Karim Abuzaid – END OF THE WORLD #1

Karim Abuzaid
AI: Summary © The upcoming Day of Resurrection is a significant event that requires more information and details about the upcoming death of the Earth and the loss of the Book of Joy. The speakers emphasize the importance of giving more information and details about the death of the Earth and the upcoming death of the Earth. The concept of the "will" that causes death of believers and evil people is discussed, along with the "will" of the church and its implications for the future of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Then you shall have to explain you

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in Alhamdulillah Nakamoto who want to stay in who wants to fill?

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One hour the villa Himanshu fusina. Woman say Dr. Molina

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Mejia de la bufala Mobile Nola woman your little fella ha de Allah. Wa shadow Allah illallah wa de hula de cada why she had to say Donna wanna Vienna Mohammedan Abu la hora solo brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. And welcome again to the inevitable journey. Brothers and sisters in Islam.

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The scholars of this oma the eminent ones, the Wise the people who really care about the condition of the Muslims these days have looked into what is the most important thing in this guidance that can revive the Muslims again and bring them back to the path to the deen

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bring, bring them back to rejuvenate their Deen the religion and to renew their commitment

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and they have not found anything better in the guidance, then, reminding them with the Day of Resurrection, with the hour with the Day of Judgment with the day of reckoning with the Day of Gathering this day, brothers and sisters in Islam

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala talked about it explicitly and in abundance in the Quran.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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told us great things about it.

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A lot of details, brothers and sisters in Islam regarding this day, in the Quran, and in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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has it been for this day brothers and sisters in Islam? The oppressed will disappear. Because they know if there is no judgment in the day for resurrection, then no one will give them the rights back. Has it been for this day brothers and sisters in Islam? the oppressor will continue on oppressing and committing more injustice towards the oppressed. Has it been for this day brothers and sisters in Islam? The rich would not have given the pool has it been for this day brothers and sisters in Islam? The strong has it will not be helping the needy, the weak. Has it been for this day brothers and sisters in Islam? No one will be working.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned this day in the Quran. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned this day in his Sunnah. A lot of the Muslims brothers and sisters in Islam. They only know a little bit about the Dave resurrection. And they say believing in something is a branch of visualizing what you believe in. We recall the statement that hawala Ignasi they will be very robiola one. And the details are Mr. Muslim, when he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to describe for us the Day of Judgment, Jenna and Hellfire like we would see it with our own eyes. This is what we need to do brothers and sisters in Islam in the inevitable journey is to

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grant or give more information, more details about this day, so that you will become aware of the fact that everything that you will do, from now on and everything that

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You do in the face of this earth. You will see the result of this work on this day. Brothers and sisters in Islam. This is a day that is 50,000 years long and is not far away. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran in O'Meara Hua Hua, either one ah ha kariba the disbelievers see this day far away. And Allah subhanho wa Taala sees it very near to them. Allah subhanho wa Taala describe this day brothers and sisters in Islam to be a heavy day in

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a boon Allah Jalla ya una hora

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de la indeed those meaning the disbelievers, they love the quick passing, they love this world. And they are unmindful of a heavy day that they will come later on, meaning the day of reckoning, meaning the day for resurrection, brothers and sisters in Islam, before Lila, by the grace and the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In the inevitable journey, we talked about death. And we briefly talked about some of the minor signs of the deficit reduction, focusing on the trials and the tribulations and their overwhelming types and kinds, and the increase that Earth will experience towards the end of it. And then we focused on the connecting sign between the minor signs of the Day

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of Resurrection. And then we given a lot of attention to the major signs focusing on the group that will happen first, in the face of this earth, meaning the Antichrist, meaning the second coming of Messiah alayhis salam, and huge and huge and then we reached here, the last episode, we talked about the fact that

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the day for the reduction will happen or the hour will occur while the worst of people will be living in the face of this earth. And it is the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala to the believers as the Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Quran and narrated by Abdullah have now moved the loss of the Allahu anhu ma FISA Mr. Muslim, that Allah subhana wa Taala will send a wind,

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a soft wind, like the silk that will take the souls the life of all the bleed the lives of all the believers, all the people who believe in that ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah will die because of this when

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Allah said, What

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are the illa sharara ness and only the most evil people or the evilness of evil will stay in earth. Then what led him to kusa and the hour will happen on on while they are alive? If there is a brothers and sisters in Islam, that you are to make is to ask Allah Subhana Allah to take your life that Allah subhanho wa Taala will make you get a share of that wind that he will send in order for you to leave because the hour will take place on the worst people on those living on the face of this earth. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Hadith NSE Malik rhodiola one he said, let them go and the Hadith inside a Muslim letter kusa had

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to fill out Allah, Allah, Allah, the hour will not come and until the name of Allah will not be mentioned, there is another wording of this ha de la ilaha illAllah La ilaha illAllah and there is another wording, when the people are asked, How did you learn about this word Allah? How did you learn about La ilaha illAllah they will say, we heard our fathers, we heard our mothers, we heard our ancestors saying this, and we're just repeating it. We have no clue. We don't have any idea what it means. Brothers and sisters in Islam, the most ethical hacking. I did I decided, why shouldn't I be

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included? He was willing to tell me how did I decide to do the alarm on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that letter Cusato Hata you had to elevate. The hour will will not the hour will come when a time when the people will not in a time when people will not go and perform Hajj or Umrah other wording no fasting nausicaa the deen will be demolished from the face of this earth and the people will be

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so forgetful of Allah subhanho wa Taala and of the deen and this is when by the way that Kava will be destroyed a stone by stone and the Hadith is authentic Khalid Abu hurayrah rhodiola Han and the Hadith is a Muslim Allahu alayhi wa sallam said you heard they will come back as to why katene and he described actually the facial and the body description, attributes and characteristics of this man, someone who will come from a senior and he will come to destroy the Canada because no one would be making Hajj to Canada or making ombre Takada anyways. So, those are the types of evil that the our will occur, why they are living brothers and sisters in Islam. Did you know that the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Hadith is Bukhari and Muslim identify the day on which the hour will happen? He said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ebihara Ravi Mohan Hiroo Yeoman tala tala he shuns the best day that son ever rose on yo Juma is the day Friday fee Hello, fi Holika Adam on this day, Adam was created and on this day he was admitted to gender and on this day he was taken out of gender and placed into Earth and on this day the cool Messiah. The hour will take place on this day in the world with an 11 nessa e Rahim Allah wafi enough ha wafi his Sokka the first last the first blue in the trumpet will take place on Friday. And also there is a reduction will take place on

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Friday as well. Brothers and sisters in Islam Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually, in another wording had he said that if I love your loved one, and

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he was soon an AVI that would identify the time on which the hour will take place. He said on a Friday when the time for dawn for ledger is here until the sun rises every Friday brothers and sisters in Islam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us why mom and dad but in Illa hiya mushy ha shafique Amina Sarah, and every animal is in a state of anxiety and fear because of the awaiting and the anticipation of the hour happening at this time, accept mankind and jinn kind. Do those people deserve brothers and sisters in Islam the hour to happen at their time? Yes, they do. Yes, they do. He is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned them about the conditions that

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they would be in for the hour to occur at the time that they do not remember Allah subhanho wa Taala they are forgetful of the dean. They even were told about the time on which the hour will take place but they are heedless brothers and sisters in Islam. They are forgetful of Allah they are forgetful of the sooner they are forgetful of the Herat and Allah will be forgetful of them and the hour will take place on their time. Let's find out how the hour will occur after a short break. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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justice will be brought to

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you shall have to explain you

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