Kamil Ahmad – Prophetic Parables – Parable #20 – The Muslims vs. The Christians & Jews

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various parables and legends that the Prophet sallam spoke of, including the people of the true scriptures and the Muslims and Christians. They also touch on the history of Islam, including its acceptance of Islam as a source of wealth and the importance of avoiding wage increases. The history of Islam is discussed, including its historical significance and the reward for hard work, as well as its importance for achieving better life. The speakers emphasize the importance of accepting Islam for the reward for work and the importance of reducing one's work load.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala at Emmanuel, Milani Allah. Allah He ultramarine while early he was a busy woman, da da da da, Western Abbess una de la Yomi Diem, alumna alumina infra frona when Santa Bhima alum Tina was in

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what arena La Bella Bella Bella Milan was what Elena and Helga Hopkin was looking at by Marina Alba villain was openacc Tina, would y'all know me man yesterday una Cola,

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una Santa Ameen. Another Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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We continue with our series on the prophetic parables. The various parables that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that are found in various ahaadeeth and So tonight we have two more parables.

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And both of these two parables are found in Sahih al Bukhari.

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The first of these parables

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is the comparison that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam made between us the Muslims, and this owner versus the

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Herald Kitab before us, the Jews and the Christians before us. And so in this hadith

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narrated by Abu Musa Alessia de rhodiola one

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in this Hadith,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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the example

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of the Muslims

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compared to the Jews and the Christians

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is like the example of a man

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who employs laborers to work for him from morning until night for a specific wage.

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So they worked until midday. And then they said we do not need your money which you have

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fixed for us. And whatever we have done, whatever, you know, work we have done, let it go to waste. We don't want your money and we don't we don't care about what we did.

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So the man he said to them, Look, don't quit the work, but rather complete the rest of it and take your wages in full

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but they refuse and they went away.

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So the man employed another batch after them and he said to them, complete the rest of the day and your wages will be will be paid

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as what I have assigned for the first batch.

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So they worked until from midday until the time of salata lawsuit, then they said,

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whatever we have done, let it go to waste Let it be an old and you keep the wages that you have promised for yourself.

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So then the man he said to them look, complete the rest of the work

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as only

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only a very little time remains until the end of the day.

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But they refuse.

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So after that, he employed another batch to work for him

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who would work for the rest of the day.

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And so this batch of laborers, they worked for the rest of the day until the sun had set.

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And they had completed the work, and they received the wages of the two former batches.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam concluded by saying that was the example of those people mean the Muslims, and the example of this light, the guidance of Islam, that they have accepted willingly.

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In another narration of the same Hadith also found in Sahih al Bukhari, but narrated by even a hammer or the Allahu Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, your example and the example of the people of the true scriptures.

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The Jews and the Christians is like the example of a man who employed some laborers, and he asked them who will work for me

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from the morning until mid date, for one key rock, and the rock was an amount of money. It is said that it was a part of a dinar.

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So the Jews, they accepted and they carried out the work. And then the man who said who will work for me from midday up until sala de la Sol for one to rot, the Christians accepted and fulfill the work. And then he said, who will work for me from answer until the sunsets for two carats.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then said you the Muslims have accepted the offer. The Jews and the Christians got angry, and they asked, why should we work for more and get less wagers. And so Allah says, had a lot asks have I withheld? Have I withheld something for you of your rate, meaning you were promised a certain wage, and you got it?

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And so they replied, in the negative and, and so Allah says, It is my blessing which I bestow upon whomever I wish.

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And so this is the Hadith comparing this oma to,

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to those two omens, the Jews and the Christians. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala, honored this oma, the owner of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by making us to be the best oma that has ever walked the face of this earth. And so, even though we have come later, we have come after the previous nations.

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We will be

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the first to enter agenda as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that

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we are the last, but we will be the first on the Day of Judgment.

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And so in this parable, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he highlighted this further

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the fact that we are the last

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and so he mentioned how we came at the end.

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But we went away with the most reward.

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he mentioned here that we came between a time period between salata laaser and Salatin mother in a very short period of time, and that is basically the end of the day. So we are the last room, there won't be another prophet, another messenger to have another following. After prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam until the Day of Judgment We are the last room. And in another Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioning, you know how short Our time is, as in compared to the previous owners, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, your lifespan, meaning this number, compared to that of the past nations is like the time between officer and Muslim. So this

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shows us that the amount of time of this oma

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will be around

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will we'll be around a quarter or maybe even less than a quarter

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what we can call time.

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And so if you were to look at the day, the day begins from fudger, until sunset,

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that amount of time from officer to model is very short, maybe a quarter or maybe even less

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and so

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Our time as an owner is very short compared to compared to those who came before us.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also mentioned in another Hadith,

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you know, highlighting how

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close the Day of Judgment is.

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He said that in November, he said that,

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boys too, was

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that I have been sent meaning

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the coming of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Day of Judgment are very close, he said, like these two fingers. And so he held his two fingers together, to show how close the coming of the Day of Judgment is,

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comparatively, compared to, you know, the nations and the civilizations that have gone before us. And so we are at the end. And, you know, the day of judgment is coming very, very soon.

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As for the parable mentioned, in this Hadith,

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as we have heard, it is concerning the reward that our own that will have, compared to the Jews and the Christians. And so even though

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this oma of ours, is around for a shorter period of time, comparatively,

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our reward with a loss of Hannah who went to Hana will be double,

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as mentioned in this hadith.

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the Jews, and the Christians have no right to object

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to say, you know, why is it that this oma

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is around for a shorter period of time.

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And they didn't do the amount of work that we have done. And yet they get double reward, more reward than us.

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As mentioned in the second narration of this hadith that we mentioned, where the Jews and the Christians they objected,

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they said, you know,

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we did more work. If you think about the parable, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentioned that and then he hires these workers. And so the first group, they worked until midday, so they worked like half a day, the second group worked from midday until also, in the last group, they worked for the shortest period of time, but yet they go, they leave with the most reward.

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So the point is, that

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the Jews and the Christians have no right to object,

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as mentioned in a second narration, and they were asked, you know, when they objected, they were asked, has Allah subhanho wa Taala

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not fulfilled, what he had promised you, you got your reward, the key rot that was mentioned.

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Now, anything extra, that Allah Subhana Allah wishes to give,

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to whoever that's, you know, his choice. What it proves the point is that a law does not do injustice to anyone.

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Whatever you have done, Allah will give you a reward for it. As long as it was done correctly,

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anything extra that Allah subhanho wa Taala decides to give, that is his choice, that is out of his own bounty out of his own grace. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala favored this

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by allowing us to work less, allowing our a bad and our deeds to be less difficult than the previous nations, but more rewarding.

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But the question here is, why did Allah subhanahu wa Tada, bless and fever, this oma

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rewarding it with the double?

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And, as mentioned in the previous narration of the Hadith, stripping the Jews and the Christians of their reward completely.

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And so the answer to that is mentioned in this hadith.

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Because this oma,

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we believed, not only in our own Prophet, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but also the previous prophets. And this is the parable

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that is mentioned in this heading.

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The group that came at the end, the group that came at the end to do their work

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If we were to look at each group, so let's look at the first group,

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the first group that was employed by this man, they are basically the Jews

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who they began their work until midday.

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And that's when they stopped.

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And so

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they refuse to continue. Even when the man he said, continue, and I'll give you your reward, they stopped. And they refuse to continue. And they even admitted, they acknowledge that we don't want the reward.

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whatever we have done, let it go to waste and we don't need your reward. We don't need our wages. This shows that they admit that they changed. They changed

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the religion of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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that they distorted the teachings of Musa alayhis salam.

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So then the second group came,

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the second group worked from midday

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until also, so they continued

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from where the first group left off, and the second group are the Christians. So they accepted, they accepted.

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Musa alayhis salam as well as his Salah.

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So when there is Ali Salaam came and told them, I am bringing to you the same thing that was sent to Musa alayhis salaam and adding to it and changing a few things they accepted. So they believed in Musa alayhis salam, as well as a salary.

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But then they also stopped their work.

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They stop their work, and they refuse to continue. And they said the same thing as the Jews that we don't want to continue our work, we'll go to waste. We don't need our wages.

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And this is basically when this is basically when Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came.

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And so when they were told to believe in Him, they refused. So the third group came, and they are the Muslims, who believed in

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who believed in prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as well as Moosa and salema Salah.

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So, they continued,

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they basically took the torch, and continued from where the Jews and Christians left off, carrying the message on

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working hard, continuing, even after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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continuing until

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the sun had set, and that,

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you know, basically signifies the setting of the sun of this dunya the coming of the Day of Judgment. And so we Muslims continued until, until the very last day, not giving up, working hard and continuing. And so that is why

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that is why we deserve we deserve a double reward.

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And so this is this beautiful parable that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives us concerning

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the difference between the Muslims and the Jews and the Christians in terms of what we accepted,

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and what we believed in,

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and how hard we work for

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and how we persisted, and we did not give up

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compared to the Jews and the Christians. And so among the lessons that we can learn

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from this hadith is first of all,

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our own map

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has been favored by Allah subhanho wa Taala over all the previous nations, whether it be the Jews, the Christians, Benny, Scott L,

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or any of the previous nations,

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this is for many reasons. This is for many reasons that are mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah. But the reason mentioned in this hadith is, as we said, that we believed in all of the prophets and the messengers, we accepted all of them.

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Unlike the Jews, and the Christians who only accepted their Prophet, and their messenger, and then when prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came, they refuse to believe in him.

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Also, our shitty

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completed all of the previous videos.

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And so that is one also among the reasons why our own is favored over the other

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They're omens, because they're, you know, shitty eyes were incomplete.

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Also, our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the best of the prophets and messengers to come. So if he was the best among the prophets, then there is no doubt that his followers would be the best and the most favored in the sight of Allah than all the previous followers of the previous prophets, and many other reasons for why Allah subhanho wa Taala favored our own over all of the previous omens and Allah Subhana who would have said in the in explicit words, that he has favored us couldn't tune hi euro emetine Ri Jacqueline

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and surah two in Surah Al e Imran Allah says that you meaning the Muslims, you are the best

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that you know has ever come

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among mankind.

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The second lesson that we learn from this hadith is that our deeds,

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meaning the deeds of

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our own,

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meaning the followers of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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are few.

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But the reward, our reward for our deeds are multiplied more than more than

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the followers of the previous prophets.

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And there are many examples of this, of how what we have been tasked with in our city is much less burdensome, then with the Jews and the Christians were tasked with

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and Allah has mentioned this in the Quran, that how he, you know,

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how he Subhana Allah

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lightened a lot of the legislations

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of the deen for us as an oma compared to the Jews and the Christians.

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And the best example of this is the solar

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our solar being originally being 50, when the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam went up to

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on the night of its right wing Mirage, and Allah commanded him

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that, you know,

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your followers must pray 5050

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Salawat in the day, when he was coming down and he met musante to send them Moosa Holly Sam told him all Mohammed, your own will not be able to handle that. So ask a lot to reduce it. And so we kept on going back and forth between musala Islam and Allah subhanahu wa tada until Allah finally reduced it to five. But the point here is five, as as mentioned in that Hadith, five, but the reward of 50. So this shows us that

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what we have been tasked with as an oma is much less burdensome. The work is the work load is very light, but the reward is more. And it basically confirms what has been mentioned in this hadith. That, you know, this was a group that came at the end.

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From the time of Al Saud, until Maghreb they worked a very short period of time.

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They didn't, you know, their work load was not as as heavy as the two previous groups, but they went away with the most reward.

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And, in reality, this is something that, you know, we should be thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala for Unfortunately, many Muslim city, we look at, in what Allah has legislated upon us, and we look at, we look at it as being as being very difficult and being very burdensome and heavy, and we complain

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and yet, the reality is opposite. Allah subhanho wa Taala took it easy with us. And you know, there are various examples in the Quran and the Sunnah of how Allah subhanahu wa tada took it easy upon us, compared to those who came before before us. And so we should be thankful, instead of being complaining. The third

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lesson that we learned from this hadith is that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not do injustice to anyone.

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While a overly maraca, your Lord does not do injustice to anyone,

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which is why the true followers of Musa alayhis salaam and Isa alayhis salam will have their full reward as mentioned in the second narration

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The man said, I will give you one key rock. And they went away with that reward.

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And so

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this only refers to those among them who worked

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according to the teachings of musala, Islam and Islam

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until their religions changed.

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So the original followers of Musa and Sal Islam, they will get the reward for what they did. And they will be from the people of Jenga. They were Muslims. And they died upon Islam.

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all the way until, until their religions changed and became distorted.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala does not do injustice, anyone, whoever worked, they will get the reward for their work, their hard work.

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But then whoever worked but worked incorrectly,

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whoever worked but worked incorrectly, then they don't deserve any reward. And this is not injustice. Because they didn't, they didn't do what they were supposed to do.

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And that shows us here in this Hadith,

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the first two groups, they worked the first group to work until mid date. And the second group worked until the hustled they worked and they deserved it, but but they decided to stop and not continue.

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And this is when they realized that you know what they are following is false what they realized that, you know, their books have become distorted, and a new messenger has come.

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A new messenger has come, and they decided to reject Him. And that was the case with regards to the Jews when he sadly Sam came, they rejected him. And with regards to the Christians and the Jews, when Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came, and they rejected him, so they don't deserve any reward. Coming to the next point, this brings us to the next point. And that is that those among the Jews and the Christians who accept Islam, they will have a double reward.

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So those among the Jews and the Christians

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from the time of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam until the day of judgment, when they accept Islam they will have a double reward.

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And this is based on that verse in sorbitol Hadid where lots of Hannah who Allah says yeah are you Latina Amman Taka LA.

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What I mean will be rosu Li, you can keep flaneur Raj Mehta that all you who believe and the scholars have to see, they say this refers to

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all you who believe it refers not only to the Muslims, but

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the followers of Musashi Salaam and the Saudis, meaning the Jews and Christians who believe in their prophets. Allah says oh, you who believe fear a lot and believe to in His Messenger, Amina Mohammed sal Allahu Allah Himself. And then if you do that, then Allah will give you a double portion of his mercy, you can keep laying Emirati, he will give you a double share of His mercy. So the scholars have to see this they say that this means that they will have a double reward. And this is further

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emphasized by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he said

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in a hadith

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the believer

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among Al Kitab basically the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said there are three, there are three, who will be given a double reward. And among these three, he mentioned,

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the believer from Al Kitab, who was a believer in his prophet and then he also believed in me in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this shows us the reason for why they get a double reward.

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The first reward is for believing in their own profit. And the second reward is for believing in prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And it shows us that Allah subhanho wa Taala did not favor

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one people over another.

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Someone who hears a hadith like this,

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or, you know, other similar verses of the Quran or Hadith where Allah talks about him favoring this

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to think, you know, why would

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A lot of favor a certain people over another, you should look at us human beings as equal. The reality is that Allah subhanho wa Taala did not favor anyone over anyone because of who they are, but rather because of what they believe in.

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And so this, this verse, talking about the double reward for the Jews and Christians and this Hadith, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained

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how, you know, the Jews and Christians will have a double reward if they believe in me as well. This shows that was not unjust, that was not favoring a certain people over another. Rather, it all depends on what you believe in. Believe in a loss of parallel human talent believe in the message that Allah has sent, regardless of who he has sent it with, and you will be rewarded by Allah, you will be favored by Allah subhana wa Tada.

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