Mirza Yawar Baig – Fill the heart with Glory of Allah

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The expansion of the Milky Way is complex and the Sun and Earth are important variables in achieving their potential. The Sun causes the universe to travel at incredible speeds and is impossible to understand the dynamics of the system. The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing and seeing the grace of Allah in our lives and offers advice on how to make it happen.
AI: Transcript ©
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salam ala Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Shira Filipina Eva mousseline, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa. He will save yourself the Sleeman cathedral cathedral novago. My brothers and sisters

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so the agency just had a villa Anna said that the first bidder of this ummah, was that people started taking the name of Allah subhanaw taala without the glory and majesty and grace of Allah in their hearts.

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So people just start saying Allah Allah Allah something.

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It is including for example, you suffer some people it's like, what we call an audible Sakala Wallah. Whoever that was zero to one.

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What is the world about this?

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Like to take an oath on Allah subhanaw taala is a very serious matter.

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So you don't simply say hola below that or no?

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Sir, take the name of Allah without the glory of Allah in the heart.

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Now how will the glory of Allah come in the heart? How do we know Allah subhanho wa jal? How do we connect with Allah subhanho thing. We connect with Allah subhanaw taala and two very important ways and it's very important to listen carefully. We connect with Allah subhanaw taala in two ways, one, by reflecting on his glory and majesty and power and authority and his quadrate

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and his co what?

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And his Azova

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and he's holding on

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by reflecting all this, one way of reflecting on these things is by reading the Quran, Al Karim, especially those parts of the Quran where Allah subhanaw taala describe these things himself, like the two sets of eyes, which I recited in the first and second regard, aphasia, which is either cushy and connected and Serato Hasha. These and other eye art show the glory and majesty of Allah.

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Right include included in this is also to reflect on the glory and majesty of Allah that we see around us.

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Because as you know,

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there are two books of Allah, there is the kita, which is open, which is the Chi nuts, which is the universe, which is open to everyone, anybody can see it. And then there is the other Kitab, which is Kalam Allah which has to be opened for us to read it. So when we look at the kind of the creation of Allah, also we see the glory and majesty of Allah Samaritan, for example, Allah subhanaw taala is the one who created our Earth.

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Now, as you're sitting here, if I asked you, I remember you sitting in one place I moving, are you still? You're still right.

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Is there answer right or wrong?

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depends on the relative to what? relative to what? Right. So he's still you are still I'm still. But if you actually look at what is happening, we are right now moving at approximately 1000 miles per hour.

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1000 miles per hour. 1600 kilometers. Just to give you a perspective, a plane that flies, if you go from your former or something, and you're flying, you know, Emirates, if you have like any other airline, there's garbage flavors.

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That ac 20 Or are we not easy don't do that a 380. Or that triple seven is going at 900 kilometers an hour.

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The Earth is spinning at 1600 kilometers an hour is almost double the speed of the plane. So right now we are moving.

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at the equator speed, the speed is the faster we the 1000s. We have north so that's a little bit slower. But approximately 1000 miles an hour. We are right now moving at 1000 miles an hour. You and I can't feel it because everything else is moving with us. So we are it seems as if we are stationary, but we're not stationary like brother Carson relative to what?

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To understand what what he's saying. Remember, if you sit if you're if you're on a train when the train starts moving, and you're looking out the window, what do you see as moving the platform or the trees or you know trees are not moving you know platform is not moving as concrete. But it seems as if it is moving because relative to you are moving relative to that standard that is stationary.

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So now in addition to spinning on the axis at 1000 miles an hour, the earth also revolves around the Sun. So think about this. This thing is spinning like this and then it is going

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This way, right? So it is spinning on its axis. And it is also going around the sun. In a spinning, now we are approximately 93 million miles from the sun. That is why the ray of the sun which is light, which is traveling at 300 to 300,000

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kilometers per second takes six minutes to get to the earth. Right? So we are approximately 93 million miles from the sun that's 150 to 180 million kilometers.

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And in that distance, it takes the Earth 365 days to go around the sun once.

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So when you say Happy New Year, you might say, well, you know, you're celebrating the fact that the Earth went round the sun once.

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Right. So one time series is divided days.

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We are traveling on the Earth's orbit of 600 million miles. So when we are going to talk about the Earth's orbit is 600 million miles

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at a rate of 66,000 miles per hour.

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Now at that, at that speed it will take if you traveled from San Francisco to Washington DC, it will take you two minutes.

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Right so don't do that without serious adult supervision.

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Our son is a star.

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Right? So if you look at if you look in the sky and see stars, our sun is a star like those stars. And it's just one star among several 100 billion other stars in this milky way.

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You see the numbers, several 100,000,000,001 billion is 1000 million we are talking about several several 101,000 millions in this milky way which is like an island of stars if you see the pictures that we just

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saw it and that 1000s of millions and billions of stars, each one is itself moving

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nothing is digital, nothing standards.

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And they are amazing and they're all moving at this insane speeds. These are the numbers when I say 66,000 miles per hour Do you have any understanding of I don't have any of us have number.

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Now, in addition to the individual motions of the stars within this, the entire galaxy, now we are talking about the whole Milky Way is spilling like an enormous pinwheels, imagine this thing. Bits has all the things in it are spinning, and this whole thing is also spinning.

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Now the galaxies are the details of the galaxy spin and so on are very complicated with different stars are at different speeds, different distances, and so on. But if you look at just the speed of the Sun around the galaxies around the center of the galaxy, the sun is there we are in the center is imaginary station is not stationary. But imagine that and it was going around it takes 225 million years to take one circle of our galaxy that's called a galactic year.

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Now it's estimated that since the Earth and Sun first formed and this relationship formed, that was about 20 Galactic years. So if you look at the human being this is a 20 year old child, at least in our 20 euro to rub your childhood that's how we have done our education only as I keep saying, you know delays, delays. Childhood doesn't make you grow up. Anyway. So to complete this journey, which is one galactic year journey, the sun is moving at 483,000 miles per hour.

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Now think about this. I mean, all these are numbers, but we're looking here at a system which is comprised of moving parts and each of those moving parts is moving at insane speeds. In exact orbits exact orbits. What do you think happens in a system like this which is

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God each part is moving at these completely insane speeds in exact orbits. Imagine you just flick it like this one piece, just flick one little piece like this, what do you think will happen to the system?

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Right complete everything will disintegrate right? Because this way that one that will adapt is like like, what happened on a billiard table. You hit one ball everything was

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that does not happen.

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That does not happen.

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Imagine this is Allah subhanaw taala This is Allah subhanaw taala who created this enormous and all that I'm talking about, in the context of what is called the visible universe is less than the area that is occupied by the tip of a pin.

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The rest of it we don't even know we do not even know but what we do know is an AI along with this reminder I will send a very, very nice video about the size of the estimated size of the universe. Right? So watch the video also a visual composition is unbelievable incredible. Frankly, I don't even understand that I'm just telling you the

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research the words that are there are there

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but the reason I'm telling you that even though I don't understand it, is because just so that we get a sense of who Allah subhanaw taala is obviously we can never get that we cannot understand Allah and say, I know but the point is that this is the one we worship. So when we start here on Sundays masala is Allahu Akbar. Imagine this is Allah

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the One who created this enormously complex system

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and enables it to work absolutely perfectly.

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For millions and millions and millions and millions of years

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and until he decides to keep it

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This is Allah.

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Now why is it important to understand is why is it important to get this this Asmath of Allah in our hearts because this is the surest way of getting rid of everything else.

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Because this Rob of mine and yours, if he can create his entire universe, he can't give you a piece of bread

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he can't feed your family without you doing some haram nonsense. He cannot give you a decent Halal meal

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what what thinking is this

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brother how to sell this garbage why? Well because other How will I eat in Lahaina Raja,

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Lucha Allah whatever you are praying to own and tell me who are you bring to

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this one who created this entire thing and he makes it run and everything else and imagine the power

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he and you believe that he can give you a piece of bread decent, you know your your your rosary, your religion, without haram, the Hava something is wrong.

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Either all of this is wrong which obviously we all do not wrong because we are we we are living in it we are witness to it. Or our thinking is wrong.

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Something is seriously wrong with our thinking.

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That is why we must know and see the grace and glory of Allah and this is what inshallah we ask Allah to give us Ramadan will carry him with good EMA and health and and Rahila visit

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let us use that opportunity of that Ramadan

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to get our life on track, straighten it back out again and say enough is enough. Because I don't know how long I'm going to be on this earth. So enough is enough. Let's get our life back on track. Right? And don't listen to anybody who tells you that this is this Haram is okay that I was okay. We are living in Dharma hub. We are living in this way. You know what is that one that will help us because the robots that are

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using those people are setting up businesses using their get they're getting borrow money on on interest from banks to set up businesses using they're selling cigarettes and lottery tickets then that is the rub.

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Thank Allah, Allah Allah has kept doing great Amman and who and then and you know Sukkot and a great safety what will happen

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if you are in that route, there won't be one concern which is how can I get out of here? How can I save my life there's no other concern

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Alhamdulillah here we have you are you are you know thinking Which car should I buy? You're not thinking about? Should I buy a car or not but you're choosing which one should I buy? And when using which one you're not looking at Suzukis

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you're looking at the fancy brands and the higher ends of those fancy brands Alhamdulillah Allah has given you use it enjoy it. San Carlos Valterra for it, but don't do haram Don't disobey Allah Subhana

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Allah 100

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spend in the bath of Allah subhanaw taala because this is transfer of income from here to here, from temporary to permanent

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With a return on it, guaranteed by the One

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Laptop level myth, who does not change his his his word is his promises true. He does not go against his promise whose minimum is one to 10

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right think about the glory of Allah talk about the glory of God this is how come that grows in our hearts

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as Carlos Rosana della della to fill our hearts with His glory and majesty and Akashi Nora and Baraka, asking us, monetarily, to fill our lives with this, our lives and make our lives a means of Heaven baraka for ourselves and for everyone who comes into contact with us, as well as writer to keep us safe and to give us in a state where we are beneficial to other people, as well as writer to make us enable us to do that. And to accept his dua in our favor and in favor of all those we have to offer. Some Allah Allah Allah will carry while Allah He was a paid member I have to go

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