Mirza Yawar Baig – Introduction to Ramadan by at Springfield College

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of the Bible as a book of signs and not a verse, as it is a symbol of the presence of God in one's life. They also emphasize the transfer from one world to another, the importance of making sure one is aware of the presence of God in one's life, and the benefits of being a Muslim to benefit others. The Muslim community is focused on helping everyone achieve spiritual well-being and building a life after the holy month, with a focus on dressing up, praying, and a behavior bootcamp. The retreat in Catholicism benefits Muslims, and a picturesque building in Qatar and a Mosque of education in Qatar are examples of the bootcamp.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam ala Shara film ba evil mursaleen Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman, Kathira and cathedra.

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From abajo

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Peace be upon all of you.

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That greeting in Arabic is a Salam alikoum that greeting in Hebrew is

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shallow Malaysian.

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And I can't speak Greek. So I don't know the Greek part of it, but it means peace be upon you. It's the same greeting for all the three Abrahamic religions.

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What you just heard was the ayat.

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The actual translation of the word is his sign.

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Unfortunately, in English, we miss translate, and we say verses. There are no verses in the Quran because the Quran is not a book of verse. It's not a book of poetry. The Quran is a book of ayat, it's a book of signs. And we call them signs because this is the actual speech of Allah subhanho data. Our Creator God Almighty, which you just heard.

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The voice was the voice of Chef Abdullah Al Houthi. And this but the speech the actual words are the actual words of God Almighty, Allah subhanaw taala, our Creator

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preserved and recorded and kept for now 14 Plus centuries

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without any alteration or any change.

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I think it's something to reflect on.

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And that is why the Quran is so holy, for Muslims. And that is why when people say why can't you change the Quran? Since I'm an author, I said, the copyright issues because you are not the author.

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You're not the author. You can't even change a book of mine. How will you change the Book of God? It's as simple as that. The talking about Ramadan al Karim, Allah subhanho wa Taala God Almighty mentioned for us the reason why he sent Ramadan

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and he said which means Yeah, you are Levina Armano quotevalet camassia mukamal Gudivada Levina mean public una isla calm Tata home, which means Oh believe fasting has been prescribed upon you, as it was prescribed on those before you.

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So that you may become Mata cone. Mukta cone is pious. It means somebody who's conscious of the presence of God in his life or her life, and does their best to please the creator in all that they say do and how they act.

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The people before you refers obviously to the Jewish people and to the Christians, and it refers to practically every religion that is practiced in the world because fasting is there in some form or the other in all the religions.

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Taqwa is the fundamental philosophy of Islam. Dakwah is the consciousness as I mentioned, of God's presence in our life. What does that do? The first and most important thing it does is that it gives us tremendous comfort

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and tremendous confidence. Because if the Creator of the heavens and the earth is with me, 24/7 real time watching me listening to me, able to understand what I say, no matter which language I speak, because he's my Creator and His Creator of all languages, and able to help me then gives me tremendous confidence and it gives me tremendous comfort.

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It also is a shield against all forms of disobedience of God Almighty of Allah subhanho wa taala. Because if I'm aware and conscious that he is with me, then obviously I do not disobey Him. This is the fundamental reason for Ramadan. Ramadan, for example, didn't come to for you to lose weight or for somebody to know how the hungry people in India feel. You know, I mean, you're looking at a hungry person in India, I need to lose weight. So that's not for those reasons. It is to make us conscious of our Creator and His presence in our life.

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Now question is, why must you care? I mean, so what?

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So what if

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I'm aware of Allah's presence in my life or not?

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And that is because of another fundamental principle.

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Islam, which is the principle of resurrection, after we die, once again common principle in all the religions

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death, as we know it is not the cessation of life, it is the transfer from one form of life from one world into another world. And that is why in order though we use this term in the call,

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we say integral is Moontak Ilona going from one place to another place, if I go from this room to another room, I am making integral from this room to that room I have not ceased to exist. Similarly, when we die, we do not cease to exist, we just change the form in which we exist. We exist in this shape and form in this life. When we go into the next life, the shape and form changes, we continue. And that is irrespective of how that death happens and comes to us whether I just dropped dead now, or whether it happens and may Allah protect us from all forms of illnesses and pain and so on and so forth in a hospital, whether I meet a 16 Wheeler and I become a permanent

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part of the, of the front grille, or whether I am I meet Mr. Putin, and I'm vaporized, irrespective of that, right? We will be resurrected. And the simplest question if somebody says, Well, how am I going to be resurrected if I meet Mr. Putin and I get vaporized? Well, before he met Mr. Putin, Allah subhanaw taala created you when you didn't exist? So how much more difficult can it be to recreate you once you have already existed? So it's as is as simple as that?

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Why all of this? Why God consciousness why all of this because the purpose of the Muslim and obviously this is the purpose obviously, of everybody, but definitely of the Muslim is to be beneficial to everyone who he or she comes into contact with, whether they are human, whether they are not human, the environment, the water, the air, the people, the land, the birds and the bees, every single one, the most beneficial, also relies on SLM profits. And as Adam said, the best the best of people is the one who is the most beneficial to the people.

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And that is why conscious being conscious of Allah subhanaw taala in our lives, makes us think about how can I benefit others.

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So in short, the purpose of the Muslim is to benefit others. So if you find a Muslim who's not being beneficent, who's not who's not benefiting people is not being beneficial to others, then you need to remind them and say, excuse me, you are a Muslim.

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Right? Why being toxic is not your religion. Your religion is to benefit people. And if you are being toxic, then you are going against your religion so wake up

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as I mentioned to you in Islam, we have the concept that we have two lives. Now there is not some kind of schizophrenia to lives meaning this life here, which has an effect in the life to come.

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For example, as soon as I said I'm said A smile is sadaqa

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sadaqa is charity he said if you smile at another person, Allah subhanaw taala will reward you for that smile. Now you might say how do I do that with with a mask believe me that the true smile comes if you see that you put a mask and you see the smile in the eyes. The smile is always in the eyes anyway, isn't it? I mean, it's not it's not the teeth.

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Human beings are the only species which bears its teeth when they're happy.

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Do you know this

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everyone else in the bear their teeth if you see a lion, a bassist is oh my god, I love that he loves you a different way is

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he loves you in a very different way. All right now Ramadan is to reiterate this relationship between this life and that life so why do I take with him quote Spain, frankly, fasting especially in the winter in America is fun.

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There's no pain involved. Real fasting is in the Middle East is in tropical countries in the summer. There it is very hot, very, very hot. And it is. It is tough. But yeah, it's it's you know, it's fun, but point being irrespective of that. Why take pain for the same reason you do that in the gym, no pain, no gain. So we take pain to build the life in the hereafter to the extent to which the life in the hereafter is real for us. To that extent we take pain

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now the pain in the fasting is no eating, no drinking. I think I have a slide on that. So yeah, there you go.

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Ramadan itself is is the

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ninth month of the of the history calendar, we go by the moon calendar

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by the lunar calendar. Fasting is between dawn and dusk from Kanzi from Kanzi to Guernsey and in that period there is no food, no drink and no

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physical relationship with your spouse

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and trying to find something which has more than three letters.

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And then we have

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we have then we have special night prayers, which we call Dharavi, so after the Isha Salah we have and that's why she has Abdullah Al Houthi. May Allah bless him, he is here with us. And we get Ramadan is a month of the Quran. So we get to listen to some beautiful, beautiful recitation. And of course, I was welcome all of you, all of you are welcome. Irrespective of Muslim, non Muslim, most welcome, please come to the mosque. And you can sit I don't think that if you are there, you're locked in for the holy for the whole time? No, we'll put you in a place where you can escape quietly without you know, without getting into trouble. So but do most welcome please come and and listen to

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some beautiful recitation of the Quran. Then in the last 10 nights or last 10 days, we do a retreat.

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I think many of my Catholic friends will be will know, because there is a there is a concept of retreat in Catholicism as well. But we do a retreat. And so we literally confine ourselves in the muscles, we don't leave the Masjid. We stay in the masjid. And we try and worship and read Quran and so on as much as we can. And obviously, you're fasting during that period as well. So that's the last 10 days. And then there is of course, eat. And evil fitter is where we, we dress up and we pray. And we give a lot of charity, and we eat a lot of nice food and we meet all our friends, and so on and so forth. So that's that's the fun part of it.

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The purpose of all of this is to become mythical, is to be is to make the Presence of Allah subhanaw taala real in our lives. And what does that mean? It means to bring about behavioral change in ourselves. What is it that I'm doing today that I need to change? That is what happens around. That's why I call Amazon the behavior bootcamp. behavioral change bootcamp. So you go in one way, and you come out of that in a better way.

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Now, why do we need to do all of this because we love Allah.

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We love Allah subhanaw taala more than we love anyone else. And we know that Allah loves us. And that is why He gave us Islam. That is why He gave us Ramadan. That is why he blessed us in many, many, many breeds that he blisters. And so therefore, we try to live in a way that pleases Him.

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Now what is as I said, What is fasting in Islam, I've done all that. Interestingly, one of the big elements of Ramadan is charity. Not only zakat, Zakat is the Islam we have compulsory charity, which is two and a half percent of your wealth savings. It's not an income tax. It's a savings, wealth tax, two and a half percent that

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somebody did an estimate last year and they said that Muslims globally spend give out over $1 trillion in charity every year.

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And that's a nice piece of money. So, this is this is hugely encouraged and this is something which gives us benefit in the hereafter as well. As I said it's fasting is also a completely behavior change proof boot camp, meaning no profanity and backbiting and so on so forth. Now, this does not mean that all of this is halal and permissible outside of Ramadan only in Ramadan, you can't do it No.

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None of this is not permissible, permissible anyway. But rather than is the time where you get to consciously practice that with the intention of carrying forward so going out of Ramadan also. No profanity, no backbiting, no slandering. You might say, well, you know, what, what about my social life? Well, we need to change the social life. Talk about something other than that.

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I think that's it i

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people who pray together, stay together and that's what Ronda Rousey is there for us to do. I love these pictures of little children. This was in this little girl. She brought her grandfather to the to the to the prayer and this is in the Grand Mosque in quit. So you can see how she's very proudly he's praying behind her and she's, she's very proud about that.

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The picture on the top left corner is the is the big Masjid in Bhopal in, in India. The one on the corner bottom corner there is the Mosque of the education city mosque in in Qatar. Very beautiful building and those two

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They're not mirrors they actually supposed to depict the two hands up like this asking Allah subhanaw taala and praying and this the picture next to that is one I took in 2019 when I was in Qatar and that was the eighth prayer there so that's a those are pictures

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Ramadan is also eating together which is so hard and if that this is from my mosque in India

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where the all as you can see you take a lot of nice good food and which brings me to the end of my talk and that is Ramadan is for what comes after Ramadan what comes after Ramadan life. So Ramadan is to make sure that what comes after Ramadan is a life which is positive, which is beneficial to everybody which is happy, which is stress free, because we touched on last Mahanta I will end with this and I will I must thank you all very much for being here. We've got all of you. I'm so happy to see so many so many of my friends some of some of you I have difficulty recognizing whether I see you without a mask. I mean, you know, will you please put on your mask? Yeah, okay right.

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Now I know you.

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Thank you very much. It's literally become like that.

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Thank you very much like Santa Monica Hotaka

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