Mohammad Elshinawy – Best of Stories – Study of Surat Yusuf 28

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the implementation of Islam as a rule of thumb and the use of punishment for those who remain heatless. The importance of being open to reality and not just "just call to God" is emphasized. The Sharia law is also discussed, including its use to assert faith lost on its messengers. The segment concludes with a brief advertisement for a book and a song.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah Allah it was a huge rain. We begin the name of Allah All Praise and Glory be to Allah Andres finest peace and blessings be upon His messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam

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and his family in his companions and all those who tried his breath.

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We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to bless us through his book and guide our hearts and our minds and our days through his book and to forgive us by virtue of his book. And this likely being the last session of our study of solitude. So if we ask Allah to forgive our misspeaking about his book, and we ask Allah to grant us forgiveness also for our blurry intentions, for speaking about his book, may Allah azza wa jal make us of the very special class of servants that are dedicated to his book, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that belongs to our law belongs to Allah Helene I mean a nurse that are very special class of people that especially belong to him.

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And they are the people of Quran whom Allah Allahu wa Sato they are the people of God and His most special servants as most cherished servants, Allah azza wa jal makers of them. So we left off in the previous weeks with

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the commentary, if we can call it that, about the story of use of so the last you know,

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10 eight or nine eight or so are a concluding set of remarks about the surah and we ended with Allah azza wa jal saying that most people no matter how hard you try will not be believers, saying this to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and you know the audience of the Quran. And then Allah azza wa jal said and most people do not believe in Allah, except while still associating partners with him.

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tonight's discussion will begin at the age of 107 of Allah azza wa jal sang FM you know, do these people feel secure and to whom Allah Shia tominaga biller that a blanket if you will of God's punishment will not overtake them will not overwhelm them will not smother them out that to Homosassa to bellota? Or that the hour itself will not be for them suddenly, we're home ly Sharon.

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So do these people feel when they worship Allah and worship others alongside him when they play this

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risky game disastrous game with no hate?

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Do they feel secure from God's punishment? And you know, every human being is given innumerable chances to realize how fragile the human condition is every you know reminder about our fragility is to help us stay insecure in a way that would guarantee our health and our well being and our salvation they are like ambassadors that they could serve as ambassadors you know, before the coming of Allah Xeljanz punishment which awaits the defiant and so every time you taste hunger or experience headache or merely squint to see better see any eyes, you know, signs of aging or, you know, bury a loved one. These are but flashes of our vulnerability in front of Allah azza wa jal.

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And notice Allah is saying, Do they feel secure? Do they not take notice that there could be an unrelenting as well as sheer smothering punishment that can blanket a person in torment in this life and the next or at the hour before them were home Leia Sharon, you know, you don't have to get punished in this world. By some you know, cosmic punishment.

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But you could simply die and as soon as you die, then the hour has come to your hour has begun right.

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And so the hour comes to them.

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Well, home Laya Sharon, while they are unaware, you know, throughout the Quran, Allah azza wa jal is most intense punishment is reserved for those who remain heatless unaware right heedless unaware, and that's why here and this is has suddenly while they are unaware, and so what we should take from that is never stopped renewing your repentance. No matter how many times you fall, don't stay down. Don't be disgraceful by staying a criminal. You know, as Malcolm X Ronald likes to say there's nothing shameful about being a criminal. What's shameful or he says disgraceful is thing a criminal, and so never get caught dead a criminal right? Never allow yourself to be in a position where you

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stay heedless. And then you are pulled from this life having surrendered to that disgraceful state and the next ISS to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you just keep doing your duty called heavy Sabbiadoro it Allah say to them, This is my path.

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I call to Allah. This is my way, the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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invite to God, you know, Subhan Allah just like Yusuf alayhi salam, in call to Allah Who regardless of the fluctuating emotional states that would have happened to him throughout the journey he even did it, you know in the depths of the prison, so to is our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being described here. You know, he is Alan Sato said I'm about to be forced into exile out of Mecca, and being rejected by his family and his clans and his people. His brethren from Quraysh the use of at a salon was feeling rejected as well he still called and yeah for valet Sudan in his pain also he still called to Allah Subhana Allah said to them Allah woman Allah him Allah to Allah moon I know

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about God what you don't know. And so it is as if Allah azza wa jal is saying to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the at the back end of the story of Muhammad, this is your path data, whether you remain in Mecca, or you find yourself forced into exile, you know, by the Americans, whether your supporters are by your side or you are, you know, dusting your hands from the burial of your supporters. You're still doing Dawa. You know whether you are the persecuted preacher or you are the powerful statesman. This is your path above all so long as you know air remains in your lungs. You are a caller to Allah that is your path above everything. I do eat Allah

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here Allah wa sera I call to Allah upon clear insight, you know, sound knowledge and, you know, well calculated strategy, wisdom, all of that is intended, because you know, when a Muslim does not call to God, call people to God upon clear insight, the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us, you know, he exemplified for us,

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that very listening can contribute so much to the rejection of the message. So some aspects of lack of basura or weak Basilar insight is when you're not being gentle as the default when you're sharing the message, or when you're not taking into consideration the cultural or their circumstantial variables, your context where you're where you're where you're at. How we are, audience will understand these things.

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Also hypocrisy hypocrisy between one's preaching and one's conduct. And also having a poor command of the proofs that you are citing When you cite certain proves, you need to know that these are the right proofs for the right reasoning and after justify it. Also, sometimes the right proofs for one person are not the right proofs for another person, right? Because that was like medicine.

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It's not like math. It's not like a set formula two plus two equals four. Now you need like a tailored approach. That's what Bill Sierra is all about. Like, you have to like medicine, right? You need to know this patient's medical history, what they aren't aren't allergic to, so that you can utilize the most effective methods of treatment for that particular person customized. And you have to like identify what is the least invasive measure to administer? How do I get around their defenses? How do I not provoke they're like, if you want to use the medical analogy a little bit further, how do I not provoke their like immune system to fight to the treatment thinking it's like,

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dangerous. If you don't do these things, you just it's not gonna work. And it could actually be counterproductive. It could make things worse, you can kill a patient while attempting to treat him. If you're just like haphazard, or you know, you're reckless and you fall into let's use the word malpractice and sore, we're on a, a medical metaphor roll here.

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So we'll see it is important to be able to do all of this.

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And you know, some of the scholars they said that, that bill Ciara, Insight is the inward equivalent to the inward counterpart of bizarre, which is eyesight.

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It is your ability to like process and understand and decide based on what you're seeing. Because you know, your boss era is what determines that you you're dealing with reality. You know, some people are exist in the world, but they're so removed, they live in a bubble, they just refuse to acknowledge how the world functions. And so the caller has to be open to reality in order to rehabilitate his reality, his environment, like how can the caller open people's eyes when his eyes are closed? Right forget bringing others to the truth. He himself may not even remain upon it when he gets involved in the hour without pulsera like if you're if your footing in your faith, as a

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Muslim stands on shifty ground like you know, dogmatic platitudes, flimsy proofs, whether rational or textual, you don't have a strong command of these things.

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You could be in trouble. You know how

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Model Dr. Mohammed Al Azalia Rahim Allah He used to say, I'm not afraid for the person who is thinking like Basia, right, who's thinking, and then goes to goes astray as a result because he'll eventually return to the truth. He said, My fear is for the person who's not thinking.

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Even if he happens to be rightly guided at the moment, he's still like a feather in the wind. Once it changes directions, once the breeze, the wind changes directions, he'll change directions as well, because he doesn't know why he's here. And so when you engage in the Why You Should Be Here versus there, the dowel, right? You need to know why you where you stand, where you stand, why you stand where you stand.

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And then Allah Azza said, say to them, oh, Muhammad, this is my path I call to Allah upon bill, Sierra, me and those who follow me. And so it's not enough to be a Muslim without calling to Islam.

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Yeah, without formal training, you may have certain limitations, but it is not enough to claim the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is your prophet, without laying your claim to his path will have the CBD, right Allah my path is that I call to Allah azza wa jal, subhanho, wa taala. And you know, until you've exerted your effort, your capacity that varies from person to person, but we all have some capacity to do doubt,

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to do what we can where we can to apply the hadith of convey on my behalf, even if it's a single verse, right, what a blue one, you would Elia, we all have that responsibility as part and parcel of being,

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you know, followers of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because the IRS has me and those who follow me.

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The eye then ends by saying, what Subhan Allah haoma? And I mean, we should have kin and glorified as Allah, and I am not of those who said equals to him subhanaw taala. What is the relevance or the connection between that? And our? Because when the context is that we're calling people to God, it's not just, you know, us peacefully coexisting, which is, you know, fine, even if, you know, the data is ineffective, if the data is not fruitful, people don't become Muslim, we can still coexist with them, right? So, but this is talking about Dawa, the exchange and the call and the propagation of the faith and invitation to it, when the context is that our and not just coexistence, clear

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standards have to be made like diff, the differences do have to get pointed out, even if they're a little bit uncomfortable. There has to be a distinction, you know, for the Muslim and the Muslims mind, between being kind to those of other faiths. And between blurring the lines of what constitutes valid faith in God's eyes in Allah subhanho wa Taala size. And so the conversation of Tao should always be civil should always be polite, especially if the person you're exchanging with is being civil and being polite. But what Subhana Allah haoma and the man we should again, Glory Subhana Allah Glorified is Allah and I might have the poly theists, glorification of Allah is not

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just about believing in him. It's about believing that none is worthy of our worship or devotion, but him that is the essence of la ilaha illa Allah there is no God but Allah. This is the invalidity of, you know, attributing the qualities of God are the rights of God to anyone

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other than him even if you're not the one doing it, I am not of the people that do it. I have I'm you know,

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far removed from that, not just do I don't do it. I don't accept you know, or validate or approve of others doing it.

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And then the next verse goes on to speak about the previous messengers

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who were rejected before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah Tabata Kasana says when I was setting them in public, a legend I know who I am, and we never sent before you except men that we reveal to mean Adelina pura from the people of the cities are the people of the towns.

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Why did Allah azza wa jal tell us that that they were men, right from the people of the towns? You know, the earliest scholars of Islam said that this is an indication that Allah never sent a messenger except that he was a male, he was an adult, he was a human being. And he was not a desert dweller, right people of the towns and the ultimate wisdom for that choice for that class of people, that type of people

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to have the highest office of religious leadership, only Allah knows the full wisdom, but there is a lot that can be inferred right about the effectiveness of the human being in particular right not a jinn when refined by you know the positive effects of communal life not just the desert dweller and we spoke about this in previous weeks.

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You know, when used valet Salam said Allah did a great favor to pull you all out of the dead.

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desert because that desert life does you know detract from a person's potential to achieve human excellence. So you know, the human being as opposed to the Djinn, the townsmen, as you know, the communal person as opposed to the desert dweller, and then strengthened by you know the the industriousness of manhood. Those three things together do have an effect towards maximizing the guidance of people. And perhaps this is a very strong perhapses of the wisdoms why Allah azza wa jal chose them for prophethood and then the ISS men of the towns Flm you'll see it'll fill out the founder okay for Can I favor two Latina men copy him don't they around the Earth Don't people around

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the earth

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and see the consequences of those before them? You know, so a person should send their feet roaming travel the earth or at least send your mind Ronit roaming. Right consider realize how history repeats itself, you know, and how the accounts of those that face the current consequences the perish nations that were destroyed before us

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can be such a,

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a salvation insurer for us while we still have a chance to avert destruction. You see, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the Battle of the book, he

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passed through the ruins of a parish, parish nation, right, the people of Adam demoed, he warned the companions to do a few things. He warned them to accelerate their pace, to not stop and drink from the water of those wells in those towns.

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And he told them to never pass through such places, except while weeping or taking, you know, a profound lesson from it.

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Because there's so much to be learned here, right? The Quran tells us that history and reality it's rational, the past is logical, the patterns of human civilizations are obvious. But what is not obvious or not, you know, often enjoyed are people that are blessed with the pause to give themselves pause and to to benefit from this to actually consider what happened here. And how that's not very different from us. And so the early Muslims were not like this. The early Muslims were very thoughtful, very mindful, very reflective. You know, I will say man at Dharani Rahim Allah

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He used to say that every time I emerge from my home, not even traveling right? When I emerge from my home, my eye does not fall on anything, except that I noticed Allah's favor on me, because of it. Whatever I see, causing me to notice how blessed I am by Allah, and or a lesson for me from it, you know, that Allah spared me or Allah was warning me or otherwise, right, there's something there.

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And you know, the great companion I believe, not best about the Allahu Anhu Uma. He used to say that a moment of reflection, pause and reflection is superior than standing for an entire night in worship. And so this is the mentality of any intelligent person, let alone a believer. And then Allah terracotta Allah says, well, $1.35, only Lavina tuffeau FL at afternoon after don't they see the consequences of the previous nations of the travel and see this and the home of the Hereafter a superior is better for Alladhina Terkel for the God fearing, do you not understand?

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And so after speaking about just to connect it now after speaking about the previous nations, Allah contrasts them

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with the believers who rightly live properly lived in fear of Allah in apprehension of His wrath. And so like in the in the Tafseer of this idea, an Imam

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Al Bukhari Rahim Allah, or the Chi he said, about this idea, the believers they were driven by this fear to create using their righteousness or their acts of obedience or acts of abstention from sin, a protection between them and settling for this life that must end at death.

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So he says even if one and they realize that even if a person were to enjoy it, enjoy this world with the utmost luxury and the utmost pointlessness for 1000 years, he still has to die and so like best case scenario, you're still going to die. And so the the believers are the ones that are going to enjoy the the home of the Hereafter because they were God fearing and their fear of God got them to do the right thing and not settle for a world that it's best case scenario is death.

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And he says this is the meaning or the intended meaning of this idea here. Sorry, right

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And then the next is a lot of Arakata. Allah speaks about the reaction of the messengers when their nation is belied. And he said had They thus they as a rasuluh, of unknown unknown, but Cody Bucha home Natrona until you know that we sent messengers, people of the towns, don't you see what we did to the people of the towns? And as for the God fearing the home of the Hereafter is a great homecoming for them, don't you understand? Then the story resumes until when the messengers have despaired, the messengers lost hope, and thought that they were belied thought that they were

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belied our help came to them.

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So what does that mean? This I actually used to confuse me. Like how could anyone with firm belief in Allah despair in him the impossible so how did the messengers despair? How did the messengers lose hope? And then years later, when I read it, I've seen it.

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You know, I kind of got slapped up by my senses got slapped into me,

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by my mother, by my mother, the Mother of the Believers, God Allah Juana. She said about this idea. My Allah said, I seek Allah's refuge like from such a thought someone actually asked her how did the messengers despair wasn't just me. And she said,

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the messengers would never assume this of their Lord, they would never assume that their Lord lied to them or that they're, you know, not going to be supported as Allah promised. She said, this is about the followers of the messengers who believed in their Lord and accepted the messengers. But then the tribulations like the hard times, continued for such a long period, and there was no victory in sight.

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And so there was no victory in sight. The messengers despaired in what the spared in their people believing they despaired in the disbelievers any more of the disbelievers, you know, turning a new leaf. And they presumed that their followers had lost faith in them,

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that they were going to be called Liars by their followers. And then it was at that moment that our victory came to them, that the victory of Allah came to them.

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So that is the interpretation of Sharia law, Juan Han, this verse, this verse could also be read a little bit differently. It could also be read to mean that the messengers lost hope in their people believing

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that part is the same. And then they thought they were belied they thought they were

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belied means the disbelievers now they the disbelievers, the rejecters of faith.

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Sorry, my notes are all over the place. They reject there's a faith became confident that they were for sure lied to by the messengers, there really is no punishment coming, then the punishment game.

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And, you know, this shows is that all of the prophets, almost every single one of them, they were minorities, right? And, you know, God's wrath for the rejecters has an appointment. Allah subhanaw taala says, filata je la him in no manner or do the home ad. Don't be hasty. You know, we're counting down their days.

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Likewise, you know, on opposite end the victory of Allah, it's not just earned, you qualify, but then you wait, you stay qualifying until Allah azza wa jal says, you know, you've passed the test. And you know, his messengers were always deserving of victory. But how they, they stay as Russell wants the messengers Do you know, despaired, you know, felt it was such a dead end things were so difficult, you know, the other versatile, Bukhara, do you think you'll enter Jannah and before they come see what came to the messengers before you they were afflicted with suffering and hardship until the messenger and the believers said when is the victory of Allah coming? Right? They were,

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they were shaken to the core. So this is this is the path and that is when the victory of Allah comes. And also this reminds you that

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Islam will never go extinct. There were many instances in history, just in the history of this OMA but even before this OMA when that nearly happened, right that Islam was wiped out. But the true believers always knew better. They saw with the eyes of faith that this was only made to appear that way. By Allah's Leave, the tyrants were just given more rope by which to hang themselves, as they say, right. And Allah also delays it to filter our ranks from those unwilling to pay the costs and those unworthy of being honored, you know, with the high levels of paradise with the rank

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of martyrdom on route and so on and so forth.

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Well, I wrote about Sudan called Muslimeen. And then Allah says in our severity, our severe punishment is not averted from the wrongdoing. People are the criminal people, the guilty people. And so rejecting the messengers is a crime. Like every person has a choice. But we have to assert this as a bad choice. Islam believes in the equality of human beings, but not in the equality of human behavior. It's very different right? That means all human beings are inherently entitled to being dignified by virtue of being human. Their humaneness means they get dignified, well, Alfred Coronavirus he, Adam, but that doesn't mean that those dignified human beings when they stubbornly

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reject God's message, after discovering it, of course, that they are not punishable by God on the day that they meet God, that must be understood. And then

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the very last ayah in the Surah I want to live in Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Love for the Ganga for your castle see him and not only only Al Bab Makana Hadith and you've started working towards the Aquila the beignet, he, but obviously it actually che in wha hoo, don't call me known in their stories, the lesson for those who possess intelligence. This is not a fabricated sale, but a confirmation of what came before it. And a detailed explanation of all things and a guidance and a mercy for people who believe I will actually opt out of reflecting on this verse here. And now. Let us leave it for another night so that we can have our 29th video to end on an odd number because

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that's an and also because it's it will take too long

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to cover all of the points in this area. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala accept his humble efforts sincerely for his sake and I pray that it has some sort of benefit in bringing some people closer to his book and nearer to him through his book and may we not be deprived of the reward us and our families and our parents and our children. Alone. I mean, exactly and everybody sal Allahu Allah, Allah kind of Vienna, Mohammed, Allah and he was like a big rain said I'm on a cold October

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