Mohammad Elshinawy – [Ep. 03] Causes Of Disunity – Lack Of Ilm – Managing Our Disagreements

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the differences between the definition of disagreements and the definition of disagreements in Islam. There is a need for study and knowledge to determine the exact definition of each definition. The segment also touches on the importance of protecting the purity of Islam and the need for everyone to be assertive and tolerant.
AI: Transcript ©
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said I'm on a call and Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah on the heels of the AMA and we'll come back to managing our disagreements. In the last segment, we said that the two root causes for all instances of Muslim disunity are LJ ignorance and a volume transgressive Enos. And so transgression happens when there is insufficient spiritual refinement to restrain a person from violating others knowingly, whereas al gehele ignorance we'll discuss that here in this episode. It's when there is an inadequate amount of

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sacred knowledge or depth in understanding on sacred knowledge, the Quran, the Sunnah, and also the scholarly tradition, right how our scholars employed their hermeneutics right, their framework for interpreting the finest sunnah in the most careful way that is befitting of texts that have been preserved for us by Allah Subhana Allah data, how do you read them in the most careful, most consistent, most comprehensive, most communicative way? That is do have us on them, our scholar showed us how to do this. And so without familiarity

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with the scholarly methodology, how they regard and interpret and deduce from the Quran and Sunnah we can run into lots of frustrations, regarding unity, even this unity on the subject about how to create unity, lack of knowledge will get you there. Because you'll find people creating artificial barriers, placing barriers on what is and isn't excusable, of differences of disagreements, barriers that are very hard, rather arguably impossible to justify. So for example, you'll have one group of people that will over emphasize unity, and selectively read our tradition in a way that you know implores us to unity, where they do so in a way that dismisses every disagreement accepts every, you

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know, view and interpretation, even the most, you know, indefensible ones in the spirit of unity, like it's coming from the right place. But as a result, they could render Islam unrecognizable. And that's a problem because at the end of the day, Islam has to have a definition. And definitions, by definition are exclusionary, right? A fruit is that which is not a vegetable, right?

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And so at the end of the day, there's going to have to be truth and falsehood. The Quran was called a foregone a differentiator, between truth and falsehood, at the end of the day, there's going to have to be good and evil, there's going to have to be belief and disbelief.

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And so the assumption that you can just oversimplify this is an uninformed approach. It's there it is caused by ignorance, Jen, there's another, you know, manifestation of this ignorance, which is actually the opposite extreme. It also comes from a good place, people that want to keep Islam recognizable, right, they want to compromise Islam from being diluted into oblivion. And those are the people that are entirely intolerant of any sort of disagreement. They say we have the Quran, we have the Sunnah, those are truth, whatever else is falsehood, and they overlook the fact that this actually requires a lot more nuanced than that. Because it's not all about truth and falsehood.

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There are valid opinions many times that you're not able to discern, no one will be able to discern what is the absolute truth there.

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And so that is why since they are, you know, disagreeing on what the definitions of acceptability excuse ability and unacceptability inexcusable ality are,

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you have the frustration that you find regarding even how to go about getting unity while preserving the purity of the deen in the process. And so we need to realize that it requires study, it requires knowledge, it requires deferring to those who dedicated their lives to study and knowledge, the scholars, the experts, you know, we cannot settle for generic advice about you know, just be gentle and be tolerant and be accommodating. And this is not, you know, an option that we have, there are times you have to be assertive, and at the same time, you can't just pull out the, you know, stand strong and take the book with seriousness and so on and so forth. Because it's not always about

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that. There are different types of differences, and they require different types of treatment. Not every difference is a disagreement.

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Not every disagreement is to be dismissed, and not every dismissed position necessitates we can't unite or collaborate with the people that uphold or observe that position. But that's for another episode subchronic Allama Hamrick Chateau La ilaha illa Anta nesta fluorochemical with extra Monica

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