Criterion of success

Mirza Yawar Baig


Channel: Mirza Yawar Baig

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The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a series of non-English conversations between two speakers. The dialogue is mostly non-English and the speakers do not provide much context or clear explanations for their conversation.

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said, verily

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all of humankind.

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All of humankind

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is in loss.

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The lamb there is the

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lamb of emphasis.

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All of

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mankind is in

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And then Allah mentioned

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4 points.

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Except those who have believed.

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And those who do good deeds.

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And who invite towards

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And who advise or invite

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people to be to have sabar.

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Now if you look at these four things,

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you can call them 4 steps. You can

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call them 4, stages.

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You can say you can even say 4

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kinds of people, but I don't say 4

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kinds of people because all these 4 qualities

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are required. It's not, somebody who has either

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iman or does good deeds. No.

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It is, these are all connected. So

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because that's that's one issue. Sometimes you might

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say, well, somebody is not a Muslim, but

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he's doing a lot of good deeds. So

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what about him? Of course, Allah

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will also reward that person. But in the,

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there is no place for that because in

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the, there is place only for. Well,

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is only for the people of and people

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of are people of iman.

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So these are not 4 independent things. These

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are 4 connected things.

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So having iman what is the meaning of

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having iman? It means to believe in Allah

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and not to make shirk with Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala, not to join anyone as a

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with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala either in

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worship or in asking for help in ulubhiyat

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or rubhiyat.

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to express this iman

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in terms of action.

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What is a good deed?

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What is a good deed? A good deed

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is that deed which is done for the

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pleasure of Allah

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with that intention

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that Allah

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should be pleased with me.

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So, automatically,

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if you have this intention for any

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then automatically that action will be halal.

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That be does not mean that you take

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a haram action and with this intention, it

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becomes halal. No. I don't mean that. I

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mean that the intention is the filter.

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The intention is the filter. So if you

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say that I want Allah to be pleased,

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and then I'm thinking of doing. Then will

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I do or I will not?

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You will not because you will

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not be pleased with this. How can I

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do how can I bad talk somebody? I

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cannot do that. Right? So the intention that

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must be pleased with me

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becomes the filter for us to decide which

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actions are good. I want to go somewhere.

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I want to do something.

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I say, will Allah be pleased with this?

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Or there might be 2 separate things to

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do. Will Allah be pleased more with this

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or more with that?

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Right? So different different kinds of

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actions also, this becomes a filter, which is

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the better action.

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So. Then third one is.

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Invite towards or advise towards that which is

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Advise towards the truth, invite towards the truth.

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Why? Because this is also a natural human

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tendency that we

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like to share goodness.

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You know, if you look at one of

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prime examples,

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it happens here also, also in the west.

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If you are driving and if there is

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speed trap,

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you got these cops who sit behind bushes

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and whatnot with, radar

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guns and they will catch you. So you

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will find on the opposite side when the

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when the traffic is coming,

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people flash their lights.

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It means that there is a speed trap

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ahead. So slow down your speed.

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Now here is some stranger. He's going somewhere.

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Why should he why why is he bothered?

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But this is natural human tendency

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where you want to do good to somebody.

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Even if you don't know the person, it

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doesn't matter. You never see them again, it

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doesn't matter.

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Some good you do. You try to help

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people. You try it is a any normal

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human being will do that. So how much

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more important for a Muslim

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to be focused towards doing good for people?

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From a Muslim,

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you must always have only good that comes

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out for all of

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creation, all of humankind, all of creation.

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A Muslim must never be the source of

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harm to anybody.

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Whether it's physical harm, whether it is any

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other kind of harm, a Muslim must never

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be the source of harm to it. This

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is Allah did not create us for that.

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Allah did not create us to create problems

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for people. Allah created us for to solve

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people's problems.

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Right? So what the was

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invite towards Al Haq. So

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if Allah created us to solve people's worldly

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problems, how much more important it is to

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invite to our people towards something which is

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everlasting. So everlasting good.

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So if if you feed somebody one meal,

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you say, oh, good person. No. He fed

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somebody one meal. Now how about somebody who

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tries to save another person from the hellfire?

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Because that one meal he can find somewhere,

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but if he gets

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if he dies without iman, then what happens

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to him? So, therefore,

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to invite towards Haqq

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and to do all anything which is

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haqq, which is truth, which is good, which

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is, which has hide in it. And then

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what the was

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Allah is advising us and and and reminding

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that when you invite towards Haqq,

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usually, you will get resistance.

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It's a strange,

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strange thing in life that, you know, you're

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inviting people towards something which is good, but

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people will resist you, people will oppose you,

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people will try to,

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you know, in some cases, they might even

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try to harm you. And if you ask

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them, why are you harming this person? Why

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are you bad talking to this person? What

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how how has this person harmed you?

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What has he done?

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He's already told you that something like typically

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happens with somebody. You know, you give a

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and you say that interest is haram, for

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If you will get really offended.

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How can you say that?

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Otherwise, he did not say it is haram

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said it. Allah said it in the Quran,

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interest is haram. He's only reminding you interest

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is haram. Why? Because you don't want to

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meet Allah

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with that interest in your pocket.

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You do not want to. Today, you have

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a great job. You are the, you know,

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president of the bank and whatnot whatnot. You

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feel great,

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but your your income is haram.

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You are in a job where Allah

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declared war against somebody like you.

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And this is the Quran. This is not

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I didn't invent it. This is the column

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of Allah

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Go read Suratul Baqarah, See what Allah said

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about dealing with interest.

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So now if somebody reminds you and you

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get offended,

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then you're crazy. Yeah. Somebody is inviting you

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towards something good and you are getting offended.

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But this is what happens. So what is

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If it happens, have.

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Don't fight with the guy.

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Don't get, you know, upset.

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You keep doing your work

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because you will find that unless we have,

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unless we have patience,

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unless we put our best into the job,

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at some point, you will get discouraged.

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You'll say, what's the use of saying people

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are, you know, getting offended, so on so

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on. Leave it. I'm not going to say

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Why do I keep talking about the beard?

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Not because I want to offend anybody.

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I don't want you to be lying in

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your harbor,

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And the farista, the malak,

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the angel comes,

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and the angel shows you the face of

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Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam,

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and he says to you, what do you

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say about this man?

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And you say, this man is my Nabi

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and I followed him. And your face is

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telling the telling saying that you are a

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Because if you followed the Nabi, then how

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come your face is different from the face

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of the Nabi?

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So I keep on saying this again and

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again. I mean, some people like it, some

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people don't like it. It's okay. I'm not

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trying to offend you. I'm saying this for

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your own good. When you are lying in

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your cover,

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you will remember my words either with

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happiness and

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or you will remember my words with regret,

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that is your choice.

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So I keep on saying it. Many people

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told me, why do you say this so

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many times?

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So sabat, very important. Don't get offended. Don't

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stop the work. Keep doing the work. Allah

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did not put this is the raham of

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Allah. Allah did not make you mukallaf.

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Allah did not give you control, and Allah

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did not make you responsible for results.

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made you and me responsible for the effort.

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If Allah had made us responsible for the

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results, then see what kind of trouble we

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would have been. Supposing Allah had said, you

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cannot enter Jannah unless

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one other person comes into Islam.

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How many of how many of us would

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have got there?

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You spend your whole life trying to invite

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people towards Islam. Not one person comes.

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That is the story of most of us.

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Those who Allah has given,

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you know,

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the the ability or Allah has

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somebody accept Islam on someone. That's for Allah.

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But for most of us,

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we live and die without a single person

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entering Islam because of us. Then what will

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happen? We will go to Jannah? No. That's

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said, your job is to make the effort.

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You make the effort. The results are in

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the hand of Allah

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will give

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the Hidayat to Sirata Mustaqim, whoever

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he wishes.

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And that's why

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I remind myself and you let us constantly

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remember this

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and assess ourselves

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on this to say this is the framework

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criterion that has been given by Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala, how do I fit into this?

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And if there is anything which is lacking,

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then we should make the effort to

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fulfill it. And we ask Allah

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to make it easy for us and to

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