Kamil Ahmad – Parables of the Qur’an – Parable #34 – The Mushrik (Polytheist) 4

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a parable from Islam where a woman is approached by a man who wants to convince her to join the black market. The speaker suggests that sharing one's wealth and resources with their counterparts is a way to become the master, and that people should not be afraid of their beliefs. The speaker also reminds listeners to be mindful of their actions and not be afraid of their beliefs.
AI: Transcript ©
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We move on

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to the next parable

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and this is in Surah two room

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and it continues on the theme of

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a ship and the machinery

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and so Allah subhanahu wa tada says here

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in verse number 28 of Sora talk room

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Bora Bella

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Min fusi come help me ma'am Allah get a man

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female was gonna come

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to me, he said

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the hall funa effetti come full circle

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he can

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leave me tomie de Lune

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Allah subhanahu wa tada says,

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he presents to you a parable from yourself.

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Meaning Allah has presented here a parable that is drawn from our own lives. And this is

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specifically concerning the lives of

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those who the Quran was revealed to the Arabs and the Muslim School of kurush

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who used to have slaves and so Allah subhanahu wa tada says,

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Do you have among those whom your right hands possess, meaning Do you have among your slaves, any partners in that which we have provided for you, meaning

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that Allah has provided you with wealth

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Do you have partners from your slaves, who share with you in your wealth

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the entrance fee so so that you are equal

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you are equal concerning your share of this wealth

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to Hakuna honka effetti comm and full circle

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and you would fear them as you fear one another meaning that

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in a partnership

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whenever there's a business partnership,

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partner he fears that his partner will go away with a greater share of the profit than he deserves. So our law says here

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such a partnership where you fear one another.

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And so, are your slaves

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would who are considered by you as being inferior to you.

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Do they share with you in your wealth like to business partners share their wealth while having this fear of one another?

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Is that how? Or is this is this something that exists among you?

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Because then you can fall straight on it will call me a Loon. This is how we make the signs clear for people who understand.

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And so here in this parable, Allah subhanahu wa tada compares the Missouri Kuhn, those who set up partners with a law.

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A law compares them to a master who makes his slave his partner,

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a rich, wealthy Master, who has a lot of wealth. And he says to his slave, you are my partner in this wealth, you are equal to me.

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And so here Allah subhanho wa Taala addresses those who associate partners with him in worship

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by bringing their attention to something that they would never accept, and they would never allow with regards to themselves. And that is the slaves that they possess. They would never allow these slaves to share in their wealth

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in their property in their inheritance. Just like two business partners share with one another while being cautious and fearful.

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His partner takes more than he deserves.

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And so just as you would never accept for your own selves, such a partnership with your slaves

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Why do you accept ascribing helpless partners to a lot when everything in this universe, everything in existence belongs to him subhanahu wa taala. And everything in this universe are slaves of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So the analogy here is clear cut.

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It's so vivid.

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And as we said earlier, when we spoke about parables

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that parables are always taken

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from things that we can relate to.

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And so Allah is addressing these people who, you know, slave trade and having slaves was common among them.

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And it was impossible to find a master who owns a slave, to tell the slave that you know what you are my partner in this world.

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And so a lot gives them this analogy,

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to bring their attention to the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala

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is alone

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in owning everything in this universe.

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And so therefore,

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he is alone in his deserving of worship.

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You cannot direct your worship to others, and

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say that they are partners of Allah subhanahu wa Tada.

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Rather, if you were to think about it, it makes more sense for you, to make your slaves to share with you in your wealth, then to

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attribute a partner to Allah.

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In this analogy, Allah subhanahu wa tada

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is saying that, just like a master would never do this with his slave. Likewise, it is not, it does not make sense

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to, to do this with a law when he is the master, and everyone else are the slaves of our law. But we can add to this, that

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it actually makes more sense

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to make your slaves to be your partner, then, to attribute a partner to how

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that your slaves are your brothers.

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Allah has placed them under your authority, that's all that it is.

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is simply Allah subhanho wa Taala, causing certain people to become humiliated

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and causing them to be under the authority of other human beings.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reminded us in the end of the day, these are human beings like,

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like you,

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you are the master, he is asleep. But in the end of the day, you are both human beings. And if you are a Muslim, and your slave is a Muslim, then you are brothers.

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And so treat them fairly.

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Treat them fairly. And that's why we have various Hadith, such as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advising

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a master to do basically treat his leave fairly to the point where he should share with him his clothing, and his food and so on and so forth.

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And so it makes more sense for us to share with our slaves, if we happen to have slaves, it makes more sense for us to share something of our wealth with them

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and to make them some kind of partner with what we own.

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Whereas with regards to a loss of Hannah, who had to hide, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Because a lot is on hayuk. He is the Creator and everything else besides a lot, isn't it

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Look, the creation.

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And so, that being the case, everything belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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including us, human beings, which is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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when he was asked about the most serious sin, the most dangerous

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and grievous sin that a person can ever fall into. He said, integer Allah, Allah He needs done wahaca

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to set up a rival to Allah, meaning

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to claim that there is a God besides a lot

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rivaling with Allah,

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when it is a wall who created you,

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when it is Allah who created everything? How on earth can you

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ascribe? Or how on earth can you set a rival, set up a rival with Allah, something that is a creation of a love, whether it be an idol, a tree, another human being,

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in the end of the day, they are all a part of a loss creation.

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Among the lessons that we learned from this parable is first and foremost.

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Not only is schicke

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something that Allah has prohibited, and warned us of it's severe punishment. But it is also something that does not make any sense. And it goes contrary to basic human logic and common sense.

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And that's why a lot ends the verse here by saying, Daddy can fasudil it Leave me

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alone? Does do we detail the verses that are yet for a people who will understand for a people who will reason who will use their common sense.

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And throughout the Quran, we find this that Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us argument after argument refuting schicke

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that is based on common sense. That is based on simple logic.

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Throughout the Quran, you'll find various examples of this, of how Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us arguments, evidences, parables

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that show us how illogical the nature of ship is, or the concept of ship.

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The second lesson that we learn from this parable is

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that those who will benefit

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from their human intellects

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with parables like these are those

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who are free of qualities like arrogance,

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not showing any interest to find the truth.

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And so there are many people out there in the world

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who are arrogant, who feel themselves as being

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having to submit to something.

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They don't want to be told how to live their life. They don't want to be told that you know what, there is a creator who created you, and he expects something from you.

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He expects you to submit to Him. They don't want to have any of that. And so this is a kind of arrogance. There are other people in the world who don't really care. They don't really show any interest for wanting to find the truth

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about who created us, why are we here?

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What does the creator want from us.

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And so

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such people

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will never benefit from their human intellects

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no matter how smart they may seem to be.

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But rather, those who will benefit

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from parables like these and other ayat in the Quran.

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They are those who show a genuine interest for finding the truth

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which is why they are called in

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That's why you find this throughout the Quran.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala refers to such people

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as being intelligent people,

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as being a people who use their mind.

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In a few hungry somehow work, you will walk the laughing lately when de la,

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la la la la

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in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the day and the night, there are yet there are signs for who not for anyone,

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not for all human beings,

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but rather, for people who will reason or people who will use their minds of people who will understand.

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The third lesson that we learned from this parable is

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that the only reason why these people, these machinery Kuhn and others, why they persist

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upon their shed or their Cofer.

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The only reason is because they follow they have decided

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to follow their whims and their desires, their how

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not because they genuinely believe that what they are upon is the truth.

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And here we're talking about those people who they've been shown clearly.

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All the evidence is that prove

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that Allah is one, and that he alone deserves worship, and that Islam is the truth and so on and so forth.

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If they still turn a blind eye, if they still turn away, and they persist upon their ship,

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like the people,

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the people who Ibrahim alayhis salam was giving Dawa to his people.

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After he showed them, all the evidences for the fact that Allah is one, and that he alone deserves to be worshipped without any partners. Still, they persisted upon their shit, to the point where they tried to kill him.

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The reality of such people is

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that they are people who worship their whims, their desires, and they are not a people who genuinely believe that what they are upon is the truth.

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Which is why Allah subhanho wa Taala follows this verse.

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Here in sort of Toad room, Allah follows it. The next verse, what does Allah say? belly tap Allah de novo Allah, wa, whom Bihari.

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In fact,

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the wrongdoers they merely follow their whims, their desires, with no knowledge,

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they follow their whims.

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They follow their whims and and their desires, not based on knowledge.

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So mania demon, urban Allah, so then who can guide those

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Allah has left to go astray

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when our luminosity and they will have no partners.

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And so,

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the reality of such people is

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that they have chosen this path

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to ignore the truth

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after it became clear to them

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why because they want you to follow their whims and their desires, nothing else.

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And so based upon this, we can clearly understand why such people will be punished by a lot in the accurate many people they have this dope nowadays. That How can Allah punish people so severely?

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Simply because they decided not to follow the truth set by Allah. Isn't that cruel? Isn't that too harsh?

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The answer is no.

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These people were stubborn. They were arrogant.

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After knowing the truth, after the truth became clear to them, and they still persisted upon their falsehood. And so the punishment that they will get is

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completely suitable

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and deserving for their crime.

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And that's because Allah subhanho wa Taala is the oil just and he will never punish anyone

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without that person deserving to be punished in the way that Allah will punish them.

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And so we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to show us the truth as being the truth and to show us falsehood as being falsehood, in who will use alika will call you ally. With that we come to the end of this session. So pina colada Mel B hamitic, a Chateau La Ilaha Illa and still fetal color to blue lake wa Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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