Tim Humble – Buloogh al-Maram – The Book of Fasting 01 – Hadeeth 527

Tim Humble
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of fasting during prayer and the shift from fasting to continuous fasting. They emphasize the need for practice and understanding the differences in opinion among Hospitals about what to see during the Shabbat day, as well as the importance of keeping attendance to avoid disertation. The speakers also mention the importance of fasting for personal reasons, preparing for busy busy days, and keeping attendance to avoid overwhelming the class.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Abdullah what a soli Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi h mine.

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So we resuming the explanation of Balu and moron and also hoping that some of the audio issues that have been troubling us over the last few weeks have been fixed in sha Allah, we hope so. And the technical team is doing a good job of trying to fix them in sha Allah, and inshallah we are starting global Milan again. So the difference is, of course, that the time for at least for the UK is after my trip between Europe and Asia. So roughly at the moment, the class starting around about six o'clock. As for the start time for the class, it is subject to some changes, and it is subject to being slightly late each day. And that's simply because we are setting up a live class in a Masjid

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after the Salah. And that means that you have to wait for people to finish their prayers, you have to wait for the masjid to empty and so on. So that's why sometimes it takes a few more minutes than the scheduled time.

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So what we have is we are going to start Kitab a cm, the book of fasting. And I deliberately delayed the start of this book until close to the month of Ramadan. Because this chapter if I look at the English copy that I have of Bulova Milan here,

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and we have

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in the region of 15 pages in the English copy of the book. And typically we would do between a page to two pages every class so that would take us nicely until the month of Ramadan and even maybe into the month of Ramadan here and there inshallah. So that's the plan, the plan is to study the topic of fasting before we actually start the month of fasting.

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As for the order of Kitab cm, or before that, let's talk about a CMO filorga What does the word CRM or soen mean in the language. So for this, we have an eye, the eyes and sort of medium is number 26. That ally xojo said,

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speaking about Miriam alayhis salam in the natural to live many soul men felon or killed him anioma insia

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I have sworn to the Most Merciful that I will fast. So I will not speak to anyone. Today, I will not speak to any person today. So this is shows us that refraining to speak to someone is called CRM or song not speaking to someone. And therefore we say that the general word cm means to refrain. The general word cm means to refrain or hold back from something to refrain or to hold back from something.

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As for fasting in Islam, then it is also an example of refraining or holding back from something, but it's holding back from something specific at a specific time. So yes, it goes back to the linguistic meaning of lm sack which is holding back. But it also has a specific meaning to it, which is to refrain from eating and drinking and all of the other things which break the fast from the beginning of the time of failure until the advent of mothership. This is

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fasting in an Islamic sense, CRM in an Islamic sense. And of course CRM is the third pillar from the Pillars of Islam booney al Islam Allah humps Islam was built upon five pillars, Shahada de la ilaha illAllah, Muhammad Rasulullah that testify that there is no god worthy of worship but Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah. What you're calling what is Sala, what is zecca?

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So here to testify that there is no

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Nor God worthy of worship but a lie that Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah to perform the Salah to give this a cat and the fourth is the fourth. That's what I was trying to say before. The fourth is what was the what was so Masami Ramadan, the

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performance of the fasting in the month of Ramadan

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as for the obligation of fasting, then this is established in Sorrento Baqarah. In the statement of Eliza Julia, you have Latina M and o quotevalet, camassia, mocha, quotevalet, Latina and publikum alaikum to

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all you who believe fasting has been prescribed upon you, has been made obligatory for you, as it was made obligatory for those who came before you. So that you might become from a people of taqwa. So there are two things I would like to talk about in this ayah before we start our first hiedi Today, the first thing is that this ayah

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tells us that not only is fasting obligatory for every Muslim, but also that fasting was obligatory for the people who came before.

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The fasting was something that has been obligatory to the for the previous nations as well.

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And the purpose behind fasting, because a lot of people misunderstand the purpose behind fasting, and they understand that the purpose behind fasting is to be grateful, or the purpose behind fasting is to think of the poor people or the purpose behind fasting. And they mentioned other reasons and that's not the primary purpose that Alon mentioned for fasting in the Quran. The reason that a lot mentioned that we fast in the Quran primarily before everything else is that I like them to tack on. So that you may be from a people of taqwa. So you may be from a people of taqwa. So what is that taqwa taqwa is to do everything that you can to obey Allah and everything you can to avoid

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disobeying Allah. And that idea of becoming more pious, becoming closer to Allah becoming someone who does more right things and less wrong things. This is the concept or this is the purpose for which Ramadan was legislated.

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So as for the beginning of Ramadan, Ramadan was first made obligatory in the second year after the Hydra. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fasted nine months of Ramadan in nine times, the month of Ramadan came nine times. And then he passed away

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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We've already mentioned the definition of fasting in the Sharia, and that the definition of fasting is to refrain

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intentionally refrain

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from the things which break the fast

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from the beginning of federal, sometimes the scholars they call it total federal money and the true federal until the sunsets and the amount of money

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in this definition, that some of the scholars bring definition Shipside who falls on Harvey the love to Allah He brings here

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he said, who are in circle, painting yet in an in theological, his co will minor we're going to look at federalist 7011 provisions.

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It is to refrain with intention

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from the things which break the fast both the things which are his sia and Magnolia, the things that are real and tangible things like food and drink.

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And also the things which are minor we're the things which are not and that we're, that are those are the things which

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they are not tangible things like food and drink like physical things, but things which they

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are intangible. The intangible things which break the fast all the things which reduce from it. And we know that the start of fasting is to lower and federal felony the time of the real federal IE that the Adana federal until

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For over chimps, the sunsets and that is the time of Mahara. So let's go through this definition a little bit.

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Before that, can I just ask, we're having an issue?

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Okay, that's here.

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I don't mind that you're still I know that the guys are still working on the sound. So today

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so we'll have a look at the volume levels in sha Allah. But it's difficult this is the problem is adjusting them during the live session is very difficult since the volume control is with me. So it's difficult to change. But what we'll do is we'll review the video later on today. And we will see in sha Allah, Allah if the volume is still low, then we can raise the volume but in the light Allah

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as for the first thing that we mentioned is that the fasting it requires an intention.

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Otherwise, without an intention, we don't call it an Islamic fast rate. if somebody were to fast, without the Islamic intention, we wouldn't call that a fast. We wouldn't call it a fast even if someone didn't eat or drink.

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And even if we would call it fasting linguistically.

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We know this from the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Melbourne yet, we're in a male equilibrium man, our actions are according to intentions, and everyone will have their award of what they intended.

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As for the things which break the fast, which are tangible, we're going to mention three of the most important which are eating and drinking and marital intimacy.

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As for the ones that are minor, we, they are the things that may not break the fast in a physical sense, but they detract from the reward or take away from it. Like areeba, backbiting and like an amoeba, and like

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swearing, and bad language, and spreading rumors, and zoar lying and evil speech, and doing harm and so on. So these things don't break the fast in a physical sense. But what they do is in in an intangible sense, they either take away the reward, or reduce the reward of fasting.

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I'm from this is the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam men Lamia cola Zoo

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melomania cola Zoo while I'm alive He will judge fairly silly la hija fee and near the output Amma who shall obey who

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whoever doesn't leave false witness and acting upon it.

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And ignorance I ignorant behavior then Allah has no need for them to leave their food and their drink.

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And the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Lisa cm Amina actually was sharp. In MSC mo Mina love will broth.

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Fasting is not from eating and drinking. But fasting is from a level from a level or refer evil speech and rude speech and a level wasting any wasteful, pointless speech including natus, music and other types of things like that.

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So for a person who refrains from eating and drinking,

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and refrains from the physical things that break the fast but don't refrain from the other things which break the fast, then in the end of the day, this person hasn't fasted a fast that was islamically proper, they may receive the reward of or they may receive that the fastest written that they have fasted, but they may not receive any reward from it at all or their reward may be sincere seriously

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as for the beginning time of of the fast as we mentioned,

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is the second federal, not the false federal. We know and we learned in the topic of malarkey to Sala the topic of the times of the prayer, we learned that there is a true feature and a false version. And the true failure happens after the false photo. And it's the true federal which a person refrains from

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eating because of the statement of allies orogen in solitary bacala wakulla worshop ohata. Being in a local hotel abdominal hightly is where the administrator

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is number 187. From Soto Baccarat eat and drink until the height will be up. The white thread becomes clear from the black thread of federal ie the thread of dawn, not the literal thread, not that you look at a white thread on a black thread until you can see the two. But the meaning here is until the threat of dawn becomes clear from the night sky

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until all bishops,

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as allies have just said some Team massima Elite then complete the fasting until the night comes.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said either alphabeta lelo minha hoonah were edible on Haram in hoonah wa t shrimps pocket of Torah saw him

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he said when the night comes from over here, and the day goes from over there, and the sun sets then the fasting person can break their fast and the Hadees narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim.

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We already mentioned the

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purpose of fasting is to develop a taqwa

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and inshallah to Allah many of the other points in terms of the introduction for fasting inshallah to Allah will cover as we start to go through the ahaadeeth.

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However, we just want to talk briefly a little bit first of all about the division of fasting into obligatory fasting and into voluntary fasting. So we know that fasting is not just in the month of Ramadan, but it is the month of Ramadan, which ally xojo made obligatory when Allah subhanaw taala said Shia Ramadan levy on Zilla field or an houden in se will be uniting mineral hotel for con dementia hate them in coma, Shahada failure, some woman cannot marry one who is suffering very determined am in oka.

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Allah subhanaw taala said in sort of Baccarat, a number 185 the month of Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed as a guidance for mankind and a be united in a hotel for Khan. And he unclear any clear guidance of any clear guidance and under criterion and the difference between the truth and the falsehood. So whoever witnesses the month, let them fast and whoever is sick or on a journey, then let them make up from other days.

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As for the

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voluntary fasts, and there are other fast that could be obligatory By the way, like a fast when someone swore an oath that they swore an oath by a lot that they said by a law we'll fast. I will fast this many days or I swear by a lot I will fast this or sankofa a person wants to make up for an oath that they made and they fast. Otherwise, generally the other fasting is voluntary outside of Ramadan, and voluntary fasting outside of Ramadan includes, for example, fasting, a mobo, which are the 13th and 14th and 15th of the Islamic month, and not the 13th 14th and 15th of the solar month, so not the 13th of February, but the 13th of the Islamic month that we are in any one particular

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time 13th 14th and 15th, and fasting Mondays and Thursdays. These are some examples of the voluntary fasting and they're just examples as well and inshallah we're going to talk more about that as we go through the book. So that being said, is a little introduction to the concept of a cm the book of fasting. We now come to the our first Heidi's and ebihara you're totally alone.

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We're going to inshallah, to Allah cover.

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The issue of intention inshallah, we will cover that beat you later either. We come to the topic of intention in the Heidi's but briefly to answer if a person the issue with intention and Ramadan is an issue of weather.

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One intention is sufficient for the whole month. All Weather

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is required to make an intention for every single day. And the correct answer and Allah knows best is that one intention is sufficient for the whole month, as long as the person doesn't stop it for any reason, like traveling or sickness.

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But generally, I don't think that it's possible for a person realistically to forget to make the intention to first Ramadan, because, you know, Ramadan is coming. You go to sleep, knowing that you're going to fast the next day. That's your intention. intention is not words that you say but intention is that you are aware of what you're going to be doing when you wake up. Like I'm aware that when I wake up, I'm going to be fasting, more likely with regard to intention is not so much forgetting to make the intention. But what is more likely with intention is that a person may be didn't know that it's Ramadan, at all. So for example, a person was not watching out for the dates

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or was not watching out for the month, and the day came, and they woke up and someone said to them, did you notice Ramadan today? They said, Ramadan today really, I thought Ramadan is in two days time. In this case, what should the person do? They have to fast but they don't count that day. They have to fast the rest of the day, but the day is not counted because their intention was not made before fudger

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so the day is not counted. That's not the same as a person who sleeps in a person who knew it's Ramadan tomorrow and sleeps in and doesn't wake up to the road this person can fast because their intention was made in the night before.

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But now we're talking about somebody who got up and said I didn't even know it was Ramadan today, I thought Ramadan is next week. I forgot that it's Ramadan today, then this person has to fast the rest of the day. However, that fast isn't counted as a proper day of Ramadan. They have to make it up afterwards and Allah knows best what's the second question?

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You have broken brushing teeth with toothpaste I would not advise people to do it wouldn't be my advice for people to brush their teeth with toothpaste. But if they do it and they're careful to spit it out, it doesn't break the fast but the problem is it's more wingnut

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fertile like it's what you you think is possible you will break your fast with it's very hard to spit the toothpaste out. So I would advise not to it doesn't break the fast in of itself. But it's something which is difficult to get rid of it from your mouth. So I would suggest not brushing the teeth with toothpaste and just brushing the teeth without without toothpaste being better in Charlottetown Okay, and Abby hooray otology Allahu Allah Allahu anhu call Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam la Taka demo aroma bon Bissau. Me Yeoman. Whether you mean in Rajasthan can a sumo soul mentally assume moto con la

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said do not precede Ramadan by fasting one or two days, except for a person who is in the habit of a particular fast and he may fast on that day. And this Hadeeth is is agreed upon by Bukhari and Muslim. So the first thing that we find in this hadith is the prohibition from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of fasting Ramadan before Ramadan starts.

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And this could be for multiple reasons. The first reason could be somebody who is trying to get extra reward. So they said to get extra reward, I'm going to fast more days. So I'm going to fast one or two days before Ramadan, and I'm going to fast Ramadan, and you know, so that I am going to get more reward. That's one example. Another example is a person who does it out of fear that Ramadan has maybe what if Ramadan did start? What if Ramadan? And that's very common that somebody, for example, the moon is not cited. They didn't cite the moon on that day. And the person says, Well, what if the moon really did come? What if Ramadan really did start? What if actually people

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didn't see it, but it is Ramadan, so I'll fast out of caution. Both of these are prohibited because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Let aka demo Rama Barnaby someo mean whether you mean to not go ahead of Ramadan by one or two days, not for the sake of being careful and cautious and also not for the sake of

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a person trying to get extra trying to get extra

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reward because this is more than the prophet SAW Selim commanded and therefore this falls under

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Be there, which is to introduce something into the religion, which there is no Islamic precedent for.

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So the Prophet size M forbade a person to fast before Ramadan, one day or two days

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except for a person in La Jolla, except for a man and here

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man, he doesn't necessarily mean a man put like a specifically a man, it could be a man or a woman

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except for a man.

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And here

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in the revival Buhari Illa Raja alone, except for a man and his wife, Muslim in La Jolla, and as a linguistic difference, but the meaning is the same, except for a man who cannot hear means this was habitual, who has a habitual fast. In other words, they fasted every Monday and Thursday for example. And it so happens that Ramadan starts on a Friday for example. So they would normally fast on that Thursday, and so they should fast on that Thursday, they should not miss it because it is a day before Ramadan.

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So he had the The purpose of this is that this person has a habit of fasting. For example, they fast a MLB, the 13th 14th and 15th of each month, or they fasted a and miss a day, or they fast Mondays and Thursdays. And the limit of fasting voluntary fasting is of course fasting idea and missing a day fasting a day and missing a day. And it so happens that the Ramadan coincides the day before Ramadan coincides with a fast that they would normally have kept on that particular day. So this person should keep the fast that they were planning on keeping.

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Also included in this.

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Also included in this is if there are facets that have to be made up before I'm about because this is meant to be Oleh it's even more deserving. than the person who has a regular voluntary fast is someone who has an obligatory reason like making up the fast of Ramadan before Ramadan starts for example, or a person who swore an oath that they would complete a certain number of fast before Ramadan, and they still have one day left to complete. So these people are also not prohibited from fasting the day before Ramadan.

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Our next Heidi's

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one a mob one another near cillian Robbie Allahu taala No, no call. Man sama yo melody you shake goofy. He called us all Abul Qasim zakharova Buhari you tally con. Also Allahu Hamza was uzima would not have been

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a marble. Yes. rhodiola Juan narrated whoever fasts on a day in which there is doubt the day of doubt, has disobeyed. Abul Carson is disobeyed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I Buhari reported it in its more unlock form. Have we covered I don't know if we've covered the more Allah Cavalli member Buhari perhaps we haven't. The meaning of

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utterly and more I look, as is narrated by the mumble Buhari is that Al Buhari doesn't start the chain from himself.

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He doesn't start the chain of narration from himself. But he starts it by missing one or more people from the beginning of the chain.

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So instead of starting the chain from himself and his teacher, he misses one or more people he might miss just one person. Like he might go straight to his teachers teacher.

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Or he might miss out everyone in the chain except the Sahabi.

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The point is that he misses one or more people from the beginning of the chain. And here when a man while he does this, there are two situations. Either he narrates it, we see it later.

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So, he narrates it in such a way that he says this person said, Our Asia said

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this narrator said or he narrates it, we save it in a way that indicates that it is, it was said or it is said that this person was in that way and without without being firm on it.

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And in general, the ones that oberheiden aerates and he is

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his firm about it. And he really he narrates it in a way that is clear and firm and resolute, then these are generally speaking, and these are a highly thought authentic, but they are not within his strict conditions for Sahil Bahati for some reason.

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In any case,

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this was this same Hadith was narrated without the break in the chain, and it connected a fully connected chain by a Hamza, that is by

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without an SI telemedia no merger, and Ahmed all narrated it with a connected chain of narration.

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And this hadith says whoever fasts the day in which there is doubt, which is the day in which there is doubt, the day in which there is doubt is the day in which

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the moon is not seen. So the moon is expected it could be today. And it's not seen on that day, because there are clouds, or a person you know, they don't cite the Moon The moon is not cited on that day. So we're going to come in the next Hadith that the Prophet sighs and commander as the fast 30 days to not to start, the profitsystem commander has to complete the moon to complete the month of 30 days

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to wait until the next day. So this day becomes a day of doubt, because it's possible the moon was there but it just wasn't seen because of the clouds. So it becomes a day of doubt. Fasting, the day of doubt is disobeying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam it's not permissible for a person to fast the day when for example, the moon is not seen, but it's cloudy. It could have been Ramadan that day, but we didn't see the moon on that day. So we leave it one more day. That is not a day that people should fast out of proportion, or out of coming near to Allah by fasting that day in which there is in which there is doubt.

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What day is it?

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It is the 30th of Shaban the 30th day of Shabbat.

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That is the day which is the day of doubt the 30th day of shadow ban.

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And that was the opinion of the majority of the scholars of filk that it is forbidden to fast. Yo check the day which is doubtful which is the 30th Day of chabanne. We look for the moon and the 29th Day of shabang. Anyone the 29th of Shabbat is finished. On that night at mothership we look for the moon if we don't see the moon, maybe it's cloudy, and we can't see the moon on that day. Then we complete 30 days of shadow ban before we start Ramadan. And if that happens, it is not allowed to fast that day of doubt which the Prophet sighs and forbade us from fasting and this will be further clarified by our third Hadeeth for today. Why Nero Mara Robbie Allahu taala and Homer Paul symmetrel

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a call either a to Moo hoo for Sumo what either on a to Moo hoo for after all for in Rome Isley come to LA Mota con la vida Muslim for in Oh Mia la come to LA who Salah theme when la Bihari for XML data selfie. While ah hoo fi Heidi Civ hora de la sala Viola one for El Camino or a Delta Shabana that I think

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even your mom narrated that I heard Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam see fast when you see the new moon and break your fast when you see it, but if the sky is cloudy, calculate the month as 30 days.

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Calculate the month as 30 days.

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Doesn't matter whether it's the month of Ramadan and you're calculating aid, or whether it's the month of Shabbat and you're calculating the start of Ramadan, calculate the month as 30 days, then duration of Muslim if it is cloudy calculate the month as 30 days. Buhari has complete the number of days as 30 and ohare also reported the Hadeeth of ebihara complete the number of days of Shaban as 30 days.

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So this completes what we were talking about in the second Hadeeth and that is that a person goes out on the 29th of Shaban to look for the new moon of Ramadan. So they go out on the 29th of Shaban to look for the new moon, which is the start of Ramadan. Likewise, a person goes out on the 29th of Ramadan, to look for the new moon off show what in other words to look for the day of eight.

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If it is cloudy,

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or vision is blurred, and a person can't see whether the moon is there or not, and they don't cite the moon. Then the person is commanded to complete 30 days of the month and the hadith of ebihara. That is narrated by Al Bukhari, Rahim Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah one. This tells us that this applies to shabaan as well as to the month of Ramadan. If you don't see the moon you complete 30 days and it's not allowed to fast the day of check which is the day of doubt that is the 30th of Shaban where the moon has not been cited. And it is the 30th of Schaden is not allowed for a person to fast this day out of proportion or out of safety or out of

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a person who is worried that what if Ramadan had started and I didn't fast

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rather the people should complete 30 days of Shabbat and then fast the month of Ramadan from the following day. So a month so either 29 days long, or they are 30 days long.

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This is the same Hadeeth in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Sumo Lil Yachty he will have to do it

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fast when you see the moon and break your fast when you see the moon meaning break your fast for eight that a day when you see the moon. So the key here is seeing the moon and this is really important because it is not based on calculations. It is based on moon sighting. And so there are differences of opinion among the scholars about what it means to see the moon and where the moon has to be sited and inshallah Allah we're going to talk about those in more detail in sha Allah in the

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in the next class but in the later Allah when we talk a little bit more about moon sighting. But here what I want to clarify is that calculation is not a valid method where somebody says you know by calculation, the moon will be sited on this day, by calculation, we will not see the moon on this day. By calculation. Ramadan starts on this day, and some of them announced it weeks and weeks before Ramadan will start. They have calculated that eight is going to be on this day and Ramadan is going to be on this day. Now, that doesn't prevent that doesn't prevent the issue of the calendar being issued and printed with approximate dates. But we understand that those dates in the calendar

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are approximate and that they are that the actual fast is subject to moon sighting. As for fasting just because as for fasting just because

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the calendar says that it's the first of Ramadan today this is not allowed rather as the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said Sumo Lil Yachty he will after all little LTE

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fast when you see it and break your fast when you see it. What I want to do in the next class inshallah I want to stop this class here because this is just our first class and we need to get into the habit of it have it again insha Allah but what I want to do though, is in the next class, talk a little bit more about moon sighting inshallah, because this is quite a big issue and a lot of people have

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have doubts over how moon sighting should be done? Should it be done based on any one Muslim country in the world? Should it be done based on a particular country in the world? Like Serbia? For example, should it be done based on local sightings? And if so, what is a local citing? And what qualifies as a local citing? Is it done by country? For example, if someone in the UK cites the moon, is that a local sighting or is it done by city? Or is it done by locality within a city for example, these are all things that people have a lot of questions about, saw the moon sighting issues we will deal with next time in our next Heidi which deals with moon sighting as well which is

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trying to cite the new moon and the issue of how many people need to cite the new moon inshallah Allah we will talk about this is nilah in the next two Heidi's so this is just an introduction in sha Allah, we are going to review the sound we're going to review we have got new equipment now we're going to review the sound and see if it is any better. We're also going to look at the volume as well as the broadcast and see whether that needs to be increased in sha Allah. All of that be in the later Allah will take care of before the next class. The next class for balumama is a week from today at roughly the same time approximately the same time. As for the next class, it is Friday

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Tafseer which will also move to a similar time which is around about six o'clock Tafseer on Friday, and likewise the kids class on Saturday inshallah Allah. So did we have any questions?

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Okay, so the question as I've understood it is, does the not wearing the proper hijab take away from the fast for example, a lady goes to work wearing the Hema like a head cover, but she doesn't wear the proper the full hijab that she's required to wear. There is no doubt this is from the things which the shift mentioned. More minor we're the things which are not tangible, they don't physically break the fast as in the sister is class that she fasted. But they can take away from the reward of the fast to the point where there is nothing left of it. Because Allah as we just said, La La Quinta taco so that you may become people of taqwa. So if the fast is not getting you towards the obedience

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of Allah properly, works too fast is accompanied by severe disobedience to Allah, then definitely the reward of the fast could be decreased or even lost completely. But the actual fast itself is not broken by that in the sense that she's still considered to be someone who fasted. She doesn't have to make it up. But the reward of the fast may be severely reduced, or even, maybe nothing at all. And Allah knows best.

00:43:11 --> 00:43:55

This is an interesting question is it preferred to fast on Mondays and Thursdays or the fasting have dealt the fasting of deload at a salon is the maximum that a person can fast, which is the faster day and Mrs. D faster de Missa de faster de Missa de However, this, it is better to fast Monday and Thursdays and keep it continuous than to fast the psalm of download, and to do it for like a few weeks, and then not be able to do it after that. So what is most beloved to Allah are the most continuous deeds. So sometimes what people do is they start by saying, I'm going to get up, for example, in the prayer, I'm going to get up two hours before fetcher, and I'm gonna pray for hold

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the whole two hours and they do it for like three days, and then they stop better for a person to get up half an hour before fetcher, and just pray a little bit, but do it every single day without fail, and then build up to 45 minutes one hour. So the same with fasting, it's better for a person just to fast a mobo the three days of the month, until they become they make a habit. And if they have a habit of Mondays and Thursdays, this is better, because they can keep it going. The thing you fear about some doubt is that a person starts it and then can't continue it. And so it becomes less beloved to Allah because it's something that's very good, but it was good at that time. The same

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with reading the Quran also, that somebody says I'm going to finish the Quran every three days or every seven days. But actually, if they were just to finish it once a month, or even once every 10 days, for example, that would be better for them to begin with to make a habit of it and then to get into doing more if they are if they're able to do so and allies or generals best because it's the continuity that is beloved to Allah.

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Okay, so this has to do with making missed fasts. If a woman

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she is making up the fasts that she's missed in Ramadan and she also wants to

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make up she wants to fast days of show well Can she combine between the two? So long topic of gem or Nia of gathering NIAC together but the short answer is no she can't combine between the six days of show while and between making up the facets of of Ramadan and allies or generals best but it's a long topic this issue of gem or near bring in more than one near together what are the conditions when can you bring together more than one near in which situation but it seems to me here that it's not permissible for her to because each one of those actions is mock so don't leave that he is specifically intended in other words six days of show while is one thing and making atmosphere so

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Robin is a completely separate thing and generally went to a bar that have separate purposes and separate intentions for them they are not to be combined generally speaking and Allah knows best

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what's the ruling on a part of parties? I'm not sure because I don't I'm not sure that I know what if I'm frightened that if I say something people may misunderstand because people may have the wrong idea themselves for me and if third parties when somebody invites you to have a thought with them, like they invite you and they cook you food and there is no harm in inviting somebody and cooking food for them. But I don't know if there's a different meaning for any third party is that something different? I would have bought an entire party is just where you invite lots of people to break their fast but I'm not sure maybe we can get some more information about that inshallah, what is

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what is meant.

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Okay, give them a couple of minutes in case they want to add something on to ensure

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Okay, we'll stop there inshallah, to Allah I'm sure there'll be more time for questions in in next week's class inshallah. That's what Allah made easy to mention our lanos bestel Salatu was Salam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajmeri

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