Kamil Ahmad – The Nature Of Fasting #2

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The Prophet Muhammad's busy life, including his time during the time of the time period, his time in the time period, and even during his time in the time period, were discussed. The struggles of Islam during the time of the time period, including the loss of writing books and the struggles of its leaders, were also discussed. The importance of fasting and intentions behind actions is also emphasized. The transcript highlights the historical and cultural context of the concept of fasting, including its impact on people's behavior and deducting blood during deicing.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rahman Al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam ala to manioc Milani Allahu Allah. Allah He urged Marine. While early he was so happy woman Tebbe Combi son Isla Yomi Diem,

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which I mean many SME una COVID have to be una cena mean rial benign Amin and my bad As Salam Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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In the last episode,

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we went through an introduction

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on the series that we're going to be going through during this month of Ramadan

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in which we are going through the book of shareholder Islam, even Tanea

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Rahim Allah Hakuhodo cm, or the nature or the essence of fasting.

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And so today in sha Allah hota Allah we

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first will start with a brief look at the life of Ibn Taymiyyah.

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And it's also important to you don't get to know the author of this book. Even though he is very famous, perhaps there are many who are unaware of him.

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And so even Taymiyah His name is Muhammad

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Ibn Abdul Halim Ibn Abdul Salam.

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And his most common title was even Taymiyah. He was born in the year 661

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According to the hingedly calendar, and 1263. According to the Gregorian calendar, in the city of Hebron, he was born in the city of Huron, which is in modern day Syria.

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He came from a family of scholarship. And so his grandfather was a well known renowned scholar of the Henneberry method.

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I will borrow cat, Majid, the dean, and also his father was a scholar as well of Hadith. And he was also a hot lead in the grand Masjid in Damascus in the masjid, Masjid. And his name was she had with Deen Abdullah Holly

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even Tamia was brought up by his father and acquired knowledge from him as well. And at the age of seven, at the age of seven, his family

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basically migrated and moved to Damascus, fleeing the Mongol invasion. And so even Taymiyah lived in a time when the Mongols had invaded,

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you know, very large

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portions of Muslim land. And so they ransacked by the dad, they took over Iraq, and they were entering into Syria, and they were approaching

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Damascus and beta knock this. And so

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in taneous family, they fled the Mongol invasion, and so they ended up in Damascus. And so when he was in Damascus, that is where he studied under the many scholars of Damascus.

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It is recorded that he studied under over 200 scholars. And this is in all the various fields of knowledge of Islamic Studies, Arabic literature, grammar, tifosi, Hadith, fiqh, and especially the humbly folk

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besides that even other fields of knowledge like mathematics, history, astronomy, and medicine, all of this, he studied, and it was the tradition of the scholars to study all of these various fields of knowledge from a very early age, even Taymiyah was known for his memory and his intelligence.

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Something that we could say was, you know, God given Allah subhanahu wa Tada, gifted him with that. And so he started issuing fatawa at a very early age at the age of 19. And he started teaching at the famous school daughter, Hadith.

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In the police of his father, who basically died when the Sheikh was in his early 20s.

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As for His Life and Times had been Tanea

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was distinguished

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with many examples of in his lifetime of where

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he would commend the good forbid the evil,

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performed jihad, in the path of Allah subhanho wa taala,

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against the Mongols, and their invasion, and until he combined between the roles of teaching, issuing fatawa, and writing, he combined all of this with implementation of what he would preach.

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And so, there are many examples of how he would command the good and forbid the evil with force.

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you know, his refutations of the various

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deviant ideologies that were existent in his time.

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And also the various philosophies that existed in his time.

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And also, as we mentioned, his participation in the jihad against the Mongols, and that was in the year 702,

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of the Hijiri calendar.

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But like, like all,

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you know, true pious scholars

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who treaded the path of the prophets and messengers, even Taymiyah went through much trial. He went through many trials and tribulations in his life. And this is

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this is the Sunnah of Allah subhanho wa Taala that

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he puts to test those who are closest to him subhanho wa Taala as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that those who have gone through the most trials and tests are the Prophets and Messengers, and then those who followed in their footsteps. And so

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you know, this is what we find among all the famous genuine scholars in Islamic history, from the time of the self, from the time of the tabby arena, the Tabata the Reign, until this very day, until this very day.

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They are, you know, opposed, they are, they are counted against because of them standing up for the truth and standing up for conveying the true message of Allah subhanho wa taala. Because of that, they face resistance. And because of that, they are, are, you know, they are opposed, they are resisted. They are taken in by the authorities, they are put in prison, they are tortured,

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and so on and so forth.

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That's why Mm

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hmm. Muhammad had been humble, who himself went through,

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you know, a famous trial and tribulation. He says

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Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah he says, when Allah subhanho wa Taala gift someone from among the people of knowledge, with something of knowledge, while his peers are deprived of it, they become envious of him.

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His peers become envious of him. And then they accuse him of what he is innocent of.

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And so he says, what an evil treat that is in the people and the people of knowledge. So, among

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those, among those who cause affliction, to these true genuine scholars, or

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other scholars or people who have not reached the level of true scholarship, who become envious, you know, they have this envy in their hearts, when they see someone

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who has basically surpassed them in knowledge and acceptance

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and acceptance that Allah subhanho wa Taala places in hearts, in the hearts of His servants.

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And so,

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you know, the opponents of Ibn Taymiyyah

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they, they are the ones who basically from from among the the scholars, they are the ones who caused him to go through what he went through

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his ordeal of being put in

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He's in and whatnot. That was as a result of that was as a result of

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scholars. And so

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he wrote various books. And because of those books, you know, these people, these scholars of the Russia IRA,

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they, you know, basically got the authorities to put him in prison. And so,

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you know, he wrote his book called wasabia and also adhamiya.

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Both of these books are books of al Qaeda,

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highlighting the athlete of the Sunnah will Gemma and refuting refuting the al Qaeda of the machetes in particular. And so because of that,

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he was imprisoned.

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Eventually he was summoned to Egypt. He was summoned to Egypt, and imprisoned there in the year 705

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According to the Hijiri calendar, and he spent almost 18 months in prison in Egypt.

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And then he was released.

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And then he was deported or exiled to Alexandria in the year 709. And there he spent another eight months in prison.

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And then he was imprisoned again in the year 720

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for another five months.

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And then he was imprisoned after that in the year

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726. And this is the year in which

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the sheriff he passed away.

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And he passed away in prison.

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And so he passed away in prison in the year 726, of the hinges of the hedgehog.

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it is said that the sheer

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he felt sick for a few days that led to his death. And

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he would recite the Quran very often.

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And so he was reciting the Quran, you know, completing his recitation of the Quran until he reached surah two comma

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and he concluded it and these were his last words. The very end of sortal clamor where Allah subhanho wa Taala says in them with a cleaner future net in one hour fee Maka IDOC. The cleaning Deniliquin did indeed the righteous will be among Gardens and Rivers in a seat of honor near Allah subhanho wa Tada the most significant, the king, Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And so even Taymiyah he left behind,

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you know, a legacy.

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He left behind a legacy

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in terms of the knowledge that he passed on.

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And so it was not only in the form of books, but also students.

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And so some of the leading scholars of that time who came right after it had been Tamia were students of Ibn Taymiyyah.

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And so you have the most famous student of even tenure if you're playing him, and Josie.

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You also have emammal the heavy

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you also have you been Kathy

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you also have L Mizzi, the famous Hadith scholar, even Abdulhadi, Al Bazar, and all of these other famous scholars, all of who benefited from the ship and carried on his legacy.

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But besides that he left behind. He left behind an entire ocean of knowledge in the books that he had written.

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And because of the resistance against him, and opposition that existed

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to him and to his writings, and to his teachings.

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None of his books were allowed to be circulated.

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Even though he wrote so many books,

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and with his death, it was thought that that's it. You know, his legacy won't continue.

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And this is something that even some of his students had feared because his

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His books were banned.

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Even though he had written so many

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a share who lived in the era of shareholder Sam even Taymiyah,

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he says, and his name is Mohammed bin moodily.

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He's he says, I swear by Allah,

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by the will of Allah, Allah will surely resurrect,

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and give trials to this speech, meaning, the words of shakoora Sam and his writings, to spread it, to record it, to cause understanding of it, to deduce its intended meanings, and to sanction its Marvel's men who are currently in the backbones of their fathers.

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This is the Ongoing Sunnah of Allah with his servants and his land.

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What he said here was,

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that Allah will give rise to people who do not exist today.

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Allah will give rise

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to servants of his who will extract these works of entertainment

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and bring them out to the world. And that is exactly what happened. Over we could say over the last 100 years or so,

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with the circulation of the words of the Potamia where you have

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his fatawa

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which exist and have been compiled in, you know, 10s 2030 volumes. And that's just his fatawa and his short, you know, rasa, short books that he had written. Besides that there are volumes upon volumes that had been published today. And so his works are coming out.

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And this is because this is the Sunnah of Allah subhanho wa taala. What is the Sunnah of Allah? It's as Imam Malik said,

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that whatever was for the sake of Allah, it will last Allah will cause it to last forever.

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And so that is the Sunnah of Allah, whatever was done sincerely for the sake of Allah, it will remain and whatever was not done sincerely for the sake of Allah, it will eventually diminish it will eventually disappear.

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And that is the Sunnah of Allah,

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that you had people who did things for other than his sake, for other than the sake of Allah. And it did not. It did not last. It became buried in the annals of history.

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Whereas things that were done sincerely for the sake of Allah, those individuals and their works are mentioned.

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Those individuals and their works are mentioned.

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And so among the books that he left behind me, anhydrous sunnah and number Ouija,

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which is a

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refutation of the raw fever of the Shia, his famous book, the tower, illogical one knuckle in which he critiques

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Hillman Kalam and this idea that we need speculative theology and that we need to deduce our Aqeedah from Rational philosophical thought.

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Also, his book knocked at Texas or to Lisa jamea, which is along the same lines, electrolyte Serato Mr. Beam,

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which is a book talking about imitating the kuffar. Also a sorrel Miss Lulu Anusha tomato, Zul refutation of or talking about the rulings pertaining to those who mock the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi, wasallam and Joab. So he remembered that he did on the sea,

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which is a book refuting the Christians

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in many, many other books

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that have been published until today.

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And so, this is a brief biography of Shiva Islam, even Taymiyah.

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And it's only, you know, a drop in the ocean of his life otherwise, you know, we could go on and on mentioning various stories from his life.

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And it is because of this,

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that there's no doubt that he rightfully deserved the title of sheerly Islam the share of Islam

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and so, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to reward the share with goodness and grant him a fair dose of Allah and you

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We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to cause those after him to benefit from his knowledge

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after that, we move on to

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our book that we want to cover. During these sessions, you're going to learn

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and this is the book entitled, How clean clutter free up.

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Hopefully you've got

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by Ibn Taymiyyah

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and so

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this book,

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basically, it's a very short book, and what it actually discusses and what it goes through

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is actually those things that

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cause the fast to be broken. So, the things that invalidate

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our fast those things that

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cause our CM, our fast to become invalidated.

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And so, there are many other rulings pertaining to fasting that shirk did not speak about

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in this book.

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And so, when the scholars, when they talk about the rulings pertaining to fasting, they actually go through many more things besides just the things that break the fast and so, the first thing they talk about for example, is the intention or even before that, who fasting

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is obligatory upon and so, they talk about how fasting the month of Ramadan is obligatory upon

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is obligatory upon the

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upon the person who has reached the age of puberty and how it is obligatory upon those

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who are seen.

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And it is obligatory upon

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every single Muslim who has these qualities.

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And then they talk about the intention and how

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the intention behind

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how the intention behind fasting, when is it supposed to be pronounced or when is it supposed to be held in your heart. And so the intention behind our Rebadow is always in the heart, it is not something that we pronounce,

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it is not something that we verbally say.

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And so they talk about how the obligatory fast of Ramadan, it suffices for us to have the intention once at the beginning of the month, that I'm going to fast for this month, I'm going to fast forward this month.

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And so,

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the intention is not like every single night, you make the intention to fast

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but rather, you make one intention at the beginning of the month

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as for what we are supposed to stay away from when we fast and this is, this is what the scholars really go delve into, deep into,

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pertaining to what breaks are fast and what does not break our fast.

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there are those things that scholars they spoke about in the past, about the things that break our fast

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and they basically

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mentioned things that were relevant to them.

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And then there are things that we have today. There are so many things that we have today that have you know, come up

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due to the due to the age in which we live in.

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Where we have many contemporary things that many people are confused about. Do these things break the fast or not?

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Especially medical really

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I get it, like, you know, certain medical treatments,

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certain injections, certain things going into our body

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for, you know, to check our bodies and so on and so forth, all of these things, all of these things

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can basically

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be extracted from those rulings that the scholars have spoken about in the past.

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And this is what is known as PS wear.

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You are looking for the ruling of something in our Sharia that you don't have

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a precedent for

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you don't, it's something new, you don't have an ayah in the Quran, or a hadith that has mentioned it. So what do you do? What are you supposed to do?

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This work he asked comes in, yes, is used when you know, you,

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you need to find the ruling of something and you find something similar. You find something similar to that.

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And you apply, for example,

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what is the ruling concerning the various narcotics and drugs that we have today that never existed in the past? So the scholars when they need to figure out the ruling concerning that, what do they do?

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They they look back, and they see, okay, so we have the ruling concerning intoxicants, we have the ruling concerning

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And it does the same thing. It does the same thing intoxicates the individual so therefore, the same ruling applies to these narcotics and these drugs, because they do the same thing. And so this is called using PS to come up with

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to basically come up with a ruling.

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And so even Taymiyah what he talks about here in this book, how can you click to freedom, which has been translated into English

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as the nature of fasting, this book has been translated into English as the nature of fasting.

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it has been published by Dar Salam

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what Ibn Taymiyyah talks about in this book is actually those things that break the fast that were relevant, and that existed in his

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in his day and age.

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So we're gonna have a look at, you know, basically when he talks about insha, Allah to Allah, and if there are any other, if there are any other

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modern day contemporary things that we can add to that to what he mentioned, then we'll do that in sha Allah Jota Otto over the course

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over the course of these sessions in the heat

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so let's start even Taymiyah he starts

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He starts by praising Allah subhanho wa taala.

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He starts by praising Allah subhanahu wata, Anna seeing the hotbar hija.

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And then after that,

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after that, he

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starts by mentioning after that he starts by mentioning that

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things that break the fast or have two categories or that they are of two kinds. You have those things that

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have been mentioned in the text in the Quran or in the Sunnah, we have a clear cut text and there is unanimous agreement about

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and there is unanimous agreement about

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and then you have those things, the second category, those things that scholars have mentioned that these things break the fast, but they have disputed. So there is a valid difference of opinion among the scholars concerning these things.

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And so, he starts by mentioning

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He starts by mentioning

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The first category and that is that which breaks the fast by unanimous unanimous agreement by hmm.

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And so,

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he says

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among that which, you know, is agreed upon by unanimous agreement that that which brings the fast is eating and drinking and sexual *. These three things you mentioned eating, drinking, and intimate relations, sexual *. And so, he mentions the area

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in Surah Baqarah where Allah subhanahu Attallah says, Phil unabashedly ruhuna weatherbeeta will not cut up Allahu lecom work who was horrible had Dieter the IANA Hola, como Hi util available, you know how you kill us? What do you mean and fragile?

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Allah subhanahu wa taala are mentioned.

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After mentioning the commandment to fast was pen Huhtala mentioned.

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Therefore now,

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meaning once the The night has come,

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it's permissible for you to have those intimate relations with your wives.

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And eat and drink, and eat and drink until

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until surgery until basically, you're able to distinguish between

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the white and the black thread

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meaning until the light of dawn has appeared in the sky, so, signaling that the time of fragile has started. So, this shows us this shows us that these three things have been mentioned have been mentioned here in this one area in the Quran, eating drinking and and sexual *. And so even tinier, he says here Allah subhanho wa Taala permitted them to have these intimate relations during the nighttime of Ramadan.

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Therefore, it is understood, it is understood

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that what is meant by fasting is to stay away from these three things.

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Therefore, he says Therefore, it is understood from this ayah it is understood that what is meant by fasting is to stay away from eating from drinking and from intimate relations.

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And then he mentions that Allah subhanho wa Taala before this in the previous verses, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned Yeah, you Hello, Dina Ave cootie Valley como Suyama camera coup de ballerina mean cleverly comme la la quinta taco, or you who believe fasting has become prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you so that perhaps you will attain a Taqwa even Taymiyah he mentioned how

00:33:19 --> 00:33:25

it was understood from this area. It was understood from this is what fasting meant, meaning

00:33:26 --> 00:33:29

what should we be staying away from when we're fasting because

00:33:30 --> 00:33:33

the very meaning of fasting is to abstain.

00:33:34 --> 00:33:38

The very meaning of fasting is to abstain from something

00:33:40 --> 00:33:57

and so they understood the meaning of swim. Because here Allah commanded them, you Halina m&e could either Alec Austria, fasting has now become prescribed for you. And what was meant by this by this idea was the fasting of Ramadan.

00:33:58 --> 00:34:01

So he mentioned here

00:34:02 --> 00:34:13

that the word of cm, the word LCM was something that was well known to them to the sahaba. And

00:34:15 --> 00:34:20

you know, even before Islam, they knew that fasting

00:34:21 --> 00:34:25

it means to abstain from certain things.

00:34:29 --> 00:34:37

And so when Allah commanded them that now you have to fast they knew what what that meant. And so he mentioned the Hadith

00:34:39 --> 00:34:43

the Hadith of the Isha Radi Allahu anha, which is mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim

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00:34:47 --> 00:34:56

the day of the Ashura the day of Ashura used to be a day that Quraysh used to fast enjoy Helia

00:34:58 --> 00:35:00

that the day

00:35:00 --> 00:35:13

of Ashura, which is the 10th of Muharram It was a day that the the people of Quraysh they would actually fast in pre Islamic days.

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00:35:20 --> 00:35:22

and then he mentioned even Taymiyah mentions how

00:35:24 --> 00:35:27

it is well established, it is well established

00:35:29 --> 00:35:40

that before Ramadan fasting Ramadan became mandatory and prescribed fasting the day of Ashura was

00:35:41 --> 00:35:43

was also prescribed.

00:35:44 --> 00:35:49

And so, basically before Ramadan, before

00:35:51 --> 00:35:55

fasting Ramadan became obligatory became mandatory,

00:35:58 --> 00:36:01

it was not that the Muslims never used to fast at all,

00:36:02 --> 00:36:08

there were days that they used to fast and among these days was the 10th of the Hydra

00:36:09 --> 00:36:13

and that is a day that was

00:36:16 --> 00:36:18

it was prescribed to fast that day.

00:36:21 --> 00:36:29

And until they knew what the meaning of fasting was, this is before fasting of Ramadan became prescribed.

00:36:32 --> 00:36:38

And fasting, the month of Ramadan did not become prescribed until the Muslims migrated to India

00:36:40 --> 00:36:42

until they had migrated to India. So you're talking about

00:36:44 --> 00:36:46

you know, more than 13 years

00:36:47 --> 00:36:52

in which the Muslims were practicing the deen, but there was no

00:36:53 --> 00:36:58

there was no obligation to fast or too fast the month of Ramadan. So,

00:36:59 --> 00:37:05

this did not mean that they did not fast at all, but rather, they did faster days. And among these days,

00:37:06 --> 00:37:13

among these days was the day of Ashura among these days was the day of Ashura.

00:37:26 --> 00:37:28

And then, after that the ship he mentions

00:37:34 --> 00:37:36

he mentions after that

00:37:39 --> 00:37:40

that basically

00:37:41 --> 00:37:47

besides this another thing that also breaks the fast another thing that also

00:37:49 --> 00:37:52

causes the fast to become invalid

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00:38:00 --> 00:38:03

is the menstrual period for women.

00:38:05 --> 00:38:14

And so, he says this is by unanimous agreement of all the scholars. This is by unanimous agreement of all the scholars. And this is based on

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this based on various Hadith,

00:38:20 --> 00:38:24

the most famous of which is the hadith of Aisha Radi Allahu anha.

00:38:26 --> 00:38:44

And, you know, this is something that there is unanimous agreement upon that a woman who is in her menstrual period, and that includes, obviously, post natal period after birth, the 40 odd days

00:38:45 --> 00:38:54

in which the woman is bleeding, she is not supposed to be fasting. And so this is something that prevents a person from thoracic

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and so, if a person if a woman starts bleeding

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while she's fasting,

00:39:04 --> 00:39:14

so, she starts her fast and she starts bleeding, this is something that causes her fast to to break, this is something that causes her fast of that day to become invalid.

00:39:15 --> 00:39:20

And he says this is by unanimous agreement of all the scholars of the

00:39:21 --> 00:39:33

So, here we have four things that the chef mentioned, that is by unanimous agreement, there is no dispute regarding among the things that break the fast

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00:39:37 --> 00:39:37


00:39:42 --> 00:39:44

sexual * and

00:39:47 --> 00:39:48

bleeding in the case of

00:39:49 --> 00:39:51

in the case of women.

00:39:52 --> 00:39:53


00:39:54 --> 00:39:57

the shift he will get into you know,

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details concerning

00:40:02 --> 00:40:09

when a person eats or when he drinks. What are the rulings concerning that

00:40:10 --> 00:40:22

in terms of what breaks fast and what doesn't, he's going to get into that in Sharla how to handle later on. But right now, he just wants to basically set a precedent and set a foundation

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that here we have certain things that are agreed upon. There is no dispute concerning

00:40:30 --> 00:40:43

these things that these things break the fast there is no, there is no dispute concerning that there's a by unanimous agreement by Edge math of the scholars of Islam.

00:40:44 --> 00:40:48

And then after that, after that, he then gets into

00:40:50 --> 00:40:51

he gets into

00:40:52 --> 00:40:54

other issues that we will Inshallah, who to either

00:40:55 --> 00:41:21

cover in the next session in Atlanta, as our time is coming to an end here. So inshallah Huhtala, we will suffice with this. And in sha Allah to Allah, we will see you in the next session we have been lying to Allah. Until then, Subhanak Allah who will be handed us shared with you. And so if you were to relate was Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

00:41:23 --> 00:42:07

a Somali Grafton Alberta, my name is Hassan Ibrahim. For those who might not know me, I'm the general manager of re center hamdulillah I've been part of the community operator for the last 20 years. I've seen the growth of our community from day one. Back in 2006. We bought 270 yoke lamp Oliver shortly after we realize that we need to expand not only in the physical size, but also in programs. We have plans to rebuild 270 Your claim believer but back in 2014 Everything was put on hold because the property next door to us came on sale. We jumped to the opportunity. We bought it and we took it over. In 2019. We paid $8.8 million to purchase two at Oakland Boulevard

00:42:07 --> 00:42:49

Alhamdulillah we paid it off. But with that we took $3 million. Cut the hassle half of our community. We paid back 2.5 million out of the 3 million we have today. $500,000 outstanding that is overdue for over two years and more today we need your support. We know we're going through a difficult time we know everybody is been stretched thin. And I know our community been supporting us from day one. We need to pay back this card has an urgently so we can fulfill our commitment to our congregation is some of them been patiently waiting for us for the last two years and more. So please. For more information, click the link below and support us today. We'd need your support to

00:42:49 --> 00:42:54

finally complete the purchase of 280 Oakland Boulevard Zach Kamala hair or Baraka Luffy?

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