Mirza Yawar Baig – O You who believe, Believe – P2
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sugarpill MBA will mousseline Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman Kathira and cathedra for Movado. My brothers and sisters, Allah subhanaw taala said yeah, you're Latina, amanu aminu.
Allah said oh, you will believe believe.
Now think about this. It's sound like a strange thing. Or you will believe believe we already believe what is it to believe that the shows that Eman is something which cannot just be taken for granted. He said Lila Hey, Lola, or in the case of most of us were born Muslim, we did not even actually say Lila, we don't have to say 100. If you're born a Muslim, you're a Muslim. But I'm just saying diff to differentiate people who convert the actual actually say they can do it in front of witnesses and so on. But people like us, or it is like me, were born Muslims. We never actually formally take Shahada. And they said we don't have to, but just to differentiate, so we believe
okay, I'm Muslim Hamdulillah. Why? Because my parents are Muslim, grandparent, Muslim, family, everybody Muslim.
But I'm not saying this is not sufficient. Oh, you will believe believe meaning that EMA must be learned. Just like for example, we learn Salah
just by saying that I want to pray or I'm ready to pray, or I believe I should pray. It's not enough. If I if I really believe that I should pray. And I want to pray that I have to learn how do I pray? How do I prepare for prayer? What are the the account of the Hara? What are the, the the the principles of purification, purification of the body purification of clothes, purification of the place of prayer, also internal purification of the heart, and so on. Second thing is, I also need to know what is it that spoils myself? Because if I'm purifying myself and so on, I need to know what is it that will cause or is likely to cause problems for this?
What are the things that negate my salah what will break my salah? What are the things that beautify my salah make it better? What are the things which do the opposite? So just like that we have to also learn what is Ima in terms of the essence of it? When I say I believe in Allah subhanaw taala I believe in La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasool Allah, what exactly does it mean? How does it change me? What does it do to me?
What changes can I feel in my own heart? What are the changes that or characteristics that others
can expect to see in me? Because I'm Muslim?
Allah subhanaw taala said in another place in the Quran Yeah, you were living Armando. Oh hello facilement God fatten what are the wo coldwater shattered in the whole la Komodo movie Allah subhanaw taala said all you will believe entered into Islam completely and totally and do not follow the footsteps of shaida see this beautiful eye? Allah subhanaw taala did not say do not follow shatta Allah say do not follow the footsteps of shatter. What does it mean? This means that shatter is not there. Only his footsteps are there. So who has the responsibility? If we do follow those footsteps, the responsibility lies with us. This is the reason why on the Day of Judgment shatter
will save a lot alimony wallow, wallow Mo and full circle Allah shaitan will say Don't blame me. Blame yourself. Don't send Lana turn me send Lana turn yourself. curse yourself. Because you chose to obey me I didn't force you. I only invited you I only tempted you. You fell into the temptation you chose to accept my invitation. And even though Allah subhanaw taala orders were clear. The Rasul Allah is Allah, he had explained to you what is right, what is wrong, but you chose to follow me. And of course, this is where I lead you. So
believing in Islam and entering Islam completely, is essential in terms of being a Muslim, as we all know, to accept Islam when we say somebody enters or took shahada, it's not just a matter of saying I have Allah, Allah Allah. It's a question of three three steps. It is, does the bill call which is
believed in the heart, chakra build desire, which is to speak it out with your tongue, and it is ama Bill Archon it is
to act upon this email, to add to live our lives, according to Lila Allahu Allah, so that they will help it begins with believing this in our hearts, that there is nobody worthy of worship except Allah subhanaw taala little, no one other than Allah and no one with Allah both of these are essential to our iman. Then we don't worship anyone other than Allah and we do not join anyone with ALLAH subhanaw taala
if you worship somebody other than Allah or you die Allah subhanaw taala discover deny denial cover and if we join others with Allah subhanaw taala as partners and this is shirk, both of these lead to the hellfire. So, even this is the first fundamental process when we believe we this in our core, we should believe this Accra. It does the we'll call we we make this deck we confirm this we affirm this we reiterate this we
declare this in our hearts completely. And then it cannot be Lisa to say this without sha Allah Allah Allah Allah or shadow now Muhammad Rasool Allah that I accept that I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah subhanaw taala and I bear witness that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is the Messenger of Allah subhanaw taala is the last and final messenger, after whom there is no other messenger, this is the does.
Kirby listen. And the third thing, which is where the IRF otoro facilement GAFA comes in, is to live Amahl Bill Arca which means that all my actions by by Jawara by my hands and feet and my tongue in my eyes and my ears and everything else must be in accordance with La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul. When I'm declaring Lila Hill Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah I'm saying in effect that henceforth, my life will be subject to the Hong Kong of Allah the orders of Allah, as implemented by Rasulullah sallallahu Leeson the orders of Allah as implemented as practiced as demonstrated by his messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa salam, this is the meaning of the caliber. The
tragedy today is that we Muslims don't seem to understand the meaning of this caliber. The Horace, who are the enemies of Rasulullah sallallahu wanted to try their best to kill him who tried their best to destroy Islam once and forever. They understood the dilemma. The one of the or rather, the biggest reason for the opposition to us was asylum in Makkah, by the by certain leaders of the courage, which included
Bucha Hal and Abu Sufyan
was because they understood the dilemma they understood that when we accept this we are making ourselves subservient to Mohammed Salah Salem, because we are saying that we will obey Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam completely and totally and we will follow him and we we will emulate him and that is something that we will not do. I was when was asked by our battalion he said why are you giving my nephew such a hard time all he wants is one word from you. I was away and said if he wanted one word we would give him 100 words. It is not the word it is the question is Which word does he want? The issue is not one word. The issue is the word that he wants. And the word that he wants is Lila
Hey Lola hammer, little sola. And he said that is where we have a problem because when we give him that word, it means that we will we are declaring that we will live our lives according to the religion that he brought and that's what we will not be don't want to do. Of course I was very later on the line who became Muslim, but I would have died on this. The tragedy is that they understood and we don't understand that's the reason why we need to change ourselves was Allah the real caring body was a weird name and how to get home