Mirza Yawar Baig – Living Islam: Salah The Proof of our Iman #4

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The history and importance of correcting behavior are emphasized in Islam, including the need to pray and learn to pray in a correct and effective manner. Prayer for Islam is emphasized, including the importance of praying at the end of a prayer and the belief that the hungry man is something which can be replaced with snacks. Speakers also discuss the importance of praying for Islam and the benefits of praying for a waif, as well as a former business partner's struggles to pray at a church and become upset. The transcript describes a group of speakers discussing various topics related to Islam, including the importance of praying for Islam and the benefits of praying for a waif, as well as a woman who talks about her father's name being thehasid of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Shara hilum via you will mousseline Muhammad Rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman Kathira cathedra. From Abba, do

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you know today to ask these stories they seem strange.

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But remember one thing, Allah is the same, the number is the same, the Kitab is the same, the heavens are the same, the Earth is the same, the laws that govern all of this are the same. The only thing which has changed is these hands.

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The hands of the Sahaba were never raised in the disobedience of Allah subhanaw taala and that is why when they were raised to ask Allah, Allah gives them

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the tongues of the Sahaba were never they never spoke anything which was against the orders of Allah.

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And that is why when they asked Allah subhanaw taala Allah give them

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may Allah for us today we speak against Allah subhanaw taala

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we act against Allah subhanho that our hands are raised in operation Our hands are raised to do wrong things. And then when we ask Allah Svarta visa was not accepted, how will we How will it be accepted me?

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You just prove that you are not obedient to Allah subhanaw taala insha Allah may Allah accept your dough anyway. I mean, I'm not standing in the way of your door, your door doesn't go to me, as well as far as the law to accept you are irrespective of anything but my point is I'm explaining to the rules. And the rules are what the rules are that the was of those who are obedient are the drugs which are accepted by law.

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Except Toba, which, of course, no matter how disobedient YOU ARE YOU MAKE THE WALLS run into that inshallah we'll accept this. Oh, well, that's a different discussion. So I'm not going into detail of that now. But as far as the rest of it is concerned, doulas are accepted by people who are obedient to Allah Scrat. Therefore we need to correct ourselves and change ourselves and ensure that we do things which are in keeping with the orders of Allah. Last slide before we

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break for memory when another five minutes inshallah

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I want you to I have mentioned all of these things to you before, but just as a reminder, I want you to reflect and think about these four things. Number one, do you really need salah?

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What do you think? Ask yourself seriously? Do I really need salah? And when you say need?

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Do you need it as badly as you need food? Or do you need it as badly as you need?

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If I keep you hungry, shortly we are going to break and you know we have provocative and you're gonna have to tea and snacks and stuff. But I'm saying supposing we give you hungry for the whole day there is a need for food you will feel hungry and so on and so forth.

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But supposing I asked for a bucket of water and then I deployed inside that an old data how long will you keep it?

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And what will you what will you start doing for the food had the most demand more and grow grown and Gumball and so on and so forth? What is it you do? But then if you had is stuck under water and somebody's holding it down, you will know you will go You can scream obviously but you will kick and bite and God knows what you will do because it's a matter of debt you're dying, you're seeing that.

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So when you say you need salah, what is the magnitude of that need? What is the level of that need? Ask yourself this question.

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Number two is do we really understand the value of 37 times I'm talking about praying in the masjid as opposed to praying at all. When you say 27 times you really understand the value of this what is what is the meaning of bread seven times. Number three is do we see Salah as a burden to be discharged? One of my shoes was to say see the beauty of this?

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He used to say that if you pray at the end of the prayer, how do you feel? So I told him I feel relief. He says then your prayer is faulty. Something's wrong with yourself.

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I said why?

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He said who feels the relief?

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Who feels the relief? Somebody who has dumped a burden he was getting wet. He threw it he feels relief.

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And this is the beauty of studying with shoe the right shoe.

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When you think about this, you have prayed and you feel relief. That means you consider the salah to be something which was a border. You got rid of it. Now you feel relief.

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The Sahaba used to pray and finish and they would feel regret not relief.

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Oh this over when is the next one?

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I mentioned this story again many times before even Abasto the llano is Abdullah minibusses servant somebody asked him what tell us about the life of your of your master? He said he waits for one sir he from one cell to the next he waits for the next Salah and in between users Quran

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he waits from one sir for the next and in between, he resides Quran.

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So was he a hermit sitting in a cave somewhere? No. Abdullah Minervois was a big time businessman.

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He was doing business. He was trading.

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They used to make deals as Hava does something which most people don't understand the Sahaba the kind of dread they had

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in today's money was worth billions.

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They did the equivalent of what we have now as you know, letters of credit and so on and so forth. They did this across borders, they were they were they were here they were trading in Iraq and in Syria and in Yemen and so on. So they were trading across countries so that is an international trade. And in terms of volume, it was worth billions so the we're not talking about some small time. You know, tea shop owner we are talking about people who are doing big time trade

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the caravans of some of them they used to say that one end of the caravan was in one city and the other end of the caravan was in the other city me even if you don't take that number literally they had actual caravans which were several 1000 camels not hundreds

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huge things, massive amounts of material was moved from from place to place and this is what the that the kind of business they would miss. Some of them were against it. And some one of them was Abdullah bin Abbas of Delano and he What was his routine what is the seven telling the seven says used to wait from one Salah is to wait for the next. So you have somebody who prays and he feels a relief you have somebody who prays and then he feels regret Allah this Salah is finished I cannot preserve the war again.

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When will Assad come? Will I still be alive to pray us or or not? Is there a difference between the two? That is the point.

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The third one is the third the fourth one is do we see the Salah as an honor? Or is this a joke that I have to do?

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This the honor of Allah gave me to come to his presence to come into his house to recite his Gollum

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the very the honor of I my lectures on on reading, reading and teaching Quran those of you have seen them.

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One of the things I say is that when you sit with the Gita, Allah Sumatera just sit just look at the Kitab of Allah and then think and wonder, then why is it Allah subhanaw taala permitted me even to hold his book in my hand? You're not trying to reading it. You're looking at it. You say, Well, Allah gave me who am I?

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Who am I? What am I? And Allah gave me the honor of holding his guitar in my hand. This is the actual word of Allah is not a created thing. It is the it is the attribute of Allah subhanaw taala Kalam is a civet is kilometer of Allah is a symbol of Allah subhanaw taala Allah is allowing me to hold this Allah is allowing me to read it these words which I am speaking Alhamdulillah Allah, Allah Allah Amin R Rahman Rahim, Malik Yomi Deen, who actually said these words first, Allah Subhana Allah Allah generated Allah who himself

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Allah did not write this on a piece of paper and you will to Gmail and say go and read it. Mama says Know Allah subhanaw taala spoke the words in a matter in a manner which pleases His Majesty and grace and suits it and give a Salah we heard them and took them and brought them and recited them to rasool Allah is Allah Allahu Allah He was able Salah, the kalam of Allah is first and foremost the spoken word. It is not the literal word it was later on, captured on paper on whatever parchments and so on. It was later on it was written down, it was memorized but the word of Allah is the spoken word of Allah subhanaw taala that's why it's not a creative thing.

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This is what you are reading. This is what I'm reading. But that consciousness itself when you come into salah, do we have this consciousness or is our Salah on routine thing becoming a law but you said something going on?

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And hamdulillah whichever we were we pray we ask Allah subhanaw taala to cover our faults and to cover our weaknesses and do to raise our Salah to a level of perfection and to accept this Allah province Insha Allah, but I'm saying they let us

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Try to up our game you know really do something to make this more effective for us because what is the sense I mean we are doing it

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those who are not doing is a different matter but those who are doing it and then you do it in a way which is faulty What sense does it make

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so let us try to do our best to inshallah improve the quality of our Salah we'll take a break now for the battery or sun Allah Allah Allah will carry value he was savage Main Line

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