Kamil Ahmad – Lessons from the Seerah 30 Establishing the Masjid

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallua Alayhi wa sallam's decision to buy land from two previously purchased land sites was discussed, as it was used for praying and learning the Islam. The church was eventually built, and the pastor and his wife worked together to build the church. The importance of the Prophet's teachings and setting out for the day and attending events like the Torah and the day before was emphasized. The importance of the Prophet's teachings and setting out for the day and attending events like the Torah and the day before was emphasized. The importance of creating a project to build structures and events in Mecca is emphasized, and the importance of learning from the Prophet's teachings and setting out for the day and attending events is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Temen a Camilla Ania Anna Haleakala. Allah He urged Marine. While early he was so happy he women that their behavior was still gonna be Suniti he laomi diem Allahu Allah aluminum in Formula One fan

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what arena and help to help clean water in a Teva arena alquila Bell Breeden, what is your finish Tina? What Janome min is Timmy Cola, Toby Runa mean we're bad. Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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Last week we spoke about

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the arrival of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam in El Medina,

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after his journey of the hijra,

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along with the reception that he had received, first stopping in the outskirts of El Medina, in Cuba, establishing the masjid of Cuba there, and then proceeding on to arrive in El Medina itself, and the elaborate reception that he had received.

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And how that day was an extremely joyous day. For everyone of Medina. We also spoke about the demographic situation of the city.

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And how there are different groups of people. And so you had the Muslims who are by now the majority, but you still had the machinery cool a few of them, and you had the Jews. And so we spoke about the difficult circumstance in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was entering into

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finally we spoke about

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difficult the difficulty of adapting to the new environment, the new atmosphere of Medina for the companions.

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And so we spoke about how some of them even fell ill.

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And this was after everything that they had sacrificed, they left their homes, their businesses, everything to come to a new place. And on top of that,

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on top of that, they were finding it difficult to adapt to the new environment and climate.

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Now when I saw the why he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reached at Medina,

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you he had four projects that

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he immediately started to work on.

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And we mentioned these last week. But we did not elaborate on them.

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The first of these projects was to build the mustard.

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The second to establish the bonds of brotherhood between the Consor and the mahadji rune, the third

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to write a document, a covenant that would govern the relationship between the various groups of in Medina so that there could be peaceful coexistence in this new

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in this new city,

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and finally, the establishment of the army and the military infrastructure. So what we're going to do is we're going to go through each of these

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in real time. And so today we start with

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the building of the masjid.

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And so the masjid was the very first thing that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam worked on, when he arrived in El Medina. And we mentioned previously that the first thing that he sallallahu alayhi wasallam did when he arrived in Kota was to build a masjid there.

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And the reason why this was the very first thing that he embarked on,

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was because the masjid is the center of Muslim society.

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That is where Muslims come together, to congregate, to worship Allah to be connected with Allah

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to get away from the dunya

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and it's distraction

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and also a place to learn and a place to teach and so many other things

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where the Muslims come together and

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in Mecca, Rasul Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had

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a place where they would come together and we mentioned this.

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We mentioned this previously and that was dar Alarcon. So there

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A meeting point was not an outcome, a place to come together to learn. You know, whatever would be revealed of the Quran, the Prophet SAW Selim would teach it to the Companions.

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But now it was time to build something similar in El Medina, but

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it would expand the limited functions of Donald aka. Because obviously in Mecca, they had to do that underground, in secret.

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They couldn't even come together at one time

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to congregate in America.

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And so it was a secret location, as we know where the Muslims would come, get together to pray to learn.

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But since rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now had established an Islamic state, nothing needed to be kept as a secret anymore. So he had full freedom to build a place to come together. And that's why that was the very first thing that he did when he arrived in El Medina. Now,

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how did he choose the location of the Masjid? The story behind it is mentioned in Sahih al Bukhari and so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was riding on his camel, and the people were surrounding him, everyone trying to pull the camel to, to their location, towards their direction. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Leave it,

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leave the camel For indeed, it is being guided by Allah. It is being commanded by Allah, it will choose the place that Allah has chosen.

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And so the camel was walking through the streets of Medina

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and finally installed a location. And this location was an empty piece of land.

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It was basically a field that was used for drying dates.

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So after they would bring down the dates in the harvest season,

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the dates would be

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they would be moist, so to dry them, they would leave them out in the sun. And so this place that that's what it used to be used for. And it belonged to two orphans,

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two orphans by the name of Sahel and Sohail. And so, when the camel stopped there, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, this is our Manziel This is our home in sha Allah.

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And so this would be the location for the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as well as his living quarters.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to purchase the land from these two orphans, but

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they said no, we are so Allah, we want to gift it to you. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam insisted, and eventually he did pay for that land.

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So now

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the building of Al masjid and never we started.

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They first started by clearing the land. As I mentioned, it was an open field.

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There were still some trees there some bushes. And so they started by clearing the land, getting rid of any

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any debris

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as well as removing some graves that were there. So these graves were some graves of the machinery cool. So they dug them out and removed them.

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And then they leveled the land. And then they started to build a foundation. So they dug the foundation and filled it with rocks. And then they built the walls and the walls were built of mud bricks.

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So they would build bricks out of mud, and then

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carry them and build the walls. As for the roof, there was no roof.

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There was no roof for most of the masjid except

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the northern part of the Masjid. Which was basically where the Qibla was.

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So the front of the masjid we can say had a roof that was covered with

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palm branches and leaves

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and this is the northern part of the master. So the Qibla was in the north because it

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The initial Qibla was towards a Masjid Al Aqsa, which is north of El Medina.

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So you can imagine how simple this Masjid was.

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Its roof was open. And so imagine

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you know when it would rain

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they did not even have carpets, but rather, it was dirt

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and the rain would fall on their heads.

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As for the doors,

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there was a door on each side. So on the southern side

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and on

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the west, and a third door on the east. This third door on the east basically would open to the home of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in which his wife had a shadow the law behind her would eventually river

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so the Companions they worked hard with Rasul Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to build the masjid.

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And they all work together. In fact, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself would also work with them.

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But among the most hard working among them was

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Ammar Ibn Yasser Radi Allahu Allah.

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And so everyone would carry one brick.

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But Amar would carry to

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one for himself and one on behalf of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw this from our mouth, he came to him and he, he wiped his back.

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He patted him on his back.

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And he said, the son of Suma, yeah.

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And so we mentioned the story of Mr. Ebony acid. And his mother and his father and what they went through a persecution in Mecca,

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and how, you know, his own mother was killed under that persecution. So the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam came to him and said, the son of Somalia, the people will have one reward.

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As for you, you will have to

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and your last raise your last sustenance, this will be a drink of milk.

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And you will be killed by a rebel group.

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In another narration in a body.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Amar will call them to obey Allah meaning this rebel group that will kill him.

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He said Amar will call them to obey Allah while they will call him to the hellfire.

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And so this was a prophecy.

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You know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned something that will happen in the future. And it was exactly as it had happened. It is exactly as he had mentioned.

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And so in a time of the fitna

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between a holy Radi Allahu Han. And while we're waiting along Wang Amar was in the Army Valley. And he was killed by some of the soldiers of wow we all know the logline.

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And so it took around 12 days to complete the construction of the Masjid. After which the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam built his own home.

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Because remember, when he arrived in Medina, he stayed with who?

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With a YouTube alert on Saudi Radi Allahu Han.

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And so now it was time to move to his own home. So he built his own home, and

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his home that he built was right next to the masjid attached to the master.

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Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would go on to marry many wives. And so every time he would marry another woman he would add,

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he would add a home.

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One home for each of his wines.

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But these homes that he would build were not fancy.

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They were not spacious. They were very small and very simple.

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And that's why they were referred to as hoodoo, right.

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100 Euro is a room that's all it is. A room or a chamber.

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And Allah subhanaw taala mentions it in the Quran Surah Al Quran

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into one small room for each of his wives. And so all of this shows us

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the simplicity

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of the messaging that the process has been built as well as

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the simplicity and the modesty of his homes that he built.

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He could have built something fancy, something spacious, if he wanted,

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he could have gotten together all the resources and you know, built something enormous, something magnificent,

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whether it be the messages or his own living quarters, but he chose not to do that.

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And so, for the message, the message, the message was clear

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that what is important is the content

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not the appearance.

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What is important is the content and not the appearance.

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And this is a common theme we find

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in the Quran and the Sunnah.

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Not just with respect to buildings,

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but also with respect to us. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam says that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not look at your appearances, but rather he looks at what is in your hearts.

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So the whole theme in Islam is what is important is what is inside

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of Taqwa of iman, etc.

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Not the outward appearance, the same thing with domestic. What's important is as we're going to see now, that brings us to the next point.

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What is important is

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those who are in the masjid

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and so, what is the role of the Masjid?

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What role does

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the masjid play?

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And what role did it play? In the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?

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Allah subhanahu Attallah says

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about the masajid

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in Surah, two

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in order to know Allah subhanho wa Taala says fee boo util Elina Allahu and torva where you will Dicker off he has smooth. You said the hula hula fee her bill who do we want our

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feeble youth.

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In houses this refers to the houses of Allah.

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In the houses of worship, which Allah has already ordered, to be raised to be constructed, and where his name is mentioned.

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He is glorified their bill who do we want to ask all in the morning and in the evening?

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So these masajid are built for the remembrance of Allah.

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And then what does Allah say, in these homes, in these houses or who rejoice?

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Rejoice to hear him to genre. Whenever you run and decree law, he, what you call me, Swati or eater, Zeca, Johar funa, Yeoman, Taka, la boo, feel connubial absorbed in these houses are men

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who are not distracted.

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Not by buying nor selling nor trade.

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They are not distracted by that from the remembrance of Allah or performing salah or beings account.

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And they fear a Day when the hearts and the eyes would will tremble.

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And so

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the first rule of the msgid is

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that the masjid is just a building.

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It's just a building,

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made of bricks and stone,

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but that the real essence of that building is the people.

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And Allah does not say people here. Allah does not say Muslims here. But Allah gives them the description of men.

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True men are those who worship Allah.

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A real man is as Allah describes them here.

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Those who are not distracted by the worldly buying and selling from the remembrance of Allah from establishing salah and from giving there's a cat and they fear. They fear the Day of Judgment.

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So the real essence of the masjid is the men that are inside of the building. That is the spirit of the masjid and so

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In the Quran, it tells us here that you know, these are

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the characteristics of these people. They are not distracted by money by making a living. Not that they don't make a living.

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They have businesses that they run, they do earn a living, but

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when they are here in the masjid,

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when they are present in the house of Allah, they are busy only with

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the remembrance of Allah. And so the primary role of the masjid is that it is a place of the Hebrew.

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It is a place for Salah

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for indica.

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But besides that, the Masjid of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had many other rules.

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And so the masjid was the center of learning.

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And so as we mentioned in Mecca, it was Donald Urkel.

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And in Medina, it became al masjid and Natalie, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not make a separate building to be called a school or a university. No, the school the university was the masjid.

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And so this is where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would teach

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everything to the Companions.

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He would teach them the Quran here, whatever is to be revealed, he would teach it here,

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he would give his hookless here.

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Others would teach the Quran here.

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And so this is where

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they will get together to learn and to study. Besides that

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the role of the masjid was also that it was a place for the Muslims to come and meet.

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And so it plays a vital role in the social life of the Muslims.

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So Muslims who would come together

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to pray to congregate

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five times a day, they would get to meet one another.

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And this would strengthen their bonds of brotherhood between them.

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And so if they didn't have the masjid, where would they come together?

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And so

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as Jamar

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you know, congregation coming together, meeting one another, also Joomla.

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No Salah to Joomla. Joomla comes from the same root word of

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assembling together coming together.

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Also, the Masjid was a dwelling place for the traveler,

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for the poor

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as we're going to talk about

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and so anyone who didn't have a place to stay, he would stay in the masjid the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did not build a separate building for that to be a hotel, but rather the masjid What if we had served that purpose?

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Also, the Masjid was where the armies would set out from

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the banners or the standards of war would be handed out inside of the Masjid. The military planning it would happen in the masjid.

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And finally, the Masjid was also

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a place for Dawa.

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And so any non Muslims who would come

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from outside of Medina

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and they wanted to meet the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam whether they were, you know, representing their people, whether they were ambassadors,

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whether they were prisoners of war, who were taken and brought to Medina, or whether they were the Christians who came at the very end of the life of the prophet Sal Salam, the Christians who came from neuron

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they came and they stayed in the masjid

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any non Muslim outsider

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who would want to meet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would come and meet him in the masjid and he would stay in the masjid. And so the purpose of that was for them to see

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the Muslims praying

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to hear the Quran

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to hear the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and so

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it was it played a huge role in giving Dawa.

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You know, the prophets Allah who it was and would not meet them anywhere else.

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He would have them to come and meet him in,

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in the masjid. And so even prisoners of war they will become they would be brought, and they will be tied to the pillars of the masjid. And they will stay there.

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And this is where they would hear the Torah as Allah Subhana. Allah mentions it's sort of a Toba in the very beginning I was chatting with and I said let them to hear the Quran.

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Let them hear the Quran, perhaps they will be guided by and some of the companions This is how they had embraced Islam.

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So as we can see, the role and the function of the Messenger of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was more than just a place of worship. Yes, that is the vital and the primary role, but it was not the only role of domestic so all of this shows us the importance of making that the first project to build a masjid. Once we have a masjid in place, we have our center. Our headquarters, this is where we meet, this is where we plan this is where we learn and so on and so forth.

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once the masjid was built,

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it was now time

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bring everyone together for the five Salawat.

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So in Mecca,

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they would meet for Salah, but they were not able to announce the salah that, you know now it's time for Salah everyone should come together. But now in El Medina, they had this opportunity.

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And so

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after the masjid was constructed

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the companions were thinking of ways to have everyone come together. How should we announce it?

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And so

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different suggestions were made.

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And so one suggestion was to use a bell

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like the Christians.

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Another suggestion was to have a huge bonfire lit.

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Another suggestion was

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to use a horn

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like the Jews of Medina would do.

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But none of these suggestions impressed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And so one day one of the companions

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Abdullah ibn Zayd, probably Allah when he had a dream.

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And so in the dream, he saw a man carrying a bell

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and Abdullah bin Zayed, he asked him how much he would sell that bill for.

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So the man said, Why do you want me to sell it to you?

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So Abdullah bin Zayed said that he wants to use it to call the people for Salah.

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And so the man

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he said, Let me suggest something better for you.

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Abdullah asked, what is it? And so the man he he told him

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call say, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, a Hindu, a la ilaha illa Allah, Masha, how do you know Halal Allah, how do I know Muhammad Rasool Allah? Edwin the Muhammad Rasool Allah. Hey, Jana Salah Hey Jana Salah Halal Fela Halal fella, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar La ilaha illAllah.

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And so the man he then waited a while and then he said to Abdullah bin Zayed

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he said to him, when you want the people to come together

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and tell them now we're starting the Salah, then say,

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Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, until the end, but he taught him basically the common. He taught him how to say the comma. Now, Abdullah ibn Zayd, he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he told him his dream.

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So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam realize that this is coming from Allah

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and that this must be fulfilled. And so he asked Abdullah Abizaid to go to Bilal, and teach him these words, because believe it or the Allahu hadn't had a stronger voice, and a more powerful voice. So Billa Rhodiola who and he started calling the Adan

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started calling visa.

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Now, the first time it was called or DOMA, Robbie Allahu Han, he came running,

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dragging his,

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his izhar he came running

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and he told the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, these exact same words I also saw in a dream. And so, Mohammed Abdullah, who had also had a dream

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and he saw the exact same thing. And so, this was the story of the attack and how it started.

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Now, this was the masjid of

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the Prophet sallallahu ala he was

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in the beginning,

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as we mentioned, the direction of the Qibla was towards north.

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In us because they would pray towards a Masjid Al Aqsa in the beginning,

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this had continued from Mecca

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into El Medina. And so, they built the masjid in that direction.

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So, the North is where the Qibla is, that is also where you had

00:31:20 --> 00:31:21

a semi roof

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the Qibla would not be changed until 16 months later, more than a year later.

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And when it was changed, it was changed to the exact opposite direction towards the south towards Mecca. So, the Qibla became became the cab.

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Now, when that happened, when that happened,

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the Qibla now becomes changed to the south

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into the back of the masjid is now

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is now that area that was covered

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with a semi roof.

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And so, that became an important place.

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It became an important place for a certain group of people.

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And so, this place ended up having the name of a sofa

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and the people who would stay here they will be known as a hello sofa.

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Even hedger, alas, Kalani Rahima Hula, hula Allah He defined a sofa.

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He said that it is

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at the back of a masjid another week. And it is shaded. It has a shade. And it was prepared for outsiders who didn't have any family or any place to stay?

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Open Hooray radula one who was one of those people who stay there. He says and this is in triangle Buhari.

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He says about the people who would stay there. He says hello sofa were the guests of Islam. They were the ones who didn't have any family or wealth to fall back on. So they would live in this place called a sofa.

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And so when we had your own would migrate

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from Mecca,

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whether it was before the coming of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or when the Prophet arrived, and even shortly after, after that all the way until before the Battle of better.

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So for this period of time, whenever the MaHA Joon would come from Mecca,

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and even from other places, whenever someone would come to embrace Islam and migrate to a Medina,

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they would stay as guests in the homes of the unsought

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and this would continue. So whenever someone would come to Medina, as a Muslim, and a Mohajer, he would meet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would send him to someone to take care of him and to teach him rabada Immunosorbent Radi Allahu Akbar. He was one of the unsought he says, rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would become busy.

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So he would turn over the new Muslim to us.

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If a new mohajir would come to rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he was busy. He would send him over to one of us to teach him the Quran.

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He says, rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to me, and then he stayed with me at my home. I would feed him as a member of my own family, and then I would teach him the Quran.

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But now, if the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam could not find anyone to send these new Muslims to,

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he would send them to this place called a sofa until he found a home for them.

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So this is the idea of a sofa. This is how it came about. And so it was sort of like

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a shelter, a guesthouse, where people would initially stay in when they arrived in Medina before before moving on.

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not everyone who lived there was forced to live there

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because of their condition.

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Not everyone happened to be poor, or did it have happened to have a home to live in.

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Some of them volunteer to live there.

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Like Abu Huraira, or the Allahu

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Abu Huraira, or the Allahu Ahad, came to Medina. He wasn't from El Medina, he came in the seventh year of the hijra, much later. That's when he embraced Islam. That's when he

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joined the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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But he initially was not poor. He had wealth.

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And so

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he chose to live

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there in a sofa.

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Why? Because he wanted to be with the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam he wants to be close to him.

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He says about himself.

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Abu Huraira says about himself.

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Some people,

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they talk about me.

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They say, How come abou Hurunui it's more ahaadeeth than the Maharaja rune and the sock.

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They wondered about this because Abu Huraira was late in joining. In becoming Muslim he joined. He only lived with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the last three to four years of his life.

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But yet,

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no one surpassed him in the near Reading of Hadith.

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No one narrated more Hadith than him.

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So Abu Huraira Ravi Allahu Allah and

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he says, he explained why he explained how this was the case. He says that my brothers from the mahadji rune would be busy with their businesses in the markets.

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The Assad would be busy with their farms and their crops.

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Whereas I would follow Rasul Allah, He said, Allahu alayhi wa sallam wherever he went on an empty stomach. He says that he was poor, and he had nothing.

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He would always be following the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so he would attend when the mahadji rune and the Assad were absent, he would remember and memorize when they would forget.

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And so this was the reason why he decided to stay there even though he didn't have to.

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And so, a Buddha or the Allahu Allah He devoted his entire time to studying to memorizing that hadith. In fact, he says that he would split the night into three,

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one night for sleeping 1/3 of the night for sleeping 1/3 for praying, and 1/3 for just sitting and revising the Hadith that he would minimize in the day.

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While the MaHA JRun and unsought were busy and occupied.

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Now one source of livelihood

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for a philosopher

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was the soda caught that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would receive and so he would send it to them.

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And so whenever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would get the cart,

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he wouldn't use it himself, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was forbidden from eating anything of sadaqa.

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But if he was given a gift, he would take that.

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the soda cart he will distribute it among a * of sofa.

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And he will also encourage the other companions who are well off to spend on to spend on these people. Hello, Sofia.

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And so one of the unsolved says that his father was among the people of a sofa, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ordered the companions to invite

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refer to their houses. And so the Sahaba they came and they invited

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everyone took with him.

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Two people from the people have a sofa, and then five were left. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam took them to his own, to his own house

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to show how much the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam cared for these people

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fought the model the Allahu Haddenham.

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She used to work at home. And, you know, she used to do the cooking and everything and

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it became difficult for her.

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And it so happened that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam received some sleeves from the military expedition. So Ali robiola when he told Fatima, go to your father, and ask him to give you one of these servants to help you. So she did that. And when she came to the Prophet Solomon, Assam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to her, I am not going to give you and leave the people of a sofa with hungry stomachs, because they don't have anything to eat. I don't have any money to spend on them. So I'm gonna sell these slaves and use that money to spend on them.

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And so this shows us how much the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would care for these people.

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But we shouldn't think that these people were,

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you know, they were bums, they were

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people who just wanted to sit there do nothing, and just eat free food.

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And that they didn't do any work. No, these people were hardworking. An example that I just gave us over a barrel, the Allahu Akbar.

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You know, he was devoted to something, and that is to seeking knowledge.

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Others, they were devoted to a bad

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you know, they were lazy people who are just sitting around doing nothing. Others went and fought in jihad. And many died as shahada, whether it be in bed or in orchard, even later on in Saudi Arabia.

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And so some of them became scholars like Abu Huraira. Also

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to Deva Ileana for the long run. He was the one who narrated all that hadith about the future fitten and that hadith about the End of Times,

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and he was one of those people of a sofa.

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And so some of them would work, they would

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try to make a living by collecting the seeds and then selling them as animal feed. The point is that some of them were forced into poverty, and that's why they ended up there. But others

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they volunteered to live there. In fact,

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in fact, they were some

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of the people of El Medina of the unsought

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who also ended up living among the people of a sofa. Why? Because they wanted that life of simplicity. They wanted to live that life of Zoid

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among them was CAD ematic we mentioned that caddied in Malik Radovan was one of the first people of El Medina to go meet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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in when he had the pledge of an outcrop.

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Among them was also hands on

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who was murdered in the battle was ordered. And he was washed by the angels.

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And so, these people did not It's not that they didn't have home Sullivan, but

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they wanted to live a simple life

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Rasul Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted the Muslim society to be organized.

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So he appointed representatives over the different groups of people.

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And so Abu Huraira are the Allahu Allah and he was the representative of the people of a sofa. And so

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whenever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to give a message to the people of a sofa, he would go through a Blu ray or the LA wife.

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And so, railroad the Allahu Han knew all of these people very well.

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So if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to

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to ask him about them he would, he would be the one who would you know, who would know best? Who the different people were. And if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to convey a message to them, he would convey it through a Blu ray or or, or or the Allah who had.

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And so this is the story of the building of the masjid the very first project that the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam started working on when he arrived in El Medina.

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Let us go through the lessons that we learned from this episode in the spirit of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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The first lesson that we learned is that the masjid was the very first thing that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did when he arrived in Medina and so it shows you the importance of building the masjid Allah subhanahu Attallah says Alladhina image can now fill up

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those who when we establish them in the earth, when he when we give them power

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in the land

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when they are victorious and they have

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and leadership in the land what do they do?

00:46:20 --> 00:46:21

A call masala

00:46:22 --> 00:46:29

were to Zika what Alma rubella movie when a Hawaiian Monk, well Allahu Akbar to

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those who if we give them authority in the land, they perform salah, they established Allah. The PISA carried the commander good they forbid the evil and with Allah rests the outcome of all affairs. So when Allah granted them authority in the land, the first thing that they did was to establish a salah. And by establishing a masjid, you are establishing the center of Salah.

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The second lesson that we learn

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the virtue of this particular masjid, Al masjid and never we

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in Hadith narrated by a body

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one Salah in my Masjid is better than 1000 Salas in any other Masjid except al Masjid Al haram, where the cabbies

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said about his Masjid.

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He said you should not travel you should not initiate a travel set out on a journey

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to visit any Masjid

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except if it is one of three massages that in Masjid Al haram in Mecca,

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Al Masjid Al Aqsa

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and he said and then he said, Well Miss Judy has and this Masjid of mine meaning and Mr. Nebo and so, all other masajid in the world

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have no particular significance, no particular virtue.

00:48:08 --> 00:48:16

They are all equal. They are houses of Allah. They are sacred places. Yes, they have certain cam certain rulings

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that are special to massage it but in terms of virtue, where you will get extra reward for praying in any Masjid that is only reserved for these three masajid and any other Masjid that may have been mentioned by the prophets of Allah who hallucinate such as Mr. Kuba and we mentioned this last week. Mr Kuba, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about it. Whoever leaves his home in a state of blue and then goes to pray and Mr. Yokota.

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He gets a reward other humara

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but besides that,

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if there is no Hadith for any particular masjid, for any particular reward, then we are not allowed

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to travel just to visit this this masjid, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for me.

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The third lesson that we learned

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught the Companions by being a practical role model for them. And so our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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when the masjid was being built, he didn't sit on the sidelines. He didn't

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allow himself to be different than his followers. When it came to action, when it came to doing something together.

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He didn't sit on a high place giving orders from a high place.

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He didn't come and you know, do the initial digging ceremony and then leave.

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He didn't come and cut the ribbon at the end.

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You know, he was there from the beginning until the end, working

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with them building that Masjid.

00:50:10 --> 00:50:16

Lifting the bricks, putting them and building the masjid, sweating like they were sweating.

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And so this shows us

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the role of the leaders in Islam that they have to be practical examples. And so the poet among them.

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among the companions, he said,

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Let him cry dinner, whenever you hear a mellow letter come in alarm, hello mobile,

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that if we sit down while the messenger is working, then that indeed is a misguided act on our behalf.

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The fourth lesson that we learned is the importance of considering special skills that people have in special

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specializations. And so people should do what they believe what they believe that they're good at doing.

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And so we learn this.

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When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was building the Masjid. There was a man from Allah mana from nudged

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this man was a builder. His name was

00:51:23 --> 00:51:25

Paulo Ibn Ali Eliana, me and Hanafi.

00:51:27 --> 00:51:33

And so, his skill was to mix

00:51:34 --> 00:51:45

to mix the brick solution and to put it together. So he came and he asked the Prophet also, if he can help in clearing the bricks, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no.

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He said, You go and mix the solution.

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You go and prepare these bricks for us.

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And so this indicates that in our Islamic work, everyone does not have to do the same thing.

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Not everyone has to be the dahlia. Not everyone has to be the Imam or the scholar.

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Allah has given everyone different gifts, that they're good at doing. Everyone should utilize these gifts. And the leader, he should look for the skills that the people have and he should, he should send the people to use these skills. But the important point here is keeping in mind that all of this should be for the benefit of Islam, to use the skills to advance Islam and the cause of themselves.

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The fifth lesson is the ruling on elaborate spending of massage on constructing massage.

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And so, the scholars they say that there are two things one is tissue EAD and the other is the Hertha

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tissue EAD is

00:53:02 --> 00:53:05

to spend on good construction material.

00:53:08 --> 00:53:20

And so there's nothing wrong in this to spend elaborately. To have good material to use in building the mustard. We should use the best of material, not cheap material. But then

00:53:22 --> 00:53:32

as Zarafa is to decorate and to spend elaborately in making the masjid beautiful in terms of decoration.

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As for tissue Eid, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did it by using stones and mud bricks, that's what they had available in their time. Now afterwards, the whole of that

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they renovated the masjid and they use the latest material to enhance

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the material and the construction of domestic but they did not decorate that happened later on. The whole affair that came after the hula Rashidi. They're the ones who started to elaborately spend on decorating masajid and this is what this color this color is all agree on. That it is either haram or it is mcru.

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In fact, they all agree that if you have money that is worth

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a trust for the masjid, it is haram to use that money for decorating, demonstrate it should be used for the building material, but not for not for the extra and lavish decoration that we see.

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The sixth lesson is the symbol the symbolic nature of the event, the symbolism of the event. And so since its beginning, the Amazon became one of the prominent city

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Balls of Islam,

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every people

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of every religion, they have their own symbols.

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For the Muslims, we have our own symbols, and one of our symbols is the other, it became the most prominent outward symbol that

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a place is known that this is a Muslim area, if you hear the other, if you go to a country, and you hear the Sudan, you know that this is a Muslim country, if you go somewhere where you're not hearing the event, then you know that this is not a Muslim country.

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In fact, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he would go on a military expedition,

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he would usually attack a town in the morning, but he would wait

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00:55:52 --> 00:55:56

he will not proceed to attack until he waited for the

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if he hears the agenda, and he knows that I'm not going to attack because there are Muslims here. If you didn't hear the done, and he would attack.

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The final lesson that we learned

00:56:11 --> 00:56:18

is the importance of having a social welfare system in Islam. And so we see this in

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the setup of a sofa that we spoke about

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this designated place where those who did not have a home, those who did not have a place to stay, this is where they would stay.

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And how these people never went hungry.

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They had a place to stay, and they also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make sure that they were well fed. So he would take them to the houses of the Tsar, for them to be well fed.

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And all of this shows us that

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Islam came to take care of also the social needs of people. It's not just a dean that comes and tells you to worship Allah and to pray. And that's it. But rather, it is a complete way of life.

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It's a complete way of life that teaches you how to live as a human being, and also teaches how teaches us how to govern society, and how to have different mechanisms in place.

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And his so this is an example of how we have a social welfare system in Islam. We don't have to look elsewhere.

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We don't have to look to other ideologies that exists in the modern world, to say that we should imitate them, and we should follow their example. We have our own example, the best example that was set up by the Prophet sallallahu Ali he was.

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And so with that, we come to the end of this session in sha Allah Huhtala next week, we'll move on to another one of the projects that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam immediately started working on when he arrived in Medina Subhana CalOptima will be handed a head to Allah. Allah learned crystal Furukawa to relate Salallahu salam ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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