Lauren Booth – Lost Treasures #2 – Benefits in the Turkish Breakfast

Lauren Booth
AI: Summary © The speaker describes a breakfast in Turkey that is made from a combination of flavors, including flavors of Subhanra, sweet and dampened foods, and spices. The breakfast is designed to eliminate negative attributes by combining all of their attributes together to eliminate them. The breakfast is recommended for people to eat in a healthy and balanced way, and the speaker gives a breakdown of the breakfast ingredients and their taste.
AI: Transcript ©
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Living in Turkey, one of my absolute favorite things is the special supreme Turkish breakfast. And I've always suspected that there is some sort of chemical magic at play in this. None of this has grown out of just leftovers in the kitchen. They've really thought about this. There is a combination of flavors here that works. And I wonder if it's actually good for us. Allah, Allah has told us that for everything, everything there was a cure. Yeah, so for every illness, there's a cure, so we just have to look for it. Yeah. And the first place we look is in the natural world isn't isn't the herbs, it's in the foods SubhanAllah. The way it's made prophetically is that the

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problem connoisseur I sent him used to eat balanced foods. So he would eat dates with cucumbers, because dates are heating and cucumbers are cooling. But he would also have butter with honey, because butter would be considered cooling and honey would be considered heating. And having the perfectly balanced temperature is like their effect on your internal body. That was what's going to make it easier for you to digest it. The interesting thing is, traditionally, foods were categorized based on whether they were heating, cooling, dampening or drying. So for instance, honey would be considered a warming food, but it was moisturizing. And butter would be considered a cooling food,

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but it was dampening. So when the problem products I sent him would combine these two foods together, it was to combine all of their positive attributes and eliminate their negative attributes by showing them together. So if you were to eat butter, which is cool and damp, and honey, which is warming and moisturizing, these two are actually going to help balance out each other. So you eliminate the negative effects, you still get the positive effects, but you're not going to get the negative effects. If it's just cucumbers, and cheese, that's not as good as having cucumbers cheese with some honey on the side. The other thing, if you notice with the Turkish breakfast is that

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Mediterranean, Chinese Indian always had six different flavors on the table. And these six different flavors are actually what's optimal for digestion, your body can digest food, if it's only one type of food, it needs to have that balance. So the olives are considered fermented. So that sour taste actually helps stimulate your digestive system, it stimulates the liver, the tomatoes, the cucumbers, they're nourishing, I mean, this is full of water hydrating, so it actually helps your digestive system it doesn't it's not just dry foods. Whereas if you compare it to the walnuts that is hot and dry, so walnuts might heat you up, because they're a sea, they'll make you feel warmer on

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the inside. But they're also drying because they require moisture to be broken down.

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And all of the ancients would have somehow known this, how did they know? Because people were in tune to their body. So all of these things, they noticed, they could notice how their stomach digested food, you notice by the output, yeah, how food comes out. This is how people traditionally knew whether they were eating in balanced or not, they were really in tune to all the different flavors that they were consuming, and the effects that it would have on their body. You shouldn't feel heavy after a meal. It shouldn't feel hard to digest. It shouldn't make you lethargic. If that's what you feel after you eat that means you're not eating in the right balance.

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And of course, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him so famously said, you you eat a third for food, and a third for drink and the third the air, right? Have you ever considered how much is a third? No, I actually measured it. Okay, so our stomach is about a liter. Okay, so a third would be considered a cup. A cup. So you're supposed to eat a cereal bowl worth of food. That's it. Okay, that is it. That is considered the maximum you're supposed to eat at a meal.

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I get the sense that some of these are natural, these plates, and some of them are not organically normal to a Turkish traditional breakfast took us through the combination on this plate, this plate and this case. Well, I mean, obviously this point with the fries and the sausages, this is a more of a modern cuisine, this is more to appease tourists. That's why these things are made, but only the burek would be considered traditional. So if we can move the board over to that would play. Yeah. And then we can talk about how that would interact.

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Now, here you have your tomatoes and your cucumbers. But you notice this is part of their summer cuisine. They wouldn't be eating this necessarily all year round, because tomatoes and cucumbers don't grow all year round. And the Turks are actually amazing at keeping up with what's winter foods and summer foods. And we don't have that unfortunately, in North America, that standard American diet that everyone's eating every day is doesn't have the 60s So another thing in traditional cuisine, whether it's Chinese or Indian, or Mediterranean is that they also focus on different tastes so obviously salt draws moisture to your mouth in the digestive system when you eat bitter

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now normally Turks will have arugula on the table, but what it does is it's a bitter and so it's stimulate like the liver. Maybe it is rocket Yeah, it's the same as rocket, the arugula. I think they call it

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Roca here in Arabic would be jet Agenzia they call it desert. No, it's you would find this very common in the Mediterranean. So the Middle East Greece, Italy, it's very common to combine bitter foods, bitter green foods with your other foods because it helps your liver digest them. It helps stimulate more bile into the system. Whereas if you're only eating things that are starchy, meat and sweet, then you're missing all the things that are going to create those enzymes in your body to digest the food better. So that's the Turkish breakfast and we've broken it down for you. I kind of knew that I didn't want to eat too much of this. I'm just getting a bit tired. When I was eating it,

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it's very salty, not the ball right? The ball rack is good, because it's made so fresh over here. But these two plates if you have these at breakfast, they'll fill you up for a good part of the day mashallah and leave us in a in a healthy condition. Hope you found this really useful. Subscribe to my channel for more like this filarmonica

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