Ramadan 2024 Reminders #24

Mirza Yawar Baig


Channel: Mirza Yawar Baig


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The speaker advises not to waste time in worship and to focus on the law of the Quran, the principles of the holy eye, and the importance of taking time out of one's busy schedules to focus on worship. They stress the need to plan ahead and not waste time in worship. The speaker also warns against using chit chatting and hanging out with friends.

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My brothers and sisters,

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we have the

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Hadith. Hadith is the saying of,

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He said that Rasoolullah

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used to,

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to the Masjid in the last 10 nights

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of Ramadan, and this is.

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is one of the greatest

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sunnah of Rasool

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nahi He would do this

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He always did that in the last year

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of his life.

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He actually spent the last 20 days,

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not only 10 days, last 20 days in

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the Masjid.

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But to make

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at the cap in the last 10 days

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the established sunnah of Rasool, and it is

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something that I

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strongly recommend that we all take the time

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or to do it.

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Plan it in advance so that you have

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the time, free time, take leave or whatever

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you need to

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take. The biggest benefit of ithikaab the purpose

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of ithikaab is to seclude yourself in the

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for the pleasure of Allah to connect with

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Allah to cut yourself off from everything

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in your worldly life and connect with Allah

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The time of etakaar should be spent exclusively

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in worship, nothing else.

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No chit chatting, no joking, no no

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hanging out with friends, none of that. Just

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the law of the Quran,

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and nawafil, and when you get tired, go

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to sleep. Right?

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Eat less, sleep less,

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and spend your time only in these things,

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only in the Ibadat of Allah.

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Nothing else.

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This is very, very important. Sometimes we,

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go into the masjid for the for at

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the cap, alhamdulillah, our

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intention is good, but we go and we

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spoil the at the cap

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because we end up with just playing around

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and, you know, hanging out with friends

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and talking about all kinds of worldly things.

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destroys the equality of the ihtikaf. So please

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don't do that. Make sure the ihtikaf is

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for the sake

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of getting close to Allah

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only and

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only. Nothing other than that.

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Lots of ibadah,

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lots of dua, tahajjud,

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irateul Quran, zikr,

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lots and lots

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and then reflection, introspection

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on our own lives.

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guidance to him.

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guidance to him.