Mohammad Elshinawy – Best of Stories – Study of Surat Yusuf 08

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the use of words like "opigerated," "opigerated," and "opigerated" in the context of Islam, with a focus on the importance of respecting children and not insulting their intelligence. The segment also touches on the use of "beastful" in the culture of Islam, the importance of honoring one's position in life, and the use of negative language to describe people and their positions in life. The segment also touches on the idea of investing in positive people to encourage them to bring up the idea of being loved by others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah Hora yo savage marine will begin the name of Allah All Praise and Glory be to Allah and mais find his peace and blessings be upon His messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and his family and his companions and all those who adhere to his guidance. Welcome everyone back to the best of stories, the discussions on the story of use of La salatu salam.

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And before the raid break, we reached the point in which they came back to their father with this pretend made up story. And their father knew that they were up to something but he did not know what it was. He was sure that use of Ali's salaam was alive, but he could not investigate

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without exposing his sons, and because he knew that use valet salaam had a great future in store for him. Of course, that didn't take away the pain of separation.

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But it did dictate to him the limitations in his reaction

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to this tragedy. And so the verses we transition into today are the deliverance of

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use of Alehissalaam from the well into the hands of the caravan, who retrieved him and then into the palace or the home of Al Aziz, the Chief Minister.

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So in this first verse, Allah subhana, Allah Allah says Elijah at sejarah tone, and there came a sejarah, a group of travelers

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and our Selu reader whom they sent there a person who would draw water for them, someone who would pull water for them, so that they may drink it pulled from the well

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for Abdullah Delaware, who and so he extended his bucket, he let down his bucket into the well called Abu shahada, hola and he says, Oh, my joy or a great news, glad tidings to you all. He's telling the rest of his patriots in the caravan. He says have Gollum This is a young men, there's a boy here

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well as a rule, who will be law and so they secretly took him as merchandise meaning they quickly grabbed him and concealed him before someone notices

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and considered him merchandise that was left around because abduction was normal.

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In many parts of the world, and so this was someone slave that they just came across or this was someone

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that they could turn into a slave because no one's here to say otherwise. What Allah azza wa jal says who Allah who it might be my Yama Loon, but Allah

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is fully knowing of what they are doing of what they did and what they're doing.

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And so, you know, they say Hindsight is 2020 when you step back and you look at the full picture of the story of Yusuf Ali salaam as we know it,

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and how he winds up then you you read the scene a little bit different. Like it's amazing, right?

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that Allah subhanho wa taala. What did he do here? He triggered thirst in these travelers, so they would stop at the well. And they stopped at the well before other people, or else other people would have found us valets setup. And then

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these were very particular group of people, because they were Egypt bound, so they had to be the ones to get thirsty first and get to that well first.

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Not just because they were thirsty, but because in Allah's grand scheme of things.

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Egypt was about to suffer the whole region, perhaps beyond Egypt may be was going to suffer not some thirst, but the entire region is going to suffer a vicious drought, as we know from from later in the story, it's going to engulf that region, and use of Alehissalaam being present in Egypt is required to mitigate that.

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And so that is a lesson for all of us. And this is replayed in our life so many times, but we can only see it in hindsight, oh, that's why this person had to come into my life and this person had to exit my life, there is no encounter and there is no separation in our life, no matter how brief, no matter how painful, no matter how painless, that's random, no encounter in our life is random. They are all opportunities from Allah Zoa, Jen, to pick up something that's essential. And we'll use why they said that was picked up from the world

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are a chance for us to play our role in a larger picture that we may not even be able to conceptualize right to offer our, our Mitro contribution, you know, to help out in some minimal way to extend our rope this a way he extended his rope into the well not knowing what that would do, he thought it would bring some water. And it actually brought use of La set to become the hero of the drought in Egypt at the end of the story. And so we should just never underestimate those who fall into our bucket if we want to just use the metaphor of use valet Salaam 1/3 time, you may find people that just wind up in your bucket, they could be friends, they could be enemies.

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And you may not know the value of that, you know encounter that relationship, that brief exchange between people, but try to be sensitive to Allah azza wa jal his messages.

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That's number one. And then

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also, similarly, Dr. IDFC. If he says something beautiful at this point in the surah, he says when Allah azza wa jal wishes to rescue his servants from something they're trapped in,

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you know, the confines of their well, you know, you're in the well the metaphorical well, he says, Some he sometimes does. So he rescues you from the well that you've sunk into, or you're trapped inside of by creating a need for you elsewhere, or creating a need for you with other people, they start needing you so they come looking for you. Right, or just need to cross paths with you.

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And so, Allah creates a need for people in the lives of other people, so that the other people can come discover them, help them climb out of their world, climb out of their ditch, climb out of their slump, climb out of their struggles.

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And then what do they do? They rejoice we say, the caravan rejoice the Abu shahada hola and this is awesome. We got a young man here like we can

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make a lot of money off of him as it has like huge, lucrative potential human capital, you know, especially in those times to acquire a slave, free of charge and so they wanted to discreetly rush off before someone spotted them. And Allah azza wa jal says, but Allah Allahu Allahu Allah knew, he was knowing of what they did.

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There is a parallel here in the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that it McCarthy Era alludes to, that this Aya is yet another consolation for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that Allah knows full well how much they're hurting you and knows how full Well he's not indifferent to your pain, meaning your enemies and he's fully aware of the conversations they discreetly have your enemies have or Mohammed, about you behind closed doors. And so I know how much you're hurting and I know that you're concerned, but I am fully aware of what they're trying to pull off.

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And it's enough that I know

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then the next ISS was shot oh, who'll be feminine bucks and they sold him for a feminine bucks means a cheap price. They sold him for a flimsy cheap price. The raw him Mr. Duda a few Durham's

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And Some scholars say that a few here

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shows you just how few that they were accountable. Because few is in reference to number not weight. And their home silver coins, a lot of times they're just or sometimes they're measured when they're locked by weight. So it's not even like this bag of gold or this bag of silver is saying silver that could be counted mean like basically they sold him for a few few pennies or a few bucks.

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A few pounds depending on where you're listening from.

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They sold him for a few Durham's measly price, were can ofii him in Azusa, he then and they were mean that sale concerning him concerning use of valet Salam of those that have no interest, like they were selling him. And they had no interest in making big money off of him. But who is the the scholars actually different on this one? So some scholars, this is the minority opinion, I'll work my way into the majority opinion and build on it.

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Some scholars such as an Hesson, and cortada, Rahima, homologue great Imams of this evergreen, who met many of those who have they held that the sellers in this verse were the caravan with a group of travelers,

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meaning they they were able to discreetly run off with him. And they sold him

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in the slave markets for a measly price. And they had, you know, not too much interest in making money off of him. Why?

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According to this opinion, that they were the caravan selling him into the slave markets? Well, why would we care to make top dollar out of him when we didn't pay anything for him? So whatever we get out of him,

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that that's a good thing. Because they didn't pay anything for him. Also, they said

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that, because

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wanted to get rid of him before someone recognized him What if he's known and like, we're not going to make money if someone says he's not a slave, so let's quickly sell him as a slave and run off with our money. And so their their unease, made them sell him quickly, and just get out of the transaction scot free. But that minority opinion, may possibly be the case. And so there's some benefit in reflecting on it. The reflection is that I have

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is that when you inherit something without earning it, you don't value it, right. That's why when someone has their life savings,

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they're not reckless with it, they want to make sure they get the most out of their life savings, they're very careful with spending it. They value it a lot, as opposed to some lottery, Halon lottery insha Allah or like just some jackpot they come across, right? Some treasure, they just stumble across an estate that they inherit from like, you know, a wealthy relative.

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They can, you know, wasted and not even cry over the fact that they wasted it. Right? Why? Because they didn't work for it. Likewise, you know, I'm going to talk about the Allahu and said that Islam will begin to unravel and fall apart meaning in the hearts of generations, when people are born into Islam that don't know abject ly don't know the age of ignorance. Because you know, when you don't have the opposite, you don't you didn't work and struggle and see the challenge and fight for your Islam to stay Muslim and was so difficult. So people that are born into Islam

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have basically

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a higher level of not appreciating their Islam. And this is obviously why the children of the Sahaba so many of them were so great, but they were not like the sahaba. Right. As Rahim Allah said about the statement of Omar. So that's the first thing like they didn't value it because they didn't spend anything on it. And they wanted to get rid of it just in case. But most scholars believe that they were not valuing.

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They had no value. They sold him for a cheap price that the seller is he or actually his brothers, the brothers of use of iclm How and they throw him down the well. They said to make sure you survive SLM doesn't come out of the well. And you know, expose them. They had someone watch the weld, keep an eye on the weld to make sure that doesn't happen. And so when they saw the caravan, basically trying to make a run for it.

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They chased after the caravan, they intercepted the caravan said, hey, that's our slave. But you can have him, you know, just, you know, pay us for him. And so they said, we're not we don't want to pay you for and we'll give you X, Y and Z for him and they gave them a cheap price. And so they accepted, they sold their brother. I imagine that right after doing this to him. He comes out of the well they sell him to make some money off of him while they're at it and they

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had no interest because no matter what price was offered, they would be content because their primary objective was to get rid of their brother to banish him not to make money off of this, and that is the majority opinion that it was the brothers who did this.

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that is, you know, just like

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a second round of just emotional injury, like just trauma. If it's correct to use that word, like think about this, this is, you know, a prophet, the son of a prophet Yehovah. They said, I'm the son of a prophet, you know, is half Ali salaam, the son of a prophet, Ibrahim Ali Salam, even our Prophet Muhammad Ali Sato Salam said that Yusuf Ali Salam is Al Karim the most you know, the Honorable son of the honorable son of the honorable son of the honorable like that, you know, prestigious, honorable ancestry, you know, fathered by three prophets consecutively, is just treated like a shelf item and like, he's auctioned off like people are negotiating about him like he's

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livestock, right or just, you know, some cattle in them in the markets.

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In the livestock markets, and what does that tell us like if that does not remind us about the worthlessness of this world, the worthlessness of this world?

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Then what will you know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the high low end dunya tardy during the Allahu Jana have our own Latina masa pakka if you're Amina shadow, Bettina, if this entire world were worth to Allah, the wing of a mosquito, he would not give the disbeliever in it, that drink of water. And so when you see the disbeliever, the one who rejects God, receive a drink of water and so much more than a drink of water. Right? They become kings and emperors and tyrants and everything in between. Then this means this dunya really means nothing in reality means nothing in the sight of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And so that's an important lesson. Another important lesson if the Josie Rahim Allah Allah mentioned in his FC is at the mercy it he said that some of the righteous used to say about this concept of the enemies of use of Ali salaam, his brothers selling him to this caravan. He said, You may think that's crazy, or like unbelievable, he said, but what is more unbelievable, than use of being sold by his enemies? is what he said to you selling yourself as meaning selling your soul

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for a moment's pleasure, by defying Allah I mean you disobeying Allah, and by that you've sold out the Hereafter your soul in the hereafter. For a moment's pleasure in this dunya he said, that's crazy. And that is crazy, right? Because when we do that, we are acting like we are our own enemies. Like the enemy is supposed to betray you is expected to right? But you selling yourself out. That's unbelievable. That's insane. And so may Allah azza wa jal grant us greatest vision and greatest insight, to be able to have the self control to not destroy ourselves.

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And then of the lessons here is that the all these people

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are bargaining and negotiating wherever they are over who overuse or rather his setup. He's the item in the transaction. He's the object of sale. And as one of the scholars said, sometimes the item being sold is far more valuable than the seller himself. Right.

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And the ugliest, saddest manifestation of this is when people buy and sell with their religion. Right? When there are they transact at the expense of their religious commitment. As Allah subhanho wa Taala says, many places in the Quran, let us start will be at Latham and kalila. Do not you know trade off the signs the verses of Allah for a cheap price? There's many different ways to do that. And there are many different levels of doing that some uglier than others, but they are all ugly, right to use Allah's religion, the sacred that revealed knowledge as a currency as a token of sale to tokenize it for money for fame, for you know, membership in your clique, right? You like you

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highlight one verse and downplay another until you're tokenizing it right you're you're using it

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in a dishonest way, in a selective way for the sake of worldly gains when I as a biller, and so that item that you're treating like an item I would have Allah is more valuable than you and more value than

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and more valuable than our lives. This is Allah's message Subhanallah without the sacred texts, and so to use them that way,

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is sheer wickedness. The next verse,

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the last verse that we'll discuss today, and that now him entering the palace, or entering the house of Allah Aziz, Allah says and the one from Egypt or holiday Surah homeless or the one from Egypt who bought him. He said, Limbo it he said to his wife Accademy Mithila Accademy a Crom right he's like honoring your guests right kromm

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honor mythweb His residents meaning the place where he's don't just honor him honor his surroundings, right? Honor his state.

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I sent any Infanta perhaps he may benefit us Elena definitely the who will either or we can take him adopt him basically, as our son as the son of ours. Allah says okay, Valiquette McKenna the use of and thus in this manner, we established the use of fill out in the land, while in walima, home into Wheeler Hadid and so that we may teach him the interpretations of the events meaning the interpretations of dreams he excelled and got better and better and better.

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From this point forward, as you work towards and through maturity, while la Hollywood, Isla Emery, he and Allah has dominant or predominant over his affair.

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When I connect on se la era moonbot, most people don't know.

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And so there's, it's a longer verse, and there's much to be said on it. But quickly, number one, only Allah knows how many people were interested to purchase young, handsome use of Alehissalaam. But Allah had very particular plans for him the same way very particular group of people had to take him out the well, a very particular

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family had to bring him into their home, because he needed a comfortable stay. Right. And he needed a quality education. And he needed to be near the decision making circles in Egypt so that he number one he recovers from with the convert from like the, the the labor is arduous, painstaking events, he's been through back to back to back. And then now he has to understand what type of mindset and strategy he needs and to develop them. And that can only be an extension of understanding his reality, understanding the like the social norms, the political

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makeup, the economic potential of the lands of Egypt, he'll need all that later. And so all of that can only be made available to him in the house of

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Allah Aziz. And then Isaiah is here he is called the Lazarus throughout the story. Okay, as he is, you know, the Mighty, the mighty, meaning that he's the Chief Minister, basically.

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As many have interpreted at least,

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Allah does not say and Allah Aziz, the Chief Minister said to his wife, honor his they didn't say that. Allah subhana, Allah Allah said, and the one who bought him from Egypt, the one from Egypt, who bought him said to his wife, is there a difference? There is a difference. Some have called our attention to the fact that Allah introduces this man to us at this point in the story in a very, you know, distinct way. He doesn't call him a disease. He, the first time you mentioned to him, which is now he mentioned to him as the man from Egypt, who bought us a valet salon. They said, why? said perhaps because

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a person's most important quality deserves to be mentioned first, when you allude to a person, you should begin with the most important, the most important quality.

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And so, in this case, this man's most important quality is what? It's not the state office, the government office

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that he enjoys. It's not his upperclass SNESs that is useful. We just said it's going to be very useful for use of asylums, you know, upbringing.

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But his most important action was the fact that he purchased Yusuf alayhi salam, he brought him he hosted him into his house. And that's so profound that sometimes one action can Eclipse all of your other actions, and all of your other accomplishments and all your other achievements. It's very profound if you think about it, that we may perform one thing in our life that redefines us in the sight of Allah subhana wa Tada and outweighs in sha Allah in a positive way. All we ever do and there's so many if and so many a hadith

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that, that speak to this concept that you things you think are nothing in passing, but they wind up being everything, the most consequential factors, a statement you say you don't think anything

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I have a statement you say you don't think anything of one of them takes you to the heights of gender. One of them takes to the pits of the fire. The prophets often have said these things. And so his most important qualities, he's the man who purchased use of Allah his setup.

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And then after honor his state, perhaps he may benefit us. He's a very intelligent man. He understood that honoring this child now. And affording him a stress free upbringing plays a role in benefiting from that child later.

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And I hope none of us are ever blind to that.

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You know, essential rule about kids, some people may very foolishly think that you need to be harsh in the way you discipline children, or you have the right to humiliate them in public or beat them or all of these things.

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This is not how you make them a classy, refined adult. It's actually the very opposite. You know, when you respect your child's dignity, you respect their feelings, you teach them how to appropriately express their frustrations, you give them an outlet basically for that, that is not contrary to manners, but it's also not robotic, you give them room to do these things. And you never insult their intelligence. That's how they see themselves as a dignified person, as a respected person as a person that has received praise. So they can give praise as seen respect and so they are a flow reflect the respect he understood treat this child well, so that he may benefit us. Sometimes

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it's not a slave, sometimes your your child right, almost there are no slaves, right? So your own child, you treat them in a way that will allow you to reap their fruits in this dunya at least. And of course, the Athleta is is our true investment with our kids.

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And so, after that Allah azza wa jal says, he said this is why take care of him treat him real good. Cavalli Kemah canal use of a fill out. This is how we established use of in the land.

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He just got sold into slavery established in the light, he's powerless. What establishment is here? No, these are the underpinnings of establishment. These are the subtle beginnings, every major event has subtle beginning. These are the subtle beginnings of establishment. The fact that he, you know all these subtle factors I've been talking about throughout, but in this particular verse right after Allah says take good care of him. This is how we established use of the closeness of those two sentences means that people caring about him being fond of him, him basically entering finding a seat in the heart of the Chief Minister, or the heart of his wife, or both.

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That is the first step to being established to being a person of authority. Because authority comes in various ways, true authority, the ability to affect people influence people in a positive way, is very unlikely if they don't like you, very unlikely if they're averse to you. That's why our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was, you know, such a magnetic personality and also such a magnetic person. What do I mean by that personality? His character was impeccable with even his person, Allah, Allah gave him such a beautiful smile and his salatu salam, all these things, why? To open people's hearts for him to influence them in a positive way.

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Likewise, you know, Musa alayhis salam, how the Musa alayhis salam infiltrate as a baby mind you infiltrate the fortresses, the palace is a frown, unharmed, how did he do it? He did it. Yes, Allah azza wa jal did set up the waves in a way that carried the basket to the shores of you know the army to pick him up or the workers to pick him up. But they could have said okay, Israeli baby children of Israel slaughter him like the rest of them. How did he get past the defenses the security teams how Allah azza wa jal says

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in surah Taha

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while pay to la Camera habita mini while it does not align,

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and I bestowed upon you a love from me, like I placed on you, the

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the aura that made you love, I gave you the quality I blanketed you in the quality of being loved by others. I made you lovable I bestowed upon you love from me. I made you lovable

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for Alan's wife sees him tells everyone to back off. That's how he got into the castle. Right? And so, being loved by people is a huge NEMA that we should seek out

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in a halal way, of course,

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in a balanced way, it's something we can enjoy when it is not excessive and when it is taught in a balanced way. But it's also something to invest but you know, the greatest potential of people loving you is to invest that in influencing them in positive

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The voice so how did Allah established situate use of in a place where he can have an influence, the start of that was carving a place for him in the heart of the Chief Minister.

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So that he may be loved by them, and he will be brought up under their care which is actually a lot Zildjian caring for him.

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And then the I NS and with that I'll close well, la Hollywood, Allah Emery he would I can act on se la la la moon. And Allah is predominant over his affair, meaning that affairs Allah wants to carry out there, they're always dominant, they supersede every other. Want every other will. So our will may get executed. If Allah loves it, Allah's Will is always carried out.

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You know, think about it, our will is not always carried out.

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Allah azza wa jal may interrupt it or hinder it for a greater wisdom subhanho wa Taala but his will nothing can ever interrupt. In especially in this story like your whole valleys Salam love to keep his son close, but his son was sent away, because Allah as well as dominant, the the the the brothers, all the brothers, you just have a long list right that the brothers tried to send him down a well Allah sent him up the ladder to get on top of the throne eventually, right? The brothers wanted to win their father's hearts over by this act by removing use of Alison from the picture. Allah's Will was that they become even more resented by their father as a result of that.

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They they wanted to

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prove to their father that this story is true. And they put together this you know, this whole,

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you know, storyline, and he was not convinced at all.

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They wanted him to forget who somebody is Salam, he remembered him now even more,

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you know, and later on in the story, these things will continue to happen, right? The women will try to humiliate him, smear him. And they will actually

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glorify His name, they will have his name presented before the king, and the true story will come out which will actually do the very opposite, which is prove his unique dignity that the average person most people, almost all people don't have, by virtue of the EQ. So everyone that attempt something desires it, the opposite happens in the story, right? And so that is why Allah is dominant over what he wants. But then it says what what I can ask for an SLI, Allah moon, most people don't know. Because it always happens in a subtle way. It always happens. They don't see it coming. It's unexpected.

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So most people don't know this, that statement. Most people don't know that Allah does whatever he wants, and his plans are never interrupted, his plans are never compromised. That appears more in this sort of the scholar said that phrase than any other surah in the Quran, because that's exactly the contrary outcomes happens in the Surah more than any other surah in the Quran. Any other story in the Quran. And lastly, some scholars said that, you know, most people don't know is Quranic

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refinement of our language. You know, so people don't know, or know most people don't know, yes, they are a majority. But the Quran teaches us to, these are called hedges, right?

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are called qualifiers and language when you say most, some less than perhaps sometimes maybe right might likely when you leave room for probabilities and leave little room for, you know, you don't commit yourself to a black and white explanation. Sometimes it's just normal to do this. But when the more you do this,

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the more it reflects that you fear Allah azza wa jal that you're not just mentioning sweeping generalizations about everything. And it also adds to the people that listen to you.

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It adds to their confidence that you're an accurate speaker, that you're a credible speaker, you're an objective speaker. You're not just about stereotypes and generalizations and otherwise most people don't know you find that kind of language a lot in the Quran. And we should try to incorporate that when we speak in our vocabulary as part of their strength of our tongue and the carefulness of our speech, which is a part of our fear of Allah Zilla Jen and our Quranic refinement even in in our discourse. Subhanak long convictions are laid out in a step a little closer to the lake we move on to another scene of the story. Next week in a Hannah Lazo. Jack is like Lafayette

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and don't forget us in your Friday evening Darius it's a beautiful Our weather is accepted before melted up on Friday. Said I want to live with

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