Mohammad Elshinawy – Best of Stories – Study of Surat Yusuf #05

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of goodwill and having a strong stance to avoid harming argument. They stress the need for evidence to prove actions and the importance of playing sports and embracing the idea of playing and recreating oneself. They also touch on the difference between being a good or bad person in a sport and the importance of monitoring one's behavior. The use of negative language in media and the speaker's advice on not trusting oneself is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah hora de wasabia drain. We begin the name of Allah all praise and glory be to a Lamaze finest peace and blessings be upon His messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his family and his companions and all those who tried his path.

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We welcome everyone back to another episode of The Best of stories. We continue with the next scene in the story of use of Allah His salam, when they approach their father, to try to launch their plot against their brother use of Allah His Salaam. In the very, in the very first verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and this is the 11th verse of the surah Fallujah abana. They said, Oh, our dear father, Malik Allah, Allah Yusuf, why is it that you do not trust us with use of

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we're in La hulan lc Hoon, and we are certainly sincere counsellors or sincere towards him.

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And so,

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you know, just the way they start

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a suspicious and because challenging an allegation, this is an important lesson for everyone that doesn't know this, you should know this, that challenging and out an allegation before that allegation is made many times serves to legitimize or substantiate the allegation.

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So were a child, for example, to swear or, or just yell out out of nowhere, that No, I didn't need the chocolate in the cupboard. Before anyone ever asked them where did the chocolate go, or anyone ever accused them of stealing the chocolate in the cupboard?

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This would grow draw great suspicion around that child if we were in a Masjid. And someone asks a large crowd of people who stole my shoes, and one person out of nowhere gets up and says I didn't steal them. It's like, Whoa, who said you stole them. So when someone denies an allegation before the allegation is squarely pointed at them.

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This obviously is very telling sometimes.

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Not all the time, because sometimes you may think that a person is accusing you, and just trying to be cordial about it. So they're like blanket accusing or blanket asking.

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But lots of times people because of their guilt, they they are hasty in denying the allegation before anyone is even suspecting them. And as a result, they draw suspicion on themselves, like their brothers of use of here. And so

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it betrays them, it betrays their cover up, tracer cover story. Children do this all the time. And parents know this, and they know this more than their kids realize that they know this parents

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know, in the look in their kid's eyes, they know in the, in the words their kid chooses to say and when they say them, they're not being honest.

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And then kids don't find out their parents are, you know, overlooking this or, you know,

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they're on to them until those kids become parents, or teenagers or whatnot. But adults, adults as well, a prudent adult should make use of this, of this, like, alarm or this question, sign of a person denying an allegation. You know, you want to be treacherous. So you start talking about honesty, right? You want to be, you know, deviant. And so you start talking about, you know, guidance.

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So, that is certainly a lesson. Then they said, Why don't you trust us with you. So if

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we're in alcohol and acetone, and we are people that extend and I'll see how to him and I'll see what one means we exhibit and I'll see her and I'll see how many people think his advice and I'll see how it's not advice. Sometimes we use it as advice and it's fine to use it as advice. But

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you know, naziha is really about goodwill when the problem is also items that do not see how this Dean has gotten to see her it's about having like a clear heart and having goodwill towards others. That's what it's you know about, you know, a honey that's been cleared of all you know, extraneous elements like twigs and the wax and everything they say now to Lhasa the I sell the honey has undergone and I'll see how

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you know, when you finish doing patchwork on clothes, like you sew up the rip areas, you say, not

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even the sewing needle itself is called the Mensa high in Arabic because it's what fixes things, right? And so now see how is really not it's about you wanting to fix someone, right? It's you wanting well for someone. And so it's really about the place where advice comes from. That's the connection between naziha goodwill and advice.

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And the reason I say that is because if you feel this is proven also here by this verse, right? He's saying, we have goodwill towards our brother, why are you questioning our goodwill towards our brother? How can you doubt us? That's obviously them exposing themselves in any case.

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So when you extend that to advice, we can take a lesson from here that the word naziha is not really about advice. It's about where advice comes from. And if the advice comes from the right place, it'll come out in the right way. If advice comes from the right place, it'll come out the right way. If you're just trying to shame someone, it'll show in the way you're speaking to them. And if you actually are trying to get past someone's defenses to try to actually get them to benefit from the advice, it'll come out a certain way you'll treat them the way you would like to be treated. You'd approach them the way you want to be approached. And so remember that and I'll see how is about a

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state that you're in towards another person. That's why they said Wayne law who then also known as the power of law, you know, the saying saying to someone we are we are sincere towards you,

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is a red flag. Especially when it's out of the blue like we said, It's exactly what shaytaan said to our father as a mother. He said him and his wife How are they have set up? He said to him, listen to me eat from this tree. It's an awesome tree. We're in need I call Matt. I mean, I'm also hearing and I am sincere and also, you know, I'm really sincere towards the both of you. That's an important understanding of the reality of and I'll see how I still have goodwill towards people and we take it or have what we cite as evidence for that is this verse that they're saying? Why don't you trust us when we have no Seehofer uses? Obviously it's not talking about advice right instructional advice,

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speaking about how they feel towards him.

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Then the next verse goes on to say that they said out of sin whom I never then send him with us tomorrow. Why not attack when Allah when Allah hula Hatfield learn

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to not attack means to eat meaning a picnic right? They're gonna go eat out in you know, in an open space somewhere, recreate when a lab and play

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in Allah Allah Hafiz alone, and we will certainly be competent guardians for him will be his guardians. And so this

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this is something that you must realize came off to you there I thought about a Salaam as another red flag. Like

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he's not just they're not just asking him Why do you not trust us with Yousuf in general. Now they're

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taking it a step further and saying, Now trust us, like we are challenging you to, you know, prove, prove to us that you trust us.

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And so they're guilting him here.

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And they're saying, We're gonna take him out. I'm gonna be so nice. We're gonna play we're gonna end Yeah, who knows, knows they don't like him. They don't,

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you know, enjoy playing with him. They don't. This is when you find sudden niceness. from someone who's so nasty to you. It is permissible to be cautious it is permissible to be, you know, a bit weary about that. That's not wrong, because having bad assumptions of people is how Tom is unlawful in Islam when it's baseless, right, when you entertain thoughts that shaitan cast into your mind without enough substantiation. But yeah, hold on a second no so much. And so he would be wrong to not be suspicious, like to not follow his gut on this.

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And also, some scholars said, notice that they piled on the list. You don't trust us, we're gonna and we're gonna be eating, and we're going to be playing. They said, like they could have just said, you know, can use have come on a picnic with us. The fact that they came off so forcefully

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was also telling of their weak position. Even just the word playing like you could have just said, We're going on a picnic to eat. Forget the whole trust issue picnic, but why do you have to list out the things you're going to do during your day? Some scholars said maybe it is because they felt what your home felt that you know, this is not good enough for me to actually believe you want to go feed him somewhere.

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And and that is something that

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we should be aware of, even in like in the in the intellectual realm, when we're providing justifications for Islam even don't pile on all your evidence is at once because when you pile on all evidences,

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some evidences are stronger than others. And so you reaching for so many evidences could actually weaken your argument, someone, all they can remember is your weak evidence. they'll forget the strong evidence. And so piling on evidence is a sign of weakness sometimes, like you, you look desperate over here or something to prove. They actually had something to prove, and they knew that they would look suspicious and so they were saying this, let them come he can eat

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It's as if they're saying, not eat, how about play, he can play as well, like they're just looking for something.

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And of the lessons in this verse actually, the scholars mentioned this verses of the proofs that it's not haram to play. I mean, sometimes people may

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say this is a given, but it's not necessarily a given. Because being Muslim means submitting your life to God. That means every moment of your 24 hours belongs to God. And so a Muslim technically needs to look for permission from God to do what they want with their life, right, like exceptions to the rule. Right? Am I allowed to do a little bit for me? And the beauty of our Deen is that Allah encourages you to do quite a bit for yourself, so that you can continue finding the stamina to fulfill your primary role, which is the worship of him, right, serving Him and serving Him through serving his creation, all of it right, the wide meaning of worship, but the idea is that racing and

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playing and recreating and rejuvenating yourself, this is

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something that is necessary, that Islam recognizes our humaneness and makes us the best human beings by not being idealistic and asking of us, what should be asked of angels, not humans, right? And so if someone says, Allah said, I only created the human there and the jinn to worship me, to serve me, we're gonna say yes, and even the prophets allowed their children to play, and even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at times, returning from serving Allah on the battlefield, raised with his wife Ayesha, about the load to Allah Anna. And this is extremely important, you know, olive nebuta, and others, but the most famous narration is from Ali or the Allahu anhu.

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He said that,

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you know, I, I give myself a chance to, like, you know, r&r, right, rest and relaxation. Because these hearts, if they're like, overwhelmed, they'd become blind, like, they just don't like they rebel. You just you have to, you know, balance.

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The fact that you are not created for play, absolutely, I should never like, compromise the primary objective, but you are allowed to play so that you can better serve, of course, Hillel play, the reason for which you created high level play, and not at the sake of everything else. I mean, if you think about,

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just to point this out, because we're talking about the ruling on playing games, or racing or sports or whatnot, the difference between you playing games, I'm not saying that. But you need to recognize there is a huge difference and a far greater likelihood for harm in you being a

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spectator of sports, as opposed to being a participant, you know, a competitor in sports. I mean, playing soccer, for example, is an awesome thing. You know, the health of their body, the distressing, the all of these things, right, the camaraderie, the Brotherhood, all that combined, is awesome. But what happens think of like the the extreme radical fanatic loyalties to sports teams, like even in the Muslim world, like you think of the soccer teams and how they waste people's time, waste people's wealth, right? They rip apart the seams of unity, based on you know,

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this sports club versus that sports club is it rips apart the seams of unity in this oma, so, playing necessary.

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But that is very different from spectating and spectating. Even when it's going to be highlighted, we need to be vigilant of the great Tom, it could lead to, or the wasted opportunities at the very least it usually leads to so yeah, hold on a second response. What does he say in response kata in Neela, Zuni and Ted humblebee, he will fall fornia Kula who want to MANOVA if you don't, he says, It saddens me that you should take him.

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He just

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he's very protective of use of a Sam. And he knows that they're jealous of this. But he just

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the fear of them winning this argument perhaps caused him to say it again.

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And caused him to say it again. I don't want you to take him. And then he said, It saddens me that he that I be separated from him even like for a few hours. Then he says something even more, you know, interesting, and I fear that the wolf eats him like how unlikely is that that a wolf was gonna eat someone at a picnic. But that's how protective and loving he was that his his mind drifts to those places out of just sheer compassion and love and affection for use without a center.

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And you know, a lesson here that I'm not sure about him a whole lot points out about being good to your parents, which is just really nice. He says

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him saying it saddens me. If you're a good child, it's supposed to be enough. Because being dutiful to your parents does not just mean obeying their orders. It means avoiding their sadness, even if they didn't order you to do X, Y and Z. There's a big difference, right? When he says it's it saddens me, that should be the end of the story.

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The same way, if your parents order you to go clean your room, just I don't know, the typical right parenting example. Go clean your room.

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It is enough enough that you go clean your room. But you know that you need to go clean your room, but also not give your parents that look, that hurts their heart as you're walking off to clean your room. And that's part of it right? Or another scenario. Even if your parent tells you No, you go ahead and do X, Y and Z, right? He's telling you because for you, but they know that they don't, you know, like this very much. The sensitive child, the dutiful child that's prioritizing the feelings of the parents will not do it unless they have to that which their parents permitted. They will not do it unless they have to. Sometimes you have to.

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But they will not. And so that's just a good point about the fact that he said it saddens me, I should have been enough. And then he said, I fear that the wolf will eat him. That

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unlikely event of a wolf eating one of 10 or one of 11 people, or one of 12 people in a picnic

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was so unrealistic, that the brothers saw that it's perfect thing to act on, you know, he's haunted by this, you know, imagine a, you know, imaginative fear. Or this unlikely it's not imaginative, right? It's unlikely.

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And so

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they said it's perfect opportunity. We're gonna use that as our story once we do what we're gonna do. So there's a great lesson here. The lesson is try not to volunteer information to people that they can later weapon weaponized against you.

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That's very common.

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You know, sometimes newlyweds, they make a very big mistake. And that like when they're all in that, you know, lovey w phase in the beginning, when they're there, they're being very utopian and unrealistic. What do they do? In the spirit of transparency in the spirit of honesty, these naive newlyweds, they share the most shameful

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moments of their past, which is how Tom By the way, Allah loves to conceal. And so when he conceals, you're not supposed to expose yourself, even if someone were to ask, you're not supposed to say, by the way, this is just a rule of thumb. There may be exceptions, but that is the rule of thumb, you're not allowed to not even just Can you lie, you're not allowed to expose yourself after a law is concealed you. So you'd be obligated to lie, because a lot wants you to protect your dignity. And because people don't forget the way a lot of dogen forgives and forgets not in absent minded sense but forgets, as in berries, tucks away, your your past. And so newlyweds sometimes, in the spirit of

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you know, like, just trust and you know, and all that stuff, they open up to every aspect of their past, no matter how shameful to their partner.

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And then they regret it soon enough, they realize that people are not like Allah, people don't just, you know, forget things. And many people will condemn you for your past in a moment's notice, if they feel like the opportunity calls for it, or the need calls for it. And so they'll bring up your past in the again, and so don't give people the sword by which they will attack you. That's extremely important.

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And so but jacoba is selected when he said this in a moment of, you know, emotive expression. And he wished he could have attracted those statements because even the prophets have statements in their lives, they wish they could retract. And that is what is so amazing about the Quran, that every single word of the Quran never needed to be retracted. It was said spontaneously engaging there questions of the audience, Muslim and non Muslim sets a friend and foe, you know, addressing newly emerging events, and it never needed to be retracted for quality control. Even the prophets, right were human. But the Quran is so special, you know, even the verses by the way of the verses that are

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abrogated, like their verses still there, but the ruling no longer applies. Even those are deliberate. They're not like, oh, that verse could go No, there's still a use for it being there, though it is not to be acted upon. There's great wisdom to Nestle to abrogation, you know, of them for examples for a lot to showcase subhana wa Taala. The willingness of the believer to submit like a law

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legislating on Ibrahim alayhis salaam to slaughter his son, and then repealing that rule canceling that rule. Once the willing

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This was shown that is a great wisdom, right? Or at times, I love putting an initial duty on us and then repealing it, to reward us for our willingness or to show us his clemency, that he reduced the load but kept the reward at the original initial

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mark this, these are all of the benefits. So even the verses that would be repealed in application are still deliberate, the poor and not a letter of it needs to be retracted. But the profits, even the profits want to attract some of their words.

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Finally, about this verse

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jacoba, he said, I was very wise in saying at the end of this, like, I don't want to separate from yourself, and I'm afraid, and the wolf might eat him while you are unaware. All right, while you are unaware, he did not deepen the resentment of his kids towards Yousuf by saying that you would ever do this deliberately. He kind of covered it up by saying, if this were to happen, it would happen, you know, by a totally Innocent Mistake from you guys.

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And that's why it's parenting. And that's why he's mentoring in general, because everyone has people have their inborn nature, for sure. It is like its nature and nurture. People have their inborn nature, but the way they see the world seeing them will nurture the way they become, right. And so if he says, You guys can't be trusted, and they're gonna grow up, or they're going to fit the mold, they're gonna say, Okay, my case, if we can be trusted, that's right, we can be trusted, we are treacherous folk. And, you know, you see this sometimes in certain sectors of society as well that people become the way society looks at them. You say, you're a no, I'm a nobody. I'll start feeling

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like I'm a nobody. I also act like I'm a nobody. If someone were to say, you know, this person is a thief. And no matter how hard he tries, he can't shake off that perception of people that I'm a thief, then you know, what, if I'm a thief, either way, you might as well start stealing because either way, I'm getting a bad rap for, even though i'm gonna i'm paying for the consequences for something I'm not doing. So I might as well do it. So him covering up that he perceived them as

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not trustworthy, treacherous, they weren't treacherous, but he did not want to feed that further by saying, you cannot be trusted.

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And so in the end, they said, Listen, if the wolf eats him, we must be really losers, like who gets eaten at a picnic and who gets eaten at a picnic surrounded by? Why not notice but when we're a strong group, strong bunch of 10 men.

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And so he was stuck, either he said, I'm cornered by them guilted by them.

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Because he didn't have a response and sometimes you're not having a response.

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is, you know, what's the word?

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It's always intended by Allah azzawajal. But to bring about something something had to happen, Jaco Jacobo, a Salaam had to lose use, for the story to continue for the other wisdoms to actualize and so his inability to protect his son here, he is just you trust us or not. So he had to at the end of the day, let them go with use of or say, I don't trust you with you. So if and further rile them up against you. So it was a lose lose, right. But it had to happen. And so he buckled to the pressure and hoped for the best.

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And UCLA, Sam went off with them.

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Under the promise that they will be protected, like if for 10 men, we would be losers to let our youngest brother get eaten by a wolf. And maybe that's a final lesson that's equally important that people are not the principles they announced. We all know this, but we constantly need to be reminded about this. You know, they say we would be losers if we did away with our brother or let our brother get hurt. But just because they're saying we recognize we would be losers, doesn't mean they're actually willing to live up to that.

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They are willing not just to let him be eaten by a wolf. They are wolves in sheep's clothing they are about to betray their brother. And so many times people say a word of truth, which is a principle declare it but they intend to buy it or they intend to use it for evil means just like

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you know, I'll even Have you thought about your loved one. When the holiday to the rebels arose in his time. They would stand up after prayer and cause commotion in the masjid.

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And keep saying in it hookman Lila Lila in it hookman Daniella, that rulership is only for Allah rulership is only for Allah, meaning you You are wrong. You've associated partners with God by you know, you know, basically admitting manmade laws and, of course, baseless accusation, but that was the accusation and they're saying you this is only for God to to make laws, not you.

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And so I leave now with all of his response.

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to them

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was always Kelly meant to happen or ew have outlet that is a word of truth

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by which evil or falsehood was sought. A SOT like you're saying a true Word, what you're using it for false means for false ends.

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And so that same thing here just because someone is announcing a certain principle that principle may be true, it doesn't mean that you're using it in a way that

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I have to concede to, I have to concede to but the the command of Allah has to come to pass and we have to move on now to the next scene of the story. Does like a lot later on Don't forget to Friday night, and especially the locals that are with us from Allentown please remember the jomar donations to help the machines running full steam, particularly when it comes to them on a camera to live cattle Chronicle Omaha Make sure to stick around until we like Santa Monica.

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