Mirza Yawar Baig – Teaching Quran – Part 6

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The importance of living the Quran and being a role model for students is emphasized, along with avoiding confusion and blending actions with others. The success of the Sahaba and the importance of avoiding stupidity is also emphasized. The benefits of learning to live by the Quran and avoiding reading too much of the internet are also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the London Lillah wa Salatu was Salam.

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ala alihi wa sahbihi, Amara obat mighty brothers sisters, the sixth soul, of teaching of the Quran is to live it yourself.

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If you notice, I'm following the same sequence that Allah subhanaw taala taught, are also Allah is Allah Allah Salam with regard to teaching of the Quran which is recited, purify yourself and the people explain and understand it, and then live it. And that's what we are following. So therefore, for the teacher of the Quran, it is absolutely essential to live the Quran yourself.

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First and foremost reason to live the Quran yourself, is because people listen with their eyes. People do not listen with their ears, they listen with their eyes, people don't care what you say, until they see what you do. So therefore, let us be very clear as teachers, we are willy nilly, whether we like it or not role models for our students. Now, question to ask is not whether I want to be a role model. Because if you are a teacher, you are a role model. question to ask is what kind of role model do I want to be? Because the reality is that students will emulate you.

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And they will use you and your actions as the delille for their actions, they will use you and your actions as the proof for doing or not doing something. They'll tell you

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an amusing, slightly sad story, but I'm using them nonetheless.

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My driver once I loaned him to an uncle of mine, who was invited to a party, which was given by a very wealthy man. And this party was supposed to be full of all kinds of profit, all kinds of prohibited things. So I of course, I didn't, I didn't want to go and I didn't go to this party. It was a it was a wedding party. But there was an elderly uncle of mine, who was a friend of the grandfather of that family. So he called me and he said, Can you loan me Your Car and Driver because this is the night and I don't want to drive? So I said, Of course most welcome. So my driver went, and he went with my uncle, he saw what was happening in that in that wedding party. And next

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morning, my driver comes and tells me, he tells me he says to me, he says, sir, you know, you are unnecessarily rigid.

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So I said, what kind of thing is this? I mean, what do you mean, I'm unnecessarily? He says, Do you know who was in that party yesterday? Last night? And May Allah forgive me, he listed for me the names of many of our religious leaders, many of our teachers and Allah who were in that party. Now he tells me if what was happening there was wrong. How come so and so was there? How come so and so was there? How come the head of that organization was there? How come the head of that mother mother's I was there? You are the problem. He's telling me he was a bit of a he was a bit of an uppity chap.

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And he used to tell me various things. So he tells me you have a problem. He said you could have also gone yesterday, you could have enjoyed yourself. So I told him man, look, you know, these these these things, and music and dancing and so on. And all of this stuff, it was happening, the party was wrong. He said if it is wrong, why so and so there.

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Now, think about this, here is a man himself is not an ally he is. You know, I don't like to say hello ignorant, because that's not one of the lies, he knew something. But he's obviously he's not an ally. But he takes as his delille, who he takes as his delille people who he sees as his teachers. And May Allah forgive them alone, he knows that their reason for going there, whatever the reason is, I don't want to go into that. But point is those people were there. So the whole issue is that if you do something wrong,

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your students and other people who know you to be an ally, are going to take your action as the delille for their own actions, and believe in our brothers and sisters, that will come back to haunt you, because you will reap the rewards, the returns and the rewards for their actions. So therefore, we have to be very, very clear in our mind and say that I will live by the Quran because that is why the Quran came. The Quran came to show us how to live the Sahaba succeeded because

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They live by the Quran, we fail because we live by our own knifes and we ignore the Quran. So ask yourself this question, do I want to succeed? Or do I want to fail?

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My brothers and sisters? See the the if you look at the stories of the Sahaba, if you look at what we saw is I was a little bit. Do we have any instance where the column of Allah subhanaw taala ordered something and you find the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam did something else? And then he tells the people follow the column of Allah Don't look at me. Did he ever say that? Do we have an instance where the Sahaba did something which was against Islam against the caliber of Allah subhanho wa Taala? And then if somebody question them, did the Sahaba say, No, no, look at the book. Look at the the order. Don't look at me, I am not at Delhi. On the contrary, it will famous out of

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the sound of many of us, I have a if somebody asked them, What is Islam? If somebody asked them, What should we do, they would say Guru midlaner become like us, become like us,

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for the Sahaba there and them and their lives was Islam. So therefore, today, if we look at it, we have this, we have this common lament that many Muslims have with regard to the rest of the world. And we say why do we pay? Why do people blame Islam? If a Muslim does something wrong? Why is Islam on trial? Why do people blame Islam? But seriously, look at your look at our own history. Let us look at our history. The Sahaba had quite the opposite view. The Savas view was that a Muslims action is the reflection of Islam, and therefore, they said Poonam Islam has become like us. So my point is, if a Muslim does something wrong, who do you want people to blame?

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Who do you want people to blame? Because if the Muslim does something, right, do you want people to say he did this? Because he's a Muslim? This is a reflection of Islam? Do you want them to say that? Or do you want to zenana Islam has nothing to do with it. He is honest, he is compassionate, he is courageous. That is his personal, internal, his own ability, his own strength. Islam has nothing to do with that. Do you want people to say that, obviously, you know, then how can you object if people use the same meter, if they use the same measurement when you do something wrong? So very seriously, living by the Quran, is not only

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not a choice for us, we have to do that. But it's also something which is the source of so much of benefit for us. Imagine, remember this, that if we live by the Quran, and if somebody takes that cue from us, and that person also models his life on the Quran, you may remember that you and I are going to get the benefit of all those people. Now, what objection can we have to that?

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What objection can we have to getting the benefits of the actions of all these people, just because we decided to live by the horror, in many cases, we might not even know those people exist. So many, so many instances where somebody maybe somebody sees,

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sees you going somewhere doing something. And that person then takes it from you.

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And that person then does this?

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How, how many times do we benefit from that? For example, I remember once in, in an airport, I was sitting there and

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a young man came to me. And he made Salam I didn't even know who he was, he came to image Salaam. And He then told me sir, jack, I learned something from you. I want to thank you for this. I said what I mean, I am thinking to myself, I don't even know this guy. And what did you learn from me? Obviously, you know, he's not a student of mine.

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He said, No, he said, You know, he said several years ago, and he gave me the name of the place. He said, I was passing through that place. And in the, in the airport, I saw a man who was sitting reading Quran. He said, I saw this man, people are milling around doing this doing that, reading magazines and so on. And I saw this man, he was just sitting there. And he was reading Quran by himself. And I thought to myself, what a wonderful thing to do that I, you know, I spend my time productively. When I'm sitting, I'm engaged in liquor. And so I learned this thing. So I said, what does it have to have that Shambhala is very, very good. And I think it's a wonderful thing to do.

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But what does that have to do with me? He said, You were the man.

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He said, You are the man. Now I think about I didn't even know that this man was there in the in the airport. I didn't even know he had seen me. He said since then, I have been doing this. I have been every time I am by myself.

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Every time I'm in an airport or somewhere where I'm just waiting, I take out my Quran and I read. So he said, imagine this is something which I it was not even my intention to teach him that Allah Subhana Allah is merciful on me, Allah subhanaw taala caused that man to see something that I was doing. I'm only saying this to, to tell you that, you know, this is these are things that we do unconsciously. And that is the reason why it's a good idea to get into a situation where you do good things unconsciously, because then you don't have to put on an act to to show anybody. So living the Koran living by the Quran ourselves. This is the secret and this is the secret of the success of the

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Sahaba. This one is a man made, who learned from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, therefore I request you on all of these things are linked. We cannot live by the Quran unless we understand the Quran. We cannot understand the Quran until we have enough we cannot have to skip the naps unless we follow the methodology of mamasan for the skier and we cannot do all of that unless we have the classroom near to to, to teach and learn purely and purely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and unless and until we love Allah subhanaw taala and we love the caliber of Allah subhanaw taala ask Allah Subhana Allah to make it easy for us to do this and to be pleased with us when we do this.

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Because at the end of the day, as I said, and I remind myself again and again, we will not be asked what did you know? We will not be asked how much of the Quran Did you memorize? You will not be asked what was the state of your career? Did people listen to your carotovora? How many likes Did you get on Facebook? How many YouTube videos did you have? How many hours of territorial competition how many credit competitions Did you win? We will not be asked any of these questions. We will be asked only one question which is what did you live by?

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Did you practice what you learnt? Why we will not be asked what did you know? We will be asked what did you do? And I asked Allah subhanaw taala to enable us to live a life where when we are asked this question, what did we do? We will not be found wanting a Salahuddin Abdul Karim Allah Allah He was savage may be romantic.

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