Mohammad Elshinawy – Best of Stories – Study of Surat Yusuf #06

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a tragic death and the importance of affirmations and graduation in finding the baby. It emphasizes the importance of not being a prophet to be a partner and working towards a better life for children. The speaker also discusses the use of "IT" and avoiding negative emotions, as well as the need for evidence and clear actions to avoid negative behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum wa to lie what it

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will do when he Meena Shang Ponyo? Raji

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spell la hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah hora to

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begin in the name of a low praise and glory be to a lot of ways finest peace and blessings be upon His messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his family and his companions and all those which are at his path. Welcome everyone back to the study of social cues of the story of the Great Prophet Yusuf Ali salatu salam and we move on to the next scene now where they

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go off with use of a salon to the conspiratorial picnic if you will,

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to launch their scheme and their

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plot against use of either his setup and so a lot of those it says in the first verse you heard here from the hub will be he so when they went off with him What a Jim Mero Enya jello who feels like Yeah, but he will be and they became resolute they all were in agreement to send him down into the bottom of the well.

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And then somehow Allah well let me just finish the verse

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well hyena la Hilton Ambien Ambien William has a shuttle and we reveal to him use of at that moment, you will surely inform them about this, this structure is the the they're performing. Well, homeless Sharon, and they they just don't realize well, at a time when they when, at this time or at the time they informed them Allah knows best, they will be totally oblivious to that they're totally off guard, they don't realize you're going to inform them, or you will inform them at a time when they had no idea and no suspicion, you're going to take them by surprise and confront them with this.

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there are many reflections that I have about this one verse, and I hope it doesn't take our entire session.

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Just so we can move along

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into the story with a medium speed. But allies though agenda says when they went to off with him, and they all were in agreement to send him down into the bottom of the world.

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But then it kind of interrupts

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You know, sometimes

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in certain, I guess movies.

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I used to watch movies long time ago

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when the scene is very gruesome.

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Or the scene is just known that every time the bad guy corners, right? It just it flips over to the next screen, another victim, another victim, another victim. And so it doesn't pronounce the the victimization very much doesn't illustrate the the gruesome scene very much it moves on to to another scene. And similarly this kind of happens here and I wondered like why is there the interjection right like when they went off and they agreed that they were going to put him in, the verse doesn't say then they put him in. It just says and we meaning at the time that they threw him in the well that part is skipped. It's not spelled out, we reveal to him.

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And perhaps the of the wisdoms here is that this is a very traumatic scene.

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In a very graphic scene, and this surah came down

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to get the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or some of our scholars said, Get him past the trauma of being campaigned against and persecuted and exiled from Mecca.

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And so it was telling him that these moments come and go, they pass they don't last, the trials of this world don't last, you know, they either end or we end they either leave us or we leave them and move on to another world. It the pain of this world is temporary.

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That's something that

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is very important to remember. Everyone's getting tested and no one says is permanent. And so it's highlighted use Valley celebs test as well. He also was being thrown out or being separated from his loved ones and the comfort of life and the company of his family. And the same way you Omar sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are being pushed away from Mecca, by your family by your Klansmen. And some scholars say this sort of coming down at that point right before the migration, the the fleeing from Mecca and migrating to Medina for our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was to hint also at the fact that he would return, right because the surah ends with the return of the brothers

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and the reunion and everyone

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that's around at the end of the story, turning a new leaf to the end of it. And Mecca has become Muslim after right, seven, eight painful years after the digital. And so perhaps that's the reason why the that scene is skipped. Because it is very graphic. There's such trauma in that scene, like you can imagine on losses. And they went off with him. And they all were in full agreement. Like they all of them, even though one could have been enough because he's the helpless, weak youngster use of valet setup, they all grabbed him, right. And they all pull his shirt off because they needed the shirt, as you may know from how the story continues, and you can maybe like just let your

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imagination wander of what that must have looked like. He probably like thought it was a joke at the beginning. And then like, this is serious. And then looking around for what brother is going to knock some sense into the other brother who's being you know, who's being savage here, someone like stop him. And then he looks around at their eyes and they're all in full agreement. Like the the the betrayal here is, is unlike the last thing an innocent child expects from his older brothers for all of them to coalesce and agree on doing this to you.

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But at the same time, the verse says what it doesn't say if there's a happy ending at the end of the story, it says, and this is a very important lesson, while hyena he and we revealed to him then in there many scholars, perhaps most of the scholars, from not mistaken say that this was a revelation of reassurance, not the revelation of prophethood like what Allah says we will reveal to him usually revelation means you're a prophet, but this is a different kind of revelation because in the Quran, the word why he has multiple usages right a lot of revealed to meaning he inspired to the, to the honeybee on how to like construct, its its hives, and its homes, and its niches in the mountains and

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elsewhere. A lot of zoa Jen

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said he revealed or inspired within the mother of Moses to cast him into the well into the river, or the sea when she fears for him. And so, this is one of those, according to the majority of scholars and inspiration or revelation that is beneath Prophethood meaning he's not a prophet, yet, he became a prophet later, and Allah knows best.

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And so but why, why are we trying to prove that he receives revelation before becoming a prophet, to open the door for you? And for me, meaning when a person is close to Allah zoa Jin, Allah instills inside him certain notions, certain feelings that soothe his wounds, like soothe the trauma, soothe the pain. reassurances that are as clear as day like they're not like oh, inshallah this will get better. There's not a hunch it's not just wishful thinking. The closer you are to Allah, the more reinforcement you get in the midst of your crisis from Allah subhana wa tada one of the ways that Allah eases for us our difficulties, you know, in our lives, Origen says in grocery usara certainly,

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along with Mao means with along with the hardship there is E's very famous verse, everyone knows it. What does it mean? The scholar said, of what this means is that the end of the hardship is destined along with the beginning of the hardship, right. So the point of relief comes with, it's almost like this is your life. And this is the hardship it comes like this. This is the beginning this is the end right? So it's passing through. It's not like the the hardship is decreed on you. And then

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Allah will later decree when it will end no with the hardship comes the ease to remind you of the temporary, temporary nature, the transience of the hardship. The other meaning and this is the meaning I want here along with the hardship, there is ease, when you are going through hardship Allah instills within that episode of your life means subtle means to bring you ease. So in this case, with use of Allah, his setup, Allah placed inside him a sense of surety, right, he was sure that he would not die here, and he would confront his brothers about this. And sometimes you need that, like you need to act, you need to take someone to task so that you can forgive them even right

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you just you have to express you hurt me, you know, you did this, you did that. And then you forgive them. Some some crimes are so big that people need to own them before they get forgiven for them. They need to concede to them they need to apologize for them, or at least admit them.

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And so with the hardship comes ease, many times when someone is close to a loss, though, you know, he can be going, his marriage could be on the brink, and then a loss so a gentle causes him to find himself sitting next to the right person that tells him a story about how his marriage is far worse. And how he sees the benefit in powering through the marital you know rollercoaster. And so when he hears this guy's story, he realized that his his problems aren't so bad. That's how within the hardship there is ease it's embedded inside to alleviate it for you. with the caveat here The trick here is for you to have rapport with Allah xojo to have good credit to have a good balance with

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Allah before the hardship comes. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this to our in a lot of heart, yeah, difficulty should

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get to know a lot of meaning get acquainted, you know, build a relationship with Allah. In times of ease. Yeah, if Gaffey should, he will know you in times of difficulty, meaning he'll be there for you

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in a special way more than he is for others, he will be there for you in times of difficulty.

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And so, number one, realize that this story was a reassurance for the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, because he was about to be driven out by his people separated from his family and his Klansmen and Mecca.

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And so sort of use of came down to tell him there is a happy ending. And the path is one, this is the path of the profits profits before you went through this as well. And also for us, by the way, that anyone is going through some hardship, they lose out on some of life's comforts, or the company of their loved ones.

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This is the path of the profits, you hold on just a little longer. It'll all be over soon. And you're there triumph will be your triumph, and their final destination will become your final destination. May Allah azza wa jal help everyone that's going through hardship,

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pass it pass the test with flying colors, and is for us, the viciousness of the of the trials allow us to take it in stride and not be broken or brought to our knees by it a lot of Miami. And so that was the first thing why this sutra came down. It is really pronounced in this area, right? That the quickness of the mention of the betrayal. And the mention that at that moment use of La Salaam, was given by Allah a sense of certainty that this is not going to be the end, which made it easier for him to handle what is so hard to handle the betrayal of your big brothers, all of them.

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And the second thing,

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the third thing now that we want to say about this is very quickly because we are not doing well on time, is that jacoba A salam, as we kind of mentioned last week, tried very hard to not let use of go with them, because he was pretty sure that that he would be in danger, that there's something suspicious happening here. But at the end of the day, he couldn't. And this is healthy for us to recognize that. You know, every parent wants a good safe life for their child, but you can't always offer it no matter who you are.

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They may not listen to your advice, or you may not be around I mean, most children outlive their parents, that you may not be around to advise them at that moment, or the other person who can advise them in your place that Allah sends may not notice it. So advise them on some things but overlook others that are just as necessary, if not more, perilous, and danger pose greater dangers to our kids. And so we're going to advise them we're going to try our best to direct them in their path. But we need to believe that Allah is the truest protector, and that we need to rely on him and teach our children to rely on him because we are not the best protectors for our kids we can never

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recognizing that is a treasure. You know, as one of the setup the early Muslims would say

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Kenzie I jersey was the knife.

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my treasure is my incompetence like me recognizing my incompetence, my inability to do certain things, just part of human limitation, right? Whether it's because I don't have the right resources, whether I'm so emotionally invested that I can't like, be logical about things and be reasonable, I'm just, my hands are tied in so many different ways. So me recognizing my inability is actually my treasure because it causes me to turn around and resort to someone who has better abilities. And that of course, you deliver you to a lot of soldier. So he says, my treasure is my inability, while denia fuckery and my riches lie in my poverty, me recognizing that I'm poor, causes me to access

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the treasure chests of the one who is the most rich, the one whose reservoirs and resources never deplete, never end.

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And then after that, the next verse continues that they come to their father I share any of the code they come to their father at night crying.

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Maybe this will be the last verse we cover just for time purposes. I was ambitious, but we're not going to cover the three four verses today. They came to their father at night. Why did they come to their father at night they came to the Father at night so that their their fake crying won't show. Right like it's, you know, you see it in your face, especially with a parent. They can you know, get you to a mile away. So they came at night, and they came at night crying.

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Maybe they really were crying, but it wasn't genuine crying. And that by itself is a huge lesson, right? Number one,

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the deception that is

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inseparable from the night right deception works in the dark it's part of like the definition right? It tries to catch people off guard tries to get things past people. The night time is a time when much evil takes place, right?

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clubs happen at night. Lots of most robbery happens at night in dark alleyways right. So the night is a time of great danger. This is not to make someone paranoid, I was a villa. I mean, the stronger your faith and I love the more fearless you become in terms of confronting your fears. You need to be out you need to be out. But we should be aware of

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not being home at night, when we don't or our children not being home at night.

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Or what our children are doing at night sometimes even at home. Because the night is when just so much evil happens. The ninth is actually the province outside outside when the Shelton become when they I guess they set out the Prophet alayhi salatu salam even told us to bring your children in at the beginning of the night because that's when like the rabbit Sheltie come out right later on in the night. If it's safe, you know, supervision or whatever else if it's safe, fine, let them play.

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Given other measures are put in place, but just the onset of the night is something we should be wary about. The night is a time of privacy. It's a time of

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resigning to your home's a time of resigning to your family. It's a time of resigning to your worship. And we should keep it that way. I mean, I think COVID helped us

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a little bit than we should try to hold on to as much of that as possible. The night was made for sleep unless people are forced to be awake for you know, a noble cause such as serving their family or serving some

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some great cause

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or otherwise but generally speaking some of the stuff used to before they go to sleep. They would just have a regiment of just saying and hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah that I'm home

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because at night is when people are vulnerable right at night is when people are singing at night. So the fact that I am home not fornicating right now not partying in her own way right now you know the fact that I am not

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outside of a home on the on the receiving end of someone's you know malicious acts right now.

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realize this the so much evil happens under the wings of the night.

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And then they cry. And that's a lesson that we don't believe someone because they're crying.

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And that is the beautiful balance that our Deen teaches us you're supposed to be empathic feel people's pain.

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But also do not be gullible and naive and manipulated by people who are pretending to be in pain.

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Because there are people who master

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pulling tears out of their eyes, they're good at it for a whole bunch of different reasons. They just when they feel like they should they do not because they are overwhelmed and so they do.

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It helps them you know

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convince others it helps them silence their own conscience if you are involved in community work like an Imam like she played with you anyone said, you'll realize that so many people come to you crying. And if you're overtaken, you know people that that that are in places of exacting justice. Like, were there any Imam has moral authority or like, you know, if you're under like a judicial a judge position or like an arbiter where you feel like it's your responsibility, you become more prone to look for injustice. And so you you think you found it prematurely many times you got to be careful.

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And so people come to you crying, and then when to hear the other side of the story, you realize that they could be the guilty party a lot of times.

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You know, I always mentioned to people that it has happened by him a whole lot, that he would tell people.

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If someone comes to me and I just cry, and he says with his eye gorged out someone like poked out his eye, I would not judge in his favor. Like, you know, when someone comes to you not just crying like a gash or something, you just jump up and you just you you're at their service, and who did this to you and you're ready to raise *, as they say. He says I will not judge in his favor, until I checked the other party first, maybe he poked out both of their eyes. Right? Maybe they are the guilty party. And so if you are someone who is

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moved by injustice, you should be you need to be careful of jumping in too early. This happens all the time, in the process of seeking justice, you can prematurely you know, identify

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what is justice as an injustice or the opposite, right. And that happens a lot. I mean, think of musala he set up, he was so passionate about defending the oppressed, that he he separated a fight that would put such authority such strength that he killed a man right. And then the next day, he saw the what he thought was the victim fighting another person. And so he realized that this guy's a troublemaker. He's picking fights and him dragging us into them to rescue him each time.

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And so he was the instigator. And so we should be very aware of this, that crying does not mean that your claim is justified. It doesn't even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam warned us of people's eloquence as well, just because they can present their argument better doesn't mean they're more right. It just means they can speak better. And that's why he told them I am but a human being the province also I've said this I am but a human being.

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And I judge based on what I hear and some of you may be more articulate, like just better at expressing themselves making a case for themselves than others. So if I give you the verdict, I pass a verdict in your favor. When you know this is the right of your brother, then don't take it mean you have to use your conscience as well. You can't just throw this on the judge that you tricked, then do not take your brother's right because you would only be taking a cold from the fire. I mean, this will burn through you. This will this will wind up in great punishment.

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And so someone's eloquence is not proof of their case being justified, someone's lying is not proof of them being justified. Sometimes even then bleeding doesn't mean that their claim is justified. And the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam said this, and I'll close with it. Now your openness will be that well whom, if people were given simply based on their claims, meaning without without enough proof, and I just said what isn't proof right? What isn't enough proof, crying, articulation, bleeding even without clear, undeniable proof? He said then so many people would claim the rights and the blood and the wealth of others. And then he said proof is the onus

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of the plaintiff. If you're making a complaint, you have to bring the proof.

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Well, you have you know how to have an anchor and whomever is the defendant they need to swear an oath that they're

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their claim is wrong if they don't have the proof for it, and they walk scot free as they say proven innocent until proven guilty.

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And proof is not the tears or the

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the eloquent words just like a love hate it will end there and shallow data asking them not to benefit from his book and help us walk this world with with a light that we extract from his book and illuminate for ourselves and our surroundings. The decisions we make and the perspectives we have alone that I mean

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is that a lot of panic along how make sure they're laid out.

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