Mirza Yawar Baig – Making Al-Ghayb Real

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The speakers discuss the importance of death and the transfer of life from one state to another, as well as the use of animals to manipulate humans and avoid being recognized until the end of life. They also touch on the impact of COVID-19 on everyone, including their faith in actions and the Day of Judgment. The speakers emphasize the importance of planning for one's life and remembering to act before the end of a situation, as well as seeking help in protecting them and rewarding them.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala cumbia Eva mursaleen Muhammad Rasool Allah is Allah Allah highly right only he was salam just even cathedral
from Morocco.
My brothers and sisters
one of my dear friends, he asked me a very beautiful question he asked me. He said how is it that the Sahaba of Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam believed in alive
as strongly as they did?
How did they believe in Jana or Johanna
Yamanaka and all of that? How did they believe in these things as strongly as they did? Because we have the
code Cole, the saying of Satan, I live in Avatar, you know, he said that if I am Sean, Jana, literally physically, if I see Jana or I see Johanna, my EMA in Jana and Jana will not change.
Meaning already it is at that level as if I'm seeing it that
this friend asked me how is it that
this happened and how can we create that in our lives? I think the very nice question I'm doing and Allah subhanaw taala in His grace and mercy gave us a reminder.
And the reminder is the passing away of my brother Zulfiqar Mother May Allah subhanaw taala give her genital for those who Allah was at his oven pillow cover with Noah and may Allah subhanho wa Taala give summer to the family.
Because this is a reminder because what happened with her
is something which will happen with all of us. And what is that she went from this Allahu shahada to armor.
Right, she's gone from here to there.
We know in Islam death is not annihilation, death is not a
cessation of life, it is a transfer of life from one state of living to another state of living, we are alive in this island and we will be alive in the animal Bursa. As long as Allah subhanaw taala will learn from the birds that will be alive on the day of judgment and then to We ask Allah subhanaw taala for genital for those inshallah.
So, we have this reminder to say that here is our sister or mother who passed away one day we will also go the same route.
Now, what is that they in this matter what happens?
There is a there is a book of mine also there is actually two books I think, and then also a series of lectures on death and hereafter, as well as the questions of the grave and the questions of the of the Day of Judgment. So you can read them and listen to that. But very briefly a very quickly
when multiple outcomes, when the time for the person comes rasa Salam said and may Allah make this for all of us
now is that as an observer Mulago Mark comes for the believer, he is Roar is extracted as easily as a drop of water falls from Egypt,
no pain, no suffering nothing.
And then
he said there will be angels who will come with medical notes and they will take that row in their hands like a newborn baby is passed from hand to hand
and they will bring with them
the clothing from Jana
in which they will wrap this person this row
and then they will take this row up to Allah subhanaw taala at each gate of each heaven, they will be asked the guardians of the gates they will say who is this person and they will like I will say this is so and so using their best names their titles, the way they used to be remembered on the earth in a very beautiful way. And then the row finally we reach Allah subhana wa Tada and Allah subhanaw taala would say go and sleep and nobody will disturb you until the day when you will perish.
We ask this for our cause mother we ask this for all of us our elders and youngsters and whoever passed away we ask this for ourselves also have
the secret of
making the vibe alive is not the unseen. This is wrong translation that is done in English unseen.
Something is not seen it can be it is not high. It may be unseen but it is hard it is experienced it is spelled it is you know
are buried many ways of perception. Our web is that which is unperceivable
in any way in any form in any way using any instrument.
Now, that does not mean it is it does like it exists, except that we cannot perceive it. For example, elephants communicate across literally hundreds of kilometers across the in the savanna of Africa, herds of elephants, they communicate between the herds through hundreds of kilometers using very very low pitched sound which is inaudible to human ears.
Trees communicate acacia trees in the again in the savanna when one tree is being eaten is being browsed by codo or some other antelope the tree communicates a message to other trees which may be miles away and they secrete a particular toxin in the leaves which makes them extremely bitter
so when the antelope reached there they got ready to leave the needle
for us it's right we don't know this I mean, now of course because of you know, scientific advancement people have experimented and checked and so on so we did not we did not know this we just know okay, well, how come they handle about using eating this tree? But when he goes to the next reader, does it why
trees communicate?
Alright, is that which is unperceivable in any shape or form anytime now in the future?
How do you make this algrebra real?
Why do we need to make the alibi video?
Two reasons first of all, our deen is based on elevate the radical Gita volare Buffy who the little booth again what is the first condition of the Moto moto K?
Alladhina Umina. Beloved,
so our deen is based on all right. So we must this is this is must be real for us. And we need to believe in that.
And secondly, the reason to believe and understand is because only when you believe something, then action comes out of the belief.
Allah subhanaw taala gave us
experiential knowledge of this with COVID.
How many of you saw COVID virus?
How many of you even my young friends why, you know, the juniors who have who are constantly in their phones? Did you even check on Google or something? What does it look like?
A picture of it.
But how many of you walked around with with masks? How many of you walk around with masks even though I'm not leaving on my brother there? That's a different thing.
I'm not I'm neither in favor of mascara. I'm not against ask a question. How many of us walked around in masks? How many of us wear masks all the time? How many of us would wash our hands and wash our hands and wash your hands? And
do all of these I have no problem with you and Joe is your face. But the point I'm making is how did this become so real that our whole life was revolving around this issue of COVID.
And you know, and I know we all took vaccines to I don't even know how many vaccines I took.
And I still got COVID
I know friends of mine who got COVID second time, third time, fourth time, it was almost like a weekend job, you know, every every weekend.
And they took everything they took every vaccine ever invented.
wear a mask all the time,
says that Mr. Bill COVID does not go
learn from this. These things are matters of evidence to understand. Again, I'm not talking about COVID I'm saying something which is actually essentially not alive because it is perceivable. You go take take the thing under electron microscope and see it but for us, generally speaking, it is unseen. But we had so much faith in it, that our actions started showing that faith.
Now my point is what is my faith in Jannah?
What in my what is my faith in that? What is my faith in the Day of Judgment? What is my faith in the questions of the grave?
Because as I said, if you have faith, then actions will happen.
If I afraid that this is their actions we'll have a
think about this somebody invites you please come
tomorrow to my place you know come in the evening
How many of you will carry a different carrier with some food in it?
It would be logical I mean, the brother said please come violins I'm going to feed you.
He didn't say please come for dinner. He said please come in evening.
Misha magical by thinking about coming to kind of let
it land up there with what what will the person say?
We apply this with everything except Allah may Allah Masha is
the reason the rice was so real to the Sahaba Rivoire Ira Malbaie was for the same reason COVID became real to us. Why did COVID become zodion?
Why did we do all kinds of crazy things, some people with regard to keeping yourself safe? Why'd Why did it become so real? Because you were hearing about COVID 24/7 Right? Do you remember this time? Nothing but COVID Everyone is talking COVID It's on the television it's on social media. You talk to somebody he says COVID
needs to take a vaccine not take a vaccine first vaccine second vaccine this strain that strain right. This mass that you can I can I mask? Can I No no Karen is dogs. What?
can identify with your caregiver.
That five dogs get nine plus five.
Why did it become rarer because we were talking about it all the time. Now my question to myself when you is how many times today did you mention Jana in your home? How many times today do you mentioned Jana with your children?
How many times did you mention you mentioned Johanna how many times when we talk about careers and so on and so forth and people say I want to do this and that and that is a very good fantasy now tell me
where does does it take you to Jana? Is there a plan for Jana in this
when we plan our lives do we plan for Jana?
I remember many years ago may Allah bless you know people who speak the book many many years ago one of my very close girlfriends and needs like an interview to me.
After one of the lectures he came to me he said it is not even on my list
he said Jana is not even on my list.
Is not I guess he's just saying that it is not some it is not a conscious thing in my thinking. It is not a real thing. It is okay there is an I won't say there's no John I will not deny. But in my normal way of thinking there is no agenda. I don't think about them.
So my
reminder to myself and to you is this, start talking about the hype.
At home, with your children in your workplace with your friends, start talking about alive. Start talking about jump start talking about Johanna are talking about the meeting with a loss writer. Start talking about the cover. Start talking about what Imagine we hear all these stories. It's either out of 100 Well, I know.
You talk about Jana, no J Johanna no J But the moment you talk about the summer he would weep and he would weep until his beard would be full of tears
I was aware of the law no he would use he got a great dog and even tell the lady down in the Caribbean in the night he said let me let him see what it feels like. Obviously still not close but
so what was the thing about this have they because of the camera in mentioned
Please brother sister is very very it is very important this life that we are right.
And the life don't just count the number of years don't say I'm 50 years old 60 years know that out of that 50 years only from now till the day we die and we don't know you know when that is only that works because what is gone is gone. And the life It went well or hamdulillah if it didn't go well it's still got
so this piece of life of mine and yours is the single most important critical thing and the critical part of our existence.
Is that is there
this is more important than our time in
the Allahu Allah it is more important than the our time long before we were born even our childhood and so on everything everything is past now onwards is what is in the future and what I do or what you do from today until the day we die we don't know when that is May Allah Allah give you a long life with good health and good Eva Inshallah, one day we have to go
this piece will decide
whatever is to happen for evernew
just think about just sit down and think about this one piece this piece of my life
from today till the day I die and I don't know whether this
is the most critically important thing because what I do or I don't do will determine what happens to me and that happens to me is there is no end to that.
We ask Allah Tala geladeira look for the best because if it's the best Hamdulillah we are open drycleaners no problem free but if it is not like that
and that's not a place where you can go to somebody and say please my brother Help me Help me
No, no
no no no help no returning no coming back once you're gone it's gone one way road.
So, I remind myself when you let us make this into a conscious practice it won't become a habit habit it must become one but before it becomes a habit must be a conscious practice make it a conscious practice not a single day must pass when you have not mentioned something about the about the vibe in your home with your family, whatever it is
talk about the talk about the good things the Jana and the in amatola and talk about also the why the divide and then the one is no brown hat but every day there must be some mention of a wave in your and my hopes and in our workplace and when we meet each other and so on so forth. Let us let not a single day person then you see inshallah it will start reflecting in our lives because if I'm talking about Jana Jana, man the day of judgment there and then I can't be doing some wrong thing at the same time. No, I mean, makes no sense.
So please hamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala that's why I mentioned COVID Because Allah gave us these are all these things are hjem in Allah Hi Tara these things are evidences these are sticks that are they're grounded in our journey.
Allah has given us this to show his holder of Allah gave us this for us to stop and reflect
right Allah doesn't find others Whoa, where are you going? And we sent an order we I will talk about it I need some time a little more time I was or what I need to wait.
Then I lost about animators walk into a wall Pam has everything shut down. Now you have time.
So as Carlos ran into the digital, the whole to enable us to think and reflect and to act before we reach a stage where it will make no difference. Ask us rather than to be pleased with us and to help us and to protect us and to make it easy for us and to give us the hello or the sweetness of obedience to in general. And we ask Allah to reward us from that person on the hand and they will carry while he was with me