Mirza Yawar Baig – Living Islam #41

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The importance of learning the Islam system is highlighted, as it is the best way to live and is the best way of living that can ever exist. The holy burrow is emphasized as the best system to live in peace and love their religion. The importance of protecting one's property and personal property is emphasized, as it is crucial to protect one's life and property. The use of drugs and language in communication is emphasized, and precautions are discussed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The importance of following guidance and guidance to protect oneself is emphasized, as it is the most powerful system in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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alameen wa salatu salam ala, mousseline Muhammad Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to Sleeman kathira

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abajo. My dear brothers and sisters,

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we are on our session on leaving Islam, ask Allah subhanaw taala to

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enable us to live Islam to practice this religion, this beautiful Dean that he has blessed us with,

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to practice it in our lives, in every way in every aspect of our lives.

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Understanding the reason why we do that, which is because this is the best way of life that can ever exist. I'm not saying that from the perspective of being a Muslim, I'm spacing that from a very logical, critically analytical mindset.

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So it's not just that I'm saying this, because I'm a Muslim, because I tried to do it myself.

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I'm not I'm saying this is the best way of living your life, there can be no way which is better than this. And as I said, this is a

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this is a critical statement, this is a statement of

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logically assessing something. And coming to a logical conclusion, this is not an emotional statement that is based on my love for Allah subhanaw taala, or my love for us all so solemn, I plead guilty to both of them, and Alhamdulillah, May Allah increase that, but I'm saying this is not from that perspective, this is from the perspective of

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I take it take it any way you like. I mean, I'm a social scientist, for example, if I look at it from a social science perspective, if I look at it from the perspective of

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you know, from Organizational Behavior perspective, if I look at the look at it from the perspective of

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from a legal perspective, whatever I understand of the basic principles of law, I'm not an attorney. I'm not a lawyer, but I obviously I understand basic principles of law.

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Take into any perspective, the system of Islam, the Islamic way of life, is, without a doubt, the best system that one can possibly have.

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Ask a lot of Allah tala, to enable us to understand that, and therefore and thereby live that system,

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with confidence, with grace with dignity, unapologetically.

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The tragedy today is that we Muslims don't understand the Islamic system. So we have two kinds of problems. One is we have those who are rigid without understanding. And so the in their rigidity, they only project hatred, they only project

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you know,

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anger, the the confused issues. And so the impression they

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mean, apart from the fact that they predict a bad impression is the, it's not so much what, you know, we are not so much so worried about other people's impressions, but this is something which is bad for them as well. So the issue is, we have that kind of people, then we have the other kind of people who are

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on the other end of the spectrum who are highly apologetic. It's almost like saying that they are sorry, they are Muslim.

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And they are totally always apologetic about Islam, apologetic about the Sunnah, versus a solemn apologetic about Koran. And sometimes you want to say to them, Well, you know, why don't you just go away and leave Islam, you know, nobody's nobody's stopping you. The WHY, WHY WE when they feel so apologetic about something, I mean, if I, I've always had this

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principle in my life, that I don't do something which I am not confident about, I do not do something which I am not proud of. I do not do something that I that I am not that I don't feel good about myself. So if I if I if I don't like this religion, if I am so apologetic about it, then let me leave it. Right, leave it go somewhere else, why bother? Why are you torturing yourself and and, you know, talking nonsense and so forth, which is what we see a lot of times, they're very apologetic, and then they in their ignorance, they talk all kinds of absolute rubbish, which has no sense whatsoever, but they do that.

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And of course, you have those who want to change Islam and completely, you know, remodel it and cast it in their own image. I mean, obviously, I'm not even gonna talk about that.

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Because that doesn't work in any system, it doesn't work in Islam either. So, the point is that hamdulillah inshallah you are

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you and I we are

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people who

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are not in any of these categories inshallah, we are people who love our religion we are proud and confident to be Muslims, we are happy to be identified as Muslims we would be tried to walk and talk and look and, and and behave as Muslims. And when I say as Muslims if you say well, what does that mean I mean to behave like Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salatu salam used to behave to behave like Rasul Allah, Allah, obviously, it goes without saying that there would be and there will be

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a delta, between our standard of behavior and the standard of behavior of a solar system, that is the beauty of having a high standard, that there will always be a delta, and that delta we see it as a score for aspiration, we see it as something where, which helps us to improve ourselves to work hard, and to try to do the best that we can do in order to become better Muslims. So I think this is the, the thing to,

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for us to keep in mind. And, and, you know, and and live out is now the

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fundamental of Islam, of course, is the the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala alone without any partners, without and not worshiping anyone other than Allah subhanaw taala both are included in that, to worship Allah alone, without partners and not to worship anyone else.

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This both of these things are critical in the aspect of tawheed because as I mentioned, in the other class,

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worshiping somebody other than Allah, somebody something, some theory, some you know,

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human or non human entity, some imaginary might illogical figure whatever other than Allah subhanaw taala This is not from Islam, and worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. But joining somebody else as a partner with Allah, whether that person you are joining with a partner with Allah is a human is a

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angel is a genie The trees are is a tree is a celestial body, whether it's the sun, the moon, or stars, what ever it might be joining anyone or anything with Allah subhanho wa Taala in his worship, or in seeking help from him or in asking, making dua asking for what we need anyone other than Allah joining in worship. This is not from Islam. So anyone who does either of these two things, or three things, one refuses to worship Allah subhanaw taala that would be like an atheist refusing to worship or an agnostic for refusing to worship Allah subhanaw taala this person is not a Muslim. The second one is one

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who worships somebody else, or something else other than Allah. So this is not a theist or an agnostic, this is somebody who worships anyone or anything other than Allah, this is not a Muslim. And the third one is somebody who joins who worships Allah but joining somebody else in as a partner to a man for example, somebody who worships Allah subhanaw taala, but who goes to a grave and next door to the, to the occupant of the grave for something that he needs, thinking and with this belief that this person who was in the grave can do this for me, right, this is part of the

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this is what must happen. Obviously, if you see somebody standing at a grave, you cannot pronounce

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anything on that person. We don't know what the intention is, we don't know what they are asking, and so on and so forth. I'm just saying this, not for you to pronounce anything on anybody, but for you to understand the basic fundamental principles of tawheed.

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So, no, none of these three kinds of people are or can be Muslims. If they want to be Muslim, then they must number one, worship Allah alone, they must stop worshipping anyone or anything else. And they must stop seeking help from anyone or anything else. And they must not join any partners with Allah subhanaw taala.

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So this is the basic principle as far as tauheed is concerned. And along with that, of course come all the about that and what Allah has made Hassan Hassan Hassan now when you look at the people aspect of Islam, the holy but the fundamental principle on Whoa, whoa, holy bad is the

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sanctity and preservation of life.

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Please understand that the basic fundamental principle in Islam is the sanctity and preservation of life. And that is the reason why suicide in Islam is haram. It is prohibited in Islam said a person who commits suicide will be punished by

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by in this way that the way in which he or she committed suicide, they will be perpetually in that state, suffering that pain and in the desert. So, if somebody bought themselves fell off a building or something, whatever they did, they would continue to do that continuously they will be suffered, they will suffer that till the Day of Judgment and then Allah will do with them whatever he does with them,

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including that they will be consigned to the Hellfire Allah knows best. So, the point is suicide is haram. That is the reason why also any use of any material any substance that is harmful to life is not permitted in Islam. So, that is the reason why, one of the reasons why for example, any all intoxicants are prohibited because obviously they are not good for a person's life, not good for his health, all tobacco in any form, whether cigarettes or booties or cigars, or, you know, the pipe or cars or

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shout or whatever, right all consumption of tobacco, vodka and soda, all consumption of tobacco is haram. It is it is prohibited. All forms of or taking of any drugs, all things that are eating or drinking or or consuming in any other way, like smoking, for example. Anything which is intrinsically harmful to the body is prohibited in Islam. So that's the second thing to understand, as far as the preservation of life is concerned.

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thing is that you are prohibited from taking unnecessary risks with yourself which can result in death or injury. So therefore, even things like adventure sports, without proper

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safeguards, this would be something which is not permissible in Islam, and you would not be

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you would not be allowed to do that. Take, for example, the Islamic ruling as far as dealing with pandemics and epidemics is concerned, right? We went over this many times, during these, these months, when we have been, when all of us have been in the grip of this COVID COVID-19.

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The Islamic the ruling of rasulillah salam, why was that if you are in a place where this pandemic does not exist, and you had a need to travel to another place, and you discover that that place is in the grip of a pandemic or an epidemic, then do not go there. So that is the first thing. If you are in a place where it is not there, where you are free from it, then stay there, don't go to a place where that pandemic exists, why because you don't want to, you should not put your life in danger. Second thing is that if you are in a place where the pandemic exists, so now you are in a country where there is a where there is an epidemic, and

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you happen to be there and this epidemic was there, or you travel to that place, and then the epidemic happen there, then the ruling is then don't leave that place. Don't leave that place and go anywhere. Because by doing that you might be transmitting that epidemic to a place where it is it is not the way it does not exist. So the ruling there is if you are in that place where there is an epidemic, and stay there. And even while staying there what is the ruling the ruling is stay in your house, including do not go to the Muslims do not go anywhere except where it is absolutely critical to go. Otherwise stay in your house. And also the Salam even went to the extent of saying that if

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you confine yourself to your house, which is today what we call quarantine, he said if you confine yourself to your house and take all precautions, and you do not die with the epidemic. Now listen to the words. Now he didn't say if you die now if you die, he said if you die in an epidemic epidemic then inshallah you are say, Allah subhanaw taala give you Jenna. So that's a different issue. But he said

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that if you can find us if you take precautions, right if you take the precautions of not being a vector or not being a someone who

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you know who someone who

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becomes an inadvertent communicator of that epidemic.

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If you don't take that if you do that

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And you stick on fight. And as a result of being confined, you are safe and you come out of that healthy Allah will still give you the daraga we give you the level of a Shaheed even though you did not die,

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right. So think about it, this is the level to which the preservation of life both in terms of taking precautions for yourself, as well as ensuring that you do not become a inadvertent spreader of that,

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of that disease to others, right. So both of these one is, I do not become a spread of the disease. And the second one is I don't get infected myself. This is how important it is. And if you do that, for surah, surah Salaam said you will be given the status of a shade. So today we are living in that situation. And therefore I want to

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reiterate, and emphasize that please take precautions, wear masks, wash your hands, use hand sanitizers, do not leave your homes don't don't go out unnecessarily here on there, don't take unnecessary risks makes absolutely no sense. Make sure that you take all precautions, and including going to the masjid you have been given this roxa you have been given this permission not to go to the masjid. So take advantage of that provision, pray at home, especially if you are elderly, especially if you have you know,

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if you're not feeling too well, or anything like that, take all precautions, take all precautions with your children, because one of the biggest problems with

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children is that

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they get they can get the disease and they do not show any symptoms. And when they come home, then that disease can get communicated to you. Are you meeting the elders in the house and those elders Can,

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can can suffer because of that there was a case in America. I know I remember reading about it, where this child went to school. And as a result of that, both the parents the mother and the father of the child got COVID and both of them died right in a reliable manner. So it is it is not it is not simple, it is a very serious matter.

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What I'm amazed at is that after all of these months of going through this, we still have people who feel who think it's a you know conspiracy theory and it's a fake and they don't want to take precaution and so on. May Allah save us from stupidity. I think that is the biggest, biggest illness. So please don't don't fall into that trap. Preservation of life is the number one principle in Islam, let us follow them. In that context. One of the most powerful Ayat of the Quran,

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every ayat of the Quran is powerful. And we believe in every single Ayat of the Quran.

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Anybody who denies

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even one of the Quran has left Islam. Anyone who believes that even one ayat of the Quran is wrong or should be changed has left Islam. So we are not in that. So we believe in the whole Quran as it was revealed, that of it which we understand and even that of it which we do not understand. For example, the roofer Mossad, for example, or other other I add, which we really do not know the meaning we still believe that these are the words of Allah subhanaw taala, that they cannot be changed. And we believe in it, even though some of them we may not understand, because we take the perspective of the principle that there were I at which previous people didn't understand because

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they didn't have that they didn't have other more I mean, alone, not bodies of knowledge that help to help to understand they, for example, I mean, this is a little bit of an aside, but I think it's worth bothering that. Take the today we talk about the IRS of the offer for you know what, what we like to call the embryology, not embryology but anyway the idea of Quran which talks about the development of the fetus, and today we produce that and we tell people see how scientific the Quran is, here is evidence of this, I want to I want to stay the same I have to and and I submit to you that these are not evidence of the truthfulness of the Quran. We don't need that to be proved we

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believe that these are ayat which tell us the strength and power of the belief of the Sahaba and which underline for us the principle that we believe in the Quran Al Karim, that which we understand and that which we do not understand. Because in the time of the Sahaba, at the time of the revelation of this Quran, for that best of generations, there was no

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way that they could actually understand what was being said in the Quran because embryology, as we understand it, these it became clear after the development of the microscope, before that people didn't know nobody knew. Nobody would explain what exactly it was was meant when Allah subhanaw taala said that, you know, it goes from being a clot to being a lump of flesh, and so on and so forth. All of this became clear, and was understood only after the development of the microscope. Until then, people had no idea, yet they believed and they believed with certainty. And that is why I'm saying to you, that there will always probably be I had in the Quran, which people at any age,

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any time will not be able to understand, because after all, you are talking about the elder knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala, which we are trying to interpret with our knowledge, which is noxious, which is less which is weak, which is incomplete. So there will always be parts of the knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala, which will not be interpretable, which will not be understandable to us, given that our knowledge is incomplete and our knowledge is not as and weak. And therefore, we take the position that we believe whatever Allah subhanaw taala has told us, and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen and we don't question that, because we know that this is the column of philosophy,

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the Quran came to us as the column of Allah subhanaw taala the Quran came to us

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as a pseudo socialist explain it, and it came to us in the way he explained it, and Alhamdulillah inshallah, this is more than sufficient for us. Now, in this context. Take this beautiful episode of Maya, which I'm sure everyone today is familiar with. This is one of the acts which is quartered everywhere, with regard to the preservation of life, where Allah subhanaw taala said I will be live in a shed on the rhodium is Villa Rama him in agilely. Delica Katana, Allah bernisa Isla Anna who, enough somebody raised enough sin, our facade didn't fill out the fucker annamma khattala NASA Jamia woman Ah ha ha fucka Anima hiya NASA Jamia waka Jaya at home Rasulullah biloba unity in Casa minha

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vida de lica, fille de la masuri foon.

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Allah, Amanda della della dinero said, which means because of that we auditioned for the children of Israel, that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or to spread mischief in the land, meaning in retaliation for spreading mischief in the land, it would be as if you killed all mankind. And if anyone saved the life, it will be as if he saved the life of all mankind. And indeed, they came to them are messengers with clear proofs, evidence and science, even then, after that many of them continued to exceed the limits

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by doing operation, and so on. And so now, think about this

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algebra thing, that

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killing somebody is permissible only in one instance.

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I'm talking about by an individual, right? Do you and I, as a person have the right to kill a person? Short answer, no. Do you and I do you and I have a right to defend ourselves against aggression. If somebody you know, if abandoned stops you on the road, if you are highway robber, you get mugged. If there is a break and entry into your house, if somebody is trying to * you or whatever, right? Somebody wants to do violence to you? Do you have the right to defend yourself? answer is yes. In that process, if the other person is killed, then are you culpable of murder? No, you're not culpable of murder. So we are not even saying here that you have a right to kill

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somebody. No, you don't have a right to kill anybody. But if if you are attacked, you have a right to defend yourself. And in that process, if the attacker is killed, then so be it. The attacker decided to do

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this, the attacker decided to

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to violate your rights, the attacker decided to take your life or try to take your life in that process, he or she lost their life themselves. That is a different matter. And therefore there is no blame on you. Now killing somebody for facade in the land refers to capital punishment that may be handed down by a judge in a court of law, which also of course refers to the capital punishment that would be handed down to a murderer. So somebody did actually commit murder and they were arrested and after due process in law, on the basis of evidence if they are sent

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to death, then the judge is not a murderer, the judge has the right to apply capital punishment because this is permissible in Islam. But the beauty of Islam is that even then,

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Allah subhanaw taala says that it is better if the person takes Blood Money takes compensation and allows the person to go free. Right? So depends on it

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depends on the circumstances, if there is a case where a person

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sentenced to murder, sometimes what happens is, you know, somebody gets killed in

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somebody's in a fit of anger or something, somebody may have killed someone, and so it's not premeditated murder or something. But such such circumstances anyway, the long and short of it is that if the

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if the dependents of the victim

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decide to take compensation, instead of the life of the other person, and the person plays but blood money, then islamically this is preferable.

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You know, when one of these I think it is above, the law said that there was never a case where a person who committed murder was brought to them so seldom.

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And he did not ask the concerned, he didn't ask the victims to forgive that individually, every single case, he said, forgive them, take blood money, and leave them just leave them just like that. So even Lee even just forgiving without taking blood money, just for the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala. In Islam, this is not only permissible It is something which is highly applauded.

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Now, in a case where a judge passes a sentence, yes, the judge has a right to pass. And so this is where the permissibility can now

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see the way in which the prohibition and

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of taking a life is mentioned and saving somebody mentioned, it's not just a matter of saving one person, a lot of our data saying, hear that somebody who saves the life of one person, it is as if he saved all of mankind.

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And somebody who takes the life of one person who murders one person, it is as if that person has murdered all of humanity, not one individual, or all mankind. This is the level to which Islam goes with regard to the preservation of life. My brothers sisters, today we are, we are faced in a world with the world.

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And this is the thing that, you know, we need to also reflect on and also presented to other people.

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Because a lot of times people give you the examples of, of people who are committing crimes in the name of Islam, right. So you have whoever was there, you know, ISIS or whoever,

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who committed crimes who committed the most heinous crimes,

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murder and all kinds of, you know, I don't even want to make a list of the of the crimes that they committed slavery and * and, and all sorts of stuff.

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And then they call themselves Muslim, right? They call them they call themselves Islamic State, and so on and so forth. Now, the point to understand is that it is not for somebody to call themselves an Islamic State, we have a system. Islam is not the name of superstition. Islam is not mythology, Islam is not something that you choose to believe any way you like. There is there is a structure called Islam. There is a Kitab there is a book of Islam called the Quran. There is a way of life there's a complete operations manual of the Quran, which is the Sierra which is the biography and which is a sadhana which is the way the path, the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam.

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Whoever can call anyone can call himself whatever he wants or she wants. But that thing was the call. If somebody calls something Islamic,

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then what you need to do is to take what they are doing or what they are stating or what they are advocating, and compare it to the Kitab of Allah, compare it to the book of Allah and compare it to the Sunnah and to the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who is our only example. Everyone else in the world that we follow all the Sahaba we follow all the Imams of Islam, we follow all the jurists, we follow all the all the all ama all these scholars we follow. We don't follow them because of them. We follow them because they follow Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this is something which is very, very important if there is anybody and there are plenty

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There are people who call themselves scholars of Islam and then they do something which is the diametric opposite of water solar surrounded. And obviously they are rejected, we reject them because

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we don't follow them, we follow Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. There is a, therefore this is something to understand and something to also when you answer somebody, if somebody, you know, this is thrown in your face and my face the whole time, see what ISIS is doing? Why should I see what ISIS is doing? Who is ISIS? What is ISIS to me?

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But what is ISIS to me? If I go to a Christian and say, see what Hitler did? Is that is that is that a framework is, is Hitler's genocide that Hitler committed? Right, the Holocaust, where he killed 6 million Jewish people, and gypsies and so on other people, right, he was the kingpin behind that he's the one who designed

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it idea it was, and then all of those people who were with him in that, who actually made it happen, the tragedy of this world is that the great genocides of this world, the person instigating that genocide probably didn't hurt a fly, but because of his ideas, and because of his, his force, and his leadership, he had minions, who were his hands and feet, who carried out these actual acts, who actually killed people murdered them, he did all kinds of atrocities, they were done also by human beings. This is where we have to ask this question also, and say, Who am I following? Right? Every single person, every German, who killed a Jewish person, man, woman, or child in any of those

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concentration camps, actually took a decision to do that. And they could have taken and the opposite decision and said, I don't care what Hitler says, I don't care my what my commanding officer says, I will not kill this person because this person is innocent. They have done nothing. They could have actually taken that decision. They did not. And I'm saying this because To this day, we have this situation where people blindly follow leaders, my brothers, sisters, please, Allah gave us a lot smarter, give us a break, think.

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Don't blindly follow anybody use your intelligence, and say what is this person saying, if this person is saying something, which is negative, which is destructive, which is toxic, which is people who are spewing hatred,

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people who are propagating hatred, and I don't care who is all hatred is fire. The result is always ash. It doesn't matter. Whoever is telling you to hate somebody else, that person is wrong. The person telling you to hate Muslims is wrong. The person telling you to hate Jews is wrong. The person telling you to hate Hindus is wrong. The person who's telling you to hate the white people is wrong. person telling you to hate black people is wrong. person telling you to hate anybody is wrong, reject them, throw them out, discard them, trash them, flush them down the toilet, that is where they belong.

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Don't follow them. Because if you follow them, then you have the same. I don't want to use you know that language in this football. But what is in their brain is also in your brain.

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Islam did not teach us to follow anybody blindly.

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Allah gave us eyes and ears. Allah gave us intelligence. Allah told us to think law told us to reflect let us do that. We will follow we follow Mohammed Salah Salem, because he never killed anybody in his life.

00:33:39 --> 00:33:48

When me people people talk about ISIS, lava, lava lava, did you? Did you ever get somebody who can slit his throat? Did he do that?

00:33:49 --> 00:33:50

Did he tell anybody to do that?

00:33:52 --> 00:33:57

Those who Who? Who? You know, ask God this calumny to him they are liars.

00:34:00 --> 00:34:26

never harmed a fly he never did. He never killed anybody. He never, he never swore at anybody. He never beat anybody. He never hit anybody. He never insulted anybody. That is our model. Our model is that of a person whose life was 100% beauty beautiful and dignified. And it was a life which was you know, which was

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which was worthy of emulation.

00:34:32 --> 00:34:36

That is our status. That is Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alayhi wa he was

00:34:37 --> 00:34:59

somebody who was who was who was the best to his family, somebody who was the best to his companion, somebody who was the best to anyone who came into contact with him, including his worst enemies. How did the soulless rassilon treat treat Abu sufian Ilana later on he became a villain. How did he treat his wife hinder, hinder delana

00:35:02 --> 00:35:09

who caused him so much incredible pain because he mutilated the body of Hamza bin Abdullah Metallica lon.

00:35:11 --> 00:35:12

How did you treat?

00:35:14 --> 00:35:22

Elashi? Ilan, who killed Hamza bin Abdullah Abdullah Abdullah. How did he kill? How did he treat How did the solar system treat Khalid bin Khalid

00:35:24 --> 00:35:25

and the last

00:35:27 --> 00:35:32

Halligan believer responsible for the deaths of 70, sahab in the Battle of 100

00:35:36 --> 00:36:03

people what his worst enemies people who had sworn would put a price on it, people who are sworn to destroy Mohammed Salah Salah they did they left no stone unturned in their single minded pursuit of the destruction of Mohammed Salallahu alaihe salam, it is by the grace and mercy of Allah subhanaw taala that he protected his Nabila Salah otherwise not because Abu sufian didn't Abu sufian did not.

00:36:05 --> 00:36:11

You know, he was not unsuccessful because of lack of effort on his part. He did everything he could do.

00:36:14 --> 00:36:29

Yet Rasul Allah, Allah, Allah subhanaw taala preservative when I was in was in the power of Amazon, when Abu sufian was in when when de sola, sola, salams, figuratively speaking, when I was away as Nick was in the and on Amazon, so what do you do?

00:36:32 --> 00:36:43

He treated him with respect. He did it with dignity, he freed him without asking. He freed his whole family without asking. He did not even punish

00:36:44 --> 00:36:48

him or his wife for what they did personally.

00:36:50 --> 00:36:55

He had the power to do that. He had the right to do that. He had the authority to do that.

00:36:57 --> 00:36:58

Nobody would have asked any questions.

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This is our model.

00:37:02 --> 00:37:09

Our model is not those who commit murder, who commit all kinds of toxic actions in the name of Islam, they are not our model.

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reject them, trash them.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:15

That's what they deserve.

00:37:17 --> 00:37:31

Anybody who's propagating hate, and I don't care what's happening in the world, please don't buy this argument to say see what they are doing. They, whoever they are, are not our teachers. Our teacher is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa he was Abu Salah.

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We follow Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, we do not follow x, y and z. So it doesn't matter what anybody else is doing.

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By all means,

00:37:45 --> 00:37:50

take whatever legal action that is in your power to protect yourself.

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But follow Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu, etc.

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And in that following,

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as I explained, the most important

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thing that we have to understand is the importance and the power of the

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of the

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importance of not part importance of preservation of life. This is the number one principle in Islam. That's the reason why also if you think about that, you know even things which are normally prohibited for example, if you alcohol is prohibited, but if you are freezing to death, and if there is no other way and if you have to drink some, you know maybe a shot of rum or something to heat up the body, this is permissible for you, not for the rest of your life. But at that instance, if you are dying of hunger, literally three, four days without food, you are dying of hunger, the only thing that's available to you is Paul, you are permitted to eat that and so forth. So, things which

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are normally privated they become permissible for one reason only, and that is preservation of life. Because preservation of life comes above everything else. And this is the message I want to give to you and remind myself and you today in terms of preservation of life, what we can do and should do is to take all precautions, as far as COVID-19 this COVID thing is concerned and sure that you take precautions to protect yourself and to protect others. By our actions. We should not put ourselves in danger. And we should not do anything which has the potential of putting other people in danger. So stay at home, don't go wandering all over the place.

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Protect yourself if you go out wear a mask, wash your hands frequently used hand sanitizers. This is the extent that we know till now and as and when you know medical science comes up with Allah subhanaw taala teaches us the cure and our

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And when we get the cure, inshallah we will do what is whatever is necessary. We ask a lot of and and please don't, don't, don't buy all these, you know

00:40:11 --> 00:40:13

snake oil stuff

00:40:14 --> 00:40:43

that is being sold, you know somebody's selling all kinds of stuff saying this cures COVID that goes COVID Please don't don't don't buy all these theories don't fall into all kinds of conspiracy theories. Just take precautions for yourself and your families and May Allah Allah protect you may Allah subhanaw taala keep you in his protection always and follow Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and follow the column of Allah Subhana Allah Jalla Jalla wa salam ala halabi Karim Allah Allah

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