Fast recitation in Taraweeh

Mirza Yawar Baig


Channel: Mirza Yawar Baig

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The importance of praying for the Quran and experiencing the Talawi (the Talawi) message is discussed, along with the need for forgiveness and reading the Quran in a deadly way. The speaker emphasizes the importance of letting people do their job and making sure they are doing it in the best possible way. The Talawi message is designed to give more time to one's daily lives and is a deadly message.

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brothers and sisters, we are

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in the month of Ramadan,

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The month of the Quran, Al Kareem, the

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month of the nuzoor of the Quran.

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so that it will be a means of

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for the people.

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And therefore, we need to,

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give more time to the Quran, especially in

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this month.

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And of course, like for everything else, the

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idea is not only to give

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time to the Quran

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in this month, for this month, but to

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give more time to the Quran in our

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lives itself.

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Now one of the ways in which this

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is facilitated for us,

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thanks to this deen of ours, is through

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the Talawi prayers,

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which is really,

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which is this this we're standing in the

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night, which is tahajjud, the form of it

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that the form it takes

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Ramadan is in this form, which

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is which is.

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So therefore, it's very important for us to

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enjoy that Talawi and to pray Talawi,

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listen to the Quran

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to enjoy that.

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Like I mentioned the other day,

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the rewards of it are enormous. And would

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give us a reward for every letter of

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the Quran that we listen to in

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And then the additional rewards for listening to

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that in a state of qiam, so which

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means in in a state of,

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of salaam.

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So we ask Allah

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for us to we ask Allah to give

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us all this and we ask Allah for

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this Insha'Allah.

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Now one of the things that happens,

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and I've seen this. I'm talking from my

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experience in Hyderabad, and I know this is

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In India, I know it's true in Bangladesh,

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and I think it's also probably true in

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Pakistan and probably in Indonesia and various places,

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which is

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to try to finish the Quran as quickly

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as possible.

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Now in Hadhara, may Allah forgive us, we

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Masajid which complete the Quran

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in 10 days.

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So they are reading 3 Jews a day.

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They complete 10 days. There are other masajid

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who completed in

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6 days. So they are

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reading 5 Jews a day. They completed complete

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the Quran in 6 days.

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Then our masajid is complete the Quran in

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3 days. They read 10 Jews a day

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and they finish in 3 days.

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And may Allah forgive us, there are some

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places where they do what is called a

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And a shabinah is they read the entire

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Quran, 30 Jews in one day, in one

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Now do the sums.

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If you start,

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even if you pray Isha at the earliest

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time. Right? So you've got, say, you pray

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a shah at around,

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8 o'clock or,

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probably close to 9 o'clock. But anyway, take

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8 o'clock.

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And then you have Sohore,

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or say,

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which comes in at, say, 5 AM.

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So 8 to 12 is

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4 hours, and then from 12 to 5

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is 5 hours. We've got 9 hours.

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In 9 hours, you're completing 30 juice of

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Quran. Now see

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what speed you're eating at.

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Because it's not just the juice of the

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In Tarawee,

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normally as we as I was mentioning to

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you, people read 1 Jews per night.

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So 1 Jews in 20 rakat.

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But apart from that juice,

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you have

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You have 4 rakat of of of, Isha

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before that so So that you got another

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4 Surat of Fatihah plus the recitation in

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the 2 rakats. First rakats of Suratul

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of of, Salatul Isha.

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And then you have the sira kat of.

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So another 3 and

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the surahs.

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So one side of it,

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this is a way of getting enormous reward

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for us. 2nd side of it is the

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opposite side, which is

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when you are praying like this

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with this enormous speed, there are 2 very

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major problems.

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The first thing is that to read the

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Quran deliberately

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paying attention to the rules of tajweed is

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It is a sin.

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Allah chooses, Allah can punish us for this.

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It is as serious as that.

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To deliberately, to choose to do that.

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1 is, people don't somebody who does not

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know tajweed, who does not who's not studied

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Tarvin. He is reading it. She's reading it.

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There is forgiveness for them, Insha'Allah.

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Not only is there forgiveness for them, but

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for their shawkh, for their desire to read

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Quran, insha'Allah, Allah will reward them. That does

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not mean don't learn tajweed. Tajweed is absolutely

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critically important

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because that is the method of reading the

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So in principle, if somebody says I am

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with tajweed,

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the real question to ask is what other

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ways there? Is there some other way of

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reading mukhan?

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The way of reading the Quran is called

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So therefore,

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tajweed is critical

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to learn. But somebody who does not know,

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he or she is still reciting, inshallah no

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sin on them, They should continue to recite.

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They should also make the effort to learn

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But for somebody

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who knows Tajweed, who studied Tajweed

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and who deliberately

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read fast

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to please

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their bosses, to please their own nafs, to

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please their own desires because they are

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whatever the reason, this is haram. And this

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is punishable before Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, may

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Allah forgive us for punishment.

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To force somebody else to read fast just

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because you are paying them a salary, just

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because you are and this is what happens

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in many masajid.

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authorities of the masjid, the management of the

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the trust the the trustees or the boards

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or board members of the masjid, they think

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that because they have, you know, they have

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hired the imam, they have hired the kari.

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Usually, they they get they get, or

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half a so fast for Tarabi.

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Just because you're paying them a salary,

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you think that you have the authority and

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the right to force them to read fast,

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and so on and so forth.

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Please understand that this is a crime. This

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is a sin on your head and Allah

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will punish you for it. If you do

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that, because you are forcing that

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disregard the rules of the recitation of Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala's Kalam.

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And just because you have the authority

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fear Allah.

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I say fear Allah.

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Fear the day when you will stand before

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. That person is doing

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wrong, listening to you, but at least that

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person has an excuse. The person can say,

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Allah, I was a poor man.

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I needed the money. These people have no,

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appreciation for your column. They forced me, so

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I had to read fast. But what is

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your excuse?

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What is your excuse? How did you force

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and why did you force that person? Right?

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So please understand this. In the if anyone

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who understands that,

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will never read fast because he is he's

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understanding what he's reading. Only people who can

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read fast is people who,

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who do not understand, so it doesn't make

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any difference to them. They read whatever comes.

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My brothers and sisters, please do not play

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games with Allah

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and with the kitab of Allah

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and that also in the month of Ramadan,

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the day, the month in which the qalam

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of Allah was revealed.

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Right? Final point is just think about how

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ugly and how miserable this seems

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in the sight of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Rasool Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala loves for his slave

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to recite Quran

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and when the slave recites Quran, Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala

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turns towards their slave with tawaja, with with

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concentration. Allah is listening. It's like it's like

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a it's like a favorite song coming on,

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you know, on on,

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on the radio. So you say, hold on.

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Everybody keep quiet. I wanna listen to the

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song. Allah

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pays attention like that to the to the

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person who's reciting Quran. Right? And the Inshallah,

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may Allah make us among them. And

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Ramit Salam said, Allah also draws the attention

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of those around him. Who are the people

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around Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala?

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Are the major, the big angels?

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Allah draws their attention and says, here is

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my slave. Here is this this person, this

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man or woman who is leading my calah,

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listen to them. Now

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in that situation,

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think about that situation. They say, here is

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a person who is

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butchering the Quran. Here is the person who

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is making khimah of the Quran, right, in

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their recitation.

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What is Allah

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going to say?

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What is Allah

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going to say when he is listening to

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this person doing this to the column of

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I still remember a friend of a friend

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of ours.

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She was a classical singer classical Indian, sorry,

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Now we have in India, they used to

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be, she passed away.

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1 of the greatest Hindustani classical singers, her

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name was Begum Akhtar.

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So this person, a friend of ours,

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auntie Chandra, her name was auntie Chandra. So

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she said that when she was a little

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girl, she said, maybe she said maybe I

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was, you know, maybe 8 years old, 9

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years old.

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My Ustad, my my classical

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sing singing teacher

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said to me, I'm going to take you

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to meet Begum Akhtar.

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Now this little girl who is 7, 8

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years old,

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is going to meet this big name. Right?

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It's like a big, big chef.

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For example, if if somebody said I wanted

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to take you to meet and then, you

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know, think of the name of the biggest,

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recital of the Quran that you know,

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Abdullah bin Mathur, for example, or something. They

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say I want to now imagine that. Right?

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So you have this if you have the

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love for the kalam of Allah, then you

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are you're you're you're so excited. You're so

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almost fearful. So this little girl, she said,

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I went

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there. My Ustad introduced me to her to

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and she says she loves your singing.

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Or then he also said, she also sings

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some of the things that you sing. She

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also sings those.

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And then Chandra says

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Bega Maqthar said to me,

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So Bhagavakhtar says to him to her, okay,

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my little daughter,

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sing something for me.

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what? And he said to me till today.

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Believe me, it takes the

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the the earth away from my feet. And

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the chandra says,

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She said, I am sitting there and thinking.

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I Bega Master wants me to recite her,

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song, her Kalam,

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her poetry

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to her.

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How can I recite her Kalam to her?

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Now, this is Allahaka kalamah, Allah kusudarebhai.

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Think about this in talawi.

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You are reciting the Kalam of Allah to

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You are reciting the Kalam of Allah and

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Allah is listening.

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Now, think about how do you want that

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to be?

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Do you want to do your best

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that the kalam of Allah is this is,

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recited in the most beautiful way so that

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Allah can listen to it and love his

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We want to be the person who is

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facilitating that to happen, Right? So I'm not

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reciting, but I'm making sure that the person

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reciting has all the facility.

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There's nothing stopping that person from reciting beautifully

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by reciting well. I'm not pressurizing the person,

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not telling him hurry up and so on,

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I'm letting them do their job in the

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best possible way. Do you want to be

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that? Or do you want to be the

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one who forced the person who could have

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recited beautifully

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not to recite beautifully

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because of the pressure you put on them?

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And that person was a poor person. They

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needed the money that you were supposed to

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pay them. And

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so they quite wrongly,

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they accepted and they

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accepted your pressure and they decided the kalam

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of Allah in a way that was not

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in keeping with the grace and majesty of

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and his kalam. My

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brothers and sisters,

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make this choice

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because you are making this choice through your

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and you are being watched by the malaika

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and your account is being written in, make

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sure what you want to put in that

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account because one day you will stand before

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Allah and this account will be read out

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to you.

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Ask Allah

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to help us,

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not to fall into the traps of shaitan

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and not to fall into the traps of

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our own nafs because Shaitan is chained up.

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guess who's the one who's acting?

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guess who's the one who's acting?