about the Raven? He said she said that to Hazari that he has intense vigilance. You know, they say the raven is always like, one foot on one eye on Earth, one eye in the sky, right? Like they're checking, am I gonna get attacked from above or below? They're always alert, always vigilant. They're not walking through life

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oblivious shit that to Hazari. They said to Him, once you get from the big What did he get from the big?

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Who's thinking with me?

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Think about it has to do something good because the Muslim scholars are approved this and it's not like you know, the VLT? What is it?

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He said buku buku fie raw data, that he starts his day early to reach his goals.

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Soon as he wakes up, what am I eating? Right. So at least he's he has the tunnel vision. And he initiates is the early He's focused, focus in the most lowliest of ways, but he's taking from him what can be taken, which is focus.

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Being goal oriented and focus ambitious, if you will. They said to him for a minute here. What do you call can you possibly take from a cat? He said Who snowdrift the HA, Rendell Miss Ella? Well, a subsea here. The fact that it asks gently without yelling, you guys know what a cat doesn't want something comes and rubs up against your leg and stuff. And you know, it asks with gentleness, and it doesn't scream. So he said I learned this from the cats.

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And then if not the bottle Rahimullah he narrates I'll finish off this section here.

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We can actually do one more very quickly in sha Allah.

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That he narrates from Brahim Lesha who said that I asked Alpha eliminare al Rahim Allah and he told me what is the definition of humility? He said, and tuck the Adil happy what an Padala who? Min Min semiotica who will Ocana edge Helen Nursey Lizzie McCann taco Bella who mean for you to lower yourself, to humble yourself to the truth and to comply with it not just say okay, just like to actually comply with it and call the law who you know Piazza is like driving right? To be driven by it to be led by it, to comply with it from whoever you hear it. Even if it were the most ignorant of people, you're still obligated to commit yourself to it lets you make eye contact by law to accept

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it and commit yourself to it.

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And the last narration from Kobe for here he said Abdullah him or Javier Kobe said that who they first said in NACA or Obama or sub tell Hickmott FL come as Bella for either a sub to her for her with her.

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You might find out that you stumble on wisdom in the middle of a garbage dump on top of a garbage dump. If you do make sure you take it

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that's Allah's test for us right that he scattered wisdom everywhere, you got to be ready to pivot with the truth wherever it goes. May Allah make us of those people.

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So this next section here is somewhat the same and somewhat different which is your your own and in healthcare or our own Allah Who which means they I use the word concede a lot, but this really means concede meaning to return to retract your supposition or your statement after you've said it. Because you can like not know something and then learn and then but after you've already made a decision, or verbalize that opinion, the stakes are higher. Still, you're gonna you're willing to backtrack basically. And of the examples of this he gives is the famous story of Roman pub about the Allahu Han or Omar was during his caliphate.

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Of course, the prosperity of the Ummah was

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in full force and it continued the momentum continued through Earthman and others, but the Allahu Allah Jamia and so people began raising the price of Maha the matter, which is the bridal dowry, the gift that is given to the woman, social comparison and sort of materialistic, you know, ills are seeping into the Ummah, people are now raising the Mahara. My daughter got this your daughter, my daughter's gonna get more and your daughter got that and so people were complicating marriage as happens today. Right? And so our Omar thought it would be justified for the greater good to set a maximum ceiling on the Mahara.

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So he said I'm going to set them up at a maximum ceiling

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And so a woman stood up in the middle of him declaring this new rule that you can't ask for more than blank, because you'd be burdening people. Therefore, if you burden them they're not going to get married. And if people can't get married easily and often the complication of the Haram

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or the complication of the halal will be facilitating the haram. They're gonna go to the easier alternative if the fear of Allah is absent, of course, so a woman got up and she said, You have no right to do that or Omar, because Allah himself in the Quran said in Surah Nisa, we're in Tatum, who napkin Thoren Falletta who the woman who Sharia if one of you gives to their bride or bride to be a pin bar, you are not allowed to take back any of it. It's not a show you give this Mahal and then after that, by the way, I changed my mind want my money back. But the issue is that it doesn't say money, the ISS pin bar and the can power is like a big chunk of gold basically a whole lot of gold a

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fortune, if you will.

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And so she mentioned that the I use the example of a sizable Mahara. So why are you downsizing the Mahara?

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And so Omar stopped for a second.

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And he said imra tune ka Samatar Omar fucka sama two. This is a woman who has challenged Omar and in fact, effectively did so effectively challenged him. In one narration.

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He said Umbra tune Ozobot or Raju Nakba,

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before you is a woman who is correct and a man who was mistaken. You know what the scholars say about this worth not for the humility in practice that Omar had, it would not have been difficult for Omar to think of some sort of what we call nowadays, filthy, right, like some legalistic justification to say, no, but technically I can, because there's another ruling there that I can use an analogy for, and he would have figured out a way to argue, if Omar were not open to the fact that he could be wrong. And that he should take it, that he could take it back after he said it. You know, there's a not so funny story

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of a man who lost his stuff. And so the, the students around them said, Make dua that Allah, you know, bring your forgot what it was back to you. And so he raised his hand said, Yeah, Allah do not allow any student of knowledge to find it. Student of like the Islamic sciences, they said, What, why would you say that? He said, Because of a student of knowledge finds it, he's going to figure out a way to compute in his head, why it's halal to keep it. Technically the scholars disagreed on the threshold for Lost and Found and sort of there is the trivial negligible amount there is.

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And it is subject sometimes it is the social norms. And so he'll figure out a way some wiggle room did not give me my stuff back. So that's why our teachers is to tell us the most dangerous thing in the world is knowledge without faith, right? When you got a whole lot of ammo, and no self restraint to make you humble.

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May Allah protect us all.

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And I'll share with you one final incident regarding retractions and with that I'll close

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if not Sakura Rahim Allah mentioned in his famous can compendium of history. From a hadith masu a Rahim Allah who said, I look at Dad YBNL. So you guys know what that is. And that is one of the earliest companions Senior Companion of the Prophet SAW Salem. This is an incident that took place after the death of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam, he was serving in a battle campaign just as a regular soldier, not in any position of leadership.

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So I look at the last word was once in a battle campaign for Hazara, whom will I do and so the enemy laid siege to them, had them surrounded and was trying to basically basically play the long game. Get them to make the first move, or at least die, running out of resources, trying to get them to

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get exasperated, just laid siege to them from every angle. So the me is the commander of the army. Put out instructions that nobody moves don't get provoked. Don't break sort of our solid unit. Don't move nobody March. We got to play this safe. This is life or death. Nobody moves.

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And so one man lamps Bluehole Azima. One guy, the firm instructions, the very strict rule that the commander gave he misunderstood it. He understood the opposite. He understood. If you got a chance to go go if you find an opening go

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with me and was saying no matter what, even if you find an opening, don't go it's too risky.

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So he heard he understood the opposite. So the army had brought him forward and had him beaten. He was punished for jeopardizing the lives of the rest of the army. And so the man went back to camp. And he was just, you know, overwhelmed with humiliation.

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And I look at dad in the last word is great. So he passes by him, he says, What happened to you?

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And he tells him the whole story. He goes, I always heard the guy and he's still throw me a mean beating. And I've never been so disgraced in my life. And he said, Come with me. And look, Dad grabs his sword, and takes this guy is for soldier and marches to the Amiga send the commander sent. And he says to him,

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did you ask him if he heard you correctly or not?

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Now he gets to beat you the way you beat him.

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And so this the soldier, after seeing enough of that, do this and seeing the commander willing to

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give into the equal retribution? The reparation or the retaliation?

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The soldiers had no, no, no, no, no, I'm good. I'm fine. I'm alright. I forgive him. I don't want

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and so no dad walked out. And when Tashi and like he, he was very exhilarated not by his own ego or pride, but by the justice that was dealt and he said very famously, let me pretend now well, Islam was is let me pretend now that Islam was is I will die on the day that I die while Islam is mighty. I will die while Islam is still mighty. mean this Islam thing is not a conversation table to Islam is the truth. And Islam is about justice. And justice will always be served because it's Islam thing is not some name or table talk or this is real, and everyone boughs to Islam, and the principles of Islam don't bow or bend for anyone. That was the idea. And you saw mashallah even the commander

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himself was ready from a foot soldier, which would have been more humiliating for him than it was for the man who was struck by

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it. The higher ups for this was of the humility they showed in practice, and we can benefit a lot from in so many different ways. You know, as one of my teachers, or the writers that I read for, at length in the past, he used to say, and what kind of piety Taqwa is left in the OMA. If you don't have enough God fearing nests in you

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to retract the tweet, to retract the post, to retract an image when someone tells you Oh, by the way, that's actually false information or that's inappropriate or like, it's unbefitting. If you can't pull back one of these things, right, then what is left in there? What bowing to the truth and conceding to the hub as the servants of Allah subhanho wa Taala are we it's a good point to reflect on personally for each and for each of our individual lives. And Allah azza wa jal knows best. Well, Sal, Allah has said elevada kind of b&m have met through it. He was so happy that you mean

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