Christians split into 3 groups & the Aid they were sent

Karim Abuzaid


Channel: Karim Abuzaid

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The speaker discusses a legal dispute related to a church's practices. They mention a church's allegedly "willingness" to comply with regulations related to the litigation, and speculate about the origins of the dispute. The speaker concludes that the dispute is a matter for litigation and concludes that the church's actions are part of a larger larger initiative.

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And the and the last, I have.

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This Aya,

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I tried looking at the tafsir,

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like, they they became,

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you know, dominant or whatever. I looked at

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the tafsir,

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several the the versions of the tafsir, and

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they say that, you know, you know, this

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the Christians split into 3. And, like,

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the 2 groups,

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you know, the 2,

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deviant groups, they basically over

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powered, you know, the the believing group. But,

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I'm just a little bit lost how and

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they say that they've the believing group became

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dominant because of the prophet's

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message. Could you, like, explain that?

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I think I had a whole, hope on

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as far as I remember.

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my admin can

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dig it out.

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It's about

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Basically I was connecting,

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Saf with Al Jumma because the Surah that

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comes after the Saf is Al Jumaa. Right?

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No? Or

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What's what comes I'm I'm not sure. I'll

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Jumah. I'll Jumah. I think it's Jumah. If

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I'm not mistaken, Jumah.

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Look at the curves. I keep

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it is El Jumah. I can I can

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I can look it up? Yeah. Just verify

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as I'm talking. Verify.

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what you mentioned is correct

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that the,

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the Christians,

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split into 3 main groups. We know that

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they split into 72,

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but at the time there were 3,

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which really were the base for the,

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rest of the,

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splitting. Subgroups came out, from these 3.

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2 of them were Abun Shirk

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and one who said that Jesus, peace be

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upon you, Isa, Iblumariyam, Israel Rasoolullah.

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And he was sent to,

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bring Tawhid to the world like all

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the previous messengers before

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Now brothers and sisters in Islam,

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conquer the one

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in reference

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Nicaea Conference.

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When they met

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in Nicia,

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the year

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after Prophet Isa Alaihi Salam was born,

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you know, they they basically

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the Pauline Theology, the distorted version of Christianity,

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which was initiated in Europe and Cyprus begin

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with in Southern Italy

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at the hands of a man called Paul,

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a self claimed disciple who never met Jesus

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in his life.

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So they adopted that which is the living

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Christians now. That is a Christianity now. The

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distorted Christianity now.

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The doctrine of atonement that someone has to

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die for your sins.

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The sun, the trinity, and all that stuff.

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So that's what they they adopted

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when they

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met. But Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala aided that

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by sending

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by sending prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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And read the second verse in Suratul Jummah.

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I think, we have somebody who confirmed Sultanah

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here confirmed that, yes, it is

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Oh, That's

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that's the aiding

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which, is mentioned at the very end of

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Surah Asaf.

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The aiding year is by sending Rasulullah

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the distortion

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which the Christians,

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infused into their,

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scriptural or textual

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and to clarify

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that is what is sent by it.

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that is what is sent by it.