Mohamad Baajour – The Shaded 7 #05 The Prophets and the Martyrs Envy these People

Mohamad Baajour
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the importance of love and acceptance when faced with negative situations, emphasizing the need to be aware of one's partner's behavior and avoid giving too much information. The importance of being loved for one's sake and earn rewards for one's relationship with someone is also discussed. The segment emphasizes the need to be patient while praying and to not give a fair mix of words. The importance of strong love for one another is emphasized, particularly in the context of Islam where strong love for one another is essential.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Allah Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Allahumma Limni and fauna on Fana Rima Alam tena was it nine when Dr. hamre Haman, my dear beloved respected brothers and sisters, today in sha Allah Tala, we will take another category of the people who will be under the shade of Allah azza wa jal when there is no shade except his shade.

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This category is when there's so much SLM said to people who love each other for the sake of Allah, they meet for that, and they depart after that Subhan Allah. So what does it mean? What does it mean? That loving one someone else for the sake of Allah,

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loving somebody else for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala because some people think that you know, maybe sometimes you love somebody because you have the same hobby. You have the you like the same sport. You love somebody because they look good. You love somebody because they sound good. No, no, this love is strictly for the sake of Allah azza wa jal. So what does it mean to love someone for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala so you can deserve this a huge reward of being under the shade of Allah when there is no shade, acceptance, shade.

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It is to sincerely advice one another, to getting together to do acts of worship. You tell someone, brother, there is a lecture in the masjid Brother, let's go together to the to the hotbar brother, there's a workshop brother, there's a seminar, you know, to teach us about Hadith about Quran about Tafseer, about Tajweed. You know, so you together both of you together, you love to be with that person, because he's always encouraging you to get close to Allah subhanho wa Taala because he's warning you when he sees you, loving someone for the sake of Allah is that when you see that person coming close to Allah, you take, you take his hand and assist him and when you see him, or you see

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her staying or going astray from the Path of Allah subhanaw taala you warn them, you advise them. This is the love for the sake of Allah azza wa jal loving, loving for the sake of Allah is to love for your brother, what you love to yourself. Subhanallah loving for the sake of Allah is hating for him what you hate for yourself. Sharing his joy is sharing his his sadnesses and sorrows helping him in obeying Allah subhanaw taala, helping him in matters of concern to him, having to do with this world, or the hereafter, you would love to be of assistance to them in any matter in this dunya defending them loving somebody for the sake of Allah is to defend them in their absence, defend them

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in their absence, and not hesitating to help him or her in any of the author their family, or any of their family members, speaking well of them in their absence, concealing their faults. That's a sign of that you love somebody you conceal their faults. We're not supposed to broadcast everybody's false. No. When you love somebody, you're supposed to concede their faults, Do not pack back by them. Do not say any lies about them, treating them as well as you would like it others to treat you Subhanallah making dua for them in their absence. That's a major sign that you love somebody when you make dua for them in their in their absence. My brothers and sisters, all that is summarized in

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Surah, the last

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one Lhasa in Al Insana, Luffy Casa Illa, Illa Alladhina Amman, why Emilio Solly had with us all will have whatever solver solver Allah subhanaw taala swore by time and then he said every human being is in Las except the one who believe do righteous deeds. They remind each other with the truth and they are reminding each other to be patient. So when I treat my brother, always remind him of the amount of Allah

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He reminds them of the analysis Salia tell him about the truth. Tell him about the right path and also be patient doing that. That is a person that I truly love. That is a person that I truly love. Listen to some of the rewards of loving each other for the sake of Allah beside this reward that is mentioned in this hadith of being under the shade of Allah and there is no shade except his shade Subhanallah avoid recent Kolani Rahim Allah He said, I want to pray one time in the masjid in the mosque. And I was when I was there, I saw people gathering around some

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scar scholar. So I asked who's that man everybody's going around. And they said, This is why the German resemble the sahabi or the Allahu and so I came back the next day early to meet with him and to, you know, to introduce myself to him. So he came and he found him he had already arrived. And he was praying. So when we had finished praying

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about this came to him and said,

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I just want to let you know that I love you for the sake of Allah. Someone has told him

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you really love me only for the sake of Allah and while I repeated it many times. He said yes, I only love you for the sake of Allah. I don't want nothing from you. Subhanallah so

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I said, I'm asking you because I heard Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, listen carefully my brothers and sisters, my love is incumbent upon those who love one another for my sake, sit with one another for my sake, visit one another for my sake and spend on one another for my sake Allahu Akbar. So the love for the sake of Allah may will make you earn the love of Allah azza wa jal will make you earn the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala which is our our main goal in this dunya is to earn the love of Allah subhanho wa taala. Another another great benefit. Listen to this beautiful, beautiful Hadith, or Salah Salem, he said, among Allah servants are people who are neither prophets

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nor martyrs, whom the prophets and the martyrs will deem fortunate, because of their high status with Allah. So the prophets and and martyrs will look at these people and say, Wow, how lucky they are, who are these Yaroslava companions immediately asked jasola Who are they inform us who these people are Rasulillah Salam, he told them, they are people who love each other for the sake of Allah, without being related to one another, and without the, without being tied to any kind of

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financial transaction with one another. Or some loss I Selim he went on describing them and said,

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on the Day of Judgment, the reward with with by Allah, their faces will be luminous, and they will be upon light, they will feel no fear. Well, one day people will be feeling fear and they will feel no grief when the people will be will be grieving. Subhanallah then Rasulullah Salam, he read

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an idea from the Quran, the whole finale him went home, he has no Subhan Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Look at that huge reward of loving one another for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allahu Akbar, you will be in a Manasa manure,

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pulpits of light on the day of judgment, and you will have shining faces. And this relationship has nothing to do with any kind of dunya matter. I don't love you because I need something from you. I don't love you because of your status in the community or because you are rich or because you're white because you are black because no no, I love you strictly. Because you are close to Allah azza wa jal and because being with you remind me of Allah subhanaw taala because being with you bring me closer to Allah subhanaw taala and that's the reason why I love you. And because of that, you will earn all these rewards that are so law, so I seldom promised when Allah subhanaw taala said in the

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Lucha Coolio Malkia Amen would have been happy generally. Where are the people who love my love each other for my sake, I will shelter them in my shade when there is no shade except my sheet along with a lemon hunger behind me. May Allah make us all among them in sha Allah and my brothers and sisters is something that we we are we have the practice is that as soon as I said and said either

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tell your neighbor who Yeah. When When, when someone or when, when you love somebody, when you love your brother for the sake of Allah. And as long as I said I'm told us to inform them. Go ahead if you love somebody for the sake of Allah sister if you love your sister for the sake of Allah, my brother, if you love your brother for the sake of Allah, call them right now. Call them right now and tell them I love you for the sake of Allah or when you see them. Tell them I love you for the sake of Allah. Why don't you right now go

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ahead and text them, I love you for the sake of Allah azza wa jal Subhanallah and they should answer by saying, Becca, Allah the attorney, or Rebecca Allah the attorney fee. May Allah for whose sake you love me. Also love you Ganymede Allah subhanaw taala love You, Allah Akbar. Look at the beauty of our deen. You know, when you say to somebody, I love you for the sake of Allah, He will make dua for you that Allah loves him, Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters, Allah is my witness. Allah is my witness. I love you all for the sake of Allah. And I ask Allah azza wa jal to gather us with this love under his shade, when there's no shade except to shade. The love for the sake of Allah is one

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of the only feelings probably that we're going to see in the Jana but we can taste here in the dunya because in the akhira we all love each other in the agenda, we will all love each other for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and this is one Amyl that we can do in this dunya that is the same in the agenda in sha Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala make our love strictly for his sake May Allah gathers under the shade and there's no shade except his shade. I love you again. All for the sake of Allah subhana Colombo behenic assured Allah Allah and a staff Utica on a Toby lick one

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we need to our shall be got phone phone Yeah woman II then

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money yeah money they're

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all bone. Yeah man my

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tour although I don't

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mean come for fear

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