Mohammad Elshinawy – Divine Parables #11 Eight Oceans – Allahs Infinite Words 18-109

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of guidance and value in life, citing examples such as the Bible and the need for more agriculture to ensure sustainability. They emphasize the need for personal development and personal growth for healthy growth. The speaker also mentions the importance of guidance in setting boundaries and setting boundaries for one's own success.
AI: Transcript ©
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the pagans of Quraysh were at wit's end

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with the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, they

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went to the Jews of Madinah and said,

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Help us out here. Give us some of

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this scripture stuff, this scriptural knowledge so we

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can stump the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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And so they said to him, Here, you

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want to stump Muhammad? Prove him as a

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fraud? Ask him about the 7 sleepers in

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the cave? He's never gonna know anything about

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that story. And ask him about Dhul Qarnayn,

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he's never gonna know anything about that story.

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And so they present to him these questions

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to stump him, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and

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the avalanche

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that is Surat Al Kahf came down not

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with those 2 stories and more details than

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they even knew about those stories, but 4

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And then the conclusion now bringing us to

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the parable of Surah Al Kahf. Allah says

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at the end of it,

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Now tell them

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if the oceans were ink

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for the words of my Lord Like you

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think because they used to claim that we

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have the entirety

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of God's knowledge in our Torah, and Muhammad

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has no access to the Torah. You think

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God's knowledge is in the Torah and that's

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Tell them that if the oceans were ink

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for the words of my lord,

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the oceans would run out before the words

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of my Lord ran out, even if you

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were to bring another ocean

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to reinforce it.

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If you had double the oceans

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as ink,

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the words of Allah are not to be

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written. The words of Allah are infinite. They

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are endless.

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And so this example given about the words

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of Allah first and foremost is about His

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knowledge. That His knowledge is infinite and endless.

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You know, think about that. Think about how

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if a person were to write

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with ink

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for their entire life, 60, 70 years. How

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much ink would they need?

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You wouldn't even need like a roomful. A

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tank the size of a room or something.

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Or think of even like quality writing. Not

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just anything writing. Not just like documenting

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something secretarial.

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If someone were to be like a super

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And they wrote 20 volumes on nerve pain,

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They would run out. Tell them, Okay. Can

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you give me 20 more volumes on nerve

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pain? No. I said, I'm done. I'm out.

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How about tell me something about cardiology? Nope.

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How about Islam? No. Islamic history. Nope. Right?

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That's it. There's a limit. Whereas the knowledge

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of Allah has no limits. Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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So this is the first inference that we

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take. They said The scholar said the second

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thing here

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is that

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the words of my Lord refer also to

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His power.

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Not just because knowledge is power. Of course

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it is. Right? Like the the the physician

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has knowledge of anatomy, so he has some

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power by Allah's permission to heal our bodies,

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or our friend has some knowledge about our

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personality, so they can heal us when when

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we have a broken heart or need some

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advice. Alright?

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Yeah. Okay. But no, no. That's not what's

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meant here.

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words meaning His commands.

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He is the one that says the word

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be and things happen

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His commands are endless. He's always commanding,

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always creating,

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always building, always fixing.

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In other words, he has all the solutions.

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It is endless. He has endless solutions. You

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know Allah, you think about like the story

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of Musa alaihi salaam.

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Musa alaihi salaam,

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mom puts him in a basket, it lands

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in the place that we were trying to

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get away from, pharaoh's palace. How are we

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gonna save Musa? Of course you already know

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how the story is gonna end, so you

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don't really interact. But imagine you didn't know

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how it was gonna end. Like how can

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we get Musa out of there? You think,

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okay. We need some special ops, navy seals.

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It's gonna have to be a night mission

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with infrared.

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And we're gonna need some very

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What did he do? He His solution was

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he knew how to do it.

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Musa will refuse alaihis salam to suckle from

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any woman till we have to look outside

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the palace to find an alternative. Right? Or

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even the end of the story of Musa

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alaihis salam with al kadr. Like think about

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Allah sends a nabi and a wali or

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another nabi in al kadr. And they go

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and Allah knows there's a treasure onto the

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wall. The kids don't know, the city doesn't

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know, and he restores the wall and fixes

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everything, and no one has any idea what's

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going on. His power is endless. He says

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to things be and they are done. And

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so this should of course bring us to

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to cry at His door before anyone else's

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door, and be humble in front of Him

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before you're humble in front of anyone, Subhanahu

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wa ta'ala. Because his words are and then

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it is.

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The third inference the scholars took from the

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oceans even doubled will not be enough to

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account for the words of my Lord, they

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said it's a reference to Allah's generosity

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as well.

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Because in Surat Al Kahf, this verse, the

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verse right before it is what? The believers

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who work good deeds,

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they will have the uppermost levels of jannah.

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May Allah grant us all.

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It says, they will be abiding therein eternally,

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And they will never want to be removed

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from it.

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You know sometimes, a lot of times, shaitan

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will come to us and be like, you

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know like, well I wanna get bored in

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everybody gets

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bored. If you're like you you have winter,

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you want the summer. When you're in the

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summer, I wish I could see some snow.

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There's no snow where I live. Right? And

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the people that have the perfect balance in

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San Diego somewhere, it's 70 or 72 all

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year round. I wish I had, you know,

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I could see the fall. Yes?

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Even if you had like a private jet,

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and you had all the connections, you go

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to all the hotspots around the world for

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vacation, you're gonna be done. 2, 3 years,

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you're done. Right?

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And so Allah

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says, They will have

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and never want to leave, and then He

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says what?

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Say to them, O Muhammad,

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if the oceans

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the words of my Lord. In other words,

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He's going to keep creating unending ways to

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mesmerize you, to blow your mind. You're never

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going to want to leave. You can't even

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imagine the endless cycle of new and infinite

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bliss, and enjoyment, and delight, you'll create an.

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It will lie if something if you really

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just stop and think about it. Like what

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do I need to pay? What am I

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going to do? What can you do? He's

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giving you a for dose. There's really nothing

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you could do that could be equivalent to

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this because it's endless.

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This is endless. That is the idea. The

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4th and final one,

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they said

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that God's words,

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is a reference

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to His revelation. So He said His knowledge,

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His power, His generosity in the akhira

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and His revelation.

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Why? Because the verse right after it was,

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Say to them, I'm not saying I have

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God's knowledge the way you guys say you

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have God's knowledge in the Torah. I'm not

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saying I have all of God's knowledge because

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I received the Quran. I just received revelation.

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I am sort of the person that was

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It was delivered to.

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And so the the endless words of Allah

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Pay attention with me brothers, this is a

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very nuance

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point. They said is just His Quran is

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The revelation you currently have, the only one

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left pure authentically intact, that one is endless.

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Meaning the Quran

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unlimited solutions,

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unlimited reminders.

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I already gave you 3, 4 meanings, you

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think those are all of them? They're not.

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Even this example of Allah's words having 3,

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4 No. No one will ever get to

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the bottom of it. Every sheikh, every scholar,

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every preacher, they're gonna run out of things

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to say. Right? The Quran even though it

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is limited in its words, it's endless

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in its meanings. That is the point. That

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is what is intended in that 4th interpretation

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and they're all correct.

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It is endless It is it is the

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wall you can lean on. It is the

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book you can always go back to and

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find new things.

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It is the wisdom that is unfailing,

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potent, fresh,

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You know that is why, subhanAllah, and I'll

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make this my last point.

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This actually shows up in one other place

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in the Quran outside of Surat Al Kahf.

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Allah says in the the surah of Luqman

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which is the surah of wisdom, unfailing wisdom.

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Right? Luqman is the Luqman the wise and

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it begins with Al Hakim, the surah.

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It says what towards the middle of

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And if every last

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tree on earth were pens

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And by the way, catch this. It doesn't

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say the trees are pens because then every

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tree would be a pen.

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If every last tree

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were pens,

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how many pens can you make out of

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a tree? Imagine those wooden pens like a

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long time ago that you dip into those

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If every last tree on earth were we

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made out of them pens.

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And the

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ocean was sort of reinforced

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with 7 more oceans.

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Now we don't have 2, we have 8.

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The scholars said the reason there's 8 oceans

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in this one is because there's more pens

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than ocean. If you think from the beginning

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of time, every tree has seeds, makes more

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trees. So since the trees are reproducing,

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you're gonna need more oceans.

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Allah is saying even if they were all

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turned into so many pens You guys know

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how many trees are on earth. I actually

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drove to Canada last I have a minute.

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I drove to Canada last summer, never again,

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inshallah. At least Nova Scotia, it was like

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20 hours.

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And I felt like it was something very

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weird on the road. Like

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this it was just trees but just too

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much. So I wound up looking it up.

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Canada, by the way, has about

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About a third of the trees of the

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world are in Canada.

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You know, every one of them, you make

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a few 1,000,000 pence

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times 3. Just your mind gets fried at

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this point. Right?

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That's why and then each of them had

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seeds. So from the beginning of time till

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the end of time, you're gonna need 8

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oceans. Right?

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And still the words of my lord will

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never run out. You will constantly find guidance,

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constantly pouring forth. May we never be deprived

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of his guidance and give it its due

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worth and value.

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May Allah bring us ever closer to his

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Quran through this Ramadan.

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